U o f O L IB R A R Ÿ E l’ OENE OREGON V O L . 14, NO. 51 Club Names Officers (¡Q U I1C Í1 D â C lâ f C S Defense Pledge Oregon ¡ Jersey K O H Card Solicitation Emergency In Gets Underway City Ordinance ' Bab,onSaYS* Sav® s « . j * .« it Bubson P a ik . Florida, Jan 2 3 -T h e recent repo: t o f the C om m ittee on N on-essem tal E xpenditures k w M h> Senator Byrd is a step in the right d n ection . This Com m ittee has recom ­ m ended slushes in non-defense g o v ­ ernm ental expenditures w hich could result in savings totaling $1,716.965.- W ith united co-operation from every The B eaverton City C ouncil has (*61 du rin g the com in g fiscal year be­ The new daylight savings law, ad­ m oney-earning citizen o f W ashington In all p iob a - vancing all clo ck s in the nation one enacted ordinance No. 202 relating to ginning July 1, 1942.. county their goal, several hundred national defense, providin g for ob­ bility the C om m ittee's suggestum.-fcwid houi effectiv e at 2 a. m. F ebruary 9, w orkers started their part o f solici­ T here is, was signed Tuesday by President servance o f blackou ts or oth er res­ not be adopted in toto. tation fo r the O regon defense bond trictions im posed by civil authorities how ove , considerable sym pathy in o f­ R oosevelt. pledge card cam paign locally Tues o r by the arm y or navy o f the United ficial W ashington tow ard many o f Daylight savin g will rem ain in ‘ef day. U nquestionably, j feet not m ore than six m onths after States, providing for penalties fo r v io­ the suggestions. Under direction o f Mrs. Paul P at­ lation o f this ordinance, and declar i substantial savings will be made in the con clu sion o f war, although co n ­ terson o f H illsboro, only wom an cou n ­ Farm Aid, P ublic W orks. W. P. A.. gress has the right to nullify it in ing an em ergency. ty defense bond sales chairm an in The ordinance declares the Coun- | C. C. C.. and N. V. A. expenditures as the meantime. Oregon, w orkers are con d u ctin g cil finds that in the present state of was indicated in the P resident’s B ud­ G overn or Charles A. Sprague said house-to-house solicitation in m ore National em ergen cy it becom es ne­ get Message. Wt’M h. ______ Tuesday that he would issue a p ro c­ than 20 cou n ty districts or piecincts. cessary from tim e to time to impose T he Federal Debt lam ation within the next few days P urpose o f the cam paign is to aid i M cK ee, P errydale, president. W . C. Leth, Dallas, secretary, and blackouts upon ord er o f the civil a u ­ Even if a great part o f the above- placing O regon on daylight saving Uncle Sam in fin an cin g his gigan tic N. Tibbies, Independence, vice president. thorities. and likewise that it b e ­ m entioned sum is w ithdraw n from time at 2 a. m. F ebruary 9, in co m ­ w ar-spending p ;rog ra m fo : ultimate com es necessary to im pose certain , non defense m easures it will not have pliance with a federal law. defeat o f the axis and the group o f restrictions upon civil life o f the com ­ m uch effect upon the national debt. between 300 and 500 w ork ers h iv e ALL— OU T— WAR munity in order ttint tne w elfare o f | Savings will undoubtedly be trnns pledged them selves to m ake the o d ­ W e are at w ar with an unscrupu­ the com m unity and the Nation as a ! ferred to the A rm am ent Program ious jo b o f con ta ctin g prospective lous foreign enem y and we do not whole m ay be preserved; therefore, H ere at least continued expenditures signers a success. kn ow what the future m ay hold. But I \l shaU b‘‘ unla>* ful for any person are absolutely necessary and will be Citizens will be asked to pledge i o f m ore im m ediate practical value. In .... ..... that final victory ... .......in F ood F or F reedom will be featured we do know will bn ! turn 01 corporation to refuse or neg investm ent o f a certain sum period- | lect to com ply with such orders