Page 2 F r id a v , B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon PAVE TH E W A Y F ebru ary 6, 1942 GIVE GOD H;S HOUR custom-made K Journey back to Rome and look in V Order now K coat or >u»i of dependable 9 ^ ci at on the Apostle Paul. He is lining 5 ' , lUtjr ••••_•• while 9 out a letter to the church at Colosse * fine v oo’ens ere available. J In the closing section he sends per­ II. IL JK K K K 1K S , I-ul.Usher sonal greetings' Published Friday o f each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co , at Beaverton, —"Epaphras, who is one of you, a Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the poetofflce at Beaverton, Ore servant of Christ, saluteth you, al­ J Tailors to Women ^ ways laboring fetvently for you in -$1.00 Three M o n th s ---------------------- $ .33c One Year — 209 Central Building ^ . .30 Subscription Payable in Advance. p. ayers, that ye may stand perfect * Six Months and complete in all the will of God S s. W. lllth A Alder, Portland j Beaverton Office— Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321. Often Paul had heard Epaphras Hillsboro Office— Room 3, Delta Bldg., Phone 1341 | pleading before the throne. Labor- ! Portland Office—407-408 Dekum Bldg., p h ore AT. 6591 rng on his knees, he was, that the I young church in Colosse might grow Your Photograph into full faith and into the stature of The perfect gift for your son in Jesus Christ. service. Photographs are .PER ­ What part has prayer? SONAE . LASTING . . . God could raise a crop v.r aats with­ INEXPENSIVE. Three 7x10, one out our having a part. But for rea­ coloied, for *4.95 complete. Call AT. 9-8-S-7 for appointment. sons of his own he has decreed that U i EKRY EVANS, 934 SW Mor­ the laborer is to plow, harrow and put rison, Portland. in the seed. And in the spiritual taxes. Hence, churches !pcated In field, God could have worked it FREEDOM IS FOR BRAVE non-defense areas will find it mo: through without us. But instead, he .;... jiusiusmsiioiusinsiinMBMa« has chosen that we should sow the I difficult to talse funds this yeai MEN, HEAVES CRAVE SE- Gospel seed in the hearts all about ! than in previous years. CCRITV. and water it with our prayers. The Spiritual Ap|M-al W IN T E R SCH EDU LE W e recall the Ch.lstian worker | Churches are needed even more Ba-g. Nite-Monday 7:30-10 p.tu. 17c with the pocket memo book; the pa­ j this year than last year. Prom a Wed. A Friday, 7:30-10:;«) 30c ges o f names were his prayer list. ; spiritual point of view, they should | Saturday 7:30-11 p.m. 30c ßdbson Says Religious I —"I have other hooka like this and gather great strength. People aie MATINÉE—SAT. and SUNDAY j most of my converts have been from Activities Must Be Maintained beginning to feel that religion, or 1:30— 1:30 p. m. ....- ....... 17« i these prayer-for names.” So he All above prices include federal tax some form of spiritual worship, is Babson Park, Florida, Feb. 6— the only common denominator left to 'told it. Special Party Rates What effect will business conditions them. I Quite right, veteran of the vine­ This is becoming a very tan­ have this year on churches and E. Perry W illiam s, CH. 239S yard.—"The fervent supplication of gible part o f their lives. In this age other religious activities? The fin­ lll=lll=lll=lll=lll5lll=IIISm=lll=ll!