The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951, June 10, 1938, Image 1

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V O L . 11, N O . 41
The Court House
Happenings of the W eek
at the County Seat
Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, June 10, 1938
Women Eageriy Await
New Picture Cooking School
June Festival Planned
At Multnomah School
Grounds on June 18
Published Weekly
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• I .
Local N ew s... Duuaing Drignt
Spot In Outlook
Mr. and Mrs. Rivard Rhodes ac­
Saturday, June 18, has been chosen
for the celebration of the inaugura­ companied by Mrs. Virginia Johnson,
tion of supervised recreation for of Portland, drove to Vancouver,
children of Multnomah under the di-jWash., Sunday morning where they
by h o s e c a v e ;
on how to entertain graciously, as roction of the Portland Park Bureau.! were joii|d by Seigal Thompson at Babson Says
“ Star in My Kitchen”
well as how to be thrifty.
The festival is the inspiration of ( his summer cabin on the L«wis river,
Jury Fixes Damages
Home-Making Film Coming Surprises in store for those In •he Multnomah Parent Teachers as-! Raymond Alexander of Portland, Washington will
will not be
limited lociation with all other community1 spent the latter part of the week
In Gumm Case
to Beaverton High School
to free entertainment and instruc­ organizations cooperating, and will with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Repent Or Inflate
tion, since there will be dally gifts, begin with the judging of the entries 'Guy Alexander.
Sunday they drove
Settling the condemnation action of On June 20, 21, 22
many of which will bring pleasure in the children's parade sponsored by into Portland and were dinner guests
New York, June 10—New York is
Yamhill county against Laura and
and renewed appreciation of “school the American Legion Auxiliary at 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Alexander.
still terribly blue. Friends here point
Milton Gumm for property taken in
It’s the talk of the town!
Mrs. R. M. Miller entertained a out that business js now at the low­
Women throughout the community days” long after the final graduation p. m. It will continue thruout the af­
1930 to widen and improve lie Spring-
ternoon with band concerts, folk danc­ group of Portland ladies at luncheon est level for any June since 1932.
brook road, a Washington county are planning to attend the friendly on the closing day.
Morever, with that exception it is the
__ are co- ing, exhibition and competitive games, and bridge Tuesday.
circuit court jury Saturday afternoon class for home-makers, the M otion, Firms and local merchants
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Wood accom­ worst since 1921 particularly for the
awarded the Gumim $1250 compensa­ Picture Cooking School, scheduled to operating with the Beaverton Enter- time out for dinner in the shcool
cafeteria and will close with dancing panied by Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ralph motors and rails.
I, however, point
open at Beaverton high school June prise.
tion and damages.
I Join the parade of home-makers on the recently completed tennis of Portland visited various coast oit- ; out to my friends that this is a coin­
The case which consumed most of 2 q
ies Sunday going as far south as cidence and applies only to the
A welcome Invitation to the wise is JUI\e 20' 21, 22’ in Beaverton
the week, was brought here from
With the exception of the parade., Waldport, spending a short time flail­ ; months of June.
Taking the fjrst
Yamhill county on a change of ven­ sufficient, and the only invitation 1 Auditorium.
which will march through the busi ing the Alsea river.
six months of 1938 as a whole we find
ue; owners sought to obtain $3800 lor this novel cooking school is that
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barrett of Poca- them materially better than 1932,
ness district all events will take
while counsel for the county told the extended by Beaverton Enterprise. Many Prizes Awarded
place on the school grounds.
Dur­ tella, Idaho, are visiting at the L. D. 193.1, or 1931.
I d fact, if business
jury $500 was a reasonable sum for There is no charge to see any of the
In Beavertonr Junior
ing the afternoon the playground Shellenberger home for a week and had gradually risen from March, 1933
Property involved 1 showings of "Star in My Kitchen.”
instructors, Mrs. Brlndrll and Mr. attending the Portland Rose Show. up to its present level, we all would
covered 2.07 acres.
