The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951, October 28, 1938, Image 1

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    U of O L IB R A R Y
YO L. 12, NO. S
Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, October 28, 1C>3S
The Court House Community Happenings...
Published Weekly
Washington County
Federation ot Women's
clubs to meet at Tigard
Happenings of the Week
at the Coumy Seat
New Era
At Hand?
The Washington County Christian
S. S. Warner of Tillamook lately
F. Hurold Young of Oregon Busi­
! Endeavor society met in Beaverton spent a few days at the home of his
ness and Investors, Inc., of Portland,
last Saturday and Sunday, holding parents Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Warner j
[w ill speak at tin- morning session of |
| their businoss meetings in the Chris- on east Third.
He is a raido tech- 1
the Washington County Federation of ¿J aJ jjon S a V S
! lan church, with a banquet Saturday nician in Tillamook.
W. E. Warn-1
Women's clubs at Tigard Thursday, _
u l j
'«veiling at the Congregational church, er is a plasterer having put in about}
Perjury Witness
i October 2f>, on measures to appear on U e r m a n y H o l d s K e y
I The delegates were cared for in the 3d years at the work and lately has ;
the November 8 ballot
To W orld Prosperity
Given Jail Sentence
| various homes.
Sunday the meetings plastered the house of Mr. Noel, ,
The meeting is scheduled for the I.
--------------------------------- ! were held in the
Congregational Sunset Blvd., east of Beaverton and
O .O. F. hall, and the morning speak-j
William A. Peringer, 49, a member church.
has done many other jobs in the vi-
er period will be a departure from; iiabson Park, Mass., Oct. 28- Hitler
of the A. F. & L teamsters union,
A son was born October 18 to Mr cinity .
the usual custom of an afternoon pro- j ja the key man of Europe. The fu-
was sentenced to one year in
the and Mrs. M K. Galbraith.
He has
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Arbogast enter- j
The change was made to uc- j turc of the old World now revolves
Washington County jail by R. Frank been named John R.
tained Portland friends Sunday.
the guest speaker and rtroUnd him.
He can plunge civiliza-
Peters, Circuit Judge, Monday with j The library meeting held In the
The Whitford Women’s club met,
give members of the county club an tion into chaos if he pushes his drive
credit for time since August 23rd the High School on the evening of Tues- at the . club rooms Wednesday last,
opportunity to heiir themeasures dis- too far and too fast; or he can pro-
date of his arrest.
| day, October 25, advanced the project The reading of the book "The Moth-
cussed before the general election. du,.(> a new era of prosperity if he di-
Saturday Persinger changed hi* a few steps.
It was decided to pro- er” by Mrs. Templeton was very in­
Mr. Young will speak at 11 o clock, [ rocts Mis umazing ability toward re-
plea o f innocense
to guilty to
a j vide more shelving for volumes and teresting.
Mrs. Gilson conducted a
mul the morning session is called for building Germany economically. My
charge o f committing perjury for i to find a method for keeping the li-
game and Mrs. Arbogast answered
10 o clock.
1 here will he a no-host j-ucss is that he may turn his magi-
which he was indicted, after repud- j brary open more hours each week, the greatest number of questions cor-!
luncheon at noon and an afternoon cal energies along economic lines
iating his original testimony against \ permanent home is the goal and it rectly.
The ladies are planning a
session at 1:30 o'clock.
and thus aid world prosperity.
Jack Estabrook.
was felt that a method for gaining quilt and needle work show Nov. 2.
War Scare Halts Business
Estabrook was convicted of com- this would be presented within the
Mrs. Ida Clifford and her cousins)
This is the most impressive thought
plicity in a bomb plot at the F u e g y ; coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Dawson of Clov -1
store near Rock Creek on Memorial! Miss Mabel Richter, popular tele- erdale drove out from Portland o n , Mari°n hoaf 0' “ a lPlsl wltn urenes
that I brought away with me from
Day 1935.
'phone girl, Is now making her h o m e Thursday to visit friends.
; tra and ballet. to appear in our ex-; Q f the County
the Continent of Europe.
