u of O L IB R A R Y HEAVE LARG EST C IR C U LA TIO N V O L . .11, N O 24 The Court House Happenings of the Week at the County Seat ©FRISE IN E A S T E R N W A S H IN G T O N C O U N T Y Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, Januar) 28, 1938 PLAIN Observations 0 Keep Him in the Hole! Published W eekly Local News. . . Production Shows Upturn D Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Sehoene and Mr. and Mss. H arry H udson were W E L L . 68D O W D U 0 6 , aniong those to attend the banquet By E. M. G O L D E R By R O S E C A V E OLD B O V --I M JU ST at the P ortland hotel Saturday ev­ GONIKJA H A K E S U R E ening given by the Junior Charnbei One o f the outstanding, con serva ­ Y O U D O N 'T S E E o f C om m erce h onorin g Alltel R in e­ tive and exacting n*-n o f M ultnomah School Districts VOUR SH A D O W hart w ho was elected First Junior Babson Says It may Mark area i s Fred Staiger .whose hom e is j T H IS Y E A R f t Received $19,558 Citizen o f l*ortland and at the ban­ a lon g T a y lor's F e rry w a d , s o u t h -! quet was presented with an engraved End of Current Recession west o f the tow n o f M ultnomah, in a | em blem S ch ool districts of W ashington 1,111 n, r " f ,h r (W in w h ich has heel Mr. and Mrs. M alcolm Clement County received $19,558 from county I hl8 home since 1900. He was born are receiving con gratu lations on sch ool superintendent's o ffic e this ton years in Butler county. Ohio, and B ubson l*in k. Florida. January 28 the birth o f a son M alcolm H. Jr., at week, representing an apportionm ent I received his sch oolin g there and — It is too early yet to say w hen the the hospital in P ortland January 19. o f $2 per cap ita on the basis o f the " h e n nineteen y e a is old cam to the business recession will be over. 1 Ml and Mrs U W. Cntl| Ol MM 1936 sch ool census. United States and w orked m ore than am m ore certain than I w as a m onth vale Idaho, spent the w eek end with ago, however, that a revival is not T ha state law p rovides fo r $ 1 0 itn year* in Butler county. Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. H arris H anson per capita to be paid every sch ool j at ° » ber places a fter that, fin a lly; far o ff. T here a m now straw s in Art Stipei o f Bend, O regon, visited the wind w hich show that business district on basis o f its census. In la,>ding in O regon J b years ago. In relatives here Saturday. A pril 1937 an apportionm ent o f $3.501 **®® he acqu ired the farm where is slow ly turning around. These Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oliver o f straw s were m issing at Christm as w as paid to be follow ed by $3 pi r Beavel s ta »e D airy now is and it P ortlan d w ere Sunday visitors o f time. capita in O ctober. T he paym ent o f l w as Ered Staiger w ho really de- A m on g them arc g ood reitail Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keller. $2 brings the total fo r the sch ool v cl°p ed that im m ediate vicinity fit trade reports, seasonally higher in­ About 25 m em bers o f Beaver chap­ year 1936-37 up to $8.50 per capita fo r PpoPle to live in, m ade roads, dustrial activity, steadier tones in ter O. E. S. w ere special guests o f com m odity m arkets, and butter build­ o r still sh ort $1.50 o f the r e q u ire -! cleared land helped in m any ways M inerva ch a p ter at St. Johns Tues­ ing volum o. m ents o f law. ! the few neighbors w h o settled not T o get a w ords-eye p ic­ d ay evening w hen thtjy w ere cele­ ture o f current trends, let me briefly H