Friday, March 2“ . 19 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE. Beaverton. Oregon Page 2 . \U // ÉP * t — American Chinese Store 11. IL JK F F K IK S , I'nfillshi Published F riday or each week by the P ioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. E ntered as secon d-class m atter at the poatoffice at Beaverton. Ore One T ear _____ Biz Months ___ . 41.00 _ T hree Months . --------------- I .$5o Subscription Payable in Advance. .30 B eaverton O ffice— E nterprise Bldg., P hone Beaverton 2321 H illsboro O ffice — Hoorn 5. Delta Bldg.. Phone 1641 P ortland O ffic e — 407-408 Dekum Bldg., P h ore AT. 6391 M em iesi ' 0 REC|O0NLWS Pfi> E R P U B L I $ h [ e R £ 4 4 s O T .1 A T I 0 N Ladies’ o f the individual; but, especially this year, an attempt should be made to plan com in g expenditures as well as h oped-for savings. T he jo b should. \ if anything, be easiei now that the purchase o f many items for civi ian use is lestricted. Many fam ilies may be pleasantly surprised by how little in the way o f new goods they will need to get by on this year. It will be a good thing fo r once to cut Ration Plan to out random spending, to operate Stop Hoarding strictly on a budget, and to watch the dollars pile up. Budgets a ong One o f the greatest con tribu tors with b u llet» are needed to win to the scarcity o f goods in certain W orld W ar II. lines is the w ar-panicky purchaser, who stocks his home shelves with T he A verage Incoiiie goods that either will take years to W ith our national incom e now run consum e or goods he will never ning at the rate o f $90,000,000,000 need, thereby helping to create the per year, the total incom e o f each shortage he tries to ward o ff. fam ily averages $2230. O f course Signs that the panicky purchaser som e fam ilies have larger incom es has already been at work are shown than $2230 and others have far less in recent departm ent store sales for on w hich to get along. H ow ever, as ! the cou n tiy as a whole, which are fa m i’y incom es rise above the pres estimated to be about 17 percent ent average o f $2230 per year, the Mrs. Ivison Macadam, who was in London during the first above the level o f last year. Some | num ber o f fam ilies so b e n e fit in g de German air raids, showing Mrs. Del Nickerson, of Portland, the • o f the larger firm s have Increased creases rapidly. H em em be:, that sandbag method of extinguishing magnesium incendiary bombs. their sales by as much as 39 percent less than five per cent o f the people The bomb pictured actually fell on London but was a dud and did and rural sales have boom ed by 2 7 1 receiving an y incom e at a'l have percent. H igher prices and bigger! m ore than $3,000 a year. Any pre not burst into flame. The state of Oregon's book of Official Air payrolls have gotten in the! work, war argum ents to the effect that Raid Instructions, now being distributed, contains all the inform interests con too, but the ram pant buying wave the so-called m oney ation necessary to the citizen in case of air attack. undoubtedly has been the biggest i trol our cou ntry are entirely falla C on tro' politically ami f.o m i fuctor. R ationing will change much cious. a purchasing point o f view is em o f that. i It is hard fo r the buyer to change braced in the great m ass o f fam ilies ARMY MAN SPEAKS UP habits, custom s and m ode o f living, w hich have incom es o f even less than ’ Dr. Freem an Jenney, Lt. Chaplain but that is what must be done if the $2250 per year in the I ’ list W orld W ar and wounded w ar lasts as lon g as most everyone A Suggested Budget i over seas, is just back from w ork believes it will. Let me assume that an average am ong our men now training in the The buyer must learn to con fin e Portland Gas & Coke C om pany's fam ily o f four, o f w hich tw o aru South. He reports on the open house him self to foods and goods o f which tax payment o f $7,337 for real prop children, has, after provision is made the Southerners give the boys and at there is no scarcity. There is e x - 1 fo r Social S ecurity