» N » « esr , LARGEST CIRCU LA TIO N IN EASTERN BEAVERTON,OREGON, K1GHT11 YEAR, NO. 17 By Over-Riding of Constitution Holman Seeks a Dictatorship Delzell to Enter Congress Race W A S H IN G T O N COUNTY THURSDAY. M AX J, 19.H Death Comes to Kiwanis to Enter c D L* R . j. Robinson ci rloat L • in D Portland Veteran Pioneer Festival Roses j R aw leigh S. R obinson, aged 76 years, 11 m onths. 26 days, who died sudden- ly at his hom e on the Scholls road Saturday m orning, was born in a log cabin on the W illiam J. R obinson do­ nation land claim fou r miles south o f B eaverton which th ey settled on in 1851 and where Mr. R obinson has re- i sided ever since, never being absent 1 from the farm m ore than a m onth at : any one time. Mr. R obinson took great pride in his fa rm and hom e w hich he hewed j out o f the wilderness, and especially i in the livestock upon the farm . He | w as a rugged pioneer and a hard w ork er in his younger days, being ja ctiy e to the last, and was assisting in feed in g the stock the m orn in g he W a s stricken. He was a firm believer in honesty and paid his bills prom ptly The entire session o f the B eavei- on Kiwanis club W ednesday was de- voted to the planning o f a queen con- test and the flout the club will enter in the R ose Festival parade next mont h. President A. M. Jannsen announced that the queen will be chosen this year from the various high school most popular girl, the queen being later chosen from the selection. The other three girls will act as princesses, R ose show buttons will be sold, the entire p ioceed s to be used in decorat- lug the float. Com m ittees to w ork on the plan were appointed as follow s: Queen, Dr. Talbert, I. R. Motzler, Ed Conolly. ! Float, Dr. Welsh, L eonard Adam s, Rev. | Clarke. C oronation, Dod Berg, Dr. . Mason. F rancis Liverm ore. Sale o f RUBLI >11 ED TI1URSL) \N M. Devers to Seek Nomination Weed Garden Is The Official Iris Display Center- Local Breveties T he iris garden o f H ow ard W eed on Behind the recent announcem ent o f 1 State T reasurer H olm an that he in­ thS Canyon road, has been designated tends to retain the State T reasurer- j the o fficia l garden o f tbo O regon dis­ ship through the prim ary and general trict o f the A m erican Iria Society. elections, and then, if elected to the Mr. W later, national president o f tin- governorship, appoint his own treas- j organization, recently visited the gm urer, is a con sp ira cy to capture o u r ! dens on an inspection tour o f outr state governm ent. .stan din g iris plantings in the United B riefly stated, it contem plates: j State«. F irst— The nom ination and election j A. M. Jannsbn was in A storia this o f Mr. H olm an fo r g overn or through | w eek on business. the influences, prestige and peroga- j P eter W ickstrand o f route 1 B eav­ lives o f the State T reasury Depart- I erton, received a fractured right It g m ent— perogatives so pow erful that M onday at a plant o f the Portland they will reach into the very finan­ Shipbuilding com pany. H e was taken cia l structure o f our State. .1. M. D E V E R S to the Emanuel hospital. Second -T h e retention o f the S tate! \V. A. D E L Z E L L Mrs. Loue.se C arter and Miss Gene­ T reasu ry D epartm ent by Mr. Holm an J. M. Devers, candidate for the re­ W. A. Delzell o f M arion county, is a and lo ld with Pride tha< there neve‘ B uttons’ ^ K * h e y . W alter Unis. publican nom nation for Congress in vieve C arter w ere guests to a tea at after his election to the govern orship John K irby and O tto Kiehl. until such tim e as he assum es the du- «andidate fo r th e d em ocra tic repre­ had been a m ortgage upon his farm . the First Oregon D istrict, has been the hom e o f Mrs. Cora D. Orune and On O ctober 12, 1882, Mr. R obinson -------------------------. ties o f c h ie f executive o f the state, sentative in con gress from the first I granted a leave o f absence without Mrs. N orm an Crane last Thursday. was united in m arriage to E m m a