illsboro sch ool district is the m o s t ! far aw ay — few they were fo r sure. bratin g the 26th anniversary o f their an ab'ze t|ie leading business baro­ His father w h o was FTed Staiger, recen t apportion m en t received $2,474, chapter. F ollow in g the m eeting a meters F orest G rove $1550 and B eaverton Sr. was a first class carpenter o f his fine program o f music and readings day in G erm any and his boys were $ 1122 . Coiutuiurs Industries Sensitive w ere give*> with refreshm ents o f icei taught not only the building trade C O N SI S U M M K E K RS IM H H S s T I lU 1U K cream , ca k e and o o ff ,,» * IM FS are but were taught to be con servative Slot Hijacking V isitors at the hunt o f Mr and I U8UU,,y the first to be hit and hence Annual Firemen’s Davis Gets One Year and industrious. One brother w ho Sam uel C. Olds last F riday were I are u8ually “ >«l f ' r8‘ to recover. There Trial Postponed is 84 years still lives in Germ any. Ball February 12 Pleads Guilty, Manslaughter Mr. and Mrs. John Foot o f Portland fore con d ition s in this grou p at pres­ T w o sisters w h o cam e to this cou ntry Sunday guests w ere Mr. and Mrs. ent are o f m ore than ordin ary inter­ T rial o f J. B. E lkins, 36. o f P o rt­ ahead o f Fred T extile activity is currently 40 _ passed . . aw ay . a „ good _ On Saturday, F abruary 12. the W ilford Davis, w ho pleaded guilty Jam es A bbott, Mrs. W ill Pim pton, est. land, indicted on a ch arge o f assault while » ago, o PI11 n a s h °rt t lm e ! B eaverton V olunteer F ire D epart- this week to m anslaughter, Saturday Mrs. Bessie R od g ers and Mr. and per oent below last year's level and and robbery w hile arm ed with a dan- around Portland b efore startm g in o n , m ent will hold its back to the 1932-34 bqd-rock figures. annual dance. w h s sentenced to a year in the state Mrs. H arold K in g all o f Portland appearance before T uesday Mrs. V ivian W inklem an o f T radin g in gray goods, how ever, has eHr0u a,t W *? P0? - 011019 a ° ,une* pect thls ° ld far,nl* i ut hp d,d not bkp " T his is the m ost im portant social penitentiary, on ed halt, M onday in C ircuit Court, anyw here else but on a farm . Twen-| pvplr, t f!? {hc year fo r the volunteer Judge R. F la n k Peters. recently been m oi e bi isk and prices D avis after St. Helens. O regon, sprint the day when Paul C hurchill and H erm an ty-tw o years a g o he retired fr o m ' firem en and have firm ed. T he past fortnight, Ralph ___ o _____ ffe r s the ___ citizen ___________ s o f pleading _ guilty to the death o f _ _. with Mrs. Olds. Thom pson, w itness fo r the state, were farm in g and rented the place m oreover, has Been a sturdy step-up- ®u)'l ! B eaverton art opportu n ity to e x p re s s ! Prahl, later announced in court that Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Felsher have 10 per cen t— in mill operations. not present to testify. O ver o b je c- except a small tract w here his small thoir appreciation o f a fine m od ern j Kut h enn a B uckm ayer, 17. o f P ort­ opened a g rocery store to run In tions by defense. Judge R . F rank house has been his abode since. 