The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951, November 04, 1938, Image 1

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VOL. 12, NO. 9
The Court House
Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, November 4, 193S
Public Given
on Measures
Chas. A. Rice Has
Fine School Record
1938 Voting Precincts
In Eastern Washing­
ton County
Local N ew s... Business
Ready for
New Boom
____ ___
f0ji0Wing polling places have
Mr. an d Mrs. O sm ore S eiforth of
established fo r
N ovem ber 8. Salem, spent the w eek end with Mr.
general election.
and Mrs. Sam uel Olds.
M rs. Kelly,
By R O S E C A V E
M alloy - C arlton, sch ool house.
Cornelius, Mrs. B row er o f Portland,
as principle in both elem entary and | gh erw ood — B oy S cou t room in Ho- visited F riday.
Mrs. E m m a Smith
high school, as principal o f the teach- I ^ “ ‘^Juding
¡o f P ortland w as a guest on W ednes-
Damages Sought
er trainin g departm ent o f the O regon
U id d letoii S ch ool house.
| day.
N orm al sch ool at M onm outh, and as
Ministers Advise
In Car Accident
Tualatin—C ity Hall.
| The W hitfurd Sunday School held Babson Finds
P ortland
S. T igard — I. O. O. F. hall.
a H allow e'en party on F riday night
On Moral Bills,
All Industries Now
This b ack grou n d o f exper­
N T ig a rd --B a sem en t M E. church, for the interm ediate and adult eluss-
T w o suits, seek in g dam ages fo r t h e '
ience and trainin g fits him for the
M etzger—C om m u n ity Club house, ¡es.
Gam es were played and reftesh- Staging Recovery
perm anent injuries claim ed sustained
• B V O reQ
leadership o f the educational system
Garden H o m e S ch ool house.
| nxenta served. On Saturday tu-Ver-
in autom obile a ccid e n t o f O ctober 10,!
o f Oregon.
S. E. Aloha A lvh a-H u bcr sch ool, j noon the prim ary classes held their
Babson P ark .Mass., N ov. 4— Busl-
1937, w ere filed this week.
E ls ie < T h c W aahington C ounty Minister-
M r. R ice fa vors increased em phasis
S. W'. A lo h a —B u ck 's building.
party, 32 being present.
i ness in the United states is surging
“ « » ' " »
M .
j on~~voeational e d u c t io n ; education for
Joe B erger, B eaverton, route 2, and ahead. T here is no longer any duubc
K inton— School house.
fio m Arthur W W alker
aUel'.n - ^oral-P Committee to give to adu,ts ; maintaining high standards
I Ed Setniker, H illsboro, route 2 and about the present recovery.
Scholls - L O. O. F. hall.
fu r ­
I L E. F rancis
the therm ore, this upsw ing is no m ere
I-a n d —C om m unity hall.
that s h l w as r id in i as ä g u e st m the pre:is ° f the *;uunty
fo r teachers keeping pace with p r o
V a
, con cern in g m oral issues to be voted grPgSive steps in education in all its
Dairy Show at Colum bus, Ohio, 011 1 flash in thc pan.
R eedville— Sch ool house.
W e are in the
ca r operated
by r i a n g
L ilugara, | upon hv
by tb
the e neonle
people at the com ing phases.
It will be rem em bered that i midst o f a real drive that should ex­
O renco— S choolhouse, Dist No. 38. Friday.
w hen W alker mtade a left hand turn
‘ election N ovem ber 8.
these tw o 4-H club boys were the out ceed thc 1937 highs in m any lines.
N. A loha—G ran ge Hall.
and attem pted to drive into a p iiv a te
th e re are several very vital moral
Mills— U nion
sch ool g y m ­ standing ch am pion s in the dairy pro This is the m ost optim istic rep ott 1
d rivew ay on F irst A venue in H ills­
m easures on the ballot fo r the vot­
du ction dem onstration at the state have Item aide to give readers in a
boro com in g in to collission w ith Lil-
ers approval o r rejection .
