Page 2 E r itia y , B E A V E R TO N E N TE R PR ISE, Beaverton, Oregon \vL/ 3PRISE U . H. JKFKB1E S, f u b U i h » Bailed Out I Published Friday o f » » c h week by the Pioneer Publishing Co . at Beaverton. Oregon Entered aa aaeond-ciaas matter at the p o e'o ffV * at Beaverton. Ore One T ea r _ Six Months _________________ 41.00 _________________ .56 Three Months Subscription Payable * -15c ta A d v a n c e ' Beaverton O ffice— Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Hillsboro O ffice— Room 5, Delta Blag Prvor.e lodi Portland Offrcw—*07-408 De kam Bldg., p h ore A T &Î91 „ .• .n F íñ ií- Babson Says. ... III A M E R IC A N IS M Americanism Is love o f coun­ try, loyallty to ite Institutions and Ideals, eagerness to de­ fend it against all enemies, undivided allegiance to the flag, and a desire to secure the bleseings o f liberty to our­ selves and posterity. . Continued from page 2 good crop year in Europe w ill in a a large measure greatly help solve the food problem. Then lack of raw materials, however, w ill make it d ifficu lt to make machines cloth­ ing, bedding, and many other things fo r years to come W e w ill have to help these people in one o f tw o ways: 31, 1941 Send your news Items early iu the day and early in the w e e k —U want­ ed in this weeka Issue. North Portland Livestock Market Prices Navarra-Sinclair Marriage Sept. 14 The follow in g quotation, are based on prices p »id in Monday s market. CATTLE Good grain-fed steers $11 to $12.50- Good grass steers $9.50 to $1075 Good grain-fed heif- era $10 to $10 50. Good grass heif- ers $8 50 to $950. Good beef cows $7 50 to $&25. medium $ 6 '5 to $7.75. common $6 to $$50, cancers $4.50 to $5 50. Bulls medium to good $8.25 to $9.50. common $7 to $8 Vealers good to choice $8.25 to $3.75, a few HOGS Good to choice carlo’ s $10.75; 170 to 215 lb truckins $10.73 a few to $10.85; 230 to 285 lb butch- ers $10 to $10 25; ligh tw eigh t butch- srs $3 73 to $10.25 packing sows »8 50 to $925 Feeder pigs $11 to $12. S H E E P : Good to choice spring lambs $9 75 to $10. loads to $10.25; medium to good. $9 to $9.50, common $8.25 to $8.75. Slaughter ewes, good to choice $4 50 to $5. Feeder lan bs. good to choice $8.25 to $8.75 a few to $9. Shorn lambs $8.75 to $9 25. --------- - - — ■ The m arriage o f Miss Isafctll Sin- clair, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Al- exander Sinclair, to Mr M a:iano P N a va rra took place September I t al the Reorganised Church o f the Lat- ter Day Saints The bnde. given in m an ¡age by her father, wore traditional white satin, witn a iace-tnmmed veil and carried white pompon dahlias and bouvardia. She was attended by Miss Dorothy Yeoman, Mrs. Clara W agon er and Miss Em erald Hoisington. Mr. Stan- ley S toin off was best man and Messrs R a y Nelson and W ayne Lap- worth w ere ushers Garry Bryson was n n g bearer. The couple w ill make their home at Beaverton. ----- ------------------ Miss Martha Randall was honored with a bridal shower in the church parlors o f the Congregational church Tuesday evening. About 50 ladies attended. The tables were covered wtih handsome lace cloth, with bou- dahlias, with minia- tu ie bn de» with la:;;c baskets of pir.k and white dahlias about th- rooms A program consisting of marumba selections by Miss Aline H all Solos by Mrs. Lloyd Coleman, readings by Mrs C. Loftus and pi- ano numbers by Miss Maxine Cady, Miss Randall received a large num- ber o f beautiful gifts H er grand­ mother Mrs. Cathey and aunt Miss Cathey o f Portland, w ere among those present. Refreshm ents were served. Hally Jean Pace O c to b e r — Buy Defense Bonds and Stam ps— M ULTNOM AH ROLLER RINK N ear It. It. Tracks From instructions, fancy skating Thursday 7:30 to 8 Mat. T u rs , Th u n., 3:30 to 5:30 lOr Plus lc S a t A Sun. Mat. 1:30 to 4:30 15c Plus to Even. 7:30 to 10:30 Ad 30c In. tax Sundays Included Closed A ll Day Mondays It’s Wise to Fix U p for Fall (1) W ith our warehouses full