February 27, 1942 Classified Rates TWO Cents a word per issue. Kim mum 25c CASH with copy. ll=MSHI=IIISIMsmslHSIUSMSMISIII=IHSIUS FILBERT TREES We Publish the BtAVEKTON ENTERPRISE MULTNOMAH PRESS TIGARD SE M 1X E L AI.OIIA NEWS Plunt Fruit and W a ln u t Trees O rnam ental Shrubs & Trees Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage. We assume no financial respon sibility for errors which may ap pear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs Now —Heavily Rooted 1 year Tip-layers STOUT'S NURSERY R4 Hillsboro — \ nil. SE Orenoo PHONE HILLSBORO 3126 1111=111=lll=lll=l II=ID=HI = IH = HI=HI=m=IH=II • Ill=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lil=lll=|||=|||=|||=||lr FOR SALE NOTICE Artificial Eyes Cleaned POR SALE CHEAP 600 Egg Incubator, 300 Chick Brooder. 3 burner Oil Stove. Inquire D. R. Whitford Rt 1, Box 101A, Tigard Oregon, near Durham. m B E A U T Y SCHOOLS Beauty Culture B?*,nne5 andl Brush-up ('leaned Like New, Work Guar. 317 DEKUM BLDG. Portland, Oregon FOR SALE—1934 Master Chev Coupe in good condition $175. 4th and Washington st., Beaverton. classes $3 weekly. Equipment and employment furnished. WESTERN BEAUTY COLLEGE BE. 2889. Portland A K ' = 111=111=ill=111=111=111=111=III=111=111=111=111=11 FOR SALE b o y s BICYCLE 5th anil Angel, Beaverton. Female Help Wanted iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=ni=iii=iii=iii5iii=in Multnomah Roller Rink HAY FOR SALE Alfalfa $12. Clover $10. C. Topich, Rl, Bx 474. Beaverton, nr Cooper Mt. school. W IN T E R SCH ED U LE Barg. Nite-Momlay 7:30-10 pgn. 17c Wed. A Friday, 7:30-10:30 p.m. 3«e Saturday 7:30-11 p.m. :to<- MATINEE—SAT. and SUNDAY I :M—4:3« p. in. 17. FOR SALE Holstein Cow & calf, 3d calf, rich milker. Lester Walton, l, mi E Beaverton, on | Bei tha-Beaverton highway. Special Party Rates CH 2395 LIVESTOCK THIS AD GOOD FOB 5c ON AD. :lll = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111 = 111=111 = 111 = III— III FOSTER ROAD STA B LE S I • 2 MILES EAST OF LENTS Have on hand a large assort- ment of horses to suit all purposes at ¡easonahle prices. Also sev- eral head that we have taken in exchange Priced $35 to $45 All stock guar, and delivered V E T E R IN A R IA N S Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian East of Beaverton Highway 8 Beaverton 3511 • HARRY Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps — j ; 1 , Truck Gardeners V A N A L S T , Prop. ’ ORDER N O W M ISC E L L A N E O U S IIIliES X WOOL, ( AS( A K \ -A specialty. LEE BROS., 23 SW Cla,y, Portland. Atwater 5334. COR NE COLUMBIA BLVD. & VANCOUVER AVENUE Team of brown Belgians, mare and horse, 4 and 5 years old; well mated; wt. 3400 lbs. Real blocky built. Team of bay Shire males, well mated, weight 3000 lbs. Some good single horses at a very low p: ice. All horses guaranteed as represented. FOR TOW CARS call VERMILTE MOTOR CO Phone Tigard 91. Garden Pools Rockeries Trees Topped Removed W e st H ills Landscape Co. L. Glass Garden Maintenance Service One of the Largest Maintenance Concerns in Portland BEneon «170 L E N T ’S STABLES 8650 Canyon Drive HORSES and other livestock. Always a large variety of good all purpose horses on hand. We buy, sell and exchange. M. J. HARRIS FOR RENT L E N T ’S STA B LE S Route No. 3, Box 1388. Portland Foster Road, 1 mile east of Lents FOR RENT — Desirable small business location in brick building in Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 3511. W ANTED BUY OR TRADE Second hand Furniture and tools, anything of value. Mr. Grigsby, 2026 NW Thurman, Portland, BR. 0642. PAIN TS Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds WANTED- A small acreage, wa ter & lights available. Pref some improvements, 6917 N Charleston, Portland, Oregon. FISHER THORSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service J. B. Imlays & Sons ALOHA, ORE REED VILLE Sale Good Suits X O’C’oats SUIT X O’COATS $ 4 .9 5 Value to $55 Sizes 35 to 46 «P I1ATS, Value to $10 69c Sizes 6 5-8 to 7 5-8 Few Ladies Dresses at $ 2 .6 9 CARDINAL CLEANERS S\V II at Wash., Portland The distinctly American invention, the catapault, was designed at the Naval Gun Factoiy in 1912. The potential value of the airplane in naval warfare was first realized by Captain W. I. Chambers, USN, in 1910. Elll=lll=lll=lll=l!l=lli=iii=iii=iii=ll,=lll=m=l11 Good Food and Service Riverview Cemetery PURITAN CAFE WEST END SELLWOOD BRIDGE CREM ATO RIU M M AUSOLEUM CEM ETERY Complete Funeral Service in New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,OOu 1331 S. W. Washington— Portland Where Valley People MEET X EAT ;in3iii=iiisiiisiiis"i=iii=iii=iii5iii=M iaii»iii « Hénwfdcturtn A Otdrl butor t iW R YTH IN G V i Serene Beauty - Perfect Service dairyman Know Your Oregon : v i rsT,.> _ - «y lie , Morrison to Salmon PORTLAND Brick, Tile, Masonary Brick & Building Tile SEE YOUR DEALER Columbia Brick Works 1320 SE Water— Portland Kilns at Gresh*m-s>lvan-SaJem «•*- re- Foot of North Pittsburg Portland UN. 1277 i it-; i . FURNITURE Lowest Prices in Oregon New M ontag Range $ 4 5 .0 0 Floor Sample New IES Lamp & Shade $ 6 .5 0 Rugs, Ranges, Refrigerators EASY TERMS Manor Furniture Co. 114 S W Yamhill 815 S W First at Yamhill PORTLAND Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Policies are NON ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay more than tlie premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus required h> Oregon Insurance Laws. I WINDOWS. PLUMBING. HARDWOOD. FIX>ORINO. OAK MOULDING. MIRRORS, 400,000 BRICK lo u r yard is full and overflow- ling with no place to put it — I ISunset Wrecking Co. I m I | H I v • BI Portland. Oregon MM S P M S / T8M M m m of Organized 1894 M c M i n n v i l l e 40 years of Reliable Service Chas. L. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 “ Every Form of Protection” USE WANT Hillsboro, Oregon ADS to the things you need by shopping through this big bargain basement and SA V E BUV SELL the things you are no longer using for C A S H -M O N E Y . O C7 TP IlL il V I spare rooms, apartments immediate- ly— turn vacant space into INCOME. C l l l A O tr W things you do not need for some- thing you can use. Be a sharp trad- er— T R Y IT. f Al l 11 U lost articles quickly— or jobs for those of the family who seek work. ' T h e CLOS/KO WORDS OF T h e MOCK WEDDING CEREM OK t B ETW EEN MIS5 KLAMATH FALLS AND MR. PORTLAND INHEN CONSTRUCTION O F THE KLAMATH FALL -NATA OK C U T O F F AA/L ROAD WAS F/ h i S h EO AFTER A TEN YEAR D E L A Y CERCM ONY w a s A T KlRH. OREGON. OCT /3,O iS n . TW-. :r- nr S T ICS 0A Z tO U C m 1er V s IS ( S 'J t T j S F I R S T B L U E LA IN . THE OREGON c o u n t r y ' s f i r s t S U N O A Y CL 0 5 //VO LA IN NAS 0 E C R E E 0 /N /<933 IN n £ N I T N A S D E C ID E O THERE WOULD B E /VO t r a o >N/0 ON T H A T BAY. ytw ' Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company TREMENIWM S STOCK I Large quantity of choice used J thcr light dimension lumber 1 Tell your lawyer to send your le- gals to this paper. W RECKING VANCOUVER COURT HOUSE You Haul It and s«ie Money ui>n m io * * ■AU.»«**» Coast Veneer Co. SELL what you don t need. BUY what you do need. . . C • M AR K ET mm . plete a full term's freshman work j during the summer session in at num ber of fields. The opening date at Oregon State Is later than at the other system summer sessions but the fees aie uni- In line with a general plun adopt- form throughout, says Dean Smith ed by the state system of higher edu cation in Oregon, the Oregon State college summer session this year will Farmers Union Hold be operated as two five-week ses sions starting with registration June Convention February 24-26 The state convention of the Farm 20, announces Dr. M. Ell wood Smith, ers Union scheduled at McMinnville director of the session. February 24, 25,26, was held with The session will be from June good attendance from Washington . . first . _ 20 to