More than 200 persons attended the w hereupon he will appoint a man to Oregon district. i pay from his duties as attorney for Jarred, and they celeb ra ted their G ol- Martin Favors Hlgh- su cceed him as state treasurer, w hose Mr. Delzell in m ore republican years . ¡the state highw ay com m ission and O regon P roducts dinner sponsored by m ind runs alonng with his politically, ha 3 previously cam paign ed fo r this U n , , T 1 a n n iversaiy on O ctobei 1 J r r> 1 9 1Q39 K io u n io n m m K ,»rn way Building Program wil1 devote the next three w . , k ( io the B eaver Social club last T hu rsday 12, 1932. T T ax o f this union u were born and who will be subservient to his po- same o ffice. He was secretary to _____ I an intensive cam paign fo r votes dur­ evening. A num ber o f reels o f m ov­ three ch ildren : Ora E. Sylvester, o f litical dictates. G overn or P ierce, secretary o f the ing which he expects to visit every ing pictures taken during a trip to Halsey, O regon : H arry L. R obinson. Continuance o f the federal emer- South A m erica recently, w ere show n A s G overnor, H olm an would then state board o f con trol and state pur county in W estern Oregon. h“ m e ’ and Bes8ie B ehm ’ deceased gency highway building program con trol, and could fill with his own Chasing agent during the d em ocratic at Mr. Devers has been delayed in by F erdinand Schoene. , 11 /% n In / 1 /-v o i»rt 4 L*t ., * • .« »> .* A iv n . k . . . . , \ > . . . 4 S , ._ ... I A 1 1 . ___ He also leaves tw o v sisters, Mrs. A gnes co-operation with _ the states, which T ho M cM inn Bible class m et Satin political henchm en, the follow in g im ­ state adm inistration. F rom 1905 to staitin g his cam paign because o f the portant o ffice s, boards and com m is­ 1912 he was cash ier o f the First Na- W alker. 83 years o f age, w ho crossed probably will bring another $6,000,000 piess o f important legal problems day night for a regular Bihlo study. ‘ ’ d evo­ tional bank o f K lam ath Falls, farm ed the plains in, 1851' and F lorence R o ^ O regon within the next three years. ^ sions. re the highway departm ent de- Miss Carolyn inson, aged 78 years, and six grand will be assured through fu rth er up- _ ...del E. C ar- P ublic Utilities C om m issioner, C or­ in Klam ath county, had been a school m anding his personal attention, in­ tional pc E unice Sylvester, G race propriations by congress expected continued his tala on ttie poration C om m issioner, Insurance teacher and while a resident o f Oklg- children, cluding the final negotiations sur- nett Behm , Mable Behm, Chester R obin - soon, accordin g to a statement re ! "C h u ioh ." He took the first and m c - C om m issioner, B udget D irector, D irec- homa prior to that served as assist- im inding the Coust H ighw ay bridge son, W illiam R obinson, and E velyn ceived by friends here from Congress-1 The tor o f the D epartm ent o f A griculture, ant state auditor. He has been a resi- bond con tracts to w hich Devers has ond ch apters o f R evelatiens. R obinson. :m an Chufles H. Martin. m eeting closed with ensem ble singing. Supei intendent o f State Police, State dent and taxpayer in Oregon fo r 29 „ . . . devoted m uch o f his tim e during the Mr. Ftobinson was an active citizen C ongressm an M artin has been in the G eorge Blnswer Is eng-uged in paint- H ighw ay C om m ission, Industrial A c- years, has seven children and has long past year. in the com m un ity and a m em ber o f | lore o f the battle fo r m ore approprla- ciden t Com m ission, State Gam e Com- been a m em ber o f the grange and an As a resident o f O regon for the past , ing and doin g othe’r n ecessary repair , C harity L odge I. O. O. F. No. 75 at tions fo r highw ays through his m e m -L ./'^ * I' . '' w ork in the Sum Olds residence. mission, State Fish Com m ission, State advocate o f its m easures, accor j j d ‘ n*| T lgard . O regon, for over thirty years bershlp on the- im portant roads com - th° r° UKhly fan “ liar A m y