ü or o ^ K A T ìt LARGEST CIRCULATION IN EASTERN W ASHINGTON COUNTY VOL. 12. NO. 32 Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, April 21. 1939 News Matter of Burglar Given Interest Here ^ ree Years Cornerstone Laid at Home Published Weekl> South Solving Being Rushed Hol'ls Final Meet Her Problems Road Program County Council The final m eeting o f the year 1938- David M cClain Gault, 32, arrested l 193!* o f the W ash in gton County Coun ] Thursday on a ch arge o f burglarly. , r\ Additional Crew at ! cil o f Parent T each ers was held Babson Optimistic on appearing before C ircuit Judge K Lhnstian Honitf to Upcn Outdoor Activity | Tuesday, April 13 in the O ddfellow s Work Spreading Rock Frank Peters, w aived grand ju ry In May 1st near Beaverton Southern Industries Getting Underway Hall B eaverton. T here wens fifteen . dictm en t/ plead guilty and was sen- | local associations represented, with ! tenced to three years in penniten- iiu- hundred W ash in gton cou n ty iiu i»« ____________ _____ ___ s road Savannah, G eorgia, April 21 A ft An audience o f s«v«ral iiu 1 tiary. A nnetta May Edm und, 38. persons attended the corn * nd VI*‘U>” "tim bering a a W in ter spent in the Soutn ii ... c o i erston e provem ent p rogram is being rushed Mr. and Mrs. C. J. H am m er o f . , . . . . . . . , ■ u,.r M inneapolis, Minn., are visiting with ! a " psted w .th Gault » in jail booked laying r tre m o n y Sunday a ftern oon »Head in full force the past tw o u1" 1 ** 1 ■ ul' 111,1 1“ *•’ 1 ‘ j1 “ " hurd to be pessim istic on this for the new N orthw est C hristian weeks, accordin g to L. L. M acIntyre, la ,6 '‘st t ount> C ouncils held this even though cotton is selling i> M r. H am m ers sister. Mrs. W . J. Al- j a sm ular charge. 1 T he arrest o f the pair brought H om e fo r the Aged. only eight cen ts a pound! Fai fr< It is a $60.000 county engineer and road m aster >llir exunder at her hom e on Farm ington A fter the m inutes w ere read by being E con om ic recovery o f loot t aken from fou r Ti - edifice on the W alken road P roblem N um ber near M aintenance crew s are spreading an road. gard and S herw ood hom es. The B eaverton with accom m odation s for average o f 600 yards o f rock per day , *u ‘ Becretaiy the trea su ici g.i\r nei ¡ One 1 think the South is Possibility Mr. and Mrs H am m er .have fo r the Jam es A. N okes hom e in Tigard, on roads in all sections o f the coun- , e Po l t - Both o f these final reports N um ber One o f tho United s ; t. . past six m onths traveled in the route 1, yielded the greatest am ount 28 persons not counting em ployed E lim inate freigh t rate d iffc i .•litin. . ty. In addition to the regular force, accepted help. .. . I no liw'ul South ar.d this >s the first tim e in 37 , o f loot, estim ated at $600 practically The local u association then gat » speed up the d iversification o f the two con tract ou tfits have crew s o f Mrs. M iy y E. Parker, a member o f years that brother ar.d sister have all o f w hich w as recovered. fuim s, utilize the w ater-pow er de R o ck for ' their report o f achievem ent during o f supervisors for the truck drivers at w ork. m et so it was a very happy reunion. , Gault and; his w om an com panion the board I the past year. Ten associations re­ velopm ent8, and D ixie can lift th many repair jo b s are being hauled j The T hey expect to rem ain fo r some were sent to the penitentiary in 1936 hom e, placed the cornerstone. ceived certifica tes of m em bership United States into a period ot busi P.cv. J. E ric Carlson o f St. Louis, ex­ from the cou n ty's Jackson quarry | s'gnifyrng that time. they had made a