=IH=IM=lll: a righteous man availeth much.” 1 when there are so many disquieting ancial operation o f our churches 1 events to upset people emotionally, And what have the converts gained ? ^ constitutes a huge business enter­ This, for one thing—“ Blessed is they are again turning to their prise o f themselves. Entirely aside ; lurches' odi » r n Lowi the man to whom God will not im­ When going to church BAIXKOOM the.T imput lance, myMlf> wh, ” ''¿ ¿ k ’ n* with laymen, pute sin.” Romans 4:8. Not one sin Moa. n a , ro. i* t churches and their allied foundations and f(.om thp character of thp l7lai, is ever to be IMPUTED; COUNTED 10 «b a* Salan« rank hlgh In the value o f their hn- t rece,ye , spnH(. a Kroptng for rea, OVER AGAINST THE TWICE ancial and property assets. The religion that has not been evident B 6R N , All his sins are charged outlook for these humanitarian agen­ for a long time. | over against Christ who settled by But irrespective cies is, therefore, more important to of this we know that lasting bttsi- I * 01 « fd C om b «* caribo«* ev u ru a y U CU—Uv%d P rt—? His death. our business and social structure ! ness prosperity can exist only whep j What moved God to do it? than is the outlook for the railroads, i based upon the Ten Commandments' —"God conimandeth his love tow- utilities ,or any other Industry. ] ard us, in that while we were yet I Ijet its churchmen get out of an in- EFFECTIVE JAH. 16. 1942 Financial < nnipctltiuii ferlority complex and boldly tell *he Many farmers will be liable for i ----------------------------------------------------------- ] sinners, Christ died for us.” For the first time in many years Leave Beaverton world so. j filing income tax returns and pay- state or the United States, the actual What more will God do? tire churches are up against real —“ He that spared not his own Son, I forecast without hesitation that j ment of tax for the first time this ! Pr*ce ° f such livestock, less any de- For Tillam ook competition in their solicitation of some day there will he a return to i year. The term ‘'farmers” includes predation allowable as a deduction but delivered Him up for us all, how funds. Churches have a.ways re-1 re||Klon amonir a|l 8PCt8 9 04 A M , 1 0 4 .3 3 4 .6 0 4 P M This may livestock raisers, fruit and truck in respect of such perished livestock, shall he not with Him, also freely nmined outside o f other local com ­ or may not be a return ic the "old- | grower s, and operators of plantations j may be deducted as a loss if the loss I give us all things? Via W ilson River Highway munity drives for charitable purpos time type” , but it must appeal more is not compensated for by insur­ The great salvation is ready. The and ranches. es and, I believe, rightfully so. Com- ' neighbor down the street and the i to the hearts and emotions o f people Farmers may maintain their rec­ ance or otherwise. # munity Chest drives have especially. . .. , . . „ . _ . . , If gross income is ascertained by tribes at the end o f the earth wait . . . ,,, , . * as well as to their intellects. Certainly ords and file their returns of income been operated in an efficient and . . . For Seaside-Astoria , , ... . , churches o f all creeds offer more ! on either the cash receipts and dis- the use o f inventories, no deduction on your seed-sowing and your labor successful manner although I ques- . . . . . . , ,,, opportunity today for service than bursements basis or on the accrual can be taken separately for live- I in prayer. And God is ready.—"Call tlon whether this suer«»« will con - 1 . , , . 9 0 4 . 1 1 34. A M 1 34. 5 34- ever before. I feel very strongly basis of accounting. A consistent stock or products lost during the unto me, and I will answer thee, and tinue indefinitely. Church finance 7 19 PM. 12 34. A M year. ! show thee great and mighty things I that moer and more people will be- method must, however, be employed. committees might well take a lesson ! that thou knowest not.” Jeremiah come interested in their respective If a cash basis is used, Form 1040- Via W olf Creek Highway from their book. Millions o f dol 33:3. Have you a prayer list? Are churches or in some fornj o f relig- | I”, “ Schedule of Farm Income and Defense Bond Quiz lars are raised each year by Com­ Give God his hour. ious activity if actively approached j Expenses” , is required to be filled • Q