BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Firemen Meet Red Cross Unit to Assist with Rebel Washington county firemen met Monday. December 15, in Cornelius. The topic for the meeting was Na tional Defense Fire Fighting. upset. Since using ADLERIKA I feel trying to get a little sleep. Stomach ao good I Am 64 years old and do my own work.” lE.P.-Gkla.) If gas in stomach or intestines bother YOU, try ADLERIA today. Brown’s Beaverton Pharmacy •ST. < K< EMA ( III K< II Rev. Father O'Keefe, Pastor Masses 8 and 10 a. m. Fudav, December 19, 1941 Marriage Licenses The Dorcas society will meet at the home of Mis. C. B. Walker and part of the time will be spent filling candy sacks for the Christmas ttee and program to be given Sunday ev­ ening December 20th. Everyone in­ vited. The society meets on Wed nesday. Erwin E. Ashenbrenner, Portland, and Esther Williams of Beaverton. Wesley Butler of Corvallis and Marybel flint, route 1. Beaverton. Robert E. McGuire. 1237 SW f a l ­ con street and Mary R. Hughes, Multnomah. Lewis K Brishin. route 2. Port­ There were fifty two present at land. and Adelia M Pointer, 6801 church and Sunday School. W. E SW Canyon lane. Portland. James D. Jamieson, Beaverton, and Garnett delivered the message. Ruth M. Washburn, Portland. Donald Gardner and wife visited It ESI SLOPE UNITED Donalds father, C. B. Gardner, on PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday. Rev. W. Ewing Murphy, Pastor FEET HURT Mr and Mrs. Durbin visited their Mir Hachel Seiver, assistant from Corns, Warts, Thick Toe Nails son Warren and family Thursday The service this Lord's day will be Enlarged Joints, Flat Feet and a Chiistmas program and treat at 10 Their home is in Garden Home. \tlil< t.-s Foot.: If so sea a. m. AM i ¡ends are invited. At I)R. CROCKETT The new 1942 Oregon license plates 6 30 p. m There «il! be Ch istmae 25« S. E Ave. 2nd., Hillsboro blossomed forth on motor vehicles Young ’ 'copies program. Chiropodist and Foot Specialist Monday, December 15. when it was Examination Free lawful to attach them. Early ap Phone 2921 (Office op. Safeway) T ill. METHODIST CHURCH plication for the new plates to avoid Rev. j . Melvin Davis, Minister mail congestion during the holiday- Church S-hool at 9 45 Charles season is urged by Earl Snell, secre- Roseman, Supt. tary of state. Classes lor all age groups. Morning worship service 11 a. m. Sermon The Star o f Ete.nal Hope. Christmas program at 7.30 p m. You are welcome. ALEXANDER COLLAKD Alexander Collard, late of Huber, died Dec. 12 aged 84 years. He was father o f Louis J , of Everett, Wash., Mrs. Omar Agnew and Mrs John W. Schreiner, of Portland, also survived by 4 grandchildren and s great-grand­ children. Headquarters for OREGON MOTOR STAGES and HOME-COOKEI) GOOD EATS Modern Fountain Service for Hot Weather Relief J HÄPPY Buy your Xmas Corn-Fed Turkey Where the City and County DTeet armors hrintf their iresn 2(X) Local farm foods every day in the year CHRISTMAS SPECIAL D INNER 60c Chicken Noodle Soup Fruit Salad Creamed Peas, Mashed Potatoes with Giblet Gravy Hot Rolls Choice of Beverages Pie, Cake. Jello, Ice Cream or Old Fashion Apple Cobbler CHOICE OF ENTREES Roast young Tom Turkey, dressing and Cranber. y Sauce Baked Ham with Sweet Potatoes (Mashed Potatoes if desired) Roast Leg of Pork with Apple Sauce Gestring’s Tender Well-Meated Chicken Third to Fourth Avenue on West Yamhill Street I LLERS OPEN SUNDAYS 9 a.m. to 10 Gestrings's This year WE DELIVER - PHONE BEAVERTON W A L K E R ’S B E A V E R T O N ’S C O M PLETE STORE e n jo y p . For Gift Selections for all m. IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST FAMOUS Shop from our New Stock choose from Men’s, Boys’, Womens’, Girls’, Infants Wearing Apparel for CHICKEN For Your Christmas Dinner Variety Store Merchandise DINNERS Opp. Greyhound Stage Depot—Beaverton