ness prosperity! from this cou n ty fo r providing a National the o fficia l stated. The South is m aking huge pro­ | con siderable gain in m em bership Mrs. C. D. Am ell w as given a sur­ gun used by Charles A. D otson and ecutive secretary o f the B enevolent association o f the C hrist­ j during the past year. T he County gress each year. T he fastest g. .w prise show er at her hom e Thursday Leslie H. Stairet in a jailbreak ian church, presided and gave the o f last week. Mrs. la m b en t Classen August 4 1936. C ouncil also was aw aid ed a certifi- ing states in thr Union m e nearly all Gault was given one In the South. Texas, F lorida, lsan s principal address. A large group | cate for having m ade a gain o f over and M is. Chas. B ernard w ere host­ year and the wom an arrested at iana. the Carolina.* are boosting then o f persons w ho h ave assisted in co n ­ i eleven percent m the county. esses. A bout 20 ladies were present. Sandy in com pan y with Dotson drew populations about three tim es s i ,si | Mrs. Hite, cou nty cou nc.l presi- as the North. Mrs. Amell was the recipient o f many tow con cu rrent tw o year term s for struction o f the home were present­ Literally hundii ve HS8üciHUon, a ,so attended and latioiiN have doubled since l;i'n I. is set for, July 6 in-law Mr. and Mrs. A lfreson o f P ort­ was bruised and shocked while u c c u -; u w a r d in g com m ittee b*■ low the M ason aval l)i*on l.in e! At present the denom ination main pants o f a car driven by Mr*. M ora land visited Mr. and M is. G eo Blass- Has One-Q uarter o f Industry er Sunday. tarns tw o hom es in the N orthw est R oberU . hich c a s h e d head on Into ! T he story o f the South's Industrli 1 A fter a recess fo r lu n ch Mr. Metz­ one at E ugene and one at W al a \ . Q E lectric freight on High Mn. and M rs. E d M cE lroy have re­ m ore «ensntiona . B eaverton H igh School grow th is even W alla. These will be combined, in N oo. 8 CIOssing at Beaverton, ler o f the turned from a trip to C alifornia. M ore than half the new fa ctory d e ­ iiituoduccd the m ixed ch oru s o f the C ircuit Judge A rlie G. W alk er o f the new Portland home m ore cen-1 Satuida nlght> M arvell and Ted M rs. G eorge B lasser w as a lunch­ high sch ool. T hey sang the tw o velopm ents o f tin» entire cou n try i i eon guest o f Mrs. R ob ert Cole at T i­ M cM innville will occu p y the circuit trally located in response to general Em m ,,rSon also occu pants o f the car riecent yea eg has been dow n lior* ' religious selections as required by the cou rt bench at H illsboro Thursday, « q u e s t from friends o f those resid j we re unhurt. A11 were residents of gard Friday. T oday, Dixie has over JS per cent A 2**-acre tract I Aloha night patroIlinK .» e .iifr , stated Glee club tournum ent which will bo tile m anufacturing establishm ents o f Mrs. Mae Darland has gon e to Los w hen he will hear argum ents in the ing in the home. held in F orest G rove soon. surrounds the hom e here. Mrs. Laura disputed W o lf C reek H ighw ay water I lie I oiled S ta tes! And t i n. Angeles Calif., to spend the sum m er An o ig m a l recitation about a m ushrooom ing up everyw here. N o iln Hill o f the W alla W alla home will j Mr." and Mrs. G eorge T h yn g visited d istrict case appealed b y property program given in a school was given ern con cern s continue to flow tow here. Mrs. Mr. and M is. Milton Bozarth at their j ow ners from a ruling o f the county be the superintendent by Evelyn Kidder. ard the G ulf while entirely new In­ W alter M yers is superintendent at Soholls hom e Sunday. j Court. The E w er triplets sang ‘'Little Sir dustries