The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951, July 25, 1941, Image 1

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V O L. 14, NO. 26
Beaverton, Oregon.
Friday, July 25, l c)41
Small Towns Become Key-Centers
Babson Sees New Map of America
Gala Celebration Planned For
Bus Dedication August 6th
E xtensive preparations are in the -------------------------------------—_ — — -----------
Park, Mass., July 2 5 -
m ak in g fo r a gala tim e W ednesday i
M ap-m akers had better get busy lay­
A ugust
6, at B eaverton, j July 1st, Registration
ing out the new industrial pictures
w hen O regon M otor Stages Com pany I ( I Inoffie-ial I
o f the U. S A. and Canada.
F or
will form ally dedicate a new twenty | ' ~ ;n o * *
generations, the tides o f population
nine passen ger stream lined bus the 1 * ollow ing is an
u nofficial list o f
and business enterprise have been
The bus will Jul.y lst registration, their sequent
“ C ity o f B eaverton.’
flow ing from farm to tow n and from
be on display at the athletic field |
m iddletow n to m etropolis. Som e ten
follow in g .fceiemonies
at the
lius I ashington cou n ty local board num-
On an early Spring day. 1847. a years ago, this sw ing hit its
! her 1, at B eaverton:
w agon train w as form in g in Inde­ The tide turned in fa vor o f the small
T he m ayor, city cou n cil and la rge, I^ ife<lu,el_n ce ^ o -^s *204 Serial^No^ S-39
N ow com es the w artim e era,
pendence, M issouri, fo r
west­ town.
O w rey;
S-223 -S-74
con tin gen t o f prom inent personages j i Kenneth
ward trek to O regon.
Everything giving seven-league boots to the de­
ia n c
pm i
i ll
cue v
c ic in u
u ic s .
j ..
w as hustle and bustle; orders were velopm ent o f looaliUes o f from 5,000
g-38 a •
L ater in the evening there will be Iway m ond D. Sanders;
It is a m o d ­
back and forth as wagon to 20.000 population.
a softball gam e and a sock aball ga m e, 7^orne
G allow ay;
As our a n ­
after w agon was driven Into place. ern wave o f m igration.
S-29S 8 1 8
betw een the K iw anis and W est Slope. H arvey F.
B rosher;
R aw bon ed M issourians loitered about cestors w ent forth to reclaim the wil­
T h ere is a small adm ission ch a rg e) G ayheart E. B jo ru m ;
8317 S-75
in groups, en joyin g last minute visits derness, the pioneers o f tod ay will
to the gam es fo r ben efit o f the Boy I R ob ert E Paillette; 8 3 3 6 8 5 8 , Ver-
seek new hom es and fortunes in
with those left behind.
Scouts, h ow ever, adm ission to dedi- I ” on
S-355 S-17 -J osep h A.
O f a sudden a great shout went up small tow ns with b .g futures.
cation o f the bus is free.
J5' 3,3 S-69 T a lford L. S train;
! and all eyes w ere turned in that di­ F rontiers o f '41
8 3 9 2 8 8 6 — E dw ard W .
.M oshofsy;
This rejuvenation o f the little old-
Folks clim bed out o f theii
8 4 1 0 8 54 Jam es A. Gibson,
has been
w agons to get a better view, “ Well, fashioned
Governor bprague to (Jpen | s-4 29 s -66 C urtis b R ile y ; s-441
what in
tarn ash u n ?”
exclaim ed a speeded by the necessities o f defense
Fair Officially August 27 I
James F.
W h ita k er; S-466
lanky ox driver and sim ilar expres­ Against the threat o f the bom bing
1 S-50- Ernest H. G ralow ; S-484 S-53
sions o f surprise broke out along the plane, only a partial answet is pro­
E arly op en in g o f the W ash in gton — A lfred E. B eaudoin; S-500 8 8 5 -
vided by cam ouflages, alr-rala shelt­
cou n ty fair is a special feature o f) Frank
W ood ;
S-519 S-26 D elm ar ;
I O bject o f their attention was a new ers, an ti-aircraft batteries, or even
entertainm ent fo r new settlers in this A. W algreave; S-536 8 8 1 - H enry J.
arrival several w agons
with their a vast airforce o f our ow n. W e need
cou n ty w as assured this w eek when C hristensen;
8 5 6 5 8 7 7 — Henry’ A.
superiority, cut
wagons overw helm ing
the C ounty C ourt by proclam ation M artin; S-573 -8 2 9 R o b e it L. Gib-
1 excited any interest.
