Page 4 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Burlap Bagging Made Available Local News Notes GUMPS BY EPSON look . , F o l k s / r e q u e s t s F R O M MV diOL>SAKIt>5 O F M is N oreen B. Allyn. Mrs. Albert ! H ighbe .and Mrs. H ighbe’s mother. Mrs. C O. Hanes, attended the W ashington county 4-H clu b leader s m eeting in the H illsboro cham ber o f com m erce building Tuesday night T he H illsboro 4 H clubs, who had ch a rg e o f the meeting, presented dem onstrations on Flag Etiquette. Posture, and A rtificial R espiration EMPLOYEES a S K i MC x m b T TAKE PART O F T V tei«_ S A L A R I E S T 2 > BUY A dditional supplies o f burlap for baggin g wool and seed potatoes have been made available b y the W ar P roduction Board, the W ashington County USDA W a r Board has been inform ed. Conservation o f existing supplies o f burlap bags is still ne­ cessary, however, John W. Kam na, Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes :e - chairm an o f the county war board turned from their wedding trip to warns. C alifornia, Sunday, and have moved Use No H ooks should be the d efin ­ into their home on Angel street. ite policy o f every fa im e r in hand­ ling sacks, a ccordin g to county M is. E. G. Webb, M is. W L. Cady agent Cyrus. Burlap supplies will j and Mrs M H M etcalf attended the continue to be very short, as the war state board meeting o f C ongregation has rem oved the principal source o f a | ch urches at the First C ongrega burlap imports. gational church in Portland Tuesday W hile the additional supplies o f | Dr. G ertrude Boyd Crane, P. ofessoi burlap a ffe ct only the demand fo r j o f Philosophy at P a cific university, w ool and seed potato sacks, and | was guest speaker. Her su bject was there are only a relatively s m a ll: Stew ardship o f Life. amount o f these products in Wash-1 ington County, the increased allot - 1 Mrs. Don Long entertained a group m ent is o f some local im portance.! o f her friends at a V ictory luncheon A ny Increase in allotm ent o f burlap : at her hom e W ednesday, fo r some crops, even though o f no special im portance locally, means Mrs. A. H. W oody returned to her that much less drain on the supply; h° m* «»» Bellingham. W ashington. cks fo r ' tf>e latter part o f the week follow ing that could be made into sack a w eek's visit at the home o f her locally produced crops W ashington County farm ers ca n i brother and sister in law Mr. and do much to relieve Hie sack situation Mrs G. S. Alexander. B oqps o FOR. t h e m ! ! Ss W hat ab o u t " ^ ' T , FOLKS? «AVB jfeu STARTUP the . p a t a o i a . S aziai <&s PLAKl IKI V o u R oF P iC e. Y e t 7 F r id a y . M a r c h 13, 1^42 R U R A L C A R R IE R E X A M S The United States Civil Service C om m ission has announced an ex ­ am ination to fill the position o f rural Beaverton high school':; basketball carrier at Beaverton, Ore. The ex­ quintet forced the district 9 ch am ­ am ination will be held at B eaverton pionship into a p la y off gam e at Hil s- and receipt o f applications will close boro Friday night with a 33 to 28 vic- on March 27. 1942 The exam m a tory over previously unbeaten H ills-! tjon will be open on ly to citizen s w ho boro. I are actually lesidin g in the territory Beaverton, defen d in g district 1 Qf tj,e p ostoffice where the vacan cy , ch am pion and winner o f the T Y V exists, who have been actu ally resid- league title this season, led through ¡ng there for six m onths next pre- ail periods except a m inor portion o f ceding the closin g date for receipt o f the third, when the H illsboro lads applications, and w ho m eet the oth er struggled into a tw o-point lead At J i equirem ents set forth in F orm 1977 m ost points B eaverton held substan­ Inquire at B eaverton p ostoffice for tial margins. fu rth er particulars. On the B eaverton team w ere Barn- j es, F ; K arpstein, F ; Sheller, C ; Ma­ Swami Devatm ananda, leader( o f tin, G ; S pringer G, Substitutes were the Portland Chapter o f the V edanta Slovich, Lusby. Society, will speak Sunday in the Corinthian R oom o f the M asonic Reception Held for T em p.