B U Y> nö s e l l List Your Wants, Rentals, Articles for Sale or Trade ness" has been tack o f con fiden ce. New Deal policies have frightened the capital m arkets. It seem s that e v ­ I O R E G O N M IR R O R & B E V E L IN G e ry tim e heavy industry sentim ent W O R K S . 411 N. W . 5th Avenue. B R . ' becom es optim istic, the A dm in istra­ 4227. A ll m irrors resilvered and tion launches a new attack on t h o s e ! hand m irrors repaired. The Real Road to Jobs con trollin g the nation's capital. Babson Says Heavy Industry R evival There are other im portant reasons M U SIC AL lN S T R l 'M K N T S Only Real Cure for for the slow pick-up o f these indus­ Unem ploym ent tries, but the lack o f con fid en ce is A C C O R D IO N S— Learn the m ost pop­ i the m a jor cause. Babson Park, Mass., July 19—M a­ lar instrum ent, the Piano A c co rd ­ ACCOUNT OF ILL H l u r x On several occasion s since July, ion at the forem ost A ccordion chine tool orders have reached a new hai W l g o K h aw (,n*is) 1933, con cern s p rodu cin g light goods School o f the W est. The only co m ­ high fo r the recovery period. T his JUNE Vc.l'Sto have had a burst o f orders. B us9 plete A ccordia n School. W e sell the ACtHUS JT.CUIC (PA.) very sign ifican t fo r it m eans thai ness would have pushed its w ay back hitrh prade IT A L IA N P IA N O AC­ the heavy industries such as build­ FEB. 2«U.I7S7 A N P C O R D IO N S. J. E n zler’s A ccordion ing, m achinery, equipm ent, iron and to prosperity d u rin g those boom lets j CYRUS G fiF fC N (VA) TA9 Z M 1786. School 1409 S. W. 3rd Ave P ortland steel, and the like are finally begin n ­ had the heavy good s lines supported i t i» e t c o a o i o t h a t i n the form er division. F or the past Oregon. C K T O H i « , 1 7 8 7 . M AN SO N ing to take on w orkers. F or tw o iS S u e l ' A S E J A A O E in tw o years econ om ists have been an- (ht UWTTOJWriA years the core o f the unem ploym ent «UUlCM ME. D P C m A « E O PERSONAL 1 xiousiy scrutizing w eekly business «CASOS «TIME •TMC I A 1 T r M lN iJ O A V - IN problem has been in these industries. AR? THE ONLY statistics in the hope they cou ld find MOVE M CE.« AA A OAYTO | ; H ence, I view this im provem ent a3 8 6 SET » P A S T M IA BE PUOI ICS lb FIECT som e trace o f recovery in this group. I C a n c e r s ___^ U m o r a. Gallstones one o f the m ost optim istic indicators TXAN E.'C IU M O AMO CVCVfC A E g e jlP E N T BY Several tim es individual indicators o f T hin WAC THE WIE OFTMEEUCMU. treated. N o surgery. Polish in the business ou tlook today. heavy g ood s a ctivity have tem por­ WU.C MOitNMfi T h is O F F IC IA L COLL Eoe. m ethod. Specim ens and testim on­ ! CO N SU M ER VS H E A V Y GO OD S arily turned upwatd, but there have V f K C o f P M S lP fN I #THAH*S<»IVIN6 d a y " OF TME u*«TtDMAItS »J O f THE NFs* R oughly, industry is divided into been ials from H cH lan d people. P O L ­ no sym ptom s of a sus­ cow 6 wiw fftP u a u c . M OVEVTROIOCAE WASHINOTSw \LA S0C « F IR S T ISH H E A L T H C LIN IC INC., 903-4 tw o m ajor classes heavy, or capital tained revival until this spring. N ow P ttSIO C H T OF THE U N ,U P S T A T E S O f A I» im cA "u H O fR Tim es Bldg., 4th and W ashington. g ood s; and il Uliunier goods. Capital nearly every barom eter o f activity in * ¿0 WAiMWtoTOH TM ECoN SllTotiaM AMO WAS O F F I'IA U V P E C c A R E O I goods are those w hich last fo r a long (ho heavy industries is show ing signs i j ’ K W K 5 i d im T. • owe nesr cves . pem t , tv • it sr*-,6 » ,'cttSMi on \t»*R fJICf ILfvJCY- a u y o *, i ) K , T h e . p i ce « . i s i a « c c a b p - « i s B i r t h . IN C U R A B L E S W A N T E D — A rthritis, ¡tim e such as houses, oridges, loco­ o f better times. -------- * * v - C onsigner sinus, rheum atism , prostate, sore and m otives, and m achinery. M ACH IN E TO O L O R D E R S up s tiff limbs, aches and pain, to try goods are those w hich are used L E A D R IS E paper, shoes, free, the M IR A C L E R O l.-A -R A Y . No , im m ediately such as One o f the m ost Important o f all surge in these industries is legislative and crent it has practically the sam e medl ,'ine, no operation. Call A T. electricity, fo o d , and cloth in g. T he I f the value as a food and can be looked consum er goods, w hich are m ostly industrial indicators to w atch at the uncertainty at W ashington. 3729 or w rite 310 O regonian Bldg. necessities, are by fa r m ore stable. present time is the value o f c o n ­ A dm inistration w ould on ly give up upon as another w ay o f putting m ilk the idea o f reform in g A m erica at one S E E DR. E T H E L A. S A C R Y fo r in- T hey experienced r p ly a relatively tracts aw arded for building homes. full sw oop, and tell C ongress to "call into the diet. m inor drop in activity oetw een 1929 R esidential building continue to de­ sta.it relief fo r corns, calouses and M any interesting th in g i can be it a d a y " the buoyant revival in the in grow ing nails. B E acon 4101, 929 and 1933. Because the heavy goods cline long after m ost industries began heavy good.« lines eftuld lift Am erica done with ice cream ,too. Sundaes are durab.c, purchases can be post­ to recover. It w as not until the S. W . Salm on St., P ortland, Or. poned tem pora lily until m e b u s iv s s spring o f this year that there was industry and em ploym ent out o f the I made with fresh fruit, en ticin g m ilk red by 1936! shakes are fam iliar favorites to ev­ ou tlook is m ore favorable. H ence any in crease yn hom e v building, j Busiincss, as estim ated by the Bnb- eryone, but there are still oth ers not GOVERNM ENT JO B S— Start $105- the num ber o f w ork ers in capital R esidential con stru ction last m onth $175 m onth. M en-W om en. P re­ goods con cern s declined sharply dur­ was alm ost double that o f June, sonchart, is now 1 per cent below a so fam iliar perhaps, but ju st as in­ pare now fo r next O regon exam ina­ ing the depression. 1934, but was less than tw enty per year a g o and 20 per cent below teresting and easy to prepare. normal. tions. Shc-Vt hours. C om m on edu ca­ the pre-depression peak. The consum er industries hit their cent o f Ic e l r«a in S a n d » jo b C opyright 1935 tion usually su fficien t . E xperience low in March, 1933. These gains In building, plus a Under the stim ­ unnecessary. 25 coach ed free. Full ulus o f t h e early New Deal measures, good volum e o f m odernization w ork, Serve vanilla ice cream between particulars and list positions F R E E . floods o f orders were released im ­ have cut the num ber o f jobless in the tw o pieces o f sponge cak e cu t about W rite today sure. F ranklin Insti­ m ediately a fte r t h e B ank H oliday. building trades from the high of Cooling Climaxes 1 inch thick. P ou r w arm ch ocolate tute, Dept. 587 D, R ochester, N. Y., By July o f that year the con su m er around seventy per cent in 1933 to or bu tterscotch sauce over the top (E stablished 1905) about fifty per cent at present. W arm sum m er dayis and one begins industries were op eratin g nearly at to look for the m ore coolin g types of and sprinkle with nuts. (W ith slices norm al and have rem ained at a The biggest gains in the heavy O f course, sum m er or winter, o f b rick ice cream and alm ost any M O N T A N A A S S A Y O F F IC E 610 S. relatively good level ever since. I f goods lines have been stored by m a­ focAl. the body requires the same food' kind o f cake, this popular dessert capital g ood s orders had ju m ped as W . 2nd ave., A T. 2726. Chem ists. chine tool ordets, which are now elem ents to nourish it, but it is pos­ can be served on 3 m inutes n otice) rapidly as dem and fo r lighter goods, A ssayers and M etallurgists. H ig h ­ twelve tim es above their depression Apple N an«- it la M od« est prices paid fo r O L D G O L D and em ploym ent m ight have reached nor­ low and seventy-nine per cent o f sible to plan well-balanced meals from the food s naturally available over the mal in mid-1933. The follow in g their norm al level. S IL V E R . Serve apple sauce In a sherbet glass The increases table gives readers som e idea o f hchv o f the last few m onths have been sum m er months. with vanilla ice cream on top ; gar­ em ploym ent in the various indus­ due to orders Fresh fruits and vegetables In sal- nish with a cherry. from m iscellaneous PAIN TIN’ G -P A P E R I I A N G IN G (O ther fresh tries, divided as to these tw o m ajor sources, indicating that the recovery nds, cheese and eggs to take the fruits m ay be substituted fo r the divisions, com pares with norm al or in the big industries is «.preading out place o f meat, cold milk to drink, green apple suuce). P A IN T IN G , P A P E R H A N G IN G and 100 (1923-25— 100): on a broader front. Sales o f Diesel bread and butter, too, or course, Ice Angel F ood Suprem e Tinting. My w ork speaks fo r itself. cream fo r dessert, and you have In­ engines, fo r instance, are double the IN D U S T R IA L E M P L O Y M E N T W . J. B arclay, 1504 S. W . B roadw ay, Enlarge hole in angel cake, m ak­ 1934 volum e, while there has been a cluded all o f the protective foods, and in A T. 2296. w ithout having to toll over a hot ing the hollow cen ter about 4 inches Capital GoodIs Consum er G oods noticeable pick-up in rail equipment stove preparing the heavier type o f in diam eter. P lace cake oh serving buyling. Ship builders, truck m akers, 50.9% F'oods 9.VU, Lum ber plate, and when ready to serve, fill farm m achinery producers, electrical meal. POU LTRY W AN TED M achinery 84.5% Text lfl s 93.5% m anufacturers, metal fabricators are Ice cream is the perfect dessert, be­ with ch ocola te o r fresh fru it ice Cement 57.09( Leather 87.3'- all gradually cu ttin g down their cause it is not on ly cold and appeal­ cream . Cut into w edge-ehaped pieces C O L O R E D & L E G H O R N B R O IL E R S Iron, Steel 72.3% Paper 96 6 ing in appearance, but is packed with takin g a share o f Ice cream with each red Ink figures. wanted. W e also w an t 200 colored L ocom otives 30.1% Chem icals 108.0% practical food value. Made from milk serving. hens w eekly, Cash Paid. W e will A verage 71.2% A verage 91.9% C O N G R E SS & U N E M P L O Y M E N T call. P hon e E A. 5879 or w rite T here are still abou t 10,000,000 un­ All in all, the possibilities w hich | C O L U M B IA P R O D U C E CO., 322 SE em ployed w orkers and the num ber exist in these dorm ant industries to­ O ak St., Portland, Oregon. has not ch anged m aterially In the day are trem endous. W ith vast p o­ last eighteen m onths. T hree-fourths tential m arkets fo r new products, i o f these w orkers would norm ally be with a trem endous deferred dem and H U SK Y , H E A L T H Y D A Y O L D and busy in the durable gc'ods industries. fo r existing goods, and with the lar­ In Portland at 1430 S. E. 35th Ave., This is a Popular bath Started W h ite L eghorn & R ed Chicks So it Is easy to see where the real gest credit reserves on record, the Institution, Enjoys a Large and Well Merited Patron­ Custom H atching & B roodin g done road to prosperity lies. r feel very heavy industries probably face the Jam esw ay M achines. M illers H atch ­ stron gly that the m ajor cause for the biggest boom in A m erican history. age; catering to Both Ladies and Gentlemen. ery, 11309 N. E. Halsey, P ortland, low level o f activity in "B ig Busi­ The on ly fa ctor preventing a great TA. 3569. W ithout health all the oth er gifts o f life are worthless. H um an nature seem s to be so constituted that we m ortals d o not realize L ie truth o f this statem ent until It is too lute. H ealth is one o f th ose things— like a good w ife A L L K IN D S O F P O U L T R Y W A N ­ not appreciated until It is gsTne. T E D P hone SU. 5727 o r w rite 10015 And when Charles K in gslev said that Cleanliness is next cy h aving In Its midst such a very well know n con cern ns P. S harkey & Son, w nose com m endable pollciea and inherent honest dealings nave gained them an ever increasing business. First they insist that their service is dependable. Y ou kn ow that you are goin g to get value received and courteous treatm ent w hen you trade hero her iuse past experience has taught you that they are personally Interest­ ed In you and you r trade. N ext they leave nothing undone in their e ffo rt to provide for you the very best harness that can be had fo r the m oney. T o be m erely rendering an average service in an average establishm ent :s all well and good. But to be able to give a service that is Just a little In ad van ce o f others In an establishm ent that has becom e a feature o f tho com m ercial life o f the com m u n ity; that la Indeed som ething well w orth while. T h rou gh the extended «ervlces o f this very active firm , m any dollars are brought yearly into circulation. G ood values and reasonable prices have placed their produ cts everywhere. P. S h arkey A Son started Its business career upon a solid foundation, k n ow in g that success in this advan cin g business could on ly be gained by o ffe rin g quality service upon a fa ir m argin o f profit. F air and honest, business m ethods at all times, excellent service to every patron has estab­ lished fo r them a trade that has extended In every direction from town.. All these business assets have been the reaeon fo r their success, and with theso m ethods in mind we realize that th eir su ccess has been deserved. These are but a few o f the reasons that we w ish to direct the special attention or ou r readers to this place as one o f the essentlnl factor* In the life o f the c o m ­ munity. But what we particularly call our readers attention t<) Is the fa ct that in trading here you deal with people w h o are here every day and w h o are Interested in you and you r w elfare.