Fridav, March 6, 1042 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page 2 f Use of Fertilizer in 1942 to Aid Victory Garden Campaign O N E OF RUBE G O L D B E R G 'S IN V E N T IO N S II. H. J E F F R IE S , Publisher Published Friday or each week by the Pioneer PubUr'-log Co., at Beaverton Oregon. Entered as second-class n*tter at the poetofnee at Beaverton. Ore Never has the farmer been in need of producing maximum yields and .41.00 Three M onths--------------- One Year _ top quality from every acre planted, KILLED FHIEND _ .80 Subscription Payable in Advance. Biz Months as at the present time. Every acre, All the facts show that it was not eve.y man-hour, every pound of seed Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 done with a gun. And whosoever and every tree must be used to the Hillsboro Office— Room 8, Delta Bldg., Phone 1641 did it is on the same level as the best advantage. Portland Office—407-408 Dekum Bldg., Phore AT. 6591 man who used a gun and paid with Swift's Research Laboratory is his life on the gallows. He is at constantly searching for new combi- least counted a murderer. ! nations of plant foods that will pro­ At what hour was it done?, Let duce greater returns for farmers. us answer this way—That if it was Their latest achievement is Swift's you who did the deed, it was at that KO. Red Steer Fertilizer, a new plant moment when a flash of hate shot food especially made to meet the ■ from your heart. needs of the Northwest soils. It sup­ Who saw the deed? The answer plies tt‘< Nitrogen, 8G- Phosphoric i sthat God Almighty was looking on Acid and 8# Potash and in addition, I —"O Lord Thou hast searched me ! those other elements which tests and and known me" . . Thou knowest giowing experience have proved | my thought afar off.” Nothing can beneficial in pioducing better crops. Babson Says \ be hid from God your Maker. Benefits of a Non-acid Forming "NATIONS THAT DID NOT But why is the flash of hate the Fertilizer plus the greater advantage Continued from page 1 same to God as the flash of a gun? of a Physiologically Neutral one, are PREPARE F O R DEFENSE wants to protect your boys not only ' Christ tells us. He gave new light derived from use of Swift’s KO, as it fiom shells, but also from tropical ! on the command — THOU SHALT cannot make the fields more acid. ARE NO UiM iF.K NATIONS". NOT KILL. He trails murder to its During the entire breaking down pro­ diseases This means getting them well-hardened before they leave this lair and locates It in your heart, cess that goes on in the soil while the country. He is your best friend I i That is, if you ever broke out with a fertilizer is absorbed by the soil mois- G overnor Sprague on I word of hate, anger, a snee. or a i ture in the root zone. Swift’s KO is say this not only as a statistician snarl of contempt. Look over Mat­ neutral. but as one who in 1940 ran against That’s because the ingred­ H om e Defense him and got a terrible licking' thew 5:21-22 for yourself Liable as ients are in automatic balance. Ex- murderer, is it not? It is ceitain that many west coast Face the Fart» ] cess acid and alkalis are immediate­ Now we bring in a word that cov­ ly neutralized as formed. A calm view of the mess in which residents. Oregon citizens among This pre­ ers a lot of te.ritory. INIQUITY, vents even a temporaiy unbalancing them, feel comfoitably that "It can't j our country now fir.ds itself may be the Bible word for the thing that is of the soil in the plant’s root zone, Marines in Alaska Get happen here’’. This was the way | summed as follows: wrong in itself, whether there is a which may retard yield and growth. they felt in Singapore island. But 1. England. Russia. China, and j Fresh Milk law against it o. not. Here it is it happened. The Oregonian hopes Swift’s exclusive method of mixing our other Allies are absolutely d e -j i then—"The Lord hath laid on Him From “ Iron C o w " thut these mud turtles of ours - you makes it possible to unite each chem­ pendent upon us If. at any time, | on Christ—the INIQUITY of us all." ical element in the formula into lar­ know, a mud turtle pulls in its head we should quit the war. England The environment at the Naval Air We repeat —INIQUITY which means ger particles, each of which contains —heard Governor Charles A. Sprague would starve; Russia would col­ Station ip Sitka. Alaska, is not suited hidden sins against which there is the plant when he spoke to a radio audience foods prescribed in the lapse; and poor China would be BY RAY W. GILL to Bossy, but