to Dl , , e . o verflow in g with raw cotton and LIEUTENANT R. E. DOUGLAS r l e d g e u to o O r O r i t y .. other products and manufacturing Mi&s H ally Jean Pace, who recently Lieutenant R E. Douglas, son o f setup geared to convert these into ___ _____ __________________ ____ ___ __ ___ _ enrolled as a freshman at P a cific - t(i Mr and Mrs. R E Douglas o f W est finished goods, we can continue to Slope, one o f three arm y "fliers forced University, was this week made a tax our over-taxed people by buying to parachute from an arm y observa- pl* dge o f Kappa Delta sorority, one such new fm,shed goods from ouT ‘ tion ° P* plane r* ChuU ,rom “ arm > ob“ r v af »- o t three sociaJ groups fo r women on near Stayton Saturday _ . . . „ , - i manufacturers and shipping them to ternoon Check your roof The plane fo r some un- the campus Miss Pace was a gradu- From the first, the R e d . w ere fa- „ natlOM> or we ^ ternoon known reason, went into a tail spin ate o f B#a'* «r«on H igh School and is natics; a people gripped by ons idew ¿ , dç.jn center, selling our new now and avoid ui niai all au title wwc to private ,____ . , . , at 12.000 feet, crasm ng in m cornfield IJ*® daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. G. L I t was that prop- erty the world over, must be wiped *° then « * P lod« d and burned. W reck- ' ace o f Beaverton, a leaky roof out Tou r factory, home. farm. * _ th„ tt policy * * e waa scatt®red over a wide area. , this winter. •tore and all else must go Into the . .^,,'5 T , , outers Douglas was treated fo r a bruised Air Stewardess to W ed new world o r U r ^ fa n a tic s * W e couW have trade-m setups in the other tw o f,ie r i ^ > " 8 M is. Geraldine Smith, daughter o f ------ ~ T Z ~ ----- A new roof H itle r s >outh^ He . all the trade centers o f our nation Th , . . _ , . ^ r- ar-d M rs- " m Smith, is telling the one «»o u gh t that t h a y a t o n . are wU a more KOvernment em- a f" m '<> P o n i e d frien d , o f her engagement to Mr M r. and Mrs. H a rry T. Bateham. may save you ' “ J? Si.’ * °Ver tw o v ^ t P l°y e» W e have plenty o f F e d e ra l, £ ‘ r. ^ Mr. and Mrs Beaverton. October 17, a daughter, earth. There you see them, tw o VMt p ^ now functi£ inK which can C ah f when the m i ^ p ^ r r ^ I t H ow ard Norton o f Portland Miss P a tricia A. repair bills later. arm ies o f Wind zealots, the Red and purpose T o thes. to have Pa rt,clPa*ed ‘ n forth- Smith is a graduate o f St. Vincents the Nazi, each driven by t h . £ S l S S T p u w S S L-uuiu Z ! rv^ . H , college o f nursing and until recently Doing good is the only certainly Call us. zied belief t hat his idea must con- on happy action o f a man's l i f e siV ! ca rry their used-goods and. after I A»00»?148 was a graduate o f Grant was em ployed as stewardess quor over land and sea. high school in Portland, attended the United A ir Lines. The wedding w ill Ph ilip ‘»•d-.ev W h a t o f young Am erica; has it a ! UB‘ V* r* ‘ ^ o f Oregon! the North- ta .k p l^ e N ber 8 w * ill ^ « ovem ------ She ' driving iv in g hope? °u U W e o f sports and * certificate if ™ ¡£ ? f ^ and Univer- make her home in Portland. Portlan aking money and a homey life the ■ , , ^ ,. . . ' slty sity o f Portland Portland. H e is a fo f o rm r er m ? e r , ----------------------- I i nsoH tan days, Havs would te t e good aa as » . fr ... . ' m a^ ln*» | m d in ten A Lasting Remembrance good American way, does anything, 1 . A a a I, «r e s ilin g champion. M B O IG A L S T U D E N T P L E D G E D * , cash in the purchase o f new maefiin ---- Raym ond L Erickson o f Beaverton, fo a destiny1 on such a text a s - " L e t i 5 O' and good. costing three t.m esj;he of Your Child face value of the certificate. Th? U niversity o f Oregon Medical stu- us eat. drink and be m erry for to ­ used machinery and goods would be C. B. Gardner returned from den^ ^as ^>een pledged to Theta Kap- m orrow we die?” D riftin g down Through the D. Into