U of O L IBR A R i’ LARGEST CIRCULATION IN EASTERN WASHINGTON COUNTY Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, July 2, 1937 The Court House Happenings of the Week at the County Seat Featured in Beaverton Festival B y R O S E CAVE SU IT S P IL E D IN CIR CU IT COURT T hfi'e d am age actio n s totaling $45.- 000 w ere tiled this w eeek by Ollie Gaddis, V elm a Gaddis and Charleen G addis n am ing in one a ction N eil W ard and in tn e other tw o N eil Ward and the P ortland Gas & Coke Co A lleging that W ard w as an em ployee of the com pany. The com p lain ts all a lleg e injuries claim ed su stain ed in an a ccid en t on the B ull M ountain road in tersection w ith the w est P a ­ c ific H igh w ay Ju ne 14. S eek in g collection of a p iom issory n o.e, F orest G rove N ation al B an k has filed a g a in st Mrs. L, H. Britton. E rn st Cobb is a sk in g that J. A Johnson, G eorge L. H en d rick s and W alter M eeuw sen, as d efen d an ts pay $216.75 for dam ages claim ed sustained to h is car w hen stru ck by a truck driven by M eeuw sen a fte r he had collided w ith a car driven by J. A. Johnson. C om plaint a lleg es that M eeuw sen w as agen t for G eorge L. H endi icks. For ‘.he collection o f certain m oney, Guy A lexander has nam ed H. A. and E v a E. A lexander a s defendants. F our su its each se ek in g divorce have been filed by Lenora Taylor a g a in st Claude A. Taylor; E leanor J. K linger ag a in st R obert E. Klinger. Kola K. N eff from R ichard D. N eff and D orothy W ilson a gain st H arry W ilson. Best Farm Year Since ‘29 Says Babson Babson T alk , Mass. July 2 Libor troubles and C ongressional jock eyin g a te providing sp ectacular n ew spaper headline«. More basic and m ore im ­ portant new s, how ever is being- m ade out nn the furni country. T here no­ body is being sh ot; w hile tho m alls are being delivered a s usual. Bui the cu ltivators and threshers are w ork in g over-tim e for this is the busiest year on the A m erican farm in alm ost a decade. C ity folks do not realize th e power­ ful position ‘.he farm er holds in our econom y. The 1934 and 1936 droughts unconsciously gave Us the im pression that crop failu res build prosperity. A short ci'op th is voar com bined w ith the cloud of pessim ism hanging over the b usiness world w ould have been a d isa ster of world-wide m agnitude. T here are no big carry-overs o f grain and livestock from last se a so n to m ake up for drought losses either here or abroad. There can »'.ill he trouble, however. Black lu st has ruined m any a lik ely-lookin g crop. R eports o f rust in the spring w heat l>elt a r e daily becom ing m ore num er­ ous. As usual the.y are probably exaggerated. R are C om bination Bum per crops ordinarily m ean a sharp break in price«. Som e drop h as ulreudy taken place at C hicago w here w heat has fallen from $1.40 to $1.20 a bushel. E ven w itii “dollar A R R E ST S B Y S H E R IF F wheat" how ever m ost o f our farm ers A N D D E P U T IE S can pay up 'their old bills, “trade in” their tia cto rs tak e in the county R en e Ardeel, 48, and B essie Larson. tair, and have enough le ft over to do 25, of H illsboro, on m oral charges. a good job on the m ail-order ca ta ­ J a ck H em bree 40 for alleged ly having logues. T his sea so n is goin g to bo issued a w orthless ch eck at Gales A pproxim ately 100 en tries re p r esen tin g eight com m unities, took part an extraordinary one. N ot only Creek; Elton Beard, 17. F orest Grove in B eaverton's Ju nior F estiv a l la st Saturday. B oixland R oyal Rotgir- should w heat con tin u e to sell w ell on a charge o f assau lt and battery ian s were judges. F io m left: P a t and Mike MflCictlcey, B eaverton above th e "dollar” m ark but it looks at Cornelius; Sherm an D ouglas, 32, tw ins and D orothy Lee Carr presented » pretty picture w ith her decorated lik e the best crop sin ce 1931 big Zoe W itt 38, and Marie R ogers, 29, tricyle.