Friday, M ay 16. 1941 MANY 3-DAY HOLIDAYS ON 1941 CALENDAR Local Mentions Fresh Start For Summer T. W . Zim m erm an o f P ortland, sec retary o f the O regon A ssociation o f Keal Estate B oard, died Thursday at V ancouver, B. C., follow in g a mer resident o f B eaverton and had m any friends here. Mr. Zim m erm an was an h ouoiai> life m em ber o f the P ortland R e a lty ; board and form er secretary o f the j old -time N orthw est R eal Estate as­ sociation. He was the husband o f H enrietta Zim m erm an. Funeral services w ere held M on ­ day at J. p F indley dc Son, com m it­ ment Portland crem atorium . Dean and Irw in C raig o f Midvale. Idaho, spent the w eek end visiting Mr. and Mrs. H arris Hansen. A nother special at the R ich ey H ardw are and F urniture Store, the week o f May 16 to 23, is a 5 ‘i-in cr. ' P lu m b ers friend. It h »* a heavy molded rubber cup, 24-inch wooden handle and Is to be sold at a ri­ diculously low price. The A. B Clement Service Station have added G ilm ore Gus to its many tanks o f gas. T his w ell-know n gas : is known everyw here by the sign ol the red lion. T hey advertise a highei j mileage fo r 1941 if R ed Lion is chosen. M ilieu's M arket are stressing the fam ous Schlottn an straw berries, the finest grow n in this district. They are large fine berries, o f fine flavor, and a brilliant color. G ood fo r ca n ­ ning. jelly or preserves. A real treat fresh, too. Better ord er beriies now | O. E. Lierman w as called to W eisei ! Idaho, on the death o f his sister, | Mrs. Arthur Hepp, who was killed in 1 an autom obile a ccid en t Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H arold Dean o f P ort­ land, are the proud parents o f a son born three weeks ago. This is their second child. L. R. H arris and D ick W alter re­ turned from D echutes river W ednes day, with a limit catch o f trout. The longest was 18 inches. The follow ing were Sunday dinnei guests o f Mrs. M.< C. M cK crcher Mrs. Polly Fairchild, Mrs. Non i Mulder, A. R. R om aine, Joh n Prescott M is. George M cK ercher and brother Bruce Gannon, all o f Portland. Mrs. Michael W riter entertained ’ Have you looked at you r tire 3 with a large fam ily dinner party on lately? i s. R oyal D eLlixe tiles is the grea t­ M other’s Day, h onorin g the birthday "D o they have that tired, w inter- est advance tow ard quick, straight WHITFORD o f Mr. W elter. worn lo o k ? Have they grow n a little B eaverton G range met in regulai Mrs. W . H. Cady o f Aberdeen, W n too bald in sp ots? I f they have, it’s line stops since the invention o f four- wheel brakes. And, o f course, U. S. session Saturday. All office rs were was a week-end visitor at the home there w ith the exception o f Andrew o f Mrs. D. C. Fisher. She w as a c ­ advisable to w atch out, because traf- exclusive S afety B onding' and ’Tern K ennedy, w ho is visiting his son, L com panied with her daughter and fic figu res show that sm ooth w orn pc red R ubber' are other factors de- K ennedy, down on the Columbia. Thi son-in-law, Mr. and M rs. Setka of tires are the ch ie f cuuses o f fatal m o ­ 1 veioped to insure long, econ om ical toring a ccid en ts.” aftern oon session was turned ove. mileage, free from blow ou ts and skld- Aberdeen. to ‘Mr. Jerom e o f the D airy Co- Mr. and Mrs. G arnet Snider o f Such is the tim ely w arn ing that I j ding.” O perative A ssociation, w ho showed Tacom a, W n., were w eek-end guests was issued this w eek by the U. S. tire som e very fine pictures o f the Co at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. H enry engineers, as they endorsed the spe- Op. plant and the m any fine looking M ayfield and fam ily. cial sp rin g-con dition in g, or sum m er cow s. A great num ber o f these cow. Miss Pauline F ox o f B eaverton and p roofin g services now being offered ' About 150 attended the Silver Tea are in dairies in W ashington county R obert B everly o f Camp Lewis were sponsored by the B eaverton Boole T he H aag B rothers D airy barn is thi m arried at V ancou ver, W n., T hu rs­ to m otorists by the experts in ch arge \ club for China relief, at the Congre- finest in the state and was shown day evening, M ay 8. T hey were a c­ o f local M obilgas stations. C on tin u ­ national ch u rch on Thursday o f last ing, the en g in eeis d eclared: .quite plainly. com panied by the b ride’s m other, "W ise