w Page 6 BE \\ERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Or.- F rida V, December 13, 1940 i invited to all meetings and all church functions. There will be an election of the of fleers of the church next Sunday There are so many fresh vegetables morning immediately f ollowing the on the market that can be cooked in Bible School session. so many different ways. Favorite Recipes TH E METHODIST C H I'H O I Earl B. Horsed, Minister Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Acting su­ ru rn i|n > a n d C a r r o t s B ETH 1I perintendent L. L. Walker. Dice l 1» c diced raw turnips, l ' j o C O NG R E G A TIO N AL CHURCH Morning worship 11 a. m. The mes­ diced raw carrots, cook together in WUtard B Hall, lflnlstei sage will be presented by Mrs. Clara 9 45 a. m. Church School. E. G. salted water 20 npnutes. Drain, mash, Watrous. add 2 T butter, 1 T minced parsley. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. We 1 Webb, Supt. Serves 3 11 a m. Worship. The minister M salt, speck of pepper. study the 5th Chapter of Mark's Gos­ will speak on: The Man Who Could Creamed Turnips pel. Find No Room. The choir will sing . iMfim Cook 2 sups yellow turnips, mash, under the direction of Willis Cady . .. „ pepper, nutmeg _ ... ™ . ' a d dfew grains salt, W EST SLOPE 7 p. m. Christian Endeavor. . . . . K . “ K Add 1 cup cream sauce, serve hot U. B. CHCRGH _. . , . ' , , . , | with minced parsley . Meeting at the Gabel School The choir and minister will provide I K J Rev. W. Ewing Murphy, Pastor the program on The Churchman's j Relish or Dessert 9:45 a. m. Bible School, with class­ Saturday Night, a program released! slice 3 bananas lengthwise in bak es for all ages. over K A L E this Saturday evening at I ¡njj dish, cover with hot cranberty 10:30 a. m. Church service. Ser­ 7 o'clock, and sponsored bv the Fort jelly. Serve hot as a relish for hair mon theme “ What to do with Bur­ land Council of Churches of chicken, or cold as a dessert with | dens. whipped cream. A nursery is provided for children C H R IS T IA N SCIENCE CHCHCII . _ . _ . under school age during the church "God the Preserver of Man ” is the Mincemeat Cracker Loaf service. subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Ul*e c cooked mincemeat, c A Christmas musical program and Churches o f Christ. Scientist, on Sun | nuU- 16 marshmallows, cut in quar pageant will be observed Sunday day December 15 i ters' 24 K'aham crackers rolled fine morning, Dec. 22nd at 9:45 a. m. All The Golden Text is The Lord giveth Combine thoroughly, put in dish, chill are invited. wisdom: out of his mouth cometh I 3 or 4 * ° ur«- Se,ve sliced w“ h Serves 6 to 8. knowledge and understanding . . . cream. CH LKCH OF CHRIST He keepeth the paths of judgment, Toppings tor Pumpkin Pie George W. Springer, Pastor and preserveth the way of his saints ’ Make your favorite pumpkin pie Morning worship and preaching (Prov. 2:6,8.) , In serving place on each slice u Among the citations which Cl^m-| spoonful of whipped cream with a bit service 9:45 a. m. The topic of the honey in center. Or substitute morning sermon will be Five Gifts j prUe the Lesson-Sermon is the fol- i Oi of Christ to Believers. Following the lowing from the Bible. As biids fly-| crushed pineapple for honey. c chopped nuts on top of sermon the Lord’s Supper wil lbe ob­ Ing, so will the Lord of hosts defend Springie Jerusalem; defending also he will de- i pje before baking, served. Bible School class session 11 a. m. liver it; and passing over he will \ preserve It. (Isa. 31:5). 1 Cauliflower and Tomato—Cook in Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. The Lesson-Sermon also includes boiling water 1 large head cauliflow I Song service assisted by the or­ chestra 7:20 followed by the evening the following correlative passages | er_ separated into flowerets, melt 2 sermon. Tspic will be The Words from the Christian Science text- , >p butter in skillet, add 1 clove garlic book, Science and Health with Key or one sijce onion, brown cooked cau of Eternal Life. to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Ed­ liflower. Remove garlic, add can con I Special music on all occasions. Heaven is not a locality, but a densed tomato soup and Mi c grated Midweek Bible study Wednesday dy: divine state of Mind in which all the cheese. Heat until cheese melts. 