l ' of o u b r a r v l-l t>E.\E O R EGON DEDICA TE D TO T H E BEST INTERESTS AN D VOL. 15. NO. 4 Beaverton. Oretron. Babson Says Tire Policy Wrong Claims Washington Dictators Get All The Tires They Want To Use D E V E L O P M E N T OF GREATER BEAVERTON F e b r u a r y 2 7 . 1942 W ILL PUT M ERCHANTS R I G H T ON S PO T Many housewives, hard pressed to m ake both ends nreet in their fam ily budgets, will be im m ediate­ ly interested to learn that the an­ ti-trust division o f the Federal Departm ent o f Justice has begun an investigation of com plaints that m erchants are requiring co n ­ sumers to purchase designated am ounts o f other groceries in o r­ der to obtain a limited amount of sugar. M erchants have been sternly warned that this practice o f a "full-line fo :c in g " is subject to prosecution under the anti-trust laws Deputy A ttorney General Thurm an W . Arnold has been put in charge o f the investigation and assurance is given that the law will "clam p dow n ” on every m er­ chant w ho resorts to such p .n c- tices. The better class o f retail m er­ chants ure above stooping to force custom ers to buy beyond their needs, but the fact that cheaper grade distributors a .e doing so has com pelled drastic action by the governm ent. ESTABLISHED 192; New Legion Post WeedLibraryGoeslo 2200 Pledge To Hold Public OregonStatcCollege Allegiance To installation ; Ameri can Flag f 1 11 1* 1 he private en tom ological libiars library oward eave.ton co m ­ o f H ow ard W eed o f B Benvo ton . com prising some 150 bound and unbound publications and valued at approx­ imately $500, has just been donated to th»* department o f entom ology in the school o f science at Oregon State Mr W eed was an early day student o f ins»*ct life before engaging in his p.esent occu pation as a nur­ seryman. W eed's latest gift contains many early w orks, including ''W h eeler’s R eport Upon In sect»," published in W ashington in 1875. and a s,-t o f In­ sect L ife " including the index to is­ sues published by the United States departm ent o f agriculture, division o f entom ology. 1888-1895. The most valuable part o f the col lection are the early M yriapoda pub lications. including "T h e New Eng land Spiders," by E m erton: N ew port’s "C atalogue o f My. iapodo in the Col lection o f tire British Museum,” and eight bound reprints on My i iapodo. by Boll man. J w ■ VDl En R oute to W ashington. F ebru­ Vocal veterans are enthusiastic At the annual W ash in gton 's birth ary 27 D uring the past tw o weeks. I over the organization o f their Am eri J have been m aking a carefu l study day anniversary reception to newly can le g io n Post. Their petition for o f the tire situation. I am con vin c­ naturalized citizens Sunday in the Charter having been duly granted, ed o f tw o things^ — (1) The A m ­ Portland M unicipal auditorium , some and their officers elected, the next erican people can have tiies if will­ step is the presentation o f this ch ar­ 2200 O regon persons pledged their* ing to g o w ithout certain cotton and ter and installation o f the officers. allegiance to tIre A m erican flag. rubber products. (2 The A m eri­ C onfusion as to relationship be­ This will be accom plished at a big can people are w illing to go without tween the Am erican Red Cross and Follow ing is a list o f those present public m eeting to be held W ednesday alm ost anything if they can avoid Civilian Defense in Oregon last week from this district: evening. March 4. in the B eaverton putting up their cars. brought fo .th a “ policy statem ent" grade school auditorium TIG \ ltl)— R ose Dietz, H arold D ob­ Transportation is Fundam ental from State Civilian D efense C oordin­ Ceremonies o f the installation will W hen W ashington -on the spur o f ator Jerrold Owen. bin, Joseph H Gold, A lexander Da­ The statement | be in the hands o f Brazier C. Small the m om ent says we can 't have any was developed by the Am erican Red vidson. Elsie Annie Davies, Donald o f Salem, District Com m ander, while m oie tires fo r the duration, it is Cross .the O ffice o f Civilian Defense | the actual w o .k will be done by the Fred Davis, M ildred H orst, Dora playing with a buzz saw T ran spor­ and the O ffice o f D efense Health and H ollywood Post Drill Team . It is Houle. M atilda Houle, D orothy Kay tation is fundam ental. It always j W elfare Service. hoped that the State Com m ander, Jo- has existed and is m ore needed today VanLoo, Edith I. Van S choiack, Mary It was agreed the duplication in ! 1 seph K Carson Jr., will be present to than ever. O f course, m uch o f it is service and training co u .se s required S. Venini, Jane E. V ipnod, E rw ina deliver the main address. unnecessary. W e all can, and will, in civilian defense should be avoided 1 O fficers to be installed are: C om ­ Volk, lj»w ren ce J. Volk. Lelu M. cut our m ileage 30G to 40«7 or more and that the program o f the Red 1 mander. W . L. Cady, 1st vice com ­ Walker, M argaret <5 W allace, Edwin But we all want a car with tire s,— Cross should be utilrzed to the full- I mander, 1 R . Metzler, 2nd vice com M W ard, Ida A. W ard, Mary Jacob capable o f running if we need it. est extent. But nowhere did it state \ mander, E. Stipe, adjutant. Fo. rest ; sen. Furtherm ore, my guess is that that the Red Cross would take sole I DeLapp, finance officer, M. H. M et­ GARDEN H O M E— F rancis Marie until W ashington gives us tim e to | con trol o f such activities as food, calfe, chaplain. C B. W alker, and Boovar, Maude F. K nayy, Lillian E build buggies and raise horses again ; clothin g and em ergency shelter, in- sergeant at arms, W allace J. Ehlert. K nocker, A lbena Kmulsen. —we are goin g to get tires. . stead stating that the R ed Cross l Additional m em bers o f the executive T ires are made m ainly o f cotton , should be prepared to functron in B E W E R T O N — Marie K okicli, Gltt- com m ittee are Thom as M. Ramsdell. with som e rubber and a very little j suc.h fields in full cooperation with fiied Elsasser, Beth T aylor Em m ons, Jt , Reedville. Fred M. Van Kleek. wire. O f cotton, Harold D W hitm ore, Ira Ann Whit we have a gr eat | a || pn|.|¡(- and private agencies. Kinton, and Harold J. Graves. West Beaver Chapter No. 106, O E. S. tlesea, E lsie surplus. By sw itch in g spindles from W iebe. O tto W iebe, T his statement further asserted Slope. met fo: its regular m eeting in 'the som ething else we are w illing to give j that services r equired in Civilian Invitations to attend have been M asonic Tem ple W ednesday evening G eorge 11. Weln, Iris W ill, Della Rae up, the fabric could easily be made. i D efense activities would be made W illiams. Isaac M. W illiam s, E ric The first wartim e draft lottery in sent to all o f the Legion Posts in with u large attendance o f members W illiams, Isaac V. G. W illiam s. Kath T here is an enorm ous amount o f wild | available to Defense Councils by Red 24 years will take place March 17 W ashington and Multnomah cou n ­ and visitors. rubber at the upper waters o f the I Cross chapters which would operate St. P atrick s day. ei ino V. Wills, Charles J. W ilson, ties; also to the various civic and F ollow ing the m eeting members of Am azon. It will be expensive to I su bject to the authority o f the Ile- Selective se .v ice headquarters an­ fraternal organizations in this co m ­ the M asonic ord er and Bethel No. 20 Edith M. Belsbee, Ijeo, Carl Bernar gather this; but it can be gathered fcn se C ounci's. Mario Yates, nounced last night that the order in munity. Everybody is w elcom e the Jobs Daughters, who were special dini, Caroline W eber, and floated dow n on rafts to Para