12, NO Local News Matter of Interest Here Junior Festival Set For June 3rd Oregon Mutual Fire Shows Nice Growth C H U R C H O F C H R IS T A lio m e -lik e C hurch E . E. Coulter E aster sunrise prayer m eeting will be held at the Ghurch o f Christ al 5.3o a. m. A ll are invited to attend. Easter b icak fast will be served to- iow ing the service. At 9 45 the Bible S ch ool will pre­ sent a beautiful E aster program . The K essurection serm on by the m in­ ister and baptism al senvlces follow ­ ing the program . A t 7 p. m. the U nified Christian E ndeavor service at 8 o'clock an E as­ ter cantata entitled "M y R edeem er Liveth." T he ch u rch will be beau­ tifully decorated fo r the occasion . W e wish all to attend if you are not attending elsew here. The N orthw est C hristian H om e will be opened on A p itl 16. Mr. C oulters book “ Sw eet R e­ venge" has been a ccep ted and wijl be published in book form by F ort­ neys Publishers o f New Y ork City will be o ff the press in about tw o or three m onths. Two oth er m anu­ scripts are ready on e entitled "Out o f the Jungle’, has also been accepted and one entitled "B rok en F etters" will he in the hands o f the publish­ ers soon. Mr. C oulters hobby o f w ilt­ ing has extended over the past 12 years. "S w eet R even g e” Is the fii st to pass the editors desk. The W ednesday m eeting o f the Ki- T he City o f B eaverton C ouncil at ! wanis club was the regular m onthly its Monday night m eeting am ended ■ discussion day and only regular busi- an existing water» ordin an ce to pro­ vide for au tom atic discon tinu an ce | nes was transacted. The Junior- R ose Festival tentatively set for Sat­ o f service in the case o f delinquencos accord in g to H om er W ilson, recordei urday, June 3, was the principal ! subject. Under the new ruling, w ater will be Babson Urges Return W arm Weather Takes Saves Policy Holders ordered shut o f f in la Uays after the I N ext W ednesday noon. April 12, Home Folks on Trips To Free Market tw o m onth delinquency limit. the speaker will be W ill Henry, Port- Considerable Yearly T he revised ord in an ce also estab­ ----------- * | land, m anager o f thè Dairy C o-op The forty-fou rth annual statem ent lishes sum m er sprin kln g intes, to B eaver G range m em bers with association. Mr. H en ry has a very Miami, Florida, A pril 7 Eg ^ s prevail from June 1 through Septem ­ would soil at *2 per dozen, milk at friends held a m ost en joyable card interesting su bject to present and a o f the O regon Mutual Fire Insurance C om pany reached our desk this week. ber, both in tow n and for uscit* ou t­ 60 cents per «{unit, party Saturday evening in the gran ge special invitation is extended to all steak at »3 per Now figures ane ordinarily very dry side the limits. hall. T here w ere 8 tables in play, farm ers to attend the luncheon. pound, if all classes o f labor were and uninteresting as reading matter. Those holding high n o im in —------------------------- paid as m uch as building tradesm en On ca re fu l analysis, how ever, the were Mrs. Cam pbell and b . P erkins receive! I estim ate that the cost o f figures in this statem ent tell a ro­ Mrs N. W alker receivin g the con sola ­ fuoil would be fou r tim es highei than m antic story o f the grow th, success tion prize. current pi ices provided e\ oryone and splendid record o f this pioneer E verett C ook won the prize in Chi­ taking part in its produ ction wen- O regon Fire Insurance com pany. O r­ nese checkers. paid the high w ages received by ganized In 1894 at M cM innville by a •Members o f the Past M atrons club painters, carpen ters, btiicklayers, «-tc. group o f sturdy O regon pioneers, the O E S m et fo r a pot luck dinner at 1 earnestly hope that farm ers will com pan y now covers six P a cific the hom e o f Mrs G eorge B row n last never organize and ruthlessly boost Coast und Intel m ountain States It Friday. T he room s and tables were theiti prices. But givin g union w ork ­ writes the largest volum e o f fire in­ beautifully decorated with daffodils, ers a little o f their ow n m edicine surance o f any com pan y operating and fern s in E aster colors. Mrs. might bring labor to its senses! in the State o f Oregon. Carré M iller w as taken