Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1941)
Page 2 F riday, December 19, 1941 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon M arriage Licenses John Barry and Margaret E John Personalized son, Beaverton. Sherman E. Rees. Beaverton, and ■ Marjorie K. Marks worth, Portland. Wesley H. Butler, Corvallis and with 24 Hoar Service I Marybell R. Flint, Beaverton. David A. Nelson, Beaverton and Lois Marie Shearer, Forest Grove. 2 5 ,or $ 1 .2 9 *Bd “P David N. Ackerman, Portland, and Lorrine M. Savage, route 1, Beaver ton. Mack Weifred Keebaugh, Beaver PHOTO EQUIPMENT FOR THE ton, and Lyda Ruth Peoples. Molalla. [ PH O TO GRAPH ERS CHRISTMAS: All battleships in the U. S. Navy are named after states in the union j and cruisers of the fleet are named J after cities in the United States, al- ‘“”« $ 3 . 5 0 10 $ 1 5 ' though several cruisers not as yet ? commissioned will be named after U. S. territories and insular possessions. Christmas Cards U. IL JE* FRIE«. Publisher Published Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co . at Beaverton., Oregon. Entered as second-da*» matter at the postoffice at Beaverton, Ore. *1.00 One Year _ Three Months —_____ I .¿oa . .00 Blx Months Subscription Payable In Advance [Argus-Eastman Films Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Hillsboro Office— Boom 5, Delta Bldg.. Phone 1641 Portland Office—407-408 Dekum Bldg., Phone AT. 6591 SPU M I CIATI Sheaffer Pen Sets Babson S a y s. ... Continued from page allowing the railroad employees a wage increase of *325,000,000 with the sub-rosa promise to the railroads i Statistics show that during the FREEDOM IS FOB BRAVE of a further rate incieuse when low j U. S. Navy training period recruits 'NO CHARGE FOR ENGRAVING er freight rates are needed. I. j gain an average of almost ten pounds MEN, SLAVES CRAVE SE therefore, want to tell of a plan j as a result of good food, exercise and g NAMES ON PENS & LEATHER which will save both the farmers and f GOODS. CURITY. ! regular hours. the railroads. 1 will call it the Prince Plan after the name of Fred 723 S. W. FIFTH COLUMN GUIDES . . .The erlck Prince who first suggested it. ALDER Ninth Area of the U. 8 Army a d v is e s It ________ __ should interest every taxpayer a s ! PORTLAND! that It has received word from Manila j well as every farmer and railroad | that in spite of air raid precautions | bondholder. Politicians, however, i and blackouts attempts, fifth column- > will not like It; neither may some | lets have succeeded in guiding enemy county agents and labor leaders bombers to Manila. This is done in. Needed: Lower Freight Rates Have Solved the a number of ways, including \ Instead of paying the farmer on \\ ishes you a houses completely lighted In a line j present set-up which encourages MYSTERY oi DANDRUFF M erry Christm as toward the military objectives; In him to plant as little as possible, the! sum« cases by flashlight or spot Prince Plan allows him to plant a ll 1 Let us show you how one Fitch lights of automobiles. The Army he wishes, but gives him a reduction j dandruff treatment will dissolve T urkey, Ham and Duck urges renewed precautions for those in railroad rates and protection and remove a stubborn case of DINNERS districts outside of cities to prevent against unfair foreign competition dandruff. any such occurrences In our com Interview 100 farmers and 95 of them JESSYCA MOORE SALON 5:00 to 8:30 munities. Confirmation of the ne will tell you that they could make a ; SANTA CLAUS CAN HELP AMERICAN DEFENSE! This poster, 1131 SW Jefferson Portland Also A La Carte cessity for such precautions is found fair profit on their products if It were . drawn by J. W. and W. J. Wilkinson, a father and son artist team of BK. 0036 Lobby of Railway Exchange Bldg. in the discovery last night by