At the
Janies Henry Gerrish, 33, o f Hills- with Mrs. Iva Martin, she formerly
Mrs. Frank Lobenstein of Garden (
r' Kal d High j
time I was there just at the peak of
boro was found guilty Friday by a lived with Mrs. H. Hughson, who has Homo is attending a beauty school in i SohOol Friday. Nov. 4th.
Stimulating voter
interest over the war scare crisis no one would
In fact, going from
Washington county, Saturday October talk business.
Circuit Court jury of a morals charge ! moved to McMinnville.
Portland .
Farmers to Devise
involving his 15-year-old daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fleetwood of
The Tigard Rebekah club met at
29, has been arranged as the date'for i Brussels, Belgium, to Lille, France,
The trial which opened Monday be- 1 Cathlamet, Wash., spent several days the home of ?>lis. Mamie Erickson
IVleans to b.liminate
j republican candidates to lake part I we passed soldiers every few miles
in a caravan tour of all parts of th e ! aiming loaded machine guns at our
fore Circuit .Judge Peter-, attracted this week visiting at the H. M. Barnes Wednesday lust.
Government Aid
capacity audiences. Gerrish has been and M. H. Metcalf homes.
1 Mrs. H. H. Arbogast attended a
| county, Leon S. Davis, county re- train.
Boxes o f T. N. T. were strap-
In jail under $5000 bail since his ar-
Mro. Jay Gibson, Mrs. W
.H. Engle- meeting o f one of her clubs in Port- j
the girders of every bridge.
Fluns to devise
rest and indictment last monti. on J wu jie> Mra Carrie Leonard,
Mrs. Geo. land Thursday.
! Headed by C. A. Sprague, republt- A wire led from these boxes to an
statutory charges.
The jury hearing j Th’yng, and Mrs. Nelson Walker, at-
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of ^
x\a*,hln^ *
1 can candidate for Governor, Rufus! officer in the bushes.
In his left
~ ~ —
------- — - of —
- -. tended
_ the Washington
_ _ -------------------------------
~ t D.
thLU own
the case
was composed
two -----
County Lea- Portland . visited with Mr.
and Mrs.
h,la been Holman. United States Senator nomi- hand he held a telephone awaiting
and ten men.
gue 0f Voters luncheon and business Polumbo and family and Mrs. A n d c r - k
, f .
eting scheduled
noe and Dari Snell candidate for Sec-! orders to blow up the bridges by
E. H. Campbell, 50, of Hillsboro, in- meeting at Cornelius Monday.
Attor- sons sister, Mrs. Gerda Lilja Sunday
9 t H
? th r
. retary of State and composed of all I pressing a switch which he held in
.. ...
dieted last July on three counts of ney E . j. McA]ear of Hillsboro, dis last.
| House
candidates for state and county on j his right hand.
obtaining money under false preten- cussed measures to be voted on in the
Mrs. Louese Carter came down
q l'
f th
the republican ticket, the caravan
Business on the Continent was at
ses, Friday appeared in Circuit Court, coming election.
from Seattle Sunday to visit relatives
~p i ;
Harrv will start at Beaverton at 9:30 a. m. a standstill .
But, just as in Ameri-
and pleaded guilty.
Judge Peters
Mrs. I. R. Metzler and Mrs. Revard and friends., until after the National |
The plan is for the caravan to stop ca and England, trade and industrial
the man to three jr.—
years - ...
in a Rhodes
a s sur-
, t Robinson.
nu aes w
jo in t
u sts i for
or a
u i- g
r a n g e sessions.
oh n S c h m c H.
ltz o R.
r S Undley,
h e rw o o d Beaverton,
ro u te 3- In each community
long enough to ; activity have come back with a bang
the penitentiary on each charge, the p,.ise shower for Mrs. Jerome Tuttle
Donald Gardner and friends visited J ™ TW nhero* a w « t r .1 -1 P e r r v peimit the candidates to stop and since the Munich Conference. Bel-
ffo^d IA W ^ US l t l m iltv to a
Me™ e
th® homo of Mr" at th'’ ''" " I * of hia fut^ er C' B Gard' I LaFollo'tte. Cornelius, and Ed' Wohi meet with voters in the particular, gjutn is the most prosperous coun-
ffoid Altiahin plead guilty to a Quy Alexander
Tuesday- evening, ner Saturday .
sehlcc-al Newhere
center where the stop is made.
try in Europe right now.
support charge and received a About 30 ladies attended.