These two did our other basic defense against a g ­
instructed the F air Board to open the! s o n ! S-592 S-48- R obert L. Sw ope;
not have the cu stom ary white canvas gression is to decentralize ou r vital
fa ir W ed n esd ay evening, A ugust 27, | ®-611 S-28 W illard E
R ohrbaeh ;
in rela­
tops, but instead, only w agon boxes. industries, spreading them
at 8 p. m , a day early.
G ov ern or; 8630-■ 8 3 7 Charles W .
M arshall;
tively sm all units throughout the en
C harles A. Sprague has consented to ! S-647 (a ) S-7 F rancis 'A. I tel; 866 6
In this way, the vast
banks o f rank green foliage.
Each | tire country.
be present and to officia lly open the! S-20 — Pete
A pel;
S-685 S-10
Continued on P age 2
! w agon was pulled by fou r yoke of
fair at that time.
! Verne D.
M cR ob ert;
S-703- S-61 —
heaving oxen.
A lon g w ith the proclam ation, th e ' Chester
C ra ft;
S-740 8 2 5 —
"L ook s like a travelin g oat field," j Volunteer Civilian
co u rt also issued a letter to promin-| F ranklin A B rindell, Jr.; 8 7 5 8 S-13
som eone said.
ent citizens from all parts o f th e;
G lenn L. Hark ness; S-777- S-70—
"Y es, or a load o f green willers,’’ I Defense Enrollment
cou n ty requesting them to serve on > i j Chas^ E K lick ; 8-796— 8 8 8 H arold
bantered another. The crow d closed Started in County
a com m ittee to plan the w elcom e for • ! V. Johnson; S-815— S-44— Jam es S.
REUNITED through a letter in Mr. Fixit’s column were these
i in around the new arrivals and the
I Heat; S-834 8 4 6 — H om er K. H ay-
Civilian defense enrollm ent got un­
the new com ers.
truth was soon out.
But the specu-
derway in
W asington
cou n ty last
C itizens fro m eastern W ashington n e s ' 8 8 5 2 — 8 7 3 — H arry F
’ *-'*•)
. lations o f the w agon eers was none
fred. Lester came all the way from New Jersey for the reunion.
Men and wom en w ishing to
cou n ty ch osen to serve on the com - [ 8 8 7 0 — S-8S— Clyde
A. F ry ; 8-888 -
| the less. "W h y .it takes months to
register in thlH m ovem ent may do so
m ittee in clude:
M ayor A lbert R ossi,; 8 1 2 — G eorge M. B utler; 8 9 0 7 .-S-47
1 reach Oregon.
H ow does he expect
at the city halls in Beaverton, Sher­
H en ry Johnson, R . B. Denney, J a k e; R oy C .Chase; 8 9 2 5 - S-31— H erbert!
, to kepp fru it trees alive through all
w ood and Tualatin or at Garden
K em m er, B eaverton ; H. R. Findley.i —
In gram ;
8 9 4 4 —S-41— E dw in E.
that hot dry w eath er?
R idin' 'em
Home, M etzger, Aloha, C edar Mills,
E. A. C ool, Sam uel B. L aw rence, o f Schm idt;
8963» S-45—H arvey
B. I
! in a w agon b o x !’’
and T igard postoffices.
P ortlan d , P. E. Lewis, W . E. Up- ; Ju n or;
S -9 8 1 -S -8 6 - Paul
"W ell, it’s his funeral, not mine.,”
Im pressed
with the
u rgency o f
shaw, T ig a rd ; Mrs. F rench and Mr. j berholz;
S-1000— S-14—C harles
W .!
