V. I Trttiu n r)«k-« r t M ' P L E S G E FO R R K 4 .IL A R l.> V ES TM EX T IN D K IE N S E S A V IN G S B O B S terifi ~ Inf» #t%ff NOTE—THi» U not an a rd e r f a r r i. T be S ig n e r w ill buy Oefenac hy M it of the u s l k o d t lu te d below i H. II. JE E E R I K S , P u b lis h e r * 1.00 . .50 Three Months______ -----* .*»o Subscription Payable in Advance. Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Hillsboro Office— Room 5, Delta Bldg., Phone 1641 Portland Office—*07-108 Dekum Bldg., phone AT. 6591 s«r ( CONTI DENTI A L) I will invest the sum of |_______ __in Defense Saving« Bonds (or Stampf' each I will buy these Bonds: O fr o m • po»t o S e e , b an k , or otb«r it'ea s g r o c y . urne) fSwpU»—’« iwwi tifrom) C Through a regula* purrhaaa plaa iaetallad by tbe felb'wuig oeganisatioai Babson Says. T Ä IP L IC A T 3 T* ka r«u«a*4 by D By ®»il from tb« Trea«ur«r of tba l uted Statua, Vaabingtoa. D C. D I'oHrr a Par R oll String* P its (or otbar «rullar a/rairgrÿeat for rag-liar purchasing/ ia effect at my placa of employment: (Naan • ( • r iu n u M s i If you are already pot* chasing Defense Bocci» system atically. «!**»• i n d i c a t a t h e type of plan when signing this agreem ent. Also check bere. Q (A<U tm >> I will faithfully fulfill this pledge for the durstion of the War,or so long aa I am financially able to do so. FOtptJTNSE (Print) cu u i<n.«tui) a»e n a l ¿ ¡Á BUY V * I r| U Continued from Page 1 January 23, 1942 Y our Photograph a n a g * Bouda To aid the National Defeat«, ! pledge that, Published Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Beaverton, Ore One Tear _ BLx Month« Frida v, B E AV E R T O N E N TE RPRISE , Beaverton, Oregon Pape 2 The perfect gift for your son in service. Photographs are PER SONAL. . . LASTING . . . INEXPENSIVE. Three 7x10, one colo.ed. for $4.95 complete. Call AT 9-S-S-7 for appointment. D. PERRY EVANS. 934 SW Mo * rison, Portland. NAMES-BOLING b u s in e s s sc h o o l Secretarial Course-Free Placement WOODLARK BLDG., BE. 67H4 Portland, Oregon Expenditure Justified 1 do not regret the inctease in tax 5 iiisiM=iii=iii=iii=Hi=iii=Mi=in=m=iii=ui=iii es that my share of our social pro FREED O M IS FO R B R A V I Suni O rm t «8 mmm b m ) (an) gram has cost. Many persons are M E N , S T A V E S C R A V E SE - to quick to forget the angry cry against unemployment, poor housing -JJÜ S L » WINTER S C H E D U L E C U R IT Y . low standards of living, and other Ba ?- Nit,-Monday 7:30-10 p.m. 17c defects in our social sti ucture. Mr. D • 6. 17« if I I. Mxttiu’ •*■▼(«« «»U i *r ua ä*eRrtaf Wed. & Friday, 7:30-10:30 p.m. 30c Roosevelt did not make these bad Fed. Income Tax Material conditions, although they were the lay 1:1*11 pm. 30c MATINEE—SAT. and SUNDAY Shown above is a replica of the pledge which every loyal Ama rican will be asked to rising tide which lifted him to the No. 3 l:9t—;..((• p. m. 17c sign, during a house to house campaign to be carried on in every pait of Oregon begin Presidency. Unfortunately, in spite All above prices include federal tax ning January 20. Citi zens, to be designated as "minute men” will call at homes, with The Revenue Act of 1941 provides of his magniilcient handling of our the request that all Oregonians sign up to “buy a share in Uncle Sam.’’ by agreeing to n simplified method of computing in foreign policy, his very success with Sp ecial P arty R ates purchase regularly defense savings bonds or stamps. come Jux in the case of Individuals our domestic economy may in the end whose gross income is derived wholly react to his disadvantage and wash E. P erry W illia m s, CH. 2 3 9 S from salary, wages or other compen him out of office. ¡ ll= IU = t ll= lll= lll= ill5 lll= lll= H I= lll= lll= lll= lll= sation for personal services, dividends 1 also do not regret the national State Cream Graders’ AIRCRAFT WARNING SERVICE Log Hauling to Stop interest, rent, annuities, or royalties, cost of agricultural uid, of National and docs not exceed $3,000. A new Youth Administration, or of tiie Work for Year Told The War Department has requested When Roads Start to Thaw ODD rau-uws Form 1040A has been provided for building of public works and federal that the exact location and street ad BALLIUIOS* Under the dairy products quality taxpayers who arc entitled to and highways. Certainly, however, the improvement program 9,055 farm dress of Air Corps Information and j Log hauling on county roads is now ! Wa*. «T1. tot. elect to use such method. A table on condition of the farmer is now tern- j calls or inspections were made dur Filter Centeis as well as other in operating under a reduced road limit j 101 « at ton a m the reverse side of this Form shows porarily Improved. We can well do I ing 1941 by the state milk and cream stallations of the Aircraft Warning which will be prohibited when the the amount of tax on increasing without public works