Friday evening of this week the lo- i ^ V ,
f .. '
. th J 11heJ iti" erar>r, lncl‘ “ ^ s„ B<'avrrton' technically “ neutral'’, 1 found the
postponed sentence on condition that Bames Were played and a social ev- cal Grange will hold a meeting in the
7 ^roner
p stated
that the
ltrnid’ 1 Uil a lla ' 1^ch?! 8’. (,a-Hton’ hearts of the Belgians with England
he pay $1 j per month into court for cning enjoyed.
Mrs. Tuttle received; Grange Hall.
] gDonsors
sponsors feel
feel th
that with the cost o fi HUlsboro ,OVe’ Bftnks’ N orvh Plains.; arui France.
They do not trust Hit-
Mr. . mm
and mia.
Mrs. n
■upport of the child.
many beautiful gifts.
Delicious re-: mi
a il* . Gilson enter- the f irmer to the I Tnited States m v
j 1er or Mussolini.
The Brussels gov-
O c a o h e r t r tn’ eCertm- " h u T
T ' l ircshm™ ts wcrc se' ^ d'
tainpd a ^ oup of
ernment treasury, of almdst a bilhon |
ravan wdl co" chldo 1,8 triP \ e r n m c ^ r Z v e c M l y o p ^ a e T ^ i o Hus-
Chlree^ ^ I h t M n iZ monev under
Bethe' ^ d' « Aid ° t the Congrega- an dhad a pleasant surprise in the - doUnr8 por year ytTlore should ^ 8om<( at Hillsboro where a banquet is | silln po|lclcs; aith'ough there is a
bazaar visit
mc - j W|iy of
p. ™'
m. 1 J>
falsi nretLsea
UIld(>1 tional church are ' holding a bazaar
visit of
of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs
Mrs. jonnson
Johnson or
of Me-
of cuttinp
cutting down
down that
that cxvttnae
expense pmnncu
plan" pd tor
f “ r 6 B:S0
'30 p'
? cedJnRI,t,!,
1f‘ Commilniftt
Communist }.!Uty.
Party. The
The Belgians
Belgian are
tival dinner at the; Minnville. 1 he
Johnsons .uc o t
the Washington county farm er! f 0 n
' * 0 .J>C *1/'*d *n th^ Hills courageous.
They are prepared and
Indicted for manslaughter, Louis church Friday afternoon
ternoon and evening time friends of the Gilsons.
should take care of themselves. T h is' b<’ ro U" lop «iR h School auditorium
determined to protect their neutral-
Vaniiehey plead not
guilty when \ November 4 . Mrs. F. (... H I ______
8p€nt thC i» not a political meeting, further ^
6 G'
candl- ity. M,mt important of all, their
brought into court Wednesday morn- js chairman of the dinner committee, week end with .home folks.
stat'ecT Groner and iis'o'pen^to alY far- da*e’ wd'
the main speaker.
birth rate is holding up .
The committee on arrangements
mers of the county.
I-rain-»' is Slipping Badly
at the home of Mrs. m . c. MeKercher New Order of Services
Motorcycle Hits Auto
I felt a marked change as I went
INlirse oeeks L/amageS
! Thursday for making final plans and
O f Interest to Young _ People Car Crash Into W agon
One Killed in Forest Grove into France. The French are cour­
---- --
arrange a program.
teous, cultivated, and splendid hosts;
Seeking $8550 damages, Eltzacth
Mrs. Inez Whitworth had as her
____i Leads to Second Accident
C. Wurzinan has filed suit against! Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. j The Church of Christ at B eaverton;
Ray Lorenz. 21, of near Hillsboro,, but they seem to have lost
, their cour-
With fascist Italy and Ger-
Gerhard Bendix.
Plaintiff in her Robert Johnston and Mrs. Howard will begin a new order of service on i Two Hillsboro ruen are in hosDitals was hilled Tuesday evening when the!**® '
nospitais — a ______
. j , . . many at their holders and with a
she was
Sunday morning, Nov.
