U of o l ib r a r y BVOBNS OREOOS D E D ICA T E D TO T H E BEST IN TERESTS A N D DEVELOPiMENT OF GREATER B EAVERTON Bea ver ion, Oregon, Friday, Babson Forcasts Declining Business In Coming Year ROGER W . BABSON'S T H U M B N A IL 1. 3. T otal iit:Miu*N*: D efense defen se dow n sh arply; E m p loym en t: T he above also wages. . fra-jn Incom e will be up 1C-20% 4. D ivid en d s 2. 5. 8. and K iisiness OUTLOOK FOR Tanuarv 2, 1942 Red Cross Call to Service s u m v s ^ ji * v*: - 1 9 42 '^ 1 1 • 1 production will be up sharply; non­ average below 1941. applies to em ploym ent and to in 1942 over 1941. E a rn ings have passed their peaks, J.alior: T here will be far few er strikes in 1942. C om m odity l ’ rlees will strengt hen som ew hat, especially the pri- ces o f im ported goods. 7. T axes will be severely felt, especially by the w hite-collar grou p w h o can expect no pay increases. 8. R etail T rad e w ill be a little o f f in 1942 com p a ied with 1941 #. H igh-grade B onds should decl ine, hut good S tocks should sell higher. 10. C reeping In flation will continue throughout 1942. Babson l ’ark. Mass., Jan. 2 As long as W orld W a II lasts ,the total U. S. production will continue to in crease. I estim ate an increase in _ _ national incom e o f $9 billions fo r 19''.2 |T| 1 j f f l Boys Outnumber Girls N T r iftA l F o tlC lI C 111 L a lC iJLllUlfl u v lld ll) com pared with $76 billions in • 1949 F igures com piled fo r the W ashing- and $86 billions in 1941. In foreca st- ton county 1941 sch ool census reveals ing this national in com e fo r 1942, 1 that there are 10,549 children o f um taking into a ccou n t p iobah le in- school age; this is an increase o f 282 creases in prices and wages. T h e s j over the 1940 figure o f 10,267. O f the figures do not mean that m ore g ood s census fo r 1941, boys lead with 5524 will be p rod u ced; in fa ct 1942 will against 5025 girls; this is also a gain show a decline in the real wealth o f I in the num ber o f boys enrolled o f 338 A m erica. over the 1940 figure while girls have U n fo.tu n ately, the increase in the gained 144. The thirteen age g oup industrial production will be in the have the largest num ber enrolled io - defense industries. N in eteen -forty-tw o , tailing 731 with fifteen veers leading will show considerable decline in th.* 1 a close second. There are 50 handi- non-defense industries. It is well | capped children listed on the census, for my friend Odium and others to a ccord in g to B. W . Barnes, county talk about sh iftin g nv»> m nnuiac- . sch ool superintendent, ttirers o f lawn m ow ers to m aking bat - ■ A com parison o f the tw o years fo r I tie tanks. T o a crertain extent this : som e o f the larger sch ools in E ast- j will be done in 1942, but a great m any e .n W ashington cou n ty follow s: n on-defense con cern s will s u ffe .1 if , 1940 1941 1 the w ar continues through 1942. , B eaverton 540 569 W ash in gton tells me that with Jap A loha-H uber 485 480 , an, Germ any, and Italy figh tin g us 1 Tualatin 273 333 . <• The dramatic poster by James Montgomery Flagg is the first we m ay need 50% o f the w age w ork- Sherw ood 20k 197 war poster of the new World War. It is an appeal for a $50,000,000 ers o f the cou ntry on defense w o :k T igard 518 536 American war relief fund to feed, shelter, clothe and give medical b efore H itler is elim inated. This , Garden Hom e 177 182 aid to American men, women and children bombed by the enemy. seem s very high to me es Great Brit- i R eedville 159 1631 It is an appeal for funds to provide comforts for our American Army ain now has less than 30% e n g a g e d ----------------------------- and Navy, and for welfare work for our troops at home and abroad, in deN nse industries Evil for Good Revealed and their families on the home freat. President Roosevelt asks you W ill B om bing W in the W a r ? 