are sprin gin g up all a cro -s Eugene. H er husband has been ¡ || • • • * rr • I. R . Metzler, R . R. Sum m ers. ~ T ~ "~ | E oh o" and the “ Um brella M an” th»1 Souih. R easonable labor cos i, named N orthw est representative foi JllliiriOUS A l t c l i r Leonard Adam s, and Dr. Talbert ! Beaverton b e i U O r s to i and were follow ed by a solo "P enny savings ln fuel, nearness to raw n - the home, w hich w ill serve D is cip le s ! fished the Y am hill river Saturday j g ja„ e Play at Gym Serenade'' sung by Joe M oshofsky. terials, cheap power, low taxes, a 1 o f Christ ohurches in O regon, W ash- but reported t he finny tribe were 6 J J 1 Julies ; Byron B rltch w as the accom panist. waten transportation are am ong t - ington, Idaho and Montana. Dr. My-1 K lw aius clu b observed ---------- This Friday Eve elusive.' ers will divide his tim e between the Nlgitil" at them m eeting W ednesday i I he nom inating com m ittee then big sales points in the South's spi c- Mrs. E lm er Stipe returned to her hom e and the O regon Christian E n - ; evening. The ladies ervtng a very I presented the follow in g names for tacu lar grow th. Ijitest new industry is newsprint. P at W ard, R eporter hom e here M onday from the hospital, d ea vor unions, o f w hich organization line poi) luck dinner “ P oor Taste' j County C ouncil o ffic e r s for the com - B eaverton H igh S ch ool fcvill pre­ wihere she bad undergone an opera­ was carried out in clothin g and table *ng year: P resident, M rs. Garfield T he first mill Is under con stru ct! >n he is also field secretary. In Texas. It m ay be the forerunr i tion. She is doing very nicely and sent their annual Senior play F riday j E very one wearing the j H*te, S h erw ood; First Vlce-Presi- A t present there are 23 persons resi­ deconalions. of a southward trek o f north« night at 8 o ’c lo ck A pril 21 in the expects soon to be about again dent in the tw o homes. The new w orsl com bination o f clothing. The ' ‘lent, Mrs. Edw in T hom pson, Tignrd and Canadian newsprint mills. Sli Parent j H igh sch ool gym nasium . T he W ashington County had old fashioned checked I Second V ice-P resident, Mrs. Geo. pine is the raw m aterial. It gro building has been constructed on the table« T eacher association m et in B eaver- j The play is a stirring newspaper cloth and new spaper fo r coverin g Burins, G arden H om e; Third V ice­ three tim es as fast as north« unit plan so w ings m ay be adder! as ton Tuesday as guests o f the C ooper 1 com ed y in three acts. The name o f in e ladiea ch oru s sang during the ! president. Mrs. Marie Cham berlain, spruce O ther branches o f the i needed. M ountain association. I. R . Metz- the play is “ H ot Copy." dinner hour. T he men folks wem N orth l ’laino; secretary Mrs. C. O per in d u stry p a itlcu la ry kr: r ler, B eaverton high sch ool p rin cip a l,, C haracter« in the .play are as fol- presented with boutennierea o f radish ' Mabee, A loh a-H u ber; treasurer, Mrs. —art: goin g stron g in Dixie. Ti gnected the cou ncil delegates. M rs. | low s in the ord er o f their appear- southern ch em ical business Is g n w es and parsley. L ater in the e v e n -' , Geo. Im lay Reedville. G arfield Hite o f Sherw ood, president; j a n ce: Sylvia Dale, F rances B rindall; r v • p T hese office rs were unanim ously ing by leaps and bounds. Text iU ing baby pictures o f the men were and Mrs. Carl Sands, F orest G r o v e ,1 handling w ant ads on E ven ing Hei T c lC C S w ere Installed k,y tho mills continue to m ultiply. S eveid ' show n in lantern slides. The men elected and gave reports on the recent state j aid ; Bill G