Friday, July 9, 1937 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon Paee 2 , Business Downtrend Checked Again - Oregon’s Auto Deaths Nash-Lafayette Moves Into Ninth Place As an Opening Special W e Offer W I T H T H IS A D The Following Services: A T >2 P R IC E A Sene, ut U 'i kl) Article» un (lie Problem of> Safety Nash has moved into the select By David L. Baboon “ First Ten" of motordom, according For the second consecutive week II. 1L JE FFR IE S, Publisher By £ .tU L SN ELL. Secy, of State to April registration figures released business activity moved upward this week by Automotive Daily News against the tide o f gloomy sentiment Published Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, and lost confidnece. With a national increase of 82.9 The gain was Reg. $ 3.50 Permanent _ .. ...$1.75 in 1936 states and cities comprising Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the poetoffice at Beaverton, Ore. only fractional 0.3 of a point, but about 58% of tho population of the percent, Nash Motors Division of Reg. $5 Permanent ......... $2.50 it pulled the ComiKadte Index back United States showed a diaisterous Nash-Kelvinator Corp., scored the Reg. $10 Permanent .. $5.00 SUBSCRIPTION R A TE S to within 1.4% of Normal. Hence, increase in motor traftlc fatalities, second greatest gain during April of Reg. 75c Shampoo and ____ $ .33c industrial activity and tmde are still any o f the top ten cars on the list, ..$1.00 Three Months — .... — Kingf-rwavp ........ j...,_______ 40c One Year ... raising the total for he entire coun­ _______ .50 Subscription Payable in Advance. H% above the 1936 level and 38% try to the staggeiing figure of 38,000. according to ADN figures. Reg. 50c Manicure _____ 23c Six Months .... The April registration also bettered higher than two years ago when the A sign of encouragement, however, B E A U T Y Enterprise Bldg., Cor. Short St. and Tualatin Valley Highway. Phone 7503 M IA was thrown into the ash-heap. appears in the fact that the balance Nash's position in the Industry, mov­ ing ahead three places from twelfth Au.omobile output, lumber cut, c«r- PARLOR Portland Office— 407-408 Dekum Bldg., Phone AT. 6591 of the states comprising some 55 ' loadings, power consumption, steel million people registered a decrease position to ninth according to Guy Hillsboro Office—Room 3, Delta Bldg., Phone 1641 Inez Gillbank former instructor in Carr, local distributor. operations and retail trade are all of eight per cent. beauty college, Prop. conti ibuling to the remarkable steadi­ This means that if all section« had GA. 5572 2316 N. E. 4JJth ness of business activity. Motor as- done as good a job in the matter of This Is a legal newspaper, have Cor. Sandy, Portland j semblies jumped from 111,000 to 121,- promoting safe driving as was the vour attorney send your legal notices Or]e9 I 000 last week; lumber cut moved up case with this 42 per cent, some to the home publication Classified advertising pays to a new high since 1930; carloadings 4,500 lives iwould have been spared— apiead the gap between the 1937 and that forty five hundred men, women 1936 curves to 9.5%; power output and childien who fell befoie the na­ maintained its excellent Recovery tion’s greatest plague would have N O T IC E TO D A IR Y M E N record; steel operations lost 0.9 of a continued to live instead of meeling (jg £ flQ U A .| V )J N point, but are still above 75% of ca­ an untimely death, and thousands pacity; and retail trade gains ranged upon thousands of those burdened The Dairyman who wishes to keep his cows In good health from 5 to 25% over last June’s level. with heart aches would have been and get the greatest return fur the food supplied, should Building volume, however in losmg spared their loved ones. investigate AQUA M IN. momentum in many areas and real This group of states and cities with With I the improved record is showing the It Is essential that minerals be supplied to the dairy cow from A legitimate campaign against tax dodgers is something that no­ estate activity is very slow. source other than the food given. industries — food, nation the way ilo better conditions body can object to. The unusual part about the present so-called cam­ the “consumer” Minerals must be in solution to be utilized by the body tissues. paign is. Why was action delayed this long if officers of the government, textile, shoe, and automobile— oper­ upon our streets and highways. They ! ating at capacity, business needs place their record against the de­ Aqua-Min contains minerals in solution,, the same a# they are In knew that tax evasion lias been a common practice? the body fluids. I f there aie loopholes in our tax laws surely the Treasury Depart­ some new stimulus to boost the heavy plorable, shameful record o f our own Building state, with our great increase in traf­ ment could point out and Congress could correct the situation in short industries to higher levels. You cannot afford to be without Aqua-Min for your herd. has provided that “ lift” during the fic accidents last year. They are order Please call at our office and we will supply you with full infoimatlon rally from March, 1936, but its influ­ showing us that something can be The public might be as much interested in knowing which of om done about it,, and every one o f us public officials are responsible for permitting tax evasion to continue ence is now slowly pettering out. As the first half-year closes senti­ should realize by now shat something ' in the flagrant manner they claim, as it is in the names of the tax M A K E R S OF BODY C E LL SALTS R. D. B RA D Y, Agt. ment presents a sharp contrast to the must be done about it. pvmlprs universal optimism which prevailed 403 Panama Bldg. AT . 