Illian M Abbich, B ernadena W. W. 1 In order that there m ight be no which the 9,000,000 latest registrants nn*nrbers o f the new post are anxious guests o f the evening were invited in­ Alex, Agnes Altishin, Oswald W h ere W e Can Get Rubber Wid ! m istake in the interpretation o f the will be called fo r m ilitary service to take their place in the com m un ­ to the chapter room . A short p ro­ mer, W ener This rubber can then be brou ght in statem ent, Owen discussed the m at-i will determ ine then E W yttenberg. R osa The men in­ ity as an active force. gram o f old time songs was given Johnson, A rdlto Pellegrini, John Pet- sailing vessels and old steam ers to ter with A. L. Schafer, P a cific Coast volved are those between 20 and 41 with tin* ladies and their leader dress­ rtc, Philip Michael Piazza, Saverto Tampa, Mobile, N ew Orleans, and B ranch M anager o f the Am erican j years o f age, inclusive, w ho register- ed in fashions o f the gay Nineties. Pillarlla, Texas ports where the cotton is. Fur­ Red Cross in San F rancisco. D olores; C arlo P reclsca, Mr. led earlier in the month. Edw ard T aggart, m aster o f Beaver­ I Joseph Pulco, F ilippo Rilipelli, R ose therm ore, these ports are near the , i _______ Schafer said: O fficia ls said the • new registrants ton M asonic lodge gave a talk. J. Sacchini, naval stores and V incenzo S antuccl, A n ge­ asphalt supplies | ‘ The Ame ican Red Cross has a probably would not he called before F ied Kam m , past grand patron of lina Scarcell, Joanna Edna Schwartz, which could be mixed with the pure | responsibility for relief o f su fferin g May. Quotas will be filled in the the gian d chapter o f C olorado, was Luigi S tefano rubber. M oreover, the South has a I caused by disaster especially in fur- m eantime from those in the ‘jfl to 35- Serralunga, Rach»*l He gave a Sim onattl, M arie Sincick. Continued on P age 2 Beaverton m oved one step closer speaker o f the evening. i nishing food, clothing, em ergency year brackets who signed up in 1940 very fine talk. Mrs. Dora Stipe, past Josephine Frances Slade, Anna | m edical attention and shelter. A and 1941— before the nation was at l to the cham pionship o f the T.Y.V. matron o f Oregon, also gave an in­ 'C a rolin e Stewart, Sh erw ood; B arrem e ; County Defense program would not war. 1 league F riday night by defeating the teresting talk. Elizabeth Stone, A nna Beatrice Swi- I be com plete did it not utilize this ■ Forest Grove V ikings 33 to 30, in a R efreshm ents were served. The ! berg, F rances Maude Tasker., Mary j service o f the Red Cross, w hich, in i tin ill-packed gam e on the Beaver s tables were decorated in m otifs and Dortha M T echner, O laf Cookin, Tai I time o f em ergency, has funds and | home floor. colors in keeping with G eorge Wash- ink H alvorsen Dahl, O scar Dewey, supplies available. Its operations in The Beavers gained a slim lead I tngton's birthday. Berglioth Elizabeth Dudmundsen, con nection with Civilian Defens»* Slmen Anderson E gger, BorghrUI ,jn the gam e and held it virtually all must, however, be coordinated with ' Karone, Marie Kidr, O scar Emannel- the way through with the score at Monday, M arch 2, 7:30 p. m., will and subordinate to the County I)«*- , sen, John Krieksen, John Erlandsen, start the ball rolling in the annual fens*> Council to prevent c o n flict in halftim e being 19 to 16 Beaverton. Sam Forgeson, Anton W illiam G iant, D istrict Basketball tournam ent to be authority when the enem y strikes. Dale Scheller, Beaver center, liter­ The Beaverton B ook club celebrat­ i Elizabeth Jane Grim stead. Carl John “ T here is nothing to prevent a ally had a field day, scorin g 16 held this year in the H illsboro g y m ­ ed its fourth anniversary with a sil­ 1 Gunderson, T hea Gunderson. Not far behind him was nasium. Play is to last