although I fa-j graders, according to the year-end Service be regarded as strictly con- j fiost starts thawing, according to j members of the county court. When ; amounts of gross income after the vor highways. Furthermore, the ma-1 summary compiled by the state de fidential. The District Control Cen- j the roads begin to soften up it will proper allowance of $400 for each de joiity of the young men now in C. C. | partment of ters must also be considered in the I agriculture. This was pendent, if any. One of the Famous Pezzolos of Camps and helped by the N. Y. A. as ‘ more than one thousand greater than same confidential category. Kindly be necessary to make this restriction, The tax under the simplified method well as the older group working for in California make it known to all concerned that court members declare in order to 1940. guard county roads from excessive is the same for each $25 block of the W. P. A. will, in the next draft i These grpders, located in dairy this request be observed. Theo Pezzolo damage. gross income and the taxpayer need call ,be allocated to some form of ac- ' over the state, also made Basic Insignia Arm Bands Operating while roads are thawing only ascertain In whlcl block his tive army service or to armament | centers Master Teacher of In a telegram from the Regional 2,291 creameiy calls and 85,279 sedi gross income (less allowance for de production. Office of Civilian Defense attention out would damage loads of the coun- [ ment tests. As a result of the sedi A C C O R D I O N ty to the extent of 15,000 to 20,000 ac pendents) fails to determine his tax. | Private Debt ment tests, 3.173 cans of milk were again is called to the fact that "all cording to estimate of one member of PIANO—HARMONY A flat reduction of 10 percent han i I have said before in this column condemned. orders for arm bands and other CD (A coloring matter harm the court. been made in arriving at the amount that while national debt has risen, I less to animals 235 N. E. 20th A ve., Cor. E v e r e tt insignia must be placed by the Ore is put in condemned P o rtla n d of tax shown in the table for deduc yet the private and public debt of milk so it will not LA. 0727 gon State Dei'snse Council, or be be returned to the tions such as rharitable contributions many individuals, coiporations, muni-' market but may be fed to stock.) made by local defense worker groups and taxes paid, so that the taxpayer cipalities, and states has declined, j Only a small percentage of cream such as women’s sewing clubs but Convention Dated who uses this method does not list This is another reason why I have j 212 cans of the 49,429 cans graded must follow authorized designs. No February 24-26 these but gets an automatic deduc not become greatly concerned by the 1 —was Have Solved the condemned. Nearly 1,500 piec extra working on arm bands such as The state convention of the Farm- tion of 10 percent. increase in the national debt espec-1 es of equipment weie condemned, 'air raid warden’, ‘chief Medical Ser j eçs’ Union is slated at the Gaiety MYSTERY of DANDRUFF Under the simplified method the tally in the .case of those who have either for repair or replacement. vice’, etc., but name of county or j Theatre in McMinnville February status of a person on the last day of reduced their corporate or personal Four changes in cream personnel state plus a consecutive serial num- 24-26 Let us show you how one Fitch the taxable year is the governing fac debt proportionally. Profits have were reported for the year; two re her may be added thereto either un- f dandruff treatment will dissolve tor in determining the exemption lev helped many companies to cut their J signed to enlist in armed forces; one der or immediately opposite the hori- i and remove a stubborn case of el ($750 for single persons and mar loans Classified ads placed in the Press zontal axis of the basic insignia.” The rise in engineering con -1 was called from the reserves; and one dundruff. appear in the Tigard Sentinel, Beav ried persons not living with husband struction and residential building has I went to another job. Blackout Faint JENSYCA MOORE SALON erton Enterprise and Aloha News at or wife, and $1,500 for married per increased local tax receipts. Many householders desire to black- | Muni- ! 