into the club. Seventy-five parents and teachers F acin g a oharge o f being drunk in A m erica's econ om y is m ade up o f T here are no stock h olders in the A huge decorated birthday cake with |an autom obile, A drian gathered Tuesday evening M arch 28 tw o alm ost e«|ual parts, agriculture A rthur W il- O regon Mutual deriving profits. lig h ted condles, was brought . . in and to organ ize a parent teacher associa­ ... son, arrested Sunday at SE 34th and industry. T hese tw o com p on ­ cut, h onorin g those having birthdays A and PoweI1 boulevard, w as ord- E very dollan o f prem ium not needed tion in B eaverton. State president ents must be In balance if we m e to fo r safer operation is saved to the March. | and in January, k e b iu a ty ewiu 1 ered held for State P olice. Mrs. W all gave an interesting talk have continued prosperity. T oday the The T h e r e were 1« ladies present. The A c c o ld ln to in fol.mat ioni W ilson policyholders and returned to them answ ering m any questions pertaining tw o are far out balance. T he wages in the form o f annual dividends. next m eeting will be held at the hom e ; involved in a hit-run tra ffic mrs- to the work. o f the farm er his p rices) have fallen Such operation has saved the policy o f Mrs. J. W . Sprague in Seattle, hap near T igard late Saturday. The follow in g o ffic e r s w ere elect­ back to pre-w ar levels, while the w a B E TH EL holders in Onegon Mutual Fire, ap­ W ashington. ed and installed by Mrs. G. E. Hite, ges o f CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH O skar Schaubel, Tigard, sittin g in proxim ately three and three quarter imlustny are about three 'Mrs. W ilbur W ork m a n and son o f cou nty chairm an, Mrs. E. H.. Bergen tim es higher Easter Sunday P rogram an autom obile near w here W ilson m illions o f dollars. E fficien cy o f Indus A t the same R oseb u rg visited fo rm e r friends here Christian E n deavor sunrise ser­ president;« l i r a O tto Johnson, vice trial labor through new m achinery, was apprehended also w as taken into tim e a reserve o f over a m illion and Sunday. president; Mrs. V cld on B oge. 2nd lias increased greatly. cu stody to face a ch arge o f being a h alf .has been built up and placed vice and breakfast at 6:30 a. m ¡some o f thi Bethel N o 20 Jobs D aughters spon ­ drunk in an autom obile. Bible School at 9.45 a. m. Easter vice president; 7.1rs. Stratton, secre­ efficie n cy has been passed along In in sound investm ents m ore than sored a card party in P ortland tary and Mur. H ohnstcin treasurer. low er prices to the faw ners. Never adequate and avaiable to m eet any program by Bible School. Tuesday. T here were 20 tables Ihiblic w orship service at 11 a. m. The new organ ization was then in­ theless, prices o f goods w hich the; em ergency. spread fo r bridge, 500 and pinochle. P henom enal as its su ccess has E aster m usic by the ch oir. Eustei vited to attend the cou n ty m eeting m ust buy have gon e up about 20 pe • P rizes w on by B eaverton ladies were Invitation at O d d fellow hall April 18th cent since 1913, while average price been we are rem inded that the O re­ m essage b ythe pastor. 1st prize in pinochle by Mrs. A rchie for Christian buptism and church Much w ork will be nere« -v fo received by farm ers for. their pr< gon Mutual Fire Insurance Co., is W illiam s and Mrs. G uy A exander membership. com plete the organ ization before ducts are actually lower. on ly one o f the m any successfully draw ing a d oor prize. Public W orsh ip sonvice at 7 30 p. close o f the sch ool year Those in­ TWO Sets o f R ules operating because o f a sou n ^ m u­ B eaverton R ebekah lodge held their m. A one-act religious dram a “ The terested a ic asked to attend the next tual plan. B enjam in F ranklin or­ T his in a nutshell is the m uch pui N ew O regon legislation Included regulaz m eeting T uesday evening. W ay o f IJ fe’ to be given by the m eeting on T uesday, A pril 25th. icizcil farm problem . On one hand, One candidate w as initiated into the a p rovision that teach ers in the fu ­ ganized “ T he P hiladelphia C ontribu- Bethel players C om e and bring you r neighbor. m utual fire insurance we have m illions o f farm ers absolut«1 order. D elegates w