This ser- wi l t: e m
n I d
,,UJturc>cle 0,1 which he was riding I
----------g —
_ 6 th ,
w e n t ’lo' j JrY
a i l l a ( U
^ I I horse
the rear
5 «
In the
r very
at the rear of Bendix' automobile in
Miss Eva Whitworth accompanied vice will be planned for the ---------
horge shot
ghot as
ag an
an aftermath
aftermath of
of an
nn «eel-
accl. , aa
— * - passenger
^------ « - rammed
-—...... - into
-" “ midst
thev u" are
f. it*hten
iiiju i
a private driveway
on July 2nd. and numbers of the Trails club to Larch of . interesting
the young
Dawson pnd of an automobile driven by Joe
’ T h ,L was verv annLent « T
. people
, . and
; u
i in u
il thp
^ n
rn Mon
u (m. 1 ¿eberg of Forest Grove.
v n y apparent us i
without warning or signal suddenly Mountain over the week end, on a giving them an opportunity to uttend
a mjje East Qf Hillsboro.
The mishap occurred as Zebcrg was walked the streets and visited the
backed against her, throwing her to clean up trip, making ready for the the regular
service as the B ib le; d
When one studies the vital
the ground and the automobile ran ^ annual Hallowe’en party*.
School, the morning service will be
» „ — j,.
*« <jh«.-iff rv,r.nnii phor making a left hand turn near Par I Bf'°P‘s-
Aecoiding to Sheiiff Connell, Chai- mlin,a
i, „,n „
i.-„. statistics of France and sees how the
over both feet and body.
Misses Eva and Elsie Whitworth shortened and the closing session will les H. Himes drove his car into the 8on'8 Boor parlor- ^ milc East of For' i birth rate is
declining, her future
Plaintiff, a nurse, by occupation , 1 attended a bridal shower Friday ev- be finished at 11:30 a. m. Those who rear end of a wagon being driven by
_ T rov? :..„ .
_ _
alleges permanent injuries as she is ening for Miss Bernice Cox of Port- do not want to
attend the Bible
L E. Taylor, a farmer. Taylor suf-
L y‘e Hilfickcr of Forest Qrov*. ■do“
b r l^ t.
not able to stand on her feet any land, formerly of this place, who is to School and attend the preaching
ser- fried head cuts and chest iniurv and P,lot o t the motorcycle received a ! Whi n I was in Piunce the soldiers
teieci heait cuts aim cnest injuiy anil
, oth _ ini,..i(,M an(i were all at the frontiers.
Only old-
length o f time.
I be married soon .
vice only will be asked to be present was
taken to the Smith hospital; one
“ K anu oini r injuiies, anil
. __ _
Suit of Charles T. Edgar et als vs
Mrs. Howard Hughson moved t o 1 at 9:45 and not later than 10 o'clock. of
_ the Taylor's horses had its back was tak,‘n to General Hospital at For- Pr ,,,Pn
P, ' " .th^ 8trep' 8' ^
cst Grove.
Lorefiz Is survived by wo,ncn were busy painting the glass
The Northern Trust Company, filed McMinnville the first of the week. The church is building its educational ; broken and was shot,
seeks to remove the Northern Trust She has rented her residence here.
program around the young people,
Himes is reported to have gotten parents and five brothers and sisters, of their windows blue and doing oth-
er things to
prepare against air­
Co. as trustee of the estate' of Charles
U K L> D. Khellenberger entertained who will have an active part in all out (lis w
y M ¡n.
Incidentally, I never realised
Edgar deceased, as to lands and prop- members of the Cheerio club at her the services.
At the present time j j ured f armPr and was struck by an Automobile Crashes Pole
before what the English and French
erties in Yamhill, Coos and Washing home Friday, with a dessert luncheon the church has three endeavor
j automobile driven by Richard Hatt- p
. q
suffered from airplane bombs 20
ton dbunties 91 s company has hcver ' -’-nd cards.
The rooms and dining cieties all o f which take an active ,.jcj{t ai8t> nf Hillsboro.
Himes was ^ O U r r l u r t O l l I K H y
years ago.
