Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1942)
Febru ary 27, 1942 B E A V E R T O N E N TE R P R ISE , Beaverton, Oregon Page 2 Increase Need Felt For Alaska Road IL IL JEFFR IE S, Publisher r * ln ? LA W 4M» Published Friday o f each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Renewed activity for construction Oregon. Entered as second-elaaa matter at the pastofflce at Beaverton. Ore. of a highway connecting the states with Alaska has developed as a re ___________ ,____ 4 10 0 Three Months ------------------- $ .35o One Year _ sult of reports of Japanese subma . .. .50 Subscription Payable in Advance. Six Month« rine activity o ff the Alaskan coast 1 Anthony J. Dimond, Alaska's dele Beaverton Office— Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 gate in Congiess. declaied recently Hillsboro Office— Hoorn 8. Delia Bldg.. Phone 1841 that such a highway would become Portland Office— 407-408 Dekum Bldg., Phone AT. 8591 America's "Burma Road", enabling movement of supplies to Alaska by land instead of by sea routes open to submarine attack. The Alaska highway has long been under consideration, and has been 1 declared feasible by experienced en- . gineers. The war has given its I proponents new talking points in urging ,he undertaking Me+nlt&i ' O r e g | o 0 N l w s p â > e r P U B LI S H[E R > 44s O'C I A T I O N Must Prove Payment surplus of unemployed people who If Use Tax Stamp Lost could make tires under proper super Babson Says ••NATIONS PR EPAR E T H A T DID NOT F O K DEFENSE A U K NO LO NG ER NATIONS". Continued from page Although lost or stolen federal mo tor vehicle use tax stamps will not be replaced free of charge, the Bu- i reau of Internal Revenue has estab-j lished a procedure to relieve owners from purchasing a second stamp "i ! such cases, the Oregon State Motor CONTEST of the February w n i i j i WINNERS— n m n c K ) — Here nere are are seven seven of or 10 iv top winners " " m ........... — « quiz ■ contest . of Port- i land General Electric company. Dude ranch vacations at the Lazy T were won as gran prizes y Peter Schmeer and Don Roy Lindsay. The others received radios. From left, irs row a rici W eigel, Dow Lindsay, Dwight Parr, W alter Parrott, Merlyn Caldwell and Peter S c h m e e r . Back row, from left— "Chuck" Oswald, manager of the Lazy T ranch; R. R. Robley, assistant to the vice pres ident, who made the awards, and Lois Faye Peterson. Courtesy Journal vision. In addition to the above, we have a great undeveloped field of "camelback" retreading and capping George Washington rubber. February the 22nd we Americans i The above facts show that every- I celebrated thing is available to make tires ex- the birthday of another f 'e ie o r a r r u m e o in n u a y u i u n u u is i | . ,h ... , W n . h i n i r l n n « lie 1 " “ *-■• '• * • " “ • “ ‘« S "" Federal Income Tax 0 „ „ , Amerlran, 0 ~ r , . ,0 ^ who is called the father of his coun No. 8 try. It is said of him as the first over, the methods which I visualize origina, payment through mailing of in war, first in peace and first in the wull not in any way interfere with the postcald supplied at the time, Taxes due on a return filed-for the heart of his countrymen. le weging of the "a r . wl11 and a detailed affidavit acceptable t o 1 calendar year 1941 may be paid in Cash income from farm sales of Washington in his farewell address get poorer tires and will need to pay the District Collector of Internal j A brighter — ------ outlook for obtaining full the time of the filing of the crops and animal products in Oiegon ns president advised his countrymen more money for them; but these Hevenue If satisfied, the collector . | -- , 1QJO during the first eleven months of etgatz tires will enable us to always will give the owner a statement ac- enoui>h harvest machinery and ir- return on or . before thus 'As »w attes to foreign in have March 16. 