— C ourtesy N ew s-T elegram . enough to allow us to sh ip w heat colored, all of Portland, on a lar ceny abroad for the first tim e sin ce that ch a rg e o f ch ickens. C ecil P ease of year. T his is a rare com bination. B a n k s on a ch arge o f m alicious and Chicken Thieves Rodent Control N ot sin ce 1929 have w e had both a w anton injury to personal property. Land in Jail Meeting Scheduled good c io p a m i a good price in tho sa m e season! Following Chase By Aloha Grange C A I.LED T H U R SD A Y Maybe I am stressin g w heat pros­ G R A N D JU R Y SE SS IO N p ects too m uch for the incom e from An irate afarm er w rote fin is to P la n s for a rodent control dem on­ W ash ington C ounty Jurors w ere! th is grain represents about 10 per called into session Thursday, Ju ly 1.1 A party co n sistin g o f Mr. and Mrs. a ch ick en stea lin g ep isod e a fte r a stration to be held at the R o y A ntrim cen t o f our to .a l an nu al farm in­ B eaverton's fifth annual festival th rillin g 15-mile ch a se in w hich the I place. A loha T hursday night, July 8 C hicken thievin g, m orals ch a ig es, Geo. H. H atch, Mrs. H ow ard H ugh- Its im portance und popularity parade, held Saturday w as colorful com e. drunken driving, together w ith se cr et j son, Mrs. Robt. Johnston, and Mrs. alleged th iev es th rew a w a y th eir loot j a t 7:15 p. m., h as been m ade by arise from the fa ct that w h eat and w ith decorated flo a ts and vehicles. cotton are the farm ers’ ou ts.u n d in g in d ictm en ts {constitute th e doaket j Carl R ogers d io v e to Turner W ed­ haphazerdly from their sp eedin g ve- | m em bers of the A loha G range, re­ The story began w hen C. H. ports L. E. F ran cis .a ssista n t county Ju d gin g o f parade en tries gave cash p iodu cts. To the average city stilted R ussell M organ, D istrict A t-, n esd ay m orning to atten d th e T ur­ h id e . sw eep sta k es honors to a float en ter­ person, w h ea t is the sym bol o f "big ner C onvention o f th e C hurches of M ayfield o f B eaverton saw his hen agen t. torney. roost bein g invaded at 5 a. m. ed by the A lohn-H uber Boy Srtout M ethods for trap pin g and poisoning Christ. N oted sp eak ers from the A m erican fa rm in g ”. A ctually, the The display w as thait o f a m ore prosaic products such as corn, M ayfield, sc a n tily fclresed ju m p ed gophers, trapping m oles, poisoning troop. east w ere heard and special m usic F ollow in g Order« have been signed featured throughout the week. w ith milk, and veg eta b les each bring moro into hiS autom obile and pursued the ground* squirrels and field mice, and flow er-canopied garden Hcenc, in C ircuit Court m atters and filed offend ers. D urin g the pursuit down m ethods for th e control of other m is­ M arjorie Pugh, 7, of Aloha, enthroned m oney into the farm ers’ m oney bag. A m arriage license had been issud w ith the Clerk the highw ay, M ayfield w atched the cellan eou s rodents will be dem on­ surrounded by to ts representing birds L uella J. H ow ell v s MuKnomah Golf to A ngus L. McCarl of SW Mall thieves attem p t to dispose o f the evi- j strated and discussed a t this m eeting. b utterflies and a bum ble bee, and B u t w heat i« the bellw eth er o f the farm year. It is th e sea so