Helen T h yn g o f Portland, B oard o f F orestry, State Board o f to his statem ent. with the conditions anil needs o f the Funeral services were con d u cted b y jm itte e o f the house o f representatives H igher E ducation, State Board o f He is a decided advocate o f R oose- ■First Congressional D istrict, m any of 'spent the w eek end visitin g R h od a and w orked for Health, State P arole Board. , velt's "n ew deal" and pledges sup- R ev. Charles F. Clarke o f B e a v e rto n .' He has advocated which conditions and needs are T hyn g and Jean Klein. in the O ddfellow s H all at Tigard, j these new deal appropriations which , u u s r ueai appropriation* wm en ! . . , . , , i Mr. und M is. F. H. Schoene visited As governor, through his subserv- port to the adm inistrative program , Tuesday, May 1. Final rites were would result in decreasing d rastically: ^ “ h1w “ m,m « n --- P‘atform ient state treasurer, Mr. H olm an He is fo r cu rren cy reform , fo r reduc- ... neces­ at the hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. N. R. DeV* r 18 a ‘ MO alrcs*inK would autom atically gain con trol o f tion o f the interest- burden on people read by the C harity Lodge I. O. O. F. j unem ploym ent in O regoq, as well as ^ sity fo r Just and fair com pensation to A lberts at O sw ego Sunday. the rest o f the nation. Sunday guests at the home o f Mr. the State B oard o f Control, w hich exp and governm ent, prosecution o f finan- at C rescent G rove cem etery. and treatm ent o f veterans and their ents were in ch arge o f W . j As a m em ber o f the roads com m it-, , and Mss. Sant Olds were Mr. and Mrs. ercises ju risdiction over our state in- cial blue sky law violations, prosecu- ■r» A rrangem n . „ „ „ rtnn . „ __ 'd epen d en ts com m ensurate vVitji the tee. Congressm an M artin helped oh- . , stitutions and cou ld supplant every tion o f those involved In fraudulant L. Pegg, B eaverton. . . . „ .. / . ,, service pet form ed and the sacrifice 'E a rl Ruhl o f P ortland, Mrs. Belle ---------------------- - .tain fo r O regon the five coast brid ges i , . , . . . . . . em ployee o f these state institutions ship and air mail subsidies, fo r teas- . . ? , , . .. , " m ade; wholesom e but rigidly effective W alk er and sons Matt and D onald , ... . . _ . , 'a n d he w orked consistently isistently fo r the ... , „ ... I and Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo, H ughson. Mr. from superintendent dow n to the onable veterans’ com pensation, pen . 1 James W . Mott Recognized i ¡ro a d sa n d v highw ay . bill w . hich brought ,......... «■«‘Kuiation o f ail public utilities inter gurdners with his own political sup- sions and hospitalization, fullest fed statc in ch aracter; régulation o f ail and M is. Orville M yers o f M cM in n ­ Bv His Partv Leaders J 6'000'000 '<> Oregon. porters. oral developm ent o f Bonneville pow er issues o f stocks, bonds and oth er se- ville, visited the Olds hom o M onday. ----- His -------------- suppott — o f ------ the plan ------ ------ for appro- ... . Mr. and Mrs. H enry Desslnges', Mrs. A utom atically, in the same manner, |and rigid c o n tr o l-o f the liquor tr a ffic ,. ' * c u i tilt's for the protection o f the printing $50,000,000 fo r national parks W. F. Dessinger, Miss Cathryn Dess- Mr. Holm an w ould also gain con trol (his statem ent says. tnvesting public; législation to insure , Jam es W . Mott, o f Salem, present nn,, in the western o v e r The State B ank ing Board, which As a lifelon g follow er o f J efferson . ( C ongressm an from the F lrst Congres- “ tata3 labor its ju st share in the fruits y f I inger, Jim m ie Lee and Ilia Ixm i-e additional federal exercises ju risdiction over our banks. I am fundam entally opposed to any sjunu, D islt,ct o f 0 re g o n has m a d e ' • g Its toil; a stabilized and com pensâtIng D essinger drove t o Y akim a Saturday m oney to Oregon. the State Lund B oard with its sch ool form o f dictatorsh ip," said Mr. Delzell. p rie« level