Friday, Deceniher St, 1933 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING white and cut in Christmas design Santa Claus, trees, animals, etc. C ored sugar, raisins, nuts, eitro dates may be used for facial featu Bake in moderate oven Almond < akv CENTS i .A DIES! Don't let your large abdo­ men and double chin mar your fig­ ure; trial treatment H price. BE. 9339, 1014 S. W. Jefferson St., be­ tween 10th and 11th, Portland, Ore. A LINE PER TIME Follow the Most Fascinating Profession in the World WIN SOCIAL SUCCESS & FINANCIAL FAME USE THE U N IVE RSAL’S POW ER CAPABLE refined widow, 36. desires position housekeeping for widower or motherless home. Capable of man­ agement of hotel or any legitimate business. Marian La Verne, Gen. Del., Portland, Oregon. INSTRUCTIONS TEN CENTS a line per issue Count five words to the line. Then eount your profits. Cash should accompany the order. When a statement is required the charge ts JOIN Oregon Social Letter Club. Make new acquaintance, strictly confiden­ l3o per line, minimum 50o tial, enclose self addressed stamped envelope for particulars. 1134 S.W. 11th Ave., Portland, Oregon., Oregon These Classified Ads appear in 4 Social Letter Club. newspapers : Beaverton Enterprise Tigard Sentinel, Multnomah Press, SCHOOLS Aloha New's. Classified ads produce results, use them. FREE MANICURE — Given with Shampoo and Finger Wave. Yes, that’s right—a fine, thorough sham­ poo and lovely finger wave for only 75c, with a smart manicure includ­ ed absolutely free- that's the thrill­ ing special at ESTHER REED'S BEAUTY SHOP, Coumbia Bldg. ATwater 4573 1 cup brown sugar Vs cup butter 1 egg beaten ’ a cup sour cream H tsp salt KINGSTON Mammoth Bronze Breed ing Toms and Hens for sale at ren­ tal prices. Wm. Holtz, Tigard, Ore. Phone 0261, Tigard. to train for important positions in the Radio Industry Unlimited opportunities are being offered the right Kind of Men in Radio and its Branches FOR THE CHRISTMAS COOKIE JAR STAMPS STAMPS Do you Collect Stamps? We have the Largest Stock of Stamps, Albums, and Sup­ plies In Portland. MaN Orders Filled Promptly. 1000 all different $1 Postpaid 1000 mixed (on pa­ per) 28c. JOHN C. ADAMS. 512S. W. Broadway, Portland, Oregon. Mjr hUHband never ([»eg to ■ movie without quarreling witK, (he ticket «ell- er about having to pay war tax.—E. B. W H A T DOES YOUR HUSBAND DO 7 IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO sell, let the classified advertising department of this paper prove its ability as a speedy and efficient sales medium. PATENT ATTORNEY W V V W U W V W d V V W L 'W . W A S P Trhdemarks A T E & Copyn NT S rjh tt SAM UEL Patent JA C O n S O N A tto rn e y Interviews Without Obligation Free Booklet on Request 80S Yeon B ldg. HE. 1424 Portland. Oregon PERSONAL LEARN Correct Contract Bridge Bid­ ding by mail. Twenty four short easy logical lessons covering all the fundamental principles. Price $2. M. Tufft, 611 Studio Bldg., Portland HEALTH can bs established through right eating habits, and our nature cure system, when all others fail. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dr, Cora V. Getty, Naturopath & Chiropractor, 602 Times Bldg., Cor. 4th & Wash. Portland. Phone BE 3665. The well-filled cookie jar contain­ ing delicious home-made butter cook­ ies. kept fresh from one buking day to the next and always available to a hungry family, is a tradition of ear­ lier days which is returning to us again. The pleasure of making und serving cookies with a delicate indi­ vidual touch more thun compensates for the effort it takes Home-made cookies add distinction to even the simplest home meal or school lunch. They give character and individuality to the tea table When different va­ rieties are daintily packed they make an unusual und charming Christmas gift. Practically all cookies, no mutter how elaborate the finished product, can be developed from u simple basic recipe. The ingredients of this basic recipe are of prime importance in de­ termining the flavor and food value of all of the cookies evolved from it. Cookies, for example, made with but­ ter have a distinctive taste and nu­ tritive quality which can not be ob­ tained in any other way. Some delicious holiday cookie rc- dpea are: Get Up Nights? Santa Claus Cookie«« Make this 25c Test 1 cup sugar 1 egg H cup butter % cup milk 2 tsp baking powder 