0 ... c , ^ . M ost reactors, w hether em ployers *5y W est olopc t^Oliple to give. Your dollars will serve humanity. Give through your local A befriended h itch-hiker w h o re o r w ago workers, should prim arily be Red Cross Chapter. interested in w hether W orld W ar II turned evil fo r good w as revealed in will continue in its present fu ry a report filed this w eek w ith W ash- If it will so continue | ington cou nty she ift, <. W . Connell through 1942. Seal Sale Surpasses this is good news fo r those engaged in j H. J. H enderson, 8935 S W Canyon the defense industries, and bad new s Lane, near B eaverton, told o ffice rs 1940 Total by $400 fo r these w h o a <■ m certain non that he and his w ife gave a man defense industries. If the war is to about 29 years o f age a ride, took I l d U 111 J A d l L I U d i U I 1 V C W ash in gton cou nty's Christm as seal end during 1942, then the reverse is pity on him because he w as thinly I sale $400 above that o f last year 's to true. In fact, we would then see clad, and allowed him to spend th e- " e " ant to thanks all the people^ aCcord ln g to Mrs. Z ola Morgan, som e hectic times w hich would be - night at their home. N r ' m orn in g , who helped out in the R ed t i o s s im cou nty chairm an of the d .iv e. Ex- It w as the elusive o f F orest G rove sales, which detrim ental to m any readers, e v en ! w hen the couple aw ok e they fo u n d ! which has just closed have ever had in this though helpful to others. T h e re -! he had departed tak in g a small rn-j largest we ; have not been turned in, the total to fore, let's bravely fa ce the fa cts and j dio and $17.50 from the purse o f M is. j county ~ ; date is $1932.20 E-uivei ton's total is Now we have another b ig jo b on $205 7fl other tow ns in eastern part answ er the question, “ W ill W orld H enderson. our hands to provide a W a r R e lie f Qf tho countv a le Sherw ood *39.30. W a - II continue through 1912.” ----------------------------- fund to care for our ow n w h o will Tualatjn *3 2 /75 , A loha-H uber $6385. it would be im possible to lick Hit ! Defense Brines Chanee need the help o f Red C ross on he Met . 532.30, W e8t Slope $86.25, and ler by an arm y o f invasion b efore ! , ‘ r* . D r i n k s c n a n g e battlefield, in the navy, and fo r the Reed* ii)e $16 X ig a ld $127.50. D ecem ber 31. 1942 M ost aviators In Dairy Regulations , 1 , n 4 A ld /x n n l n m i r fam ilies at home. A lso to help our ate not very hopeful about the e ffe c ts ; T he total w ar and black ou t instruc- allies w henever those in need o f our o f bom bing. T hey believe that cities tions w hich have caused daiiym en to gradually becom e im mune to bom b- change their program s have resulted sel%' ce - T oo this call com es so Mrs. Fox Receives W ord ing as individuals becom e im m une to in the state departm ent o f agricul- ®oo a a f t e l , Ca Son Alive at Pearl Harbor alm ost everything w hich com es along ture relaxing requirem ents fo r lights ,l' e '? I.S!/ . ' . Kenneth I ’ox w ote to his mother, slow ly and lasts long. O f course, if in dairy barns. I tween 3.000 and 4.000 have been the He saw the the British and A m ericans should in- D epartm ent regulations require victim s o f their treach ery and the ' tdat he is all right. carin ___ g . for tne r bom bing o f Pearl H a .b or, was right vade Europe, bom bing planes would that a certain am ount o f light is ! : R ed Cross " _ is .. at w ork ___, She was trem endously help the invading arm v n ecessa iy in all such barns, h o w e v e r ,1 w oun e 1 < * in the n.id.dle of it all. not to w orry as he was all right. by d estroying the enem y’s com u n ica- all dairym en have been advised that the fam ilies at home. T he drive will start D ecem ber 29. j.je wanted to say hello to friends at tion lines, c ops, anil oil. But fo r i dup to the em ergen cy this will not he W e want to keep at it until the jo b is borne, m erely sca lin g the people o f a 1 en forced until fu rth er notice. F oods cou ntry, bom bing has not been sue- and Dairies Chief, A. W . M etzger, done. I wish that all those w h o cou ld ------------------------- — cessfu l. Statistics indicate that the j says. m oney lost in the cost o f bom bers | This procedure will allow daitym en help in this drive would get in touch piles Personal Injury with me on o r before that date. . . 