for ail products o f the farm I to spend the week end with relatives one o f the outstanding first term rec- fund, the » la te T a x C om m ission ,: “ F or the past dozen years o u r cou n- ordjj Qf the 73rd Congress and orchard .and fédéral régulation Sunday they participated in a big w hich levies and collects our taxes, try has been ruled by an invisible H e has placed the F irst O regon ¡R E P R E S E N T A T IV E JO H N SO N and c-ontrol at the source o f the m o- birthday dinner given In h onor o f the State R eclam ation C om m ission, oliga rch y o f w r a lt h -t h e w orst pos- D istrict in the mo!jt -ecu re antl ,m- , O U T L IN E S T .A T F O ItM tion p lctu ie lndustry to prevent the Mrs W . F. D essinger's birthday anni­ the State P rin ting B oard, the S ta te , sible form o f dictatorship. In ord er portant p o t i o n lt ha« - e v e r o ccu p ie d ' destructive influence o f im m oral versary. T here were m any guests 1 prem nt and u huge birthday ca k e L ibrary Board. to drive these m oney lords from the m the National H ouse o f Kepresenta- D uring the past w eek R epresen t»- pictures, d e c o r a te d the tublo i live J. O. Johnson w ho represen ted! P olitically, Mr. H olm an would be tem ple o f liberty, con gress tem porarily (jV(,s | H enry D essinger cam e up from m on arch o f all he surveyed, and the con ferred extraordinary pow ers u p o n ! He' is a m em ber o f thl, tw o stan,u r,lv ! program foi ne- ,qunj ay HPrVice held at the C hristian who has spent the past m onth visiting A nd how does Mr. H olm an propose and p tay that never again m ay our has been d irectly instrum ental in ea8ary eg s a on urlng the com in g ch u r ch in Forest G rove last Sunday, to execute this cou p d ’e tat fo r h.s po- tem ple o f liberty be desecrated by the bringinfi m ore fed era , m oney t„ Qre. C. P Sabin, , « s t i . o f that ch u rch and lieie. T heir soh Jim m ie Isa- rem ained for a lunger visit w ith his gran dpar­ litical a ggran dizem en t? w orshippers o f the god o f M amm on, i 7nn than h»u a v tr h » n 1y to num erous q u estion s' a m em ber o f GaleM Grunge, spok e at ents. gon than has ever been granted in any , . A J H H e proposes to ach ieve it by the Candidate fo r the dem ocratic nom ina- s e s s io n o f C o n e , e s s . b* ™ m b* r- o f the F arm ers’ the m ornng service. He took as his session o f Congress. i Mrs. H . It. Nelson entertained Union at Cedar Mills Mr. Johnson re­ sim ple trick o f holding on to his píes- tion fo r representative in con gress In National legislation he has begun top ic: "T he Fighting F arm er." A fter I the F riendship B ridge oiub at her plied on the question o f sales tax to ent o ffic e a.s State Treasurer, and al- j from 1st district a career w hich, in the opinion o f his I.. u pot luck dinner Mrs. Bauman, lectur­ { home W ednesday afternoon. Mrs. K. ,, . tne e ffe ct that he had voted again-,r low in g tw o elections tto elapse, so that er o f the Gales Grange, Forest Grove, H. Schoene held high score and Mrs. colleagues, m arks him as one o f the ] ® the sales tax on three occasion s dur­ the people can not elect their own R E W A R D R H O D E S IN JU R E D presented a Grange program . Thu d e ii. B lasser low. future leaders o f the House. ing the past sessions o f the legisla­ state treasurer to succeed him. IN A U T O M O B IL E C O LLISIO N main speakers o f the day were Statu He is one o f the few new m em bers Mrs. G uy Carr and tw o daughters ture, which in his opinion should sat­ It O ut-H uey's H uey Long, and if Mr. Grange Master R ay Gill, J. D. C hit­ accom pan ied by her sister Mrs. F. S. w ho has been recognized by his party isfy voters o f W ashington C ounty that R evard R hodes o f B eaverton, re- H olm an is successful in carryin g it wood and W. A. Delzell. Mr. Gill i Thom pson, o f Portland, went to Se­ leaders by appointm ent to o fficia l po- endeavored to honestly represent out, we will have at the head o f ou, ceived head lacerations