ere elected fo r ture at the start o f new term s must torsh ip ” a If you r church attendance on E a s­ It has been in ly unoigan ized with no restriction on A ibm it health -certifiicatcs show ing com p a n y in 1752 the R ebekah A ssem bly me ter Sunday does not im pel you else­ con tin u ou s operation fo r over 186 their hours o r their pay scales (pi , them to be free o f com m un icable K lam ath Falls in May, were Mrs. where we very corid ially invite you So h ere’s ees). On the oth er hand, we ha\ M ildred O sfield and Mrs. M yrtle diseases, L ester A. W ilcox, assistant years and g oin g strong. w h e re - we very cord ially Invite you May it too grou p s o f highly orgauizeil labor H ardm an. R eiresh tn ents were state superintendent advised W ash in g to the O regon Mutual. H arper R . B urns P astor unions strictly lim iting hours, u i served at the close o f the m eeting, j ton cou n ty grade and high school continue to g ro w and prosper as it As a policy- wisely raising pay scales, and, i E aster lilies and various potted ! teachers, m eeting at Cornelius Satur- so righ tfully deserves. H ow the C rucifixion o f Jesus affect- ! som e cases lim iting even the plants are available at Ida & Bill's day tor the third and final cou nty holder w e appreciate thd secu rity it ed a R om an Soldier, is the theme ol j provides our p roperty at a low er in­ F arm ers M arket at the fork s o f high institute o f the school year. a religious dram a to be presented I A coyotte cam e dow n out o f the am ount o f w ork done p er hour. St, i Dr. L evi T. Pennington, P a c ific surance cost. w ay east o f B eaverton. E aster night at th e C ongregational ; hills Thursday, evidently to find bet­ initiation rules by som e Unions ci ■•- D inner guests o f Ml-, and Mrs. Guy college president and Dr. J. F. San­ Church. T his pow erfu l ditunatie 1 ter p ick ings in the barn yard lot o f ate an artificial sh ortage o f w o rk e r l*ay scales a ie not seduced even in A lexander Sunday included Miss tee o f O regon N orm al sch ool w ere offerin g , given by the Bethel players | L. J. Ham el, B eaverton route 2. Sally M cC ord and Ben Bulick, S e a -, »Iso on the program . A business Government Warns Against is the feature o f the E aster ohserv-1 N oticing the coyotte from the field, the hardest tim es while rules o f se i- attle, and Mr and Mrs. Glenn A lex- ] m eeting con clu ded the program , an cc this year; anil m arks the (mss- j H am el ran for his gun. T he intrud­ iority ham string efficien cy. Self-styled Civil Service Farimers bear m any costs o th -r ander, Portland. —— ------------- ing o f the traditional sacred con cert. ; er; was killled while feastin g on a Correspondence Schools F riday luncheon guests o f Mrs. Speedy Freeze Opens The anim al w eighed 40 than industrial labor, whioh a rc al o Mrs C arson L oftis is d irectin g the | chicken. I arm M _ ' F arm taxes have incrcas« t. T heo H etu were Mrs. J. H udson, talented cast, am on g w hom are A m ­ pounds and w as about 3 years old fixed. F reigh t rates are the same, dopr, - C om plaints are com in g into cities aranth Barnes, R hoda Thyng, T h cl -1 H am el said. P ortland and Miss E velyn A lexander, j For Business Insurance prem ­ Mr. and M rs. H. R . N elson attend-1 - and tow ns all over the United States rna Burns, B arbara Cady, D elores j No bounty is paid in W ashington sion or, prosperity. ium s are stable. P rices o f true t ed fu n ein l services fo r Mr. N elson's Under m anagem ent o f “ S peedy” about m ethods used in securing busi­ Seldor, Maxine Cady, R onald W ebb, county. and farm tools vary on ly slightly, brother-in-law A dolph Olson in Port- Classen Speedy Freeze F ood L ock ers ness by various self-styled civil s e r­ Lyman W ebb, Stanley M orell and | w hereas wheat slum ps from $1.20 i r land W edn esday. has open ed fo r business in the fine vice schools, claim ing, at least by in­ R obert Long. bushel to 60 cen ts per bushel in « :ie S tew art H anna arrived T uesday new building along C anyon road high- feren ce that they have the "inside Downings Garage season. Oven alls and dresses tli ,,(> from a three m onths trip to the cast way in B eaverton. The dem and fo r tra ck " on all civil service jobs and METHODIST EPISCOPAL CIIUKCll only 10 per cent, wihile w ool and cot Opens at Progress coast. H e lefti W edn esday on the lock ers is n otew orthy. Y ou can le n t are sending out fold er postal cards, Earl B. H orsell, P astor ton slide 40 per cen t. The regim ent steam er L obas fo r Seattle. a food lock er at from $6 to $9 per with a return detachable card requir­ Sunday School 9:45 a m. Chas. II. J. S. D avis ofl K incua, Ore., spent year, Jack D ow ning, w h o form erly op er­ ing o f part o f ou r econ om ic syst -m ing no postage stam ps. The local R osem an, Supt. the w eek end with his fam ily at W est .