2 to 2W cups flour Vi tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla Cream butter well, ndd sugar and the egg. Combine dry ingredients and add alternately with milk. Fin­ ally atir in vanilla. Extra flour may be needed to facilitate in handling the dough. Roll thin, brush with egg Physic the bladder as you would the bowels. Drive out impu>rities and ex­ cessive acids that cause irritation­ burning and frequent desire. Get a 25c test box of BU-KETS the bladder physic, from any drug store After four days if you are not relieved of getting up nights, go back and get your money. BU-KETS, containing buchu leaves, juniper oil, etc, acts pleasantly and effectively on the bladder similar to castor oil on the boweD. If you are bothered with backache, or leg pains caused from bladder disorders you ¡we bound to feel better after this cleansing and you get your regular sleep Sold by DEANS DRUG STORE Beaverton, Oregon ,00 Seattle's HosDltnd'tv most vou should s t a v " ■ at the Calhoun— ■ Comfortable spacious ■ n lobtrv. restful rooms, all ~ ovAside with marine view within five minutes of all shops, stores and attractions—also NEW COFFEE SHOP —good food at low cost 'The Friendly Hotel to the Traveler’ FREE Garage Included. FINLEY A SON Funeral Director* Montgomery St. 4th to Fifth Motor Equipment, Staff 8t Facilities for Serving Portland and ita Suburbs 2nd and Virginia Sts. Y /.V .W .W A W A W .W .W A DRUGLESS HEALTH INSTITUTE Steam Baths, Massage, Violet Ray Treatments for Colds, Rheumatism and Constipation. Consultation Free Dr Etna A. Sorenson. N. D., 418 Swetland Bldg., AT 0403. SCIENTIFIC HEALTH BUILDER Nervous and Chronic Diseases DR. D. E. CHRISTIANSEN Chiropractor Physician 210 Times Bldg., 4th and Wash. St. Portland Phone ATwater 5931 Residence Phone STafford 0254 Colds and Influenza respond to Chiro­ practic wonderfully. Don’t hesitate to see Dr. Redmond. Consultation Free. 705 Dekum Bg. Portland 2-10-34 BESSIE V. HAYES When tired or suffering from Rheu­ matism, take a mineral steam bath bath for rest and health. 705 De­ kum Bldg., BE. 2614. And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin’ to Go If you feci sour and sunk and the world looks punk, don’t swal­ low a lot of salts, mineral Whter, oil, laxative candy or chewing gum and expect them to make you suddenly sweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. For they can’t do it. They only move tho bowels and a mere move­ ment doesn’t get at the cause. The reason for your down-and-out feeling is your liver. It should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bde Is not flowing freely, ro o t food doesn't digest. It ju st decays in tbs bowels, (las bioats up your stomach. You have a thick, bad taste and your breath Is fnnl, skin often breaks out in blem­ ishes. Your hesd aches and you feel down and out. Your whole system Is poisoned. It takes those good, old C A R T E R ’S L IT T L K L I V E R P I L L S to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and m aks you feel “ up and up.” They contain won­ derful, harmless, gentle vegetable ex­ tracts. am asing when it comes to m aking the bile flow freely. B ut don't ask for Peer pills Ask fog C arter's lit t le U v e r P ills Look fo r the mum Carter'» Little U v e r P ills y - , on the red Intel, (learnt a C - > substitute. tf>4 at drug s to re s jJ E 01931 C kL Co. ST__ IS CAUSING A neAP on of -TRooßce T h is p e s e R r ISLAND --------» AND D ID TOO NOTiCe A P6Ö- i-EG PlRATC ON T hc HILL'T o P VeSTCRDAY T ? B V ID 6 N T L / 5AILOR S a m A n d Q u S hfacc 'B ill ., A n D 5/vOOP(-eS A r e n o t A conc ; TELEVISION - TALK IN G PICTURES PHOTO ELECTRIC CELLS - PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS, ETC 33 o f the biggest and most important manufac­ turers of Radio and Television are co-operating with this Institute and unqualifiedly endorse our program. This training has been created by the Chief Engineers of these manufacturers and they supervise it and keep it up to date,. These man­ ufacturers include : PHILCO — CROSLEY — MAJESTIC — BOSCH DeFOREST — FADA — ZEN ITH — CLARION If you are not satisfied with your present job— if you are willing to work and study to get into a business^ that DOES offer a REAL FU TU RE; write for infor­ mation, T O D A Y ! RADIO & TELEVISION INSTITU TE 816 Guardian Building, Portland, Oregon (Only men