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About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1942)
Page 4 Frida V , B E A V E R TO N EN TE R P R IS E, Beaverton, Oregon Judge Arlie Walker Speaks to Kiwanis Bible Questions & Answers Mcrcicr Heads’ S.rP. W ednesday even in g’s K iw anis m eeting was ladies night, and a very enjoyable one. The speaker w as Circuit Judge A rlie Walker o f M c Minnville, w ho is L t. G overn or o f K iw anis Division 10. Judge W a lk er gave an absorbing discussion on delinquency am ong m inors, bringing home the necessity o f ca refu l, sane treatm ent o f the y ou n g people w ho fo r various reasons are not m aking the m ost o f unlim ited opportunities aiou n d them. The roster o f visitors included Mr. and Mrs. Cy G englebach o f M onta- villa club, w ho will be chairm an o f their mernlwrshlp com m ittee fo r 1942. W e can see the logic o f their ch oice when he can take a president from our clu b and put him in M ontavllla Mr. u d Mrs. John K irby o f M cM innville, form er B eaverton mem-1 hers, were w elcom e visitor«, as were also Mr. and Mrs. P a rk e r D ow ning The Keedville R hu m ba Girls, Mr. and Mrs. Don M cln n is, M iss A m arette Barnes and M iss G ayle D u ff w ere guests o f the clu b as a little g e s ture o f appreciation fo r their help in the K iw anis Carnival. B ob B arnes with M axine C ady accom p an yin g, sang tw o splendid num bers which were well received. THE NEW B IR T H January 2. 1^42 BOOKS FOR RECREATION F EET HURT L. D. M AHON E from Corn*. W arls, T h ick T oe Nails E n la rg 'd Joint«, Elat Keel and It Mas B uskin » h o said that a Athletes F o o t ; I f so see lo o m without pictures is like a ouni w ithout windows. If p .v.u r«s are DR . CROCKETT needed in the home hoM- much more 256 S. E. Ave. 2nd., H illsboro a io books a necessary? A house-1 Chiropodist and Foot Specialist hold without books, in which the Exam ination Free m em bers o i tne fam ily have not [ Phone 2921 (O ffice op. S afew ay) acquired the art o f reading, can nev er attain the high and dignified ideal o f what a heme should be. The pro- . portion o f hom es which fail to satis- j fy this standard is v e .y large. They* abound in- e v e .y p a n o f the cou ntry,! to the detrim ent o f our national life. The opportunity to those who knoM- books. to recom m end and , purchase for those M ho are not ac-1 quainted, is a very great need at | this time. Left alone the purchaser > UQU1Û Militi. SALVI. NOM MON m ay buy. he may got a good book and o n ,t h e other hand it m ight he one in Mnich there is no inte est for j the reader, hence, his desi e to equip j llslU = lllsa i= lllslllzlllslllsiil= lliS IH = !ll= lll3 III him self M’lth the .iest books is gone T o illustrate, ¿some months ago I was 'i‘ in a book shop and mat three buys ¡¡j just out o f high school. They had = nine dollars to sperd for books to be |L' read on their vacation. They Me re I ¡Jj blousing am ong the scien tific books = when I spoke to them and ascer- j !1! tained their desires. I took them ¡Jj over to the sales tabli and purchased = some dozens o f books. :an gin g in J price f om tw enty-five cents to sev- j uj enty five. T hey left the store witn jjj their new treasurers B efore leaving = I volunteered my service to go with iTi them at any time that Mould be = available to make future purchases i jjj SALE JAN. 3-10 ar.d also to their friends. Many o f HJ the high school boys and girls have 1 jjj ü¡ M’ended their way to my o ffice and = it has alw ays been a pleasure to se ve I POTTERY VASES them. It has placed many o f them III T I Ml in the book leading list. It will s oh «t m ake them better citizens. It will hi J iTi lead them into better paths o f right living and devotion to duty. It is a ! W RINGER M OP SET start in the right direction. I W * Ml 1 Can we fully this understand p rocess? A The wind blow eth w here it listeth and thou hcarest the sound thereof but canst not tell whence it com eth and whither it goeth so is every one that is borr. o f the spirit, 1 Peter 1:8. 