1942 ^ ^ up $37202000 OI. approxim- a car available to use when ne- j ceptable to officers as evidence of 1>Kati°n pumping equipment to meet fluence In innumberable ways, such The tax may, at the option of the ately jg percent greater than during cessary. This is a reasonable request. I payment of the tax. Oiegon needs this year is repo, ted by attachments are particularly alarm Is Washington Using Sense? foil# equal in- the same period of 1940. j F E. Price, agricultural engineer at taxpayer, be paid in font ing to the truly enlightened and in The American and Canadian people ! . ------ - | Oregon State college, who returned stallments instead of in a single Available data states that Oregon’s dependent patriot. Now many oppor are willing to cut their driving 50* I . . recently from Washington, where he payment, in which case the first in cash farm income in 1941 was the tunities do they afford to tamper they are willing to go without oth er! Prostitution W a r I joined representatives fj-om other greatest on record. The $135,945,000 with domestic factions ,to practice cotton or rubber products in order j M u s t C o n t in u e . S a v s western states in presenting the stallment is to be paid on o: before marked up by the government statis- the arts of seduction, to mislead pub ; needs of this region to the war pro- March 16. the second on or before ticians as the cash income from Janu- to have tires. It e specially “ gets must continue oays lic opinion, to influence or awe the the goat” of Ame:lcan taxpayers t o 1 Portland Speaker November 1941 may be expect- duction board and other agencies June 15, the third on or before Sep- | a,.y public councils Such an attach be told they can have no rubber and, j Portland, Ore., Feb. 27 Agreement 1 Pumping equipment had not pre- tember 15, and the fourth on or be- j ed' t0 grow to well over $150,000,000 ment of a small or weak, towards a when going to Washington, see these that closure of all houses of prostitu-1 viously been given a favored priority, fore December 15, 1942. I f the tax- when th« December figures art great and powerful nation, dooms his tax in fou. j available, if income from various the former to be the satallite of the same dictators getting all the tires 1 tion constitutes the only practicable rating, and Oregon had faced the payer elects to pay they want. The whole affair does means of checking the spread of ven- piospect of an extreme shortage of installments, each of the four install- specialty crop and animal products latter.” not make sense. The present pro ereal diseases through prostitutes J harvesting equipment. ! ments must be equal ¡n amount, but of Oiegon is included. I f government The truth of this warning has been gram is very unfair to all concerned. r was voiced by the delegates to the ---------------------- - , any installment may be paid, at the payments are added the total may proven time and time again in World War Needs Should Come First northwest regional social hygiene D a i r v M a n u f a c t u r e r « t n election of the tapayer, prior to the I reach or exceed $160,000,000. War No. II No time in our history This program does not in any way j conference which adjourned here . . /im / "• V- time prescribed for its payment. If The government report states that since George Washington’s time have an all-day ___ ______ w session. ______ Meet Wartime tmergency an installment is not paid in full on the outlook is "that cash income we had so many foreign isms work handicap our boys at the front or re-1 February 12 after or before the date fixed for its pay from the faim marketings during the ing to disrupt and destroy our na tard the making of airplanes, tanks. Dr. Adolph Weinziri, head of the di- vision of social hygiene education at I Those who make Oregon s butter, ment .the whole amount of the tax next few months will continue sharp tion. He also said, "against the in or any oth> r necessary war supplies ly higher than in the same months sidious wiles of foreign influence (I We are willing to make all the sacri the University of Oregon Medical c“ *‘e8e and ’ce cream and who bottle remaining unpaid is tequired to be n<^ deliver milk compared notes on paid upon notice and demand from of 1941." It is indicated, however, conjure you to) believe me. (fellow fices necessary; but we do claim School .general chairman of the con-1 f how to keep their plants in top con- the collector. citizens) the jealousy of a free peo that transportation is entirely differ-1 feience, announced today that virtu dition to handle peak loads during | The tax must be paid to the collec- that the rise from present farm price many other things for i ally all those participating in the and income levels during the next ple ought to be (constantly) awake, ent from In other conference were in absolute accord the war period, at the thirty-first an- tor of internal revenue for the dis- few nlonths may not be noteworthy