“ Guess w e’ll be needin' some fruit
the nation's
program , the
H illier o f W est
Slope; H enry H agg, : Bushnell;
81019— S-43 W alter C.
| trees in O regon w hen we get there.
county defense cou ncil is urging that
R eed v ille; Mrs. J. L. Schm id, C. J .jD e n le y ; S-1038— S-52— F rith jo f G. M. i
In the fall o f 1939 Mrs
I'd never thought about them not
citizens planning to enroll in this
Stickney, H. A.
Nielsen, A loh a: Ma- j T ollefsen ; 8 1 0 5 6 - 8 1 6 Donald
L. | B ow e o f B eaverton asked Mr. Fixit
i havin' any thought they had every­
im portant service do so im m ediately.
y or John N yberg, Tualatin; M ayor! C ongram ; S-1075—S-87—H erhert
B. to help her locate her scattered \
thing in O regon .”
And so it went.
A Tribute
It is hoped that registration will fo l­
Joseph M orback,
K rebs and! T hom as; S-1099 (a )— S-28—B ernard
brothers and sisters.
T he man w ho ow ned the tw o w a­
B eaverton E nterprise
low sw iftly enough thnt key men and
W illiam E dy, Sherw ood.
M any o f ; J. Altishin; 81109— 8 1 9 -M erle Pen-
gonloads o f nursery stock was a na-
On July 4, 1941, they g ot togeth er Beaverton, O regon
wom en can be selected soon to head
the w ives o f the
men have been a sk -j n in gton ; 81128— S-83— L aw ren ce J. j fo r the first tim e since they were
the various divisions o f w ork which
ed to co-op erate
in a special w om en ’s I Steyaert; 81)14f7— S-65— C harles
E. sm all children aftd had a reunion G entlem en :
It is my happy privilege to be able : had com e w estw ard to Iowa by way the home defense setup will handle.
com m ittee.
j Iabah n ; 81165—8 5 6 — D onald E . R o g - p icn ic at C ham poeg.
to pay my respects to a grand citi­
All persons, men and wom en, 18
Six you n g w om en are now in the era; S -1 1 8 3 (a )-8 7 8 -R oy H irter; S-1200
Mrs. B o w e s origin a l letter in the zen o f the B eaverton com m unity. I tion in Indiana.
Then he had oper­
yenrs o f age or over, are eligible
race fo r H arvest Queen, and in clu d e' —S-51—R e x T a tlo ck ; 81 2 1 8 — S-21— Journal m ore than
18 m onths ago T hose w ho knew
Jennie Shepherd
to register.
C. T. R ich ardson o f
K id d er; 81237— 8 2 2 — , started a chain o f letters and phone
L ois
Y ork ,
A loha Grange, Gerry L eonard
are sad at her passing.
She w as a j years, until the tales o f glam orous H illsboro, is cou nty chairm an o f the
S-1254— S-6 - calls fro m
R ain es, F orest G rove band; B eatrice A nders M. P edersen;
persons w h o had been
Oregon, its opportu n ities and vast
H ite, Sherw ood Grange, One Joyce M ack W . K eeb a u gh ; S-1272— S-57— I neighbors and friends o f the broth ­ cou rageous, industrious h ard-w orking wealth began to drift back to him civilian defense cam paign.
citizen in the interests o f the State
C apri; S-1291—S-42—G us­ ers and
C acy, F orest G rove Future F arm ers, R aulin S
sisters o f the
B eaverton in general and particularly fo r those , He made inquiries about the fruit
M arjorie W ill, L aurel-Scholls F arm ­ tav P . T o n g u e ; S-1310— S-82— H arry w om an.
Mrs. B o w e ’s brother, Les­ en gaged in the sam e industry that situation.
A nything w ould grow in I Aluminum Drive Centers
A. ter Davis, cam e from N ew Jersey for
er U nion Juniors and R ose A ngela J. M artin; 81327—8 2 —V in cen t
the fertile soil o f the Great W est, he
Located Thruout County
Slaw ik; S-1346 8 7 6 Melvin C. E r­ the reunion.
D iL oreto, D ixie Mountain.
F red ,it was
W hat about
I had known Mrs. Shepherd for a was told.