Moreover, they believe
qualified to do business in the state table were tastefully decorated in fall pact In the evening services.
to the Jones hospital where i t .
of Oregon, and asks appointment o f , colors and flowers.
three groups, have an average attend - 1 was reported he had sustained grave i Four persons were injured Sunday *hat R war were to occur now the
... 1Co
afternoon when an automobile crash- destruction would be fifty to one
Charles T. Edgar as trustee.
j Essex Marsh and Willard Gerber ance of 45.
lohest injuries.
HattVlck was lodged in the county ed lnto a Power pole hear
Tigard; hundred times as great.
Again, I
Other suits include L .C. Viaene vs were on a deer hunting trip Tuesday.}
jail but was released Tuesday on his three other poles were pulled down ; say to my United States and Cana-
Walter Wyss for money; Orders in
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hardman spent Thomas-Dug an Wedding
own cognizance.
placing several 57,000 volt high ten- dinn readers: — “Get down on your
probate matters signed by R. Frank Tuesday and Wednesday at Taft.
o .
iY * » L
__________________ sion wires on the highway.
Power 1 knees and thank God you live in
Peters, Circuit Judge and filed, In-
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gassett, who o a t u r d a y , U C tO D e r L L
« 1 1 o ff about 30 minutes.
Yes, ¡mil th.-mk Him for
elude dismissing suit of Martha Me-1 recently sold their nut farm moved to
The wedding of Miss Helen Dugan p
* ftv e m s n a
I According to Portland deputy sher- being just and generous to others.”
Galley vs Arthur McGahey; default Portland the first o f the week.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Du-
iffs, the automobile involved in the
Troth About Gcnnifuiy
and decree entered in Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer M. Harnden Ran. Multnomah, and Lyle Thomas, Grocery Store Prowled
j crash was operated by W. E. Hoag, 1 Here are some facts which I gath-
County Bank vs John Ardon; default,
and small daughter Julia, of Tilla- son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
judgment and decree.
Mark T. Cox mook, visited Mrs. Hardens parents of Tigard, was held Saturday, O cto-' Gaining entrance by breaking glass 'M l North Russell Street who su ffer-j «red about tJermany:
«s Frances R. Randolph; restraining 1 Mr. and ?.Irs. L. D. Shellenbcrger her 22.
Miss Mona Nash and Mr. | ¡n the front door and unlatching the ,,d minor chest Injuries, his wife Ha-
Ninety-nine j>eu qent o f
order and default Anna M. Duback Tuesday.
and Mrs. Rockwell attended the • n|Rht lock, a burglar prowled the Wil-
sustained similar hurts.
1 population are behind Hitler pollt-
vs Victor M. Duback: Stati of Ore-
Members of Beaver chapter O. E. S. couple.
The bride wore a teal blue 1 Bon
tavern at the junction of the, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fuson 5113 '‘ ally.
They fear to vote other-
gon ex real Cassie Mitchell vs Frank who attended the visitation in Port- suit and maroon accessories, the Scholls Ferry and Beaverton-Bcrtha Southeast 95th avenue, passengers In i
B. Mitchell,
defendant In land Friday evening in which the six bridesmaid wore a green suit and Highways Tuesday night.
According the car was taken to St. Vincents
rhlrty per cent o f the population
contempt; State Uncmploycmnt Com- Temple chapters were, hosts to the black accessories.
1 to report of Mrs. Gene Randall, oper- hospital, he with shoulder and hand aro with him in their hearts. This
ponsation Commission vs Nehalem worthy matrons, worthy patrons, as- j The wedding party and relatives 1 ;ltor c f
place $75 in cash was ta -! injuries and she with back injuries; KrouP
made up chiefly of the
River Lumber Co. default.
Dismiss- sociate matrons and associate pa-} were guests at a delicious dinner at ken, together with 9 cartons of cigar- their children and Henry Martel, ano- \ y°uths and others under 30 years
lng action of Rose C. Strieker, admin- trons o f Portland and vicinity Fridav the grooms home and at 8 o’clock alettes, a table radio, groceries and ther passenger, were uninjured.
°* aK°-
lstrator o f Andrew Strieker deceased evening were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goyt, | reception was held at the bride's confections.