8 p. m. There will be a fellowship meeting manifestations of Mind are harmon- j Ham and Cauliflower—Cooked flow- at the church Monday, Dec. 16th at A ious and immortal, because sin is not , erettp8 alternate in baking dish with p. m. The program for the evening there and man is found having no , Cooked ham, and use about 12 sodas Season, dot with will be built around the favorite songs righteousness of his own, but in pos j crackers crushed. session of ‘the mind of the Ix>rd , ar butter, pour H c milk over and of the church. (p. 291). Friends and strangers are cordially the Scripture says. bake, 425 deg. 25 to 30 min It's really getting toward Christ­ mas if the signs mean anything. The j stores are gay with Xmas greens and I lights and its really cheerful and gay. I The Columbia Food Store this ! week have an extra Xmas greeting | picture and a new border too, very j nifty. Be sure and read their ad I carefully that’s how you can save I Xmas candies are in and be sure and shop in the meat department. The Safeway Store has it all fig ­ ured out that people have a sweet tooth, judging from their specials on candy. Also fresh vegetables. Drop over to the meat departments and— be surprised too. Millers' Market wants your orders j for Christmas Turkeys, so that every- one can enjoy a nice freshly killed | bird on that day. H e also has a j big assortment of candies—Sunshine ; Christmas candies. I f they taste as | good as they look they won’t last j very long. Hoir to have a IDerry Xmas Trip 1 TO CALIFORNIA Here’« • limple recipe for a real­ ly enjoyable holiday crip: 1. Leave your faithful car in the garage and rave the wear and tear of a long wimer drive. ^ 2. Board a coxy, steam-heated Southern Pacific train. Relax and take it easy while the engineer drives you swiftly and safely to your destination. Arrive really retted—not worn out by a long tiring drive. Southern Pacific offers you a wide variety of low fares to all points—-on tale now. Compare costs and we think you’ll find that train travel ¡tactually cheap­ er than driving. : eus tu* ft rz rue twaft Visit Our Shop For Tha Friendly Southern Pacific See local S P. again or write J A. O R M AN D Y . Can. P a n Aganl. 622 Pacific Building. Portland, Oregon fo r Quality. Flavor ' BEAVERTON'S QUALITY MARKET and Valuer OPEN E VE N IN G S U N T IL 9 O’CLOCK 2 MARSHMALLOWS Campfire, lb pkg 15c DATES 2 '■>■ 2 5 c 5 ib . can HONEY RIPE OLIVES 1ÏÏ 10c SHRIMP G N„f f ~N:,a)ck ]1»»•can 10c OYSTERS Can 10c WALNUTS Lb. 19 c Golden Hallowii New Crop Mellow Gold Fancy Light Amber PUMPKIN ist Lux Toilet or Life­ buoy Soap, 3 bars L U X F LA K E S Large Package Zee Toilet Tissue Family pack. 4 rolls R1NSO Large Package Rice, Extra Fancy Blue Rose, 3 >bs SPRY, 3 !b can 17c 21c 15c 18c 17C 46c 25c 2-lb. Fresh from the Oven Del Monte No. 2V2 can pkg. Lb. 10c 3 for 2 5 c C O L U M B IA COFFEE All the delicious flavor is locked up in the b a g- We grind it to your order thus insuring extra freshness. FREE— Big Peppermint Slick with each pound of Columbia Cofl-ee 2lbs. - - . 39C HARDWHEAT FLOUR Makes Baking Place your order now for your Christinas T u r ­ key. Our Turkeys will be frcshlv killed, clean­ ly picked ASK AB O U T THEM . 49 lb. sack A Pleasure . $1.29 m SniaiH 3lt«m SIH !m iM IIIM M M M inM 3lilSM SIII3SIIISIIISm 5illsl»slll5lll5ll«lll5lll3IIISIH S|||:sui3ius||| line with Market GARRISON MARKET Xmas Candies JEWEL VEIL SHORTENING 2 ibs. 25c FORK CHOPS, Center Cuts, Per lb. 25c P O R K S T E A K S , Per lb. CHOICE BEEF POT ROASTS, Lb. We are featuring S U N S H IN E Christinas Can dies of Finest quality and workmanship. Come in and see the assortm en t available. f 35c 21c Mothers Cocoa 15c lb can K R A F T D IN N E R Enough 4 persons, pkg 9c NORTHERN Xmas T urkey s QUALITY FOOD at the RIGHT PRICES Next to Postoffice TH E Karo Syrup— Red or Blue label, 5 lb can P E T M IL K Tad cans, 3 for Neatlfn Morsels, Seinl-ewect (Tiocoliite 7 ox. hugs, 2 SU ND AYS 4 to 9 P. M. be RE SE R V E Contains genuine Brandy Plaques, handkerchiefs, childrens dresses, hose, pillow slips, etc., etc. Broadway at O E track ^ Q aam JU/ c / c7oxrt¿A. WE DELIVER PHONE BEAVERTON 3203 ------------------ W E SODA CRACKERS MINCEMEAT The Reaverton DRESS SHOP “IT HITS ’ THE MARK Prices Effective Dec. 13-14-16 Groners Large Franquette Different Gifts Como in and Look Around / S-P . W American Beauty No. 1 (5 oz Net) FOR XM AS „ M I L L E R ’S will iSBt j The L ittle H erm its sa y : \ Price IQPQtîluffcîtë ^ Distillers Products Corporation. New York *;? I M