What is the best safeguard for | you ready? munity CheHts which in turn care Thus perhaps through their very i out and filed in conjunction with my child's future? for a variety of participating charit­ ! numbers, their contributions, while j Form 1040. A Buying Defense Savings Bonds able organizations. Their appeals Agent A. H. ROSSI individually small, could in the ag- | Deductions from gross income may which will help the Government to are widespread. To an extent, they Cloverdale, Oregon gregatc bulk large. This is the hope ' be made by farmers as necessary ex- preserve your child's American heri­ Phone 7905 have cut Into the funds available for This space paid for by an Oregon o f offsetting the present inclination penses, all amounts expended (other tage o f freedom. churches. businessman. of many church members to current­ than those constituting capital ex­ Q Will there be an intensive drive In addition, there are this year penditures) in carrying on the busi­ to sell Defense Savings Bonds and ly reduce their offerings. many war agencies o f a charitable ness o f farming. Deductions for Stamps? Et-tidcrw Should Art Now nature that ar e Issuing calls for help. My “Three Is o» Snrcwsa” apply to expenses include such items as cost | A The P P C fl I I 17 07474118 1 Below y°u vvill find the answer to one Treasury Department 1 > ir h n n q 4 H « i an t n ra fh » . J "* F F * J ‘ 1 lie X I c ilo U l y L /C JJd I l II it 111 3 sees CCS f U L Q U I Z . __________________ i of your February Quiz Questions. I, , . , fh it „ u „ h vr ..'t/i .. thfi cb l*rches today as they have al-I of feeding and raising livestock (ex- jn (he response to the program so ‘ ' 1 ways applied in business. These cept the value o f farm produce far indication that Americans will are Inspiration, Industry, nnd In te g -' grown upon the farm and the labor i support National Defense on a vol- generously supported. The purchase rlty. Of the third, "Integrity", | of the taxpayer); cost of seed, minor j untary basis, without high-pressure o f Defense Bonds and particularly there is no question regarding the repairs to farm buildings (other than methods. the proposed plan of "allotting" n professional leaders of our c h u r c h e s j the dwelling o f the farm er); small ! NOTE: To buy Defense Bonds and percentage o f one's earned Income f ,, ,, ... ... - j and synagogues. I do. however, tools used up in the course o f a year stamps, go to the nearest post office, for these wartime securities will fur-| w(gh thnt ^ number of thp9p 0r two; fuel and oil used for farm hank, or savings and loan association ther sidetrack church offerings. The ; pastors, priests, and rabbis would work; repairs and maintenance of or write to the Treasurer o f the desire o f givers to help the church > 1 A S **# put more inspiration and shoe leath­ farm machinery; hired laborers and United States, Washington, D C. is as great as ever, but the demands hired machines, nnd cost of com mer­ er Into their work. Because too Also Stamps are now on sale at re- on Income are so much greater. Ris­ many fail to be real LEADERS is cial fertilizers the benefit of which j taji stOIt,s. ing living costs is another competing one reason for the decline In church ° f short duration, factor. Hence, many wrongly feel attendance and contributions. ! The cost ° t fa,m machinery, equlp- they must cut down their contribu­ The U. S. Nnvy will consume ap- Anv Dastor or ...hhi /yiy pamor, Driest priest, or ranm ran can ment and farm buildings; amounts . proximatelv 12.480,000 12.480,000 pounds o f ham tions to churches. make or break his church. To, lay .