All are Liability in Banks
N orth
B eaverton —
H aulenbeck fair.
long time.
ligard car.
o f signal im portan ce to the churches
Mr. and Mrs. Dum pre o f Scholls,
Since my return from E urope, I
T he other suit is brou ght against
the m oral life o f e v ery
com - Unnecessary
South B eaverton — P ublic School visited at the hom e o f Mrs. D um pies have caretully been ch eekin g up on
A rthur W . W a lk e r by A lbert V. Lilli- ! and
~~" ”~T
j . ~J
’ ’
! m unity.
Such w e believe to be the
parents Mr. and M rs. H. H. W inget whul lius been going on here while
gard by his guardian ad litem E lsie
T he L egislative
A ssem bly, at its
W est Slope—C obb Building.
du rin g the past week.
1 have been away.
1 tind that gen ­
L illigard ask in g $10,000 dam age for| ioU o' sin S-
1937 session, ordered that an am end­
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Case o f P ort­ eral business in the United States has
perm anent
claim ed
“ Bill requiring
m arriage
licenses m ent to our O regon C onstitution re­
land and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Perkins increased fiv e per cen t since 1 suileu
tained b yth e lad in the sam e acci-1 applicants to be m edically exam ined, m oving the double liability provision Aloha-Huber P. T. A. to
spent Sunduy even in g at
the homo in mid-Septem ber.
dent, while he also was riding as a M u sica lly
m en tally.”
1 h i. -
ard to state banks be subm itted M e e t fSJo v
M oreover, indus­
o f Mrs. B. K. Denney.
guest in the L illigard car.
m easure is designed to prevent the
the general election *” e e t w o v * ’
try and trade have skyrock eted 17
Dr. E lliot o f P ortlan d took posses- per cent above the June low.
Seeking estoppel o f assessm ent o f j spread o f con tagiou s or
j A loha-H uber P arent T eacher asso- ,
fhisj n
hom e the past week
lien o f $85.51 on property in b lock 2 venereal
epilepsy, feeble* to be held on_ T uesday^N ov. 8-
are now in the sharpest advance
T he necessity fo r the ^ ^ J l a b i l - cikUon w i„ mpet W ednesday evening. H c recen tly purchased the Chas. E
F in n e y s Add,
H illsboro, F orrest J. m indedness, insanity and to show
since the Spring o f 1933.
B y C iu ist-
lty o f stock h old ers i n ^ N o v e m b e r 9th, at the sch ool house Ua88ct uut fu im . T he Gassets moved mas, business will probably have re­
H olt et ux has filed suitt against the fre e d o m by both sex fro m d ru g ad- porations
no longer exists in O regon j ^ flne program hug been aranged.
City o f H illsboro.
' d iction or ch ron ic alcoholism .
covered tw o-thirds o f its recession
because depositors now have m uch j The girls glee clu b will give tw« to P ortland last week.
T he local G ran ge m et for the first losses.
M oney action .have been brought by
2. ‘'Slot m ach in e seizure by sher- m ore e ffe ctiv e p rotection for their
regular night m eetin g on F riday nite
R uining G ood N ew s
E astside L iv estock com pan y against iffs and destruction by cou rt order.
funds through F ederal Deposit Insur­
A m oving picture
W ashington C ounty P om on a Grange
W . F. R iley and Sunset Feed Mills
A bill proh ibitin g possession, oper- ance.
L is t w eek business men from all
Delay is D angerous and a speaker m et with H illsboro G range W ednes­ over the cou ntry .held a con feren ce
com p an y vs the E ugene com pan y.
ution, con trol o r operation or play
B anks pay the prem ium fo r this in­
T hose in attendance here in Bubson P ark.
follow in g orders in
Circuit o j
nickeM nithe-s^ot-m achines
oi* surance to the F ederal D eposit In­ from P ortland will speak on “ The day, Oct. 26.
T he question
P roblem Child.'”
A lso celeb ra tin g aj tb e m eeting from B eaverton were
C ourt m atters have been signed by oth er devices o f like ch aracter. T h u surance C orporation, and that C orpo- ‘*£)ad’s
"W h a t particular
N igh t” w ith a short program Mrs. D obbins, M rs. Carl Hansen, Mrs. was uskrd o fm e:
Ju dge R. F ran k P eters and filed is Senate B ill No. 17 passed in the ration has gone on record as fa vor- .
factor in the outlook, Mr. B abson,
the dads
John H ohinstein, Mrs. C ook and A. M. makes you so optim istic!?”
with the clerk, default and d ecree o f legislature and approved by the gov- ing the elim ination o f double liability
M y reply
K ennedy.