$50 of the cash loot ta-
Boag's machine skidded o ff the
Among the 70 per cent not
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eliander, Mrs. home in Multnomah.
vs Barbara Jean Romlg et al.
f niokles,
the . |
In « .. ^ 1 ,n *n their hearts are many
in'- *
I * -
*7 / u
uu were
* ' 1 *
- highway
** J and
* *1
* *
• *
. Ill
The couple were recipients of many hidden in the waste paper basket, an attempt to pass another car, wit-
w ar veterans, Jews
_ .
1 presents,
lllu 1
limn friends.
and Mrs. Frank Rosebnueh.
Several ' L
They will ..
live in sheriff Connell stated. * ‘
nesses stated.
4. There is no dole system In
i musical numbers were given followed ' Portland.
$10,000 Estate Filed
Burglars also entered the Columbin
I Germany and no apparent unem-
by dancing and refreshments.
Out of town guests were the brides Foods Store at Beaverton early Fri- Dramatic Plav to be
! ployment.
The will of Rosina Gfeller, who
Mrs. Ix-Roy Haynes has returned aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Martin (tay $ 1(550 ¡n cash, 40 cartons of clg- c
f - 10
died September 23. leaving an Mtntt
her home he-e from 'be hospital Van ( it eon. Bridal Vail, Oregon, and arettea mrkA i h
hoaea of gum wen- s t a g e d N o v . 17-18
The food is coarse, with very
lit tie butter and eggs.
valued at -10,000 has been admitted to with her infant daughter Dorothy. Mr. and Mi s. A. Gould, Beaverton.
taken according to Deputy Sheriff I
probate by
E 'I ’aheth Templeton, H horn October 11.
Ireland, who Investigated.
The Multnomah Community club} oomplains
— the
--- —----
County Judge; E. J. McAlenr has
Hugh I,ewis and A. E. Hanson, who Amateur Pilot Crushed
was made the same as at the Wilson will stage "In Hot Water" at Capitol ' toes and sausages are plentiful.
been named executor and two daugh- were accompanied on a deer hunting
beer tavern; tape is placed on the Theatre in Multnomah Thursday and}
6 . Prices In the stores are reas-
ters arc the beneficiaries. The estate Hip to the Orehecor forest, by two In Crackup Sunday
g!ass where the glass will be broken Friday, November 17 and 18 with Rus- enable perhaps
cheaper than any-
o f Sophia W. Batterson,'who died Hillsboro friends, returned to their
Volney Briggs, 25, o f Portland. for entrance, to keep the rest of the i" '11 Holmboe, entertainment chairman where hi Europe.
The materials
September 20 , leaving
real and per- homes Tuesday and were successful amateur flyer was
killed In a crash of
f rom shattering, the officers
of th/" dub in charge. A large crowd and quality are poor, however
aonal property valued
at $. vhr . h n ir bagging
a buck.
hia low-winged monoplane on a field stated.
Is expected on both evenings, th.- ad 7
Synthetic products o f all kinds
been admitted to probate: the heir-
C. Mi
a d bei eoo
Progreæ Sunday.
mission charge to bo 40c and 20c.
are being used so as to make Ger­
W Eplei Tigard Gt rge George MeKercher were
Briggs Brother Harold, 2 R, lost his t j
1 u * r* r
many self-sufficient.
fi on a i similar
¡militi accident at Corneliii
E. Batterson, Cottage Grove and Mir- S'tests of Mrs. Earl Houck at her life
Cornelius * * «irti i l l
Yet, I believethat Germany la not so
iam Stocking, Portland.
Clarence Portland home Tuesday.
last April.
St. M ary’s 13 to 6
Last Rites Set
badly o ff economically as we are led
W. Batterson has been named ad-
Following the Odd Fellows meeting
According to reports Volney was
| to believe. Hitler has taught his peo-
Monday evening, they were agreeably crushed to death when his ship! By a score of 13 to 6 , the Tigard! For Dr. Nichol
pe| to Invest In armaments what they
Will of William F. Aldinger admit- surPr 'scd. when members of the Re- cracked up on a farm rented by Jo- high eleven defeated St. Mary s of
Funeral services for Dr. Walter heretofore wasted on harmful foods,
ted to probate.
The widow. Marie b kah lodge came in and served cl-1 »eph Crale shortly after 2 p. m.