m otorists, the ones w ho value week. M adam Au, w ife o f the C hin­ Mrs. L ouise Carter is visiting rela Mrs. Fox, Miss Bonnie Bender and ese Consul in P ortland wus the tives in this com m unity. At present Mr. H elm o f Portland. T hey will life and limb, d on ’t gam ble with the speaker o f the afternoon , and gave sh e is at the hom e o f her uncle ana reside in Olym pia, W n. possibilities o f blow outs. T hey d o n ’t a vivid picture ol con d ition s in the Mr. and Mrs. G eorge B lasser en ter­ let faulty tires endanger their lives present aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R . B. B row n in w ar-torn China. Thirty- G ard en Hom e. Mrs. B row n has been tained at dinner Sunday, holding a and the lives o f their passengers. seven children from the China P res­ qu ite ill. She is im provin g slow ly fam ily reunion. T hose present were They refu s to he robbed o f vacation 1 byterian Mission, ran gin g in age Mrs. C arter drove dow n with som e j Mr. and M rs. H enry H ingley o f W e­ fun. T hey d on ’t let skids und blow-1 j from 2 Vs to 8 years and under the frien d s from Seattle a week ago and j natchee, W n., Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard i leadership oi their teach er Miss H ingley and tw o daughters, Helen outs ca tch them napping. ex p ects to rem ain a m onth. ! Jeunette Phillips, rendered a program “ Such m otorists value the inspec T here were tw enty-seven at S u n -! and R uth and H ubert H ingley all i o f songs and bund m usic w hich was tion services now rendered by Mobil | greatly enjoyed by the assem blage, d a y School. H. A. W est delivered the j o f Portland. m essage at ch urch. 'Next Sunday j Mrs. Josephine Squires is visiting gas stations, because these in spections! O ther numbers* on the program even in g Mr. and Mrs. Irvin, w ho are her sister, Mrs. R. D. Benham at the m ay u ncover tire faults w hich should | wel'e songs by the P.-T. A M other at the head o f organ ization o f S u n -! home o f Mr. and Mrs. H arry Alex- be corrected to insure sa fe and satis ^ '" g e is , and solos by Mrs. Ethel d ay S ch ools for this district will give j ander. I B ritch and Mrs. N ancy Jane M cCani a m usical service. T h ey have five ; Miss L ouise B iggi visited relatives fa ctory m otorin g .” I m on. m usical instrum ents and will use all ! in Idaho fo r several days. B ecause Springtim e is til e-change- M esdam es W. L. Stratton, Henry o f them in this service. It is hoped i ----------------------------- ing tim e fo r m any m otorists, the fol Dahl, J. B. S tokes and B. E. Ran there will be a crow d ed church. F or qu ick action, a w ant ad brings low in g in form ation has been supplied dell, poured. The sum o f $32.50 was Donald K arberg, w h o form erly de- j ready cash, to M obilgas service men by these U.S. raised. This am ounts to about $i>0') livered bread and pastry fo r the ! technicians, fo r the benefit o f the in Chinese m oney. The ladies o f the Colonial B akery in this community, The C edar Mil) C om m unity club Book, club wish to thank all th-1 has accepted a position as secretary w j|] hold its first annual May Dance many w ho are now th in kin g in terms organizations, thelocal m erchants and o f safety: in an airplane plant in southern Cali at the G range hall in Cedar Mill Individuals who so gen erously helped fqrnia. “ In o u r opinion, a fter exhaustive in m aking a su ccess „ i the under Saturday, M ay 17. R efresh m en ts will Mrs. I. H. W in get w h o is still be served. Secure tickets from club tests, the new ‘b i:-k e-a ction ' tread on taking. quite ill. is not able to see her mem bers. friends and is made very nervous by phone calls. H er daughter, Letha, is . A rrangem ents are being made ill also. A nother daughter, Mrs. R ice, > through the OSC extension service whose hom e is in V ancouver, W n , ie an(j the c 0unty agen t’s o ffic e to hold sta y in g with them. a school on May 28 for all person;! A. C. Tuttle visited at his nut o r­ intending to enter displays at the ch a rd T hursday last. He had not been W ashington county fair set fo r Aug i or several m onths due to ill health. ust 28. 