Because this newspaper stands Parade— Flower Show
McCoy, will demonstrate their work Mrs. Barrett and Mrs. Shellenberger be happy. It was the boom In 1936-7
The following orders were signed ready to sponsor all progressive de­
will be introduced to the citi­ are sisters.
and the rapid drop of the past six
by Judge Peters and filed with the velopments, particularly when they
Beaverton's second annual Rose
Billy Leonard of Seattle. Wash., re­ months which have discouraged ev­
Mrs. Brin-
clerk oovering circuit court matters: I affect the homes of the community, Festival Saturday was well attended zens of the community.
Bank of Beaverton Liquidation, au­ it is presenting this motion picture throughout the day, which was an doll and Mr. McCoy begin their du­ turned to his home Tuesday follow­ eryone.
ties on Saturday, June 13th, but will ing several dnys visit with his uncle
Prospects for the return of good
thorizing default in mortgage fore­ romance of home-making entirely ideal summer day.
Starting with a appreciate this opportunity to moot and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stipe. I times have long centered on the mam­
closure of wherein Matilda Kathryn free.
parade at 9:45 through the business with parents and children.
A set of new awnings are being put moth building Industry.
Bowman et als vs Isabella M. Wal­
"If I could only see exacUy how she part of Beaverton, until the big dance
Mrs. N. Kruger Roden is chairman up at Mary Ellen Beauty Shop across swings up and down in cycles just as
ker, et als: Dorothy Poffenberger vs mixes and handles her pie-crust."
in the evening everyone seemed to of the general arrangements.
She is from Beaverton postoffice and var does business.
But both cycles do
Joseph Poffenberger default and de­
That comment has been heard be having a glorias time. Great cred­ being assisted by the following per ious new shrubs and plants added to not always coincide.
For instance,
cree of divorce.
from beginners and from experienced it is due to those having charge of sons:
The cool, spa­ home building hits all-time top in
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Banton, beifitify the place.
Probate orders filed include. Mat­ cooks at many cooking schools. Cran­
American legion and Auxiliary; Mrs. cious front porch is ideal for custom­ 1926 and declined steadily from then
ters of James Boyle estate, fixing ing necks and anxious eyes, trained
Judges for the different events Paul Doty. P. T. A..; Martin Welch, ers waiting for service.
i until 1934.
In 1926, however busj-
time and place for hearing final ac­ on the stage from the sides and back were:
Dr. Donald G. Hood, Eugene
Mrs. James Trovas entertained ness was only beginning its long
count and closing estate; Licensing of the demonstration hall, have failed Gilbert, Robert Aldrich, of Portland. Community club; Mrs. C. C. Snyder
sale of personal property in estate to catch all of the important steps A1 Jannsen. Jake A. Kick of Beaver­ Woman's club: Mrs. Marie Scrogin, guests at a birthday party Sunday climb to the 1929 New Era peaka
of W. B. Anderson deceased; closing in pastry-making and other culinary ton and Rev. R. E. Carberry of St. dancing groups; Mrs. B. G. McNary evening for her husband at her home Now the tide of both is running In.
Garden club; J. C. Forkner, Oreno- There were thirty persons present. The synchronising of the building and
estate of Deborah Barrett: fixing arts.
Only the early birds in the
Miss Helen Knight of Portland, at­ business cycles for the first time in
mah Lodge; J. L. Whitcher and J.
time and place of hearing objections very front row have had a close-up Marys Academy.
Prizes in division 1—ages 1 to 4. W. Speight and H. B. Brookhardt of tended the Beaverton Rose Show many years nmy gjve us a prosperity
to final account estate of Frances of the stage in the past, and even
and remained until Wednesday with peak never seen before in America!
Bernards; closing estate of Charles they couldn’t peer directly into the 1st, Freddie Koeber, 2nd Victor H. the Multnomah School.