E lection o f o ffice rs was w as;
d ivooce gran ted G eorge B u rk h alter ern or, now
re fe rre d to
the people on stock o f state bqnks, Inasm uch as
“ The exploding, all at on ce,
held and H urry Sm eltzer o f Scholls, o f so m uch ch eerfu l news in all in­
Administrator Named
fro m A nna P earl B urkhalter and Isa- 1 0 1 their approval.
m ore than 98 per cen t o f the deposi-
grange was re-elected m aster and A dustries is thc reason w hy I am so
bel Clayton from A lvin L, C la y to n ; | 3 .
“ P roh ib itin g
m achines,
in insured banks are fully in­
bullish today.
N o m atter to w.hat
default, Tom B urns and T. W . Me- pm -bail, dart and
oth er
sim ilar sured ag a jnst loss.
A. Schubring has been nam ed exe- M. K en n edy treasurer.
Mrs. T hom as H astings o f Portlnnd, m ajor industrial or financial b a ro m ­
D onald vs F loren ce M unger et a l; de- ga m es.”
T his is H ouse BUI No. 159
o n ly 28 out o f ou r 49 state-chart- cu tor o f the G eorge E. H osk ing es­
local gran ge Friday eter you turn ,it is pointing u p w ard !”
fault and d ecree o f quiet title. Clara vetoed by the g ov ern or and being re- prpd banks
are a ffected
by this tate valued at $loo0. H oskings died j attended the
L et'8 glance at a few o f the sig n ifi­
H ughes, et ux vs Ben H olladay D a rcy tei red to the people.
Its purpose double liability w hile the oth er 2 1 1 O ctober 15, leaving as his heirs a , night.
et als C harles T. E dgar et als vs The ia to m ake uniawtul and prohibiting state banks in O regon, are not affect-1 m other and sister both residents of
B ob D enney d rove dow n from O. S cant items fro m the business fron t.
1. P rices o f Industrial raw m a­
E ngland.
i c - F riday evening. H e w as joined by
N orthern T rust Co. et als
publica- j the
display, ed by it.
terials are being kept at attrac­
B y this proposed am endm ent, the
On petition, Mrs. M argaret S pring j.hte sister R uth at M onm outh.
tion o f sum m ons.
operation o r play o f all g a m es o f
tive levels.
F or m any years, e c o ­
M l- aml “drs. K enneth I enney at-
ch a n ce such as
a b ove
designated L egislative A ssem bly provides O regon | er was nam ed execu tor o f the estate,
nomises have urged business m en
I citizens an opportu n ity to elim inate o f A nna Stow aser valued at $1000.
a H a llow een
at na
w hen operated fo r p rofit.
to keep dow n prices in the early
4 “ Bill regu lating
sale o f alco- the double liability provision o f o u r j Vera H im es has been appointed ad hom<‘ ° f friends at O sw ego Saturday
F armer in Jail
stages o f recovery.
This induces
h olic liquor fo r beverage pu rposes” state law, and thus place all state i m inisti ator o f the estate o f her hus ¡evening.
On Check Charge
greater dem and for goods, provides
A nti-L iqu or L eague B ill N o. 3211 banks in O regon on an equal basis band Claridge H im es w h o died as the | fV ery interestting1 and
m ore jobs, and speeds up tho
! P u rpose:
F orb id s retail sale o f al- and, in so far as liability is con cern ed ' result ot an accid en t near H illsboro services were held at the W hitford
t r a n k Miller, 34, onion g lo w e r, re- c o h olic liquor fo r beverage purposes on the sam e
w heels o f all industry.
It Is being
basis as ell national ( Monday O ctober 24.
E state con- j church Sunday evening.
R. C. Doty
sidii.g near Cornelius, cam e to the by a ny others than the O regon Li- banks in the United States.
done now.
F o r instance, steel
Isisting o f real and personal property conducted the Bible study and 1 oug
| las T ay lor the singing. A good ----
sh e riff's o ffic e lata
S aturday and q Uor C ontrol C om m ission and holds
com panies, in holding dow n prices,
A “ Y E S " vote on this meaSure i s ; is valued at $3000.