---------------------------- p o sto ffice ia prom inently displayed M orning worship 11 a. m. Serm on , ated a garage at B roadw ay and L om ­ keeps the prices o f finished g o o il■; bard. B eaverton, has opened “ Dow n relatively inelastic, w hile a free m ti a w arning circu la r by the govern ­ topic “ The Source o f Easter Joy." Da Dr. r!a and , Mrs. M „ Christian Endeavor fa cm B oyd Sprague are m ent w hich says in part: United evening sertvee 7 p. m. I ings G arag e” at the Four C orners in ket fori com m odities m akes parents o f a second son born in a Rally Tuesday betw een B eaverton and prices stretch and con tra ct like a "T h e United States Civil Service song service, devotions, and serm on j P rogress K lam ath Falls hospital. Com m ission received num erous co m ­ by the pastor. "T h e W orld 's G reat­ T igard, and has a large, wel lighted rubber band. Panniers G ellin g Short Eml Miss P atsy Shields, Portland, i s ! A Christian E ndeavor rally is plan­ plaints regard in g the activities o f so- est F estival" Is Christ must rise in us j sh op in the Ellanderi building. The farmer! is thus cau gh t t-i a spending E uster vacation with her ned Apnil 11th a9 B eaverton C hrist­ called civil service sch ools and is if we are to know the fullness o f prepared now to do anything in gen ­ vise. B ecause he is not organ l Mr. and Mrs. E dw in M c G in ty ,1 Y o u n g peoples toratdnical con test, tions to suggest it such as Civil Ser­ Serm on in ali Chunohes o f Christ, i ing to be held W ednesday, A pril 12th, as to w ages in the building tri ics Seattle spent the w eek end at the also interm ediate Bible contest in vice, P ublic S ervice and Federal and S cientist on Sunday A pril 9. R o y Marlin hom o. ch arge o ? B arbara Cady, convention oth er term s. T hey o ffe r courses, The Golden Text is "I am the Lord at T ig a n l G rade School auditorium , and oth er stron gly organized in : i prom ises to be o f special interest o w ­ tries. In this respect, the farim« is 'Mrs. Allan R hineh art (June H u d-! high lights by D orothy Howes, claim in g that they represent the g o v ­ that healeth thee” lE x . 15:26). handicapped. I f cci son ) underw ent an appendix opera- The president. Floyd Shaw, visited ernm ent. A m on g the citation s which co m ­ ing to activities at this tim e in our greatly tion last Thursday parts o f the econ om ic system at to with the B eaverton Christian En- the national capitol. "N o civil service sch o o l has any prises the Lesson-Serm on is The m eeting will be addressed by be rigidly regim ented, t.h«'n all j Mrs, G uy fM eCorm ic and m oth er dcavon Society Sunday evening April con nection w h atever with the Civil follow in g from the B ible: "G od that I f we fa v or the uni- ,i- visited Mrs. J. D. W ilm ot and Mrs. 2 . Service Com m ission or with any other made the world and all things there­ I one o f P ortlan d's prom inent attor- should be R u b y B oyd Saturday. flxiiq of branch o f oun . govern m en t The in, seeing that he is I » r d o f heaven \ ney’s w ho has taken up the plan fo r , izing o f labor and the i the good o f our country. Alvin Johnson o f L enore, Idaho, oth er costs, such as freight rates, and eanth, dwelleth, not in tem ples Com m ission has no agents w h o solicit These m eetings are open to all and | taxes, and th e like, then we should spent several days last w eek with W ood’s Signal Station F or in him we applications fo r civil service posi­ made with hands. Mr. and Mrs. E. R . Sheets. every good A m erican should attend. 