Wash not for transpoitation coats The’ \ Baltimore, reminds Americans that they can help the Defense Program ington state police of a aeries of fires difficulty is that the farmers, fruit j in the vicinity of Port Angeles point growers, and live stock raisers a re , ( this Christmas by giving Defense Bonds and Stamps in addition to AT. 5686 the usual present. Nation-wide distribution of this poster has been] ing an arrow toward Seattle. suffering from too high freight rates, j WANT TO sell a plano T Rugs? made, especially in the windows of 500,000 retail stores where Defense] Entrance on 3rd or Stark Sts. In many instances the freight Clothing, A Classified Stamps—for as low. as 10 cents—are now on amounts to more than the pnee of j GEMS OF THOUGHT SERVICE will bring fast results at a very small Portland, Oregon the product at the farm. This plan j expense! also gives farmers freedom to raise J sold abroad below a reasonable price. THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT BARBW IRE BILL what they wish and to sell for what j No politics or unfairness could work a Wn a*- »n UwPvsi on 1 N-I*y>a,n 0*1 war a —Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps— into such a program;. The Govern The basis of Christmas is the rock, \ they wish Christ, Jesus; its fruits are inspira The railroads will reply: “But we ment knows exactly what is being tion and spiritual understanding j f | are as hard-up as the farmers. Just exported and where it is going. They Joy, and rejoicing,— not because ol now we are making moniiy;; but can base checks thereon and dis tradition, usage, or corporeal pleas j after the War we will be in worse tribute the money, as Senator Mc- ures, but because of fundamental and condition than ever. We need high Nary has so well worked out. The il demonstrable truth, because of the ' er, rather than lower, freight rates j details of this, I am not now discuss To add to our troubles our railroad j il ing. The two, however, must go to heaven within us.- Mary Baker Eddy F ro m the employees have now been given a gether. One is the “lock" and the - ^ il The greatest grace of a gift, per raise which will cost us over *300,- other is the “key”; one the “hatchet" haps, is that it anticipates and ad 000,000 more a year.“ I reply by say and the other the "handle!” il Setting The W orld On Fire ing that we do not want the railroads mits of no return. - Longfellow. Hello Folks l read In the Read to loae a dollar. The Government St. M ary’s of the V alley For unto us a child Is born, unto should send the railroads a check er’s Digest of December issue where ua a son Is given; and the govern-j each month equal to the amount the | At assembly Monday afternoon, Gene Tunney, our former Heavy Beaverton's brand new, Spick and Span ment shall be upon his shoulder: and railroads reduce their freight rate«. December 1, R e.. Father Andrew of Weight Champion stages a bout with his name shall be called Wonderful, | for the benefit of the farmers and ( Missionary Servants of the Most our g,ate champion Mr. Cigarettes ROADSIDE DINER Counsellor, The mighty God, The J increase their wages for the benefit ! Holy trinity showed films dealing | L o o k s like a knockdown fer a long everlasting Father, The Prince of of of the the Brotherhoods. Brotherhoods. ! with missionary life in the southern count when Tunney challenges Joe Succeeding Bixby’s Siberrian Cafe Peace Isaiah 9.«. 1 Four Advantages states. An informal lecture on the Louis to smoke cigarettes fer iix apostolate and its many interesting months and then fight him! He As you see, this lower-freight rate Give, if thou canat, an alma: If not, has several advantages: ( 1 ) details Impressed and entertained agrees to kum out of retirement and Everything Spotless—New Furnishings— afford, Instead of that a aweet and plan the students. lick j oe |f the Brown Bomber will It treats all farmers alike, whethei gentle word.