as a fightin g war, it is essential that na­ A ttorney General Francis Biddle ally in defense savings bonds or | by the O regon Jersey Cattle club at j ours and that the d em ocratic w ay o f ; m ay he issued relating to civil con­ tional expenditures rise to a m axi­ today announced new regulations stamps. Signing o f the pledge will it's annual m eeting Salem, Oregon, | life will survive. mum for offen siv e action and that duct and particularly as the same re­ January 31, as planned by the o ffi- j W e are also w agin g a w ar with an • a ffectin g the con duct o f Germ an, be optional and not binding, and cam other expenditures be kept to a m ini­ lates to ord ers fo r blackouts restrict­ (In fa n tile P aralysis) that j Italian and Japanese nationals tliruout paign heads have stated it i;t being cers and T. J. Law, Jr.. T routdale, I enem y mum. ed use o f m otor vehicles, parking, continental United States. done as a "m orale rem inder” to each O regon, chairm an o f the program maim s and cripples our children. In ­ lighting, and other such orders pro Those w h o have ¡edu ced their per­ O ffice rs are Levi M e -; fantile Pa: alysis plays no favorites, The new --giilatioilH require ap­ citizen to do his part tow ard defeat com m ittee. sonal debt need not now bo co n ­ m ulgated by civil authorities, or by ; Kee, Perrydale, president o f the as­ but strikes the old and the young, proxim ately 1,100.000 Germ an, Italian o f A m erica's enemies. the A rm y or »he N avy o f the United cerned over tlie national debt though and Japanese aliens to apply at the Citizens will be asked to indicate socia tion ; W . C. Leth. Dallas, secre-1 the rich and the poor, the stron g and States, or any com bination o f them I expect it to be over $75 billion by nearest post o ffic e fo r a C ertificate on their pledge h ow often, and where, tary, and M N. Tibbies, Independ- the weak. the end o f the year. E xpenditures for D uring any period o f blackout it Oregon, noted , T he N ational F oundation fo r In ­ or identification The requirem ent they plan to buy the defense savings ; ence, vice president. shall be unluwful for any person, I direct and indirect individual Federal applies to all nationals 14 years o f bonds, w hether from a po3t o ffice, 1 fo r world record Jerseys and high ; fantile Paralysis, Inc., is organized t o ( or corp oration to w ilfully re­ aid for the past six m onths o f the age or over w ho have not vet taken bank, or oth er sales agency, by mail 1 record production has m o r ■ J e rse y s' fight this disease and It is necessary ; fuse to obey any o f the rules current fiscal year alone .have rea ch ­ the oath o f allegiance before a F ed ­ from the United States treasurer, or on o fficia l test than any state except­ to find its cause and cure by scien ­ and iegulations or to wilfully ed a total o f $1,080 000,000 com pared tific research. M uch has been done ; eral judge, the final step in acquir­ under a payroll savings agreem ent ing Texas. refuse or neglect to obey any lawful with $1.560,000,000 for the six months ing A m erican citizenship. but it requires m oney to ca rry t h is ; w ith their em ployer, o r through an ord ers o f civil, m ilitary, or naval o f the previous year. W hile there w o rk on to a final victory. All Germ an, Italian and Japanese organization. P. T. A. Meet» , W e are in the midst o f a drive to | authorities, or any o f the regularly or have been a great many com plaints nationals residing in the states o f Mrs. L loyd Jones o f Sherw ood was specially appointed o ffice rs charged yet, in tim e o f dire national stress, raise funds to w age w ar against In­ California, O regon , W ashington, Ne­ appointed assistant cou nty chairm an January 27 The Beave. ton Parent T eacher as- fantile P aralysis and this can h e ! with the enforcem ent o f tne rules this m oney served a most