Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1942)
Page 4 February 27, 1942 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE. Beaverton, Oregon Women Co-operate Well In Canvass Legal Notices NOTH K T O i KOI I l i l t I’E R S O N A L O H N l BN Local Mention Mrs. W alter Van K leek entertain filled for I'ebruary. A pplicat or.s are still being taken for Mnrch en listment. This quota lim itaticn In volves only men between 30 and 50 assigned to naval gu aid duty. T he Beaverton B«.d C ros 20 hour . ........................ ..... nutrition course will ho.u its fi rt m cetln« at ,he hom e o f P ? W ednesday. M arch 4th. 7 30 p m. This course is necessary , " ° " nt,‘en ,w orke,s m Bleak m an's hom COrp* e is first house M east o f Skyw ay lunch loom s on highway. ^ o m . and bring your . . friends to see N orton if , >ou n a~t, are ia , interested. h . teacher Mrs U Peck 18 *^e ***ch c r ' Jits Shaw has gone to W alport to T here were fifty-eight in attend ie cide and Mr. Shaw and R osem ary ance at Sunday School v.nd church. a u now making their hom e at 1307 A group o f 14 from the Multnomah g W T aylor street, in P ortland. School o f the Bible cam e out from P o .t a n d to church. Ls’ Wis W etzel a m inister from W ashington delivered II’ LETK HOME OF the serm on and Norm an DeBoer con ducted the singing in a very able MODERN FURNITURE manner. A young lady o f the group Again w-e o ffe r a sensational presided at the piano T w o young value in a com plete home o f m od ladies sang a vocal duet and one oth ern furniture. er a solo. W e o f Whit ford hope they 2-piece living room set; 9x12 rug will com e again. occasional chair, co ffe e table, end Mr. and Mis. Bowm an and fam ily table, lamp table, IES flo o rla m p , have m oved in to their new home table lamp, Venetian m irror, din w hich is located at the west end of ette set, 4-piece bedroom set, Allen avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Sand Seldon-Long spring, mattress, 2 scatter rugs, ers and fam ily will move soon to a 9x12 linoleum rug and ch oice o f The w edding o f Miss D olo es Grace seven and one half a c:e tract near wood gas or electric range. $ 2 5 0 Selden, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. L ester Davies home R oy R. Seldon and R obert Edw arJ All fo. only The f Yiendly N eighbor club met Lowest possible terms Open Eves Long, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Donald at the home o f M is George Smith Long, was solem nized Saturday night M onday last and w o.k ed on the Red SHLEIFER FURN. C( > February 14. at an im pressive cere- Cross knitting and sewing. 509 SE Grand Ave. at E Stark at B ethel C ongregation al Mrs. Kenneth Denney is so'icitin g n‘ ° ny. el «-^ngregational Portland. Oregon chu,ch> R *v. illard B. Hall officia t ladies in the com m unity to sign for jnL, ln H i„Veiv candle lieh , dnnKi, ing in a lovely candle light double defense work. ring cerem ony. The altar was hank ed with palms with tall tapers, white T 7 “ “ T “ “ “ " “ “ „T*“ M E T H O D IST CIII'IW TI s. R ev. J. M elvin Davis, Pastor " r The h e !