—Herrick, During the recreational period of De- flrst let cigarettes bomb hia lungs, Republicans or Democrats. (2) It Equipment — Utensils — CheJ* and Owner cember 5. St. Nicholas and Rupert gtummick, heart, lights and liver fer We must take care to indulge only eliminates arguents with the county- made their annual visitation to the glx months pioba“ on Now do you (3> It greatly reduces the in such generosity as will help our agents. After their Joyous arriv- think Joe wlll do au this jus’ to ak- (4) It saves Academy. On Main H ighw ay at Beaverton friends and hurt no one . . . for noth cost of supervision. they distributed nuts and cookies kommodate Gene! No, not on your ing is generous If It Is not at the tnxpayers’ money. In short, usteed al, to all present. Impersonations w ere. tintype! I gather from Mr. Tun- j of having to get information from | same time Just.—Cicero. millions of farmers and mail millions ! by Dette Peters and Martha npy'a artlckle that he thinks they is a heap of ways better to Set the of checks, it would he necessary for LaVole. Defense Bond Quiz Resident students paid special ho- i World on Fire’ than by smokin' cig- the Government only to mall a few Q. What simple and satisfactory hundred checks. Under this plan mage to Mary Immaculate at their arettes! Of course we all know that I i ! way is provided for all of us to ex- all parties farmers, railroads, labor formal banquet, December 8 . A statue all men would rather see a sweet an i press our gratitude for being Amerl- and consumer* would be better off of Our Lady banked by ferns and pretty well edukated gal blow smoae i cans? i In the end, the farmers’ well being chrysanthemums formed the central out of her nose an windpipe before J With he marries her! STEAK S — CHICKEN — SPAGHETTI BILL A The means Is the purchase o f : and the nstion’s well-being are one theme In table decorations. i 1 I >rlerise Savings Bonds and Stamps and the same thing. Only as more Is Mary Catherine Smith, student body DINNERS available to almost every man, wo- produced, is there more to divide in president, acting as toast mistress Rent! Buy! Via i i Sell! Swap. man, and child. Ownership of even | the form of wages, salaries. Interest after-dinner speeches appropriate to Want Ad Wav Home Made Pies a 10-cent Stamp carries the sattafac- on savings accounts, and dividends the occasion were given by Beverly tlon of knowing you have helped the | The whole system of restricting Deaton, Betty Gildner, Dora May ILA NELSON, Prop. SEATS 35 PATRONS Natlon to arm. production to build up prices, or of Moos, Phyllis Freres, Betty Beltel, Q What denominations of Defense raising railroad freight rates to in j Georgia Hlavinka, Bette Peters and Savings Stamps are on sale at retail crease Income. Is “cock-eved". We Mnrgar«t Sullivan. Later in the ev sot an her a e V M « n k r * r c i a i :e çys çv- ?r? ban? stores? get richer as a nation only as we ening Rev. Father Fiederich Thiele, A Stores me concentrating on sell produce more and reduce prices, not chaplain and instructor of religion. | EFFECTIVE DEC. 11. 1941 ing 10-cent and 25-cent ¡»tamps, in as we produce less and raise prices, gave a talk based on his foreign Leave Beaverton order to get a maximum number of wages, or freight rates. The farmer, travels. For Tillamook customers to participate In the De who is willing to live out on the Sail irs serving on the newest of | fense Savings Program. Many stores prairie away from the advantages of 9:04 A. M.. 1:34, 5:34 P. M. also carry 50-oenl, *1 and *5 Stamps. the city, should receive some compen Uncle Sam’s ships eat from stainless Stamps of all denominations may be sation for doing this. The