1131 SW Jefferson Portland sons living together) as well as the cipalities, as a whole, are in a much j out one or two rooms nnd in this no additional cost. BB. 0036 credit for dependents. connection we have received informa- : sounder financial position than they | Seeding Topic of Farming Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps A husband and wife living together were a few years ago. The rise in ] tion prepared by A. J. Mcnaker, chief on the last day of the taxable year both commercial and savings bank , Meeting at Hillsboro chemist of the National Chemical and may file sepaiate returns on Form deposits, in the purchase of life in Sixty-five farmers attended the flax Manufacturing Co., giving pointers 1040A if the gross Income of each is surance and Defense Bonds shows meeting at Hillsboro January 6. In j on the use of paint to cover windows from the prescribed sources and does that many individuals are getting \ spite of the fact that there is less against observation: not exceed $3,000, or they may file a out of debt. Are you- my reader— j than the usual amount of good land j 1 Paint should be put on the out single joint return on that Form if one of these iucky ones? left for spring seeding, there was a side, not the inside of windows. Dark their combined income is from the In this last category, the Govern start made towards subscribing the ; paint on the inside turns the window prescribed sources and does not ex ment itself is setting a good example acreage and stock necessary to the i into a mirror, ceed $3,000. in not making these bonds negoti-1 preliminary work of setting up the | 2 Be certain the paint is opaque. Full 4-year program conferring BA and BS degrees The use of the slmpllfed method is able. Defense Bonds are being paid i necessary organization. Most ordinary house paint is not. optional with the taxpayer but once for in cash which, in effect, is trans- j Palmer Torvend, assistant county ! 3 Avoid glossy paint. In addition to regular work, courses offered in First an election has been made for any ferring one form of savings account agent, and W. F. Cyrus, county 4 Select a heat-resistant paint. Aid, Mathematics for Air Pilots, Chemistry and Physics year, it is Irrevocable for that 'year. to another form. Their purchase by | agent, pointed out problems and ne- 5 Select a paint which was intend —looking toward our National Defense; Accounting, If a taxpayer files a return under individuals, trustees, associations, and; cessary pi act ices and procedures in ed for outside use. and Prd-Professional courses. tiie simplified method for the taxable corporations is certainly not increas- j growing and handling the crop. At 6 A black, resin-emulsion paint, year he may not thereafter file a re ing our personal debt. In its tax- present existing prices for flax the ‘ made by manufacturers, is believed Work so arranged that students may graduate in 3 years. turn under the general provisions of anticipatory notes, the Government ; returns, with average yields, are ; to be the best for blackout purposes. the law for that year. Conversely, is also encouraging individual and | higher than local growers are obtain- —Oregon State Defense Council Day and Night Classes if he files a return under the general corporate savings against future ex- ing with any other crop. These p: es- provisions for any taxable year, he penditures. This is helping you to ent high prices make it advisable in Second Semester Begins Feb. 5, 1942, Register Now may not thereafter file a return un I establish a “pay-as-you-go” program setting up a plant at this time to Mrs. McMinn Has New Call or Write for Catalog der the simplified method for that | which I beg of you to do. provide for Its being paid for within year. However, a new election is al I Suggestions for tile Individual the short period of two or three Religious Book Out 1230 Southwest Main Street Phone BEacon 8143 A religious book entitled “Come lowed for each succeeding taxable If that is done then deduc Debt has probably caused more years. year, misery than any other single factor tions for plant financing need not be Before Winter", was written by Mrs. I in our daily individual lives. The made if and when the price of flax Ray B. McMinn (Janie Lancaster Mc Minn) of SW Canyon road has been high wages and profits of World War is not as favorable as at present. IDEALS County Agent Cyrus states that as published by Loizeaux Bros, of New I brought about the installment buy ing system. This undoubtedly proved soon as the growers who took out York. The book is a compilation of Our idenls are our better selves.— a great convenience to countless indi cards return them, a committee, rep Bible stories for children and young — A Bronson Alcott. viduals; but in the main it greatly ag resenting those who have signed, will people. Mis McMinn is the daugh what steps should be taken ter of the late Samuel C. Lancaster. All good that ever was written, gravated the post-war depression. decide to foi!ow up this preliminary work. There is a vast difference between a ! taught, or wrought comes from God in the Willamette val and human faith in the right. Mary government getting into debt and nn ley Expciience Remember Pearl Harbor. indicates definitely that early Individual getting into debt. Baker Ehftty In the fiist instance, if pressed too seeding is advisable and, weRther Ideality is only the avant-couricr far. the government has means of-| permitting, this seeding