n ’s "lead- street, P ortland, and E m m a J. L e o p -: club, con firm ation o f sa le o f real dence by th ro w in g the fow ls along T he present trend o f in creasing the w ith bluebirds m arching alon gsid e. o ff” crop. U sually, "as w heat goes, old o f B eaverton. property. G lan d prize in section one w ent so goes the farm er”. I f w e have a P hil P olsk y w as received at a Port- i the highw ay. N ear the city lim its he p lantin gs of alfa lfa and clovers hav F ia n c e s D eu te vs W alter D eute, m ade rodent control a very im portant overtook the th ie v es but they m an ­ to P a tty C urtis o f W est S lope com ­ big w in ter w h ea t h arvest w o can or­ land hospital last T uesday night, d efa u lt order. aged to elude capture. A rrivin g at m easure, sta tes F in n cis, because ro­ m unity w hile Jan ice O sfleld, 5 on a d inarily exp ect good feed and storage P a cific C oast Join t S tock L f.id su fferin g w ith fractured right ribs S. W. 1st aven u e and C arruthers st., d en ts are p a iticu la rly dam agin g to decorated tricycle, placed second. crops and plenty o f m ilk and eggs. B an k vs Mrs. C. H erm ann, et als, de- j due to an auto accident on the C a n ­ M ayfield again forced th e offen d in g su ch crops and esp ecia lly so w hen T he parade included approxim ately O ther Crops in Good Klia|g- yon road. fault an d decree o f sale. veh icle to the curbing. The occu ­ th ese crops are under irrigation. 100 en tries representing eig h t co m ­ It is too early to m ake an y d efin ite F ederal Land B ank, v s M innie The silver tea, quilt and rug show pants b ecam e belligeren t but the fa r­ M em bers of the A loha G range and m unities. P la y in g groups con sisted statem en t« about corn. P la n tin g Schulm erich, et als, order for publi­ D utch auction, given by the Qgaverton m er held his ground until police an y other people In th e county inter­ o f th e B eaverton high school band, w as unu sually Late but good rains cation o f sum m ons. R eb ek ah P. N. C. club at th e I. O. O. arrived. ested in this dem onstration a re in ­ junior drum corps, B eaverton junior during th e W inter an d Spring have re­ B ank o f B eaverton Liquidation, or­ F. hall T uesday night w as a huge band, A loha-H uber rythm band and plenished T hey arrested Sherm an D ouglas, 32, j vited to atend. m uch sub-soil m oisture der of pay dividend. su ccess. Punch, co ffee and cookies Ktnton harm onica band, all in c o s­ drained aw ay in th e last th ree yeans. w ere sold. A good program w as also C enter hotel; Zoe W itt, 38, o f 331 N. E. W eidlcr strecet and M arie R og- J tum es. July is the critica l m onth for this P roh ate Orders Signed and Filed given by som e o fth e R eb ek ahs and 10% Dividend Declared ers, 29 P ark hotel all N egroes, w ho ! S w eep sta k es in the flowser show v ita l crop. A lot can happen be­ Odd fellow s. w ith th e Clerk are held for W ash ington cou n ty au­ By Defunct Beaverton Bank in ch arge o f Mrs. M C. M cKerchcr, tw een now and A ugust first. Cob ton C harles WaKer D ew ey, order for T here w ere 27 quilts, 3 spreads, thorities in lieu o f $10t)0 bail each. w en t to Mrs. Anna H olboke o f Beav-j also has yet to pa«s through its test Bale of real property. over 90 years old, 8 rugs on display. , | period. M ost o f the oth er leading Josh u a W allace M arsh, ordering Mrs. O. S tip e received prize for best I A paym ent o f a fourth dividend of erton. Prize w in ners in the parade and crops a re now in such good shape ap poin ting of ad m in istrator w ith will apliqued quilt. Mrs. Tom Miller