‘h '! i» PUt given ! L 7 ' in 7 W: m arriage by bride, C hurch School 9 45 a. nt. Chaile3 her father, wore a dress o f white cenTlv^with ■ **! soent th nit , ' J> * u,u *?eon T hey spent tn<- alteinowii w ork ing on a C om plying with Sec. 110-349, O. C. W om en throughout W ashington quilt ’ ~ “ " u‘ “ *"B u1‘ “ L. A., as amended by Chapter 359 co u n ty a ie g iv iq g w holehearted ! Uncle Lee R ich ey says A fr v in » O regon Laws, ISM 1; which reads in nart as “ follow s - E very person e°-o P * ra“ ° n 1" «he house to house pan is one o f the most necessa™ c.v e iy canvass o f inform ation fo r U ie co n 's article» n wom an „ , , c , Mnd the nuinauiru: a*:t*nt o r o ffice r » * . ■ u n »»u n s o iu c ie s a wom an needs in cook in g O anv K ,™ t W o o l a t i o n o r A « o c ,a - in vw ,to * women s skills a ccord It can he used foi frying c.7 as a o ! any h a m , < orp oiation o r Associa ¡nR tQ <^rg pja rlv Morgan ol Hill»- . r. , _ ,. ** as a tion ow ning or having in possession j j(() cou n ty ehaiim an o f the O regon hi” snecr-1* 'it' Hi-h v * i CC tb ' / special nt R ich ey H aidw are ,u r Under Board fo r ^ o b i . i ^ o n o f W om "n L i , " store. . , '" A T l big L special * t runitu.e property shall make a return there- . . . A ssessor o , f the County in , , hia R eturns oonung in , lanldly Jay of w o f to tiie . . were . . 1 *'"> G 'a ibson o s o n , j I . . . or V\. « S. r C., - _____ spent w hich such property has its situs for ' ff M° ' * a" in keeping the wee.c end at hom e taxation . . . . All returns shall be . m ohfiw T ,^* l ° com p le,e the c“ un- T om G ra ff is now em ployed by C o in such form as the Assessor, with _ ° n ' a , pa b> k *‘ b ia ' lumbia A ircraft Industries and is the approval o f the State Tax Com i J 7 . turn8 ndlcat*d that ,h<- '" « T «'»PPy in his new job helping mission, may prescribe ............ The t »»»e county were ready and Uncle Sam to win the war. A ssessor shall cause blank form s for 1 to do the,r bit ,‘ n, the vvar e f , Henry R Nelson has been con fin ed in ch returns to be prepared and d i. £ 1 1 " WJ 2 P T % hU hon,e fo ' the past w eek with tributed. but failure to receive o r a . , 7 ! , ,7, 7 K*',M , fh i . cure the form shall not relieve any ^ 7 ihnt many, SOm<; Mrs H A G arlach retu ned to her .. nave reported wlio P'aCeS were hom e at G resham W ednesday after such person, immagini; agent o r o ffi missed in the canvass, are repo: ting visiting her sister M is E 1* Cffble ce r from the obligation o f making j” ■«uned and * ,n 80 ,bat ,h e > w ,l> be s " nl‘‘ «n d m other Mrs. Neal, since Sunday anv return herein re“ *— ' " — 1 . , instances have been reported o f w o Mrs. Harry W ight entertained w hich provides a penalty ty tot refusal llnen ...................... __ ! ............. . ry. entertained refusing to submit to the in eight ladies at her hom e T uesday nr neglect to file the returns. One woman was repotted with a V ictory luncheon The after- A ny person ow ning or having pos ventory. r. -io n " o f taxable personal property .V r' fu8int: *° 8,* n or ' ' von lu ,e n » n,i noon was spent w ork in g on a layette C inTy wTo did imt °T?!*:.*d lh * inven, , v w ' k< l f<->'_the disaste, .. lief d O N t ' M r and Mrs. Earl E :icson left for receive one o f these form s should t 0 . g '. out A nother woman reported that she their hom e in V ictoria. Illinois the «all or write for ohe at the A sses Was a good shot, had good • y « * ta ' tu i part o f t e T w ’^ k 7 X w 7 n g " a ' " n, 'T1,h * ? « th " ® sor's O ffice at once. could carry a 50-pound pack along ilong m onths visit at the home »* o f —* Mr • e Er- “ i-T Í T l 7 C ooperation o f all concerned In t h is , . . ---------- ------ — ---- -------- , - , “ 177,. , herDu She carried a bouquet of Mr. m atter will result In a better P * r - 1 7 '* h , ^ a „ 7 , ^ ^ parenU M r and Mr8- John - pink and white sweet peas and bou-1 sonal property assessment as well as ’ K" " n ' 1 ' ,,n ' roa -s E iicson . M is. M ary L ong returned Sunday vardia. n material saving in cost