The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951, December 27, 1935, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, December 27, 1935
Page 2
in history has gone above the $30,-
000,000,000 mark.
Tue rise in the A 2-pound Carton box assort­
public debt since before the Civi.
ed superior Chocolates
War is shown in a table compiled b>
Famous Agar Agar Health O P
the Associated Press
$ 90,582,417
Candy, 2 pounds for ....
C t D C
June 30, 1861.... - ....
Orange, Lemon, Grape, Lime
June 30. 1866 ______
June 30, 1893 .........
' - 9
p . mut Brittle
Published Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing C«., at Beaverton,
Fresh and Crispy, per lb.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Beaverton, Ore.,
16,185,308,299 j
June 30. 193‘J
19.487.009.766 1 All Candies made in our
Juno 30. 1932
Subscription Itaten
June 30. 1933
.......$ 35c
____ $1.00
Three M on th s-------------
Kitchen at the
One Year —
___ ,50c
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
28,700,892.624 j
Six Montas
30. 1935
Stevens, of Hoboken, Had
Nov. 27. 1935
Beaverton Off ice—Broadway at O. E. tracks. Phone Beaverton 7503
Early Idea of Railroads
This is exclusive of the state and S. VV. 2®d A Morrison
Pirrtland Office—408 Dekum Bldg , Phone ATwater 5914
government t indebtednass,
Who did Invent tlie railroad? Modern local
added to federal red figures,
discussion has been divided over the which,
lifts the general indebtedness t o !
copyrighted article by the Baltimore
question, hut close-up opinion in 18.T2 above $50,000,000.000.
Portland Electric Service Sun, he gave vent to the complete
the credit to Col. John Stevens of
Hoboken, states the New York Sun.
The city of Portland, Oregon, for
The American Itailroad Journal In
years has enjoyed about the best I Without quoting him directly In!
that year noted that 20 years pre­
J -ic c ilth L
eleci i u’ . Vice in the Uni t e d States, h,-s copyrighted article, we ean at
B H H H i
least give you the expressions Kent
« A
M tV
viously, In 1812, Colonel Stevens pub­
at one of the very lowest ia es.
concerning the
lished a pamphlet in which he recom­
two electric companies have been j trend in politics, which he stated! Cole Mc-Elroy (above) announces a mended a railway from the Hudson
pioneers in the development of the was inevitable in a large country mammoth New Years eve party at to Lake Erie Instead of the canal
citv and have contributed many mil which ha* universal suffrage These McElroy's Spanish ballroom in Port- which vias then tinder discussion.
trends, some sincere and others not, I land,
In that pamphlet Colonel Steven.-,
lions of dollars in taxes to the sup- attempt to make the world happier -------
was quoted as proposing the employ­
port of state, county, school dis- j-or ^ ose who labor,
Cole McElroy Stages Big
ment of steam power to priqiel cars
trict and municipal governments.
• • • • •
The power bill of the average
Invariably, Kent states, these ideas,
New Year Show or carriages arid made the following
prophetic statement:
Portland citizen is probably the least basically the reason for such move-
x-umaiiu vmtvn .o i
ments as the Townsend plan, are
“ 1 should not he surprised at see­
A gala, gala New Year’s eve party
of his worries if he were given pow- ajme(j a( a reduction of work and in-
Is promised by J, Cole McElroy for ing steam carriages propelled at the !
er for nothing, it would hardly be j creased pay. Such moves attract the his famous Palm Gardens.
In fact i rate of 40 or 50 miles the hour." But j
noticeable in his family budget, great mass of voters In direct pro- j [ Z
popular impressario has n ot!
In spite of this, however, there is a portion to benefits and rewards. 1 overlooked a thing to make the pro- j when he made his prophecy he was far
perennial political agitation for the Naturally, a $200 a month plan for gram the most outstanding of his in advance of the age “and enlightened
city to go into the power business.
all over 60 years of age will attract i colorful career in ballroom presenta men considered the project us vision- i
In other winds, municipal owner- it large following.
I tions
I ary."
ship advocates who w ish . to put P«w-
* * * * *
i First on the bill, In addition to Del
er into politic, in
" “ “ J*
Other such plans in the past three MUne and hU famous
McElroy or-
Dr. Marie Kqui, Physician. Room
622 NW Glisan BE. 4316
load an already tax-burdened
years, this Sun commentator declar- chestra|
Co. tez and Juana, an in- 34, Lafayette Bldg, 531 Wash., AT.
peopla with millions of bonded in- es, have been the late Huey Dong s ternatlonal dance team of head-line 4422, Portland, Oregon.