Beaverton Friday to chalk up its'
died unexpectedly
1 silly
styles, and expensive
and seven children survive. Harry A!- dop and dol*ghnuts. with a social time
The plane first appeared over the fourth win of the season. John Ream Scott
„ .. Nichol,
. . who
dinger appointed executor of estate fol>°wing.
field where a group of youngsters »cored one touchdown for
Tigard. * rlday at bis home
7 R )8 SW Capitol 1 >ns America, England, and France
consisting o f personal property val-
Dimer Stipe left for Bend Tuesday were playing and the pilot flying low, j>aui Rasmussen tossed a pass to Bon load’ w,ra
for 1 30_ p- "V Monda> ara recklessly spending money
where he will be accon pai led by h | leaned over the side of the craft and Tetrick for the second touchdown.
E'lward Holman A Son chapel. Dr. both armaments and relief, without
Cora V Cuthill hr.s been apnolnted bro,ber Arthur on a China Pheasant shouted to them to get off the tract. A pass, Ezell to Parapld, scored th. irt 'Ch° ' opprated d™gstorcs here for|curtailing on waste
Germany could
15 years anil previously a store In show u.t how to balance our b u d g e t
he wa 3 going to land.
Crale said St. Mary’s touchdown
administrator of her father's estatf hunting trip in Eastern Oregoft.
Hood River for eight years.
I healthy end happy,
Mrs. M. C. MeKercher entertained the motor was missing and Brlgg's
valued at $2400.
Other heirs George
Born In Licking. Mo., In 1874, he' *" Hue that Germany has. tempor-
W of Los Angeles, ind Ada Cuthill of friends at her home Sunday evenin g; voice was easily heard above the
dled October 21.
He was graduated ardv abolished freedom; but much
honoring Mrs. Lorraine Knight of sputtering.
from Washington Medli .! chool In 1,1 '' v ‘ , ;l1 freedom
Men I m m
After circling the farm field twice
Orders signed by Elizabeth Temple­ Portland on her birthday anniversary,
T here has been a good sized force Missouri, and practiced medicine In
waste money and undermine char-
Thi.-e present were J"hn Pre-call o f the plane dipped and struck a teee.
ton. county Judge, and filed with th
Clerk Include fixing date of final p °Hland. Mrs.
Lucas o f sheering o ff the top limb.
It then of 'nPn at work on the new water Missouri, Arkansas, and Illnols. He actor and health.
Germany’s goal
came to Oregon in 1903. Besides his l
“ hables, health, sports, and arma-
H Edyvean o f Olen- pancaked to the ground pinning the
*“ th®
The work was held
leaves three sons, j ments.”
I F.
pilot In thi wreckage.
Tho work wa" hr d up fnr wife, Dora, he
Dr. Walter E Nichol, Beverly Hills,
What o f the Future*
estate of William R ” «se: nsv-in*- »er-
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Stewart of Litlz. Briggs was dead when he reached the several weeks for cause.
tain claims In gunrdlenship of Marv penn•• arrived two weeks ago owing aircraft.
Cnl ; Dr. Ernest R. and Dr Byron A.
Everyone, both here and abroad,
Council Adopts Budget
E. Dodson: reopent-p e«+->te of Annie to the illness of Mrs. Stewart’s moth-!
- ■ ■ ■ -
Nichol, Portland; two brothers, the feels that the crisis is now over.
J. Miller authoriz'ne’ settlement of er Mrs. Withers o f Portland. They
Beaverton High School football
Rev. L D. Nichol. Flat River, Mo., have consistently predicted that no
damage action 'n sum o f IWYV An- spent a few days nt the home nf his team will play St. Mary’a this Frl-
The Beaverton Citi
Council met and Sidney M
Broderick nation could risk a war this year.
drew Stricken es*a*e- ordering «eie of brother-in-law and s ster Mr. and
day afternoon .the game to start at Friday evening. There were
no tax- Cal.; and two
sisters, Mr«.
Maude j However, I may he mistaken,
real estate in estate o f Carrie Schoen- Mre. W. E. Warner of east Third 2 30
A good crowd of spectators Is payers present, and the budget
was Sullivan, Hood River, and Mrs. Helen
I street, Beaverton .
expected to witneea this game.
adopted as published.
Isom, Metzger.
Continued on Page 2