since history and experience prove which we spend money. words, while our Washington dicta-¡on this issue. nual meeting of the Oregon Dairy trict in which the taxpayer's return comi)arcd with the sharp rise during that foreign Influence is one of the Among those concurring the recoin Manufacturers association .held at ¡s required to be filed, that is, to the the year 1941. most baneful foes of Republican tors are free to reserve the neces- sary cotton, rubber, asphalt, wire, mendation that rigid closure of the ° reKon State college JPW _____________ S ________ collector . for the l ____ district in which m is i Faim leaders here and elsewhere Government.” The acute shortage of tin brought located the taxpayer's legal residence are urging that extra income at pres Washington's contribution h a s and everything else needed to win the houses be enforced throughout this ment more to us than any other man war. they should tie willing to let us area were Dr. G. F. Amyot, provin- • , *10 t*18" 1*3 ° f the association to Gov- or principal place of business, or if ent be used to retire debts, be saved people decide what we make with the claf health officer for British Co- ernor Sprague who assisted in get- he has no legal residence or principal in the form of defense bonds, and in the history of this nation. He We, and not the Washing- I lumbia. Dr. Donald G Evans, state i tinB allotments needed to retin ne- place of business in the United used for such other purposes as will spent eight long years against great balance ton dictators .should decide this lat- director of health for the state of cessary equipment. One resolution states, then to the Collector of In help cushion the shock of the post- odds to win our Independence and ter question. Washington; and Dr. E. C. Drescher a'30 asked the government to be pre- teinal Revenue at Baltimore, Mary- war adjustment period. eight more in solidifying the thirteen I have seen the American people in of the Unitel States public health Pa,ed to support daily products pri- land, colonies into a vigorous young re many panics My first one was in service in charge of the veneral dis- ! ces Immediately following the end of The tax due. if any. should be paid public which now extends from the 1893 when Washington thought we ease control program for the state of the war to avoid the collapse exper- in cash at the collector’s office, or by First Living Recipient Atlantic to the Pacific with forty- would I ienced after the last world war. P. check or money order payable to all starve to death because we Lt. C .Frank Schilt of the United eight states and much territory out couldn’t get gold even though the Oregon. j M. Brandt, head of the dairy depait- “ Collector of Internal Revenue". In States Marines was the first living side of the continental boundaries of West was burning corn. | ment at Oregon State college, pre- the case of payment in cash, the tax flyer to receive the Congressional The next the states. One of these forty-eight was in 1907 when | dieted that unless adequate protec Washington payer should in every instance re Medal of Honor. It was presented states is named In his honor as well thought we would be unable to ride tion is planned in advance, the daily quire and the collector should furn to him in 1928 by the late President Archbishop Howard Asks as the capitol of the United States on trains because of the railroad row I industry will find itself in exactly ish a receipt. In the case of pay Calvin Coolidge. Aid for Institutions Practically every city In the Union between Hill and Harriman. the same position as the wheat in- ments made by check or money or •has a Washington street. In an official letter to parish diistry was following the first world der, however, the cancelled cheek or 1'iinlcH Start in Washington Max Schmeling is a member of the Then I remember the panic of 1914 priests o f the Archdiocese of Port- War the money order receipt is usually a|U. S. Marine Corps. America's Max land in Oregon, Archbishop Edward Some Facts About Lumber when Washington promised to keep D. Howard, D D. has instituted a The four Pacific C> sufficient receipt. ! is a resident of Casey. Iowa. When the White House was re us out of war if we would only make tathollc Charities Sunday to obtain Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Cali- But once again modeled in 1927, wood gutter was certain sacrifices, Then came