drunkenness and crime, refus­ fo r export. In fact, no new products Southern Nebraska, where he had pa Psi fra ternity. P e rry Evans 22nd should be allowed to leave the coun­ gone to visit a very sick sister whom i in g to give God one day in seven, annual Baby Show, he had not seen for fo rty one years, i A dvertising is the key to world try except as paid fo r by cash. Office and Yards in shall Am erica survive? you may have one She was slightly improved when he j ProsPe r*ly> without it today modern W e w ill have accomplished the fol H ow Nations I »•«- photo o f your child ALOHA reached there. A group o f relatives would be paralyzed, F irst— "W hen they knew God, they low in g: Rem ove from the channels absolutely free. A ll came to see him soon a fter his ar o f domestic trade enough used goods « a « ■■ •• ■ ■ _ .. . glorified him not as God. neither b a b ie s under 4 W i l y ItlC fllC H ie I L V 6 I US6fl w ere th an kfu k’— Bible. N ext fo l­ so that our consumer# C"*e able to | rival, th irty-five in all .not one had And Mr. Vincent will be years of age are replace such used goods with new he ever seen. He enjoyed his t r ip 1 an{j now j-m 81. Kept A D L E R IK \ lows lawlessness and after that un- eligible. Each child glad to help you with merchandise Tw o-thirds o f the and visit and left his sister gain ing on hand the paat ^ v.eara • • ( 0 ^ j l cleanliness. then the break-up. So na­ competes only with 1 — tio n ! die W e used to look to the f ° 8t would be paid fo r by the on<- in strength. your building plans. No church, the home and the school to b e f i t t i n g most A s the consumer| The W W o r d N eighborly club met tives fo i quick txjWei act;on * uh 5 n“ fee n* obhgaUon no Appoint train up a God-fearm g generation buy. from the retailer, the retaile. , at the home o f Mrs^ Grace W .lson on carm inatives to relieve gas pains, mem n e c e s e a r v D P E R R Y E V A N S Phone Aloha 6191 church and home and o v e rb id on the from the Jobber, and the jobber from ihe 20th. the second meeting fo r the Get A D L E R IK A today K w l S n P O rS AT M « under sold on the manufacturer, we w ill have three month Much to the delight o f th** *»■-------- — BVV -“ orrison, r-oi uanu, a i . u m i Browns Beaverton — Pharmacy But to-day we are ways for m eeting this cost ( ladies the quilt they have been work- w e are undersold on church and direct who w ill receive this inf? on fo r so long was finished and home and oversold on the school from those Such a cost collected ’ a comm ittee appointed to present it w ith °l it^ w n p h a s is ^ n rehgton°baa from a b o «1" « “8* transaction result- to the Red Cross at Hillsboro and somed into the Union H igh that ‘ "K *■ profit is the easiest money to J r t a g W c k aaw ta» to be done The , « b u ik . « » far across the country. But collect, especially If such money is h^*te88 served cake and coffee. 4 i. ip r niv on» uchoiar in five out of '“ ed solely for producing new busi- The com from the farm s in this the gra d e. ' and 'one in six of the "ess fo r the firm paying the same community has all been put in the fc ♦ l , »ttorwlini' Sundav R eorganizing R elief sil°- A fine crop was harvested k IT fh n t?*rrlll we become ■ O o i f m W e f»*rmei Iv I t p t a M on the ger.- all without the help o f horses. , | . , eroslty o f relatives and our inimed- There were fifty at Sunday School Blew ed is that nation whose God tat® communities to care for the and church. Mr W alk er delivered . cinr>A R/^ik needy o f our nation who w ere unable the message and two young ladies . C . „ fo r . h r m - . v . , T h l. m .y from P o rrl.n d . «,!