regory, Ja ck C u lb ertson ,1 per cent o f our rayon output cor also sh ow ed their m illlftory ability State P resident Mrs. C. W . W alls. meeting. H igh sch ool students gave i a you ng reporter with am bition ; Bud The cen ter o f the The final report o f ih*- County from the South. by m aking hats from various boxes, num ber on the program . E lection ( R ice , P aul Schieble, in ch arge o f the I petroleum business is in using vegetables, C nnstnras wrapp- ( *bairman was then called fo r with boom ing the Southwest. , and installation o f o ffic e r s were held H erald b ack o ffic e ; Jane C o rw in ,' ings and flow ers fo r decorations. ! n,' al 'Y every chairm an pnesent. Steel Industry to G row M ^i. G arfield H ite w as re-ejected j p a t W ard, w rites anything from sob T he ladies posing as models. LI ^,IM W alls led the discussion re- T he end o f the so-railed “ hat ing Merle M. Sw ett o f Soholls, Sunday president, M is. C. F. Thom pson, Ti- to scan dal; Hazel W inston, L a R a y R ich ey g ot first prize, a bottle o f « H,dink P arent T eaches w ork with p oin t" price system for »t«-el sin • *«! and county gard, Mrs. G eorge B urns o f Garden Marpyn, aspiring to socia l leader- was arrested by state applesauce for best dccoruted hat. R. j |nuch «niphasis placed on the by- help all Noutliern industry. One It H om e and Mrs. C. D. Cham berlain ot sh ip; K enneth W ade, Bill Bishop, police follow in g a tra ffic accident at Stew art took first and Dod B erg see- a w s' 's be also s|>oke abou t som e was just as cheap to buy a ton o f N orth Plains, w ere elected vice- ow n er and editor o f E ven ing H erald; Scholls, and jailed on a variety of ond in poonest taste each received a l ° l,1<> '|pm,s '“hat would be brought P ittsburg-m ade steel delivered nt presidents; Mrs. C. M abe, A loha. R andolph Peters, Curtis R iley, out- ch arges a ccord in g to S h eriff Connell. lolly pop. The evening proved a ! “‘P at ,h r National C onvention o f m iflgham as it was to buy a ion o f S w ett’s veh icle stru ck one oper­ secretary and Mrs. Lucille Im lay, standing am on g local colored boys; Parent T eachers which will be held Birm ingham -m ndc steel. lot o f fun for all attending. N ow , th' Reedville, treasurer. Mrs. C. W. D udley K ay, Ole Tolefsort, aspiring ated by H. G. Bailey o f Salem and in C incinnati in about a week ton o f southern steel is chee >er o ffic e r « held Sw ett fo r alleged drun­ W ells, state president, installed the to m ayorsh ip; P eggy W ilson, Lorell R eedville extended on Invitation H ence foundries, forges, stam p n-' officers. 1 Bog, born in a print shop, so to say; ken driving, hit and run and having that the County C ouncil m eet with mills, and other metal fabrics or Beaverton Trims T he R a y F oxton garage was given j M rs Devine, Shirey Frey, a busy wo- no op e ra to r’s license.. them for their O ctober meeting, that have con cen trated arc r 1 A com p a n ion in the SWett car, Oregon City Club a new coat o f white paint the first j m an interested in a lot o f things. w hich is the School o f Instruction. northern steel tow ns will find it • o f the w eek w hich gives it a v e r y , The play is under the able supen- A lvin E ddings was charged with | j Cinder Tf*St Due to their build.ng program in the vantageous to have branch factotl. attractive, clean look. ; vision o f M iss Sanford, w ho has di-1 being drunk on the highway. Ap- j * school this has been the first o p p o r­ near the southern steel industry Al Miss R hoda T hyng entertained the rected m any successful plays in the ! pearing b efore Justice o f the Peace B irm ingham .steel r Is tunity in several years that R eed ­ W inter, sch ool’s cinder B eaverton high H avens W ednesday, Biddings was past queens o f the Bethel o f Jobs : past. ville has been abc to entertain the were* m uch busier than those In tli ch u rn er« t ook a lopsided 85-to-37 fined $10 and costs. D aughters and Mrs. J. H . Felsher i ___________________ North. group. victory over O regon City in B eaver­ Present freight rates are u nfair t their adviser at her hom e T h u r s d a y !