2 Can one be bo n o f the spirit ! and stili do w ork o f the flesh ? A That which is born o f the flesh is flesh, that which is born o f the ST. CECELIA CHURCH S p is Spit it. John 3:6. R om ans Rev. Father O 'K eefe, Pastor , 8:5. Masses 8 and 10 a. m. 3 D o these tw o conditions har- i ---------------------------- , m onize? CHURCH OF CHRIST A F or the flesh lusteth against G. W. Sp inger, Pastor M orning w orship and preaching the Spirit and the Spirit against the' | service 9:45 a. m. The m orning ser flesh and these are con trary one to vice will be a New Y ear's m essage on the other so that ye cannot do the the topic F acin g The New Y ear with things that ye would. Gal. 5:17. Christ. Follow ing the serm on, the 4 W hat are the w ork s o f the flesh ? L ord ’s supper will be observed. A Now the w orks o f the flesh are Bible School class session 11 a. m. m anifest, which a .e these adultery, Christian E ndeavor 6:30 p. m. I forn ification uneleanltness, lascivious I Evening w o:sh ip service 7:30 p. m. ness, idolatry, w itch craft, hat ed, The topic will be Our A ffection s. variance, em ulations, wrath, strife, First official act of A. T. Mercler on M idweek prayer and Bible study seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, taking office as president of South W ednesday 8 p. m. drunkenness, reveling and such like. ern Pacific was to issue a war time ---------------------------- ! Gal. 5 19-21. appeal to the com pany's 60,000 em METHODIST CHURCH 5 W hat are the w orks o f the ployes. "Our first duty Is to our A dram atic m oving picture o f The spirit? government and I know the men L ife o f Christ, the w orld’s greatest o f \ A But the fruit o f the Spirit is and women of our railroad will give all Bassion Plays, depicting the life o f love, peace, lon g-su ffe. ing, gentle- a good account of them selves," he Jesus Christ on D ecem ber 28 at 7:30 ness, faith, meekness, tem perance, St. Mary’s ol the Valley ■aid p. m. This is said to be greater and ! Ve ses 22, 23. The pre-school activities at St. ---------------------------------------------------------------- — ------------ — — I more ela b o.te than the O b era m m e.-j 6 W hen a man has been Born M ary's o f the Valley reached a cli gau stage passion play. E very scene j Again, what will he d o ? max in the Christm as program pre W H IT F 0R D was taken In H oly Land and E gypt. A I f ye know that he is righteous sented by the student« o f the gra m The Sunday School gave their an j j ye kn ow that every one that doeth m ar gia d es Thursday afternoon, D e i nual Christm as program the 21st A | NAZARKNE CHURCH righteousness is born o f Him. I John cem ber 18. Little Claire’s Christmas ! good program was icndered There First and stott Street 2 2'X • w as the m a'n feature o f the en ter were sixty fou r present. The room W. P K E E B A U G H , Pastor | 7 W hat is righteousness? tainment, the cast o f w h ich included and Christm as tree wag beautiful, 1 Sunday School 9 45 a. m. A My tongue shall speak o f thy th*- follow in g: P atricia H