five or pos­ C ounty Defense C ouncil from turn­ ver tea. W ednesday afternoon at the points. M E T Z G E R — Guy H. Selby. ing over its food, clothin g an em- At a m eeting o f tin* T ualatin-Y am - ; Fritz Karpestein who tallied with 11 sibly six days. T here were 1 ergen cy housing activities to the Conger gational church. AED IIA— Anna Ixruise Thom as. hill Valley league principal» anil Play is to proceed by elim ination I local R ed Cross chapter if it desires. thirty-one ladies present to hear the points. coach es whirl) m et In H illsboro . M U LTN O M AH — Elsa C. E rickson, In review ing *'Alnska H o b ­ At no time during the gam e was process until all but one team has | But if the R ed Cross assum es all | reviews. Thur sday night, T hom as Fowler, Ti-1 Frank Oskar, Ertler, W alter Fabner. by Barrett W illou gh by many excitem ent as high as it was when lost tw o games. That team goes to | these responsibilities, it must serve | (la>’ gard high school principal, was e le c t -. 1 under* direction of the C ouncil," • 'a les o f the boom day's were retold , F orest Grove made a desperate, last ed president. Salem for the State Tournam ent. ahead, but Trophies will be aw arded first and Owen said, "W h ere a D efense Coun- ! by the old sourdoughs w hom the : minute thrust to move Paul M enegat, Forest G rove h ig h 1 cil already has set up its own com - authoress interveiwed. The life and j succeeded only in tying the score school principal, was elected v ice - 1 second place winners. handle the above func- j pxpeiiences o f K londike Kate, at president and John Gary, West Lynn . E ach team is to be com posed o f m ittees to recom m ended i present a resident o f Bend, Oregon, tem porarily at 28 to 28. tions, it is strongly The Beave; "13" squad won their high superintendent, w;is elected sec­ ten players and a manager. who that the local R ed Cross ch apter be ! were very interesting to many retary. Mr. F ow ler had served as Mrs. H athorn o f H illsboro and Mr. given representation on the Commit- had either met Kate or knew others gam e with For est Grove "B 's ' by the secretary during the previous year. score o f 34 to 18. w ho had known he. In the review Bullis o f Beaverton are scorers. Mr. tees to avoid duplication o f e ffo r t.” League office rs decided to hold a o f the second book "Sitka, Portal to Hassel o f T igard is the tim er. R e f­ spr ing sports com petition as usual ’ T he B eaverton PTA held their R om a n ce" m any biographies o f the erees are to be selected in the near and a com m ittee headed by Mr. Founder's Day tea at 2:45 Tuesday. I i ; i l _ l _______ \ M ~ m m IT- o m a J R u s s i a n and earl y A m e r i c a n ettiers G ary was appointed to meet in th»;, ' Feb. 24, at the gr ade sch ool building. future. ! the historic developm ent o f Sitka near future and d .a w up a 1942 T Y .j B eaverton w on the tournam ent Mrs. B arrett Ran«lall accom panied Mrs. H. A. H artshorn and Mrs. Er- V. league football schedule. Mr at the piano and Mrs. F, R. Johnson last year by d efeatin g Sherw ood, T i­ 1 nest Masters presided at the urns Minnville, new mem ber o f the league lead the singing. gard, and H illsboro. In the finals Only the third ^ during the tea hour. The PTA nut.ition class undei the will be Included in tin* grid sch ed u le' verse o f the Star Spangled Banner M P Cady o f H illsboro, has been ! The next m eeting will be at 11 Beaverton defeated H illsboro 24 to w hich is drawn up for eight tram s was sung because it is a m ore ap p ro­ direction o f Mrs. Norton IVok has named as assistant county co-ordin- j o'clock Mar ch 11, W ednesday, at the 22 . on the com m ittee, an* the follow in g: priate sentim ent fo r the present. My Mr s Ernest now organized as a Red Cross can Schedule is as follow s: M onday: atoi and will handle defense