1 fire departm ent. T he shoe industry w as am on g the land, was at the wheel at the time con n ection with thrt gas station, first to feel the slacken in g in activity P eters .granted a con tin u an ce until H e has been look in g a fter his prl- T he B eaverton City C oun cil has »ho accident, which occu rred No­ form erly know n as R ays Garoze M onday January 31. j vate Interests since then and not last year. P roduction last m onth was vem ber 16 1937, on D airy Creek whioh they have taken over and will 30 per cent under the yivir-ago E lkins and H erbert C. W est w ere w ork in g too hard. Less than three been generous in p rovidin g the equip- __ level. bridge, west o f H illsboro. Prahl was arrested near R eedville N ovem b er 10. m onths ago he sold the farm ^ f i r e 'd e M H m e n t ^ T he « t id in g a‘ ’ s ta lle d ‘ c a r 'w h e n " 's \ r u c k ; ,>‘>w ** “ ‘ ho ® °rrp" to * reJ S r a r t sbV,e-makc.'s.'ho w'ever, have cut follow in g a ch a se by S h e riff Connell, Beaver State D airy but he still ow ns c d part ment. T he boys o f the frQm behjnd thp Davis CRr ¡e e ry On their opening day they had p riw a 1« 10 per pcr cu n t' As a consequence . , . | prices and accused o f h aving h ijack ed tw o a place north o f R o ck w o o d along departm ent nave added to this , . . a prize draw ing fo r groceries In buy1ng w as better than expected at slot m achines from the W e s ttim b e r, Glisan road, cast o f Portland, a house er several month*, T hey left Som e Industries Hit Hard E state o f Jules L angue adm itted done m uch with it o f late not even the Iocal departm ent is am bitious to G rove N ational bank and ch a irm a n ' here fo r the past week Shu used to r u n , raisp ,hpir own m on ey for this p u r -!0f the meeting, called for an expres fo r their hom e in Klnzua Sunday. j H E A V Y IN D U S T R IE S m aintained to probate. U nder last will and ca rin g to rent it. slon o f oP ‘ m °m M ore than 5« hank- -John Green a n d I h i. daughter Mr*. | th#(p vo|ume long after th<1 nwrn sen- testam ent L G. Loulanger, uncle was a room in g house in P ortland years! P0 ^ ' efora settling out here here. W hen T he F irem an's D an co is on ly h e ld ' ers w ere in attendance, including u0i,.^ .” |[ and; _ V’!^.**dJ_ * !; sitive consum er industries began to appointed execu tor o f property valu- ago b before» Both W ash- »he W h itw o! th-E vans h..me , u . ™ . , . , cu rta (, Henco*, som e were hit later ed at $6300. O rders w ere g iv en In she first cam e here the nearest r a i l - i onCe c a c h year and the residents o f several from Portland, ^ W ash in gton County league ¡ , )Ut har(lcr than the lighter nuinufa«> the follow in g probate m atters: w ay station was at Carson H eights i B eaverton are urged to coop erate by ington and Y am hill bankers were roup. B |Kgest su fferer am ong W illiam P. Krause, approvin g re­ and there w ere only a fe w p e o c le ! purchasing tickets to the dance. In unanim ous in fa vor o f the m erger baskptbail gam e played at the high turin schrsil 1 t' >Yiday H illsboro defeat- - p ort; W illiam F. M organ, fixin g time around here those days her n e a re st! the npar future a firem an will call and it was put through. ■‘i111’" T,‘,a y night ru u sooro a e iia i- the durable good ....................... s industries has 32 to B m ™. B ^ ” ad w h o! at y ° « r hom e with tickets to sell O fficers w ere elected a . follow s ¡ ^ ed B e B a eaverton v e r t o n 32 to 23 23 B eaverton eaverton bl„ n O perations catapulted fo r hearing final a ccou n t; G uardian­ neighbor w L ship o f W illiam R u egsegger et als. passed aw ay about six years ago Mr i and u is hoped that every fam ily in President, Russell Tisdale, m anager P ayi is w e ic Kaspertine, Bixby, Da dow nw nrd from 85 p<-r cen t o f ca- appoin ting gu ard ian ; Carl H. Lindahl Stroup W M a n o t h e r n e i K h b o r l n d h e 'o w n will purchase one or more. H illsboro ¡branch o