Friday, January 30, 1042 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Classified Rates • FOR SALE O E E l C l ALLY. ß U T A PAIN p io n e e r s Female Help Wanted F O R SALE 6-w eeks old H eifer C alf D. F. M oote.. M etzger dis , bet. 6th & 7th St on Pine la ss NOTICE Just received extra g ood | shipment Belgian, P erche- j ron type, 3-7 yea:s. M ost o f them , well broke. All very gentle. L ook them over. L ow priced. Guar as rep Wfe deliver. LENTS STABLES, HAS SEEN OPTAi NED /-v CONS/OERABit v . 4 MOUNTS IN OREGON H. B aum er, F oster Road, 1 Mile East o f Lents O \ V E T E R IN A R IA N S Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian p e l o sla v es LOU/S SOUTH WORTH. C O LO RED S i At/f PA/D '/ O O O " TO H/S PIA STER IN P E N TON COUNTY / P O P H/S E R E E OO P! IH H AY FOR SALE — A lfa lfa $12, 1 C lover $10 C Topich. R l, Bx 474, Beaverton, nr C ooper Mt, school. F O R S-tLE One 3 year-old Per- chion Stallion. Papers with him. W ill w '¡gh about 1650 lbs. C. F Heinrich Bx 703 Beaverton, (O ld H aw kins place.) L A D IE S — T ak e orders fo r N ylon hosiery, slips, gow ns, housecoats, dresses. C ity and outside terri tory open. Free samples. Full or part time. A pply or write Real Silk H osiery Mills, 617 Bedell Bldg., Portland, or phone AT. 1800. f i / NE VER EXISTED IN OREGON F O R S A L E ----- D uo Therm Oil Burner, ciicu la tin g, nearly new. Phone Beaverton 2445. W e assum e no financial respon sibility for errors w hich m ay ap pear in advertisem ents published in these colum ns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f ar. advertise ment in w hich the typographical m istake occurs. LO O K Know Your Oregon FOR SALE -D is c 5-ft tandem. | • R oderick M cLane) excellent co n dition $40 John Abbott, 6004 S\V 45th ave, Glencullen dist., A T 1856 I T W O C ents a w ord per issue. M inimum 25c CASH with copy. W e Publish the B E A V E B TO N EN TERPR ISE MULTNOMAH PRESS TIGARD SEN")INK! ALOHA NEWS C om plete E a s t e r n W ashington County and W estern M ultnom ah County C overage. '/ili' ' f a L/L/o ¿/\JL£> O r e g o n s e n a t o r //✓ S60 HE INAS ONE OE PRES elected Victory Garden To Group Plants By Food Values L IN C O L \ 5 C h ;E E CO U NSELO RS OUR/NG T h e C/VU IN AR (>36/ S j s r . f f lis m Page 3 BLACKOUT INSTRUCTIONS NEW H IGH W AYS ! If you are at h o m e -e x tin g u is h a l l ’ ? exterior lights and la* sure no light M U SON R IV E R — W O L F C H E E R 1 Ing inside is visible. If unable to N E A H - K A II-N IE MOUNT A I obscure your windows, turn o f f lights, Do Nut ... the main i 1 Enjoy their scenic beauty while glid Listen to your radio. ing alon g In a 1(12 stream lined bus M otor vehicles, including private | T IL L A M O O K — ROCKAW ’ A Y autom obiles .street cars and trolley 1 M A N ZA M T A coach es o r busses, not equipped with 3 R ound Tri(»s Daily via W ilson river , lights in accordan ce with hi ickout s EAS1 II F.-OE AH 11ART-A S T O R I A regulations p:om ulgated by proper! authorities and authorized, shall not 7 Round T rips Daily via W olf Creek be operated during a blackout. C AN N ON B EA CH NEA1I k A l l -N IE .MT. Those equipped with lights in ac cordan ce with regulations may be I Served »ia E ither Route i operated for necessary travel at a speed such as shall be Consistent ( W hen buying your liehet ask to rid i tile Blue and W bite Clipiiers o f with the atm ospheric and physical] ¡con d ition s existing du rin g the period O R E G O N M O T O R STAG ES o f blackout hut not to exceed in any I event 20 miles per hour. Central Bus De|>ot A T. 5171 SW 5th and Taylor Sts., P oiilau d H eadlights shall he operated only on dim or parking beam and shall also be equipped in the manner ap- Boost your hom e com m unity news proved by the proper authorities for paper. It boosts for you. Only blackout lights, except in cases of $1 per year .less than 2 cents a w eeg. dire necessity and extrem e em er g en cy; provided in this connection that fire equipm ent proceeding to “ P A Y S BIG DIVIDEND***' and