useful pur­ vada, Arizona, M ontana, Utah and and has assumed responsibility fo r j and regulations govern in g blackouts pose. It took men o f f the streets Idaho a :c required to file applica­ solicitation in the southw estern p a it sociation will m eet Tuesday, January d on e only by volu n tary donations by A ny person, firm or corporation w ho might have becom e a great so ­ tions between F ebruary 2 and 7, 1942, o f W ash in gton county. Mrs. M ile s ' 27 at 8 p. m in the grade school j all. SO'f o f all m onies raised goes violatin g any of these provisions cial m enace and helped m any needy inclusive. Austin o f Forest D rove is assistant , auditorium . Supt. Metzler will speak to the National F oundation fo r Infan upon con viction thereof farm ers. Paralysis, I n c , fo research i shall Failure to com p ly with the new chairm an in char ge o f the western on H ow the H om e and School can j tile Continued on Page 2 section. | W ork T ogether. This is d a d ’s night w ork and the rem aining 50r< is kept in the M unicipal court, be punish- regulations may be punished by s e ­ vere penalties, including possible in­ The follow in g district or precinct j and they will furnish the entertain- in our cou nty to help the victim s o f | f * by a fm e . not « ‘ ending WOO or by the disease in ou r midst. 1 “ ? r ‘«"» m e n t ,n he cou nty Jail not ternment o f the enem y aliens for the chairm en were appointed by Mrs. | tnent. E veryone cord ially ¡nvited. T o All P arents R em em ber that ™on th 8. or by noth such duration o f the war. P atterson T hu rsday night fo r eastern j ----------------------------- none are im mune to the ravages o f ' '' an' “ P tkflM W B . The regulations require enemy W ash in gton county Mrs H a r o ld • Survey Shows Many P olio and it m ay strike in you r home . . . . aliens, in applying fo r identification Savik, SE A loha; A. T K om m er 1 n i id * IIC at any time. T h erefore: we are | University Students to certificates, to p iov id e a photograph C ooper M t.; E. A. M asters, C ity o f o C P O O I U U S e s i n U . J . B eaverton; Mrs. R . F. Bowm an, SW i A recent survey disclosed that there ask in g you to help fight this battle Receive Advancement B eaverton R obekah Lodge 24 held o f them selves (to be attached to the are close to 100.000 sch ool buses car- fo r the protection o f y o g r loved ones Aloha. its regular m eeting Tuesday evening. identity ca rd ) and to answ er a num­ | ryin g children to and from sch ool in P atronize the entertainm ents or oth ­ ' U niversity o f O regon, Eugene, Jan. Nine o ffice rs w ere installed by Mrs. ber o f questions con cern in g their 23 «Special) Gene Brown, o f Beav­ j the United States, accord in g to the er m eans o f raising m oney to carry Myrtle H ardm an, d istrict deputy cu rren t activities. erton, is am ong the fifty six ad­ Oregon State M otor association on this fight. The regulations provide that after vanced R O T C students at the Unlver- j president and T roberg Benson, dis­ R A V A N T R IM , , . . . , _ . . trict deputy marshal, assisted by tlie a carefu l check has been m ade o f C haiim an W ash., Co. C hapter ^ * ° L ° , r*KOn Wh? b“ v e ^ n recor" ; past noble grands o f the lodge. each application, the applicant will ___' m ended fo r appointm ent as second Friendly Club Start Nat. Found fo r In fan tile P aralysis O fficers installed were. Noble be provided with a C ertificate o f lieutenants in the o ffice rs ' reserve Mrs. A daline F rost; vice Iden tification hearing his ph otograph Disaster Relief Quilt j corps. Colonel R. M. Lyon, head o f grand, Magazines, newspapers, cardboard, t Mrs. W alter Van K leek entertained grand, Mrs. Ivy R isley; con ductor, index fingerprint and signature. He I the departm ent o f m ilitary science and other types o f old paper mate, ial the F riendly clu b Friday. Thelm a N ew com