activi- l C ongregational chur ch Principals J. H. Turnbleson o f Sher­ tribute a song written teen class and will review the w ork especially ties not a definite part o f the Citl- j M asteis will review “ Introducing H illsboro vs. F orest Grove. wood and Dean Maxwell o f McMInn in tribute to mothers, fathers, teacb- zens Defens** Corps, a ccord in g to Australia" by C. Hartley Grannan covered in the ten lessons just co m ­ Beaverton vs. Sherw ood, T igard All those interested are ville and coach es A1 Bogue o f Hills ers, youth, was also sung. M ajor W . W . W oodbridge, cou nty c o ­ E veryone is invited to com e and pleted. boro, Loren Douglas o f N ew berg and I | There was a short business m eet­ drew the bye. ordinator. bring her sandw iches to eat during urged to sign up for canteen course Marble Cook o f Beaverton. T u esd a y : Losers o f M onday night ing Mrs. Heil, ways and means D efense sta ff appointm ents an­ the noon hour at w hich tim e coffee m eeting each W ednesday evening at 7 30 at the home o f M s. R D. Bleak gam es: T igard vs w inne. o f Hills-F. nounced this week by M ajor W ood- and tea will be served. i chairm an, announced the minstrel man, just east o f Skyway, across show would be given on Ma ch 6th include those of Leste G. name W in n er» o f Beav.-Sher: bridge ----------------- — — from Beaver Lunch. On W ednesday. in the grade sch ool auditorium at 8 Hughes o f I orest. Grove as ch ie f an gam e draws bye. March 11th, arrangem ents are being o'clock . Mrs., G ertrude Blum, state raid warden and W . F. Cyrus, county Players to represent B eaverton made to attend a dem onstration lee president, was present and spoke o f this year are: Guards, Malm, Lusby, agent as advisor for rural fire pro­ ture by Mrs. R ita Calhoun at the the many ways I’T A can help in the tection. Baughm an, Barnes. S lov ick ; Center, Public Service buildrpg Call or see w ar work, and other problem s which M ove O ffices Mrs. Bleakm an If you c a .e to go Scheller. T w o other players will are arising just now. O ffice » of M ajor W oodbridge, Baiting ground squirrels, or gray w hether or not you attend the nutri­ be selected from T urner, H agg, Mick county defense co-ordinator, and the Mrs. Beattie, county vice president, W ashington county teachers asso­ tion class The clu b wants at lenst diggers as they are com m only called, and M is. Elizabeth Mabee, county and Eggers. rationing board will be moved this ciation at their m eeting helil Satur­ forty persons to go fio m Beaverton when they first em erge from hibei secretary, told of m obilization o f week to the basement o f the court day at the W ashington cou n ty court and they must leave at 7 sharp to nation in the spring has giv»*n very w orkers to gather the crop s in W osh- house from the present second floor house elected the follow in g delegates effective control and will materially get there In time W atch fo r com tngton county this year. quarters with E ngineer I^ee M acIn­ decrease the num ber during the su m ­ , to the O :eg on state teachers associa plete notice next week. T urning back time, a skit present­ tyre. mer when thcii dam age is m ost no- ition m eeting March 25, 26, 27 at ed by nine wom en dressed In c o s ­ R oss Hart at C ooper Mt., Frank ticed, says Palm er Torvend, assistant tum es o f the year, they represente«! Portland Delegates chosen were O 'M eara at E lm onica and J. Haack Pnul Menegat. R ow en a Bowman, For Beaverton Orator Heard county agent. Ground squirrels told the imp«>rtant events which have at H atch's Station, have been named est Grove, Austin S cafford . Cornelius, usually em erge some time (luring the By Hillsboro Chamber taken place since the M other’s C on­ recom ­ Miss Tennessee W eather red. A rthur E Miller, route 2, box 263-H as com m unity directois. on H ills­ latter part o f Februaty o r the first gress was first held in 1897, forty-five B eaverton died Sunday night at a m endation o f Ted Em erson, Aloha boro: alter nates Miss G e.aldrne San- R obert Sayre winner in th ee out o f M arch, depending upon the weath- years ago, in which time it has Portland hospital from bullet w ounds district director. I ford, Beaverton. Harold Tum bleson. o f foui divisions o f the recent speech er. A t this time they are hungry grow n from 2,000 m em bers to 2,- received Friday, when Mrs Marie C om m unity fire wardens and fire ; Sherwood, J W . Poynter. W hen they H illsboro tournam ent at Linfield, was guest and take bait readily, 500,000 with units in every state and T ra in «!. 3829 N E 7th avenue, P ort­ fightin g crew s being organized are iand L eR ov Smith. pring they Forest Grove speaker at the H illsboro cham ber o f em erge early in the Hawaii. D orothy Carr turned the land. accord in g to reports shot him now being named by the com m unity j V teacher s attended the m eeting com m erce m eeting last week R ob­ usually feed for a »ho t tim e before hands o f the clock . three times. directors. s baiting at ert delivered tw o o f his winning talks the young are born, thu T he tea table was decorated with W hen adm itted to the hospital Mil­ N . , on the subject “ Our G .eat Social this time does not only destroy the a bowl o f narcissus and other greens ler told detectives he was sitting in Beaverton M asonic Lodge is spon P roblem " and the question o f wheth parent stock hut also prevents any o n e tall taper representing the the kitchen o f the T ra in er home ta lk ­ soring a dance in the M asonic hall er youth will make necessary saerr additional young being produced. A spi it o f I’TA The birthday cake ing to Jessie Hawking. Mrs. T rain­ Saturday, M arch 7. consider an]. quantity o f poisoned was beautifully decorated with three fices to aid A m erica's war effort. er's daughter, when Mrs. Tra rer barley has been mixed under the di­ forget me nots and leaves on a pale cam e into the room and opened fire rection o f the U. 8. Biological Survey yellow icing Mrs. G ray and Mrs without warning. He was shot in LIB R A R Y NOTES Mrs. E lm er Stipe entertained with and will be available to fa. mers at W alker, both past presidents in th*' the chest, a m and head At the conclusion o f each y e a - the a V ictory tea at her home W ednes- Hoarding is Unpatriotic cost at their feed dealers o r In the B eaverton unit poured Mrs. Trainer, held in the Portland A m erican L ibrary A ssociation prints day afternoon o f last week. Two Mrs, Hall presented her C am pfire city jail on an open ch arge for the a list o f the outstanding books of chairm en o f H oarding is a cow ardly and d ecid ­ cou nty agent's office. each nine im portant G irls who explained s«imo o f the T his practice is district attorney since the shooting, that year On the 1941 list puhlish- com m ittees and o ffice rs o f the o - edly unpatriotic. w ork they were doing. is being held fo r the gtand ju ry o r a «d the follow in g are in the Beaverton , ganrzation c arrying out com bined the result o f fear fear fo r the un­ first degrees m urder ch arge She library: W hile there The Sun is My Undoing plans o f the cou nty health board and certainty o f the future in Steen. waived a prelim inary hearing The Tim eless L and— Dark defense relief. Mrs Pennington, will be shortages o f som e food stuffs, Saratoga Trunk Ferber Captain chairm an o f the cou n ty health Red there is goin g to be ample supply for m unicipal court. 