Jones, 3rd Jean Kline, 4th, Russell
All proceeds of concessions and Miss Virginia Huson.
P. Peterson; allowing widow’s allow mixing bowl.
The immediate business outlook is
Beaver chapter No. 106 O. E. S.
food sale will be applied toward cost
anee estate of Fred B. Clark; ap­
Now the wizardry of the camera
Ages 5 to 7—Mis. Otto Keil and of a second tennis court which will held their regular meeting Saturday brightened by the fact thnt home
pointing attornevs in estate of An­ has solved the problem making it
__ ______
Visi­ building has been able to buck the
started _ as soon as enough funds night with a large attendance.
drew Strieker for damages for civil possible for every person in Capitol Marcella O’Meara, 2nd Pat McClos- be
tors from Portland, Multnomah and trend of the recession. Not even un­
liability; approving account and di­ Theatre to share each fascinating key, 3rd Carye Short, and Lily Cullen jarp available
Sherwood were present.
Six candi­ reasonable labor costs, bad business,
recting distribution to creditors in E. stage of the planning, measuring, 4th Donald Savage.
Ages 8 to 11—Ruth Howe and H er­
dates were Inflated Into the order. and fear of the future have prevent­
Quackenbush, deceased. appointing blending and baking in practical, up-
bert Lor.egren, 2nd Vera Mae W ood­
ed home construction from making
Refreshments were served.
Herbert Goldsmith administrator of to-the minute kitchens.
en, 3rd Harold McQullen, 4th Lemain
| progress. The now government mort­
estate of Sol I. Friedenthal deceased.
Keeping pace with the baking, Butcher.
Mrs. M. C. McKcrcher entertnined gage plan, adopted by Congress last
roasting, and frying, a series of
Ages 13| to 14—John Frank, Jack
a birthday party at home Wed­ |winter, is a strong stimulant.
'salads, and frozen delicacies will pa- Miller 2nd J. A. Wright, 3rd Louis
Knee-deep In June” !
Which ot nesday
Feed Store at Aloha
rnde in and out of the adaptable wilson Ernest Metcalf,
our poets has given us the phrase.’
ence Lucas of the Florence Beauty
electric refrigerator, which will re
Sec. 2—2-3 or more children parti-! It docs not matter. Swishing through
snapped up the government’s attrac-
Robbed over Week End
j veal its host of possibilities for sim­ cipating 1st Community Bible School, the red of the clover, the white and Shop. Other guests were Howard | live offer and have cooperated whole-
Superior Feed and Seed store at plifying labor and marketing, and 2nd Snow White, 3rd St. Cecelia Par­ gold of the wild daisies and the nod Harold Maeir and Mr. Wolf, all of i heartcdly. The results so far have
to good health and ish, Volga Boatman.
d«ug plumes of pastel-shaded lupin, Portland.
Aloha was burglarized sometime dur­ I contributing
George McKerchor. her ! been vory encouraging and the num-
i her of houses being built is increas-
ing Saturday night and Sunday; $20 good food.
Sec 3 --Marching units—1st St. Ce­ we find a sweet fragrance rising as son was present.
What to do with left-overs?
IIow celia Parish, Camp Fire Girls, Com­ our feet make a path toward the rich
| ing weekly.
was missing from the cash drawer,
i I do not claim that the new mort­
dark earth, waiting to receive the
according to Deputy Sheriff Bush to take the gloom out of laundry day? munity Bible School.
But it does
Entrance was gained by twisting the How to save time, energy and tem­
At the flower show prizes were seed which we are still putting in. Academy, is playing In Oregon State gage plan is perfect.
padlock off the front door the deputy per In meal preparation? How to be awarded—Section A—class 1 collec­ Planting is a back-wearing task, but Amateur championship golf mara make the billions of credit lyjng idle
attractive in spite of the daily rush? tion of 6 roses, 1st Mrs. Ethel Han-1 with the dropping of the seeds into thon at Columbia Edgewatcr Golf in our hahks available to good citi­
How to make the piecrust that men son, 2nd Leonard Adams. Single rose j furrows or hills, there is healing to course in Portland.
zens for a sound purpose.
love to cat?