er; warden, Laura will hereafter be required to ca rry Eleven announced. will be collected by students o f the m em bers were present. the certificate with him at all times. , Plans were A lth ou gh B row n will have co m ­ B u ff.n o; m usician. Fern H aines; R. B eaverton high school, beginning made to start a quilt fo r the D isaster; S. N. G., R ose Stevens; L. S. N. G., pleted the course before reaching the M onday, January 26, extending a p e r -. R e lie f closet. L ight refreshm ents age o f 21, he will probably receive a Ellen L a R u c; It. S. V. G., F rankie iod o f tw o weeks to aid in the paper were served at the close o f the m eet­ com m ission along with others since Butts; L. S. V. G., L u cy B ow m an, shortage o f this country, reco rd in g ing. By M .s. F roeda Peterson, Dallas, Ore. j the arm y age requirem ents have been chaplain, A nna Mae R odgers, inside to Mr. Metzler, principal. guard, V irgin ia C ham berlain; outside State Chairm an W om en ’s P articip a ­ low ered. Citizens o f this com m unity interest­ ! guard, Mary C aviness; press corres- tion in defense, vice chairm an, O re­ Receives Word from Son ed in con tribu tin g such m ateiial may | pondent, E dna Sheets. gon A dvisory C ouncil o f D efense E M M E T T INM AN Peach and filbei-t grow ers or Wanli- Mrs. M. C. M cK erch er leceived a do so by callin g the hig i school, T here were several visitors present O regon W om en have definite roles 1 E m m ett Inman, 66 years, o l route 2 ington cou nty will find in form ation Beaverton 3564, he reports. A rrange­ letter a fe w days ago from her son to perform in home defense. W om en ! R efresh m en ts were solved. H e was o f in teicst and im portance to them ments will be made to call fo r the G eorge w h o is with the U. S. N avy < all ov er A m erica are asking, W hat ! B eaverton, died Jnn. 16 husband o f Mrs. Julia Inm an, father at the m eetings Scheduled fo r next stationed at P e a il H arbor. H e is: paper. I can I do fo r d efen se? The reply is I o f W. R. Inman. Sa.i F rancisco, and Miss Ida Brown Silver Monday and Tuesday, accord in g to In addition, he stated, old books alright and well. | Get busy in the com m un ity line front, j R obert Inman, I » n g Beach, C a lif- county agent W m . F. Cyrus. P ru n ­ will be collected for the United Ser­ Tea Hostess Tuesday A m erica is no stron ger than the sum . fou r gran dchildren ; brother o f Mrs. ing m ethods and system s will be d e ­ J. M. Person, M anager o f the W a sh ­ vice organizations fo r the boys in A group o f m em bers and friends of total o f the local com m unities. S tr e n -! Mable G reenw ood. Fort Lauderdale, arm y cam ps and bases. B ooks should ington federal savings and loan a s M the M ethodist ch urch gathered at m onstrated by O. T. M cW h orter, e x ­ Fla.,; Mrs. E ffie Nelson, Omaha, tension horticulturist and the cou n ty here has a c c e d e d the a u - l * ^ 6" the wettk links in youl co m ' sociation accepted tne ap munit life Th(>sp be found in be o f the type suitable for service the M is. G eorge B row n 's hom e T u es­ N eb.; W alter Inm an, W aukegnn, Ili- agent. ent as disaster chairm an o f . ... , ... men between the ages o f 18-40 and in pointm day afternoon when Miss Id i Brown T. . . , fields o f health, nutrition, recreation 1 and Frank Inm an, Iowa. Funeral M onday m orning, January 26 at the W ashington county ch a p ter o f ___. . .. . ' . . , fa ir condition. Mrs. „ . _ . . and child care. If we are not play- services w e:o held Saturday at P egg's : vas hostess at a silver tea 9 30 a. m. interested filbert grow ers W F. Norm an, ehairm an . . . , . ' 3 B ooks may be left at the Beaverton R . ed . Cross, Ruth Reed o f Portland, p .osid en t o f . . . . . ing our part to im prove local com Chapel. Com m ital services private. announced. Mr , .. ' city library and will be collected from o f the