f the First Na -j vis. B row n and Emmons, with W il I p acily last August to 20 per cen t a settin g tim e to hear final a ccou n t; S has passed on Fred Staiger next IjP ts a " Kpt behind the boys and tlonal bank o f P ortlan d; vice presi- ham s and H arris for substitutes. m on lh ago. Since C hristm as there *- -*-' - - ■ and M is. Thayne Smith ftnd ; baa bt.en som e rncovery and the oper- F. V an Meter, ap p oin ting appraisers. neareet neighbor now about b 78 ’ yea rs ' — makp »his --------------- C om m unity enterprise a dent. H. W. T orbett, cash ier Bank o fj A m ity; secretary-treasu rer; Gerald A. sm all daughter o f T illam ook v is ite d , atlng rate this w eek is around 30 C harles W D ew ey fix in g tim e and old> s ti„ , ives a ljtt,e way tQ t h e ' h uge success. A bts o f the N ew berg branch o f t h e , a * *ho W . F. D essinger home several p*r cen t com pared with 80 per cent place o f hearing final a cco u n t; R ob ert , west H er mothpr Mrs M ary W o lf j days last week. First National o f P ortland . a year ago. W . R ich ey, au th orizin g con stru ction o f now gl> 8U„ ,jves jn Sam ona count r . n , _ r 7 ,. Mrs. R ob erta KHUngsworth (R o- M otor UHNcmhlicH in 1937 were the a dw ellin g; F ran cis J N evin n u n c C allfornia on the old p lace. Mr8. U o i i p l e O b s e r v e 5 7 t h j herta H a u len b a ck » o f Kam ath Falls I B<*ond largest In the history o f the pro tunc ord er W endel Cam pbell, d M urphy says there wer< no roads. W e d d i n g A n n i v e r s a r y Democrats in Tri-County ¡a n d fo rm erly o f this place is spen d-j industry. Car sales continued at an reelin g sale o f personal property E . , excppt a fe w cord u roy road8 and the b * ing a few days with her uncle and j excellent level until N ovem ber w hen A. Bruce, fix in g tim e fo r appraise . fpw other8 were r,.a l, not m o le than ------------- Meet at Hillsboro aunt Mr and Mrs. John Hauleti ; they folded up Ilk« an accordion , A lice H. Chapm an, con firm in g sale tr a iu Thp|.0 waa onlv fa rm in „ A fam ily ruunion w as held at the hack. ! F a ctory output has dropped from and d irectin g con v ey a n ce; H enrietta J * hom *------- e o - f - Mr. *»- -----■ »*— ° Snider - ‘j — and Mrs. N oah cou n try where the tow n o f M ultno Y oung D em ocrats o f W ashington, Miss Christine W oodhouse o f Van j 120,000 cars per week last Spring to Jesse to sell personal p roperty; G u a r -jm ah now thrive, _______ _______ She e n jo y ./w a tc h -! S unday’ January l G' h in celebration gather cou ver, B. C. Is visiting her sister j 65,000 at present . The current lev­ dianship o f L ouise G ood et a 1. pay fhp va8t dPVelopm ent o f this ot ,hPir 57lh w eddln8 anniversary, Y am hill and C olum bia will in the circu it cou rt room at the court i Mrs. Jack D ow ning. el, on the other hand, com pares with m ent o f expenses; C hristine B ernards and as her health also to bon or lh c lf “ ün G eorge M W ord was received Monday o f the I only 50,000 assem blies in the first con g sale sale real p p rop rop erty ert> ; . jg J f f see m ucb m ore Snidpr. w ho was m arried to E ugonia house at H illsboro next W edn esday at con firm firm in in g o o f f real d gh^ Special derogations are also death o f Eugenei Thyng, aged 81! week o f this m onth! Clara Kelso, fix in g tim e and place o f dpvP,0 , * k the M yers at B eaverton January 8th. 8 p. m. expected from M ultnom ah and years, o f Spokane, Wash. H e died I Building volum e has held up re- hearing accou n ts; guardianship o f Fri- 1 ' ,UP‘ " ' nJ " (,rK on over lne 1938. Of heart d lN U I Hfl .