to the ’ L"0- Miss Maxine Cady was maid o f T.viiress«-» A ppreciation from u weeks visit with relatives and county. honor, she wore a dress o f yellow A ppreciation o f the w ork o f the friends in Portland. Final date for com pleting and fil The bridesm aids w ers Miss ¡co u n ty chairm en and their assistants Albert H ighbee is im proving from ing is March 2, 1942. o f the I was expressed this week by Mrs a serious attack o f flu He has been MarBaret B °u «H d on . siste J. E C A R P E N T E R M organ, ho hi also «-xtend W ashington County Assessor .* ..... .............. w m ms wished nome toi to tne past ill at his home for the past week and blide Hnd Miss Anna Mae Long, sis ter o f the groom They wore dress- her appreciation to all county wom en jg still con fin ed to his bed who co-operated. M is G eorge T hyng and Mrs John es, o f Pmk fa,1‘e ,>ach <'a «Hed Colon Ei icson attended the W ashington ial nosegays o f white and lavender NOTH E OF F IN A L ACCOUNT County League o f W om en Voters sweet peas centered with a white ca r In the County Court o f W ashington m eeting at the hom e o f Mrs. O . B nation. County, State o f Oregon R obert Barnes acted as best man. Gates in H illsboro Monday. There in tbs m atter o f tb s Batata <>f Little Mary Lee H alt, was flow er girl A-ere several intergtsing speakers. F R E D A C11ARLETTE AUSTIN, De John C onnell spoke on taxes and and was dressed in a blue M oiie ceased. ta ffeta form al and M aster Donald gave som e interesting far-ts Nutice is hereby given that the un- The K night Packing com pany rep b .oth er o f the bride, was Thp R i h l f i p l u u u »t ill m o o t o ♦ M i a o Selden. ring a i W EST SLOPE WHITFORD Small Acreage Desired By Packing Company n , m. E ven ing League ser vices 7 p SM IT H ’S SU RPRISE SALE! m N A Z A R K X E CIH KCII W. P. K E E B A l’GH. Pastor Sunday School 9 45 a. m. P reachin g Service 11 a. m. Y ou n g Peoples 6:30 p. m. E van gelistic service 7:30 p. m. In the face o f advancing prices you would hardly expect a sale like this, but we just bought a couple thousand rolls o f new 1941 paper at a big discount, and as is our custom, we pass this saving on to you! Group 1 Attractive bed ioom , living room and nook papers Values to 50c. Shipyard Workers 171 oC Group 2 S P E C IA L B I S S E R V IC E TO S H IP Y A R D S NOW S E R V E S BOTH T H E O R E G O N AND W II.LAM E T T E SH IP\ A R D S PABCO E N A M E L A beautiful g!oss in all the new Shades L eav e B e a v e r to n GREYHOUND Coffee Shop COLDS 666 S r r/cjJrr/ CLIMAX n=lll=Hl=ili-iil=lil=lll=iii=ni=iii=n,= 111 = 111 = FEET HURT n the »mart ho*t or hottest w,ll find that simplicity 1» the favored rule in the choice of refreshment wines. Fine California wines o*fer the sweeter, heavier bodied ports, muscatels, tokays or angelicas; the fine Oregon wines offer rich blackberry or loganberry. Whatever wine you select will co m plement your after-dinner hospitality, and co m p lim e n t your fame for entertaining. A Ago W IN E C O U N C IL OF O R EG O N m u e *•* M in iin M il l i IS M U M \thlet«w Foot l fungus infection» S H o ih and O ffen sive tW ors If So Set1 X Foot 13 ' O pposite S afew ay) = III =111 = 111=111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111=III =111=111 =IM Tuned to the Need of Today FERTILIZER Physiologically Neutral pecially made to meet the and needs of Northwest soils. It ll« I S La. 3424 Nod •od Q8 h « m . M anufscturi-d F E R T IL I Z E R Nitrogen— < Phosphoric Acid and Sri Potash ami in addition, it supplies those other ele ments which tests and jjrow- WORKS