for the d efunct B ank of B eaverton w as Mayor Resigns, that only extrem ely poor w eath er in annexed. the old est quilt top m ade in 1776 and ordered Saturday by Judge R. Frank flow er show division« follow: July a m severely injure them . P as­ Parade B ertha Irene P alm er, ad m ittin g es­ m ade by M is. M ill'*'s great grand Leaving City P eters; this dividend is 10% of 'the tures and la n g es a lon e are below the ta te to probate and ap poin ting ad- m other during the R evolutionary war. One to four years; R uth H owe, sa v in g s d epartm ent deposit cla im s up Truck gard en s fruit minis* rator. Mrs. L. L. Myers awarded prize for T he sum fiis t; W anda B enson and G w endolyn! avera g e season. Mayor M eyer handed in hi« regls- to and including May 8th. F ive to seven years; i orchards hay fields and early pota­ G uardianship of C harles E. Bran- th e best pieced quilt. Mrs. Chas. nation as m ayor o f B eaverton at* a | to be disbursed am oun ts to $4.504.40. Sm ith, second. Even daw, approving ten th annual report. I Van K leek for the quilt w ith the m eetin g o f th e C ity C ouncil T u esd a y ., C hecks w ill bo m ade payable through P a tty C urtis first; Jan et O sfleld, sec­ toes are in good condition. C harles Gusuave Schm okel, fixing m ost pieces, ¡SO years old, m ade In H e has purchased the Fred H alsten j the F irst S ecu rity Hunk of Bouverton ond. E ig h t to 11 years: D onn ie Hous­ eg g und m ilk production arc higher T h is is a ton, first; A ilene A ustin, second. than usual a t this season. tim e and place o f h earing final ac 1869. Mrs. W ardel first and second place on th e Sorien'.o road., w hich is T w elve to 14 years: John E dw ards! farm year. count. prize« for rugs and Mrs. Joe Bush for outsinde the city lim its and therefore | T otal incom e o f A m erican husband­ A ndrew J. R isley, order o f paym ent th e m ost q u ilts entered . first;L ew ts W ilson, second. cannot retain h is o ffi c. The Coun­ Stores Prowled o f certain funds. Three or m ore children: Aloha-! m en in the low year o f the depression T he B eaverton Fire D epartm ent j cil introduced a resolution than kin g Last Week John Ecklnud con tin u in g h e a r in g , boys are p racticin g every night this-- him for his services. Huber scouts (sw eep sta k es) ¡fir st; j reached only $5,400,000,000. N ow , four o f petition for sale o f rm l estate. n avy scene; o f W illiam Boyd floa'.,; sh ort years later, average prices are w eek as they plan to enter the con ­ The recorder w as ordered to send a j O, D. Glover, gen eral store at Gas- John W. C ornelius, ordering issu - 1 tests in the “H appy Day" celebration second. M arching units: Aloha-Hu-1 130 per cent higher than they were letter to form er m ayor W ilson a kin>- on, w as entered about 3 p. m. T h u rs­ At w holesale, a n ce o f citation. her school rythm band, first; Beav- j a t the low In 1933. ai': Shute P ark . him to take up the du'.les for the rest . day by prow lers w ho escaped with an w heat is up 140 per cent, corn 380 G uardianship of G ratton H. F r o st,; •rto n junior band .second. P ortland last Thursday evening. of the year. estim ated 125 cartons of cig a rettes per cen t hogs 270 per cent, eg g s and ap poin ting guardian. F low er Show Mr. and Mrs. D ew ey D rorbaugh at- j M essrs D rorbaugh and R oad w e r e 1 E n tran ce w as gained by boring a row poultry 120 per cent, and m ilk and Lou Goldia McGill fix in g tim e for tended the weddin - ' M Ma * • appointed as a building com m ittee for of holes across th e low er part of a Section A Six roses: Mrs. A. E. butter 