the Marines and sailors no wirtten law And all blotted out analysis. Double mixing insures uni­ Sunday night. Without seeking to conquered. Food is getting more prominent of that frigid station enjoy their by the blood of Christ. Hateful formity throughout each bag. alarm them, he must have dispelled Ev­ 2. The United States and Canada every day as a factor in winning the j thoughts. grudges. sewerage from ery bag of Swift's KO Red Steer con­ their illusions, and roused them to must not quit until the Hitler. war. The expression "Food will win sweet milk—and not out of cans. The milk is not right out of the vile imaginations, all blotted out tains Calcium. Magnesium, and other the alert. It can happen here. It Mussolini, and Japanese gangs the war"- has a new significance in Why does God go out of his way plant foods which are deficient in may not be likely but it could hap-i are completely eliminated. The this war emergency, and we now cow either not the mooing kind of cow but it doesn't taste more than to save the ungodly? Why does he pen. This is the view of Governor! soils. TIME needed to do this is of sec­ realize that food alone is not enough, two hours away from the barnyard : offer up his Son to die for the many Sprague, obtained from military au [ When you use Swift's KO fertilizer, ondary importance. Science has startled us with the im- and three cornered stool. scamps, scum and scalawags of the you put the nitrogen down in the thorities and close study of the situa­ 3. Mr. , Churchill has . enviable . . portance of vitamins in the diet. Re- The secret is the "iron cow", re­ i race, It is his consuming love of i ground where the roots can get it. tion. It is a view- that has been j powers of persuasion; but he is ports from the draft boards indicate cently installed as part of the galley all mankind. The meanest ,the low­ No side dressing is necessary, and it flatly expressed by Secretary of War I working for England and not for a serious lack of balanced nutrition, equipment. Each day quantities of Stimson. us. He is asking of our President and this apparently is s equally true powdered milk, water and sweet un­ est, even the smug self-righteous, all is easy to handle. to be cleansed by the blood of Christ. If we of the Oregon coastal area - You get bigge.- root development more than he expects to gqf He would cleanse us all and and a more balanced top growth to all practical military purpose this | I especially have in mind Church­ in both rural and municipal life. Sec­ salted butter are poured Into the retary Wickard has launched a cam­ iron maw of this mechanical bovine, breathe his God-nature into us that when you fertilize with Swift’s KO. includes Portland and other so-called ill's apparent present efforts to paign urging farmers to grow a inland cities and towns have any- throw the Battle of the South Pa family garden and one which will and things happen. Out of a spigot, in the ages to come he might show with no coaxing at all, comes a the exceeding riches of his grace in thing about which to feel comfort- c ,flc into our lap As a 8tudent of contain a balanced food supply, not able It is Governor Spragues reassur- Climatic Statistics, I say that alone in the main food elements but stream of wholesome fresh milk, re­ his kindness to us through Christ miniscent of meadows and mooing. . Jesus. The meantime here on earth, ing report on civilian defense prepa-' Churchill should not decide where in vitamins as well. The produce of the iron cow is ' give us the power to glorify his rations, and the organization of a ,)ur boys should go. We cannot win It is lather strange that farmers, rushed to the mess hall and the gar- ' name by a holy walk. state guard patterned after the home thlg war bv K<)inK off - half cocked". who aie so favorably situated to pro- rison of the air s t a t i o n takes o\ • Do you take Christ as the Lamb of defense units of Great Britain Most Gur enemies have been years in pre- due« a family Itrd in with the proper Is it of God. slain for your sins-. Slight raises in fees for terminal of us have taken these preparations parmtr eva:y (1<,tai, We 9hould now varieties essential to a balanced food iyour heart? The instant you take weighing, inspection and other ser­ for granted, if we speculate upon adop, the 9ame policy and thereby supply, now find themselves faced Christ, God takes you. Feelings or vices of the state department of ag­ them at all Still, as we say, the a n -.RVOjd the tropical trap which has with a problem. Their problem