„ long ago. a lot of them have sprung »J * b . th . most satisfactory method ------------- ~ — up become godless and sunk be- o f handling the problem W e now ^ l U g » D a m a g e C r im s o n neath the w a ve. So we join the however, tax our people to secure Q S e e d lin P « c ry that rise« over the land—B A C K «he funds necessary fo r this pur- v ' , o v e r • '»e e O lln g S M e r e And coming back P °8e- V erv often re lief is made too l Slugs have done considerable dam- T O T H E B IB L E to the Book our fathers may we. attractive and our taxed public is aKC to local crimson clover seedings w ith them find our hearts settled on needlessly imposed upon It is our Th ey ®r* o fcourse to some extent at Christ as the Savior who took over du*y *° care io r «be unfortunate pao* « * ■ • °® bans vateh and ti • our death sentence and died under P*« *n our comm unity but aside from every indication that the situat:on 1 It to save u* So we go free. So making them com fortable tt is not may become more serious W here ¡k we forw ard march. fu lfillin g our d"«y «o make such relief at bait l « s been applied before the crop k duty to God and man with the In-i tractive I f a traile in s te u p w e r c •" thiough the ground. Improved || dw ellin g Christ, our strength, joy, operating in a community there stands and less injury are quite ap i g to W F C yru s,1® peace and V ictory every hour the would he an o ver supply o f used parent, according Real valaes in 50ur favor­ livelon g day This space paid for t?oo*i* which couW be « » « » r y county agent. nd given to those needing the same U baiting is delayed until tne c to p jE ite k in d s ! B jq 1 box of by an Oregon businessman. Such goods would make these people |* through the ground, there is so|k these crisp, jn ieg a p p le s comfortable, yet such relief would j much feed for the slugs that tl k For F ib « i DiMaicgs not ,init»rm li>i the character o f out take the bait less teadilv. savs the k Pin t can todnq The apple crop this county agent. He pounds o f bait 5 I people as does the present system. Cloverdale, Oregon per acre as was first advised is a lar- A H im I neat Safety V u l»r ;e a i 1$ u n u s u a lly hue! The trade-in idea is simple. Our , Ker quantity than is necessary Four - PURE CORN OIL - .F ed eral Governm ent would have ■> o r pounds per m ie. particulai ly An ArmiSTice Day program w ill be ^ ay for producing increased con " « ««"' pellet foi m of bait, in a d eq u a te ly Red I.«h e i K « r o S yru p 5 !b. Cd« 3 7 e given at the Sherwood Union H igh sumption o f finished goods as the if «« *8 evenly distributed says Cyrus £ school on Novem ber 11 at 10 30 a. m. need arose slm plv by Increasing the This should be broadcast on top of J under the Joint sponsorship of the allowance fo r such goods offered fo r «be ground soon a fter the crop is 9 fat C*»M. fryiDfl 3 -lb ^ a O M Am erican Ie*gion Argonne Post o f trade-in. Then in inflation ary *eeded. or at, least before the crop is J| I.b 15c C R A N B E R R IE S «ad Ptrtnx_____ can w J W •S h-tw **• Tualatin V alley Post o f ; tlm „ wh, n our Oovarnment wishes through ttaa ground The bait re « I.b. 4c < BUSBY Fine fo r Pies M etzger and Veterans o f Foreign ( 0 discourage trade, It could lower ot tains Its effectiveness for seveial k SW E E T PO TATO ES Lb 5c W ars Post o f Tualatin. The mem remove altogether the trade allow days and good results can be expect- k G R A P E S , Red Em peror J.b 6 l-3c hers o f the I^osts will meet at the I e ances. This would provide employ- ®d 8 reasonable time after its k tie Vegetable Shortening glon hall in Sherwood and a fte r a j ara w aR i workers, and investors « Application. o n ly tiie baits made P r ■ i ■hort parade will proceed to the high much needed automat:, o . latoi " l,h h" ln m tnldahyde and calcium 5 V ab Camp i V$a C a b í -' s school A rthur C Hull o f Multnomah j w h y watt until the W a r Is over he- atsena’ - lecommended. Ba t- ? 0 RK Jk PORK A containing only the metalehyde with­ a member o f W est Hills Poet w ill b e ' fore trying out such a system ’ the speaker, the Legion band w ill play ___________________ _ out the calcium arsenate are not rec­ B EANS BEANS ommended. and an Interesting program is assured. | No 300 QC Mrs Laland H int walked o f f w ith M d ir id ^ C L ic e n s e s T«U Can J a . * “ 14* tw o firsts and a third prize In the Raisins, seedless 4 lb pkg 27c W ashington county elim ination finals Rtchsrd J. Dernhach. 