«, at 7:45 p. m., on R eligion in Practice, illustrated with m oving p ic­ N e w l y w e d s Saturday tures o f India T aj Mahal, C alucutta, A reception was held Saturday at Holy Places and Tem ples in the H im ­ the home o f Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Con­ alayas, etc. T here will be a m usical evening by special ner o f B eaverton foi Mr. and Mrs. program fo r the Jack Jernar.der, who we e m arried! artists. A ll w elcom e. the same evening at W estm in ister! ^ I iesliyterian church in Portland j . , - p t - . o i i c c i c v The brida and Mrs ( 'inner are sist-j I ( J O L A I L 1 U L L A o o l r I Beaverton and Hillsboro In Title Playoff ___________________ ALBERT EUGENE W ILSON I S E E D P O T A T O E S fo r sale -E ar­ liest o f All, apply Saturday all day, David L ofgren . 1st house on Oak avenue, South o f F arm in g- ton road, Beaverton. Albert Eugene W ilson passed awa* at his home in Beaverton, W ednes­ j com panied day, M arch 4, 1942. He was born «"»1 1 daughter o f Portland, were im proved. | M arch 20, 1879, in Barden County, Treasurer FHes their own feed grains and particular week end visitois at the home of • j K ansas, cam e to Oregon in 1900 and ly for the screen ’ ngs from the pea Mr .and Mrs. Guy Alexander. DELPHINIUM GALAHAD Mrs. Y^alter Caviness has been M is Maude W . B oscow , W a sh in g -! to B eaverton in 1920. He attended and vetch seed P robably our most con fin ed to her P a cific Strain, guaranteed to be horn«» for the past ton cou n ty treasurer, M onday, file d . P a cific College, N ew beig, and was a 1 pronounced d ifficu lty will com e in Mr. and Mrs R. B. Scott were d in -, w eeg vvith flu j as a candidate for : e-nom ination as graduate o f B radley P oltytecnic In- j white, having bloom ed last year the supply o f sacks fo r seed from ner guests at the hom e o f Mr. and ! m , c Publican in the May prim aries. He practiced op- $1.(M) E ach-------------3 fo r $2.50 com bine to the cleaner. Many lo­ Mis. l i s t e r Fairw eather Sunday, at Mrs. V irgil M yeis was iU at her T o date hers is the only can didacy stitute, Illinois. tom etry and watch m aking in O re­ (postpaid) cal grow ers and county agent W. F. I w hich tim e the joint birthdays o f home fo r over a week with the fin filing made with the cou n ty clerk gon since 1904 and established his Cyrus points out that all too fre-1 jjr s . Scott. Mrs. Lester F airw eather I JULIAE PRIMROSES B eaverton in 1924 quently screenings from these seed ' an(j j h Fairweather, w ere observed. Miss M avis Fortier, senior at the other than one aspirant for republi- jew elry store in precin ct com m itteem an and Mr. W ilson was* m ayor o f B eaverton! Spreading .mats o f glossy leaves, crops are left around the warehouse ’ O regon College o f E ducation niece ean three d em ocrats for precin ct com - in 1931, 1934, 1935 and 1936, and the covered with starry P rim rose flo w ­ until the end o f the clean ing season, j Mrs. Russell R. Miller, p roprietor j o f Mr,, and Mrs. E. F Browne, o f last h alf o f 1937. He was a mem- i ers oil 2 to l-ineli stem s, February or even later. le a v in g them there o f the Florence Beauty Shoppe, is | B eaverton, played tw o solo num be I 8 mitee posts. Other cou nty o ffice rs w hose term s her o f the City Council from 1927 to to April. T hree distinct varieties fo r such long periods means space Is under observation at St. V incent's on the piano at the w inter quarter His was | for $1.