# LARGEST CIRCULATION IN EASTERN W ASHINGTON COUNTY VOL. 10, NO. 19 Extensive Rural Electrification Babson Program Planned Says-- Beaverton, Oregon, Notification July 23 Friday, (ulv 10, 1936 Deposits of Beaverton Bank Show Steady , _ PUBLISHED W E E K L Y ______________ The New Deal vs. Democracy is the Basic Issue in the Coming Campaign Increase for Year By N ich olas R oosevelt tile largest m easure o f security. F or the Steady in ciease in deposits o f the r tus secu rity bus m u ch to tic said National R epu blican Buildets, Inc. l u s t Security Bank o f u eaverton has fo r it. B ut it is, o l course, u n ecliy been show n with each quarterly state -1 ! at variance with the A m erican tradi- merit o f the financial condition of A rural electrification program cost­ Incredible as it still seem s in these ! t,on . ana it im plies a d istin ct change l ink. Since M atch 1. LC.ti. de­ Lm ted States, the basic issue in the >1,1 lhe A m erican form o i governm ent, ing m ore than $ 100,000 and involving posits o f this banking house have present cam paign, overshadow ing ev-I I he old A m erican tneory was that the con stru ction o f 135 miles o f new rural i clim bed from $302,110.81 to $340,537.59 erytiuiig else in im portance, is w nelh- less govern m en t the better, service line», to be adued to P E P C O 'S j present rural system o f 2300 miles, j T he fram ers ot the Constitution and In com parison w i.h the statement er we shall preserve the A m erican o f June 30, 1935, deposits show a gain system o f govern m en t o f ch eck s and those who built up the m achinery ot was announced today by Franklin T. Summer Outlook Bright o f $5—932.03 fo r th twelve month period balances, with pow ers divided between lhe state and the tederai governm ents G riffith , president o f the P ortland j Loans and discounts are slightly low ­ Lhe states and the d ifteren t branches were determ ined at all costs to lim it E le o .ric P ow er C om pany through K Babson Says July Business Best R. Easter, district m anager o f the I T hey had er than last year, while cash on hand o f the Federal governm ent, or have in ' the pow ers o f their rulers. Since 19,9 com pany. and due from banks has jum ped from its place a stron gly centralized execu- lived under au .ocracius where gov- l*ve- ! ernm ent was largely p eison al and oft- $153,308.24 Co $217,714.71. B abson P rk . M ass July Julv 1 0 -T 1 o oaay d a v i atel The 1936 PIo g ,a m wiU approxint- tiaDson p a a ra Mass 10— one-third greater than last E lsewhere in the w orld dem ocracy en determ ined by whim . They knew The F itst Security Hank Is now a I am ab e to give readers the m os. J ., 0 n e hundred m em ber o f the Federal R eserve has been placed on the scrap-heap the evils o f govern m en t interference sp ectacu lar raport sin ce the Boom . ^ „ w ele addeil in 1M5. during the last tw o decades. Only in personal a lla irs and the unreason- system. B usiness this m onth o jv n s at the high­ j Canada and G reat Britain, and, per­ ableness o f bureau ch iefs sitting fa r “ W i.h the addition or new lines, est level fo r any July sin ce 1929. A c­ haps, the S candinavian countries, still aw ay from the scene o f action. In Î State Fair Premium tivity is only 5 per cen t under normal. electric service will be available to ap­ preserve the true principles o f d em oc­ particular they feared a strong cen tral W e are standing on the threshold o f proxim ately 85 per cent o f all rural Lists Being Sent Out racy. There the stare still exists for Continued on Page 3 prosperity fo r the first tim e in seven fam ilies living in the territory served the individual not the individual for years! F urtherm ore, the im m ediate by P E P C O lines, which extend from the state. T here the rights o f the in­ Salem, July 10—P rem iu m lists for dividual are still jealously preserved ou tlook is the brightest in years, barr- V ancouver, to Salem and from th­ •This I the 1930 D iam ond Jubilee Oregon in g those sections su fferin g from c r o p ' ca d a to G as.on , he declared. and observed. In m ost o f E urope Topeka, K as.