A D ivision o f sw ift A Co. North I’ ortland. O regon inji experience have proved beneficial in producing hot Ord«*r T hru Your Dewier or w rite 1 » for In form a tion Care o f "D ept F" ter crops in the Northwest. ii=iii=iii=m=iii=m=iiisiHFiiaiii=m=m=ui=MSiH=ni=iiisiii=iii=itisiu=iii=iii3tii=iii=iiis Contract Crops Guarantee You a Market | Raise Cucumbers and Buir Gherkins Attractive Prices From V 2 Acre Up Write or CaH Knight Packing Company 808 S. E. Alder. Portland. Or. EA. 6124 Tracks. -~>~m ■ ,4 GOOD ---------------------- cm a z/ . , Beaverton 24 Hours Service it 1 supplies SWIFT & CO. Porti And COMPLETE CHASSIS LUBRICATION K nock Phis new plant food is es h> N t B-oatfway T A 07CA THIS AD & 50c GOOD FOR S e rv ice — • Non-Acid Forming CODRâNV ASSOCIATED OIL STATION \ i ’ht RED STEER FERTILIZER SWIFT’S CASCADE MONEY SAVED AT THE We Repair Tires Wallpaper House 427 S\V 2nd Bet. Wash. A Sturk Portland. Oregon A NEW < On Main Highway at R. R. SM IT H ’ S 1.20 Oregon Motor Stages M A R O W O O D FL O O R AM W e • r 4 Mi l l S H O K O . O K I t.tSN Men to Do Your Work Call AT. 4810 See Y ou r Looal Bus A gent for Low Kate Com m utation T ickets $ .50 GAL. ^ v A fte r a hard dav, en joy Stock H&l ta. la. s|M<»t m. L eave W illam ette Shipyard 8.40 a. m , 5:10 p. m., 1.10 a. m. 20 Hide Individual Book S3 S1QT. '"\WV'r R O Y A L O A K FLOORS C tm plet« DR. CROCKETT t hirop.Mli»! .1*1 le a v e Oregon Shipyard 8:25 a. m.. 4:55 p. m „ 12:55 a 1 :iii=ni=iu=ni=ni=ni=iii=in=in=i8=in=in=iii=iii=in=rn=m=ni=iii5in=iii=ni=ni=in=ni=iiil For New Home or Remodeling F ro m 18 and 30 inch papers in this group. V alues to °°- A real buy at just 39c! t Q l •"**** 6 44 a. m., 3.14 11:14 p. m B erg sang The ladies o f the Beaverton gran ge place o f the hearing o f ob jection « P rices this year are fa r above any met at the G range hall M onday and and the Misses I^iura, Elizabeth and thereto and for settling said final thing ever paid before for these pro T hey tied quilts for the Red Cross. Mrs. F loren ce E w er sang Until. account. ^ ducts - and this con tract makes a Roland w ho leaves soon for Boston, were accom panied by Miss A lice H A ZE L F R E D A SFRIC K E R market available fo r the grow ers at was given a h an d k erch ief shower. Clem ent who also played the wedd- A E F R E D A IDA W O O D E N , , a ll times Mrs. Mable H a n iso n has m oved to m arch Executrices. Knight P ack in g com pan y has been phoenix Arizona A reception was held in the church B E R T W. H E N R Y in business at Portland fo r nearly Mrs* G eorge B lo w n returned h o m e 1 Pa d o r s Mrs. H erbett M ason cut Mead Building 150 years and has dealt with fa Hi the fi st o f the week from a m onths ,b e b ,id es cake, assisting were the Portland, Oregon rers in the com m unity surrounding visit with relatives at Palm Springs. E w er triplets. F lorence, E auia and Attorney for Executrices. Portland all o f this time C alifornia Elizabeth. Helen R andall. Ida Felsh- You can get in touch with them by t ' . i v . r Social club is holding an a f ■ Mai ¿ n e t W alker and .-ue 1 arm- | dropping a note to the hom e o ffic e ternoon card party and dessert lun- er' O R D E R FOR H E A R IN G at SOX SE Alder street, if you have a cheon W ednesday, M arch 18 ° ut o f tow n Kuests included Mr F IN A L \t t m n i Mr and Mrs. A :th u r Stipe o f Bend. and *Mis. Koss P orter and fam ily, In the County Court o f the State of piece o f ground which you may d e vote to crop s o f this sort. were dinner guests o f Mr and Mrs ^ r- and C raw ford P o ite r and Oregon, for W ashington County. T heir repi esentative will call on E lm er Stipe M onday evening. and M)'s Chris Nelson all o f In the matter o f the Estute o f MAK- you with regard to a con tract upon Mrs. G uy A lexander entertained Portland. Mias Pearl P orter and O A R K r 8 W B E 1 >. 