paym ents, a net el ty taxes in W ashington cou nty for what great cost in time, m oney and pected to be no shortage o f wheat, ; ineom e o f $2230. This m ay seem the first half o f 1942 was delivered effort. He speaks o f the com m an d corn, cotton, m ost vegetables and small potatoes to a few readeis o f to the county sh eriff’s o ffice before ing o ffice rs and chaplains urging fruit, though they will be rationed to i the March 15 deadline, reports this colum n, hut let me say that an him to give the men a spiritual m es »certain extent. This also applies ineom e o f this size is not to be sn e e z-’ T hom as H. Bailey, district m anager sage, and - ‘‘A soldier does not want to beef, chicken and certain other fo r the com pan y in this area. ed at Personally. I am m uch more meats. H ow ever, cheese, butter, Tax payents on real property by to he told he is a good A m erican. interested in how fam ilies in this in- ; He w ants to be milk, eggs and pork are in heavy 1 com e grou p handle their m oney than the gas com pany, to provide gas ser He is proving that. told about G od.“ So a First Lieut, demand by our fightin g forces the vice for residence and other uses for I am in how those in the larger in world over. This means a rise In the first half o f the year, totaled told the D octor. com e brackets spend their money. If you had before you a lot o f prices and probab’ y, later, a strict | The above fam ily m ight disburse $200,780 to eight counties in Oregon hard-hitting A m ericans, what * would rationing program D ieticians and its funds as follow s: and one in W ashington. you tell them about G od ? A great food adm inistrators have advised Savings and Taxes $ 223 block o f them strangers to the Bi that the average buyer cut dow n on F ood 627 New Gasoline Causes ble, mind you and m any educated in these items and sacrifice a little for i C lothing 290 I colleges and universities where the our armed forces. Motor Ping, Says AAA H ousing 577 R ib'e is said to be m ore or less le This means strict rationing will T ransportation 310 M otorists who may tie som ewhat gen d; schools where Christ has been com e, not because o f a scarcity, in P ersonal A Misc. 260 of His Saviorhood and puzzled by recent outbreaks o f m o sttipped many instances, hut to prevent B enevolences 63 tor pinging or k n ock in g nre lem ind- where men are taught to becom e hoarding; not to prevent a person Y es- W here the ed by the O regon State M c’ or asso their ow n saviors. from getting his shaie, but to guar-1 $2250 ciation that such com plaints are b e Holy Spirit is denied the pow er to antee that every person does get his C onclusion W hat o f God and com ing com m on and represent no im pait G od 's life. share In this light, the rationing In spite o f Social Security, a fa m the Bible to these fellow s o f ours, program will be a good test o f our ily's fiist duty is to preserve its own cause fo r alarm. G asoline pow er is designated in som e o f w hom are to die that the patriotism and willingness to sacri econ om ic independence. Thus, I have term s o f octan e ratings, the higher Am erican way m ay not perish from fice. a 'loca ted nearly 10G o f the average j ratings being obtained by intensified the earth ? W hat m essage? fam ily's net Incom e to taxes and sav- i "cr a c k in g ” processes and the ad d i If you were wise, you would travel ings. This is u relatively high p e r 1 tion o f tetra-ethel lead. F or that is the Babson Says W ith the hack to C alva:y. cent and the m ajority o f fam ilies rationing o f tetra-ethel as a wai one place in all the world where God Continued from page 1 never anywhere near reach it. About measure to assure adequate supplies m eets a lost man. It is the top m es savin g should g o into o f 100-octane aviation fuel, octane sage, this story o f how the Son o f prepare and adhere strictly through h alf this out the year to a predeterm ined bud- 1 straight life Insurance ami the bal ratings o f all gasolines are falling. G od stepped into the shoes o f the get. Through an exam ination