board has the con feren ce o f M ethodist m ission­ will meet in the C. D eV oung orch ard ... _ j i m unity life, then we are missing an Person will fill the o ffic e made vn I ___f .. . . , , , , r any add;ess. aries gave a very in stru ctive talk o f at the ju n ction o f H ennessey A venue opportunity to d o a first-line defense Tlie high sch ool quota has been set I cant by the resignation o f Miss Rose job. L I B R A R Y N O T E S her trip to the South where she visit­ and F arm ington R oad, southw est o f D efense is a program and not j Cave. at 1000 volumes. H ours 2 to 6 each week day ed the negro schools and orphanages B eaverton, form erly the C apt Me a slogan It requires coordin ation C om m ittee chairm an appointed in- Saturday 2 to 8 p. m. supported by M ethodist W om en o r ­ N elley orchard. At 1:30 p. m on M on­ o f every existing agen cy and pulling 1 elude Miss Corrine Pennington, horn ’ T he m ost com plete an th ology o f ganizations. Open discussion fo l­ day. peach pru ning wlil be studied at togeth er in every com m unity. Keep the Milton Himon place approxim ately i nursing, Mrs. J. T. K ovaly nutri- Regional Holly Growers V iking B ook o f \ io w’ed. in mind that it is the w ork that is poetry today is the 2 miles west o f F orest G rove on tlie | tion and canteen c o ;p , Mrs. R W. Poetry. It contains lepresen tative i Mrs. G eorge G o :d o n led the d e v o ­ im portant—and not who or what o r­ Meeting Dated Jan. 27 Gales C reek road. W eil, m otor corp. Mr. Norm an, flis l ganization gets the credit fo r doin g it w ork s o f ail the great poe*s o f all 1 tional service. An invitation is extended to all hol­ . aid. On Tuesday, January 27 at 9:30 a. periods, and outstanding w ork s o f j The aim o f the W om en's P artici­ ly grow ers o f this area to a g r o w ­ m , filberts will again be studied at m inor poets, w hose merit earns them pation C om m ittee is to give every ers m eeting to be held at the W illam ­ the L. R. Pearson orch ard just east o f a place am ong the truly greet. This , Nurserymen to Meet ette H olly O rchard, o f Tigard, at 7:30 The B eaverton B ook club had its wom an a ch ance to serve her state is a good book to see what poem s o f i the Reedville sch ool. At 1:30 p. m. January 29 in Portland p. m. January 27. fiis t m eeting o f the year. W ednesday. and cou ntry in t’ s cap acity for lasting value have been sung from 30) o f the sam e day the m eeting place N urserym en o f O regon will hold Volunteer County agricultural agents o f January 14. at the C ongregational w hich she is best fitted. will be the John Hulsm an peach orch ­ to the present. their annual m id-w inter m eeting Jan C lackam as and W ashington counties church. Mrs M. C. M cK ercher in service is a m ost im portant p a :t of ard approxim ately 2 miles south o f R em em ber a basket is w aiting a( j All will be present. troduced the review er in the absence national defense, and there is need the lib ra .y to collect the V icto ry ; nary 29 in the Heathm an hotel. Cornelius. licensed nurserym en, florists, bulb fo r every woman to serve. All wo­ o f the new president^ Mrs. Strowe B ooks for the m m in the service. g :ow ers, greenhousem en. landscape In recognition o f her w ork during the men should register with their county Bring n good book for them. St. Marys’ of the Valley gardeners and others interested in G ay W ilson and Jack R obinson past year, as president, the book club defense co u n cil; and when assigned any phase o f the nursery industry are fam ilies are now living In the K ing The facu lty m em bers and student presented Mrs M cK ercher with a to certain tasks, perform them w ill­ invited to attend, a ccord in g to A M apartm ents. Mr. and Mrs. L. G . K ing body were saddened at the news o f potted planting o f A frican Violets ingly and to the best o f their ability Attention Tire