1 '• 6M M d receipt o f such a note addressed to with a V ictory tea for 12 ladies at H arr>- P orter o f Seattle. W ash Mr. Now at this time this matter com Knight P a ck in g C o . SOS S E Alder her home. They spent the afternoon and M'S- John Porter. W oodburn. ing on for hearing upon the motion St., Portland. Oregon. sew ing M rs* H unkapillar o f Texas. o f Thurlow Weed, the duly appoint Ixiuis Michaud w hose picture a p - 1 Both bride and groom a ie gtadu- ed. qualified and acting Executor o f peared in T uesdays O regonian, w as ates B eaverton high school, the Igist Will and Testam ent o f M ar KINTON a form er B eaverton hoy He is now T he you ng couple have taken garet S. Weed, deceased, asking that Mis. B ertha Snider of V ancouver. visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. l . ■ aPa l tm ents in Poitland. a time and place be fixed for the , W ash and M ¡ Portland . H e was at ' hearing o f his final account filed in | Scholls spent the weVk end at " t h e M lchald ,n Pearl H arbor during the Japanese said Estate and all objections thereto. ! George Snider hom e F R E D E R IC K P E T E R S O N attack and was later on the navy Funeral services w e .e held at And it appearing to the Court The V ictory tea given bv the ladies tanker N eches when the vessel was that -u d Executor has filed his final o f Kinton last W ednesday had a g ood , 0, npdo..(1 4 nd *ank in the P acific P egg's Chapel M onday aftern oon F eb in said Es.ate and that said attendance, and several o f the ladies o ceP. n Ht w a. J p on a bench ruary 23, for F rederick C. Peterson, husband o f Mrs. B ertha Peterson, Estate is now ready fo r final settle- H,c planning individual teas The deck when the tank® r was lo: Pe- ment. afternoon was soent in tenrimr anil , . .. .l a and n d father o f V v e e.n in o on n and Julian Pe- IT IS T H E R E F O R E O R D E R E D rolling b a n d a g e s' pedoed. He was m om entarily knocked tergon o f B ea velton B roth er o f Jul C O N S ID E R E D AN D ADJUDGED. Mrs Leland H in t and Mrs J H ° Ut hy 7he exp e:len ‘ ‘e - h o'» 'N e I- he ius P eterson o f W est Union. Intel that Monday, the 2nd day o f March. Aten are w orking J 7 a 1 m ent Crescent G rove cem etery. vrking on the com m ittee take to a life raft. H e joined the A P , 1942. nt the hour o f ten-thiity fo r m obilization o f wom en The navy in January. 1940. o ’clock A. M. o f said day be and response has been g ood so far with Mrs. J. R. T albert and Mrs Cam hereby Is fixed as the time, and the only a few refusing to sign Most den o f She'-wood, ch airm an o f the Y ear's Subscription $$1.00. County Court R oom in the County , o f the wom en feel that they ate do- Scout com m ittee for disaster relief C ou.t House In the City o f H illsboro, ing their bit in raising and helping meetlnp at the hom e 0f Mrs Oregon, be and hereby Is designated harvest food stu ff but expressed the T „ ,. , lt Tllp<dBV BVeninir There 'No Harsh Laxatives For M e as the feeling . . that for w ere eleven ladies present, w ho for- : A D L E R IK A gives me p roper action . . . time and . place fo r hearing J ___ , . if they . . . w ere needed , . said final account and all objection s som e kind o f w ork they would serve mulatP(| lans aml detaiU for any I is pleasant and easv. Used A D I ^ R - Uiarato where nee,||>,I • r em ergen cy that m ight com e IK A past 10 years fo.