would prob of the mind, and where that, in a devaluing its money or printing new ably begin the latter part of Febru healthy and normal state goes. I hold money. This, of course, works hard ary. The advisability of early seed it to be a puopheey that realization ships upon many! but at the same ing makes it imperative that any time is quite different from personal effort directed towards signing suffi can follow. Hoi ace Mann. bankruptcy or “going on the town’ cient members and acteage must bo BUSINESS SCHOOL A man will not be the better be which the individual faces when he done Immediately. cause he had a well-born father .if he spends beyond his means. Indiaid'iaJ Advancement himself is nought. But true high- Conclusion Our Policy of Personal Train birth is in the mind it was never In Installment buying not only mort Feed the Birds ing and Individual Advance the flesh. King Alfred. gages the individual for months Householders are urged to feed ment Insures Your Rapid but at the same time tempts the birds and provide them witli Progress. What you believe must influence ahead; hini to buy things for which he has water at intervals during the dnv. what you are. What you are de no real need. Certainly one is wise Suet, chick feed, bread and quarto. Day and Night Classes termines what you do, and what you to buy nothing more on installments ed apples will help the feathered - ENROLL ANYTIME do determines your value here and until he has fully paid all present visitors through this bad period hereafter.—Jane Tudor, obligations. In times like these when STUDIO BUILDING There is nothing that makes men wages in some lines are high and Portland BEacon 7745 BIRTHS rich and strong but that which they payrolls are large, e a s y money” goes carry inside of them. Wealth is of to the head of many individuals To To Mr. nnd Mis. Nels Enderbeg, the heart, not of the hand. -John such I snv with Shakespeare. ‘ Nev Beaverton, Dec. 23, a daughter, Jo er a borrower nor a lender be,” nnd anne C. Milton. clinch the argument from the Apostle Mr. and Mrs. Albert L Farmer of High School Books Paul who advised. "Owe no man any Beaverton. Dec, 27, a son. Miehael J. Bought & Sold at Hylands Remember Pearl Harbor. thing.” Mr and Mrs. Ftank S. Head, route Trade in your Old School Books 5, box 644. Dec. 20, a son Byron J. ll le l lls lll = ll l= il ls lM = llis lll s l i; x lH 3 IIIS IH s lll s in a l llS III£ iM = l ll3 lll E III= M IE III= lll= lll £ IM = lll = H I For those you need this year Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Holmes, Welcome buck to school—and to Aloha. Dec. 21. a daughter. Joyce S m Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Inman. the store that makes education less cx|>enaive; text books, note in Beaverton, Dec 30, a son. Grant M. hooks, supplies of all kinds at Mrs. Homer K Wright. Hi 8425 SW 11th ave Dec. 28. a son. lower than usual prices. s Also Stationery Supplies III Marshal B. = in Hylands Book Store Modern housewives have to know where Remeidber Pearl Harbor. Multnomah Roller Rink O li a - : WE ALBANY COLLEGE I PORTLAND, OREGON H O L M E S SPEND $20 A YEAR GN FREE LECTURE C0SMETÍ on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE BY EARL McCLQUD, C. S. B. of San Antonio, Texas Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, ir Boston, Mass. Announced by Books Bought & Sold in 913 ■ U hi St. Helen's Hall (Episcopal) PORTLAND, OREGON PRE SCHOOL LOWER SCHOOL PORTION'D. OREGON Bet. Taylor and Salmon Sts New f t tv Ordinance requires permit from your principal to exchange school books. (( » -e d u c a tio n a l I Third Church of Christ, Scientist, Portland, Oregon JUNIOR and SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL IUN I0R COLLEGE N u r s in g CIVIC AUDITORIUM Entitled: "Christian Science: It’s Restorative M ission." Friday Evening, January 30 at 8 o'clock The public is cordially F o u rth A i r Invited C o u rse s Wi t h Good S a m a rita n II.«spit.il Hiqh Stan d ard s F in e E quipm ent Prepares for Eastern and W e s t e r n t u ll.-g .-s I J i e 4 n u rse «; la ik e sp o rts Second S em ester—J a n t i ir - *6 “GRADUATES” Before embarking on that College career. Have your Wardrobe ser viced by the Chicago Cleaners and Laundrv 3d A Jefferson—Portland Men': Suits 59c S h u Ladies Dt esses 69c t \s| | g C A R R I FtS s their money goes, the late depression coni polled them to get a dollz ar value for every dollar they sp en d . ITim a habit was form ed, a habit that is hem; mtinued because th rifty Inning's benefits do not cease with the end of depression! The mainstays ot thrifty shopping are th e mone\ saving ad> that appear weekly in t h t s 1 ewspaper ! Thrifty housewives alw va vs have used the Enterprise as their mile the best value iu evervthinir. Mr. Merchant: h mo in this is that vour on am a< mg na V BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE