UC v r.T o f *£ £\JG £*N U LARGEST CIR CU LATIO N IN EA STE R N W A SH IN G T O N C O U N T Y VOL. 9, NO. 35 PUBLISH FI) W E E K ] B E A V E R T O N . ORE(i( )N. Friday. October 25 1935 Statehouse First in Series of Gossip Poultry Meetings b > ER NEST L. GRAY F ollow in g an organ ization picture w hich w a s the closest and most co m ­ plicated in recent history o f the house o f representatives, the O regon legislature started into w ork on a program involving a new capitol w h ich w as expected to be a bitter battle, both as to cost o f structure and the site. Held atBeaverton "M aintaining the body w eight of the pullet is tne m ost im portant fac- j tor in holding pullets up in prouuc- , tions, staled H. E. Cosby, extension p ou u iy m a n o f the O regon State Col- lege, at the W ashington cou n ty poul- trym en'g m eeting held in B eaverton high school, Tuesday, O ctober 22, at T he senate cham bers, surrounded 8 p. m., a ccord in g to L. E. Francis, by the m irrored walls and with m ir­ rored pillars on the floor, aroused the assistant county agent. Cosby com m ented that pullets vanity o f som e o f the senate and the dem and w as made to elim inate the shou.d be expected to gain fronj a look in g glass feature so the senate quarter to a h alf pound in weight w ouldn't be talking to their ow n faces. after they have been placed in the This was done. laying house. In ord er to provide for this increase in w eight it Is neces­ But the dining room o f the M arion sary to feed su fficien t am ounts of hotel, w hich is the senate cham ber, is grain and mash to provide fo r both plenty small and the ventilation none eg g production and increase in weight too well, but fo r tem porary quarters It is a very desirable plan to have it io provin g convenient. The house ! several birds in a flo ck m arked so located in the arm ory, is o f course that they can be w eighed at least very m uch better, and except fo r m ore noise, is larger and m ore convenient once a w eek as a ch eck on how the flo ck is holding up. than that in the old capitol. • • • • • C areful observation o f the flock Under these conditions the special with regard to the activity and appe­ session o f the O regon legislature this tite o f the birds and the am ount o f tim e will m ake real history and if . feed they are eating is another very successful will build a m onum ent or g o o d step tow ards m aintaining pro­ erect a m istake w hich will alw ays be i duction. traced to them. The govern or in his In addition to a discussion on the m essage urged action on nothing m ore problem o f keeping pullets up in pro­ than the capitol bills, and naturally duction, Mr. Cosby discussed certain vetoed bills must be brought up. various m atters o f legislation that Spectators fo r the senate d o not w ere o f interest to poultrym en. He fare well. T here is room fo r about pointed out that it is goin g to be vital fifty persons only, but the house has ; to the poultry industry that the poul- room on both the floor and the gal- | trym en becom e better organized in lery. P lenty o f room fo r on-lookers, j ord er that they can su ccessfu lly back and rightly so there, because it is in legislative m easures that are vital to the house where the show Is put on. j th indu8try. At the pi.esent time if the first few days are any indica- prices o f eggs have increased to the tion. point where the foreign produ cer is Senator Jam es H. H azlett intro­ able to im port eggs, pay the ta riff duced the first bill in the senate and and stiil a ffo rd to com pete on A m eri­ had nis m easure on the R. F. C. M ort­ can m arkets with the A m erican poul- gage fee exem ption on the desk be trym an. E g g im portations in recent fore 10:30 the tim e the session was to m onths have increased to the point m eet. It was not form ally introduced w here they are becom ing a serious however, until after organization was TOnsideratlon effected and the session got under I . . ,. . . w ay A nother point discussed by Mr. < • • • • C osby w as the breeder's and hatchery- In this discussion he Contests fo r seats, which developed m en's code. in both houses, were the first in the ( pointed out that while the code itself past sixty years in the legislature, at ; was killed by the decision o f the Su­ least as far as old tim ers recall. It prem e Court with regard to the N R A delayed considerably the usual form al that it has left its influence with re­ organization at the opening o f the gard to a spirit o f fa ir trade and ad­ sessions. Other organization m atters vertising in breeding and hatchery are ironed ou t in the caucuses. : business. • • • • • F ollow in g Mr. C osby's discussion, Three tim es during the Sunday night causus o f the house som e m em ber j Fred H. C ockell, M ilwaukie, Oregon, evidently voted tw ice in the secret recom m ended to the poultrym en that ballots, for three times there w as one j they pass a resolution expressing their m ore vote cast than m em bers pres­ | appreciation to Senator F rederick ent, thereby voiding the election. In Steiw er fo r the support that he gave fa ct the house caucus proved a good the poultry industry in the recent sh ow and well w orth the time spent - session o f Congress. R. L. R ock w ell fa r in to the ight, but if it continues and F rank E rickson were appointed it m ay well becom e m onotonous. as a com m ittee o f tw o to d ra ft this , resolution and send It to Senator T he w ay things are starting out it steiw er on behalf o f the W ashington is beginning to appear as if the spec- ; count pouitrymen. ial session will not a ccom p.ish m uc.i ( Thig wag the first o f a serles o f In the limited 20 days. But all the m on th , m eetings which are held at w ork is done within the last few days -the B„ averton H igh School on the Work to Start on New Beaverton Sewer Soon — W ork on the B eaverton 3600-foot storm sewer, to cost $2056 and em ploy 17 men fo r tw o months, will start O ctober 31, accord in g to announce­ ment from the w o rk j progress adm in- istration o ffic e in H illsboro. The 15 laborers, tile layers and fore­ man to be em ployed on the jo b will be selected, if possible, from worthy relief clients living in the vicinity of the job, in accord a n ce with the em- ploym ent rule follow ed by the W P A . The storm sew er job, when started, will be the seventh m ake-w ork pro­ ject In W ashington county, five o f the rem aining six effe ctin g im provem ents to school grounds or buildings at G as­ ton, C arpenter C reek, W atte, Banks (union high sch ool), and Buxton. The rem aining project is that o f clearing the drainage ditch betw een B eaverton and Huber, w hich Is now being done with 20 men on the job. YO U N G H U N TE R I | | Oregon Products Dinner Draws Good Attendance M ore than 215 persons were served ] at the O regon P roducts dinner under I the sponsorship o f the social club o f I Eastern Star, Friday, at their hall in Beaverton. The tables were attrac- ! tively decorated in a yellow schem e. Jack Marsh 'low s as how he can ; knock the whiskers o f f a gnat at 10 paces with his 25-35 W inchester ca r­ bine. and that’s som ething for any six-gun specialist o f tne Old W est, let alone a 13-year-old Beaverton boy. Jack, who isn't much taller than the gun he packs, brought dow n a seven-point, 200-pound mule deer in the O ch oco m ountains this season— drilled him cleanly through the heart. N or was it the first one fo r the son o f Mr. and Mrs. E ssex Marsh. Jack I has hunted deer with his dad for three years. He didn't have a chance to use the tags the first year. East year he shot a forked horn, breaking the anim al’s neck. His 1935 kill had —an antler spread o f 29 inches. Cour- j tesy Journal. Beaverton Group Attends A Hundred Local Students Attend Game Congregational Meeting at Corvallis Saturday A group con sistin g o f Rev. Chas. 1 Clark, Mrs. D oy Gray. Mrs. L. W. ' T ucker and Miss Juliette C arter drove to H illsboro Tuesday afternoon to at­ tend the W est W illam ette association o f C ongregational church m eeting at i that place. Eater in the day Mr. and ! Mrs. M. H. M etcalf. Mr. and Mrs. | W illis Cady, Mrs. W. C. M cK ell and D oy G ray joined them at the county seat fo r dinner at the church and re­ mained fo r the evening session. Drainage News About one hundred students from ! the Beaverton high school attended 1 the gam e Saturday night at Corvai- 1 lis. Mr. Metzler made tw o school busses available and student^ who 1 wished to attend were charged twenty j five cents round trip. The football team lost to Corvallis h/gli 7-0. Corvallis m ade the touch- | down in the first hali. Those on I the starting line-up fo r B eaverton w ere: W heeler, left end; B. Sipe, left tack le; Hogan, left gu ard ; R eplogle, cen ter; Hetu, right guurd; D. Sipe, ¡rig h t tack le; Bielm an, right end; Klein .left h alf; B erry right h alf; Em m ons, fu llback ; B arron quarter­ back . Miss W hitlock w as absent from school Friday, O ctober 18, because o f the illness o f her father. HU con d i­ tion is reported im proved. T here was a special student body m eeting Friday, O ctober 18, for the purpose o f arousing interest for the Corvallis gam e, Mr. Metzler announ­ ced busses would be sent if enough students would go and the charge would be twenty five cents round trip. T lie students were disappointed when Mr. Zum walt and Mr. W arren did not give them the m uch-awaited- fo r song. F orm er students o f B eaverton high sch ool have shown thorough prepara- I tion in high school English by rec­ ords m ade in Oregon State college English entrance exams. Those teachers instrum ental in their train­ ing w ere Miss Geraldine Sanford, Mrs. G eorgia Snyder, Miss Amnrette B arneg and Miss Mary Martha Sweeny. T he students com peted with those from larger schools such as Corvallis, (w hose record was the highest) J e f­ ferson, Grant, Astoria, Franklin and M edford. The ditch crew D rainage D istrict No. 2, finished cleaning and w idening i the B eaverton ditch thru St. M ary's property W ednesday noon this week. At present are w ork ing in Pat K el­ ley's property. T hose interested m ay obtain a g ood view o f the w ork done j by goin g to the first R. R. trestle W est o f B eaverton on the O regon E lectric. 16 men present this week. F ollow in g ju n ction s on N orth side 1500 ft from Huber avenue, N orth Jenkins Creek. 6750 ft. from begin­ ning on South Johnson creek. 7850 ft on the South side— H orn bu ckle C reek junction. Dow n todate the crew have c o m ­ pleted approxim ately 10.000 ft recon ­ s tr u c tio n -c o m in g tow ards Beaverton ° L anL Se8T !°?L iWL ® " !.;C“ " fourth Tuesday o f each month at 8 p. and see. In the m eantim e tne gover­ m. A nyone interested in poultry on the W est. nor has said he would not call a sec­ raising and its problem s ia w elcom e on d session. to attend. N otices o f each m eeting Male Singers Wanted are sent out. Persons desiring to re­ One day at least m ay be missed. ceive such notices should leave their Those desiring to sing in the W ash ­ T he you nger m em bers anyhow are an- , am _ and address at the county ington C ounty T ow nsend quartet xious to adjourn fo r Saturday o f this agen t's o ffice . w eek to give com m ittees a ch ance to send in you r name. W e need strong w ork. But the real reason is that voices as follow s: First tenor, first 3000 Sacks Onions there will be a good football gam e in , ten or and second tenor and baritone. P ortland, and one can 't let business, C rop rep0 rts state that W . L. B urke Earl E. F IS H E R , particularly state business interfere s c hoils, harvested approxim ately B eaverton, O regon w ith pleasure, ahem. 3000 sacks o f onions, the 1935 crop. this fall. T o date he has shipped tw o County Health Assn, to Two Whoppers! D espite the lack o f adm inistrative carloads Oregon yellow danvers. R oy Y our co i respondent was visiting at san ction , tw o social security acts were Berst, onion king o f Beaverton-Cedar Meet at Hillsboro Nov 4 brou ght Into the senate hopper the Mill, has been assisting toppping the home o f G eorge N ew m an on Ce­ dar street, Beaverton, Sunday, and first day, but were brought in indi- onions. T he W ashington County Health as­ overheard a talk on corn. W e believe sociation are having as dinner guests dually by Senator Alan B ynon who l that G eorge Newm an and B ob Medill all the d octors o f W ashington county stated they were not social security Picking Walnuts are headed fo r the state cham plonsip. N ovem ber 4, 6:30 p. m., at the P yth ­ acts. He contended how ever they E sther Troup, daughter o f Mr. and Medill said "w hile dow n in Texas ian Hall, H illsboro, Dr. G. C. Bellin­ are em ergen cy m easures and should be acted upon by the extraordinary Mrs. W m . Troup, is busy the past two his cow was eating corn o f f the cob— ger o f Salem T uberculosis hospital weeks picking walnuts South o f Beav­ ; the sun becam e so hot, the corn began session. and Dr. M arr Biscallion o f Matson erton. This season they are paying to pop— the old cow thought It was Sanitarium will be speakers for the One would reduce the age qu alifi­ five cents per three gallon pail for snow ing and froze to d ea th !” evening. The crop seem s to be A No. Then N ew m an said— “ back in Ohio cation s for old age pension from 70 picking. Dr. J. O. R obb, H illsboro, State when he was a boy planting corn chairm an fo r the "E a rly D iagnosis years to 65. The state law now is set 1 fo r 1935 with a span o f m ules—one mule died C am paign" is the chairm an for the at 70, and this a ct would bring it M R S J . C. S N ID E R in the cen ter o f the corn patch, so evening. dow n to the federal provisions. This Dr. R obb served on the Mrs. J. C. Snider died at her hom e they burled him right there and stuck will be done eventually so Bynon did board o f directors and m em bership not wait. It was expected a sim ilar on 3rd street in Beaverton, Thursday a rake handle in the ground to mark chairm an o f the W ashington County govern m en t bill also would be Intro- 1 m orning at 5.30 at the age o f 78 years, the place and finished planting corn. P ublic Health association, which has '7 m onths and 4 days. Mrs. Snider T at fall they harvested six bushels o f duced. had fo r their program fo r three years was born in South Carolina, com in g corn on the sam e spot and there "E a rly D iagnosis’” and 1500 school T he other bill will be good news fo r to O regon many years ago She has were three ears o f corn grow in g on children have been given the tu bercu ­ cou nties if it passed. Under the pres- resided on a farm at K inton fo r 32 the rake h and le!” losis skin test in the county, with posi­ rnt ok! ;iLr p. nsion law the counties year-, m oving to Beaverton seven tive reactors given X -R ays. REPORTS HOUSE ROItltKI) She had been in ill and the state must m atch the federal m onths ago. H arry P arker, o f near B eaverton, govern m en t's contribution 25 per cent health fo r sometime. Congratulations R elatives surviving her include her reported Tuesday that his home had each as against the govern m en t’s 50, A m on g articles taken This would be changed under the new husband, J. C. Snider, three sons, been entered. The m em bers o f crew No. 105, w ork ­ act to place the entire responsibility Lester o f Beaverton. Clarence o f L ong were tw o rifles, w hich were used In ing on the Beaverton D itch donated a upon the state, thus relieving the cou n ­ Beach, W ash., and Glenn o f Oswego. the Civil W ar, a single shot .22 calibre box o f cigars to K. E. Tillotson, W P A T w o sisters, Mrs. F loren ce Larkins of rifle and a shotgun. ties o f any m atched funds. engineers with congratulations. • • • • B eaverton and Mrs. Clyde Keller o f LOUISE GII.SDORF T here appears to be m ore people in Portland, tw o brothers, J. B. Snider, Sister M ary Sophia (L ouise Oils- the press gallery at this special