or; Friday, January 9, 1942 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon Page 3 Classified Rates • F0R ™ le FOR SALE Norge Mangle, $90. nearly new, R. H. Jenkins, route X, Beaverton. T W O Cents a word per issue. Minimum 25c CASH with copy. We Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E M U LTN O M A H PRESS T IG A B D S E M I N til. AI.OIIA N E W S Complete E a s t e r n Washington County and Western Multnomah County Coverage. SAAN AN GOAT for service—A Cimino, Walnut avenue, Tigard, Oiegon. FOR SALE 10 tons Hay, Otis & Vetch, J. H. Johnson, Hart s Road, Beaverton. FOR SALE 37 Plymouth Pickup $285. Geo. Ludwig, Beaverton, R2, Phone Beaverton 2377. W e assume no financial respon sibility for errors which may ap pear In advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. LOST LOST—Sun., Jan. 4. 1942, ladies gold watch & bracelet, Regard. Mrs. E. A. Hartman. 6th H e W at son, Beaverton. V E T E R IN A R IA N S East of Beaverton Highway 8 ____________ Beaverton 3511__________ • APPLIANCE GIFTS THAT LAST-- ELECTRIC MIXERS, COFFEE MAK ERS, WAFFLE IRONS, ELECTRIC IRONS, TOASTERS, STEAM IRONS, VACUUM SWEEPERS LOST- Black Cocker Spaniel, name Jerry, no tag, 4 years old. Mis. Derwent, Beaverton 2846. Dr. Norm E. Johnson Veterinarian FOR RENT LIV E S TO C K \Vr . \ V T cheap and old horses of of all kinds. 3964 S E ' Cora. Portland SU. 1450. FOR R E N T — Desirable small business location In brick building in Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 3511. P A IN T S E I II = lll= lll= lll= lll= in = lll£ lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= IM Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds W ANTED 1941 TURKEYS FISHER THORSEN PAINTS For quality, fair price and service Receiving and Dressing Piants DOWN Close-Out J. B, Imlays & Sons ALBANY, EUGENE, M c M i n n v i l l e , k e d m o . v d . K 9SK BU R G , SALEM , ORE. REED V1LLE ALOHA. ORE Main Office and Plant NORTHWEST POULTRY & Dairy Products Co. 232 S. E. Oak St. Garden Pools Rockeries West Hills Landscape Co. Portland, Or. M ISCELLANEOUS BKacon 0170 W OM EN BE IN D E P E N D E N T I^earn Barbering. Enter a field that is both pleasant and profit able. Owing to present conditions, women barbers are now in great demand . . . M OLER Barber College, 227 SW 3d Ave., Portland. Write or call for information. Sanitary Beauty School The only school offering the USUAL instruction, plus SPECI FIC COURSE in hair styling by "Alexander, nationally known hair expert" Books, kits, etc., furnished BE. 5312 400 liekuni Bldg. PORTLAND This ad worth $10 dis on tuition ALL K IN D S of Floor Samples!! / REFRIGERATORS WASHERS RANGES 8650 Canyon Drive M. J. H A R R IS M ULTNOM AH ROLLER RINK Near II. R. Tracks O P E N Every Night except Sunday and Monday Nights ...................................... 27c Plus tax ...................................... 