* * / u ^ Il C l _ A rising vote o f thanks w as exten ­ ton Thursday afternoon in a two- even in g o f last week, a fter a siîôrt " ftSil* U o l l e g e L o a c h the South. Smash up these i d Comitrg Events ded to C ooper M ountain fo r their w ay meet. . . ... and the products o f southern fn to: business m eeting a social h our was Here Wednesday Bennie Altishin w as h igh man for j ! l >■ at Beaverton Hi School ies and farm s can be laid dow i a' en joyed and refresh m en ts served by I _____ the Beaverton cinderm en with a northern d oors at a real savin M rs. Thyng. q . E- “ B abe’’ H ollingbery, head o f 11 % points. Gale j Continued on Pnge 2 April 21 Senior play "H ot Copy.” grand total Chas. Dawes, D ew ey D rorbaugh, ' f oot ball co a ch o f W ashington State A pril 26- T orch H on or H obby Em m ons, also o f B eaverton, was sec­ and W m . Grauei*, fished the 1 t ask j College at Pullm an, spent W ednes- ond with nine. i r\ . i i p> ~ BASEBALL SCHEDU .£ river over the week end bringing day w jt,h Jay Gibson, president o f the Show. A pril 29 Glee club contest at For­ h om e baskets o f lovely m ountain F jrst. S ecurity B ank o f Beaverton. est Grove. t Bout. Tualatin Valley Itaseball l e a u> T hey are old friends and Mr. Holl- May 3 T ualatin-Y am hill Valley | Baldwin Has Pretty A piti 30 Dairy C reek at C* illon . NighLpatixillM ng s h e r iff« w ere Seventeen m em bers of Beavei ingbery is second oldest coach from West Slope Home called to M etzger district Thursday B anks at Garden H o m e , Reodv , i e ch apter O. E. S. drove to Sherw ood point o f service in the N orthw est i League tra ck meet at Beaverton. I M ay 6— H igh school band at H ills-1 Vei ,,n Saturday e v e n in g w here with Os- con feren ce. evening by a fire which burned a Gaston, Sauvles Island at boro. w ego chapten, they w ere special _____________ Carsh Tw in Oaks vs bye. R . E. Baldwin h as a three acre j vacant dw elling on the Ben May 7 C arlton at R eedville, i'.iuv - M ay 9—Senior picnic, guests. A very fine m usical pro- c ... „ | place on Sunset road a quarter mile property, they reported. les Island at T w in Oaks, Verbc, rt »: i May 13 D istrict T ra ck Meet. gram was given follow in g the meet- S p a u l d i n g l SUVS j south on Canyon road at W est Slope Banks, Gaston at Duiry Creek, ( . rde i M ay 14— Senioe church service. ing. R efreshm ents w ere served. Large Tract j know n as Sunset Lily Gardens. He Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Scully H om e vs bye. May IS —C om tnencem ent exercises. has foun lily ponds, extra large and Sixteen m em bers o f the Beaverton May 14 Banks at Sauvies 1 land. May 19— State track meet. Return from Trip B oy Scouts spent the w eek end at Mr and Wl)B A F Spaulding o f well located. Thene’s about 22 va G arden H om e at Carlton, Tw in t ■* Mt. Hood with boys from Multno-1 P o i.t|and> have purchased a tract o f rieties o f water lilies and by the atG aston, D airy C reek at R et .rill mah, Tigard. Metzger, and Sherw ood j several acrcfi on Canyon road and High School Sports way, you can plant anything from | Mr. and M rs. D. B. S cully o f the D. V erboort vs bye. B. Scully