(8), |>ostpaid. J^irge assort­ Miss Ivy Syverson o f H u-, concert and recital o f the O CE w o- expire at the end o f this year are 1930, and in 1939 and 1940. being taken up, and the sacks are hospital C om m issioner J. W. H ughes, w h o is a valuable contribution to the wel- | m ent o f oth er Prim ulas. C om e and being used which otherw ise might be ber, has charge o f the shop during . men's sextet and trio and the ad- expected to seek re-election ; C oro­ fare o f B eaverton. He was a mem ! see thank, used in the field I f each farm er Mrs. M iller's absence. j vanced piano and voice students o f ner Sewell and Surveyor L. L. Mac her o f the M ethodist Church, In d e -1 SW 45th Ave. and M aplew ood Rd would haul his screenings home as Mrs. F loren ce C oardy M Mr .and Mrs. Archie W illiam s o f pendent Order o f Odd Fellow s Lodge I soon as they are cleaned, and store , which was presented T uesday a arch r ^ h Qf thelr Wh° haVe Biven n° are indication y , ^ M intentions . All repub- No. 252 o f Beaverton, and a ch arter I Wm. Rorsch & Son j in j () M these in bulk, not only would It r e - . Aloha, . . . had as . „ their _ Sunday „ . , dinnei 1 w ood, Ore. , Means. lease a considerable num ber o f £>*■»« M r and M r r O. 8. Alexander m em ber o f the B eaverton Kiwanis W ashington county dem ocrats have club. sacks to be used a second time, but Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hetu and Mr. and ! ti scheduled ide m eeting it would also mean less confusion In: Mrs K red H offm an and their daugh- County Groups to Funeral ------------ services were h . ^ a , county-w - .. in . ------------ ------- held Satur- H illsboro F riday evening, M arch 13. | day afternoon in the M ethodist the warehouse. j *er Im oKene Seek Solution of Swami Devatmananda when plans will be drawn to place ' church, with con clu d in g services at W here farm ers desire bags fo r Dr and Mi8 Xheodore Hetu enter- a full party ticket on the com ing C rescent G rove cem etery. His fam-1 Farm Labor Needs seed potatoes or to sack wool, t h e y ; talned nt (,|nnpr Tuesday evening of the Vedanta Society d em ocratic ballot .a ccoid in g to A H j ily include his wife, Mrs Bertha should provide their bag m anufactur- j <-«ue8t8 included their son and daugh- One more step tow ard p rovid in g central com m ittee chairm an. | W ilson , a daughter, W ilm a G ia ce will Speak Sun., 7:45 p.m. er with the follow ing statem ent: ter in |HW M „ nru! M rs X(.d Hetu, farm labor for grow in g and harvest- j M onday it was learned that John j Chalm ers, F orest G rove, his sons The undersigned hereby Certifies am , Mr and Mlg s A lexan der. ing this year's crop s has just b e e n ' Bernard. R oy district farm er, w h o ; H om er L., Inglew ood, C alif.; Alden M asonic T em ple (C orinthian room ) 1“ h^s vendor and to the W ar P ro- j with arrangem ents fo r ap- tw o years »K ° wa* d em ocratic can | and R eynold, Seattle; G ayford, Le- duction Board, that the A gricultural j Mrs Charles Davidson and infant taken on Hags Covered by the annexed pur-1 son, Ronald Clark, returned to her pointlng a farm labor su b-com m ittee didate f ° r state representative fro m ! b elt and Curtis, B eaverton; a sister, cou n ty is being talked in som e! Mrs. Flo. ence Chalmers, a