“ Complete Glass Service”
debtedness for the city to buy a pow -1 "Share the wealth plan", which was! CH,lbel.
Having featured with Fan-
er plant- and for what?
still being carried on by Longs faith-!|chon antl Marco Pa,amount-Publix.
Portland, Oregon
Not for better service -for
tire ful; Father Caugh i n . National Un-|the RK 0-Orpheum and many other Government Debt Over
present service is probably not ex­ ion for Social Justico; and the re- clrcuiu they comp with a reputation
30 Billion Dollar Mark
celled anywhere.
cent Epic pioposai of Upton H ln jthat has fPW equals
eqUais |n the world of
Not for honestly loweted rates— Clair
The treasury announced that the |
for the rates now are below practic­
Then come the Six Flaaherettos. government debt for the first time
ally any community In the country,
All those, Kent says, are ieiated Their billing is aguinst them but
and out of revenues from rates the to President Roosevelt’s New Dea^ these lovely maids prove themselves
companies pay neatly 20 per cent out They arc even more unworkable than more than worthy of a better title
o f every gross dollar
earned, in the attempts under the AAA, and for their exacting routine of military
other agencies, tor the benefit of cer-j Hteps their up_,0.,he-minute costumes
It Is hurd to conceive why any taiq classes, all looking toward the and their individual dancing ability.
person who has the best interest of greater ease in life.
Their growth
The Three Rhythmites have won a
a city like Portland at heart, would ha* been made possible by the sym-1 place fo,. themselves on both radio
And other genito urinary
want to load it with an enormous | pathetic reaction' given by tfte man and stage with their charming per
diseases now being suc­
bonded debt to buy a system to fur-1 |n the White House,
uonalittes, harmony Ringing and tap
nlsh the citizens with a service
• * • «
treated by the
which they already have and which
The most attractive and the one
Then there are more and more
new short wave. Women’s
could not be Improved or cheapened which gained the greatest following acts, too numerous to mention here,
unless the general taxpayer was jn the past half century, the writer that Cole McElroy will offer for New
robbed to compensate for rate
re- continues, is undoubtedly the Town- Year’s eve.
Twelve in number and
ductions which might be given to send proposal, where everyone over each a proven favorite of stage and
privileged users
who would
be <J0 will get $200 a month which they radio.
Have one of
charged less than the fair sum ne- j must spend within 30 days.
In gathering this unusual talent i
cessary to render them the service figures prove Its absolute impossl- McElroy hara stolen a march on show- | the first in city.
<m a pi < if 1 1 a till- basis.
Hut Ms pi i-siTUat ion and its men in winning the popular appeal
The situation In Portland reminds plausablllty han gained the support of the public.
one of a dog with the bone who, of million,, of sincere people with un
Free Consultation
This has been conclusively proven
looking ut his shadow in the water, enthusiasm hard to frustrate by logic In that the advanced reservations
F. Whalley Watson
saw another dog with a bone, and
10-12 a. m.-2-5 p. m.
• • • • •
for the New Year's eve show are
dropped his own to grab the other.
N. W. 16th Ave & Glisan
There is now scarcely a state where more than 50 per cent over that of
719 Dekum Building
He made a sorry swap.
according to
Townsend clubs ure not establistied, any previous year,
BFacon 6142
Portland, Oregon
and its political power at the present “ Pop" McElroy.
time 1» on the Increase to such an
State House Gossip
extent that candidates for office be misled on that point.
must recognize the movement.
Another blow has been dealt to the
these candidates know It Is abso Roosevelt pro-labor administration
When a federal
Oregon for some time has been lutcly unworkable, but If they ure to Saturday night.
considered the strong hold of the bo elected they must "string along" court held the Wagner bill unconsti-|
tutional, the props of the collective
Townsend movement, but noted writ­
ers in the east and middle west have
The Townsend leaders, while lean bargaining for labor unions was top­
at last taken cognisance of It in vary |ng toward the new deul program, be pled over. The bill was so pro-labor,
ing manners and degrees.
But not heve Roosevelt’s social security pro that It was unworkable with any de­
The effect will be
one differs as to w hat It will mean j gram is not sufficient.
Townsend gree of fairness.
In the forthcoming elections.