front fires where speed and safe passage o f the equipment is n eces sary, the ordinary headlights during periods o f travel m ay he permitted. INSULATION BY EXPERTS No interior lights shall ho per- j m itted in any m otor vehicle, Do not drive with your lights out. Do not park in front o f fire exit, fire plug, hospital entrance or at a street intersection. Do not block center o f street as fire appai atus, police c a .s or other em ergen cy vehicles may have to an sw er em ergen cy calls. • H O T -W A T E R T A N K S • P IP E ( OV E R IN G • R E F R IG E R A T O R ROOM S Oregons victory garden prog: am, ¡launched o fficia lly by a statewide G1LLEN-COLE CO. W A S P O U N D E D IN / S S 0 garden con feren ce held at Oregon 52 Years in Business : State college, is goin g to be m ore S. E. Grand ut Ash, Portland ¡than a cam paign to increase quan- ) M ISC E L L A N E O U S EA. 8135 j titles o f just any kind o f garden pro- | 1 duce. Instead it is directed ns well t WOMEN BE IN D E P E N D E N T 'tii.vard the production o f well bal- | Learn B arbering. E nter a field During periods o f an em ergency j anced ga:d en s w hich will provide the that is both pleasant and p ro fit i blackout not scheduled by the a., best nutrition fo r the fam ily. This able. O w ing to present conditions, Goinq: to Mt. Hood? thorities for a set time, upon the 'w a s determined with the adoption o f ! w om en barbers are now in great sounding o f the alarm , all vehicles I ! the report o f the special com m ittee ' Don’t Go Without dem and . . . 1 shall proceed to the extrem e righ t; o f the con feren ce dealing with nutri- j M O L E R B arber College, 227 SW hand edge o f the highw ay being 1 tion, storage, and preservation. Tire Chains 3d Ave., Portland. W rite or call tiaveled and shall im m ediately extin I Vegetables are no longer consid- Buy Now mid Save 30'r on all fo r inform ation. guish all lights and rem ain parked ' ered m erely vegetables, to be ar- | to pen and sizes for passenger oars until the all clear signal is given; H ID E S A W O O L , C A SC A R A __A ranged in alphabetical order or per- j anil t r u c k .; 16x1(81 brand new ( llo - but dm ing periods o f scheduled specialty. I.EE BRO S., 25 SW haps in seasonal order in planning dcll) chains with case-hardened blackouts, which periods are fixed C'lny, Portland. A tw ater 5334. : a garden. Instead they are grouped cross links as low as 82.80 pair. and determ ined by the ord er o f civil j accord in g to their conti ibutions to | Portland Auto W recking Co. authorities oi A rm y or N avy autho i- F O R T O W C A R S call V E R M IL Y E the diet, pointed out Mrs. Inez Lang- I T w o I .orations ties or either o f them, no vehicles j don, Scappoose, com m ittee chair- ; M O T O R CO. Phone Tigard 91. 8125 N K l moil T it. 0547 except em ergen cy vehicles shall be i man. Here are the groups of 1803 N E Union GA. 6807 paiked upon a public highw ay or | vegetables from a nutritional stand P ortland street fo r any periods o f tim e but ' point and the principal mt mbers in G arden P ools T rees Topped ¡each group: ¡such streets shall tie cleared o f the R ock eries R em oved 1— Tom atoes.. vehicles prior to the hour o f the | W ^st HUl« Landscape Co. 2— L eafy vegetables ,— cabbage, ! blackout. W A N T TO sell a piano? R uga? ; kale, spinach, m ustard . greens, tur- G arden M aintenance Service C lothing, A Classified Stores, Mfg. Co's., Industrial Plants 1 nip greens, Swiss chard, Brussels One o f the L argest M aintenance will bring fust results at a very small Be sure all exterior lights are out, sprouts, endive, and lettuce. C oncern s In Portland expense! including signs during blackouts and 3 Green vegetables—green beans, p r e s e n t '5 f r e o f IlE acon 0170 8650 Canyon Drive during periods o f darkness preceding Italian broccoli, green peppers, as- WiLE/AW ETTE: ¿/A /SERS I T Y. /7~/S THE O iD E ^ T EIIISIII=lll=lll=lllslll=iH=mEmSIII=IIISIII=IH M. J. H A R R IS ' regularly scheduled black ou ts and ; paragus, and peas. INST/TORON o r H.G'HEF L E A P I N G ¿ E S P OP THE M— ■■ —— .. ' I____________________________ follow ing regularly scheduled black 4- Y ellow vegetables, ca irots, ] R O C H Y PJO U N T R /N S outs. All w indow s lights and signs I sweet potatoes, yellow squash, ruta- : R o ck s fo r W alls are to be extinguished excepting only | bagas. R o ck Garden R o ck such lights as are necessary for the 5— Potatoes. F lat Stepping Stones—T op Soil transaction o f business at the pince Individual fam ilies will want to ' rU 7, where the lights are left burning. I choose am ong the sp ecific kinds in i Dum p T ruck W ork r H i I each group but som e from all groups ] G ravel fo r D rivew ays (N F S See that Interior lights are not vis ■ are necessary to give the best bal- W O R S H IP P E D B Y ible from the outside. C all CH erry 2 3 3 8 ] ance as far as nutrition is concerned, T R E IN D IA N S O F , it was pointed out. Y our presence on the premises will | 1331 S. W. W ashington— Portland O R E G O N W H EN THE The victory garden program , aim ed aui m aterially In protecting your | W here Vall«\y People W H /TE /VAN F / R 5 T FOR RENT at increasing the num ber o f farm property and when possible you j M E E T * EAT C O P I E I T /5 R E P 1 A R K - and home gardens in O regon by should he P'o.-a at to a fford your lr m= ll|=|||=|||=|||=|||=l|IEIII=m=lll=lll=m?)n A B L E THAT ThE W O LF some 16,000 units in 1942, is to be FOR R E N T — Desirable small propel ly this protection. N A S A L S O S A C R E O TO business location in brick building handled in such n w ay as to avoid P N C / E N T R O M E . undue waste o f m aterials and e ffo rt If Unavoidably Outdoors in B eaverton. P hone B eaverton N orth w est J v n d if t t s Itv such as occu rred in the first world to Proceed with caution. Keep 3511. war, the con feren ce decided. Those 1 the right. Do not run but alw ays S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S w ho have had experience in garden walk. Use extrem e caution In cross- j COMPLETE EQUIPMENT \ W i PA IN TS ing, w hether in the cou n try or city, ing the street Carry a flashlight. ( S U P P L IE S F O R THF. D A IR Y will be urged to do m ore o f it this ( . If you have skylights, he sure that i IN D U S T R Y to $1235; 230 to 285 lb butchers year, but those w ho kn ow nothing North Portland Livestock I m l a y ’ s Fresh $11 25 to $11.85; lightw eight butchers they m e covered as they can not he about handling a garden will not be Market Prices $11.25 to $11.75; packing sows $9 to checked except from the air and are encouraged to try it. M i x e d Feeds very visible from that point w hich ! $10. Feeder pigs $11 to $11.50. The follow in g quotations are based it is the purpose o f blackouts to pro- j FISHER THORSEN PAINTS S H E E P : G ood to ch oice spring The present N avy o f the United F o r quality, fa ir price and •States grew from tw o tiny ships, the on iccs boinK P «id in M onday's , lam bs $11.75 to $12.10; medium to tect against. If you must he aw ay from you r j Minuta turvn 4 iMdHbulort A 1 service to A L F R E D and COLUMBUS, the first trading: hoice premises, do not leave any light vis- S h in s avv CATTLE: G ood grain-fed steers $10. Slaughter ewes, good to rhoi J, B. Imlays & Sons ships o o f f the the C C olonial olonial N Navy. 1 ible from the outside. $11.25 to $13.25. G ood grain-fed heif- j $5.50» to $5.75 R E E D V IL L E ALO H A, ORE. ers $10.50 only. G ood beef cow s The U. S. Navys personnel will c o n . l o a n ano C m . - 1 ait lAKC<ny sume about 8,580,000 pounds o f dried $h 75 to $9.25^ m edium $7.75 to $8.50. ; In 17K6 the United states had not T he Portland N avy R ecruiting Sta h atm ed ^ 8Be, A LL K IN D S W OO D navy beans and 936,000 pounds o f com m on $6.50 to S7.S0 cannera $5 to $6. Bulls, medium to good $8.50 to | tion enlisted a total o f 464 men from AT. 61« l hops in the present fiscal year. 4 ft. and slrort lengths delivered 135 NW' Park $10 a few to $10.25, com m on $7.50 to j „ ... .. „ . . . - 1 The o ffic e o f the S ecretary o f the the O regon district during the first anyw here at reasonable prices. $8.25. V eale: s good to ch oice $13 50 1 no , " " seven days o f January, acco d in g to R em em ber Pearl H arbor. to $14.50. selects $15 and $15 25. waa *«tabll«hed by Congress In figures released from the o ffice r in P IN E KN O T F U E L CO. HOGS: Good L ocation M etzger, P hone CH. 1758 charge o f Nuvy R ecruitin g In this $12.35; F IR S T M O R T G A G E LOANS district. Lieutenant Glenn F. De Sale Good Suits 1 O'Coat* J. O. Miller & Sons $300 to $10,000 8 </c Int.