How to give first-aid 1st Leonard Adams, 2nd Elmer Stipe, sore .hearts and a calmness of spirit
Miss I>iasa Adams of Cordova, Alas­ ands of Americans with a little money
; to fallen cakes?
Best basket of 12 roses, mixed colors comes that is hard for one to under- ka, where she has been teaching the ; in the bank should accept this oppor­
Tw o Brothers Fined
It won’t be necessary to ask the lst Mrs. Geo. Blasser 2nd Mrs. F. G. stand who has never been a partner past year, arrived in Beaverton Tues­ tunity to build.
The only argument
Fished After Dark
I questions, for expert home specialists Donaldson.
. . . day for a two weeks visit before go­ , people now have in favor of contin­
6 sprays climbing roses with God at Lhe sowing time
have anticipated these problems. —1st Elmer Stipe, 2nd Mrs. Geo.
At long last I have found who ing to Ellensbury, Wash., to attend ued rentjng is the uneertaln outlook.
Arrested by State Officer William They know what bothers many an BlEsscr. Collection 6 delphiniums— wrote the oft-quoted lines: "If ra­ summer school.
; Yet, an Impartial analysis of today’s
Zosel on charges of fishing after experienced housekeeper, because It 1st Mrs. R. M. Stewart, 2nd Mrs. Eva dio's slim fingers can pluck a melody
The Community
Vacution Bible conditions lends to only one conclu­
dark in the Tualatin river, Sam Sims : is their job to know and how to coun­ Wilson. Single delphinium.—1st Her­ from night and toss it over a con­ School is well started and doing sion:
If business does not get bet­
and Ray Lee Sims, residing near Tu­ sel helpfully.
tinent or sea
. . . . Why should nicely.
Everyone is rejoicing over ter of Its own «coord, the Adminis­
bert Olson, 2nd Mrs. Earl Horsell.
alatin were fined $25 each by Justice ( Fun, novelty, and entertainment
Section B—Collections of long stem' mortals wonder if God hears pray- the prize which our float took at the tration will lie pushed either to re-
of the Peace, J. S. Barber; in default are joined throughout the feature med flowers—First Mrs. Eva W ils o n , ! ers7
Sunday’s Oregonian carried flower festival.
The float took first pentanee or to Inflation. So, which
of fines the two served time in jail.
picture, for it is always fair weather 2nd Mrs. Rebecca Eggman.
ever way the eat jumps, the average
the poem in full, with the story of and the marching group third.
Gordon Jennings 23, of Sherwood, when neighborly cooks get together.
1st | how far this message has been car­
Continued on Pag* 2
route 1, is being held in the county Home-making has a universal appeal, 'Mrs. Harris Hanson 2nd Mrs. L. L. ried and telling that it was one of
Wesley Galloway who constructed
jail facing four charges against him ‘ and every woman is eager to learr,
Lilies—1st and
the body of Che float and Viola, j
by the grand jury. He is accused of the newest news of her craft.
Mrs. Fuller is a busy wife Gladys and Margaret Wright , who
Rebecca Eggman.
giving liquor to a minor and contrib­
Cooking, romance, modern kitchens,
S e ctio n C— D isp la y of Oregon wild and mother, but has found time to helped the committee with the deco­ Accepts Position
uting to the delinquency of a minor. and clever actors and actresses doj
i flowers 1st Miss Kathleen Ackerman contribute some very beautiful poems rating and all those who were so gen-
: not tell the complete story of this 12nd R. D. Williams.
With Local Bank
to our literature.
erous with their roses and other l
cooking school. . The . pic-
Proof the name of Che poem, I flowers.