4434 SE Main S A L E N O V . 1-8 in the Oregon Grange-Oregon Sugar street, Portland, and Helen J Hoi F ig Bars .......... 2 lb pkg 21c home canning contest held at Tigard ( broke, route 5, box 49fl. Portland M alt, Blue Ribbon 3 lb 47o W ednesday Mrs. Flint had a first in Kltner L. Rrho. 5028 SE Wood Edwards C O F F E E 2 lbs 53c Matches ----------- carton 15 c canned fruit, first in jelly and third ward street, Portland, and I^ a h E Hitch ( raft Flour 49 lb St «9 Cake Flour Sof Slk lg pk 23c In preserves. H er prises were 125 W arren. Maplewood R ipe Olives No. 1 ea. I I Albert T. Schultz. t»837 N Minneso­ pounds of W hite Satin sugar H er W heat les ......... .. 2 pkgs 19c Catsup CUB, 14 oz 12c fruit and Jelly will he entered In the ta avenue. Portland, and Muriel M Com Flakes, ,\lbrs 6 oz 2-9c in^ 1 state finals held Monday at the Ore Holm, 5535 SW Texas street, Multno Cranberry S a w e Oc Spry 13c Shredded W heat N B C 2-2lc gon state grange headquarters In _ mah. Salad Dressing. Qt 27c Choco Cherries lb box 2.V Portland. Charles J. Campbell, 3117 SE An M ince M eal 2 lb ja r 19c Mrs. A lfred Godfrey left Saturday keny street. Portland, and June C. Gum Drops ----- lb pkg ISc Pineapple bro slices 2 'js 15c fo r Mt Shasta, C a lif , to be with her Mathlesen, Hillsdale. Oleom argarine ___ ¿J lbs 29c daughter Mrs. A. Covell who Is ser­ Donald W. G raf. Hillsdale, and Ca­ K ra ft Dinners pkg 9c Velvet Tobacco, lb can 67c iously III with pernicious anemia therine E McCarthy. 9255 8 W 3d ave. Tuna Flakes size, 2 fo r 3 V Edw ard and John Van Horn and Sugar. Oregon 190 lbs $3.71 Stanton Coleman arrived home from j - Huy Defense Bonds and Stamps Baby Food Gerbers 4 fo r 25:' Tan g Lunch Meat 25c Sitka. Alaska. Tuesday a fter a nine Camels, RooLs, Lkys cn $1.23 lied Beans 5 lbs SOc days trip which should have taken them five days, due to the storms Com , cream style 303 slz S-2.V which w ere the worst in y c s ii. John Spinach garden side 2'.-s 12c quit his job at the air-base on Satur­ day before the big explosion whicn Clorox Bleach gal 23c killed several o f the men on duty at Hood SA» » '* AY lo. A . 0 T COI RSI the air-base. Th e ladles aid w ill meet Thursday. IN N IH I ■■ ,N ' - --- N o vem b er 6. at the home o f Mrs H a rry Richards with Mrs. Fred V sii llcadquurtera for K leek as joint hostess O R E G O N M O T O R S TA G E S Born to Mr. and Mrs Carl J. Allen and on Thursday, October 23, a daughter. H O M E -C O O K E D GOOD E A T S Jane Elizabeth. Cen Pak W hole or H a lf Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Snider, Mrs. M odem Fountain Service I-eland Flint, and Miss Sharen Salens for H ot W eather R elief made a trip to the beaches by the way Shoulder Center Cut o f the W o lf Creek highway on Sunday A large crowd attended the school -Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps program F riday night About $15 A. Ihfcl was made fo r the school fund Arm our's J o R t lit vt if»'* _ t___ _ S. H. Pom eroy Is seriously 111 with Mis try Indigestion. Richey Hdw. & Furn. Co Any size piece REDS and NAZI BIRTHS VINCENT LUMBER CO. WHITFORD W e sto n O il Ortley's j Delicious lb. 5c 1 lb. 6c lb. 51/2 c Pumpkins Jonathans lb. l«/2e KINTON Mazóla & 47c CRISC O SPRY ¿fcjc Royal VT 55« 5 ^fpecmrr GREYHOUND Coffee Shop KITCHEN COURSE >: IIFNUTRITION i. »o«* c ■ j J SKINNED HAMS lb. 3lc PORK ROAST lb. 23c Baccn Jowls lb. 17c Boost your horns community news­ paper. It boosts fo r you. Only $1 per year Jess than 2 cents • week — Buy Defense Bonds and Stam ps— {jP&tU UQNBL MUIA U lt i. NOM taûfS BEAVERTON, a Round Steak OREGON '(âordlkitidmteSlfo Grain fed Steers W E R E S E R V E T IIE g lb. 35c Bacon R IG H T TO L IM IT Q U A N T IT Y P R IC E S E F F E C T IV E A T B E A V E R T O N S T O R K O N L Y lb. 25c !