when an auto 8iUon ,n the f|oor org a n ,M tlon of the he ~ gave a very inspk ing talk on c o ­ attle, W ash., Saturday for a w eek ’s state governm ent, a “ K in g F ish " w ho in which he w as riding and a m achine jqOU8e ithem . operation. visit, also to attend the 87th hirthijay Mr. Johnson advocates the follow - i will stand head and shoulders above driven by R obert Ewell, collided In The musical portion o f the program C ongressm an M ott had planned to of then- gran dfath er. ing legislation a ccord in g to his state 1 was furnished by the pianist R ussell anniversary L ouisian a’s notorious salon. Portland. R h odes c e r w as knocked , return to O regon to cam paign for re-. , Mrs. C arr's m other, Mrs. A nderson o f T he question Is, will State Treas into the path o f a delivery car. which ele(U on buf due tQ prwsurP o f bli8i.| ,n « " ‘ th* V o‘ e r * Pamphlet. Beals o f Portland and Gales G range Portland, spent the past tw o weeks In urer H olm an get aw ay with it? was badly dam aged. Ewell was a r - 1 i . i rik..ti— o f i— a. P ublic s distribution hydroelectric quartette. ness in con gress he is prevented from Seattle w ith her parents. en ergy including state con stru ction o f W ill the people o f the State o f Ore- rested fo r failing to stop at a stop Those attendrng from Beaverton carryin g out the plan. H e is a m em ­ M is. C. J. Blelm an anil children are pow er lines if federal governm ent were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hansen, Mr. street, later released on his own rec­ gon stand fo r it? ber o f the com m ittee on public lands leaving fo r Mt. H ood today, and will fails to provide for ognizance. R evard is em ployed at _ distribution. and Mrs. W ittenberg, Mr. and Mrs. S. 'a n d is forced to remain in W ash in g­ return Sunday evening. B enson Meat M arket. D eclarin g gasoline a public utility R , ^ wrence Ml8 I>)U, ,a Carter, Mrs. t o n , as the com m ittee Is considering B A C C A L A U R E A T E S E R V IC E S The R ebeknh lodge m et for Its regu ­ and subject to price regulation. Ix.w- , )uffy MiHw GcneviPV(. c«artttl and A an am endm ent to the Oregon and Call- lar m eeting Tuesday evening. T he TO B E H E L D O N M A Y 2(1 15 !*cr te n t Dividend I'aid er gasoline prices, low er gasoline tax M K ennedy | fornia land fund act to provide for | m others were honored and each pre- and low er license fees fo r private; M oscow, Idaho. May 3 -«S p e cia l!— reim bursem ent, through direct annual B accalaureate services for the B eav­ j sented w ith a corsage bouquet. carriers. W ord has been received from Boise payment to the cou nties o f western erton high sch ool will be held Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Blelm an d rove "C om bat the gan gster and boot- III DO I I ' l l K O K K T I M I S S I N G that a 15 per cent dividend will be Oregon for tax losses incurred through May 20 at the high school auditoiium . to Grand R onde Sunday and visited F R O M H O M E S IM E APKLL 21 .. , , , legger by vigorous enforcem ent o f paid today to depositors o f the M os­ the revesting in the federal govern- ., Rev. D lckm an, o f C edar Mills, will Mr. und Mrs. Manly Underhill. Oregon liquor con trol act and by, cow State Bank, wtiich closed Febru­ ment. give the address, assisted by pastors P olice have been asked to look for M<'. and Mrs. Jim N orth o f T igard, low ering liquor prices. ary 23. 