29, 30. accord in g to I-eon D a­ vies, fair m anager. Mrs. E. H. Bergin returned Satur­ P ersons takin g advantage o f th1 d a y from Los A ngeles where she opportu n ity to attend the sch ool will visited her m other and sister. Her be given valuable instruction in how broth ers fro m New M exico were to set up attractive displays, to c o n ­ also there. It was the first time the struct and decorate booths and to fam ily had been togeth er fo r many present exhibits to the public. In years. vitations are being extended to all F arm ers’ Union and G range groups H ave you looked over the ads this in the cou n ty to have their exhibit w eek ? I f not do so, they ca rry a com m ittees to attend the instruction w orld o f news. session. M otorists w h o have been studying the calen dar have happily discovered that there are m any three-day holi­ days trips in stght fo r 1941. A lready plans are being laid fo r these even t­ fu l times. Cars are being prepared fo r lon g jou rn eys du rin g these extra vacation periods, because it costs less to prepare than repair. First, com es D ecoration I'a y . w hich falls on Friday, M ay 30, giving many folk s the opportu n ity to get away fo r Friday. Saturday and Sunday to en joy g ood roads and natural beau ­ ties at the best tim e o f the year. Next is Independence Day period. July 4, also falling on F riday and a ffo rd in g op p ortu n ity for the e n jo y ­ m ent o f Friday, Saturday and Sun­ day in the open. L ook in g farth er along on the calen d ar it Is discovered that Laboi Day, Monday, Septem ber 1, will be the last day o f another triple period o f happy travel days a Saturday, Sunday and M onday in which it will be possible to cov er a big itineraiy and see m any interesting sights. But this is not all Both tin T h a n k sg iv in g and Christinas periods will then be in the offin g . On thes. tw o o cca sio n s—both o f which hap pen to fall on T hursday this year there are thousands who will stretc these holiday periods another day, thus tak in g in a Thursday. Friday. Saturday and Sunday in each in stance. As a result o f these m any three and fou r-d ay holidays plus a heavy gain in good -road m ileage -it is an ticipated that 1941 will be the rec ord -break in g year fo r autom obile travel, even beating the all-time highs o f the past tw o years. As their con tribu tion tow ard m ak­ ing this record holiday year a saT and satisfactory one, M obilgas deal crs are now o ffe r in g to give motoi ists a fresh start through the man.' c a r inspections included in what is k n ow n as “ S u m m er-p roof” lubricat­ ion and check-up, announced lasl w eek. The V I L L A G E 130th & Stark Su 9002 Marriage Licenses Haymn nd C. Joh n. Portia mi. and Inez R. Setlim pf, ute 8, box 65, A cozy pin G eorge W . Schtrikle Porti;and, and w ander to . . . F loren ce B. Cunning. Tualat in. A place to forget you r tioubles a Theodc►re R. Sut Beaver ton, and place to feel brand new L o i» S. Tiu ker, I1!artiand. So com e up and see the people, and A lbert Le onetti, 3625 SW Condor, see that swell flo o r show , . , M ultnom ah. and Msirgaret U b erto Heui that Silver Streak O rchestra 3625 S W C ondor, M ultnomah. . . . well dance that whole night thru. B oost you r hom e com m un ity news­ i 'Taint m uch for the cover . . . 50c paper. It boosts fo r you. Only will see you thru . . . So com e and join the party, and we $1 per year .less than 2 cents a week. especially mean you ! G EM S O F TH O U G H T S E R V IC E WISDOM W isdom is the principal thing, th erefore get w isdom ; and with ail thy gettin g get understanding Pro verbs 4:7. It’s time for TRIANGLE DEVELOPING FEEDS Men give cou nsel; but they give not the w isdom to p rofit by it To ask w isdom o f God, is the beginning o f w isdom Mary Bakei Kiddy. W isd om is idttim es n< i wh n we stoop Than when w> soar W ordsw ort h. GREYHOUND Worn Tires Bring Trouble Declare U. S. Technicians j Book Club Tea WE DELIVER. - PHONE BEAVERTON 3203 OPEN E V E N I N G S U N T I L 9 O ’CLOCK S U N D A Y S — 4 to 9 P. M. IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST Beaverton’s Quality Market Headquarters fo r Schlottmann Strawberries Finest Grown in this District META BAIT and SNAILS One package sufficient for ordinary garden use pkg DflTTMriWE DUST fo RCO ntrolof aphids I\\J 1 on Vegetable* Flowering Plants SULPHUR DUSTING TO CONTROL MILDEW ON GRAPES AND ROSES BUY YOUR BULK GARDEN SEED NO W ! F E R T IL IZ E R S VIGORO RED STEER GARDEN # BONE M E A L HOLLAND FEED STORE P H O NE 5603 BEAVERTON Beaverton Motor Company Beaverton, Oregon