the membeiships to aid the cause of fornia have constituted the fastest- 9=111=111=111=111=111=111=111= Fruit, Nut, Shade, F low erin g ll=IH=IHEIII=IH=lll=lll=IH removed which had been in use 110 we were fooled, The fourth j growing Grange group for the past in panic of 1929 when we were unneces charitnble institutions. years and was still sound. Take advantage of our 50 Sunday in Lent, this year March 15th. fjve years Douglas fir is manufactured In sarily scared into throwing ten mil year’s experience. Plant III has been appointed as the date for | __________________ over 600 standard commercial Items lion innocent people out of work just , . our guar, trees for UMi* , The grandstands and bleacher , and used for more different purposes because paper stock prices went o ff satisfaction. Quality buy the Archbishop s seats in the Seattle Baseball Park SO* or more. Now Washington is , ..Thts. *PPea,,\ than any other wood. ing our .motto. Write be III ill not ,teT., 8,a,es' "w WMl no1 involve involve any any ( are constructed of West Coast hem- = Sitka spruce, the famed wood of staiting a panic on lubber and cer- Filbert & Peach Trees ” r i C e S fore Inlying elsewhere, we tain other things Washington may|•oU<r,tl"K from door to door, any or- ,ock . III the world, possesses a ratio of high will save you money. H e Ill ganized campaign or any establish strength for weight, being stronger be right this time, but I am determ- are here to advise you if ment o f quotas, but will be made in Ined not to get scared to death just than steel pound for pound. JUDGE TURNS LOVER you contemplate planting iñ 700 VARIETIES One inch of West Coast lumber is because some young fellows down in each parish by the parish priest and a family or commercial HI whatever committee he may choose ' over four times as efficient insula Washington cry "W olf. W olf Do the heathen die lost? orchard. tion ns an equivalent thickness of Let us remember “ Pearl Harbor" to appoint.” Cherries, Apples, Prunes, Apricots never Is the far-off man who The child caring agencies are fac Free 40-Page Catalog Hi building brick. and realize we must make sacrifices. heaid of the one and true God to go ing inert using costs and great d iffi l’ limis, Walnuts, etc. If interested ¡n planting Structural grading of wood has Let us. however, remember the "Gold down into the pains of eternal hell, i \\ 1LN1 T. F IL B E R T or been brought to such a point that the ¡Scare" of 1893: the "Railroad Sea e" culties because of emergencies and. at the Judgment Day? in outer to carry on with their res F R U IT ORCHARD, in stiength ..f a piece of timber can he of 1907. the "W ar Scales" o f 1914- .... , ___. . . What does the Bible say? SH R U BS-A LL KINDS sist on buying from grow predetermined m r * accurately toy IMS and the "Wall Street Scare o f P°. . .. . ** It says that all who sin, having ers. visual inspection than can that of 1929. In each of these cases, if vate we appeal to the generosity of peo never heard of God nor the Bible, any other structural material. | had just used common sense and had ple out-State. It is further stated. nor his law, shall perish just as Scientists state that wooden build gone about our business we would be __________________ though they were trained in the law. Ings stand up best against the viol- infinitely better o ff today. I«et us and then had sinned. Drive out Barhur Itlvil. on lliwuy No. HI cnce of eaithquakes, hurricanes, | Intelligently "stretch our rubber" to North Portland Livestock How como ’ SHERWOOD. Oie. 99W. Out 17 mi, 1 ,ml past Six Corn ¡H serve fairly all needs. floods, and other force« of nature. aa i . p • It is because they already have the ers toward Newberg. Market i rices iaw written on their hearts. Every The light strong racing shells used ili The following quotations are based babe born into this world has the by the University of Washington and =IH=IH=HI=m=HI=HI=lll=ll Guaranteed Satisfaction Various national parks. national on prices being paid in Monday's moral law written on its heart Thou 111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111: other college crews are built of Weat- «halt not kill, steal, bear false wit- ern red cedar. Racing cars aie of forests, and an Indian reservation oc trading cupy one-fourth of the area of the C A T TL E : Good grain fed steers ness. etc. The law is not only en- Sitka spruce $11 to $13. Good grain-fed heifers graved on his heart but it is also at Seasoned lumber has excess mois state of Wyoming. $10 25 to $11 Good beef cows $8 75 work in his heart. When the heath- ture removed, weight lowered to $9 50, medium $8 to $8 75, common en man sins, his conscience takes the shrinkage minimized and a marked Among the different types of farms $6.75 to $7 75.. canne. 