-- d
P robate orders signed by E lizabeth. w cre preset!?, several from Beaver-
gave him self up .adm itting obtaining tb e com m ission liable fo r dam ages recom m ended by “ M ark Skinner, Su
are giving recov ery added im petus
ap p rox im ately
$1500 th rou g h b ad 1 j o r sa je
and unlaw ful perm itting perintendent o f B anks.
in m any lines.
j T em pleton, cou n ty judge, and
filed *orl attending.
Mrs. Sanders o f W h itford gave a
ch eck operations.
H e w as lodged in
liqu or sales in O regon w ithout an
2. T he new ariiciinen t program
Î with the clerk include ap p rovin g an-
nual account In estate o f M agnetic , H allow e en party fo r the you ng peo-
the cou nty jail.
unprotested personal perm it. It will
outlined ten days ago will mean, o f
T.he ch eck s w ere cashed in rapid MWipe
ou t
4,000 ‘retail outlets' ” Next Tuesday, Nov. 8
P ierce, approvin g
final accou nt in Ide *n *be com m u n ity Saturday even-
course, a new .high figure fo r A m ­
su ccession earlier
this m onth
and w here liqu or is sold a cross the bar, You Tell ’em
erican expenditures
guardianship o f Ben Y antti; ordering 4 nf*-
draw n by M iller on a Salem bank form erly
‘saloon s’, thereby
Schultz, d em ocratic precinct
R eaders m ay get som e Idea o f
Be sure to arrange you r a ffa irs so final distribution and approvin g final
w here his ch eck in g accou n t w as $5, »ending
fo r num ber 42, has
w hat this sum to be spent on ar­
„ all
— liqu
. or revenue through
you can d o you r d u ty in casting your accou n t Alice Hall Chapman estate; | com m itteem an
and thc m oney spent d u iin g a w eek 3 the hands o f the L iquor C om m ission vote fo r men and m easures and help, appointing appraisers in Sophia W. beef1 doin g a little time this w eek ad-
m am ents m eans when I teil them
gam blin g spree in Portland, a ccord in g a a d increase relief m oney $1,000,000 as a citizen, to im prove con d itions by B a tterson ;, closin g estate o f George vocating that registered votes do their
that the arm am ent industry next
to his statem ent to D eputy R . H. by substituting State p rofit fo r pri- you r greatewt A m erican right, such as i W ashington A tw ood and fixing time duty
voting next T uesday N ov. 8.
year may reach a third the size o f
A r ch
h a a r rg
n h ta in in tr m
_ __
n . ________
_ .1
__ « ..._______ 4..
p L irh
rtrn n izn d
e o n f f obtaining
p ro t fit.
F u rthem
is not * en joyed,
in freedom
, i by _______
m any ' j and
o ^ f ,___
hearing fin
al a 'ccou n ts1 A A n new
class h has
been o orgnnized
the building industry one o f our
by false pretenses had been previously will pay fo r ca re o f all n a rcotic ad- countries oth er than ours.
Be at 1 o f John L oftis and Fred W. Clark. tbe Christian B ible School. The class
five biggest businesses.
Bail w as set at $1500.
diets and provid e
text books you r votin g precin ct anytim e betw een ord erin g citation to issue on real es- is m ade up o f you ng m a iiicd people
Purge Failure S ign ifican t
Jam es W . Scott ex-team ster union j o r O regon students on evil e ffe cts 8 a. m. and 8 p. m.
1 tate sale in estate o f A nna R. Cham- w ^ b children. T he first m eeting was
3. T he failure o f President R oose­
_ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _
| berlain.
held In the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs.
o fficia l o f P ortland, indicted M arch 0 f narcotics.
velt’s “ pu rge” m eans that the vot
17 on a ch arg e o f being im plicated
_______________ -
| Loren H arris.
c r ’s are beginning to think again.
“ C onstitutional
A m en d m en t
in bom bing the P eter P otvin beer par- legali2ing c c rta in iotterics and other
St. Mary’s of the Valley
Mrs. M. C. M cK ercher and her son
Conling on top o f the d efeat o f
lor at T igard in M ay 1935, appeared fo rm s o f g a m b ling.”