C om m unities throughout the coun
ick son ; 8 1 3 6 8 8 1 —Lym an A. W eb b ; lives in Seattle and the oth er broth ­
num ber o f years, but m y first legis­ 1 fru it? W as there an y?
ty are co-op eratin g effectively in the
S-1384 8 5 — V irgil R Savage; 81402 ers, N orm an, H arry, R ich ard and
Washington County New
lative con tact cam e with her in the
alum inum drive, accord in g to Kath­
— 8 7 1 — M asso H ayashi; 814 2 1 — 8 1 5 1 B ert In Portland.
sisters, in
1 agre, but he gathered that there
leen M cCrae, hom e dem onstration
— A lfred C. B oileau;
81440— S-64 I a ddition to Bertha, w h o is Mrs. Bowe, 1939 session o f the State Senate and
Grand Jury Drawn
Chairm an In collection cen ­
H arold D. Lees; 81459— 8 4 — E ugene are A gnes D oty o f A urora, Ollie Cool continued up until the tim e o f her
ters in eastern W ashington county
M em bers o f a W ashington county Van K leek ;
S-1477—S -3 3 - R aym ond o f Mulino, Bessie Lord o f Portland passing. She was one o f those grand
B eaverton, Mrs. I. M. W alker,
gran d ju ry draw n
M onday include j F H em rich ; 8 1 4 9 5 (a )— S-80— E ugene j and Clara L ang o f San F ran cisco. All O regon wom en, w ho did the right
thing as she saw it and just kept on State Liquor Board
Aloha, Mrs. L. C. Klatt. Kinton, Mrs.
R ussell Jopplin, Gaston, forem an, B
O’C on n or;
81514 8 3 - O t i s
F. are m arried.
doin g it.
It ju st happened that I
May Snider, C edar Mill, H enry John­
R ein h ard S chw anke, Cornelius, r o u t e ; R e is c h . S-1533 S- 68 — Donald P. Shil-
M ore than 40 m em bers o f the fam
agreem ent with what Apportions $34,970
son, Tualatin, Mildred Buswell, Ti­
1, C harles
A. Hunt,
Gales Creek, ^ ey;
S-1552— S-79—Fred
Court- ily w ere at the p icn ic w hich provided was in full
D istribution o f $34,970 to counties, gard, Daisy Sm ith; R eedville Mrs. E.
F rank lin J. Lewis, Forest Grove. Ot- w rjgh t;
81571 8 4 9 — P reston
F. a feast o f rem iniscen ces fo r the Mrs. Shepherd was attem ptin g to do.
H ad I, how ever, been d irectly op ­ I has been announced by the state 11- L aR ue and Orenco, Mi s. Don Holmes
to A. K rebs, Sherw ood, W allace Had- C aldw ell; S1588—S-85 T h eod ore M
broth ers and sisters and their falh
I qu or com m ission, the apportionm ent
In som e com m unities the collection
ley, H illsboro route 3 and M adge E li- i\jyssen; 816 0 6 8-54— Lew is J. R u ch - er, C harles Davis, w h o lives with posed to what she was tryin g to do,
she would have m aintained my high­ being part o f the state tax on m anu­ cen ter will be at com m unity halls,
ander, B eaverton, route 1.
S-1625—S-27—R obert W M cR eyn-
Mr.s Cool at M ulino.
est respect and adm iration because facturers and distributors o f liquor but g rocery stores and post offices
T he ju ry im m ediately
into „j^ s ; < 5 - 1643 —8-35 Jam es W . B atch-
—C ourtesy Journal o f the honesty o f purpose and the ! and malt beverages and cov erin g the
are being used in most com m unities.
session fo r the d ay and returned tru e; g^ier; S-1661 88 — L eonard R. D rey-
fineness o f the m ethods w h ich she I quarter ended June 30.