8 $5.25 to $6 25 stand against him and his reason increase gained in strength and res recorded in the Census of 1940 were Bulls medium to good $8.50 fo $10 25. tells him he is guilty. istance to decay. See Romans Vealeis. 3 11-15. A knothole reduces strength even lion and ostrich farms in southern common $7.50 to $8 25. There are many snake good to choice $13.50 to $15, one veal There is no respect of persons with less than a tight Intergrown knot. California God. says the Book. The soul that This is due to the fact that the fib farms throughout the United States. er $15.50. HOGS Good to choice cariota sinneth. it shall die. After that the ers of a knot are usually at right God is the stern Judge angles to the general direction of Vital statistics show that approxim $13 50 a new top since 1929: 170 to Judgment. DORMO (Dormant Oil Emulsion) BORDO (Waterpiool) S But be is the fibers of the tree and, therefore, ately 105 hoy babies are born each 215 lb trurkins $13 25 to $13 50 : 280 who Will not wink at sin contribute little strength, and the year to 100 git l babies The figuies to 285 lb butchers $12 50 to $13. light- at the same time the Lover, who Stern lesser distortion of grain around a for the United States In this connec weight butchers $12 25 to $13; pack- would bless his earth people not hole more than offsets what tion are about the same as for the ing sows $9.25 to $10 25. heavies Judge anil Yearning l«over. is God down to $8 75 Feeder pigs $12 to $13 Xwo in One Judge and L o v ei. strength the knot would give rest of the world SH E E P Good to choice lambs And so what? $1150 to $13 medium to good $1<)25 God kept his pledge with the uni to $11 common $8 to $10 Slaughter veise The soul that sinneth. it shall * S M IT T V ' ewes, good to choice $5 50 to $6 die”. And at the same time, out of S a y b o s s _ p * y m e w it h r .# Shorn lambs $10.50'to $11 his overflowing love, he found a way t I FENSE. STAMPS AS P A R T to clear the sinner He brought in his Son to suffer the penalty of the OF MV SALARY W EEK. broken law All we like sheep have GEMS OF THOUGHT SERVICE A k lb ,|p YOOD LIKE TfcxiilVE. OVER gone astray; we have turned every one his own way; and the Lord hath M E A R A IS E ,V t)D M A LE MODESTY laid on Him on Christ the iniquity The law was carried out The modest man has everything to o f us all" gain, and the arrogant man every and the sinner cleared. Yes Both Judge and I «over is Gird thing to lose, for modesty has always •» __ i ** 3 to deal with generosity, and arro The Christian path is not a set of rules that we keep to work our wav gance with envy. Hivarol to heaven Then what is it" It is Human pride is human weakness a Living Person who was tempted at Selfk now ledge. humility, and love every point like a* we are and yet are divine strength Maty Baker did God s holy will here among men Christ proved* His power to stand Eddy- against the trials, tea s and woes of Modesty is a shining light it pre- the detested And now for twenty (pares the mind to teceive knowledge c«.nturies He has indwelt His people and the heart for truth Guizot Just as they have yielded their lives h e a rt -aches and sins to Him. He has Modesty seldom resides in a breast become their V IC TO R Y over what that is not enriched with nobler vir ever might be v o Happy Hsv. that tues Goldsmith fix ’d my choice, on Thee, niy iot The greatest ornament o f an illus and my God How about you* trious life is modesty and humility, which go a great way in the charac ter even of the most exalted princess T V Gcncmth Napoleon Cloverdale. Oregon ’y Kentucky 1 Modest expression is a beautiful Thts space paid for by an Oregon N e ona, Distutm P- vi Cor- . V Y setting to the diamond of talent and businessman genius Chapin | Farm Income For 1941 In Oregon Breaks Record Prospects Improves For Farm Machinery Supply T R E E S Jp*cial TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES ! DORMANT SPRAYS --------- M I L L E R S ---------- LIQUID LIME SULPHUR Miller Products Co. I- AFTER P I TTING ^ THAT IIIG DEAL... F » * &¥** !