arding, also Christm as decorations. W. E 1 P reaching Service 11 a. m. word, for all thy com m andm ents are Bruna Marie B arsolti, V era B ernlng. Garnet made a few pleasing rem arks ; Y oung Peoples 6:30 p. m. righteousness. Ps. 119 :172. N ancy Clancy, Joy M arks, Betty Candy w as distributed to the children i E vangelistic service 7:30 p. m. 8 W hat was Paul thus made to Claire R and, Christine M cP heison , and all w eie invited to remain and live? " ,n «''tlental » a m - 1 M acquainted. A very social A F or the law o f the Spirit o f life WENT SLOPE UNITED hers consisted o f group recitations * enioved in Christ Jesus hath made me free PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH In tin finnl tahleuux, J ' The fam ily o f Mr. and Mis. R. B. from the law o f sin and death. Rom . M eeting at the Gabel School Hie N ativity scene was p oitra yed by | Denney were hosts to a group o f I J Qt. AERO W A X 39c l 8 12. Rev. W Ew ing Murphy, Pastor IM V era B erning, as the Blessed V iig in j their friends at their home Saturday im 9 I f leally born of God what will Bible School 9:30 a. m. Mary, P atricia Dem uth as St Joseph , iTi evening. one m an ifest? Church service 10:30 a. m. H i Ann Edw ards as the Herald and The w edding o f Allan Spriggel and A Beloved let us love one anothe Young Peoples m eeting 6:30 p. m. Jean Ann Barron and M arlene Smith, i Miss Geraldine K linger was solem n ill All are invited to these se. vices. for lovo is o f God and every one that angels. m ized at the All Saints Tabernacle in loveth is born o f God, and know eth There is a ju n ior church and nur Ml The student body reacted to the | Portland S atuiday evening at 7:30. 1 John 4:7. sery during the church service for God. iTi world w ar situation by o ffe rin g spec m Mr. and Mis. W. H. Durbin and the convenience o f parents with little 10 W hat victory is gained by ial prayers and sa crifices for the fam ily spent Christm as ijj eve at ttie children. those who are born again ? IM A bus is also provided to speedy return o f peace. As a fu rth home o f Mr. Durbins parents in G ar BEAVERTON, OREGON Headquarters for A F or w hatsoever is born o f God and from the services. Ö! er expression o f their patriotism , the den Hom e. l]j There was a Christm as overcoineth the w orld and this is OREGON MOTOR STAGES g ills recently purchased a D efense tree and exchange o f gifts. i T i Several the victory that overcom eth the | ¡M ::ad B ond w hich they presented to the other relatives were theie. Mrs. Vanda Myers and F rank F i T i world even faith. 1 John 5:4. A cadem y on D ecem ber 19. HOME-COOKED GOOD EATS jjj D ickson o f Portland, were m arried J The fam ily and relatives o f Mr. M em bers o f the facu lty are takin g and Mrs. R. B. Denney spent Christ j W ednesday, D ecem ber 3rd, in Se- j ill Modern Fountain Service HI p a ît in the program o f w ar tim e a c mas day at their home. R em em ber P earl H arbor. A Christ \ attle, W ashington, by Justice o f the for Ilot W eather R elief tivities by follow in g the courses in mas tree and exchange of gifts was ! Heace C. E Claypool. T heir honey lll=lllslllEMI=MI=IUHill=iM=MI=lll3lll=lll=lllI first aid conducted by the Am erican follow ed bv a dinner to which all moon W(lM spent in Seattle, W ash., i —Buy D efense B om 's and Stam ps R ed Cross in Portland. present did justice. Rn<1 Gearhart, Oregon. T hey return- 1 The sch ool put on a Christmas pro- , e<t Sunday, D ecem ber 7. On w & y-w m . y? & g#* gram Dec. 2Sid E very seat was o c- arriving home a reception was given BIRTHS