« P o n d e d m the development o f j ^ 46goooo ,>lium,s pounds of bacon in thp ■ •oration o f Church«'« Important offers them a great opportunity. I *a ln :*' oich m ds and ranches, as fiscal year ending June 30. Churches which serve In defense well t\z the amounts expended in the They should a«» inspire their areas comprising a population of people, including their finance com-1 restoration o f soil fertility prepara- skilled workers ought to do better The first Secretary o f the Navy mlttees, to the point where these to ,y lo actu» 1 production of crops financially this year. Such people committee members will have the I an<^ the cost of liming soil to In- was Benjamin Stoddert. a resident of Georgetown, Md., who took office . nrc , earning higher wages than ever courage to go out ami raise needed c,,’ asP productiveness over a period May 21, 1798. >c ore. These wages will contlnuo j fundB for thp(r churches people of y«a's , a'P capital expenditures. and perhaps even increase while the i ,, , ,< . . .. , ,, Losses incurred in the operation . usually are eager to help financial y war lasts. This year for the first . . , , o f farms ns business enterprises are The Navy soon will begin construc­ ____ . .. . " ‘ bey are properly approached and time many of these workers will be pnr((culal.,y if |hpy are> convtncp(, deductible from grow income If tion on 1950 low-cost house units for i y nC.°'?e ‘ axes. This may attnct that , heir monpy wU, bp wp„ appnt livestock has been purchased for married enlisted and civilian person­ No, tins laa i d w.\r map. It's a map showing there’s a lot more t«» this their contributions. I am inclined | . . , . Is*t . . ________ »._ ,,___ ... . , j nn\ dies nel. | {> us make them ____ realize that .. they any nnrnnao purpose, and afterwards electric bu»ine»5 than grtnding out power at a dam or steam plant! For to hetieve, however, that with their will save themselves only as they | from disease, exposure or injury example— PGE has had to spend more than $1 2,300,000 for transmission larger earnings many of these people is killed by order o f authoriities o f a —Buy Defense Bom 's nnd Stamps save the churches. and distribution lines to carry electricity t«> alt parts o f the 2,500-square- will feel more generously Inclined mile area we serve (this is an area bigger than the State o f Connecticut); toward churches. If you took all our distribution wire, and strung it together, it would reach OEMS OF THOUGHT SERVICE The so-called "white-collar" class from Portland to Moscow and hack again! The 1 5,000 miles o f distribution - - -------------------- ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DILIG ENCE In the medium income brackets have wire weighs more rhan 14,000,000 pounds, and is strung on 128,802 poles. PGF is nationally recognized as a pioneer in making elec­ in the past been an Important source We want not tinre, hut diligence, tricity available to towns, industries and farms over a large territory. o f church contributions Those In for great performances Dr. Samuel Today, electricity is available to more than 85 per cent of all farms in the this group especially those living In Johnson sast territory that PGE serves between Vancouver and Salem. K j E' s rates non-defense areas have little to look When the archer misses th«> center throughout the area are in the lowest bracket in the United States. forward to In the way of wages or of the tnrget he turns around and ■alary Increases. Many not en­ seeks for the cause o f his failure IN PGE FO R F IR S T P E R IO D 1942 gaged in armament Industries may within himself Oonfusius. Success In life depends upon per lose their jobs as the effects of rn QUIZ CONTEST sistent effort, upon the improvement I C h o c k y o u r lic e n se pla te n u m b e r n o w w it h th e fo llo w in g X TO 12 VI ARS tloning are felt. They are also par- o f moments more than upon any It TO I* XEARS s c h e d u le a n d p re se n t y o u r v e h ic le f o r in s p e c tio n at the nt m r \\< ii si vivi » « \ m :\ t i o n -. IM l>K RAM II si MMER VACATIONt (Icularly „ r f , - . , b y th , r .w m,-on», 0,h ,r , htny M„ry lin k ., K,tm: B! LI . K tc 2. Hi - h o t : t I K R I N COX, 110000 to 120000 F eb . 