in­ i no feelings, stand on God's word, riculture grain division went into ef­ nouncement that invasion is a possi j)een 8e{ for us volves a better understanding of a that you are now’ born again. What fect March 1. Raises were at the hility Jolts our complacent*, while y ,,,, u „ |>|ff, rent War balanced nutrition throughout all proof? Search your Bible to learn rate of 1 cent per ton on grain. The woid that precautionary steps are Twenty-five years ago our boys years ago months of the year. More green, Christian duty and step out in the new rate schedule includes separate being taken gives us cause to thank ; fought in Europe in a climate and faith that Christ will meet you and items for inspecting and weighing heaven that Governor Sprague and with a people to which they were leafy vegetables are required, and a better understanding of balanced ! prove Himself to you. Then you will flaxseed: sacked, 8 cents per ton, car his voluntary assistants have not adjusted. Hence, they were not sub­ vitamins is very essential in both Lack of marking or labeling on knew; then you can shout Yes—He been as slumbrous as we. lots; bulk, 6 cents per ton; cars with ject to strange diseases With Oregon is espec­ walnuts in bulk lots for retail sale waits to become vour JOY-PEACE- two or more lots, additional charge of There isn't any need to become World War 11, the outlook is entirely city and country. causes state department of agricul­ CMEER-WISDOM-VICTORY all the ially favored by climatic conditions per lot, 60 cents. agitated about the unlikely prospect lllfferent Churchills present plan ture field men plenty of headaches, of attempted Invasion but it ts man- appeart to bp to gend boyg from Can. to produce a great range of vege­ apparently because retailers do not way all the day. Lack of datory that we bear in find that It da and a„ p a rtg o f the United table and fruit varieties. Tell your lawyer to send your le- knowledge is our only excuse for any understand the state walnut law can happen here. A perfected civ-1 statea to Agla. Africa and the T gals to this paper. Every bulk lot of walnuts offered deficiency in the diet. Farmers must Ilian defense organization a trained ; iog „ fth<> pRclflc With our K, eatlv raise more of their own food and for sale should be labeled with the r w-hat . * ! . to T P do i!r and when and where to 1 suParlor productive facilities we can have a better understanding of what name of the state where grown and Cloverdale, Oregon conquer our enemies if we will only the size of the nuts. The legible For New Home or do it, will mean If invasion ever de­ be patient and cut out politics. Pat­ to raise. ________________ i This space paid for by an Oregon label should be evidence on bins, dis­ Remodeling velops the difference between ef­ ent's don't want JLo appear unpa- I businessman. play table or other container from fective defense of our area and ef­ triotic and ROYAL OAK FLOORS are keeping their which sale is made. fective enemy action against us thoughts to themselves; but many C om plete Stock Grocers and other retailers may la­ far. far In. CASCADE _ The war „ mav seem _ , . away. . . . are questioning whether their boys bel legally purchased .walnuts, if H ARDW O O D FLOOR But as Governor Sprague pointed out gbould be 8ent lo t h w hot and d£ . ( ^ i f »n. they do not have over 10 percent COMPANY 13/16*2 > 4 In. In order to keep 'em flyin’, the U. n his radio report on the defense of , eaaed countries, -at least until I 3 4 2 4 N E 8 r04dway culls, as “Oregon ungraded” . To de­ TR 0700 A ll «loci or d S. Coast Guard Air Corps is offering the commonwealth, this is a danger-, more ade uatel piepared. Early return of the re-tinning sur­ termine whether these meet the 10 men with previous aviation mechanic llmntchdd. Tongu# ous delusion. In any case, we are | Co rsa can ' ot Tun the war Cer- an d Q ro«vao. percent requirement on culls, the in duty bound to prepare ourselves taln, Con|fpaBg waa way behind the vey questionnaires recently furnish- experience ratings in the coast gua d Portland ffrocer should gather up 100 nuts and reserve as aviation machinist's mates, as though tomorrow the war may be : p rpgldent in forpgeeinK and prépar­ ed" to all Oregon milk" products crack them If over 10 nuts are plants, bakei les and canneries is ur­ second and third class, and aviation ât our beaches - Oregonian j ing for the war If Congressmen ged by the foods and dairies division blanks, shrivelled, rancid, mouldy or [ had thought less of getting appro- of the