-a a b ro th lr m u k ih ly well l ’nvate borne inn eda K n orr ap p rovin g eignth annual home«» aru now under const nic” ! C ora A. M axson and N oah Snider Clackam aa counties ! struction has fallen sharply since rep ort; Jules I-angue. appoin ting ap- fjon ^ ° j i w ere m arried at R ound G rove. 1111- f ' inal Pla,,s for thp con cla v e were o f G norge T hyn g o f this place. G uy Carr and daughter D orothy last June and is only 65 per cen t o f p raisers; T heresa Finta. appoin ting tion ■*» thp v,pini*y ° f bp^ homp nols, ________ January 16, 1881. T ha b rid e s n‘a d ‘’ by the W ash in gton cou nty But non-residential are recoverin g from a siege o f the the 1937 level. tim e and place o f hearing a c r o u n t: S J V alley north o f the h igh w ay father, w h o w as ju stice o f the peace, Y ou n K D em ocrats T uesday night. and public op erations have stepped B eauford G. Creps, order to sell per- at Huber, has been raising pigeons united them in m arriage. In 1887 W. L Goslin, secretary to Gov- flu. Mrs. R oy Marlin spent several days Into the breach so that total con - „ M . sonal p rop erty; John Meier, setting m ore than ten years and has made they m oved to Woat Point, M iss. Ma artin r»m and form er state president out hom estead and exem ptions good at it. in spite o f the fact that where they made th eir hom e until wlU bp onp o f ,hp Prino*Pal speakers in Portland this we.jk helping ca re stru ction in D ecem ber was above i i J iult f expense at 1906. wherl they m oved to H artford . o t h er« «»■»fd are Allan D. G r e e n -jfo r her fath er w h o i . very Of * '*b w'a;' '" H " , - ., ' i L n « 5 tached to handling this business right. K ansas T w o years later they moved w ood 8ta»p president; G eorge Me- quinsy. H e started in with twenty pairs o f to O regon. T hey have resldad on a c ,p o d . M arion cou n ty presid en t; L i Servie*» at the Masonic H om e Sun 1 tr,i»ial fortnight o f D ecem ber. As a __1 / *»____. . . . . . _ ; ____ »u . ___ 1 B .4 <> * t . M/Aienln eif n/l P In o l / ' /I»., ; t~»_ R ed C arnaux pigeons, the original firm ^'southeast o f J B ^ V erton ^ th e ”n a st' . IJ H ’ [1 IIaKpn- < sta,p « ’»’ retary n and C la ck -jd a y uroxn were In ch arge o f the M a s o n ic; con sequ ence, allied industries, such ! stock being im ported from F rance.i I wenty-s*vrin w M t ^ s e v » years. te a rs am as cou n ty head E dw ard C K elly,, and Eastern Star lodges of this place a" lum bpr’ havp bp»»an PuU UP M ultnom ah cou n ty president and with a lai i roup ittending R tv .Ifr o * n ttuer rsosnt depth o f as low as City o f Forest G rove is seeking quiet He now has m ore than 100 pairs of p urs or s E. Hunter o f P ortland, who was Pu1uni* '’ " T 'ô " '" .1 ’* ,arK" t r' ,w|' ” PV I m ' M r"ce n t'u n d e r ~ th e 'ir neak title to part o f Lot 3 B lock 11 Forest the sam e breed and has a ma ____ ______ __ ^ _______ 1 et Nielsen sang accom panied by hurl " ,M'n ,n *VMM" o m " rH ,lrp a «m-a ba- G rov e from J. A. P eters; R eitha L. P ortlan d fo r all he can raise and 57 years ago, was aga*in*a "gu est' o f mPr ° 7 W ashington county I m other. IX,d Berg sang accom p an ™ »"p»pr o f activity In all the capital Fish, next o f kin o f A lbert B orw ick PVen though tho prices obtained honor. He was also presant at t h e ----------------------------- “ Thqy are running led by Mrs. Evelyn K hodi». T h e ] * ? ° ds lndu8»t'1,' H an incom petent person is seeking in- m ight seem high, there is not as g