brother chase order are needed fo r packing | home here from the hospital Thurs- to be added to the agricu ltural plann- “ R E L IG IO N IN P R A C T IC E " ing com m ittee in each county. D e­ quarters as a possible candidate on j H arvey. F orest Grove, and a brother and shipping o f (insert here, wool, or i day Qf last week, A rrange- tails o f this plan have been w orked the bourbon ticket, fo r the com m is-l Fred, route 3, H illsboro. seed potatoes, a sthe case may be) i Illustrated w ith m oving pictures Mrs. M H. M etcalf and Mrs. E. G. out join tly by L. C. Stoll, d irector o f sion post. m ents were in care o f P e g g ’s M ortu­ and they are needed by him fo r such o f India, T aj Mahal, Calcutta, ary, B eaverton. use by him o r fo r distribution to oth ­ W ebb entertained 12 ladies at a V ic­ the Federal E m ploym ent service fo r H oly P laces and T em ples in the A lso survived by five gran d ch ild ­ ers for use by them ; that to the best tory luncheon at the form er's home O regon and W. L. Teutsch, assist­ Baby Pig Losses H im alayas, etc. ren. ant d irector o f the fedetal co o p e r­ o f the undersigned's know ledge anearl buttons to match ken that it is cook ed and from the it is believed. In addition it wll, made by the undersigned to obtain Tem ple Saturday evening. G ood mu E ven ing L eague services 7 p. m. shirt and use some other form o f packag- 8|c added to the en joym ent o f the give representation on the com m it­ carcass o f a farm anim al that died from causes other than som e in fe c­ tee o f the m ajor com m odities with Ing but have not been successful. evening . Punch was setved the N A Z A K E N E CHURCH tious disease. large farm labor requirem ents. --------------------------- - — J dancers during the evening W . P. K E E B A U G H , Pastor M olasses and grou nd a lfalfa meal In each cou n ty the em ploym ent I Sunday School 9:45 a. m. The Past N oble Grands club o f service rep: «ten tative and the cou n ­ will m ake good supplem ents to pre­ BIRTHS P reach in g Service 11 a. m. pare the sow fo r su ccessfu l fa rro w ­ Beaverton Itebekah lodge met In the ty agent w ill agree on the n om in a­ M E N 'S Y ou n g Peoples 6:30 p. m. M olasses and oth er ca ib o h y - WtAJI Mr. and Mrs. Charles Runes, B eav-j Odd Fellows hall fo r a pot luck din- tion o f not m ore than three p ro­ ing. E van gelistic service 7:30 p. m. erton, Feb. 28, a daughter, C aiolyn ner W ednesday noon with 20 ladies ducers o r processors of farm pro- I d rate tyods will help supply these 414 S. W. Washington J. I present. Mrs. A daline Frost and ducts to serve on the com m ittee n ecessary m aterials. C H U R CH O F C H R IS T P ortland, O regon Mr. nnd Mra. T hom as M W alker, I Mrs. Anna M R odgers were hostess - 1 Those throe persons, with the chair- G. W . Springer. Pastor 4310 SW Flow er st., Multnomah Feb es man o f the cou n ty USDA war board, Bee and Produce M orning w orship and preaching and a m em ber o f the cou nty agricu l­ 19. a son. T hom as A. service at 9:45 a. m. T opic The R e ­ Mis. F rankee Butts was initiated tural planning com m ittee, will co n ­ Licenses Due Mr and Mrs. Raul L. Norstrom . lation o f Christ to the Church. F ol­ T w en ty-six hundred application 1735 SW Hume court, Multnomah, into the club. stitute the farm labor sub-com m it blanks for Registration o f bees and low in g the seim on , the Lord's supper tee t 'h e r such sub-com m m lttees Feb. 23, a son, Dennis P. The birthdays o f Mrs. L ois Doyle SALE M ARCH 14-21 for produce will be observed. Mr. and M is R obert Beal, Beaver Miss Virginia Cham berlain and M is already tu