—8 to Grave. SUIT & Value S 4 .9 5 In addition, the Portland station 5 years, o r m onthly p ay O 'CO ATS to $55 sent 12 men to Seattle, 13th Naval ments. Cash paid for m ort Sizes 35 to 46 up D istrict headquarters, as applicants gages and C ontracts o f Sale. H ATS, Value to $10 69c for G ain in g as Flying Cadets in the J. O. JO H N SO N , Atty. Sizes 6 5-8 to 7 5-8 Naval A ir Corps. 205 L um berm ens Bldg. W EST END The 11 western states com prisin g Few Iuidies Dresses at $ 2 .6 9 A ’». 333». lies. 4Ui Ki Elm the coast's recruiting division signed S E L L W O O D B R ID G E C A R D IN A L C L E A N E R S Streets M etzger C ll. 1534 up a total o f 3276 men during that SW 11 at Wash., Portland period. the things you need by shopping East o f B eaverton H ighw ay 8 ___________B eaverton 3511 Good Food and Service PURITAN CAFE mm De Laval Monroe k Riverview Cemetery use CREM ATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY C om plete Funeral Service in New Cathedral Chapel at N o E xtra cost R iverv iew is a co-operative asso ciation with assets o f ov er $800,000 BUY MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL1 Rose Chapel-Green Room Serene Beauty - P erfect Service J. P. Finley & Son O SC A R A U E S T A D S W ooden Sole Kloggers Keep your feet warm and dry Made to (It your feet All co lo n and elzei In atock. Accept no tmltatV'ru The name Oerar Aueetad 1* itamped on the aole o f every pair. 315 S. W. Pine Street— BE 4347 FOU RTH AT M ONTGOM ERY A Tw ater 2181 W A N T A D S «« BUY SELL RENT SWAP FIND through this big bargain basement and SAVE spare rooms, apartments immediate ly— turn vacant space into INCOME. things you do not need for some thing you can use. Be a sharp trad er— T R Y IT. Brick. Tile, Masonary Brick & Building Tile SEE YOUR D EALER Columbia Brick Works 1820 SE W ater— Portland K ilns at G resham -Sjlvan-Saiem O F M CM INN VILLE 10 years o f Reliable Service < I— . I . W a lk e r. A g en t New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. “ E very F orm o f P rotection ’* I Phone 1732 H illsboro, O regon ^v'xxxxxxx\'\xvxxxvx\v\\\\\\\\\\\v\\>\V\\|nHIlllllll!lllffff/W/f/WW//W//y///^i%?f?ÌJ: ^ Y\ y ^ _ /The sunshine of Old Kentucky eaptured for you in^ „S unny B rook Lowest Prices in Oregon New Montag Range 0 Organized 1894 OLD M ARKET H ave you looked over the ads this w eek? I f not do so, they ca rry a w orld .«of news Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company I ' lost articles quickly— or jobs for those of the family who seek work. In.alde P arking at the F ront Ave, M orrison to Salmon PORTLAND O regon Mutual Policies are N O N A S S E S S A B L E Y ou N E VE R pay m ore than llie premium on the fa re o f the policy. O regon Mutual nuUntaUuTmore than three turns, the surplus required by Oregon Insurance I-aw». # the things you are no longer using for C A SH -M O N E Y . FREE PUBLIC Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS J l» ^ S 45 . 0 Ö F loor Sample New IES Lamp & Shade S 6.50 Rugs, Rang.-s, R efrigerators EASY TERM S Manor furniture Co. 114 S W Yamhill 815 S W First at Yamhill PORTLAND KENTUCKY STR UCÏ1T BOURBON WHISKEY In the Four Tualatin Valley Papers Bring Immediate Results! ALOHA NEWS BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE -C H E E R F V L TIGARD SENTINEL M U L TN O M A H PRESS A S IT S \ A M E ~ __ National Di-tiller* Product* Corp, N. Y. • 83 Proof TûütiUUUk^n i li uUtUk ■