- spells o f con- IT IS F l TR T H E R O R D E R E D that j Red C ross sew in g club met Mrs W H B oyd entertained the stipation.*; (A AV .-Vt.) A D L E R IK A notice o f said final settlem ent be , Thursday, F eb iu a ry 26, at the C heerio B u d g e clu b and fou r other usually clears bow els q u ick ly and re- published in the B eaverton Enter-1 Grange hall. E veryone is urged to ladies at dessert luncheon and cards lieves gas pains. Get it T O D A Y prise a weekly newspaper, pi inted i attend. at th home o f Mrs. Helen Fisher B row ns Beaverton Pharm acy. and published within W ashington | Mrs. Alex K arpstein has received Friday Guests o f the club were Mes- County. Oregon, and o f general c ir -1 word from her son R udolph w ho is j Soott. Dew ey D ior- dilation , for a period o f four weeks som ew here in the w ar zone, that he baugh. R L. Ijvcy and B. H. Shelles immediately prior to said 2nd day o f i *s well and not to w o -iy . Mrs Scott w on the guest prize March, A D.. 1942. Mr. and Mrs G A A lexander and Dated this 29th day o f January C H U RCH OK C H R IS T Mr. and Mrs Ted Hetu w ere dinner A P . 1942 ° W . Springer. P astor , , at the home o f Mi and Mrs. H. D K K R K M A N . Judge M orning w orship and preaching ^ . ed H offm an Sunday Date of fu st publication. Jan un n ’ i 8*‘ l v 'c<'. at, 9 45 a m " «* I'rest- W alter Schw arzenbach o f Beaver- 30. 1942 Date o f last publication, i den* K E. Burke o f the Northwest j R obert W M cK evnolds o f K .b u.iry 27. 1942 Christian college J o s,a-ak at the T , „ wpre m. H eadquarter* for w « •, 8Worn into the _________ . m orning service. There will also . be i in«* coi l«s last week. %vccoriling to . . ...................... last O R E G O N .MOTOR ST A G E S special music by a grou p from the » R H ardle pf (hP Port and College h ollow in g the serm on the » land J recnlltlnK Q To relieve recruiting station station y u uota o ta fo for H O M E -C O O K E D G O O D E A T S Lord's supper will be observed the lim ited m arine reserve has been Misery of Bible School class session 11 a m M odern Fountain Serxti-e Liquid Tablets T here will he a potluck dinner at ------ -------- --------- — for Hot W eather R elief o’clock 1. i|| = ||| = HI = lll = lll = lll = lll=lll = lll=lll = lll = lll = 111- Salve fron i the Northwest C hristian Col Nose Drops T he follow in g Beauty Shops will lege wtll present a sacr«'d concert. Cough Drop» Christian E n d ea vor 6 30 p m B E CJ. OS E D Try " H u o - M y - T t s m ” — Evening w orship service at 7 30 p SALE FEB. 28-MCH. 7 Mon Tix-s «ui . M.iri h 5-4 A W o n d e r f u l l.iiUnu<nt m . topic sorm on Christ the Shep herd. S«« that the ow ners can attend Midweek Bible study and p ayer State C onvention at G ia n ts Pass service W ednesday 8 p. m. E veryone is cordially invited to all Etna's Beautv Shop services. Florence Beauty Shop H 'û f ï J - BETHEL BEAVERTON < O N G ltl (. \ riO N \J < 111 Rt II W illard B H.di. Mlntetei Richard Beautv Shop 9 45 a. m. C hurch School. I NK FINK D I N N E R Turner’s Beauty Shop Il a m W orship. T he minister A LO H A will speak on The Spiritual W arfare Tll = in = lll=l tl = IM = I H = lll = I M =l ll = H I = IM = lll=l ll = 6 30 p m Christian E ndeavor IPouhle roll 35e. £ EFFECTIVE FEB 16. 1 9 4 2 Attendant R. L. CARROLL, Operator 1 risii fe Richey Hardware and Furniture Co. m U H I TO N, o « -« S OREGON } unny KFNritKy _______ E ?. o o r S T R X K .tn R. t RUriN « Ration«' Ui'iillcr* Product- l^orp. > \ • 03 proof