'eh. 27 Cor- Miss Fortier Begins First F ort Henning, Ga H oarding, where potential scar­ por al W alter E. Ijirsi Pan! Ellsherg. They Came to a Cross nursing, gave m any helpful all. a nati»i’f* o f Term of Student Teaching R iver - M cK ay This A bove All suggestions and com plim ented the o r ­ cities exist, sim ply hastens the day B eaverton, and now soldier with Oregon C«>llege o f Education, M on­ West Slope Youth Made K night. A L eaf in the Storm Lin ganization here on this end o f the of rationing and hoarding m ay a c­ the Second »ivision WAA mouth, Feb 27 Miss Mavis Fortier, Armor**«! Y utang R andom Harvest Hilton county. F ollow in g the business tually create artificial shortages o f recently prom oted t«> He senior at the Oregon College o f Edu­ grant Junior Grade Lieutenant goods or com m odities that are plen­ serves with the 41 Arm ored Jnfar cation, niece o f Mr and Mrs. E. F W illiam C M oote. son o f H F The K eys to the K ingdom Cronin m eeting tea was served, the tea ta Thus, hoarding will defeat the try o f the division. has»*' My Friend Flic ble was attractive with a huge tiful. Brow ne, o f Beaverton, began her Moore 7332 S W Canyon drive, now W indswept C Y oung Man o f Cara- bow l o f red and white sw eet peas very purpose for which it is indulged. ka—O'H ara if Mrs L first term o f student teaching at the 8gt Ix r s o n is the s stationed at the B rooklyn navy yard, N o Life fo. a Lady W e have plenty o f food Even under can Y b a ira blue forget me nots and white tapers Larson o f Beaverton, beginning o f the winter term has been prom oted to lieutenant ju n ­ K abloona -D eP on cin * the most unlikely conditions our Cleveland Nineteen students began their ior grade, accord in g to w ord e- Mayo- Clapesattle A standard o f nutrition will still seem W ard M Nelson enlisted IA*h.uary w«>rk in supervise«! teaching in th« eeived by his father Y oun g M oore The D octors Talent Team to Present Gilbert St Sullivan extravagantly high to the Japanese, 23 for the Arm y o f th*' United States training sch«>«>ls during the winter of graduated from the naval academ y T reasury Inside Latin Ameri- Sacred Concert with his 35 handfuls o f rice each at the Portland Headquarters o f the term This brings the num ber o f In 1939 and was em ployed hy the Deem s T aylor Berlin Diary Shirer A talent team from the Northwest month, o to the German living on a student teachers to 97 and represents • Sperry G yroscope com pan v until ca ll­ ca -G u n th er in W ashington Leech In Reveille Christian College of Eugene, Ore­ diet o f potatoes and ersatz. R em em ­ ing to Lt Col B H Hensley, District a net increase o f 12 over last term. ed into se :v ice early in 1941. L ife Glascow will cause shortages R it r u lt in i O ffice This Or gon, will present a sacred con cert at ber, hoarding Most o f the new people will com plete for Oregon. Do not forget the V ictory Books the B eaverton Church o f Christ Sun­ and pyramid prices. their strident teaching during the One out o f every tw elve em ployed The libra y ia still taking them and day. M arch 1st. at 3 o'clock All 52 w eek's goo«! readir g in the home sum m er term and will he ready for persons work for a governm ental the men in cam p will w elcom e every who like sacred m usic will en joy this today paper for on ly $1 00, Send in your positions in the public sch ools next Send your subscriptions in agency, oat. hour. E veryone 1» w elcom e. and keep up with local happenings. M ulniription NOM fall. Explains Duties O f Organizations Beaver Chapter Entertains Guests Draft Lottery Set For March 17 Beavers Victorious Over Viking Team Tournament Opens Monday at Hillsboro Book Club Observes Fourth Anniversary Thomas Fowler Elected President of League Founders Day Tea Interesting Affair Red Cross Canteen Class Starts Here Wednesday Hillsboro Man Named Co-ordinator's Assistant County Teachers Name State Meeting Delegates Torvend Suggests Early Ground Squirrel Baiting Bullet Wounds Fatal To Beaverton Resident Mrs Elmer Stipe Hostess For Victory Luncheon Waller Larson Promoted