who can meet certain qualifications set by these Manufacturers will he Selected) W , Not kindling heat, but « is what your furnace needs H ere’ s a m o d e rn fu el — id ea l f o r y o u r p reterit f u r n a c e — th a t gives a g lo w in g lie a l a n d leaves n o ashes o r elin k ers a t all. G a s co B riqu ets liurii t-l-o -W -l-y a n d th o ro u g h ly w ith th e d ra ft« co m p le te ly elosed . VI it It th ese b riq u e ts, u n lik e any o th e r so lid fu e l, y o u r fu r - n aee req u ires a tt e n t io n o n ly m o r n in g nnd ev e n in g . Y e t th ey k eep y o u r h ou se a t a c o n s ta n tly even te m p e ra tu re y o u w o u ld n ever th in k p o ssib le w ith o u t special e q u ip m e n t o f so m e k in d . G a s co B riq u ets w ill save y o u m o n e y t o o l W h en y o u h uy th e m , y o u ’ re b u y in g n o th in g h u t b e a t — a b io lu te ly n o w aste. 1, G a s co B riq u ets are a 100^5 p e tr o le u m fYiel t id ea l fo r fu rn a ce , fireplace o r stove. 2. T h e y h ave th e h ig h est h eat c o n te n t o f an y solid fu e l. 3, T h ey req u ire n o h an k in g or sh a k in g , amt th ey h old fire all d ay o r n ig h t. 4. T h e y l e a v e n o a s h e s o r clin k e rs t o ca rry o u t . 3. O n e to n o f B riqu ets gives as m u c h h ea t as tw o cord s o f * first-g ro w th firt co sts less per 4 sea son th a n b est U tah an d W y o m in g co a l. Aik the dealer in your city fo r a 100-lb. trial noth at tho | Introductory pric« o f $1.00. PORTLAND, OREGON Will Solve Your Masonry Problems at the Lowest Cost . . Expert Advice without obligation. PETROLEUM SYLVAN BRICK CO Old Canyon Hoad at Sylvan Phone BE. 444» LEW IS BROS. Beaverton 6202, Beaverton, Oregon ¿¿OSHUNGERFORD SNOODLES 13 He MERMAID W-W ! I' m A ?l RATS' A ÇlPATG 'SNT A REAL. / - ’ n 'BAO 'PlRATC V ÂÎ — Æ WÜ UNT ic . H e ’ a €AI5S a Cuba WOODCM '-€ & fa toron. AR E BEING SELECTED OREGON AND MODERN BARBER COLLEGE Pays you while learning —N. R. A. creating demand for barbers. Master Barbers agree to employ our students. Write or call 1038 S. W. -1st Ave., cor. Main or 135 Madison St., Portland, Ore. WATCH REPAIRING FILBERTS BUDDED— (suckerless) /+» a WATCHES stock only. Barcelonas and Brtx \ I Cleaned and Oiled or Nuts. A. J. Vance, Beaverton, Rt 1 T “ New Mainspring Tel. Hillsboro 3R6. Fancy shaped unbreakable crystals 50c TRADE—Hay for Cows, 1 Ml North HARRY DEPP Huber station Beaverton Rt 2, Box 261 Alder St., near Third, Portland 395. hm t yon MEN! MOLER Barbee College—This In­ ternational System is the scientific wav; some oav; 3 teachers. Write or call 227 S. W. 3d ave.. Portland. WATCH REPAIRING FOR HALE ilus Your Subscription Expired? •Sour Cream Cocoanut Cookies BEAUTY P A R L O R S If your hair "won’t take" a perma­ nent, you're wanted at the Christy Beauty Shop. They simply ‘‘glory” in giving glorious permanents on stubborn hair that “ 'won’t take” . and with every permanent free order of high grade face powder blended right there to suit your complexion. 505 Raleigh bldg., above Fahey Brock man. AT. 7893. V* cup butter \ cup sugar 1-3 cup milk 2 eggs 1 1-3 cup flour 2 tsp baking powder 1 cup almonds (blanched & cut fine) Mix ingredients in order given. Bake in small well buttered fancy tins. Fill tins about 2-3 full. Bake in moderate oven. When done, take from tins immediately 3 cups flour *4 tsp nutmeg Vs tsp soda 3 tsp baking powder 1 cup grated cocqanut Cream shortening and sugar togeth­ er, add beaten egg Sift together dry; ingredients and add cocoanut. Com­ bine with mixture alternately with «earn Mix well and drop by tea­ spoons on greased baking sheets. Bake In a hot oven of 400 F for 15 minutes. An attractive cookie booklet "'Cook­ ies the best of sweets” will be sent to you on request to me at the Dairy Council, Portland. , -, O' L E G S - YviHoCH IS MV K O B S y - I LOST THIS n E R 6 G o o d P i e c e o ' T/ m b e í R COORTIM' A FAiR. m g r ^ a i d - Hua P e r 5 w o P D - f i s h d i d n ' t K eep , m u c h r e p . My C o s a P a n v s o H e -— \ O u t M e Æ ©YvS* o a r T oll CR i G o t a n ol SCOPE To Si ~ r ~ \ w it h T h a T \1 S w o r d f i s h % r e ’ L T lR S T f. 60M N A C u t UP \ / fr jb 5AM e R I— « , BILU AP.e 7 A -------- t o a U » x y ^ SfcUU.AH' CROÎS, ■ fc O W tS f * V , ? G 6 S STUCK IN T U ' S A N O _ A n VTH* ¿ T í D E . S ‘ C o m i N U v p f wo