Users the death o f Miss G ertrude Sommet In the fu tu ie get you r application 1 Doerner o f P ortland, president o f the have a fou r room apartm ent, the tw o Mrs. Alevia Alexander, a m em ber o f | Unite with the R ed C .o ss in c a r r y ­ w ho graduated in 1936. Sincere sym ­ Portland U niversity W om en 's group, ing out their program fo r national blanks for tires from Mr. D oty at O regon A ssociation o f itfurserymen. oth ers being o f three rooms. This pathy is extended to the m em bers o f review ed 'The Blood R em em bers.' defense, w hich includes: F irst Aid, the City Hall, Beaverton. apaitm en t has just been finished and the bereaved fam ily. is strictly m odern. D O R A S T IP E . It proved to be extrem ely in te re st-: Hom e Nursing, T each in g qualified On Sunday evening. January 25, the ing—first, the authoress. Helen Hed- w om en to be nurses aides, m otor Bethel Plans Card Party Chairm an Tire R ation in g Board students will begin their annual rick, is a native o f Oregon residing i corps, lanteen corp s and canteen Bethel No. 20 Jobs D aughters are B eaverton G range met in all dav three-day retreat. R ev. Dam ien near M edford on the R ogu e R iver: aides hospital and recreation corps. party Saturday session Saturday last. A busy and Mrs. O. Coslett, Jr., o f Beaverton, spon sorin g a card H entges, O.S.B will con duct the ex­ second, the setting is on the savage Initiation E v e :y wom an m ust be prepared to attended the Past Nobles club m eet­ night, J a n u aiy 24th at the M aaonic profitable day was spent. ercises. Five hundred, in the third and fourth degrees took ing in H illsboro recently. She held Tem ple. Beaverton. back w oods o f the m ountains o f the pay a personal price fo r freedom At the student body m eeting held C alifornia-O regon bord er; and third, T hat price m ay mean personal sacri­ high score in 500. pinochle and bridge. Prizea and a good part o f the m orning session. Friday, January 16. plans were dis­ the Indian ch aracters o f the story fices, financial sacrifices, the sa cri­ refreshm ents and a d oor prize w ill be A fter the pot luck dinner Installation cussed fo r the pre-Lenten p a;ty, and were inspired by the K lam ath In ­ fice o f m em bers o f her fam ily for given. E veryon e w elcom e. o f o ffice rs was the first order o f busi­ Auto Tax Stamps Advisa the date set fo r F ebruary 17. ness. D uring this time and for the dians o f the Klam ath R iver country, m ilitary service. R ecent visitors to the academ y o f Oregon. balance o f the m eeting a group o f la­ The new federal m otor vehicle Entertains Bridge Club were Mrs. R obert H ow ard < Mary une tax stam ps a :e on sale at your T he authoress has given as one of Mrs F. H. Schoene o f S orrento, en ­ dies cut pieces and sewed for quilts Receives Medical Care Egan. '38) and Mrs. G eorge R aybu n her hobbies collectin g Indian legends A short program local post o ffice . These stam ps tertained the T uesday B ridge club fo r the R ed Cross. (V iola E gan, ’37) o f W ish ram ; Mr. In this book she weaves many stories < Mrs. H enry Schw arzenback o f B eav­ w as rendered. must be affixed to you r windshield T uesday afternoon Mrs. A. M erton. was adm itted to a H illsboro and Mrs. R o y W illiam s o f San F ian by F ebruary 1st. about the Indian superstitions and Jannsen. Mrs. W . C. M cK ell and cisco, and Mrs. Lewis F ow ler Mary the events o f the cerem onials which hospital last week fo r m edical care T he price is $2 09 and no m otor Miss Juliette F arter w ere guests. Mrs. Mary B abcock o f D spoe Bay Orselii, 38) o f Portland. num ber, license num ber or other she has learned from Indian friends M is. F. G. D onaldson held high score. is carin g for the home o f Mr. and inform ation is necessary fo r the Zimbricks Have New Son ' T he Blood R em em bers" has been Mrs. Don M acDonald while they are pui chase