o f ance kept In a savings bank accou nt W hen stock s o f lead now on hand man astray, and went on to C a'vary Sa- are com pletely Paint the day exhausted, ratings and cru cification the past year's production figures, | or invested In D efense Bonds. "My receipts, and expenditures, plus an vings. as well as steel, will do much m av fall to 64 or lower, in contrast and let the men hear His cry I again urge my to the form er average o f 76 for prem G od ! My G od! W hy hast thou analysis o f the business outlook for to win this war. forsaken M e ?" Tell them it is the their particular Industry, they are 1 readers to get out o f debt us soon as ium 'asoline. usually able to com e within a frac-1 possible but by all means m ake out ; "P in -ing" is undoubtedly here for death cry o f the man w h o goes out It the dm tion. tlon o f a per cent In forecastin g what ‘ a budget today and stick to It. W ise m otorists will forever fro m the presence o f God and their current year's Income, expen also is advisable to set up a little le reduce it to a m inm um by careful and the glory o f his power. serve When W orld W a r II is fln- driving W h eth er in a plane over the trop ses. and profit, or deficit, will be. and thus avoid su bjectin g This, perhaps, is too much to ask a 'ly over, credit m ay be hard to get! m otor bearings and other parts to ics, to free the world o f the enslav ers or w hether with the rats. rags, abusive wear. and verm in o f a prison cam p, if such be their fa te - and it has o f som e— w hatever and w herever, there is a Victory Gardens Get supernatural life for the yielded Spotlight at Fair sons o f God Yes. you would tell the men o f life from above and o f R adical changes in the w om en’s the victory that is ours when we food exhibits and com petition, tuned step ahead to the duty o f the hour, to the defense and victory garden Steel used in vital part* for war machine* plane*, tanks, ships, resting in Christ. theme, will be found at the 1942 O re „uns m ist be flawless, because America's fighting men must And what fo r us here at h om e'’ have weapons that are both accurate and tough. gon state fair. Manage. Leo G. Spitz- H ave we b e’ ieved to the saving o f hart reported this w eek as the prem our souls'’ And beyond that, have ium list copy went to the printer we yielded over our lives to the. glory Spitzhart urges that housewives o f God ? Out o f it may you and I (and o f cou rse any man who has the have V IC T O R Y all the w ay all the tem erity to pit his culinary skil! against the w om en's is w elcom e to day. Our prayer proup meets Monaa^ com p ete) keep in nund p .rep aiation afternoon s P ostal-card us if yout o f a display for the state fair when burden is heavy and you would be they plant their victory gardens this rem em bered. spring and as they do their seasonal canning. W e expect to have the finest and greatest food displays ever brought Cloverdale. Oregon to the state fair and we have p ans T his space paid for by an Oregon 1 made to supplement the com petitive businessman. exhibits with som ething entirely new The new million voit X ray Defects in the steei show up on a v ictory food fair, the manager built by General Electric saves X -ray film Therefcwe faulty mate- On O ctober 10. 1845. the L" S N a stated In fact. Food for V icto y precious hours in finding flaws. It it rials are tossed aside before costly will be one o f the 1942 fair slogans val A cadem y was instituted at An so powerful that its rays can pierce hours o f machining have been spent P ates ate Septem ber 7 13 napolis. M aryland, through the efs thick steel castings. on them forts o f G eorge B ancroft. ¿Easter Frocks Reg. $ 1 .9 8 - L a te st S t y l e s - C o l o r s HE A J.LK T— A L W A Y S R E M A IN CALM — IMI NO T L IS T E N TO U I MO KS. R E S O L V E T H A T IF D A N G E R COM ES V O t W IL L IK) Y O L K PA K T. J <t a r r i v e d—many b< auti£yl styles in colorful floral prints and rayon crepes in spring colors. Sizes 9 to 17, 14 to 20, 3S to 52. 