0 / non destroyed am ounts to m ore than the j to keep their w in dow s covered during Action in bum oi $ZU,uUU W . P. K eebaugh property loss caused by the bom bers . the day. thereby relieving them o f A p e.son a l in ju iy dam age action Continued on P age 2 ¡a d d itio n a l w ork involved in putting j L ocal chairm an P hone 3541 1 in the sum o f $20,000 has been filed ___________________ j up cov ers each night. D airym en are j i In W ashington county Circuit Court urged to take any problem s arising by E m eiy J H erm ans against N. A. LIBRARY NOTES Grangers Rehearse for due to the em ergen cy to the d e ­ R hom berg. P lain tiff alleges that his H ours— 1-6 each w eek day partm ent's local 1 epresentative in Conference January 8th car collided with that o f a truck as Saturday evening until 8 their territory. the defendant attem pted to pass the A large group o f B eave ton G range "Stoi m ” a new novel by G eorge R. tru ck at Six C o-n ers near T ig a rd on 1 m em bers attended a C hristm as luneh- Stew art, is highly d ram atic fiction . O ctobei 26, $228 additional is also 1 eon at the grange hall M onday afier- T he book deaD with stories o f hu­ Mrs. Andy Tirumer Given asked for physician, nurse and hos­ noon. given by the losin g side to the man life, yet the plot is based on sci­ Treatment for Injuries pital fees. en tific know ledge and a storm is the | A ccordin g to E m anuel hospital Mrs. winners o f an attendance drive for m onths duration. Mrs. heroine, Maria, called so hy the ( A ndy Tim m er, 62. o f Beaverton, su f­ ' several Mrs A lbert Highhe* and M is Nor- you ng m eteorologist w ho is the first | fered general b: uises and sh ock when Claudia R ow land was chairm an o f een Allyn attended the* turkey dinner person to appear in the picture. The | the car in w hich she was riding was a: rangem ents F ollow ing the lunch and Christm as p aity given for m em ­ storm opens in Calitornia. W h a ' involved in an a cciden t on SW Can­ eon the m em bers spent the a fte r­ bers o f the Business and Pi ofessional noon p racticin g on a num ber w hich will he do, where will It go. and who yon road near Svlvan. W om ans club at H illsboro F riday I they will present January 8. when will it effect This you wtU see i s ________ . evening. There was an exchange o f you follow thru. Mr Stew art, th e , Mrs. F. H. Schoene, w orthy m atron the state con feren ces o f granges gifts am ong unknow n pals. A short ! meet at Aloha. T hey also decided on autho , is ■» teacher o f E nglish in th e , and g p H edburg, w orth patron oi program was given and Christmas I a p roject o f w ork a quilt for the 1 niverstty o f ( alifornia. He has the Eastern Star, gave a lovely par- A ’ so enjoyed a program carols sang. gathered material for the book from ty S atu iday evening D ecem ber 13 in R ed Cross Miss M argaret Ann M acDonald is highly leliablr sources He is one (be M asonic T em ple fo r their officers, j o f m usic and speeches. con fin ed to her home with mumps o f ou: northw est w riters and a real cou rtesy girls, com m ittee mem bers, dram atist. and installing o ffic e r s and their hus- T he W om ans Society o f C h istia i F R E D '■ iH R E E C K A m ong oth er new books you w ill bands and wives 66 guests in all. i Service held their annual Christm as Funeral services were held W ed en joy reading “T h ey C am e to a The evening w as spent playing court dinner and party at the M ethodist R iv e r” by M cK ay. The liv e r in whist in w hich Mrs. D arrell E llis