natural steel tra> s with compartments to hold Via Wilson River Highway purchased at post offices. way to compensate him is through china, glassware, and the various NOTE To buy Defense Bonds rebating freight rale*, not by raising foods of the meal. These dishes and • Many Styles for j t h ' S C f l f i s t m a s / f ami Stamps, go to the nearest post- ' them. Perhaps my best aigiiment ill trays are washed in automatic dish For Seaside-Astoria office, bank, or savings andloan as- j favor of this plan Is the fact that washers and rinsed at extremely high M en & W om eh soemtion; or write to the Treasurer most market gardeners, frutt grow temperature to assure complete sani 7:49, 9:34 A. M.. 12:04 of the United State*, Washington, er*. and other* living close to the tation. 0 Men’s genuine 2:04, 4:04. 6:34 P. M. D. C. Also Stamps now are on sale cities are making money now. In Ukither straps ut retail stores. other words, It is the freight rates One of the Famous reíanlos of 12.34 A. M. 0 Men’s Stainless that are raising havoc with the fa r California steel bracelets. Via Wolf Creek Highway The U. S. O. plans to operate at mers and now we are talking about Theo Pezzolo 0 Women's cord- raising them more' least one clubhouse st every U. 8 • ettes. white or Master Teacher of Naval base and In addition wlll ar- W h at About F o re ig n C o m p etitio n ? yellow fittings. i ange to introduce sailors to civilian ACCORDI ON Some exporting bounty that wlll Other«, *1 to *8.25 families so that Uncle . . Sams ... seamen . . J protect the farmer from foreign com- PIANO— HARMONY Agent A. H. ROSSI h‘>m* "*• petition should be considered, N. E. 20th Ave., Cyr. Everett 235 their stay In port. perhaps something like the McNary Phone 7 9 0 5 Cortland LA. 0727 j Haugen Bill. This provides a cer- Guaranteed As an indication of the amount of | tein rebate, or subsidy, on what is food it 11 quires to feed the sailors in | e» ns 4 ama»xi a» 4 u*%awa wuwawxia-* r x e t e x e K v ■*■■■ the U. S Navy, more than 12,188,000 dosen eggs, 55,000.000 poi nds of fruit will be consumed by fleet personnel I during the next year. ENCYCLOPEDIA Buxton Biil Folds & Key Cases IFRECK'S HUBER'S RESTAURANT WE GREETINGS SKY-WAY Turkey Dinners New Bus Schedules (give WATCH BANDS Oregon Motor Stages Watch Repairs BRITANNICA Buy Defense Honda and Stampa Lasting Gift. Low Terms Karmelkorn Balls 5c each. 50c a dox : write for quan tity price*; Karmel applea 5c ea.. 50o dos.; “Tuako" Popcorn seeds to pop at home, 15c lb. Joe Brown * Karmelkorn Shops 731 SW Wash., 1031 SW Broadway Telephone AT. 6 !HM Portland. Oregon The Jewel Box I'p-to-date stock of watches, dia monds. Jewelry, toilet seta, silver' ware, rlock«, etc. Moal reasonable prleea. We also do expert watch and Jewelry repairing. CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD 365 SW Morrison, Portland DANCE TONIGHT and every TCKS., WED, FRI., SAT. M cELRO Y'S SW 5th A Main Cortland BE. 1311 Main Floor 5th Avenue Entrance Portland GA. 8032 41M Vine riunii llu n k IM IR T U N H lUdg T i l l ! 1« n o u n i v "Gifts for Him lu n g i Jan tren or Colirithiaknlt SW E A TE RS Gift Bove* Free K E A K O X ... tr Mallory HATS *500 or Stvtaon ARROW SH IR T S »2°* or Mhlricrsft Cheney, Arrow Tie* *1 W ,void,-y. Fashion Craft Gabardine Shirt *2“ Sport or Regular Interwoven (Short or ^ Q \ 3 O 0 Cinte a l» I 'b i t a n »5-w ÿ o o t l 7cTy o a s id e / f P lan Your Christmas Dinner With Us <><)* and T .” e A Complete full courae Turkey Dinner A 14‘)l Calendar T rfat Y01RSEIF TO «M M BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY . y o .r C“es,s ! Se ¿ co d t o y for each truest FRANGO’S CAFE 71t v W 4th. Near Morrison Street * I’nr. land, Oregon ^ S ïi o l T * * * * * * * * * A OU» B K » » " ' »I Proof Nsuoaal Distiller* Prod Carp, N Y. t ï