1079 Portland, Or. The people o f Oregon have shown In the meantime however, if those who talk about saving pennies Yet, with payrolls | in the past that they are capable and 1 for the government from tax evaders would spend a fraction of the at the New Year. energy and determination in saving billions '.o the government by en­ $50,000,000 per week above last year I willing to meet their problems face j The forcing efficiency and economy measures, some worthwhile results could and rising steadily, with prospects of j to face, and overcome them. income, state's historyfrom covered wagon be secured that might save the people o f this nation heavy increases in $1,200,000,000 gain in farm and with dividend payments running days has been one o f accomplishment tuxes and provide lees incentive to tax dodging. This present day The private tax dodger and the economy-dodging public official will $50,000,000 to $100,000,000 more per ' and achievement. be in the same boat In public esteem before long The only difference month the autumn outlook is not so ' problem is one that must as surely H E LD BY between the two is that the tax dodger may cost the hard-pressed tax- gloomy as the discussion in the aver- be met and conquered as any that has -------------- ■ - - while *-*• .• ----------- j -,— — „ w,— i----- age business conference room would 1 confronted " us " i" ■* in *l'~ the “ past. payer pennies, the official economy-dodger costs him —m millions Do your part to help eliminate Ore­ indicate. The usual July slump, how­ • * * * gon’s traffic deaths. ever, must be counted upon. IN W O O D S T O C K D IS T R IC T , INEZ TAX DODGERS AND ECONOMY DODGERS KIRKPATRICK LABORATORIES. INC. 31st ANNUAL CAMP MEETING THE APOSTOLIC FAITH STEPS TAKEN TOWARD PEA( Safflower Trial Plots Seeded Smartness in Knits Tailored to You The Rotarians of the world recently concluded their international «invention in France, where a Frenchman, nominated by a German | . A tijr.vrE.w And this means YOU of the un- Koturian, was elected a» the first prueident of Rotary outside of the , ” tw o I-ake county wieldy curves whom knits have nev- ITnitw) state« I farmers are cooperating with County er before either fitted of flaLtered. The Rotarians at heir final session heard a suggestion that tho „Yi? ^ Johnson in planting Now- stripes and pastels for summer Jim clubs raise $2,000,000 during 1937 as a contribution to world peace trial plots of anfflower seed. in Vinca and Bowsprit, two exquisite through the exchange of students between the various countries of the Ozamis, Dry Creek farmer planted weaves, fitted to you by Mrs. Eva! world. While the plnn has not been formally adopted it is being a toad. This land had been irrigated, Factory from your measurement«— considered Sam Olm- Of course, tho exchange of students between nations is desirable but but may not be this year. stead of Fort Rock planted two-tenth it cannot bring about world peace unless aided by the develojmient of tol­ Co out-of-town trade. 2031 S. E. Harri­ erance and understanding among the masses of the various nations. of an acre on dry land . son, Portland. LA. 1390. Some interesting steps have been taken along this line between France and Germany. These include n serious effort to revise war histories Polk Fair Premiums in each country so as to eliminate untruthful statements and those that work up ill-feeling between the two peoples. Moreover, it is planned Increased this Year Calvary during the summer to encourage French and German children to spend D ALLAS Premiums for the Polk vacations in other countries in order to learn something about the peo­ T abernacle county fair ,to be held in Monmouth ple in the “ enemy" land. 28th and this year have been increased in many I Hawthorne clauses, announces Josiah Wills, sec- j Blvd. rotary of the county fair board and i . . Send Your Furs Oregon Girl Wins '§ Tune In on K E X every 4-H club member making an every week day To Opris & Popia Honors in National entry will receive a cash prize. The f ;| mottling at 7 a. m. premium lists will be ready for dis­ Poster Contest Master Furrers and set your mind jjl Sundays at 1 and tribution in the near future Mr. Wills' nt ease . . . For there your furs |j 10:30 p. m , for says. will receive the kindest and most further announ­ Miss Helen Johnson, a high school skilled attention . whether it be a student of Corvallis Oregon, was cements. complete re-styling or simple repair awarded the title o f state champion EAst 7058 Asparagus Mystery Job. Dry cold storage In one of the in the second annual meat poster con- Pasadena, Calif.—Asparagus is finest vaults In the country. New test sponsored by the National Live getting into scientific circles along coats to order . . . or In Block . . . select now during low sum­ mer prices . . . 