T his bill pre-
R ep orts from the first six w eek s o f , F uneral service.; w -re hold Satur -1 G eorge m otored to Eugene
F riday
the Suprem e C ourt Bill, the purge
Saturday m orn in g b efore Judge R, sents itself under the guise o f a sch ool were issued last M onday to the day fo r C ecelia Ba. tram, aged 73; w here they w ere dinner guests
o f Mr.
fiasca is giving business men new
F rank
P eters fo r arraignm ent. 41 No m eans o f raising revenue fo r
old assem bled student body.
T he follow - year», late o f 8316 S W 20th a v e ,. w i f e ! a «d M is K eeler Em m onaa.
It has show n P residen t
P' ^
,ent,T . d
™ot‘ “ n age security by licensing gam bling ,n g names appeared on the h on or roll o f Bertram and mother o f ' H am dinner C ongregational church
R oosevelt that he must run the
scheduled fo r Saturday in w
the ..
... h ich
bow ling alleys, bridge studios, pool A rlen e B ernards,
M artha
Som m er, M rs. E lla W u lf, Laura E. Bartram ‘ 1 5 to 7.30,
- c, program .
New Deal on a m ore friendly basis
cou rt's ju risdiction o f right to a ccept room s, sh ootin g galleries, horse and B etty Davis. E velyn Sohler, C loyce Mrs. L ouise
T.horkelsen and sister j M iss hlagler, a return m issionary
to A m erican Industry.
plea will be heard.
A ttorn eys fo r d
bank night8( ¿u n ch b oa rd s Bum ps, B etty H einrich, G race P alm er o f Mrs. E m m a S h arf and R udolph from China, will be at the N a a m m e
4. P rospects for p eace in the util­
defense are
C harles R ob in son and pin-ball, ven din g
m achines,
raffles and E dn a R asm ussen.
M eyer; also 3 grandchildren, .-’ tanley i chut ch next Sunday m orning N ov. 6
ity industry are bright at the m o­
K neeland C. Tanner.
and bazaars.
By m eans o f co lo rfu l posters the and H erbert W u lf and Lncile . ..ork el- M i m h lu gler has just returned from
This industry has b efore
China w here she spent over 30 years,
Floyd E rnest Geske, 18, o f Portland,
It deferred repair and expansion
W e recom m end a Yes vote fo r all sodalists announce a pie sale fo r next
has interesting things to tell,
plead guilty to bu rglary not in a the a bove bills, rsce p t the last one M onday
needs am ounting to $3,000,000,000.
T he funds will be
There will also be special m eetings
dw elling, T uesday and was ordered to and
w c Oppoge and request that used fo r C hristm as charities.
pastors o f the fou r churches
N ow , with a better feeling betw een
be brought up fo r sen ten cin g Satur- ou vote ,.N o .,
, T h rec ou tstan din g essays have been m ct at the C ongregational church at the church
W ednesday
the utilities and W ashington, I ex­
with his b roth er R ich
„ „ ur
„ D r im a r v intei-pst
______ _ in this
.v,;. plec- selected
f l e e t e d fo
fo r r tho
u cted hv
pect to sei* a stuit m ade on this
the enntest
con test con
con d
by M onday to talk ov er the com in g Red eve, Nov. 2 every night excep t Sat-
Special m usic und singing.
ard 18 and
R ich
ich a
a rd
rd Siles,
Siles, 19.
19, w
d R
hen tJ(^ i s Pthc ,^ora l and sp iritual wel- the inland em pire sodality union. The Cross m em bership drive which is to urday.
huge building program .
