PAGE 4 BEAVERTON January 6, 1933. ENTERPRISE a series of morning talks ne.\. Sunday • were Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Murdoch o» | Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harnee of Van- moining from the text (To Whom j Portland, Mrs. Gcidon Fraser an-. i 3 0 uver, Wash., spent New Yeats at Rev. Charles E Clarke, Pastor BeLngtst 'fhoui. The first will be 1 daughter Martha and Mrs. Fraser's | the home o* her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Well friends: We greet you and in its relationship to Christ ‘ who it- mother, Mis. Corbett of Beaverton. Pete. Stock. again extend a very cordial welcome Christ”, Is He the Son of God, e.c. j Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Benson enter Henry Arndt of Huber is ill with to you to join with us in worship and In the evening the message will be. j tained Di and Mrs. Daniel Myers j blood poisoning in his ltand. tha study of God's word, rhe Bible Fellowship. Come out and enjoy our | and daughter Sally of Portland with Mr. and Mis. Hensley of Tigard are school meets at 9 45 a. m. the Chris­ cho.r and music by the orchestra. Net* Years dinner at Rossi’s Cafe CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES the patents of twin boys, born a: the T IG A R D M E T H O D IS T ( III IU II tian Endeavor Societies at 6:30 p m. We are commencing a New Year Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Benson are sis­ Wilcox Memorial hospital on Decent- "God was the subject of the Lesson- and the worship and sermon meetings let us put forth every effort .o make ters. Alexander Hawthorne, Pastor. oer doth. Dr. Mason is in attendance. Sermon in all Churches of Christ on ore at 11 a. m., when the pastor will the chutch in this community a real Among those from Beaverton who "Hooking unto the things that are Sunday January 1 tell how Jesus me. the difficulties of source of Spiritual uplift and power: attended the funeral on Monday of ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oefftnget of before” will be the pastor's sermon The Golden Text was “ Praise wait-1 a defeated “ “ "« perhaps this will help Let us have the uni.ed effort of every ' Ecuis Hesse, a pioneer resident of -he Koute 1 have been ill wit int uenza. subject at the llo'clock morning wor eth for thee O' God in Zion; and unto “ live mor* hopefully in these trying 1 Scholls district were Mr. and Mrs. ' New Years evening guests at the J. one. ship service. Special music will be Doy Gray, Mrs. W. H. Boyd. Mr. an.' Sprague home were Mr. and Mrs. thee thou shall the vow be performed I UmM' at 7 30 P m he w“ ‘ te*> us a given by one of the quartet. Mrs. George Blasser and Mi and Mrs Fred Ornsted and daughter Miss Ger- O thou that hearest prayer unto thee I ,itt,e about how 8° me of India’8 mil Sunday school will open promptly shall all flesh come” (Ps. 65.1 2). Walter VanKleck. ' trude and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacks LOCAL HAPPENINGS | “ ons now “ '*• ‘»«“ ‘ " ‘ ting hie talk with stereopticon views. We will be at 10 a. m. under a fine staff of cap­ Mr. and Mrs. M. Welter were hosts of Portland, Mr. und Mrs. W. H. En- Among the citations which com- i glad to see you. J. W. Sprague is remodeling his able officers and teachers. A well or on New Years day with a family din­ gclke, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Beach, Mr. prised the Lesson-Sermon was the fol­ store, the work being done by Chillies ganized study of the gospel of Mark und Mrs. Essex Marsh and Robert ner party of fourteen guests. lowing from the Bible: “ And after Shively. Miss Billie Johnson of En­ pertaining to tne life and teachings Miss Mai ion Beck and Ear! Bailey Wood. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE th.