Granges, farm unions, 4-H clubs, ex­
bills against fou r men, Don H aataja, i e r . g_i680— S-67 Paul F. R asm ussen;
M ultnom ah counties portion was tension units, w om en's clubs, and
40, and T h om a s Johnson 35, transi- S -1 6 9 9 -8 5 9 — Fred E. S ch aer; S-1718 Aloha Man Bel'eved
Y ou r com m un ity has lost a fine I $1515 and W ashington cou n ty $966.
ents, in dicted join tly fo r attem pting _ s _ 3 8 „ C h a r le s A R ussell; S-1737— Killed by Lightning
------------ 1 ------------------
w ork er, the State has lost a good
to take an autom obile w ithout per- 8 2 4 — John
R . W reisn er; 81756
Highway Funds of $800,000
M arshall W rig h t o f Aloha, was
m ission o f the ow n er; H arry Floyd. 3 . 30 —R ob ert S. Sundby; 81775— S-60 found dead in a hay field near his citizen and I, personally have lost a Land Board Distributes
Among Counties
43, fo r con tribu tin g to deliquency o f j —j a ck Baum an, Jr.;
81794— S-62— hom e at 8 a. m. Friday, evidently
$303,004 to Counties
V ery truly yours,
D ivision o f $800,000 o f state high­
a m in or; G eorge H. Bell, 43. on a Charles R .
C rosby;
81813— 8 3 4 — killed by a bolt o f lightnin g during
P rofits o f the state land board in way funds to O regon counties is an­
ch a rg e o f larcen y by bailee The men w n iia m H. D enney;
S-1832 S-32— the night, a co ro n e r’s report revealed.
State Senator M ultnom ah County am ount $303,004 has been distrib­ nounced by S ecretary o f State Earl
w ere arraign ed in C ircuit C ourt Tues- o ro ver W . H iggins,
B urns about the m an’s hat were re
uted to cou nties as the state's 1941 Snell last week.
P aym ent is based
day w h o w ere given until July 30 to
ported by his w ife, w ho discovered
1 school apportionm ent.
T he 1940 ap- on the autom obile
enter pleas.
the body.
He had been p itching hay
j portionm ent w as $304,361.
each county.
The total apportion ­
B ert Jam es M artin, aged 55 years, and a p itch fork was found nearby
apportionm ent
am ounts
to ment for the year is $2 000.000, c f
in the V eterans hospital in P ort­
S urviving the victim are his widow
Carnival Opens at Beaver­ died
w hich tw o-fifth s is apportioned in
Friday, July 19, follow in g a Ann M. W righ t, t w ( brothers, W il
1 children o f school age.
T he amount July and three-fifths in Decem ber.
ton July 29-August 2
lon g illness.
liam B rady o f P ortlan d and Em ery
C hina was the su bject o f W ed n es­
M ultnom ah cou nty with a car reg­
B ro w n in g Bros.,
A m usem ent Co.
He was a resident o f B eaverton W rig h t o f M issouri, also tw o sister.-! d ay's K iw anis m eeting, the program last year w as $1.15.
Since the board was organized in istration o f 124,082 wil! receive $371,-
His m other died Mrs J. H. Shrum o f Los A ngeles and
w ill open a carnival at B eaverton f or m any years
provided by J. H enry P rice, o f the I 1871, It has contributed $16,350, 201 to 453.87 In July and W eshlngton cou n ­
T u esday night July 29, con tin u in g to abou t sjx m onths a g o—both having M iss L ucretia W rig h t o f Portland.
United China R elief, a form er Beav- ; public schools.
ty with 14,525 cars, $28,988.18.
A ugust 2 on the highw ay west o f m any old acquaintances here
Funeral services w ere held Mon ertonian
M ultnom ah county received $80,826
The counties will receive the oth ­
C edar street. This is being sponsored
He was born in Nem ia, W is., in day at R iv erv iew A bbey C rem ator
Mrs. E sther J effs, a recent evacuee and W ash in gton county $11,706.
er $1,200,000 in Decem ber.
by the B eaverton K iw anis club w h o; 1886 and
entered in the
m achine ium.
from Shanghai, gave som e interest­
will receive a percentage o f the r e - , corps in 1910 in which he served un-
ing observations o f con d itions in o c ­
til 1919, 18 m onths o f w h ich were
Taylor’s on the Move
cupied territory.