state department of agricul­ otherwise not good, then the lot can­ I metal smith's second and third class. n j •• priations and jobs for themselves ture, which is making the survey at not be sold, as "Oregon ungraded": Men accepted for the three year en­ listment will be eligible for flight which means they can’t be sold at all pay and participate in frequent ,and had taken F D R 's advice three the request of Governor Sprague. ^ !yeais ago there would have been no The survey covers an estimate of aerial flights. Pearl Harbor tragedy. Now. Con the re-tinning needs of these plants ORDER NOW At time of application, candidate ! gress should not make another mis for the two-year period ending must be able to satisfy the officer in Oregon and New Zealand h a v e I ,ake and too suddenly throw our boys j March j, HM-t L>ata compiled will be charge that he has had the necessary Veneer Plant Bands much In common. Both states ware ln,° the conflict ill-prepared Par- turned over to the governor's office Following a precedent established experience documentary evidence of For Ik-dding Plants acquired by discovery and have en*s won't stand too many wretched In connection with the survey, the in the First- World War. the Navy is same being desirable. about the same land area and they Congressional errors, governoi has suggested also that all asking for the loan of binoculars HALLOCKS — TIN TOPS Of you are between the ages of 17 inherited their law and customs from How to Win dairymen holding milk or cream cans which meet service requirements and 35. in good physical condition, BERRY CRATES England New Zealand has a cli-1 We should confine northern draft- belonging to milk plants or c. earn- from patriotic citizens who now and possessed of the necessary ex­ niatic range and coast line of about res to naval and air woi k and insist e,.jes return those not in use so they possess them, the Thirteenth Naval perience. take advantage of this op that of the three Coaat States Cali- ,futt English Colonials do shore work may be counted in the survey It will District has announced portunity and arrange to see in pe fornia, Oregon and Washington The tn *he Tropics. Our sailors and fly he necessary to get all unused mill\ Two sizes of binoculars only will son. the officer in charge, coast population of New Zealand is slight- or* c»n afford fighting lisks there as and cream cans into condition be- meet the Navy's specifications. Foot of North Pittsburg Six guard recruiting sub-station, room ly larger than Oregon but settlement | th*Y ran *’«* f®d Ifood American food fore the spring flush period of milk by thirty binoculars, used for sight- 301, Pioneer post office. Portland, Portland UN. 1277 of the two count! ies began about the ( anit would be free from tropical dis production if there is to be an ade- ing ships and large opjects at inter- Oregon. same time Both states are known eases Military experts will tell you ^___ ........ ■ quate supply of cans to take cate of mediate or long distance, are wanted for their dairy and sheep industry 'hat Germany. Italy, and Japan can , bp mj|g’ produced for ordinaly navigation purposes and then scenic beauty. ,><> annihilated by our navies and an Seven by fifty glasses, used for Oregon on becoming a state did not forces if Russia will contribute Vlad sighting aircraft and distinguishing OEMS OK THOUGHT SERVICE acquire the old Spanish custom of Ivostok and Turkey the Dardanelles ships at extreme distances, ate also community property as did the other \ wp may be in too much hurry to win desired Because of the difficulty of G O O D N E S S two states carved out of the Oregon the war. Perhaps diseases will do Of all virtues and dignities of the obtaining spare parts for numer ous territory. On coming into state-¡the trick if we are patient If the mind, goodness is the greatest being *>pes of binoculars, the Navy will ac- hood Oregon adopted the Iowa code w ar can be won at less risk and by cept the loan only of Zeiss o.