60 per cent. H ou sek eepers final settlem en t of estate. G alaw ay to Mr. Arnold Y eom ans in the new city h a ll, w hich w ill he sta r­ roar door after a screen had been H ansen, first, second. S in gle rose: are w ell aw are o f th is even though Mary OB'- ien, approving final re-1 Mrs. J. H. McLeod accom panied ted T uesday J u ly 6. pried open. Mrs. R. M. S tew art first; E lm er Stipe their w eek ly retail bill for foods has port and account. her grandson Jack Marsh to Co V erm ilye Motor C om pany of Tigard second. Six delphinium s: Mrs. A. E not advanced h alf as m uch a s w hole­ A ugust Bornett, ad m ittin g estate to j quille Satu rd ay •where thety v< sited wo« entered on F riday night and 8 Siddens, first; Mr*. I. R. M etzlcr, se c ­ sa le quotations. T he big rise in probate and ap poin ting M innie Read at th e hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. Ted Twc County Ycuths tires and car a ccesso ries are listed as ond. S in gle delphinium : M is. L. W. prices, plus a good h arvest should adm inistratrix. H ornecker, returning to their home m issing; the p tow lers entered through Strayer, first; Mrs. C. W. Struthers. boost farm Incom e to around $9,000,- T heophile Cappoen. approving bond Drown Last Sunday an unlocked w indow . A used au to ­ second. 000.000. th is season, — 10 i>> t d Bl N oah D ick Jam ison gu ardianship i he*e. m obile w as also taken. T h is w as Mrs. Carl W olf, Mrs. Cecil B arnes , Section B— Long-stem m ed flo w ers:; above a year ago, and the h igh est to­ fix in g tim e and place of hearing. Tw o fa ta lities from d row ning in later recovered on B ybee S treet in Mrs. L R. Metader, first; Mrs. Inez! ta l sin ce 1929. C hristian U n d er , d isallow in g claim and Mrs. P. Stock spent W ednesdaj W hitw orth, second. Short-stem m ed Paul Rcdo'.zke, ad m ittin g estate to v isitin g Mrs. R udy W olf at her home th e T ualatin river w ere recorded in P ortland . N ew Group« to B en efit W ashington C ounty th is w eek when flow ers: Mrs. F. G. D onaldson, flrst.l probate and ap poin ting Albert E in P ortland. H ig h er prices for their short crops Mrs. R M. S tew art second. Lilies: have pulled m ost farjr.eis through the Miss Mona Miller o f Seattle. W ash, H erm an Alsen. 20, o f M etzger, w hile Along Broadway R ed etzk e adm inistrator. sw im m in g In th e river about 100 feet Mrs. C. W. Struthers, first; Mrs. L. drought years but the “service" peo­ W illiam H ouston, fixin g tim e and spent several days last w eek visitin g W. Strayer, second . her parent« Mr. and Mrs R. M. Mill east of the T ualatin h lg h w a v bridge In Beaverton place of settlem en t. ple have been hit hard. C om m ission She w as accom panied hom e by sank to his d ea'h Sunday afternoon. A. B. F in dley a d m ittin g esta te to er. W ild flow er« Mrs. M aggie W il­ h ouses, grain elevators storage, con­ Johnston's G arage m oved th is w eek It i< = reported Alsen w ent sw im m ina her brother Jack w ho is sp en din g a probate and ap poin ting H. R. Find liam s first; M is. N. A. W alker, sec-i cerns. an d th e lik e are geared to T he body wo-* j into their new q uarters In the I**wis ond. ley, admin la. rator, and ap poin ting w eek w ith an oth er sister. Mrs. B etty a fter a heavy m m l. Arranged in basket, bow l or handle m am m oth h arvests. They building on Broadw ay, w hich w as r «'•Offered W ed n esd ay at approxim ­ King. appraisers. vase: Mrs. N. A. W alker, first; Mrs. starve on crop failures. G iain traf­ built especially for them . They have F ranklin W ester son o f Mr. and a tely the point w h r e he