One o f the grea t­
T h ere w ill be rides, side shows, spent in F rance during the w orld j
A recent g ift from the Com m unity
est needs at present is food fo r the | The Geo. N. T aylor's o f W est Slope
con cession s and a free attraction
war No. 1.
He was a m em ber o f
R osem a ry
returned thousands o f children, innocent v ic­ are on the m ove to Cloverdale, South B ook rlub to the Library has Just a r­
a d arin g cou ple w ork in g 125 feet in T illam ook post No. 47 A m erican Le­
T illam ook county.
For som e three rived from
and is
hom e from the Southland M onday tim s o f w ars tragedy.
the air—on trapeze— w ithout a net.
gion and has made his home at Til-
It is a w o” ‘ hy
Fred Gong, a student
at Lincoln years the Com m unity church at that available to patrons.
w here she has been spending her va
T h is carn ival has been at Clatska- iam 0ok since leaving
B eaverton in cation.
high school, Portland, w ho won the point has been under this m an’s pas­ addition to the art departm ent Color
this w eek
playing to
record 1920.
H e is survived by his w idow
Miss B etty W alsh from M edford Is h ighest aw ard in the F ourth annual toral care and the change is made in in Sketch in g and R en d erin g by A r­
M ertha M artin,
Funeral services
crow ds.
Y outh
with his the interest o f closer cultivation o f thur L. Guptill.
visitin g at the A rthur H olm en home A m erican
! were held in Portland T uesday In ­
F ree adm ission to grounds.
This book will be o f interest to
Mrs. M ary Sm ith left fo r home a f­ d raw in g W hat My C om m unity C on ­ the field.
term ent Lincoln M em orial cem etery.
A fter
B eaverton two those w ho love beautiful pictures as
ter a m onth a visit w ith Mrs. Alverta tributes to the N ation sketched a
p oign an t story in crayon o f China's years, the T aylors camp to the West well as the m ore serious student o f
R om ig.
Plan Safe Deposit Box
A B ible class will meet at Miss
Slope section before the name had w ater co lo r and color in architectu-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W righ t from dire needs.
T here was on ly brush al illustration.
Rental Campaign Soon
Pearl C ook s on First and L om bard C alistoga, C alifornia, are the guests
Both text and illus­
F orrest De Lapp, W. E. P egg and taken hold.
Tuesday, o f the Jam es Shaw fam ily. T hey will F. E. Bushnell were visitors. August and fields, those days fourteen years tration is unusually com plete, so if
F irst S ecu rity Bank o f Beaverton, streets at 2 to 3 o ’clock
R ev. M eyer T an-D itter will
An acre was taken over on one is look in g fo r a sum m er time
a m em ber o f the O regon Snfe D t July 29.
m otor to V ictoria, then
to 6th is the date set fo r the tw ilight ago.
posit A ssociation
recently be the teacher.
P ortland
Shaw will go soft ball classic, a return m atch be­ M cChesney R oad and their present hobby here will he found instruction
H e is the founder o f the on ly J ew ­ South with them
The first w inter saw on a ch oice o f equipm ent, prelim in­
that a brisk dem and o f safe deposit
tw een the W est Slope Sluggers and l house built.
ish H ebrew m ission in Oregon.
boxes has taken place.
This three other fam ilies on the Road ary exercises and guidance in pro­
Mrs. A lverta R o m ig fell and broke the B eaverton B anger-O uters
T his is an opportunity to hear a a rib last Saturday.
F or
T h e N ation al Safe
D eposit
A d­
prom ises to be a rare esthetic treat T he present cou n t is goin g on thirty gressively arranged lessons
L ike pulling up an old tree to park those not interested in actual work
v isory C ouncils P a cific C oast o ffic e r man o f his ability to teach this class
B arbara D u ffield has been visiting fo r you n g and old.
and m ove after all these years. Here ! with brush and pigm ent there is a
F. A B ruch w h o received the report T his is a non sectarian group, ev­ friends at W est Slope.
Com e and learn o f
. D ou g and
Ken earned their first verlble gallery o f the best in A m eri­
m ade the follow in g
statem ent; Jay eryone welcom e.