Co., pioneer P ortland m er­ o f the Tualatin district. ! n ow on and have bloom s until the May 21 R eedville at Sauvies 1 I ind to" ! G o lf Course road at W est Slope, a chandisers o f doors, w indow s, sash, boggan in g and other sports were part o f the M ultnomah G o lf course. B eaverton W ins 4-W ay Meet ! frosts o f autumn. T hey raise E asl- etc , have just returnod fio m an ex­ V erboort at Dairy C reek, (last' o .i enjoyetl T hey w ere a c c o m p a n ie d , T he acreaRe ig piatted and _ | a fternoon . frog s and h ave every tended w inter trip o f over lO.nM miles G arden Hom e, C arlton at Tw in ■ > A > W ed n esday April 19. I ern Jum bo on the trip by L*. L. M yers and Mr. *ra c* o ffic e erected Several new B eaverton won another in a series equipm ent necessary in handling them They spent considerable tim e In Flori B anks vs bye. May 28 Dairy C reek at 1 inks W egham . M r Stewart and Mr. Min- t * £ u n d ei.C on stru ction ! a f track meets. In the meet o f W ed- “ The nature o f them is unusual ‘ and ' da. the great w inter resort o f the Sauvies Island at Gaston, Reedv lit ■! dox. The tw o form er rem aining nesday with F orest G rove, Newberg y ou ’d be interested no doubt. Eastern seaboard. From there tficy ,1. over night w ith the boys near R h o ­ and H illsboro, the B eaver cin dei- Mr and Mrs. Baldwin cam e here i went to Cuba and revisited th e old V erboort, G arden H om e at Tw in dodendron. m en scored 90 points. F orest Grove 11 year« ago and had all their posses- | cam p grounds at P ear Del R io w hetr Carlton vs bye. June 4 —B anks at Gaston. Car! n I Earl Poulson o f Seattle, W ash., »ions in an old light truck. They , Mr Scully was stationed with the was second with 29 points. V erboort. Tw in O aks at D airy < and Elm er Poulson o f Osw ego, spent H igh point man was Gale Em m ons started in diggin g the place out o f ! A m erican H ospital Corps du rin g the Garden H om e at R eedville, Sauv i » I < the week end at the h om e o f their War. Though i o f B eaverton with 11 points, second the willows. It m eant a lot o f work i Spanish A m erican land vs bye. broth er and sister-in-law M r. and and now they j * *,lvannH is tho principal tou rist resort ■ high point men wenc Altishin o f but they succeeded June 11 Twin O sk s at R in k ' M es . H arry P oulson. have a very beautiful cou ntry h o m e ' oF F uba Mr. Scully con ten ds that to Beaverton, C ooklngham o f New berg ton at Carlton, V erboort at ( >len Mr and Mrs. A. V. Bush o f Muled. and som e o f the finest soil in Wiis a" d *,n o w ,F*'' real Cuba one has Horne, Dairy Creek nt Sauvies I L J with 10 points each. Idaho, and Mrs M argaret Thom as o f It Is very low land , ‘ ° v " U thp " t*r1,o r' , »•* I n l e t s that R eedville vs bye. 100 yard dash Bollingeri first. west side area. Burley, Idaho, w ere visitors at the fertile. Mr. Baldwin s | h1,° , ^ a Kreat w ,ntar 10.3, Sager and Mrs. Jay G ibson I tie, secon d; Randall, first, 23 9 over a long period o f time and he Is | ln tjme (u witnpgs thr E verglades f l i t 4 A group o f friends, all form er resi­ Sager (F E ) second, A llison (H ) 3rd, not able to d o heavy w ork, but en- ■ lh a t w rought so murk destruction Tw o New Homes dents o f Gaston, m et at the hom e o f C onger (H i fourth. Joys takln g care o f this three acre j T hen ce their jou rn ey carried them to Mr and Mm. E. E. Leslie o f Dundee. R a y Christensen conti ¡n ‘ I 440 yd d&sh Patterson second, Culbertson (B>, deal about plant life and you ought ! W orlds Fair. It is a huge exposition builder and ow n er of T igard ’ ner together. T hose attending were third ,B arnes