cupied and som e standing. As usual j *or them at the home o f the bride's Mr. and M is. Anton Simich, B eav Mrs. Vose and Mrs. W allers had the sister and brother in law, Mr. and erton, Dec. 11, a son, John B. children trained to near perfection . | E lm er Benson. The couple Mr. and Mrs. R aym ond H. Schlott- Candy a contribution o f the local were greeted by H onengrin. The man, Beaverton, Dec. 3. “ daughter, mall carrier, W C. M cKell, was dis j loom s were tastefully decorated with Chiu lene J. tributed. yellow, pink and white chrysanthe- Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Fitzgerald, Mrs Kenneth Denney ente tained1 j mum* an(l spirea. A lovely decorat- B eaverton, Dec. 16, daughte , Joy E her Sunday School class at her hom e ! ed wedding cake was cut and served Mr. and Mrs. R eynold R. Osolin, Saturday. There were nine present. the guests with ice cream In the 1 f rr re tT iv t route 2, box 122, Portland, IIM 9. Games were played. Each child re shape o f calla lilies, and coffee.. fi Those attending the reception were u daughter, Joanna J. ceived oran ges and candy. Mrs. Frank Dickson, m other o f the Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. R ipley \ Mon., Jan. 5th groom , P eter D ickson, the groom s route x box 1x30, Dec. 13, a son, CANE & MAPLE 26-oz. can 1 6 c \ son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mnnsfield, D avid M \ KINTON and son Gilbert, Mrs. Helen W ood- Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Mead, route Mr. and Mrs. E m ery Van Kleek re bride, Mr. and M is. E lm er Benson, 8, box 55, Portland Dec. 6, a son, ceived’ a telegram from the S ecretaiy and their daughter Vonda and Sally D ouglas J. o f W ar that their son W illiam Van Meyers, daughter o f the bride. Harvest Blossom No. 10 Bag Kleek, was M o u n d e d in action D e Mr. Dickson is vice president o f the Mrs. A. E. H anson entertained cem ber 10 in the Philippine Islands. P a cific Coast Joint Land Bank. Tho niembei i o f the Tuesday Bridge club W illiam Van K leek enlisted in the bride a form er resident o f Beaverton. D ecem ber 16, at luncheon and cards, Arm y the first p a :t o f May and was T hey Mill m ake theii home in P ort ut the home o f her sister Mrs. F. H. sent to Angel Island in C alifornia. land. • Schoene, Mix. H. A. Nielsen was a In July he was transferred to the STRAIN ED HONEY V»ll«y Br»nd - S lb til 3 9 c guest o f the club. M s. F. G. D on 46th uir base squadron at Ham ilton T O M A T O JUICE Sunny D*wn 3 ’No. 2 c u t 2 5 c Field, C alifornia, from there he was aldson oi I<1 high s co ie at cards. FORTY MOCK AT DEATH G R APEFRU IT JUICE Town Ho..« 2 15c Mr. and Mrs. Frank P ritzla ff en sent to Clark H eld in the P hilip SHRED. RALSTON CEREAL 12 -« P . 15c pines the last o f October. tertained Mlth u dinner D ecem ber 13 "O ff Mlth you r uniform and out S P E R R Y 'S CH ERRIO ATS New.' Pks. 11c The K inton ladies aid will m eet i you Ku ¡n(0 night.’’ honoring Mrs. Pritzloff*» sistei, Mrs SHREDDED W HEAT-Nabisco 2 [•;, 2 1 c "F orw a rd m arch !" Ed Rupp o f San F rancisco, Calif., January 6 instead o f January 8, us j M'ho h a s been visiting here fo r the was published in last weeks pape | It u.aa bttCk in the j ays o f the R o . M A R A 5 C A PRESERVES 35 c \ * past tw o Meeks. Guests Included On January 8 the Red Cross Sewing man Em pire. A group o f forty so— NOB HILL COFFEE Lb bag 2 3 cj 2 ib bag 4 5 c t .A .il HUY -J Mr anil M is H. J. W right, Mr. and club M ill hold an all day m eeting and i diets ii. the regim ent there by tho A IR W A Y COFFEE Lb