F u rth er­
Come, every one w elcom e.
arrested bv
m ore, I hope this pow er peace will
uw P o rt'and police, con fess- ^
boys and girls
Let us papers w ere written by Arlene Bern- start N ov. 11. T h e w ork ers w ere se­
W. I'. Keebaugh, P astor
ed the robbery o f a beer parlor op er-
^ 1
. ,
V ivian R om n nnH Rettv n a v is lected and the district zoned. A nother
mnrk thc end o f tho nnm e-calling
Continued on Page 3
ated bv M rs G ene R andall on the ^
rcm ^ at " m uc!1 tem Pta' ard8‘ V ‘ Vlan B um p an<1 B etty DaV,S- m eeting o f the m inisters and w ork ­
con test between govern m en t and
B crth a-B eaverton h ighw ay w hen $75 tlofn fron\ ‘ hem
possible and to
ers will be held next M onday, N ov. 7
O regon
State College, Corvallis.,
in cash a table radio and co n fe ctio n s i a_f.c; ^ ard them as future citlzens o i
to m ake fu rth er plans fo r the drive. B e a v e r t o n Town C a U C U S
ft. T he Munich P art w as th o m ost
Oct. 28— R o b e rt Tully, P ortland, Jun-
T he paste ) s also organized a minis-
L i n
w ere taken.
optuinistic news in m any a day.
„ . » „ ..„ „ I r ™™ R- L- Putnam , Chairm an M oral-Poli- \ ior in electrical en gin eerin g at Ore- terial association electin g R ev. H or
I h U r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 1U
It rearranges the nations so that
h„ th
Wnsbine- tica ^ C om m ittee W ashington C ounty gon State college, was recently elect- sell president and R ev. W . P. K ee-
w ar could take place in E urope
M issoula M ontana, by^ he W ash ng- MinistPrja] Assn
ed president o f the Y ou n g P eople's
.......... ■
baugh secretary. T hey will m eet the ' T here is to be a town cau cus at
w ithout in volvin g England. F rance,
ard Mrs Evelvn A nderson
o f Mann Indorsed b y — Earl B. H orsell.
F ellow ship w hich m eets every Sunday f ,rst’ M onday Pacj,
m onth, the next the K iw anis hafl in B eaverton at 8
or the United States. F urtherm ore
ing w ere turned
over to
S h eriff per p>“ BurT1s- E- R- Coulter. W .
P. even in g at the C hurch o f the G ood niPPtjn g to be th e
first M onday In p. m. Thursday, N ovem ber 10 for the
th c Munich Settlem ent m ay result
Jam es R . T hom pson W ednesday.
K eebaugh, all o f B eaverton. Oregon. Sam aritan.
D ecem ber.
, purpose o f nom inating a m ayor to
in an
upturn in foreign
trsd o
F acin g a bu rglary ch arge V
e r n o n ----------------------------O ther o ffic e r s chosen were E rw in
a U nion T h an k sgiv in g service was serve 1 year,
three cou ncilm en to
| w h ich is so greatly needed a! this
S tm der, and V on D erem cr. 16. o f p
• i
. ,
S toffer,
B eaverton,
vice-p resid en t; also planned, to be held In the M eth- serve 2 years and a record er to serve
H illsboro w ere arrested by City Po- * '® S l d e n t A b s e n t e e s
R ob ert H ickson, P ortland treasurer: odist ch u rch on Nov. 23 at 7 45 p. m. one year.
A lso to transact other
R ailroads Com e T hrou gh A gain
th, Seaside, chairm an o f wi*h
Rev. C oulter preaehing the i,u in .ss such as M )
illy com e
6. T he railroads have w eathered
lice Freem an Sunday night.
The lad- C — a s t V o t e s
an oth er crisis.
C arloadlngs are
are alleged to h a v « gained en tran ce
P eart, M edford, chairm an o f the cn- o f the fou r ch u rch ch oirs rendering
T he term s o f
Councilm en G uy C.
into R a v M ann's place b y breaking
. „ .
back to within 15 per cent o f
, thc m usic.
E veryone welcom e.
j Carr, D ew ey D rorbaugh and L. F.
a w in dow fo u r bottles o f wine and
E ighty five absentee ballots w ere tertainm ent com m ittee.
w here they w ere a year ago.
O p­
1 H um burg expires January 2, 1939.
9 bottles o f co ca cola were taken ; ca8t fo r „the general election in W a s h - _________________________
eration expenses have been slashed
The h oldover councilm en are H. M.
the hoys state th ey drank each o f the >nStoa County. County C lerk W . A.
T he carriers now
Barnes, R obert Johnston and A lbert
bottle o f cok e accord in g to the o ffi- 7uu Ppert ha8 announced.
M onday was
have a better net incom e than they
the last day fo r receiving them.