ses­ o f Brush Prairie, W ash , and Noah Shoots Several China’s sion than at any previous regular or Snider, o f B eaverton and a sister-in- d o rf) died O ctober 19 at St. V incent's Aldon Barron, popular base ball special. Just what this is indicative law, Mrs Abbie Snider at the M asonic hospital at the age o f 24 years. R e­ player, also en joys hunting as a pas­ H om e, Forest Grove. o f w a a hard to state, unless new spa­ quiem mass held Tuesday O ctober 22 Funeral services will be held at at St. M ary’s o f the V alley with inter­ time. H e was telling a friend that he pers over the state are educating shot a China rooster W ednesday and readers to becom e m ore politically P egg's chapel Saturday, O ctober 26, ment In their private grounds. W. E. Interm ent at the Crescent P egg was ln charge o f arrangem ents. several m ore during the past week. m inded as far as governm ental m at­ at 2 p. m. i G rove cem etery. ters are concerned. F A T H E R HCHHOMKI • • • • • Good Demand fo r V egetables F ather Schroski, aged 74 years, Misg L aM em Dean, student at P a­ Past tw o weeks Messrs Tobin. At an y rate in addition to the regu­ died at St. M ary's o f the Valley, Sun­ lar staffs o f the standard papers and c ifie Unlversity, Forest G rove, spent Blythe and Jones have been busy sell­ ing vegetables on the East Side m ar­ day, O ctober 20. R equiem mass was pres* associations, there are more the w eek end at home. ket, Portland T hey report dem and 1 said W ednesday, O ctober 23, with In­ special w riters and m ore ph otograph ­ W. Brow ns i good fo r lettuce, bunch beet* and tur­ term ent In the private grounds. P rescriptions filled at ers, And for the first few days the E Pegg In charge. Phsrmscy. Continued on Page 4 nips. gc..t S a tu r d a y s Hillsboro | Townsend Club Meets Sunday at Beaverton A m eeting o f the T ow nsend club will be held Sunday, O ctober 27, at 1 p. m. in the Beaverton I. O. O. F. hall to hear a broadcast from the T ow nsend National convention. John B. Pen- hall o f Portland will also give an address. All are w elcom e, w hether a m em ber or not . Ba" w . “ News Items for f , . ^ By their votes on Saturday, O cto- - - _ bei 26 hog p rodu cers o f O regon and l-l o n r | A k p A O / l all oth er states will reveal to nation- | 11C 1 C C lllU t l U I U d U al officia ls o f the A A A w hether or not ■ ________ there is enough Interest and dem and w .. . . n for a 11*36 corn -h og program to ju s t i -1 A ssociate Matrons o f Portland and fy such a program Such is the word v £ ? ‘ *y « ^ ™ *»ar gath- *ent out, to extension o fficia ls in Ore- I ered. at ^ a d o r y hotel Saturday lo r a gon m d elsew here by Claude R. W ick- > M ra John Felsher and 'a i d , ch ief o f the A A A corn -h og sec- £ f r * “ •»»• M ,s, ° a,, rl8h w *ru • *. I In attendance from B eaverton. T ae _ , . . . tables were decorated in H allow een E very cou nty in O regon in which a colors. A , hort progrum program f 0n0Wed corn -h og con trol association was the luncheon. form ed has provided a polling place St. C ecelia church is planning to w hich will be open all day Saturday give a bazaar at the A loh a grange from 8 o 'clo ck in tile m orn in g to 10 A supper will be o 'clo ck at night. In W ashington hall O ctober 26. served in con ju n ction . county the polling place is at the Ed Y oung spent the w eek end at ! cou nty agen t's o ffice , Courthouse, A storia where he fished fo r salm on | H illsboro. trout in Y oung's river, bringing hom e A ll op erators and ow n ers o f farm s a good catch . w hich produced corn o r hogs in 1935 Mrs. Otto E rickson o f Banks, visi- may vote in the nationw ide referen­ dum, w hether they signed 1934 or 1935 l« d “ t the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Guy con tracts o r not, the local corn -h og ari Sunday. Mr. E rickson left for com m ittee announces. E ach eligible l d,*bo Sunday .where he is the super­ person is entitled to on ly one vote re- intendent o f a m ining industry there gardless o f the size o f hig operations, M is. W. H. Boyd entertained the the num ber o f farm s handled or their * 1 iendship B ridge club at her hom e location. W ednesday afternoon, Mrs. D oy P rinted ballots have been distribu- ° ,>ay held 8Core- ted and these are to be deposited per- and Mrs. le d H orn eck er and s o n illy w hen possible, though sealed son, have been guests at the Essex mail ballots with the v oter’s signa­ Marsh home the past week. T hey ure mou ture on the outside o f the envelop will - j° H JIV *u|f|g|A "qsu,\\' osijjj be accepted, where the g row er cannot necker s m other. Mr. and Mrs. F rank Davig and ; cast his ballot in person. daughter Elaine o f P ortland, were In voting a grow er m erely votes yes j over night guests o f Mr. and Mrs. or no on the question w hether any , , W ashington last m onth at which f a r m 1 3 l> m s on rn ay fo r 1936. rt is not a vote on a par- I T 1“ ,A1& V f ? ticulai plan, nor does on e’, vote bind i m w “ » m * ^ him to sign o r not to sign in case a pU™ntf ; “ rM and Mrs. H. R . Nelson program is developed. ; Mr. am 1 Mrs. R. R , !Sum m er, spent F the week end at Nehaiem City, sal- 1 lie lefereiulum is tne second step nion fishing and w ere su ccessfu l in by W ashington o fficia ls in deciding catch in g several. on the future o f corn -h og adjustm ent. A b . Clem ent and W alter C avl- The first was tne national hearing at ness fished in various T illam ook W ashington last m onth at w h ic farm stream s over the week end leaders urged a new program which Mr. K in gston o f Seattle. Wash., is would allow for expansion next year visiting his brother, Ell K ingston o f o f hog production w hile holding a Laurel, this week. ch eck on corn production. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Cam pbell o f Lex- The farm representatives argued ington, Oregon, spent tile w eek end that the stage is set perfectly for a ¡w ith relatives here. T heir small serious over-produ ction o f corn be- daughter, Patricia, w as christened at cause o f the drouth-reduced livestock the C ongregational ch urch Sunday, herds. This, accord in g to past ex- Mrs. Currie L eonard o f Seattle, perience, will be follow ed by too m any ¡W ash., spent from Saturday to M on­ hogs raised in 1937 on cheap corn, day at the hom e o f her parents, Mr. bringing a retuin o f 3-cent hog prices and Mrs. H. O. Stipe, as in 1933. Packers, on the other 1 Miss Irene Craig, o f M idvale, Idaho, hand argued against con tin u en ce o f spent the week end visiting at the any fu rth er con trol program , saying hom es o f Mr. and Mrs. E lm er Stipe it would be against the best interests and Mr. and Mrs. H arris H ansen at o f both producers and consum ers. : Multnomah. G. J. A ckiln and son Gerald and ( f i n e r C„||c p| _ _ Mr- and Mrs. A lton Allen o f Portland, * * ‘ n S o e i l s U la C e attended the Eastern S tar P rod u cts f o r t 7 n n n f a e k dinner F riday evening and were ‘ r greeting old friends and neighbors. ------------- 1 Mrs. M. C. M cK erch er entertained W H. King, prom inent citizen o f at dinner Tuesday evening fo r the fol- Beaverton, sold his beautiful resl- low ing guests: Mrs. Belle W alker, donee on the Tualatin highw ay East M l8' W alter Van K ieek, Mrs. Louise o f town last week for $7000, cash . C arter and Mrs. C larence P alm o f Will K ing has made his hom e at Seattle, Wash. Beaverton since a small boy, w hen he and M is. R . M. M iller w ere attended the one room school at that hosts Sunday at a d in n er h onorin g David P u rsers homes Mr. M illers m other on her 77ta | time located between Joe R ossi's and j birthday anniversary. P laces w ere F or m any years, as a young man, la*d i ° r Mrs. M illers parents, Mr. he w orked in sawm ills ow ned by Al and Mrs. F. Nyquist o f .Portland, M iss Davies, N ew ton Davies and G reely A idene, Bentley o f L ongview , W ash., Davies. i and Mrs. G race N orm an or B eaverton. In Mil, I ,l;iys "B