— Fresh from his i i$Lata F a b - to be held at the fair is m any tim es the national average o f disaster. ] these rights have been curbed or recent vacation in Estes Park, Gov. 1 on ly 12 per cent o f rural hom es on ¡grounds here Septem ber 7 to 13, a ie abolished. A B O V E N O R M A L T H IS F A L L ? Alf M . Landon, Republican nom­ ,o u the press and distribution lias ' pow er lines. This sort o f m adness Is contagious. D on ’t be alarm ed w hen you hear the F rom M arch 1933, to date we have “ E lectric service will be brought to inee for the Presidency, is shown s t a l l e d fr o m the o ftice o f Solon T. cov ered 90 per cent or tne distance hundreds o f new tural hom es this here as he returned for the special VViii.e, D irector o f the State D epart­ T he philosophy is sim ple— that gov fire siren give one blust, that is not ernm ent not only has the right but j fo r a fire, it is tor fire drill. A larm betw een the pit o f the depression and j year. session of the legislature, and for ment o f A griculture and o f the Fair, the duty to plan fo r the w elfare o f the : fo r a file will be a continuous blast, norm al. The quarter Just closed pro- j am ounts have been set country, and to see that these plans j The B eaverton Fire D epartm ent duced the best business fo r any sim i- \ "T h e biggest part o f the new line his notification ceremonies July 23. j Large aside by the fair m anagem ent for are carried out. It is for governm ent j w ish to ask residents, in ease o f a lar period since early 1930. E a rn in g s' con stru ction w w ill be in „ M ultnomah, . ... ' awards in the follow in g general claasi- ; to con trol credit, business, farm ing | fire, when 'the siren is blown, not to are roughly 35 per ceM above a y e a r ! C lackam as, M arion, Yamhill and ! lication s: horses, beef cattle, dairy land other occu pation s. It is for gov- call the telephone operator for at least ago. E m ploym en t is substantially ^ ashington counties, with som e I oik W . C. Froman Elected cat.le, sheep, goata, swine, poultry, ernm ent to say w hat the individual : three minutes. T he operator has to higher. S tock prices have quadrup- and C olum bia counties, Legion Commander » - e o n s , rabbits, dairy and poultry m ay do, and govern m en t can punish call 'the m em bers o f the fire depart­ led over their low est level. G ilt-ed ge' In W a sh in gton C ounty during the products, land products, honey and those w ho fail to do <>s they are told. m ent a*j soon as the file Is discovered, bonds are at an all-tim e high. E very- past year, extensions o f P E P C O sei- bees, dom estic baking, ladies' textile, N o rational person would maintain, so that they can go direct to the outstunding trade and industrial ha- vice were m ade to 468 custom ers Your cooperation will be appre­ IOmeter is forecastin g n irth er gains m ostly in rural territory including a n x io u sly “ elected a 7 C o m n ia n d e ^ o f bolh as a " open claas und ior w°m en o f course .that we have yet adopted fire. such a system in the United States. ciated. in business this Fall. M oreover, in- the follow in g d istricts: South Jouth B eav- ^ X h f v a t y P a s " at the e le c t io l « ° ld_ ! “ L f OP_ * }fi" dictations now , point to a less-th a n -, eiton, N orth The City C ouncil m et M onday and -------------- ----- M ountaindale, l bjiaIr®. , j held W ednesday at M etzger club house. under 14 years o f age, floral, photo­ But no thoughtful and honest student A lso thous­ o f the New Deal can fail to recognize aulhorized aevelul p lojecta for the seasonal slum p in business during the I G lenw ood, F a in ham, h ive Oaks, *1“ !- o t h e r o ffice rs elected fo r the ensu grap h ic art, and art. co m in g m id-Sum m er weeks. jside, R o c k Creek, V eruoort, W ilshire. ) in yeai. a le yy ^ Ream and W H ands o f dollars will b e distributed to hat the basic ph llosph y o f the N ew ' im provem ent o f the City o f Beaverton. Entries Deal Is that govern m en t must protect Ten H igh Spots in T oday's R ecovery Job and Hazeldale. W ork now ap- Hun el. vice-com m an ders; J. O. John winners in the 4-H displays. It was decided to con stru ct a garage P ow er C onsum ption:-—At a new a]l- proved fo r con sli uction contem plates gon> ad ju tan t; T. E. Atumotis, finance in livestock will close ¡September 1, .he individual help plan for him and fo r lhe n ,.e tru ck to bo erected on a tim e peak. service to over 100 rural cu s.om ers o n (o ffice r. M em bers o f the executive with those in m ost o f the other di­ m w k i ^ . T 8» “ n w ag‘ c ity lot