That ites at e sincere ¿n. their belief thatpoa Interesting.
appears one of the chief political | sible to obtain $200 a month.
planks and one which cannot bo ig- cannot tell you how this money can
no red.
be raised, other than In generalities Potato Sales Quota
but they are adamant they want the
Discussed at Series
J. A. Farley, the political guide of $20ft—nothing less.
Mr. Roosevelt, in his recent inspec­
of Meetings this Week
tion tour in Oregon, spent all his
Recently It has been stated they
time with newspaper men asertaln- will not enter a candidate Into the
"Do you want a
potato sales
ing to what degree the Townsend field against the two major parties
This Is the question tluit
movement would affect elections and This would have been a mistake. But quota?"
what exactly was the trend nation­ they can bear Influence In lining up farmers who grow potatoes will
At first making light of the with one or the other.
However probably be prepared to answer af­
issue, he however termed his expres­ they are not so much Interested In ter hearing of the potato act at a
sion* very carefully for publication who sits in the White House, they series of four meetings to be held
In o rder that he might not offend j «re more concerned with a favor in Washington county, December 26,
IT, M and W
] able congress and senate.
Most of the growers In this coun­
ty can probably pretty well answer
He Indicated the view of the ad-1 j n Oregon the Townsend niove- that question now, according to W '
ministratlon that it was an unwork- j ment will huve to be recognized. Woe F. Cyrus, county agent.
From what
able plan but he would not be quot- j fo,. unto the man who directly fights they have learned o f the potuto act
He laughingly referred to th e1 tt. Thls sort of program will be "po- through the press and radio, It
effect o f such a plan, but when he i litioal suicide".
And as for the would seem that It Is a rather un­
answered specific questions he again ( Townsend plan bursting that will popular adjustment scheme and cer­
called u|>on his aides to suggest the never happen.
The $200 will never
proper wording.
Yes, Big Jim Far­ be obtained, but there will be defin­ tainly the establishment of sales
ley could not well afford to let his ite step toward a greater old age quota« In this section Is going to be
difficult because of the manner In
personal views be known.
And with such a result, which marketing of the potato crop
« • • • •
the movement will demonstrate its hag for years been carried on.
Though they might not gardless of whether they want It or
Recently such political commenta­ strength.
tors us Frank R. Kent at the nation- huve obtained exactly what was wan- not, the growers want to know what
ul cwpitol huve devoted full columns ted, they can point to what they did It Is. and It Is for that purpose that
to consideration of what he termed obtain. It will result in some form this schedule of meetings has been
"the Town.selid Cloud". In a recent \ of adequate old age pension -don’t arranged.
Growers of a good many of the big
producing sections demanded this
act of their Congressional delega­
tion» and they got It, though from
some reports It would seem that
theie may be a chance of Its being
thrown overboard yet.
However, in
some of the Southern states where
early potatoes ate already planted,
the work of establishing Individual
producers «ales quotas has already
been ocmpleted
Let the New Year enter with a fanfare of
Under the provision of the act
[ the grower has seveial options in
j establishing hi, quota.
These to-
j gether with a tax imposed where the
quotas are not accepted., and other
details of the plan will be explained
at these meetings
A complete
schedule is as follows:
December 26, 1:30 p. m., at the Lau­
rel Hall; Friday, December 27, 1:30
p. m., at Cedar Mills; Saturday, De­
cember 28, at 1:30 p. m , at the Sher­
wood City Hull; Monday, December
20, 1.30 p. m., at the Kinton Hall.
W ish
to^ou ^
Geo. H. Fitzgibbon Glass Co,
General Lithograph Co.
trumpets— greet
[ l i Tnt M on ri ru» i C > W U l O O t K j l
xrCNtMiTDtC Munto ITI TPDH n IV f
119 FUT M ClBu'UURlNil ANDintiBOU]
M ooymrj ap.iK-ov»*. a jiniootyîm ^
To Liquidate
Brown Estate
HüKieoiors M 06 »« «HP rut <nm t»n a i
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T i l l i «AVI HUWSlpn« MfAm
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•RTINti i « A ll A u ( A » r ( » A l l
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-Tunouwr ro(»( piakws
0T nnr
(J u liM M lb l. W s s i s i b
Cum a
laughter— he’s a better, brighter, happier
New Year for all.
We hope that the joy we
derived from serving you in 1935 will be du­
plicated in 1936.
Pioneer Publishing Co.
L n I h UI u I hh I Siane
244 BW Aider