old en w edding celebration In 1931 Athletic Club to Meet The visitors were then shown about the P «r pent a ye* r r, (1PQ ju n ction to set aside deed made by m uch proflt a8 nmny fo )ks contend nnd again for the 55th annlvcrsa'ry F i* h 8 a t G a r r l n n H o r n # » I hom e 1 D ecem ber total o f dom estic ord ers B orw ick alleged incom petent from Ira when they are fed and cared fo r in dinner in 1936 r e D . O a t V j d r u e n 1 1 UlTie Mrs. W . C. M cK ell entertained with ^ a * ,°.f f ,10, pPr ~ T w o o suits fo r d ivorce Brow n. Tw iv orce w ere the , bp right r |ght way way. H ow ever .ill health A blg w edding dlnnur was served T h e G arden H om e A thletic clu b » a j c , h t ( u l lunch...... ,„ d brM u,. “ “ X filed this week, Fred le s s e r vs Ruth bas m adc it necessary to curtail his Sunday, January 16th. T he two I/esser and F loren ce K in g vs Ivan production to som e extent, but his ia rge " w edding cak es were rut bv will hold a regular business m eeting party at her hom e Tuesday. G uests elgn ord ers for ou r m achine tools K in g ; a quiet title to lands in dona- puccess is attributed to sticking to Mrs Noah Snider and Mrs G eorge "PUPsday- F ebruary 8th and request included Mrs. R. M. Miller, Mrs p articularly from Russia are corn- tion land claim s o f Felix Iflindess No thp w ork and he sells squab«, this m Snider “ j that all who can be present ns 'h e re h . Bchoene, Mrs. will he som e im portant m easur*» up! F. ( ; Donaldson, Mrs W. H . B oyd ,| ,n* **^**1*- - ------ ----- , td 52. and Charles I>*wis donation land bplnR, m a|nly f h P support o f the hom e o th e r s present besides the guests c la im n u m b er 51. in T ow n sh ip 1 south now Hp ,8 unabiP to do heavy ^ honor were Mr and Mrs. P B for discussion and decision. Mrs. L. I). Shellenbergdr, Mrs. D oy 1 MIHCKIJ A N E O t’ M IN IIIC A T O R S T h is clu b is for the benefit o f ¡G ra y , Mrs. G eorge Blas.ner, Mrs. J o h n ' lso _ lve an ‘ excellent clue to busi- o f range 2 west is sought by H enrietta w ork ow ing to broken down health O shanie and *heir d au gh ter- D orothy F>. Dalby fr o m D oroth y R obinson et al- Hp and Mrs Valley form erly lived in and j Par> o f M llwaukie Mr and M rs peop lo over a fairly large area a n d , Sum m ers, Mrs. R. R. Summers, Mrs j nPW, con d ition » H eading the list O rders were signed by Judge Petisrs M innesota and h 1< vi put In som e tim e F M o f Bay C jfy tnd Mr ami ..... ba " 8 row lnK I" m em bership and! A. M Jannsen, Mrs. Jay Gibson, Mrs. „ consum ption. It Is a valu- Two satisfactorily since its Incep-* G. M cC orm ac, Mrs J , W. Scott and ablp in d icator because electricity L- and filed with the clerk co v erin g the in and around Billings. Montana. Mrs. J. E Smith o f Oswego. tion fo u r m onth* ago Mrs. H R. Nelson. Mrs. M cC orm ac llBpd universally In factory and home. f' " S . : ' . rvan K in g e m n t- E lm er W illiam s on W ashington ave-| of the grandchildren. N aom a md ¡ w or flr*‘ prl8P and Mr" * * c ■' It* trigid has been vertically down- ing children to p la in tiff and ord erin g nue north o f the highw ay at Aloha p a n e l s Smith o f Bay City were not KANSAM 1)11 D A N C E ond. ward since Septem ber. Several defendant to rem ain aw ay during pen " » » ' h « '1">»P a >«» ^ > » p ‘ h" « p F orm er residents o f Kansas and W illard Jackson o f the Jack son m onths a g o output cro s se d below the denev o f a suit: Mark Skinner, super- « " « » H avy Beans and some o f the th friends will h on or the .»n b irth day' u Lum ber om