wife, friend or fellow - Mr and M-s. Frank Zim brick are Home from San Francisco added to the Beaverton library. i spending the week in Seattle and Hostess on Birthday w ork er can buy them fo r the m o­ ---------------------------- « being felicitated on birth on a son. G#ne H arrison returned W ednesday Mrs. Inez W h itw orth entertained Olym pia. W ashington. torist. Uncle Lee says to save you r fine January 6 from the M erchant Marine hospital with a biith d ay dinner Sunday in E ach stam p is accom panied by ----------------------- -■ In San F rancisco. He has been su f­ rugs and floors buy a cocoa fiber 14x24 M is. D ora Fox received word from recognition o f her daughter E vas a card which must be filled out inch d oor mat on sale January 24 to Dr June M artin o f M arshfield. fering bloodpoisoning in his hand. birthday anniversary. G uests in-1 ... . _ _ . . . . ,, and mailed to the collector o f in 31 at R ich ey H ardw are A Furniture O regon, grand con d uctress o f the _ enjop'i i , „ Mr „ and i Mrs ... i. , *rt , Johnson , . i _ at . H ickam Field, Hawaii. He , was !'.'•) I . . . . . ... . , ternal revenue in Portland. T hey Store. T hese mats are easy to clean Eastern Star, paid her o fficia l visit Mr. and Mrs H M Rarnes a cco m ­ 1 goin g to get In tou ch with his broth ­ Mrs. May H ughes o f Portland and are not to be sent to the bureau o f instruction to B eaver chapter panied by Mrs. M H M etcalf and son either under the faucet or by using a er Kenneth, who is at Pearl H arbor, the im m ediate fam ily o f innternal revenue at W a sh in g ­ D efense Stamps on Eastern Star o ffir e s W ednesday a f­ Donald returned hom e Thursday garden hose. about tw o miles from H ickam Field. ton. D C. ternoon. January 14 She remained January 15 follow in g a weeks visit to sale also Since the stam ps are not regls fo r the ch apter m eeting that even­ Berkley, C alif where they visited Visits III Brother A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. tered and hence might be used by T here waa a large attendance Eighteen m em bers from the P o rt­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. J E F leetw ood and to M :s. H. R. Nelson and daughter Peter I^iwhring (P hyllis L lngm an) o* oth ers than the rightful pu rchase'­ visitors present. B akersfield, C a lif- w here they visit­ land B irthday club drove out Thurs­ o f m em bers and Mrs N oreen A llyn visited her broth Reedville, Monday, January 5. ll detached from his windshield ed Mr and Mrs W illiam Campbell, day. January 15 to surprise Mrs Don W h ile here she was an overnight er W H. Pow ell M onday even in g at A daughter. C onstance Leora, w as o r instrument panel, they can be M acDonald on her birthday anniver­ guest o f Mis. E lm er Stipe. also visiting in L os A ngeles P rovid en ce hospital where he is ser born to Mr and Mrs. R obert L. R o b ­ protected by a cm*, o f varnish or sary F ollow in g a lovely pot luck lously ill with penum onia. M rs N el­ inson Tuesday. January Sth at a h os­ by the purchaser’s name or license Mrs Carrie L e rn a .d w ho has been Mrs Mac Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G oyt o f P ort­ dinner cards were played son rem ained ov er night with Mrs pital in H illsboro. This Is a g ra n d ­ num ber written across the face. Pow ell. Loiter reports are that Mr. ’ daughter o f land, have spent the past week at the Donald was presented with a birthday visiting Mrs. Helen Fisher returned Mr and Mrs. R obert 1 to her hom e in P ortlan d Tuesday. g ift from the club. P ow ell Is im proving. Johnson o f B eaverton. borne o f Mr. and Mrs. F red Goyt. Oregon Jersey Cattle Meeting January 31st ■ Enemy Aliens to Register For Identification Cards Beaverton Rebekahs Install New Officers High School Students Conduct Paper Drive Women Responsible For First Line Defense lob Peach-Filbert Growers Invited To Meetings