Open Sunday» I1Ï1 SW Stark St. Phone BRoadway 6224, Portland HAMS fiyc huo-huss-tys Çvs-tys herir ftiifS-tStf “ From the Land of TURKEYS (he 1 U K I i u 1 on yo u r, CHRISTMAS T A B L E | determines LAMB We Specialize in Meat That’s Good to Eat W e have a complete assortment of Sunshine Candies Manufactured In Portland. V ery Keaaoaabiy Priced The Commercial Hotel Wish to thank all of the people who attended our opening Friday especially the Florence Beauty shop for flowers. Come and Bee 1 angerines, Calif., no)lap, Doz. 2 5 0 success of yoor Holiday Feast | Y O U C A N BE SURE OF YO U R TURKEY A T " R j SA FEW A Y ...W e bring yo u the fine*» birds ^¿\ a v a ila b le . W h a te v e r y o u r p re fe re n ce , £ w e h a v e the right tu rkey for yo ur tab le. “ Right in size, plum pness, flavor and PRICE. EVERY PURCHASE G U A R A N T E E D Skinned HAM VEAL Shoulder Roast Jc Relievo M isery of the Any size piece Mor ells Pride or Com Pak Lb 25c 17c Ground Round 29c 31c ‘«s« Closed All Day Dec. 25th BLACK-OUT PAINT ml paper for your office and factory window». All size can» 'he;ub frlilk .t Milk £:.k°i4.‘r.V 3 ' • * 25c Tomato luicc Sunny D.wn <6 ot 18C Canada Dry i . - b ¡K » 25c Pepsi-Cola 6 12 01 bom« 25c 'no-C ola in<* e t», el « Scalee 23c Canterbury . Tea V» *s p * 34 c 7,ipton's Black Tea WB i*« 42c MUNNELL & SHERRILL AT. f*42l—Portland ton S. \\ I irst Avenue SA LE DEC. 20-27 C an nei) T if.!id>let-& ruib A Notional Hardware, ¿ S P E C IA L t " 'I _____y W UNTIL 'esserti Mieti “ Keep on Working" SEARS vT l '¿ W Gardenside Teas 3 8» 303 c*M25c Green Girnt Peas 8° c“ * 13c Tomatoeu with Puree 2*r.;.*23c Del Monte Cream Corn 2 25c Country Horne Corn £'„i“ 2 "j 23c 25c Country Horn. Cornwki*. 2 Del Monte Pumpkin 2koJ’ )>«19c Libby Peaches r c Nc 2 , « . . 19 c Cattle Crest Peaches n ® s ' i “ 19c V C tacken C .tracti, tic. • 1 Snowflake Soda Crackers 29c g j* ; Wheat Toast Wafers '17*^ H - W est .->5 Vanillac: Uao« 8 « 10c Royal Satin Shoi tei.u.g 3*s •'‘ c Crisco Shortening 3 *»• 63c k Snowdrift Shortening F » c»6 1 c EVERY DAY UNTIL CHRISTMAS EVE We carry a c o o plat* of K n l U I M i SB I C t S Graceful—rr «"V i — efficient. Hiyli Jl pollili—wrtK CV *>’ y^iro-bum ki. Rich»*v Hdw. & Fnrn. Co H K tV I KTON, ORFGON Tm m m m s| -Ft KB Gran Soap Grapes Î4 o i bx I\(»KV F I-A K ls 1 2 N -0 1 - p ack ag e O 1 “ I I V O B I SNOfV OI tge______ I S Kl< lit I) BRI vu J ulia Lae Wright a— Fresh t^ llv ireth from our kitchen Duchess Salad Dressing O* ier Kraft Miracle W hip 0> 3») Lb c«Ho Saure i Coitelimen li Hnz Tomato Ketchup 14 oz 17c Red Hill Catsup 14 oz bottle 11c Hnz Chili Sauce 12‘-; oz bot 25- Moneta Chili Sauce 12'-. oz 15c Nallev's Treas Pickles 12 oz 14c Lindsay Olives ex lrg No 1 15c C. anberry Sauce 17 oz can' 12c Ocean Spray * * r n lT 'O N ^ 1- ■iHt s y 7 |K C ^0 ISOIVIV «8» Mtsiv ^ Icono- y ILO k C\nO ^ ^ iC.AVV' vylit *'S Geisha Cr-bmcat Motten* 33c Battle Rock Oysters is1 15c CaitJic'-C KultCDneü JTmit Pulled Figs Bia-4 a . 9c; ws«« 13c Mixed Nuts Lt p.g 22c;t ■*> 43c Fancy Peanuts l-ifc r*4 13c Walnuts rt*»4“ »a U>. 25c Large Brazil Nuts M* p *«17 c Jolly Time Popcorn iok «. c.n 11c Marshmallows flu«.»* 4 1 7 13c l , T c... ...." 'D, f ®c'* \ outnt*0® ; \ tod »7 » t '.-rivfj \ Viridi'1 \ to i» » * - IX T iA C I Kmp*ror Lb. 7 'C Grapefruit T,‘' " Apples « , n « : . p **Ætm*mto*rT**' ,Mnk Lb. 5 c Fr> ****+** lb L i U. S. Fancys No Dates frr,h: 15 °* Pkg 13 c Tangerines Lb. 11 c Calavos Lb. 16 c H d (l* UTKTlSl W E R P S K K V E T H E R IG H T T O LIM IT (J I A N T I T Y P K IC K A E F F E C T IV E A T B E A V E R T O N S T O R E O N L Y '¡y n- fl Heinz Pudding. Sr™.~ 33« Mince Meat laei-s m . k 1 2 ib ,..21< Heinz Mince Meat *-»> « * 43« SWEET POTATOES 4 lbs f FRfcE PARKING |b. T-Bone Steal. 35c BEAVERTON'S QUALITY MARKET N O T IC E : Store will be plenty o r r O O D T O R A LL