2nd Fir Alder reneu u n tr P ark Hhopprs HUlg. . . Just In this contest. eration, is to find out why asparagus ubove Park Ave., Portland, BEaoon Miss Johnson's pouter featured the yom 1789. high nutritive value o f meat and em­ land is useless after an asparagus planting. phasized recent research findings in leading universities which have shown that meat is the logical center of the Women Lead As Losers Dr. A. W . Keene and diet. The National Live Stock and Fort Worth, Tex.— Women lose Mmt Board represents all branches Associates of tho live-stock and meat industry more articles than men, but less ex­ D E N T IS TR Y and cooperates with high schools, pensive ones, a survey of depart­ Immediate Denture Service I* Heat colleges and universities In educa­ ment stores, buses, trains and Budget Plan o f Payments street cars revealed here. Women tional programs. X - R a y D ia g n o s is __________________ lose’ everything from hairpjns, to toil Maegly-TIchner Hlilg., (¡10 S. A D V E R TISE ! — Advertising brings husbands, but gloves are misplaced W. Broadway corner Alder most. ItKorun 1739 Portland, Ore. succcts, success brings happiness. SEE ,he sciT A, '££ Has Your to*“ Subscription Expired? COR. S. E 52nd and D U K E ST. Services: Sunday, 10:30 a. m., 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Every Afternoon and Evening at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. (Except Monday and Saturday) Sacred Program Furnished by orchestra of 66 pieces Every Friday and Sunday Evening Special Singing by Male Quartet and Choruses Wonderful Testimonials The Preaching of the Full Gospel Y O U W IL L ENJOY E V E R Y M IN U T E Save 25% on your F IR E I N S U R A N C E C O ST S Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-AS8ESSABLE. You N E V E R |>a> more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surpius required by Oregon Insurance Laws. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organized 1894—40 Years of Reliable Service Chas. L. Walker, Agent 116 So. 3rd Ave. Hillsboro, Oregon Pnone 1732 4 % PLUS SAFETY “ Save the New Federal W ay”’ Every Account Insured up to $5000 $1.(H) or More Opens un Account Tualatin Valley Federal Savings & Loan Assn. J. M. PERSON, Mgr. Hillsboro Oregon BOY /AM I BUSY AT RANDÍLL DAIRY WORLD'S LOWEST PRICE FOR SUCH SIZE and POWER!" • Here’s all the different jobs I do for Randell Bros, at their dairy, on S.W . Stephenson Road. REDDY — m ilk the cows — furnish hot water and steam to wash and sterilize dairy equipment. servant-/ — run the cream separator Hudson and Tcrraplane . . . lowest priced cars in the world fo r such s iz e , p o w e r and features. LOWEST PRICED CARS IN THE WORLD with lull 55 inches of K I L O WATT your electrica l — furnish steam to heat the cheese vat — operate the dairy refrigerator — run a brine pump — pump water f o r the whole place — ligh t the home and dairy — operate an electric range and radio front seat comfort for three. LOWEST PRICED CARS IN THE WORLD to Rive you so much K Y power . . . or to combine such performance with outstanding economy, officially certified. LOWEST PRICED CARS IN THE WORLD with the new way to 1 Ask about tho now low-cost Hudson-C. I. T. Tim# Payment P la n -term s to suit your income. drive, without a gear shift lever . . . or with two braking systems operating from the same brake pedal . . . or with patented Duo-Flo Oiling Sys­ tem and oil-cushioned clutch. For record value, look at a Hudson or Tcrraplane now . . . while new cor prices are still low and your old car will bring you so much more. || ¿ g s g || s (¿A U A G E Tel. Beaverton 4903 H Y D R A U L IC HILL-HOLD ( f t . » « t l « « a l a t t a a . M l w a .»la > Man pa » o u t c a t t r a m r . l M n s b a c k » • > < * * w s t o p p a , o s u p (c a d n s . s It'» surely ■ pleasure to work for the Randell Brothers. They operate a high class Grade " A " dairy, selling bottled milk snd cream »nd cottage cheese at the Port- land Farmers' Market. Like many other up-and-coming farmers, the Randell Brothers know that I work for mighty low w ages, and they use me to save expenses and to sase hours o f extra work on their part. Mr. Farmer, I'll gladly work for you just as hard and just as cheaply as I do for the Randells. ELECT Use Pepco's Free Farm Service Dept. The work of the Pepco Farm Service Department is to call at your place and give you complete facts about the application of electricity to your particular needs— then to help you properly install electric motors, brooders, irrigation and water systems, automatic water heaters, lighting, etc. There is no cost or obligation for this service. Just get in touch with your nearest Pepco ofhee. • T liii rcl rrt to tht » m i l kilow att Hour rata paid by Randells during 1916. A* you know, the more electricity you u»e the I n i you |*«y per kilowatt hour. Randell Hairy uici electricity for nearlv e%ery conceivable toh on the dairy —hence this remarkahK low a«eraire fete, further, farm« in thu area emo? the »ame low electric rate* »$ do City dw eller« end the fete« here ere emong the lo a e it in Americe! No. 1 CARS of the Low and Moderate Price Fields M a r s h Beaverton, Ore. and I do all that for only l'4c an hour l „ Herbert F. Ksndell, o f the Randell Dairy,and their Flectro Strum Boiler P E P C O ... Portland General Electric Co. C Home of ReJJjt Ktlouait) *