Bag 1 9 c (- 3 ibb«g55c i Mrs. H arry W right, and daughter the Hom e E con om ics club a short frozen lake, hud refused to give w or BLACK TEA 8 c, 25 b.gom.18c > Delores Mr. and Mrs 11 . H. Clement | business m eeting in the afternoon at ship to Caesar.. Only to Christ : would they bow the kn«_. At this. and son M aleom b, and the honored the grange hall Last week Mr. and Mrs. C h a rles! the entire hand had been ord eied guest Mrs Rupp. 500 Mas played Thom pson celebiated their 20th wed . ou t m to the night. There they during the evening. ding an n lveisa iy. On Sunday a would com e to their senses, figured group of their friends su prised them the com m andant officer, rather TTian Ml t h a potluck dinner and a gift o f , hy freezing. Out they Ment and FRIDAY & S A T U R D A Y a set o f C alifornia pottery dishes. | singing Mr. and M Mrs Money B ack if you're displeased! Those present w ere: is F orty wrestlers, w Last 2-Days M’ restling rest ling for R obert Johnston and son Howard. Thee, O Christ. Thine is the victory Miss Kvelyn Johnson, Mr. and M is. and thine is the cioM n ." L. L. Myers and children R obert and The men gone, the o ffic e r sat hlni- Mary and Mrs. F loren ce Johnson, a lii acif down by the Marm campfire and Sweet Navels ° L BeaVerton' waited for them to com e craw lin g Lndies Aid The January Ladies m eeting , hack. The hour passed but none Up Mill be postponed till the eighth o f turned. The man bv the tire mused. January as the regular aid day com es M-hat Mas there in this belief o f the on New Years day. The meeting will Christians that made them so scorn fu l be held at the hom e o f M is W allace o f death ? W hat o f this Christ whose T hornberry w ith Mrs. E verett W right com m ands were obeyed at the cost o f Sunkist and R obert P om eroy ns Joint host life itself? O ver 500 patterns. Just S esses. But h old ' The first streak o f dawn o\ 1 . regular low prices! Ruth deLespenusse, Ruth Van in the Eastern sky hi ings a pictu ie iHr l'it|tern go s i, roll Cen.-Pak Mild Kleek and Cecil Van Kleek are Bea\- o f sham e; one lone wretch cam e 9c erton High school students tt.p»n c ia M lin g hack, beaten •2.V l'npers g»> lit. roll tender-cured Arizona P ity and d is 12 c Kinton w ho belong to the T orch gust surged through the officers Seedless 35c l ’nper» *«* at. loll 17 c H onor society. heart; but fot this w retch , the record Mr. and Mrs R oy SteM-art and o f the forty Mould stand Mithout &Or l ’ape i» f o ut. M l • Bologna, Liver Sausage , Frankfurters, Lb 2 5 c 25c daughter M artha o f Haines, nre vis stain. The o ffic e r springs to h u feet; ♦i.%4 * l'ii Iters g » nt. roll Flour Crown i9 lb sk $1.82 32 c ltlng at the home o f Mr, Stew arts strips o f f his uniform even ns the KCarstens Picnics, '»r“ i>pe«i Lb 2 5 c sister, M 's. VV. C. Hall Í.*H’ 1‘afters E’> ut. roll Flour Kit Crft49 lb *k$1.69 fo rty had done .Out into the bitter 37 c Jim Jenkins. G eorge sxnioer lr „ and cold he pressed to follow on to death. •5c l ’tiprrs I<» nt. roll 4 7 ’ c son Harold o f lone arrived W ednes As he traces th eir footsteps, you hear Baking Po-.vder CUi m?«:20c day to spend the holidays at the him sing ( f ili n g ill Instant Tapicca ALi^|a 17c home o f Mr and Mrs. G eorg e Snider C or ('rea m "Still forty wrestlers, w restling for Kraft Dinner-;: lu . pv ,. 