- Bausch and Idaho and Washington adopted «»king a longer time shouldn't this the character of the Deity; and with and Lomb glasses mischievous, the California code. be done" We do not want to un­ out it. man is a busy. They should be sent, carefully it is an old custom for the pioneers necessarily send boys from snow wretched thing Bacon packed to the Naval Obaervatc ry All that worketh good is some Washington ,D. C. and their descendants to celebrate drifts into tropical Jungles too hastily Each instrument manifestation of God asset ting and should be accompanied by an identi February 14th. as the day Oregon be Climatic li» n (i'n came the 33rd member of the Union Let us benefit from climate and developing good Mary Baker Eddy fication tag. bearing the name and Either make the tree good, and his address of the sender in 1859 Oregon la the second Coast biology rather than have these used The Navy State to be admitted into state-hood to crush us Arnei loans can safely fruit good: or else make the tree will then pay $1 for each set of bin and Is the 9th in size. t>e sent to Alaska and Russia. It islcoriupt. and his fruit corrupt for oculars accepted for use. and will re The Oregon grape gtape Is the official nlso okay t.< have them in Ireland the tree is known by its fruit New turn them to their owne s at the end Matthew 12 33 state flower, the Western Meadow But is it good strategy to send our Testament of hostilities if the glasses are still in 1-atk the official bird and Douglas Infant:)- now to Africa and th e1 We must first be made good, be use. le t us plan j fore we can do good, we must first Kir the official tree. The state song South Sea Islands? Tuned to the Need is Oregon. My Oregon, and the state for a long war, giving our enemies be made Just, before our works can If It is our please God for when we are justi- motto is She Flies with Her Own time to commit suicide Experience with structu al Douglas Wings The state flag contains a Joh to lick the world, let's sit in the fted by faith In Christ, then come fir lumber and modern timber fram­ of T oday navy blue field and the escutcheon is driver's »eat. give the orders to good woiks latino-:, ing shows that they will save fiom 30 in gold, supported ly thirty thiee Churchill and tell him where to send' Never «a s love, or gratitude, or to 50 percent over other construction bounty oracticed but with increasing in community airpoit buildings gold stais and hearing above said his men' When in the Orient two years ago. j0y_ which made the practiser still gold escutcheon the words State of • Oregon in gold and helow such as I was told It would be suicidal to more in love with the fair act Ax the Axis! Buy Defense Bonds! rutcheon the figures 1859 In gold and send northern troops there except shaftesbury ----------------------------------------------- This new plant food is es­ the other side of the flag a reptesen they live on battleships and carters | . tation of the beaver tn gold. The When the truth is out. it may show M=lll=m=m=IN=lll=NI=lll= Fruit, Nut. »hade. Flowvrlng ■CMSMSMSM=IIISNIS)U| gold of the flag shows that Oregon the climate, rather than "hordes of pecially made to meet the is a gold producing state and abound Japs ' caused Slngapo e's surrender ill Take advantage of our 50 = We can make our best contribution ing In mineral wealth and the beaver gear’s experience. Plant ill and needs of Northwest soils. It well represents the Intelligent, hard by working with natural laws tn our guar tree* for 1 0 0 ', As Alexander «attsfartton Quality buy­ working citizenship that settled the stead of bucking It Ouarry says "Democracy gives the ing our motto. W rite be­ State. supplies 6 'c Nitrogen— H r\ ------- I President and Congress the freedom fore buying el«ewhere, we Filbert & Peach Trees ^ r,CeS of choice: but they cannot free us will saxe you money. W e Doughboys Knead Dough' Buy I people fiom the sad consequences are here to adxlse you If Phosphoric Acid and 8f c Defense Bonds! when thev make a had choice". you rontemplate planting 700 VARIETIES - I .35o Metn&e/i O reg I o O I l w s p o e r P U B LI S h [ e RS 4 O t I A TI 0 N War Gardens Back Again This Spring Grain Fees Raised One Cent Per Ton Bulk Walnut Labels Simple Early Return Asked On Re-Tinning Blanks ) Keep 'em Flying Truck Gardeners Ureqon (HIQ WGW Zealand Similar Want Binoculars Coast Veneer Co. A NEW SWIFT’S RED STEER FERTILIZER FERTILIZER Physiologically Neutral s T R E E S I Contract Crops Guarantee You a Market Rais« Cucumber*« and Burr Gherkin« Attractive Prices From \2 Acre Up W rite or Call s Knistht Packing Company 808 S. E. A lder. P ortland. O r. E A . 6124 imams insuiBiiismsuianisiiiSiiisiiil Fherriew, Apples. l'Imo*. Prune«. sppecial Aprh-ota Non-Acid Forming a family orchard or commercial Free 40-Page Catalog If Interested In planting a W AI.M VT. F 1I.BF R T or r m IT ORCHARD, in •int on buying from grow­ er*. M ain uta. ele. SHRUBS ALL KINDS TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES SHERWOOD. Ore. BHtaiHBMllMIBlMZlHBUlSM D riv e ou t R a rb u r B l 'd on lltw a y No.