w .th W P A w ork this fall, ¿ u|.chaae o f about $300 w orth o f Steel O perations: — H ighest level C hehalem Mt. R oad, S. E iick so n Ave.. com m ittee ate as follow s: Claude Nel- visions closin g the day b e fo re the riculture that the individual shall have fair opens. sin ce April, 1930. and in Centralville, la in lia m , Gaston 0f M etzger; C. A. D onnally o f Tt ----------------------------------------------------------------' equipm ent for 'the fire truck . D irector W h ite and nls Assistant R etail Sale*»:— H eaviest In five years j and C h e n y G rove districts. P io sp e c- ga l d . A dam DeH aan o f Garden Hom t City attorney w as asked u> collect B u ild in g :—Sixty per cent above a tive extensions included fo r the next and John j,-elaher o f B eaverton. Dele D irector, L eo Spitzbart, already have Sunset Wrecking Co. m oney due the city on three side- tw elve m onths' program would ’ m a ’ k e ' o gates and alternates __ to the state ____ con - a large num ber o f requests for prem - wulks luid this sp rin g under W P A yea r ago. " _____________________ _________ ------ ----------- -- -----■ «■ ’ ven lion at R osebu rg are J. O. John ¡um iist.a a nd these are now being Expands Business w ork and not yet paid ror. C a rl°a d in g s:— B est fo r this season service available to an additional 300 since 1931, rural cu tom ers in the Galas Gieek, w . c . From an, C. N. Nelson E filled. All persons desiring prem ium s ------------- One boy will ulw uys celebrute July G asoline C onsum ption: — B reaking Tile Flat, M ountain View, Firdale. ^ M cB ick ei. C .A .D o n n a lly a n d F r e d *‘sts m ay obtain them Oy w riting to T he Sunset W reck in g Co. has just 4th both as his birthday and the dec- the State F air D irector, Care o f D e­ opened a new ad dition al store at S. ; larution o f independence. all previous records. Scholls, M idway, B uxton, Carpentei j j^jjUg A son was partm ent o f A griculture, 148 N orth : W. F ront and J efferson » ‘.reet, across born July 4th to M r, and Mrs. R. L. L u m b er P rod u ction :— At a new peak Creek, Soda Spring, W est B loom ing, _________________ 12th Street, Salem. sin ce May, 1930. South H azeldale, W likesboro, Shady . . m L from the old O regon E lectric Depot. .Steele at W ilcox M em orial hospital. A utom obile O u tpu t:— B est fo r any i B rook, waul—Fern H ill districts. L>. A . t _ i a S S e n IN a b S T rem endous increased building ac- On July 2 a daughter arrived at the yea r sin ce the Boom . | " i t is interesting to note that, u n d e r 1 \ tlvity with dem and fo« uutlding ma- hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. H erbert M artin Mystery Man Here P a y rolls:— D ouble the depression I m e p E P C O program , custom ers on a Night Club Opens i terials both new and used have made | o f W ashington street, and on July 7 a I expansion necassary accord in g to B. j daughter at the Shirley Kullam hom o bottom . 1 new line need guarantee paym ent o f ' ------------- in Portland i L evoff, proprietor. T hey now oj>er-1 on Lom bard and the H. Z. W eigel B usiness F ailu res:— At all-tim e rec- m onthly m inim um fo r only five years. L. A. Classen o f E. Stipes Gatage, (ate tw o yards and this store. hom e on route 1. ord lows. This com p a res with requirem ents fo r g ot the surprise o f his life the other T he firm has had a sensational | B eaverton R ebekah L odge held its In the Annual O utlook L etter last sig n in g a guarantee fo r 20 years the day. A car drove up to get gas and W ill Maylon m aster o f ceiem on ies D ecem ber I foreca st that business | am ortization period, fo r lines built oil. W hile ch eck in g tne oil he noticed at The P ub for the past year, an­ j grow th since it was started seven J regular installation Tuesday evening, I Ju ly 7. Elizabeth M yers, D istrict d u rin g thé early m o n 'h s o f this year w ith R ural E lectrifica tion adm inis- the w orn fan belt on the ca r and nounces the op en in g o f a new night ¡years ago. ----------------------------- ' D eputy President and staff, assisted by w ould be 8 per cent Better than the tration funds. asked the driver to buy a new one. club, known as the Music Hall? in the Mr. and Mrs. W alter Van Kleek A n d icw D enholm as D epu ty M arshal first h a lf o f 1935. As fbnal figures for “ It Is true that in moot