July 25, and the second from coun(y July 25 to August 29. By holding The county unit will meet Febru classes on three Saturdays in the ary 28. with l.aurel-Scholls local ser first session and by extending the ving the pot-luA dinner. class periods to a full hour in the second session, the equivalent of six Secretary of Agriculture Claude R. weeks' work will be condensed in W’ickard estimates that un all-time each five-week period, says Dean record supply of 20,400,000 hundred- Smith. pound bags of diied edible beans Arrangements have been made also will be produced in the United to provide tegular sequences of cour- States during the present year, under ses in the summer session which will the acreage goal of 2,600,000 that was enable high school graduates to com- set sometime ago. Two Five-Week Summer Sessions To Be Given AT. 6461 135 NW Park FREE Q fla^ of statps or cities or Pen' nants of societies are to be ar- ran» ed in a * rouP and disPlrfyed from staffs with the flag of the United States the latter should P*aced at the center of that f»rouP and on a staff slightly higher than any of the others. 7------When the flag is displayed in the hodv of the church, it HALLOCKS TIN TOPS BERRY CRATES 'Z m -W k s I alt L ake Crry In.ide Parking at the Vront should K° to thu Peak of the staff (unless the flag is to be displayed at half-staff). 9 -----Whenever the flag of the United States is carried in a pro* cession in company with other flapSl it should occupy a position ¡n f ront 0f the center of the line of flags or on the right of the marching line. irJ / \ Æ J. P. Finley & Son PUBLIC the flag should never b 7 reduced to the role of a mere decoration by being tied into knots or draped over the stand. For this purpose bunting should be used. The flag, if displayed, should be either on a staff or secured to the wall or back curtain behind the speaker with the union to the flag’s right. %à i r*. * For Bedding Plants should be from a staff placed ir. the position of honor at the eon- .gregation’s right as they face the clergyman. The service flag, the state flag or other flag should be at the left of the congrega- tion. If in the chancel or on the platform, the flag of the United States should be placed on the clergyman’s right as he faces the congregation and the other flags at his left. 8----- When the flag is displayed f rom a staff projecting horizon- ,, , „ tally or at an angle from the windowr sill, balcony or front of a building, the union of the flag De Lavai iM ron Crhell Veneer Plant Bands 1--------When flags of states or 4 ------When flags of two or cities or pennants of societies are more nations are displayed to- flown on the same halyard with gether they should be flown from the flag of the United States of separate staffs of the same height America, the latter should al- and the flags should be of ap- ways be at the peak. When proximately equal size. flown from adjacent staffs the . 5-------when the fla(J ,f di flag of the l nited States should pjayecj ¡n ft manner other than be hoisted first and lowered last, j,y flown from a staff, it “ When displayed with an- g^ould be displayed flat, whether other flag against«« wall fiom ¡ndoors or out. When displayed crossed staffs, the Flag of the either horizontally or vertically I mu d State > should be. on the against a wall, the union should _ e . rlKf ’ 'in<! be uppermost and to the flag's its staff should be in front of own right, that is, to the ob- the staff of the other flag. server’s left. 3------When used on a speaker’s 6------W’henever a number of platform, whether indoors or out, SEPARATORS — M il.KEKS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwater 2181 THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA— HOW TO RESPECT A M ) DISPLAY IT U. S. S T A B L E S In the Four Tualatin Valley Papers Bring Immediate Results! ALOHA NEWS BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TIGARD SENTINEL M ULTN O M AH PRESS 1