1 fa vor a pow erful farm ers’ unio i Opens Monday tions.. No school can properly p rom ­ live, and move, and have our bein g" Mr. and Mns Dan Davies, Seattle, T hink what a fa rm er«’ union could ise successful passing o f civil ser 1 'A c ts 17:24, 28) visited Mr. and Mrs. G eorge B iasser d o! T od ay farm labor m akes r.ho it G eorge H. W ood, co n tra cto r and vice exam inations T he I>‘sson-Scrm on also includes op "gu aran tee" Barn Destroyed Friday. Saturday evening they all builder has about com pleted his new governm ent em ploym ent. 20 to 25 cen ts an hour T his c o m ­ • he follow in g correlative passages A barn % on the W alter E lc h lc r ! en joyed a fam ily dinner with Mr. "W o o d ’s Signal the buil tin;’ S ta tion "’ at Front T he right way fo r citizens to do from the Christian Science textbook, place, local«1«! on W h eeier avenue. p ere» with $1.35 fo r and Mrs. H ow a u l H ingley in P o rt­ and Lomband in east part o f B eavcr- when seeking in form ation about civil "Science and Health with K ey to the trades, 83 cen ts fo r steel w n i1-, Aloha, was destroyed by fire M on d ay land. , _ . ton at "W o o d ’s C orner.' Frank service is to consult an officia l o f S criptu res” by Many B aker Eddy B eaverton fire departm ent responded I and 50 cen ts fo r textile and sho op orators. W ages o f these group n Mr. and Mrs. T om M arlin o f Poi t- W ood will he in oharge. "The Scriptures say, 'In Him we live, the Civil Service C om m ission or to the fire call and con fin ed the j all reflected In the price o f j - i land, were dinner guests o f Mr and ___________________ have our being.’ flam es to one building. write them at the nearest point to and move, and the farm er must buy. So are se Mrs. R oy Marlin Fuiday. you r home. There is no such thing Wihat then is this seem ing p ow er in­ Mrs. M argaret Shelflin is seriously New Flower Store industries such as trunking, g a s " !■»»■•. as guarnnteeing an y person a posi­ dependent o f Go«!, which causes dis­ and electricity. Pay* scales a n n> >• ill at a P ortland hospital. Book Review Aprii 13 Opens at West Slope tion in civil service m erely on the ease and cures It? W hat is it but an so h igh in the latter Industries . in M r .and Mrs. J E. F leetw ood of erron o f belief, a law o f m ortal stiength o f tak in g a. correspon dence Mrs. Stroeve and Mrs. M urry will Yet, if all tl- K elso spent the week end with M i , T he A |pjne la n d sc a p e Co. have cou rse in so-called institutions claim inind, w ron g in every sense, em ­ ; review "T h e P a triot" by Pearl B uck the b u ild in g trades various types o f labor, w hich e r and M is. H. M. Barnes. ! erected a neat and attractive flow er in c to be con nected with the C om ­ bracing sin, sickness, and d e a th ?” i on T hursday, April 13, In K iw anis trlb-ute to the raising o f farm in »- Mr. and Mrs. D oy Gray, Mr. am gtore corn er o f Canyon road and mission. 'p . 208). ! Hall, B eaverton, at 11 o'clock . All ducts, were paid at the hill'd In ____________ Mrs. F H. Schoene and Mr. and Mrs. g unget boulevard, in W est Slope, i w elcom e, com e and en joy a g ood trnde rates, farm ers would har o t > W . J .Scott drove to the coast Sun- , ^ miles east o f Beaverton.. book. sell the I products at about Marriage Licenses day. i T hey have a large stock o f Easter Mrs. H erbert W aite and dau gliteri ,.]|e9 and m any vatietj,.g o f p otted tim es current prices to m ake r l T om P ilkington, route 1, Tigard, ANNA REBECCA R O W ELL W hat If h 's r iiim Unionize ’ Mrs. E. R and s o f P ortland spent I n pla n j g an n u ais and penennials. A and M ary L R ogers, Tigard. Ann R eb e cca R ow ell o f Scholls, I f farm ers should unionize they day here calling on Mrs. M. L. ihke large sign saying "G ood P lace to buy «lied April 1 She was m oth er o f would agree not to sell any prod-iets Mrs. M cCarthy and M rs. E. W . “ her s E aster L ilies” identifies their loca- Mrs. Ina Sutherland, F ran ces E. and at less than "u n ion " prices, su< h M uj . O tto E rick son is ill at her j t l o n Jam es A. R ow ell o f Scholls sister of $2 per dozen for eggs, $1 per j • ■ 11 ml hom e. F u n ­ for butter, 32 cen ts peri poun«] for Mrs. M. C. M cK erch er has been j Seven high sch ool t a r n s will m ake Mrs. Eunice H arris, Spokane. Sentence