cases, the Just when he, l houBnt; he had old old Blue Danube location. the period cross m y desk. 1 find that m inim um ch arge for the first five a aew b®11 the driver said. "C ongratu- Through Mr. M aylon’a wide acquaint­ have sold their residence on Lom bard ; installed the follow in g o ffice rs : Ade- Y ou win anceship and con nection s with the a reet and bought a hom e on W atson line Frost, N oble G ran d; Mildred Os- m y estim ate w as conservative. The > years on new P E P C O lines is slightly „ ,®n*’n7 a M>sU‘ ry Man. show business, both stage and vaude street. They will m ove the latter part field, vice gran d ; Sarah Cham berlain actual gain has been 13 per cent, higher than that on R E A lines. But a $5 bill. secretary. T reasurer-elect, E dn a ____ j _ reasons ____ _ „ ______ ___ _, the ___ __„ __ „ ^ r- Classen had caugnt one o f the v d iCi be has been able to assem ble the o f the week. T here are m any to believe ________ at the _____ sam _ e time, slightly larger Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Fisk and M iss 'S h e e ts w as absent. that we will cross this norm al line m inim um buys a great deal m ore elec- C ates M ystery Men in one o f t h e outstanding --------- ---- flo o r show o f the P a cific Lottie Chestnut o f Cornelius, spent A ppointive o ffice rs w ere: D orothy this Fall. In fact, I am just as bull- triclty. The tw o-score projects ap- most unusual and interesting contests Coast for his opening, ish today on the second h alf o f 1930 proved b y the R E A w hose rates have sv®£ spomsored T he Blue Danube alw ays met with ; Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Olds, j Lewis, w arden; Mils. Jacobsen, con - as I was last D ecem ber. At that tim e been published, have rates ranging as 1 he G ates Iiut,l,er C om pany of tbe favor o f (de Beneral public in this i Guests at the Olds hom e Saturday the d u ctor; M argaret Lewis, R. S. N G .; Mr and Mrs. H. E. j R osa H um burg, L. s. N. G.; R ose I foreca st that the closin g m onths o f high as $6.60 m onthly ch arge fo r the ,eI^ er’ C olorado, have a whole squad iOCality, and we are sure that the 'F o u r th w ere: this year would brin g a sp ectacu lar first 100 killowatt-hours. N one is a s , M ystery Cars traveling .hrough new ,lianagenior t will find that the [ W eed and son Therlow , Mrs. Osburn | Stevens, R. S. V. G .; F loren ce D ror- j baugh, L. S. V ,G.; K atherine Dessin- gain over the sam e period o f 1935 if low as the P E P C O cu stom er's average the cou n try with bad ran belts on pub|it, will appreciate the high type 1 and Mr and Mrs. W allace Mason. the b u ild in g and autom obile industry bill o f $3.41 fo r the first 100 killowat'. ,h e " ' car^ The drivers o f these cars o f entertainm ent offered by Mr. | Mrs. M. C. M cK ercher left fo r San ger, inside guardian; Hazel Miller, Francisco. Calif., M onday evening outside gu ardian ; Fern Hainee, mu I tries to m ake good progress during hours. at G a ‘ es fan b eh dealers along M aylon. where she will spend several w eeks [ clan and B taabath I fy e n , chaplain. th* Sprinff. i "T h e P E P C O sjutem U , h . o n ly ' ^ “ “ ¡i “ t “ 1> " with Mr. M cK ercher, w ho is wi'th th e! A Past N oble G rana pin was pre- TREM ENDOUS M ARK ETS know n one o f its size in the United Gar® J “ “ w here they » « Traveling renovated for the 8 rand °Pe'>lnK dur Southern P a cific Co. at that place. ¡sented to Myrtle H ardm an, the retir- ing the past week, anu a goodly crow d M y bullishness is based largely on ral,'s E very dealer w ho notices the worn is expected for the opening, especially Mr. and Mrs. R. L B urton and Mr. ing Noble Grand, by the president o f the great possibilities ror Industrial in e ffe c t in its rural territory.’ 'o u t fan belt on a M ystery Car when in view o f the fa ct tnat there will be ¡and Mrs H ow aid Carney o f P ocatello, ¡the Past N oble G ran d'» club, grow th in North A m erica. The de- j ‘ he drives up and tries to sell the dri- n o cov er charge. j Idaho, were over night guests o f Mr. j F ollow in g the lodge m eeting a so- ferred dem and o f the past seven j ver a new G ates belt gets a new $5 and Mrs. Jay Gibson one night last rial hour and dainty refreshm ents F R E D E R IC K L O S IJ year fo r m achinery, construction, and bill. T housands o f $5 bills will be week. All were ì elmtives o f Mr. Gibson w e r e e n j o y e d in the d i n i n g m o m . Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Scheone and the like Is estim ated at $ F red erick Losli, o f route 2, B eaver- given aw ay this year. Mr. and Mrs. Amel Nelson and fam - T he P u t N oble' G ra n d ’s club m et their niece Miss Betty H anson re­ ily spent 'the Fourth at B onneville j W ednesday in the I. C*. O. F. hall with W h ile plants have been shut dow n or ton. passed away July 4th at the age ___________________ running on a half-shift, decay and o f 67 years. He was the husband o f Mr and Mra j arnefl W hitw orth turned to their hom e here last Thurs­ i dam. ' a no-host luncheon follow ed by a busi- w ear and tear have been silently ere- Susanna, father o f Ernest, R udo.ph spent w eek end at Lake Lytle vis- day follow in g a three weeks trip to Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur W eed and son j ness meeting. T here were 10 m em - Alaska. ating a huge m arket fo r new goods o f route 2, H illsboro; Mrs. B ertha Wil- ¡ting relatives , o f Les Vages, Nevada, are visiting | bers and tw o visitors pr esent, and m achinery. Statisticans f ig u r e , son, Mrs. Aline Gould, B eaverton; relatives and friends. j M is. P eter B organ entertained a that it will take close to $15,000.000,000 Mrs. T illie Kuenzi o f silv e rto n ; Mrs. | Mrs. John H unter drove up from grou p o f Portland friend^ at N endal’s Continued on Page 3 Freda H oga n and Edw in at hom e; W hittier, Calif., to Join her husband in h on or o f Mrs. Carey T urner on her ___________________ b r o t h e r o f Jacob Losli o f C alifornia. here for a visit at the W. H. Hunter birthday. Mrs. M ary Jose and Mrs. V erna Vixel home. Mrs. H. H. Spears returned home Townsend Rally Planned o f Portland. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. I-am berger o f W ednesday from the hospital. | Funeral services were held Tuesday ' Beaverton are being felicitated on the I H ugh Lewis and fam ily drove to at Canby on July 26 from the B ethany Baptist church. In-, birth o f a son I.aw rcnce, Jr., June 21. Goldendale, Wash., Cloud Cap Inn and ------------- term ent in Union cem etery. W . E. Mrs. Isrttle Haynes o f Portland, G overnm ent cam p ov er the holidays, A C lackam as County T ow nsend pic- P eg g w as in ch arge ot arrangem ents.; spent several days this week v isitin g ' B eaverton I. O. O. 1*. and Rebekah.« n ic and rally will Be neld Sunday, | ----------------------------- Mrs. Sam Olds. ! will hold a picnic Sunday at R ippling July 26, at C anby O regon, on C ounty CHURCH OF T H E N AZAK EN E Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Anderson o f W aters. F air grounds. A com m ittee com - P a stor: Rev. P eter Clark Portland visited at the hom e o f their A m arriage license has been issued posed o f one m em ber from each 251 T he "O ld B o o k ” says, "T rain up a j son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr«, to Earl R enn o and Ixrulsa Plum Ham clu b s will represent the 5264 m e m b e rs1 chlid in the w ay he should g o; and: Guy C arr Monday. lin both o f Beaverton. , in the county. Israel P a ik has been w hen he is old, he will not depart.] Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clement and Mr and Mrs. W. G. M iksche and elected general chairm an and Judge fro m it.” Parents would be saved fam ily and Mr. and Mrs Byron Clem- daughter Sandra and je a n Klein left N oble secretary-treasurer. m any a heartache, m any a tear, and ent o f Portland, enjoyed a picnic to- for N eskow in W ednesday where they A rrangm ents fo r a grand tim e are m any a sorrow in lafer years if they gether at Dodge I*ark m e Four'.h. will en joy a w eek ’s vacation at the well under way. A dm ission to the w ere con cern ed about the religious Mr and Mis. James Lewis drove to beach. grounds is free, free c o ffe e fo r all. instruction o f their children. The j I j i Grande Friday where they met Mr. Dr. R. S. W elsh is su fferin g a W illiam M cK ay o f B eaver.on , is in Sunday School exists fo r the spiritual and Mrs. W illard JawKson o f Nyssa, strained back, sutitaineo when he fell ch arge o f the concessions. A cordial w elfare o f the child. Our superintend- and together drove to W allow a Iatke while fishing ov er the w eek end on invitation is extended friends and ervt, W . H. Hart, will oe pleased to park to spend the F ourth o f July the W ilson river. He was accom pan - T ow n sen d m em bers from this county, w elcom e and enroll new scholars. holidays. | led b y I. R . Metzler. A com plete program w ill oe published j The pastor will take fo r his subject j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Suver and fam ily T he K iw anis enjoyed a fried ch ick en later . at the 11 o ’clo ck service "L iv in g fo r i o f Seattle, Wash., were week end dinner and a good program w hich was Jesus.” The serm on text is taken guests o f Mrs. Hattiee Suver. in ch a rg e o f the ladies W ednesday from the E pistle o f Paul the Apostle i Mr. and Mrs. W. H. E ngleke and son evening. Harry Copeland Moves to the Phillipians. ch apter 1, verse 21. R obert and Frank E m m onds spent the Mr. and Mrs. F n m x Ijim b erg er ------------- j The praise part o f the service will be Fourth ait the summet hom e o f Mr. spent the Fourth w ith Mr and Mrs. H arry Copeland, long one o f P ort- under the direction o f Miss Esther la n d Mrs. J. B. G llkey at Shadow, John Felsher. land's leading tailors, at 932 S. W . Porter. A duet will be r^idered W ood park, en joyin g a p icn ic d in n er; O tto Keil spent the week end on the W aash in gton Street, nas m oved into At the 8 o ’clock service, which is o f with a large group o f frien d s and aid- W ilson river salm on fishin g bringing new and larger quarters at 515 S. W . an evangelical nature, the m essage Ing In the celebration o f Mr. and Mrs. home a 25 pound C hinook and five 4th avenue, directly across from the will be brou ght by Mrs Om er Idso. G llkey’s 35th wedding anniversary. Jack salm on. C ircle Theatre. W h ite Fish. Montana. S trangers a r e ' Mr. and Mrs. Jay G ibson and son Rev. and Mrs. Bi uce G roseclose were C opeland has been in this business cord ia lly invited t o both services. Jay Jr., drove to Seattle, W ash., last dinner guests o f Mr and Mrs. A. B. fo r 36 years. 15 o f these years bein g ----------------------------- Thursday to spend '.he F ourth o f Ju ly*C lem en t Sunday. TTiey m oved the spent In Portland. H e learned the Mr. and Mrs R. D. K in g and son holiday visiting R ain ier N ational park, first o f the week to Turner. Oregon, tailorin g business in the old country. Denny, and M iss Mona M iller o f Se- Mrs John Summers. Mrs. R u by where he will be pastov o f the M ethod- begin n in g his apprenticeship at the attle. W ash., spent the w eek end at the Boyd and Mrs, G eorge Blasser attend- ist church age o f ten. He does th erefore kn ow home o f th eir parents Mr. and Mrs. R ed the funeral services o f Mrs. Julia Janet Felsher Is spending a few days his business. M. M iller Mrs K in g rem ained fo r a Vincent In H illsboro last Friday. with her little friend V aljean Madson. In addition to tailor-m aJe suits, w eeks visit. Charles E sslg .is em ployed with a Ida Felsher Is spending the w eek with Copeland also stock s a fine line o f Mr. and Mrs. R. M M iller and son bridge building crew near Astoria. her grandm other In Portland. ready m ade clothin g fo r men at unu- J sck a ccom pan ied by Miss B etty K ing Mrs E dgar Nelson has her sister T he ladies o f the C ongregational sually low prices. At the present drove t o Seaside T uesday to a tte n d ! from Minnesota visiting her. Aid held a social gath erin g at the tim e he also has m any uncalled fo r the d ru g g ls' convention at that p la c e .1 Mr. and Mrs R oy o v e rh o ltze r o f ch urch W ednesday evening honoring tailor made suits, m any originally in- ’ Mr and Mrs. R obert W’ ood and son Portland were dinner guests o f Mr R ev and Mrs. Y ou n g w ho lef*. the If*t- and Mrs. John Sum m ers T uesday ter part o f the week fo r H eppner where tended to sell for $50 w hich he is sell- [ o f Kinzua. visited relatives here over in g now fo r $24.85. the Fourth. evening. Rev. Y ou n g will fill the pulpit o f the D rop In C opeland's new store and M r and Mrs. Lynw n M urdock o f I Mrs, B D oughty is spending the M ethodist ch urch fo r the next year, Copyright 1034, No* York Tribun«, see fo r y ou rself fin e »lo c k at bar- Sherw ood, visited relatives hero Sun- week with her daughter in Seattle, He has been subetiiuting at the Con- gain prices. day. Wash, jgragatloaal chutcb lot several months, Local N e w s.... 4 # mm/m