1 to Feb. 10 AI \N* J \NSEN. 1773 ! - St . Salems i ’LLIS FRI1 D- DONNA RI TH JOHNSON. 2JI5 N K. 120000 to 130000 Feb. 11 to Feb. 20 f urH A 1? . ! n,<‘r " r - s > City; ROB. 56th Ave . Portland! BETTY LANGDON, H JAMES - Al BRA1TH. Route 2. 130000 to 140000 R. ite 2. Vancouver: FLORENCE ANNE F eb. 21 to Feb. 2S U- R "lie ♦ P rtlan.1, M. HENRY . 'I «S S E «4- Ave P rt •; J‘ ANNF TTI i H ,KI iKKER. Mt An«el; AL- BARBARA MENDENHALI 4o;n SE. - - y 144X100 to 154)004) M a r. 1 to M ar. 10 Taylor Ct.. Portland; PATRICIA MOSHER. 755« S.W 54lh Ave Multn, mah; DON VI D Warren; ESTHER n | S . i \ 5*07 N.E. 150000 to 164)4)00 M ar. 11 to M ar. 20 O BR1FN, R -ute rr. M «aakie; NORMA I™»«»noL i’ * CII I E r : OSM Al I) Mt. Angeli EVELYN PEDFR- 160000 to 1700041 M a r. 21 to M a r. 31 J' . Banka; 1 TER SCHMEER : : i S«'N. '*21 NE Everett St . Portlaadl w . x ' o h Avf • P *TtUrrd: Al V RED ST HI*. CLARK STFPHFNS Garden H me; WAN V 62« N K , Ave.. P, rtlandi irikxk) to 180000 A p r . 1 to A p r. 10 EDITH STEWART. 1«»0 S-uth Com­ JOANNE SI OAN 3112 N.E. 1 (th Ave* mercial, Salem; VIRGINIA TVLL1S. 5752 P rtland; N i 'RMAN 1 STi'NE, 573 Le.lic 1S0000 lo l'JOOOO A p r. 11 to A p r. 2)) SF Duke St.. Portland; HARR1KT \*A- F; Sahm; DAN SWITZER. HV 57 S E. 190000 lo 250000 A p r. 21 to A p r . 30 15 th and S. E. Nrhalrm - 've-.f-rtlard; CARO!.YN TILTON, HEY. Roate 5, Portland: MIRIAM WILLIS. J-45 N F A41 h -Ave . Portland; RU H\RD "TX nl v c P n ,r,!: JORLST TRC- .« . 4 N E i . -s St., r -tland. 200000 to 250000 W \ ATT. 1*60 S C' t. h. S* rm M a y 1 to M ay 10 * ! v i r 7 ,< C . U X KS : HAZEL BAN- ■ LK TRIG tXOCRS M4RY1 ISE ¿L-fVe e'1^ NORMA BES- 250000 and ahox e M ay 11 to M ay 20 BVKFR. «* 15 N Haiaht Ave P land; . * ‘ *■ 1124 Center St.. u>re*r>n Citv: M A RX IN i< ■ -. \ JOANNE Bt NNELL. 1 «: Srat. St . Sa em; T rucks bearing "T * ' and I'A E N IG IIT lOREN DODGI Rome 2. H «• ro; D R. B rin g a F riend . J3c A d m it« tw o S E. h 5 S 1 T t - X H I I F . H I MAN, R v u f 6. INE MAY DCDIEY. R'iii« é. Salmi " F " lic e n s e n u m b e r s M a r. 1 to A p r. 3 0 HIIFN HI 1 SMAN R ute c rr . * I-l KIE «51$ GWFNDvM A N JI NK JOHN Si i\. R, ute 1. N c x v v e h i c l e s p u r c h a s e d a f t e r M a y 15 th a r c e x e m p t f r o m i k il l' ‘ - 1 AvJL L -t and; DON J. Greaham; JEANNE t I AMPER R in sp e ctio n fo r th e cu r re n t p e r io d . h*1 S.W Pr-adway Dr , Fa« e Creekt BENNIE M McEAAFV ZAPETH MARTIN, F IR S T P K I/.F . — f t * D F .F K N M : ROND R ite 2 Mcia’lar L. ROSS NEVA'BA ioni ;* v ' % r St. P. rt and* MARY N -th St . Neebertt MARY ELI.FN M O T O R V E H IC L E IN S P E C T IO N S T A T IO N PFTROSY. 1446 Sa; n,w Si C m; h UN PEI S - K M F O R E V E R Y ST A B L E R F u p v M a r i a n j e a n n e p a e - R' is, ■ E. 2«I4 S F *7C Av P •• A RT H r i V ^ R ^ h-.;V 'N - E Renili of )L*i, i/M( Shot, BLA INE t H INC. Mt A-te ; VALEX INE Take Sellwood Bn* to - - A -r . MOLI ERT2. R ut« 14 I •; ; J V RAY A4 K. Superintendent Everybody Welcome ISth nr.,1 N chillaran i L IP S H U T Z * A/emÁ&i 0 R E G lO (íT)N j,W S P Â > E R P Ü B LI S H[ e RJS IATI 0 N Multnomah Roller Rink < » New Bus Schedules Federal Income Tax Number 4 Oregon Motor Stages I « Enough, PGE Lineto Reach from ^Portland to Moscow and Back! City of Portland Motor Vehicle Inspection Calendar Second Monthly Winners B IG VALENTINE CARO PARTY ST. AGATHA'S HALL Tuesday, February 10th, at 8:30 p. ra. sharp SPECIAL PRIZES S ta tio n O p a n D a i l y (e x c e p t S u n d a y s a n d H o l id a y s ), 8 :0 0 A. M . t.-« : M P M. T e l e p h o n e E A i t 11 5 9 Tkird \onttuCUm Ftkrmry / 5. Q u e,n on n a,rt .\ o u ^ O o A fter ,n y 0„ r February One # / F ebru ary, 76 p n z ts! I ♦