1933, The paym ent will total o f the Beaverton churches. "R ed u ction o f school taxes on real R u d o ,Ph K ok lch ’ a^ d I 8’ aon. o f M ‘ k ° visited at the John Sum m ers and Geo. around $20.000. and is being paid on M A R T IN F O R G O V E R N O R G raduation exercises will be held K okirh, o f route 2, Beaverton, who I Blasser hom es Sunday. all ordn ary deposits, as well as on R A L L Y T O lib. I I I ) p r o p e ,,y by conso|ldation o f districts ha8 been missing Friday, M iy 25, when fifty-seven will since April 24 Karl Evans, Miss Lillian Evans and # and aid from state funds. public funds. The bank had deposits lates with wit in an hilarious court A ccordin g to the father, the boy left R onnie W h itw orth returned hom o Irreal D em ocrats will hold meet- "P reven t m onoply by opposing any o f around $250,000 when closed. o f high school work. ing at the Beaverton C om m unity f urther extension o f branch banking l,PCaUHe he becam e an gry at goin g to Saturday a fter a three weeks stay at Building, F ront and Angel Streets, on |n O regon " school. W hen last men he was w ear­ Isike Lytle. Farm ers Is-aguc Meet .May 4 ing white cord u roy trou era and shirt ltholln C ooley and C. J. C ooley o f T he regular m onthly social evening * 'r'day. H a» » P m to prom ote j O scar M Taylor, republican candi- and a dark zipper coat He' is light Silverton, were dinner guest« at tho date fo r C ounty C om m issioner, was in o f the United F arm ers’ le a g u e will ca n d id acy o f General Charles H U A G L K Y M E E T IN G SC H E D U L E D oner, com plexioned, 5 feet 9 inches tall and hom e o f Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard W eed oth er day m eeting old be held in Tualatin Park, Tualatin. M artin for govern or tow n the . Saturday evening. May 4 at 8 o ’clock Speakers from State Com m ittee i A m eeting will be held In the Hllla- w eighs about 145 pounds. friends. Voters pet behind Eastern W ash in g­ H arry Gross Portland attorney, headquarters will be present to ex- b oro C ham ber o f C om m erce room s W A. Delzell. candidate for the ton County man, Q. A. Cobh is the Mr. T aylor has taken an active and O E Snider, state secretary U Plaln the m any reasons w hy General Monday, May 7, o f all the friends and P aid A dv pari in public and fraternal w orks for F L will be the speakers. Adm ission Martin should be the Party nom inee persons Interested in the cam paign D em ocratic nomination o f Congress- man. Mrs. Belle Neate o f P ortland und m any years. He has lived in W ash ­ free All farm ers are Invited to attend. ,n the com in g Prim aries. o f Judge Bagley for nom ination to the man, was a speaker at the G range The local com m ittee urgently re- State Suprem e Court. Plans will he Sunday ervices held at Forest G rove Dr. and Mrs. R udolph K lein orge o f ington C ounty fo r fifty years, has Silverton were dinner guests at the been toad and con stru ction forem an E X T R A S P E C IA L O F F E R IN G quests that all resident D em ocrat* discussed fo r the procedure for a last Sunday. hom e o f Mr. >nd Mrs. H ow ard W eed fo r the past 12 years, is a m em ber o f HOFSTEATERS PHOTO 8TU - arrange to be present, with as m any | m inute drive before election. j ■ D IO O ffers 3 P ortraits size 5x7 interested R epu blican friends as pos- ■ ■ — - ... . i O. A. Cobb, Beaverton, fo r C ircuit M onday evening. the Masontc. 1. O. O. F . R eb ck a h and H arold Show erm an o f B eaverton Modern W oodm en lodges and the i m ounted tn Beautiful Easel Fram e sible. in com plim ent to General Mar- Mrs. R R . Sum m ers was a lu n ch -' Judge. There is no better man that fo r only $2 00 (F o r short time on ly) tin and the visiting speakers who will eon guest at tte home o f Mrs. Olln J the people can elect. Get solidly be- won first place in the senior division Orange. Q u U i IC KL __ H O F 8 T E A T . - ----- address ; H H osford osford in in - Portland hind him, — support him, talk him, o f clarinet players at the annual h igh A C 4 T y vn a Y i — - —■— the m eeting. — s- — --------- Thursday ------------ /■ The - ............. — ------- ................. ....... - fo - - r ------- I I S. Q W W . T h i r d A vs n E R S STUDIO. 715 hird R em em ber Friday, May 11, at Beav | 1921 Past M attons clu b o f the East- Boost for him. Make him you r Judge school band con test held at C orvallis M others Day. Fathers Day, Gradu • je tto n C Com co r. 3rd and M orrison, P ortland. Jerton om m unity Hall. arn Star w a it guest«. I P aid Adv. j recently. ation Cards. B row ns Pharm acy. a J hi a a a i