8c Sr. Mrs. G eorge Snider Jr. plans Thee. O C h rist'" to return to lon e with them after Cut Spaghetti u M *C V ° 17c So does the Gospel o f Christ c a p Christmas Beans BABY UMA 4 IL«MC«AG« M WhiTl "Vyc ture even His enem ies Now a Blade Cuts Ten, Everett W iigh t returned home last question W hat has your faith cost Crest Semi-Gloss Finish der, Juicy, fine- Any size piece Rice BLUE HOSE 5 lb Pkg 35c Thursday evening front W a ld p ort to y o u ? G rain-fed Steer Can you say "ves" to even flavored (Made by Pabco) San W an Peas nx 2 c .1 2 c spend the holidays Mlth his fam ily B eef one Item hete These tell what price Color«, orchid, blue, pink. g> ren, Mrs M altha W en AM 1 .- se iously ill the Apostle to the Gentiles paid— Peas sugas eelle n . 2 cu 12c and lemon yellow. at the hom e o f hei son W ill W enzel “ F ive tim es received I forty stripes, Corn S “• 2 s =2 «». 25c save one. thrice I was beaten with Í 85c qt. size at 53c C om 5 2 i»0 2 c „ . 27c rods; once M-as 1 stoned; thrice I Sauer Kraut H ’ h"*V 9c $3.10 qal. size, at SI 99 — Buy D efense Bonds and Stam ps ■ suffered sh ip w reck; a night and a i#tW R oyal Satin 3hc“»r « t - 57c Tom ato Soup W aln u ts 1 » hi 25c 2„ni Ì5c day have t been in the -* 'e p " So Brazil Nuts u g. LF pk : 17c Snowdrift &,»•«.»« 3 ...61c SounM ix Paul begins the list o f « h a t he su f 7 w . 3 pk„2 5 c M-J fered foi the name o f Christ S p r y Short.m.g ilk <r.n 63C Knspy CrackersS u 29c Mince M eat After-Christmas 2 IF U r 21c IK. By m uch feasting on the Bible and . to. 19c Mustard c .. 25c Su-Furbct.n ?„..P Choc. Syrup h ...- 3 F k* 33 ^ S 15c much w aiting on God in prayer, let Fig Bars Hats of W i*»f 1 « Lb pi 19c Lux Flakes w , « r- 21c Salad Dressing us strengthen our hearts for M-hat- Color*, white. Ivory, cream, pink. '"„ .,21c ever the yea: 1942 may hrmg us In green, blue, eanary, etc. Lb 23c Super Suds r - ;•*, w. 21c Choc. Cherries 1 * trial and testing "I had fainted Tit D l i t M I I R E D U C T IO N « pm d bos 20c C rystal W h ite S CD 8 o.««**g r..« • b .. 4c M a yon n a ; -2 5 c DECORATING les* I had believed to see trie g o o d ON 69c Lus Toilet S=ip Liquid W ax v .» b > v O' m 17c N all a y 's T \\ inter Eric«*' Na\e 4 on Money! • i 23c ness o f the I c r d in the land o f the f in » » r g i \ i . i r v n i b t 39c i if Kitchen Brooms 1 i c the living " Ps 27 13 May Christ - 3 .. 29c Tl 1 AT 4 8 1 0 l,,r - becom e to you not only the Savior Ka-stvlln* and Repairing C herub M; Ik 4 > . 33c from sin. but your Joy-P eace-H ope- at I s i» cut P rice« M in ced Cl I m s Ua .. 17c Strength C heei every day on the ca l endar. «lO c BETHEL CONGREGATIONAL C IU K C I! W illard B. Hall, Minister 9 45 a. m. Church School, E. G W ebb, Supt. W orship. The ch oir will 11 a. m. sing under the d u ection o f W illis L. Cady. 7 30 p. m Christian Endeavor. 25c!1 S1.09S GREYHOUND Coffee Shop iij Richey Hardware and Furniture Co. a 'diondlk/iáwxSlote M fc H ifc r jia iî F O B THESE BRISK MORNINGS — Steaming hot Jiabjacks with SYRUP SLEEPY H O LLO W SYRUP l .'T * h „ LUMBERJACK SYRUP PANCAKE FLOUR 40c TRIANGLE PANCAKE FLOUR 2 * 11 , Pk,l8c Safeway Produce is Guaranteed Fresh S M IT H ’ S Oranges % lb. 5C PRICE SALE Lemons lb. lOc Grapefruit lb. 4c WALLPAPER lb. 3ie Skinned Hams 9 1000 SÄ. Paint Special Sirloin Steak Beef Roast lb. 29c per lb. 25c per lb. 25C I ! Bacon Kalsomine 5 35c FUR SALE Cam a'M S M IT H ’ S WALL PAPER HOUSE 427 SW Second. Portland Bet. Wash, and Htark Francone Furs Sainton al Park. Portland H I. trait ■ (T his space pani for by an Oregon businessm an ) ^ Clovtrdals, Oregon Mackti ol Baby Datas *'c"- .20c . -5 c WE i ; i > i ' ; u M I E R IG H I r<i 1 i m i i , , i W T I T 1 P R l i l K t E ! N > E U F H F E I ! T I I U H E AT i l ' B Hl i i \ U E \ F H H H r i o v s * t m * 0 Té