Donna May Phelps and
. 1938-model
Section D—Best arrangement of
Base Ball Team to
Fred Huston, formerly with First
f ideas
c J ' M and
L " * wise
? ! ? counsel,
^ touching
l ™ de™
in bowl basket, or v a s e -1st was written in honor of Memorial | E|leen b ^ , . wprp the ,,u ,e Iadies
on lfl»w
I s. er.
National Hank of Harrisburg, Oregon,
R. M. Stewart, 2nd Mrs. Robt. Day—or Decoration Day, as we used who rode on the float.
Play St. Paul
j lntes» develonments in home equip­ Johnstone.
J to call it. When I was a little girl, We wish to thank the McCroady has accepted a position with First
ment and accessories .including laun­
Section E- Best ararngement of i,aci( 1° fhe Middle-West this was Lumber Co for the lumber used in Security Bank of Beaverton, starting
The Garden Home base ball team dry methods, ways to prepare left-
will play the St. Paul team Sunday ; overs, beauty secrets, hints on savine flowers for dining table—1st Mrs. R synonymous with a “talk before the Che sign for the Bible School and Mr. | June 6th and has taken up residence
in Beaverton .
at the St. Paul field seven miles time and labor, and fresh suggestions M. Stewart, 2nd Mrs. Walter Cavi- *cho°* bY one ot the graying Civil Beaver for painting the signs.
Under leadership of Jay Gibson,
south of Newberg. in Marion county !
were beautifully done and can be
Sweepstakes award was captured ‘ntf
huge bouquets of lilacs, snow- used for years to come during the president, this bank has continued to
the game starting at 2:30 p. m. Quite
prosper and a very noticeable in­
by Mrs. H. A. Jones with a unique ba" 8, Rn<t yellow and purple iris, summer Bible school.
a number of local people expect to lobs Dauorbters
crease Is recorded since January 1st
Victor- wh,cb we always knew as “flag
and beautiful creation of
attend the game and are to leave
Also we must thank David Mason has been noticed.
Other employes
n Bouquet.
and which were a sort of poor rela-
St. Paul team is recognized install Officers
signs used in the pa- of this substantial bank are; E. R.
1 U>e jovely
as "hard-hitters" and considerable
* - ------■------------------■-----* rnrio
nnri j
Mil. Stratton and M ims TJitchell, cashier; Ruth Filly and
Bethel No. 20 Jobs Daughters held annual dance show assisted by Mrs.
gardens throughout ;
interest is manifest in the game for
their attractive posters, Mrs. E. R. Mitchell .
their installation of officers Monday Betty Roe Hansen at the high school
' X E h you will see in the store win-
. . „ ..
* auditorium in the afternoon.
The «»usiast ln Multnomah boasts ‘ hat
evening in the Masonic hall. It was auditorlum wa9 packed to ,t8 fuU. 1 he has a hundred different v a r i e t i e s (dows,
O n A rvn n m A n t i n r r tKitVi n l o e r r a rv»c\nr.
L' .
______ < _
__ ___
W ..
, an
ope n meeting with a large group j rst ca¡)ac¡ty
a very appreciative ' Snowballs
to 1 have
Zona Fuller will present her
Leases Reedville Garage
Christian Science Lecture of relatives
Monday cv-
and friends present.
I audience.
Her pupils arc Beaverton "tty for harboring
harborln*r ants. There doesn’t piano students in
In recital Mondav
There will be a free Christian Sci­
Mrs. Imogen« Hoffman, retiring “hddr'en (har s h eKhas had inTraining s*em to ** a « reat <>«*> on« caa downing June 13 at 8 o’clock at the
Oscar Granum tVho has operated
ence lecture at Multnomah School queen, installed the officers assisted , ior gpvplai year8
about It once a bouquet has been Congregational Church.