pany f»r o f ixyssn, Ny ^ i »jregon O regon * ..yPar |PVPj for th*- first time p fl I I /'• I L m eir ,r iru-nas win mimn . uunj ' w i w t i C cim|)«ny ‘ yPar a a g g o o ” - level intendent o f hanks vs W F. Desinger. n »aw »> M exican Beans selling at five B ea verton 4*M v .lu b s o f their native state, Saturday. Jnnu form er ow n er o f the Jackson Lum ber H|nPP April 1935. ____ Current figures. default t; — C. . D. --------- R o b in - cen ts a pound They are o f very ...1 and ju d g m en .... ... Ig you r child in a 4-H clu b ? T here ary 2ftth, with a danne In W ashington yard In B eaverton wna here the first h ow ever are reflecting the seasonal g A c ccident cid e n t C om - R00»1 quality and th | vs State Industrial Com ’ no o price you will arp Bv(1 c |uhp already organized at M asonic hall, East 8th and Burnside o f the week nailing on form er friends tin in industry all over the nation . . . . . orders, _ and notice notice is is plenty nlentv low low He has has a a nice nice ^ e grade ____■ school. „ - u __1 Garden. ___. . . R t ose , __ . ___... . . .. _ .11 _. . .. .. n v p -u y m .. . . mission, a ffirm in g prior He and streets at 9 p. m. All fori I in Mr . r M M.-ntm , -pending sev , Frclgtit^^ earloudlng- reliably mlr- taxing costs and disbursem ents; Violet h»»!* hom e and has done quite a bit p iOWPr Sewing C ookin g and Handi- sans and their friends are Invited. cral days In McMinnville^ with h e r 1 rorod th e down hill rush o f business S h a m p in e vs R obert H. Sham pine de- Im prove his property. craft. daughter Mrs. Erwin W lsecarver shipm ents this Fall. le a d in g s for fault and decree o f d iv o rce ; State S’ M O R E FAC TS A delegation o f T he High school girls are organ- G E O R fJE B AUMAN fleo. Baum an o f Forest G rove, dis : the last week In D ecem ber w ere at Ifltnd Board vs Josephine Bilyeu. et poultrym en representing every phase »*»t>g an advanced sew ing club. The G eorge Bauman. 50 years old. man trlct m anager o f the W est C o a st 1 the lowest l*»vel fo r sn y sim ilar week als con firm ation o f sale order H enri- thp industrv called on G overn or hoys arc interested In livestock and agor o f the W est Coast Telephone Telephone. Co. su ffered a broken neck ! |n fou r years. Althouph tra ffic Is etta E Dalby vs D orothv R obin son C h u H. Martin January 12 to u rge forestry but have found no leader- Co., d ied Tuesday night In E m anuel j the latter part o f last week when his I still 20 per cent below the 1937 flg- publication o f sum m ons; Eva M KJine that a com m ittee be named to su- W e would appreciate 1» very m ucb hospltal In Portland, w h ere he was ear In w hich he was riding with five urea, there has been a sharp rebound vs Marvin M K lin e overru lin g d e ­ p crv lsc O reg on ’s exhibit at the o f som e o f our good citizens would taken su fferin g from nerk and back other persons skiddrid on the I c y , |n loadings In the last fortnight. B anking figures nre beginning to m urrer and decree o f d ivorce; J. M W orld 's P oultry Congress w hich will volunteer to lead one o r the other Injuries received In an auto accident , pavem ent, struck a ditch and rolled o f these clubs. See Mr. M etzler at tw o m iles east o f H lllsboto la t nv. r died this wedk at a P ortlan d I be optim istic. C om m ercial loans B urrou gh s et als vs O. H. Johnson et Continued on P age 4 hospital. Continued Page 3 the high school If you are Interested Friday. al, releasing property from attachment Suits and Orders Filed in Circuit Court bppn ,.r