Begun T hey shouhf stick to t.u-se con fin ed to her bed fo r the past up the Tualatin-Y am ldll Valley B ase­ eral services were held Tuesday 2 p. cotton . Inter prices regardless o f the a m o u r' o f ball league this season, accord in g to m. at Scholls M. E. Church. week. Jam es H enry Gerrish, H illsboro do- Ar- eggs, butter and cotton on hand announcem ent. B eaverton return« , m ent M ountain Side i nietery. The in fan t son o f M r. and M rs liverym an, M onday was taken to Sa E rw in IgiFond born last week, died 1 ]ein py D eputy Sheriff. Hallie Ire- to the circu it this season. A pril 7 | rangem ents were in care o f W . E. T h ey would let the surplusses r o t -f a few hours aften birth. j land, to begin serving a penitentiary n ecessary and then get on W l ' \ , has been selected as the date o f op ­ i P egg, B eaverton. ening contests. Mrs Sidney M cD ougal, who u n d e i - ijerm G errish l o s t an appeal to the w hich is what building trndesm« n d. OSSIE MAY BERN \S|| w ent a m ajor operation last May, has Suprem e C ourt from a recent court F ollow in g la the season's schetlule: It tru ly is tragic to think o f u '»at Ossie May Bernash Isle o f B envei- wfiuld happen if farm err«1 playe«’ ' h r su ffered a relapse and it is im pera- con viction on a m orals ch arge in- April 7- F orest G rove at Banks, Sh«- was w ife o f snm c gam e that union labor r-1 w «. tive she undergo another operation volvin g a m inor daughter. An in­ H illsboro at Tigard, B eaverton at ( ton died M arch 30 Ada lor, m other o f H arvey. dau gh ter O f course, In the «m«! both f n i ” " - ■< Sherw ood. soon. I determ inate sentence not to exceed Bethel No. 20 Jobs D auhgtcrs held ten years was given Gerrish by A pril 11— B eaverton at Forost o f N ew ton and Mary Thom as, T outlo and labor would be w orse o f f " r m OOuBtC. P a r k i n g - o n b e n c h e s Wash., sister o f R obert. C linton b efore there w ere any union their regular m eeting M onday in itiât-. Judge Peters, G rove, H illsboro at Sherwood. nr __ SUNT» QS NECKING-, ing tw o candidates. | _________ -, --- --------- A pril 14 Banks at H illsboro, T i­ W oodrow , Tildon and Harlln Thom as, price-fixin g. gard at F orest G rove, Sherw ood at all o f T outle; M is. Jim P ro cto r A r­ As the situation stands now, I ulus Verdict Upheld lington, W ash.; Mrs. Clint Lee, P ort­ trial w ork ers I N ew berg. are '«xploiting f- -n n: n o W p II w i t h verdict given by Georg» Thyng. land; Mrs Kelsey Buker, M iss Oeni- w ork ers and farm w orkers cann ♦ ■ . » oing wen wun r vieve T hom as nnd Miss C addy T h om ­ togeth er nnd retaliate. O f c« u < o , CARO LINE S C IIM in r New Station has been sustained with Judge R as, all o f Toutle, Wash. Funeral any suggi'stinn to unionize fai r e - « C aioiirie Schm idt died in Portlam l , — I Frank P eters denying the appeal o f A pril 1 at is pure fantasy. I bring it forw ard M arch 21 aged 76 years. She was > services held Satur«Jay, D W . L ain g took over the Valley P riscilla Gabel from a low er cou rt P cg g's Chapel, Beaverton, Interment m erely to show what th e result m other, o f J. R aym ond Schm idt V iew R ich field station at W est Slope aw ard o f *95.50 dam ages to John f re scent G rove en u -tp ry , would be if we regim ented oe- en P ortland, sister o f Mrs Jake Jenny a few weeks ago. T here is also a Holden. T he latter was awarded the tire econ om y in tho sam e w ay thnt o f B eaverton, gran d m oth er o f Theo, stage depot now and in a short time sum as the result o f a tra ffic acci- : I f you want news In this issue you h a lf o f it Is now being regim ented Janet, Delores, Ruth, B etty and there will be a co n fection ery in the dent in P ortland a year ago In I m a k e Iho Ktanklin O. Curtis Jr, all of Port- i must see that It Is In our offices by by the labor unions. building and a com forta b le w aiting j which his tru ck and the Gabel ca r | 5 p, m. Wednesday. Continued on Page 4 — t a l lo n a i > •/« !> ( .m a tli 1 land. noom provide«! for bue passengers. were Involved. Hit Run Mishap Brings Autoist Before Courts Parent-Teacher Association Is Organized Here Teachers Receive N ew Health Ruling f Coyote Killed In Barn Yard Tualatin Loop Signs 7 Teams AF£Ty SONNETS D r