Bargain in Sprinkiers
m oney d eliverin g the evening p a p e r 1 can art, for enjoym ent, analysis, or
G ibson is an outstanding ban ker and G ods word.
H ot weather is hard on new and and from here they went East to col- j if so inspired to copy.
operates his safe deposit vault with
A Correction
old lawns alike.
Mr. R ich ey o f the lege.
H ere Lym an has prospered j W e pre proud to he able to intro­
sa fety and service.
The com m unity
T en W ashington
cou n ty
wom en
In last w eeks issue a statement R ich ey H ardw are A Furniture C o , aa distributor o f the Post and J o u r -1
duce you to this g ift from the Book
o f B eaverton should be proud o f him, have registered fo r the Smith Creek
was m ade in this paper that
H B recom m ends carefu l and regular fer nal you w h o are m others nnd dads club, a notew orthy volum e, by an
a m on g safe deposit member^ he is* H om em a k er’s Camps.
Miss Cor- Davis has filed a revocation o f as­
tilizin g and sprinkling.
See their k n ow the tender mem ories that hug artist and class room teacher o f wa­
spok en o f as a slated candidate next rine P ennington o f the W ashington
sumed business name o f A loha Seed ad this week for a w onderful price the place where the youngsters grew ter color.
election to a ranking o fficia l in the cou n ty health unit will be cam p nurse ! A Feed Co., at Aloha.
on sprinklers.
from grade to high and then on tr,!
fo r both periods
The article should have read that
D on 't let your lawn dry up and die. the preparation for life out in the i W ashington
cou n ty
R egistration fo r the second cam p — Mr. D avis had filed a revocation o f
It costs m oney to put In law ns why world. And will there ever be found week in apportionm ent o f funds from
R eap p oin ted exam ining physician July 30 to August 3 are still bein g)
assum ed name o f A loha Seed A Feed waste m oney and time.
a m ore n eigh borly place than this two State departm ents, accordin g to
fo r the N Y A health program during taken at th e home dem on stration !
o f A loha to A loha Feed and Seed
section o f the C o a st”
Maud Bosoow, cou nty treasurer- one
the fiscal year 1941-42 by State Ad agent o ffic e at the court house. This C om pany.
F R A N K A M E G H 'K R D
ch eck o f $28,988 represents a 2-5 n r
m inistrator Ivan G. M unro this week cam p is to give wom en o f O regon an
W e are pleased to kn ow that he
Frank A m egw erd died July 21 aged
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gibson, Mr. and tion o f the sum o f $72,470 for the ®-i
was Dr. C. E. Mason, B eaverton. T o op p ortu n ity to becom e acquainted will continue In his business in Aloha
Mrs. A. M. Jannsen, Dr. and
Mrs. tire year from state highw ay r ” — i -
facilitate the health appraisal w ork with the beauty spots o f the s ta t e ,! serving his m any cu stom ers In this 73 years o f Rt 1, Beaverton.
eral services were held W ednesday J R. T albert, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. m ission funds accord in g to regie* r
a n ursin g s ta ff is being added in to meet people o f sim ilar Interests vicinity.
at St. C ecelia's church.
B eaverton, Stipe, Mr. and Mrs R. R Summers, ed vehicles o f the county.
’’‘he <■>♦
each o f the three state areas.
and to provide a vacation with rest,
where requiem mass was o ffered at and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. O sfield, at­ er ch eck o f $966 com es f om t!
recreation and inspiration at a m ini­
T o Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Thom as 9 a. m
Interm ent Mt. Calvary tended the Shrine picnic at Jantzen State liquor con trol tax receipts cn
E xception al v alu e» are to be found m um cost, a ccord in g to K athleen W est Slope, July 14, tw in sons, John
cem etery.
A rrangem ents In charge beach W edn esday and enjoyed a p ic­ m anufacture and distribution o f li­
in the used car ads this issue.
M cCras, home dem onstration agent ( R . and W a lter D.
o f P eg g 's Chapel, B eaverton.
• n ic lunch together.
quor and m alt beverages.
The Traveling
Letter Brings Happiness
As Family Gets Together
"China" Topic oi
Kiwanis Meeting