3c I-idles half price Tuesday Nights Matinee Wednesday 3:30 to 5:30 11c Matinee Sat. and Sunday 1:80 to 4:30 He S P E C IA L P A R T Y R A T E S CII. 2395 ON SM A L L A P P L IA N C E S You’ll Save Plenty During Our ALL - OUT FLOOR SAMPLE SALE— SEE THEM NOW— Garden Maintenance Service One of the Largest Maintenance Concerns in Portland "1=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111=111 j FO R TOW CARS call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO. Phone Tigard 91. Trees Topped Removed )( y V STOVES OIL HEATERS CIRCULATORS GAS RANGE SAMPLES ALL ITEMS LISTED ABOVE AT WEST SIDE STORE ONLY — 104 S. W. MORRISON 104 S. W. MORRISON BE 2800 104 S. W. MORRISON BE 2800 Rocks for Walls Rock Garden Rock Flat Stepping Stones—Top Soil Dump Truck Work Gravel for Driveways Call CHerry 2338 WOOD 4 ft. and short lengths delivered anywhere at reasonable prices. P IN E K NO T F U E L CO. One of the Famous Pezzoloa of California Location Metzger, Phone CH. 1758 J. O. Millar & Sons Theo Pezzolo Master Teacher of ACCORDION Riverview Cemetery P IA N O — H A R M O N Y 235 N. E. 20th Ave., Cor. Everett LA. 0727 l*ortland W EST END S E L L W O O D B R ID G E onn m CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service in New- Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 MORNINGLIGHT CHAPEL Rose Chapel-Green Room Serene Beauty - Perfect Service ). P. Finley & Son FO I RTII AT M O N T G O M ER Y ATwater 2181 Inside Parking at the Front \ve, Morrison to Salmon PORTLAND Brick & Building Tile SEE YOUR D E A LE R Golumbia Brick Works 1320 SE Water— Portland Kilns at Gresham-*) lian-Solem Buy Now and Save 30'V on all tjpes and sizes for passenger cars and trucks; 16x100 brand new (llo- dell) chains with ease-hardened rross links as low as $2.80 pair. $1.00 DOWN DELIVERS MATTRESSES • • 1 s p rin g NOW ON S A LI AT O N LY Floor Sample New IES Lamp & Shade S6.50 Complete Line of Christmas Gifts and Toys R u gs. R an ges, $ | Ç .5 0 R e frig e r a to r s EASY TERM S $1.00 Down Delivers Manor Furniture Co. PO R TLA N D For Cal and larljr told fo r 916.96 r »«t i S45.00 CONCRETE W O R K of All Kinds Beaverton 6524. M A R T IN ELE C TR IC CO Prompt. Dependable Service with a 5 -Y FA R CH AKAN- of G o o d Grade Velours or Tapes tries. % well-known make H »t - irp««» W A N T TO ROCKERS TEE. C h o i c e BOX SPRINGS Lowest Prices in Oregon New Montag Range SWING INNERSPRING MATTRESSES AND FURNITURE 114 SW Yamhill 815 SW First at Yamhill _____ NOW ON SALE FOR ONLY Portland Auto Wrecking Co. H ID E * .1 W OOL, C A M A R A — A specialty. L E E BROS., 416 SW Front Ave., ATwater 5334 * Choice selection of Patterns and Colors. These Rugs were made to sell for $49.95 . . . Going to Mt. Hood? Don’t Go Without Tire Chains Portland Brick, Tile. Masonary ________ 9x12 A X M IN S T ER S ii F A R M E R S—Why drive that run down truck or panel delivery. This j weeks classified ads offer you a so- \ lution to that trouble problem. Check the classified ads. M AR K E T Have you looked over tha ads this week? I f not do so, they carry a world of news. 0 ALL ITEMS LISTED BELOW AT EAST SIDE STORE ONLY — 1300 EAST BURNSIDI W as. m . 1 s t 10th at Saimaa Two locations 8125 N E Union TK. 0547 1803 N E Union GA. 6807 FREE PUBLIC oun r t iu iw i BAIXUOOM *HI * P1» " 0 * R u g *’ < l..thing, % O m MM « i ll bring fast results at a very small ONLY famous ■>0WN DELIVERS *1055 EACH a f-w of th., L A VOGUE INNERSPRING MATTRESSES $16 «5 left at the am azingly low price o f . . Formerly $2295 Si Down Delivers expense! DANCE TONIGHT and every T O W , W E IL , F R I, SAT. McELROY’S SW 5th A Main Portland 1300 E. Burnside Phone Ve 2108 io ? 1300 E. Burnside Phone Ve 2108