w as s^en to L. W S rayer second O ld-fashioned fic to ta ls m ore han 30 per cent of Mrs Spek W ester .Is seriou sly ill at have gone down by a com m ercial a large display w indow for cars, a bouquet: M arriage License* Mns. R. B. D enney, f ir s t .! som e gran ger railroads' revenues. A larger shop and lots o f room for Several diver. L ew is 9. M atthieu. D aly City. Cali­ Good Sam aritan hospital. A rrangem ent o f d ining table: Miss sh ort crop thi« year would have dealt p ark ing cars w hich will be ap preci­ M onday afternoon at the Win. J en ­ blood tran sfu sion s have been given fornia and Ina R. B elts .Gaston. Jean K lein first; Mrs. L. W. Strayer! th ese roads a death-blow ! Then, too, ated by those w an tin g repairs m ade sen sw im m ing b ole about tw o m iles Fred L. Scofield M orrteville, V er­ him. second. Most unusual flow er: M rs.1 good h arvests everyw here at good Ed M cElrov has been rein stated in south of C ornelius, C harles N ew m an, Look for their grand op en ing .date R eb ecca E ggm an. m ont and M argaret Brown. Omaha R am bler roses. p rices mean everyone g ets hi« share h is form er position on the railroad 16. son o f Mr. and Mrs. P ercy N ew ­ to be anounced later. N ebraska. Mrs. B arrett R andall, first; M iss N a ­ o f the incom e. Som e section s have T he Kell G ardens, across the street man o f C ornelius route 2 w as drowned Chrl H agen and Maria M cGinnis and is stationed at Eugene. Mrs. Mc- om i S w ett second. not "had a crop" sin ce 1931 T his from Joh nstons G arage la look in g w hile sw im m ing. A you nger broth both o f Tigard, received a m arriage E lroy left T uesday to spend the w eek year all farm areas with the excep­ fine and In about tw o w eeks w ill he er, Robert. 12. w itn essed the accident, j w ith him. licen se at Oregon City. June 29. It sh ow s w hat M rs. F ran ces A lhands and son of tion o f section s o f ciudem M ontana, Mrs. H. R. N elson and h er sister C harles called to h is b roth e- to help a m ass of bloom. D akotas w est-central can be done to b eau tify an ugly, P ortland, visited relatives here Sat-, th e w estern him as he could not sw im an y more; Mrs. Grace P. Lloyd of C ulver City. Miss Jane D om agalla o f Portland, K an sas and n orthw estern O klahom a, w eedy lot. W ho w ill be n ext? u n la y and attended the parade and the brother m ade a grab for him but is spending th e w eek visitin g Misas Calif, and Mrs. Ora A. P ow ell of should have good harvests. rose show. T he depth of P ortland, le ft last F riday for V an ­ could not. reach him. C atherine Van K leek . — i A bright season for the farm er in Edgar M cElroy is en oyln g a w eeks couver, R .C.. and V ictoria, return - 1 th e w ater w here '.he lad w ent down 1937 Is a particularly fortun ate vacation at bis hom e here. Mrs. Joe K eller returned to her w as 16 feet. T he body as recovered Mrs. C arrie Leonard o f Seattle, ing Monday. “break" for the factory-w orker. In Mr. and Mrs. A rchie Olson are hom e h ere Sunday fo llo w in g a tmno j about 30 feet d ow n stream a fter R ev. and Mrs. H arper Burns have j W ash., is v isitin g th is w eek at the a tt all m y years o f stu d yin g th e b usin ess hom e o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. rented a farm near Cedar M ills and i grappling had been carried on for Spending the w eek end h olid ay on a , w eek s vacation in her co tta g e C ontinued on P age 4 fish in g trip to E ast Lake. Seaside. three hours. are m ovin g there th is w eek. H. O. Stipe. News Notes of interest Here and Elsewhere Rosarians Judge Entries In Parade