n ctioain g In each cou nty 500 application form s Bible School class session 11 a. m. dealer licenses, all due before April ton, Feb. 23. a daughter, Christine R Mildred Oafleld was observed, each deal with land use, fa rm hom e and C hristian E n deavor 6:30 p. m. 1, w ere mailed this w eek to those Mr. and Mrs H ow ard Chamberlin. rural life, livestock and crops ..... . i being presented with a gift and a E ven ing w orship 7:30 p m. T op ic E very e ffo r t is being made to find j w h o have held licenses the past year 4827 SW B rugger st Multnomah, b, a(ltlfullv ,,«curated cake cut The F ellow ship W ith the Father. the solution o f the im pending f a r m ! by th.’ state departm ent o f agricu l- heb. 23, » son, D‘ »"ald W . April meeting will be held at the M idweek prayer and Bible study ture. Mr and M is Edward Cham berlin home o f M r„ Wm H art at v\V8t labor problem in the im m ediate com 8 p. m. inanities rather than to depend on I Under the O regon produce act, li- service W edn esday Glencullen, Feb. 2«. a son, Paul E ; arrivals from distant points, it is cense fees fo r the year are $10 for Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Palmer, Ti j 1 The B eaverton Com m unity G a r d e n ’ pointed out M ovem ents now in retail peddlers and $5() foi w holesale gurd, March 1. a son W illiam E. club will hold its next m eeting Friday progress to register potential farm produce dealers, plus $-JV> for license FEET HURT March 20th In K iw anis hall at 1 30 labor fro m the schools and am ong plate for the latter I roduce deal- F rom the w om en are part o f this g en era l! <*1'® in the P ortland area m ay send p m. Marriage Licenses A thletes Foot (fu n g u s infection) their application s to the P ortland I Idea. ! b la n ch o ffic e o f the departm ent,513 S w eaty and O ffen sive Odors Mrs E. P. H edburg entertained 12 James Bishop, Portland, and Pho- j O regon building. P ortla n d ; others I f So See ladies with a V icto iy luncheon and •ba Bates rout« 8 o<’\ 632 Portland cards j rem it to Salem headquarters at her home Tuesday Mrs Fertilizer Prices Now Emil L Klein. Aloha, nnd Bertha DR. CROCKETT 1’. G. Donaldson held high score at Operate Under Ceiling 11. Erdman. Portland C hiropodist A Foot Speeiallst BETHEL cards O ie g o n farm ers w h o may need to H IL L S B O R O . O R E G O N C O N G R K G \TION AI. < l i t R ( II obtain fertilizer to ca rry out their M»>l PH Itt >111 Marriage license was issued in Van (O pposite S afew ay) W illard B Hall. M inister food produ ction plans for the year 9:45 a. m. C hurch School. Joseph Bush, aged 88 years, of couver, W ashington, to W'estley Per-1 will he protected against price in­ 3iii=iiism=iii=iH=m=iii=iii5in=Hi=iii=iii=iii 11 a. m. W orsh ip, topic o f the route 3, Beaverton, died March 8 He ly and Miss Eunice W illiam s, both o f creases by recent action o f the O P A was husband o f E m m a Bush, uncle Beaverton vicinity. in freezing p :ice s o f certain kinds o f serm on is T he Bread o f L ife 6:30 p. m. C hristian E n d ea v oi. o f John Bush and Esther P etkovich, Miss Ulna Nyland won the third fertilizer. Portland score fo r the season. The order already covers m ixed at the three day con vention o f O ie ! Funeral services were held Tues­ and potash. I association o f beauty shop \ fertilizers, phosphates day, March 10 at 1 30 p. m at Pegg's gon while a further o .d e r a ffectin g nitro- j Health Center owners She was chairm an o f the Funeral chapel, with interm ent Co­ N ature's Henlth Center. 