won nesday Dec. 22 from Fred S ch ieeck , j church T hu ' sday D ecem ber 18. A question happens to be the Colum bia. first prize and Mrs B. H. Shelles aged 86 years, o f route 1. Beavei ton. I lig h te i Christm as tree gave a festivr "H om e is H ere" hy Miller, should be second fo r the iadie3. Albert Schap- lie was father o f Mrs. E m m a Drallc. F ollow in g th* Mrs. Freda Kah o f P ortland. W a l­ I air to the occasion. invited into y ou r den pert won men's Hist prize and R R. ' p otlu ck dinner devotional services ter o f Spokane and Paul S ch reeck o f M ore new interests will he w aiting Sum m ers second. were held , led by Mrs. G eorge G o r ­ W em m e: 7 grandchildren. 3 great fo r you a ftei the holid ..y» in you r Lovely refreshm ents were served don. who also read W hile the Chime- grandchildren C om m inity l-ihrary. the tables were beautifully decorateu There was an exch ange o f W E P egg o f Beaverton was in R ing. in holly and C hristm as m otifs. The C rescent ! am on g the la ge group o f ladles ch a ig e Interm ent at M % t'R IC F F. C r.IG F.R E astern Star o ffice rs and courtesy I G rove eemete y. attending with a social hour fe llow - F un etal services were held in P o rt­ girls were each presented with lovelv | ing. land W ednesday fo r M aurice F Cri- g ifts in rem em btan re o f the years j ger o f Portland, a form e resident o f Gene B row n is hom e from U. o f O w ork with Mrs S choene and Mr. Mr. nnd Mrs R obert Joh nson spent B eaverton, w h o died at the V eterans H edburg as le a d e n . the w eek end at the beach. fo r the holidays. hospital Sunday follow in g an Illness o f several y e a .s He was husband o f Julia M Criger. and son o f Mrs. Sarah Ann C riger o f Bay City. O regon, brothe o f Julia C hrtstoffersen P ortland and Helen K incaid o f K lam ath Falls O regon He w as a m em ber o f R oosevelt lodge No. 197 A F * A M also a mem ber o f Veterans o f F oreign W ars post N Vault entom bm ent L in coln M em ­ orial Park. Rev. Keebaugh Asks Help in Red Gross Drive ^ a ZZ t Fundamentals Of Nutrition E S T A B LIS H E D 1927 Hold Joint Installation Dean A. B. Milam o f O. S. C-, ch air­ man O regon State N utrition Com m it- • tee on Defense lists the fundam en­ tals in a list o f food principally ini , portant to a people in action during 1 B eaverton Lodge No. 100 A. F. & A. M. and Beaver chapte: No. 106, O r­ 1 em ergency as follow s: First o f all may be m en tion ed ! der o f Eastern Star, held joint in milk, as a fundam ental, with three to ; stallation o f office rs Saturday even ­ ing, D ecem ber 27, at the M asonic four glasses daily for children and There w as a large attend­ tw o or more glasses daily for adults. ! Temple. ance o f relatives and friends to w it­ , elthc as a drink or com bined with . ness the installation. R etiring w o r­ I other foods. shipful m aster R aym ond L. L acy in ­ Next vegetables—tw o or more serv- j stalled E dw ard T. T aggert as w o, - ings daily, besides potatoes, with one | shipful m aster fo r 1942. W illiam vegetable at least being green or : H. Grauer, m arshal fo r the evening. yellow. Mr. T aggert then installed the fo l­ Next com e fruits w ith tw o or more I low ing corps o f o fficers. H arry F. seiv in gs daily, including either citrus \ E liander senior w arden ; Chai les P. fruit or tom atoes or apples, ail o f ! Scott, ju n ior w arden ; R o y Berst, sec which a e rich in vitam in C. retary; A ndrew K ennedy, treasurer; Next may be m entioned **ggs. One Ben Shelles, senior d ea con ; F ied daily is preferred, or at least three or Gertsch, ju n ior d eacon ; A lbert Schap- fou r a week, either prepared alone pert, senior stew ard; B ruce Steel, or com bined w ith other foods. ju n ior stew ard; Samuel B. Law rence, Meat, cheese, fish and legumes chaplain; M elvin B eeler, organ ist; (such as beans or peas) are lumped L. S. W olf, tyler; W . H. Grauer, togeth er as