R ossi, as well as M ayor W . E. Mc-
had last O ctober.
A fter alm ost a
C loskey
and R eco rd e r
H om er L. j
com plete
absence o f buying o f
1 W ilson.
steel and other m aterials, the rail­
Pheasants Cost Money
I T h e cau cus is held annually, gen ­
roads will soon add their ord ers to
Woodhauler Victim of
erally on a day in the first h alf o f
F u rth er­
i e A cfiN C W
Unusual Accident
N ovem ber preceding the regular city
P ossession o f tw o China pheasants.
m ore, there will he no general rail­
d u iin g rinsed season, cost Gerald C.
road strike this Fall.
ON T M 9 ,
F ran cis M. B row n, w ood hauler o f Lnrrance. 21. and R obert E. E rickson
Continued on P age 5
N orth Plains, w as instantly killed late 19 o f P ortland, $25 each when they
H A L L O W E 'E N
M onday near B anks when a n arrow appeared W ednesday b efore Justice
M onday evening th c H allow e’en
road down w hich he and his b roth er o f the P eace Havens.
A rrest was
pranksters carried their fun to o far Maplewood Hallowe’en
w ere drivin g a heavily loaded truck, m ade by Guy O. W ood w orth o f the
in Beaverton and T uesday m orn in g Party Big Success
slid out from under the vehicle.
State P olice gam e division.
about 30 corn er
sign posts
T he tru ck rolled ov er dow n the
■ -
One o f the outstanding H allow e'en
were dam aged, several carried aw ay
grad e and stru ck a
and som e pulled up and laid low. City parties ever staged in this area w as
fell M
B row n betw een the tru ck and tree.
A rthur
M ullholland,
B eaverton.
em ployes were busy putting them an event o f F rid ay evening, O ctober
H om er B row n, who w as driving, es- received notice that a hearing will
back T uesday and W ednesday, except 28 at T.Iaplewood school, when ah "it
caped w ithout injury.
** hf>ld a < 10 a. m. W ednesday. Nov.
w ere
T here
carried aw ay.
P olice are Inves- ; 14K people
9th at the old p ostoffice building, 6th
were several prize aw ards, one o f
. 1 ¿Rifilitra I
and M orrison streets, Portland, bc-|
T w o girls w ere Injured by flyin g them being W a lter Scott a 7th grader
Child Injured by Car
fore the R eferee of the U nem ploy- ^
I glass when one o f a crow d o f about w hose costu m e represented him to
m ent C om pensation C om m ission o f !
' eight you n g men threw a large apple be a nice little girl with dross to the
Bet ty Jane Pray, 4. was taken to O regon In regard to his claim fo r
I through the w in dow o f the autom obile knees, high heelrd shoes and w h at­
P ortland hospital Thursday fo r treat- unem ploym ent com pensation,
H e w as d ecidedly a pretty-nice
they were riding in M onday evening not.
m ent fo r a fractured leg sustained
f p ^ - e r Social club will meet Fri-
î .
near the City Hall and R ecord er H o­ I little girl and m any lads adm ired
when she w as struck by an autom o- day N ovem ber 11
All com m ittees
He took aw ay a
m er L. W ilson rendered first aid to "h e r” a good deal.
bile o f Alvin H. Smith 31, o f Gaston arp urgPd to be present to arrange fo r
One girl was seriously Injured dandy pair o f roller skates as his
T he child suddenly appeared on the bazaar N ov. 16.
They had
about the eyes. The culprit guilty o f aw ard for his good w ork.
h igh w ay from
behind a
osted about everything th at you could ex­
’ 1 offense l|s not v< I I
p a rk e d o f f the paym ent, and it w a s ,
but o ffic e r s are on the jo b and m ay pect to find at a real good H allow e'en
im p o ss ib le to
a v oid
s t r ik in g
ADVERTISE: — A d v e r tis in g b r in g »
party and all had a dandy time.
fin d him.
Smith told county officer*.
1 tucccns, success brings bspplness.
1 iappenings
of the \\ eek
at the Coumy Seat
C harles A. R ice, republican nom i-
nee fo r state superintendent o f pu b-j
He instruction, has had a wide an 1
Published Weekly
in i ilia
1 W
V ' P?