815 SW scrap hook com m ittee Next year’s | gen fertilizers is expected to follow lumbia cem etery. Portland. Y am hill Street. Portland, phone AT convention will he held at T illa ­ T he original ord er provided that pit Mr. Bush had been 111 only a few res must g o no higher than t h o s e ' 2034. has announced the com pletion mook. days, which developed Into pneu- ] prevailing between Feb nary 16 to ! o f new co lo n ic treatm ent room s monia, causing his death Sunday He for and Uncle l w ife can have that new long wanted a 60-day regulation to be su p p la n te d ’ new feature T h . u ru s’j t ll y low price of N ature's Health cam e to O regon many years ago. re- i sturdy ironing board by calling at J by a perm anent ord er before the ex is no indication of tha Center is the sale o f health food s at siding at his home on route 3. for R ich ey Hdw. A Furn store and pay ! ptration o f that period It cov ers I g rocery store prices rigid construction of this the past 18 years, and has m any, ’ ing only $1 39 fo r It It has a sm ooth ferttllzer sales to a m inim um o f 250 board Sm oothly sand­ friends in that com m unity. pounds, although small lot sales w i ll, - l and sanded top 14Sx54 inches i o top 1 4 ’ s « 54 also be scrutinized To relieve In issuing the order. P rice A dm inis­ Mrs C O Hanes o f Haley, North Fort Henning. Ga . March 13 Buck sergeant no longer, W alter I . hi son o f Ibtki'ia strived Sunday for a \isit trator Leon Henderson said thHt with Misery of route 1, B eaverton, has been pro­ with het -«in In law and daughtei farm ers being called upon to pro Prafasancat Liquid T ablets duce as never before, they have a m oted to sta ff sergeant. He is a Mr. and Mrs Albert Highbe Salve differ... and tight to obtain fertiliser at an untn- m em ber o f the 41st Infantry Regi-1 N ose D rop« M is \\ A. H ardm an w h o has been flated prices. ment o f the Second A rm ored D i-i tastes differ BEA V ER TO V. OREGON Cough Drops conim eli to her hom e with flu, ac- vision. . . . Then tha Don't warm up you r m otor in a Try “ K uo-M y-T Ism ’*— closed gat age give carbon m onoxide ( simple rul« for satisfaction A W onderful U nim ent Marvh in Ih m I the air and plenty o f it is, *S«leet the wine you No Chemical Pads on Head! No Elect Hetty ! No W ir next sum m er if they will prepare M ,. an(J Mr, R odf(er Qchs and Gaberdin I o *5 Shirts o •i=iii=insiiisiii=tn=iii=Hi=iii=iii=n<=in£iiir. '« B u r : . ’ ¿je utLnel FIRST TASTE BOUQUET CO LD S Richey Hardware and Furniture Co. 666 Permanent Wave WANT TO •***• piai I.'rensed, Experiences! 0|>rrator* OFEN E V E R Y r W a rrcn to n C lothing A Classified will b iin g fast results at a very small expen se' Solutions Used on ail Wares O p e r a to r s —- Helen M urra), Mgr. K rim Henediet llcim lr Kiene r FOR LENT W hen you i ide a hike at night. It isn't safe without a light Nationally Advertisr-d Only want because it appaols to To Bike Riders M l . KIN DS W 041D 4 ft and short lengths deliverer! anyw here at reasonable prices Helen'« "H n u A .) Is O ur B u s in e s s " « • l i s \y Washington 401 < oiunthia Hldg., Portland EVENING P IN E C la m * " I doli for I l k K * i.» r dt Tè' ^ 4 - are B est WARRrS'OS IMLO® piR f CLAM* K N O T Ft KJ. U4» I-ocstion Metzger. Phone CH J O Miller A Sons 175.8 W M . F. SIG U R D SO N F O K T L A N D . (IRE YO U R taste — because Itg bouquet or aroma pleases Y o u !' Nothing else is a t important as the pleasure you derive in 'Serving the wine YO U like in the way YO U like'. WINE COUNCIL OF OREGON t i i i m i * ra m m s m n i n NitH GREYHOUND Coffee Shop H eadquarters for O R E G O N M OTO R S T t C D I and HOME C O O K E D ( 8 ) 0 0 E A T S Atodern Fountain Vers ice for Hot W ra th rr R elief