The fol-1 the Reedville Garage about a year is
Friday evening. June 24 at 8 p. m. by Miss Rhoda Thyng, chuplain;
A number of grand prizes furnished bro'
house, except take lowing are on the class roll: Laurlne this week leasing the place for three
Judge Frederick C. Hill, C. S. E. of Mrs. Helen Mead secretary and by the merchants of Beaverton, wont * ou* again.
I have heard of a ; McCormick, Wanda Brooks, Saddle years.
He will add more stock and
Los Angeles, will be the speaker. The Mrs. Evelyn Rhodes,
p i a n i s t , to the following:
Oil Heater Roy ni iut' T waY °f using any of the mos-1 Toclle, Francis Burson, Norma Jean some new equipment including a
public is invited.
Mrs. Winifred Egberg, guide; Miss Christensen of Tigard- electric ironcr ‘‘ ulto repellents, however, than the Brooks, Faun I^irae Brooks, Elsie hoist.
He formerly worked for the
Ruth FUley, marshal, all past queens
MfS w c McKoll- bicycle Opal U5! lal way
av of smearing oneself with i Peterkort.
Peterkort, H
Virginia Karr Electric Co, Portland, doing elec­
stuff. , .. Two-Inch
wide i Bauer, Barbara Walters, Donald Wal­ tric work entirely. He will continue
Crossing Sea on Dry Land
In-1 1 BavRKe; r roaster-
SI t Eelfs:
♦ „ The
, —
t i a s i e r — rw
ien s.
, .
ters, Marie Johnson. Alvern Johnson. to .handle Associated products ex­
Even if you do not believe in
ated with the solution and hung Jeanette Schultz, Phyllis Thorn Bev­ clusively.
Mr. Granum has bought a
miracles, it is scientifically possi­ ! Janet Carnell, outer guard; Louise and Eunice Hemrioh.
around the sleeping-porch bed, or erly Thorn. Betty Wutrich, Jack home about 18 months ago.
ble for Moses to have crossed the DcVae, inner guard; Betty Moore,
Lumber, George Lumber, Gordon
Red sea on dry land as the Bible
freedom from insect pests.................. Hecker, Roger Hecker, Merlyn Grat,
Marjorie Scott and Jean Seheumao,
Lafayette's Seventy-Mile Ride
states. Napoleon records in his messengers: Shirley Trotter, junior
While the gaudy-hued trash barrels Marjorie Grat Elaine Barber, Gloria
The Cheerio Bridge club met in the
On August 28, 1778, the youthful
“ Memorial de Ste.-Helene” that he custodian; Pat Ward, senior custod­
main street
street eaten
catch Dauter, Frank Ia.ukat, Floyd T^uikat. Boyd grove Tuesday and enjoyed a
W a r m l i s d e T a f i v e t t e r o d « i r n m on * Multnomah's
also crossed the Red sea “ a pieds ian; Carolyn Peterson, pianist; June Pr^vidLnoo t«
. a .
, ,he rye' “ I" obvious they are not
Beaverton Rebekah lodge met f o r ! potluck dinner together followed by
secs” (on dry foot). Near the town Weeks, recorder; Aloha Finnell, treas­ I rovidence to Bo..ton, n distance of catching much else. Why not a civic their regular meeting Tuesday even- cards.
This was the last party of
of Suez, the crossing is only about a urer; Roberta Whatlv, librarian; nearly seventy miles, in what was clean-up day before the gala opening ing, with visitors from Tigard For-' the year—each brought a prize—a
mile wide, and very shallow, writes Doris McBreen, chaplain; La Ray then the remarkable time of seven I of our playground, the middle of est Grove and Colorado. The Initia-, score had been kept during the year—
Van hours. His speed was justified by June?