ill" WM som e ball M is. K K. Sum m ers and Mrs. E. player on the Beaverton team ^ilso Htipe attended a luncheon and bridge if you have talked with him you will p a n y at tne B eau craft in P ortland, note he is well posted on early day i on Monday. activities around his home tow n. Mr. und Mrs. R alph Van K ieek o f Mr. K in g has some valuable prop- Portland, visited Mr. and Mrs. W alter erty in Portland, where he will reside i Van K ieek M onday . in the near future. Still he w as tell- Mrs. John H untley, T acom a, W ash., ing an old friend W ednesday, that he is spending a few days this w eek likes to be near Beaverton, the old with her son-in-law and daughter, home town, and his friends second Mr. and Mrs. Al G eorge, the m otion. ! Little Carol G eorge, w ho has been ----------------------------- With her aunt and uncle, M r.and Mrs. : Collis M oore at M oro, O regon, the N e w A llt o T r u c k past week, returned hom e Sunday ac- ... .. | com panled by Mr. M oore. A fter operating an old Ford truck Ha P ln der o f Portland, form er all sum m er Al Pesenli claim s O d r„ iden/ o f th u place was ln tow n H enry becam e balky didn t want to M onday go any m ore! So he traded him o f f Th ^ AW o f the C ongrega- for a new truck. Say boy! It« a dan- . . ® - * . dy and It travels so swell that D ario I tion,il ch urch “ re hol,JlnK a ,a l * Casale like to ride in the d riv er'* 1 Saturday m orn in g betw een tne hours ol 10 and 12 at lla lsten s H ardw are. - . i D inner guests W ednesday evening 1 0 Acres A cre« W heat iu wneat P er D av rer Day These Indian sum m er days are OK ror the farm ers. At St. M arys Tues- day Isiule and h ied K ielger and Adolph, the man who also referees igh — roottiall a ry s h hlgn— football gam es at M St t. M ary’s drilled 10 acre wheat and m any days eight acres are seeded. At present w riting they are sow ing the big corn field North one operates a tractor with gnng plow another drill, third man harrow and 10 acres per day. G on g som e! ri _ . r» ••j f a t Builder In Town Did you know that B eaverton has a boat builder residing here. Yes sir, his name is Arthur Clement. At pres­ ent he ha8 tw o on hand, and th ey are good ones. Fot hunting ducks, or fishing, a boat is necessary to bring in the game. B Pete Van De Hey’s Birthday Monday, O ctober 21, w as Pete Van De H oy’s birthday. He hag resided in W ashington cou n ty for a lon g time. A pretty good fellow with a lot o f good friends On this im portant ccaslon the boys wish Pete m any hap­ py days. Benverton defeated V ernonla foot- ball team today by a score o f 13 to 7. ----------------- - Send you r want ads to this paper, of Mr Mrs R ' M Mllier hom e ttnd on Leeeteuig atieet wa, at thelr Ward C ox o f P ortland and Mrs. Clara T er­ rt|l Qt Santom a, Texas, I and Mrs. A rthur Little, broth er- in-law o f S. D. Meyers, will arrive : „ , , _ Sunday frolm K»a ™ ‘ h F a]>8 w ee*lrl V*SR *n B eaverton. Mr. Little au ditor fo r the Southern P a cific, having been with them sin ce 1909. Other visitors at the M eyers hom e in- j elude Mr. and Mrs. W. J. K on atz o f Albany, son-in-law and dau ghter o f ! Mr. and Mrs. Meyers. A large delegation from the B eav- erton grange attended the W ash ln g- ^on cou n ty P om on a gran ge at Hills- boro W ednesday. Funeral services fo r the Infant son o f Mr. and Mrs. W. G. M iksche were held W ednesday at the P egg Chapel. Mrs. W alter Scott entertained with a small luncheon at her hom e on the i W a lk er road Thursday. Guests in­ cluded Mrs H arold W ilde o f W ashing­ ton, Mrs. F. H. Schoene. and Mrs. A. E. H anson. C ontract bridge was played du rin g the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Schoene were dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. H. W . R oberts at their hom einP ortland Sat- j urday. Mr and Mrs. Clyde M organ re­ turned to their hom e the first o f the | week follow in g s tw o weeks m otor j r|p through C alifornia and attending the fair at San Diego,