high-p- otein foods, o f marshal. which one or m ore servings daily This is the 22nd con secu tive year are needed. as treasurer fo r A ndrew Kennedy. Then com e cereal or bread, with He is a past w orshipful master, also m ost o f it in whole grain form or en­ a past w orthy patron o f the E a st­ riched, and at least tw o seivings ern Star. At this time T om m y T u ck ­ daily. er. w orshipfu l master o f Multnomah Finally eomr-s the general classifi­ lodge sang In the Ould C ountry Down, cation o f fats, such as butter or but­ and Believe Me if All these E ndearing ter substitutes, lard or laid substi­ Y oung Charms. Mrs. B ernice H an ­ tutes, vegetable oils, and cream , son o f M ultnomah, w as accom panist. which are needed in the diet to the F ollow in g several speeches by o f f i ­ extent o f at least two o r more ta­ cers and visitors, the installation o f blespoons daily. Eastern Star o ffice rs w as held. In­ Anyone interested in having a more stalling o ffic e is were Mrs. Iva Sum ­ com plete guide to food selection, mers, installing m atron, John Felsh preparation or piese Nation may o b ­ er, installing patron; Mrs. Bess Lacy, tain bulletins or leaflets on the sub­ installing m arshal; Dr. J. R . Tal ject by con tactin g any county Nutri­ heit, c o lo r bearer; Mrs. B ertha W il­ tion Com m ittee for Defense, any liams. installing chaplain, Mrs. M yr­ State College extension o ffice o r di­ tle Felsher, installing organist. A s­ rectly from the State college at Cor sisting installing o ffice rs w ere: Mrs. vallis. Minnie Schoene, assistant installing In most countries o f the world the | m atron, E m il P. H edberg, assistant problem is to get these foods that are installing patron, Mrs. G ertrude Hed needed. He e in A m erica, the problem berg assistant installing marshal, is largely one o f selection. The aim Mrs. E velyn Hetu, asst, installing o r ­ o f nutiition for defense is the now ganist. The follow in g o ffice rs to serve w ell-know n slogan, "M ake Am erica in 1942 w ere installed: Mrs. Stella E l­ strong by m aking A m ericans strong­ lis, w orth y m atron; V irgil L. Myers er. w orthy patron ; Mrs. M abel Goyt, as sociate m atron; D arrell E. Ellis, asso­ ciate p atron ; Mrs. A lice Scott, con ­ ductress; M is. G ertrude H edberg, as­ sociate con ductress; Mrs. Myrtle P. Nelson, secretary; Mrs. F lorence D ro:bau gh , treasurer; Mrs. Lousa Mc- George, ch aplain ; Mrs. P earl Brown The W om an's Society o f Chiistian rlgg. m arshal; Mrs. C orrine Schap Service o f the M ethodist church, met pert, organ ist; M is. N ellie A ckerm an. ; Thursday fo r their annual Christmas A dah; Mrs. E rnestine Beeler, R uth; party with a large attendance. There Mrs. Evelyn Hetu, E sth er; Mrs. Pearl was a pot luck dinner at 12:30 with a Myers, M artha; Mrs. E dna Shelles, | lighted Christm as tiee and other E le ctia ; Mrs. E dna W ich er, w arden; C hristm as d eco.ation s, follow ed with a Albert Johnson, sentinel; Mrs. Evelyn business m eeting and election o f o ff i­ Hohnstein, lady o f lights. cers for the com in g year, as follow s Degree girls Madge Eliander, lead­ P iesident, Edna Sheets; vice-pres., er Lena Steel, D oris G oard, Joseph M s. Ruth P ace; second vice-pres.. ine Lewis, E va W ilson. A lyce Fair- Miss Ida Brown, is in charge o f the weather, B eatrice P eterson, Murial m issionary education; third vice- Davis, M eta Christensen and Myrtle president; Mrs. Josephine Caviness; Hardman. corresp on d in g secretary, Mrs. Hart- The flow ers were in ch arg e o f B ar­ ram pf, lecord in g sec "tary, Mrs. Nor- bara G orham and F rances Hudson Clara W eaver; treasurer, Mrs. N or­ assisted by Maxine L usby, B etty Ler, man H all; devotional chairm an, Mrs. and E ddie Lee Foulk. P ages were M ary Gordon. V irgin ia Lee and V irgil M yers Jr. T here was a C hristm as program The follow in g p rogram w as given : given at the M ethodist church Sun­ R ecitation , R obert Lee, the E w er day evening, follow ed with a candle triplets, F lotence, E lizabeth and light seivice. The ch oir led in sin g­ I .aura, san g In My G arden and Play ing C hiistm as songs with the child­ Gypsies, D ance Gypsies, with Miss ren in a program o f songs and read­ P atricia M itchell accom panist. Mrs. ings. W a jch night w ill be observed F. H. Schoene, retiring matron, w as at the cnurch Dec 31, at 9 p. m. presented with a jew el from the A program is being arranged for tne chapter. V irgil Myers, patron, was occasion . E verybody w elcom e. piesented w ith a ritual from the past patrons, and Mrs. Stella Ellis, m a­ with a ritual The past m atrons and past pat ons tron, was presented o f Eastern Star with their wives and from the Past M ations club. Beaverton Church to Hold Watch Wednesday husbands, held their annual C hrist­ mas party at the M asonic hall F ri­ Pupils Must Not Be Sent day evening. A pot lu ck dinner was Home During Air Raid served at 6:30. The tables, which All sch ool o fficia ls and cou nty d e­ were tastefully d eco.a ted in holly evergreens, lighted tapers and Ch ist- fense cou ncils w ere advised D ecem ­ mas tree decorations were placed in ber 23rd by Defense C oordin ator Jer- the form o f a star with a Christmas rold Owen that pupils should not he tree in the center. F ollow ing the sent home during an air raid. Pupils should be allow ed to go dinner the past matrons held a sho t business meeting, there was an ex­ home on ly when there is a precau­ change o f gifts am ong pals and a new tionary alarm at least 20 m inutes be- draw ing fo r 1942 pals taken. Court for enem y planes are expected. Aftei whist was played during the evening the actual wa. ning sounds, it is too in which Mrs. Fred G oyt held high late to send them home. Other orders contained in Ow en's score for the ladies and R ooert Sum- m e:s {or the men. Consolation p izes bulletin: Counties in which telephone sys­ were aw aided to Mrs E. P. Hedberg tem s are not in op e:ation 24 hours a and R aym ond Lacy. day should provide wom en volunteers to keep the lines open at all times. The Friendly C ircle enjoyed a pot All am ateur radio op erators are luck luncheon and Christm as party at i asked to volunteer fo r the state c iv ­ the home o f Mrs. H arry W right Jr., j ilian defense radio netw ork, which W ednesday D ecem ber 17. The room s ! m ight be allow ed to g o on the air if and table were beautifully d eco ated the arm y grants special perm ission with C hristina« decora;ious. T h » fo r the n etw oik to operate. All birthday anniversa y o f Mrs W ood am ateurs now are banned from the tow- W eaver was observe? and beau 1 air. tifu lly rtecorated birthday rake cen- | tered the table. There were 12 mem- I Mrs. Donald M acDonald and daugh- hers and tw o ch ild ’ en piesent. F o l- * te. M argaret accom panied by Mr anil low ing a luncheon a short busines*: ! Mrs. H. R. Nelson, drove to N ew berg m eeting was held. A son a l hour fol ! Sunday to join a group o f relatives at There low ed with an exchange o f Christ- i the hom e o f Bernard Olson. were relatives from Salem, Gales mas gifts, Creek and P ortland piesent. M s. F. H. Schoene. Mrs. W C | Mrs. Otto E rickson o f Portland, at­ M cKell. and Mrs D ov Gray attende 1 tended the past m atrons and past p a­ the luncheon and C hristm as pa:ty. 1 trons o f Eastern Star party at the given by the Ladies o f R otary in M asonic Tem ple F iid a y evening, and P ortland Monday._____________________ was an overnight guest o f her son and daughter in law. Mr. and Mrs G uy Cat i She visited form er friends and $ neighbors here Saturday. HAPPY NEW YEAR Mrs. E lm er Stipe entertained m em ­ bers o f the Cheerio B ridge club at her home F riday with a dessert lun­ cheon and Christmas party. T h ere was an exchange o f gifts am ong the members, follow ed by playing bridge during the rem ainder o f the a fter­ noon.