86.98 F A S T E R FORM ALS g LADIES’ $1*5? SLACK SUITS Striped siack suit made of Wilson suiting. Plain color slacks. Colors: Aqua, rose and blue. Sizes 12 to 20 . SPI \ C ool and good look ing sw eat ers in fancy knits for your E aster suit. A s sorted p a s t e l colors. Sizes 34 to 40. G a n s r a l c t r ic b e lie * »» th a t its first d u ty a* a g o o d c itia a n is t o ba a g ood sold ia r. Genera/ Electric C sm ssm , ScA#n#»fo</y. IV. Y. GENERAL W ELECTRIC “ Fruit of L oom ” Blouses Casual, c r i s p white and co l ored rayon crepe shirts o r sheet n i n o n with short sleeves. Others in stripe and Hawaiian prints Sizes 32 to 40. Ladies9 Easter Hats $1.95 Value Beautiful Spring hats that are good looking. Good quality felts and straws with plenty of styles. In variety of new p a s t e l shades. Assorted sizes. - x*i. 50c Value Boys' 2*Pc. Military Suits Ladies’ Rayon X*Size green or blue slacks with tan military jacket. Sizes 4 to 10. Special value. Suit— D ark UNDIES W h i l e quantities last E x t r a size panties and bloom ers. Double rein forced crotch for longer wear. Spe cial for 2 9.8 Boys’ Sport Jackets 390 Pine neat tweed sport jack ets. Two pockets, fitted back. Si*es 3 to 10 , a? ¡Boys’ Slack Suit ‘f l .4 Latest cotton flake 2-piece slack suits. Sanforized shrunk. Colors: Blue, green and tan. Sizes 4 to 12. Suit G irls’ Taiieta DRESSES Smart styles In bright col ored spun ravon and print ed taffeta. Fancy lace trim. Sizes 1 to 3 ....................... G ir ls ’ W a s h D re sse s Guaranteed fast color Wash and wear. Latest styles for the miss. Sizes 7 to 14................. MEN’S GABARDINE SPORT SHIRTS Regular *198 long sleeve, convertible collar, two flap pockets Inner or outer style. Sizes S . M. and L. Men’s Broadcloth Dress Shirts . . . . All sizes ami colors. Sale! Men’s Pants D R E S S PANTS, PANTS DRESS flv 1.24 * 1 -Pmm \ Part W o o l________ HEAVY CORDlROY PANTS ______ WHIPCORD PANTS. S a le ............. WORK PANTS, Reg. SI.95 V alue___ I At O. K O K B E R . J E W E L E R . If you have discarded, out-mcided je w elry. take it to O K orber and con- i vert that old gold into CASH. See | O KORBER H om e o f the Blue W hite D iam ond.” 4<8> S W A ldei, Portland. BE. 2.«'i4 p ia n o" 1 I R M I B E T T I S. Ladies Spring Sweaters Cash Paid for Diamonds, Old Gold WANT TO D IM M Assorted colors. Sizes 12 to 20.. G E M S O F TH O U G H T S E R V IC E «. X r a . exposure needed for 5- inch thick steel it now 2 minutes instead of previous J 'r hours' Whole davs ate saved in rxanuna «ion o f even thicker castings ' sizes Steel-Piercing Eye S. A regular check up on pieces o f X -ra y him worn on workers' wrists kelps guard against prolonged exposure to the ray* given off by the X -ray tube Æ o g assorted colors and J Love is never lost If not recip loca ted it will flow back and softe-i and purify the heart W ashington Irving "L ov e one another, as I have loved you " No estrangem ent, no eniula tion. no deceit enters into the heart that loves as Jesus loved It is a false sense o f love that, like the sum nier brook, soon gets dry Marv Ba-1 ker Eddy Faith, like light, ahoukl alw ays be simple and unbending; while love like w atm th. should beam forth on j every side and bend to every neoes sity o f our brethren Martin Iaither It is the very essence o f love, of nobleness, o f greatness, to be willing to su ffer for the good o f oth e’ S Spencer Divine kive is a sacred flow er which in its early bud ia happiness and in ita fu 'l bloom ia heaven E leanor L. H arvey. How shall I d o to lo v e " Believe H o « shall I do to b a lieie* Ln\e Latghton. 9 \STKK SALE ................................ Portland Gas & Coke Large Tax Payers Love One Another 29 FREE ALTERATIONS R ugs’ Clothing A Classified will bring fast results at a very amali expen se' Health N A T IO N A L Center Nature s Health Center 815 SW Y am hill Si . P rtlan.i phone AT 9034 has announced the com pletion o f new colon ic treatm ent room s with D ierker colon ic equipm ent A new feature o f N ature's Health Center is the sale o f health foods at g rocery store prices H J