No doubt we will have some tory work was put on followed by re- which gave Mrs. R. R. Summers the
a correspondent in Pearson's Lon­ Martyi>, marshal;
first choice of prizes, Mrs. A. A. Fish­
don Weekly. Tides and winds pile Kleck, guide; Dornthv McBreen, Jun­ the urgency of his errand. Count vlsitors from Portland and neighbor- freshments.
the Ing communities. I^t's have a little ! Mr and Mrs. A. M. Jannsen are er the second choice and each of the
up and lower the water from time ior princess and Dolly Wray, senior D'Eataing
French fleet from co-operation with ‘ community
Deroro „pending the week In Los Angeles. other members selected their gift as
to time. Before the crossing was princess.
to their standing, which made it a
the American land forces in Rhode
dredged out for the present 35 feet
... .
. . .
Calif., attending the Rhrine conven- very interesting and enjoyable affair.
many gifts and flowers, among them Island, under General Sullivan,
deep channel, it was possible to a gavel presented by Mrs. Geo. Buck-
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. n p k r and
which were seriously hampered, if It’s time to start In on the canning
Mrs. Thayne
Smith tOenevieve daughter Lucile are to leave by auto­
cross by stepping from sand bar to well grand treasurer.
Miss Hoff­ not endangered, by this sudden de­ Rumors have It that there is to be a
sand bar when the winds and tides man, retiring queen presented the
mobile fro San Francisco- early Sun­
surplus of berries this summer, with
combined to lower the water level. Bethel with a mvrtle wood collect- parture of their allies. Lafayette’s attendant prices low enough to please '
wr'>k wl,h I day for a two weeks vacation and
purpose was to urge the re’.i r:i of u* all except the man who has!
visit with friends.
They will attend
tlon bowl.
an<1 Mr" W ' F B "“ ' " * " .
Mr. and Mrs. I* A. I arson, of Se- i ♦ he Townsend National convention
A program of songs and whistling the French vessels to Narragar.sett worked hard to raise a bumper
attle, Wash., visited at the home of j starting June 19.
Preparation for a
Midlands in England
solos was followed bv refreshments. bay. D’ Estair* convinced h,m of crop..................
the inadequacy of his naval forces,
The Midlands are the counties
Sis savs she can't see much differ­ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keller over the gathering of 125,000 people are being
but offered to lead "his troops by ence between the wrapper gmndma week end.
which lie in the middle of England,
Raymond I, .Erickson, son of Mrs.
Funeral services were held Thurs­ land to co-operate with the Amer. used to wear and the housecoat that
says London /Answers Magazine.
Cousin Sue Just bought except that J. F. Sappington. was graduated with
The boundaries^are us: ally given day, June 9. at Pegg's Chapel, for cans.
Howard K. Zimmerman, Circuit
’ he latter has a zipper Instead of h°nori^ from Pacific University on Judge 20th judicial district of Astoria
as between Yorkshire and the Rose E. Graham, of route 1 Beaver­
ton, Interment was in Crescent Grove
fifty buttons down the front. .
Thames, and East Auq a and the cemetery.
been an outstanding student received was a caller at the Enterprise office
counties on the Welsh border The
a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring Wednesday.
Mrs. Rose E. Graham died June 7,
Midland circuit includes Lincoln­ she wns mother of Fred O.. Vega
We thank our many iriends for
Mrs. Letta Ra/llss
Is starting In chemistry.
He maintained a bet-
Mrs. Essex Tdarsh accompanied
shire, Notts, Derbyshire, Leicester­ Wash F A. of Westwood. Callfor- *heir expressions of kindness and classes In ail kinds of fancy work ter than 90G grade average through-
shire, Rutland, Northamptonshire, nla and W. A. and Edward Graham of sympathy In our recent sorrow and under Adult Education plan In Tl- out his four years of college and Is a friends to Port Townsend, Wash., the
gard. For particulars address her at member of Tau Kappa Alpha Natlon- latter part of last week for a weeks
Warwickalure, and Worcestershire. Beaverton; T grandchildren and 3 f° r tbe many beautiful flowers.
al Honor Society.
great grandchildren survive.
Ma Muses