-ve things I heard a great voice of terprise is assisting at the store this or our Lord and Saviour Jetus Christ of Portland were dinner guests a. the Little Shirley Carr is spending the much people in heaven saying Halle- winter. will be presented for the help of each Rev. Willard R. Anderson, Pastor A. C. Chinn home on Thursday even- weeg at »he home of her grandmother luia; Salvation and glory and honour Miss Oldene Bentley of Longview, ing of last week. and all. Mrs. J. W. Anderson in Portland. We again Invite you to our services. and ppower unto the Lord our God” Evening services will open at 7 i Rev. 19:1). Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Wood. Dr. and You will find a homelike atmosphere j Wash , spent New Years at the J. A. Mrs. R. E. Hanna has been confined Miller home on Lombard street. Mrs. Forest L. Hov'ard. Mr. and Mrs. -o her home for the past week with a o'clock. Special music and hear.y The I>»s8on-Sermon also Included and a hearty welcome. Sunday school Jack Maish has been ill at the home congregational singing. Gospel mes­ S. B. Lawrence and Mrs. Louise Car 3fcVere case M iniiuenza. Chester Han the following passage from the Chris­ at 9:45 a m., morning worship 11 a. m. of his parents with a severe cold. ter a.tended the installation of officers - na has been absent fiom his duties sages. A great place for young peo­ Youhg peoples meeting 6:30 p. m. tian Science textbook "Science and Earl VanM ter spoil. New Years of the Portland chapter O. E. S at ^ the ple and adults. t office fol several days on Health with Key to the Scriptures” Song and evangelistic 7:30 p. m. Wed Inter«- ting experience« told by the by Mary Baker Eddy: “Spiriit; Life; nesday prayer and praise 7:30 p. m. day with his father, S. F. VanMeter 17th and Weidler streets in Portland UCCQUnt of influenza also. at Dilley. on Friday evening of last week. Mrs. ! Korn >«r Atheist: at Evangelical Truth; I«o\e combine as on e-an d are Evei-ybody welcome. Mrs. Ella Norton of Portland vis- Mabel Jacobs, formerly of Beavertton Holiday guests at the home of Mr. church In regard to their coiiver- the Scriptural names far God. All j ited last week a- the homes of her METHODIST CHURCH NEWS and Mrs. George Biown were Mrs. was instaled as worthy matron of the substance intelligence; wisdom; being sister Mrs. Hattie Suver and niece tion do Christianity. Portland chapter. N. H. McMurray of Okanogan, Wash., immortality; cause and effect belong j Mrs. Alex Cochrane. Miss Bess Pat­ George F. Gordon, Pastor Ralph Underwood in his subject "A O. W. Hay&s of Raymond, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Claudie Anderson of terson. ano.her sister from Portland to God. These are His attributes the At 11 o'clock Sunday morning Eu Chnstiun Daniel in An Atheists Lion eternal manifestations of the infinite Warren McMinimee or Salem, and j Portland spent New Years at the 1 spent New Years day at the Suver gene Schiewie of Portland, will speak Den" gave on e of the most interest­ divine Principle; Love” atheists were staying On< Multnomah school house, Sunday the holiday vacation at their home in a very interesting message and many ! during the ahsence of his uncle. Foes of alotment plan for farm membei was converted during this morning at 11. Sunday senool at 11 Colleen Boyd of Vancouver, Wash., j Beaverton, startling statistics. time. Rev. Churles followed with a Wednesday evening meeting at 8 p. spent last week at the home of her Mr. and Mrs. Dave Phelps and baby ‘ alr>a iej ^ wonderful sermon on "Whose Son is m. President Hoover not to act on war- ALOHA COMMUNITY BAPTIST , grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. have moved this week from the Floyd Jesus 1” These special services will Boyd. Tefft residence into the R. D. Young debt revision. CHURCH NEWS Business conditions spotty through- continue till January 15. The WUrnan’s Missionary Society Mrs. Ellerson of Route 1 has been 1 residence at Sixth and Main streets. country, S. S. at 9:45 A. M. L. Barber, Supt. teas served a tasty luncheon to the miitp ill with fin ylwnd in hpr < Mi« ¿Hid MiS. CtiLrl WildlTUin . . und i Industrial decline last month was Worship 11 A. M. und 7:45 P. M quite in wun an inrectea giana in ner Dr. J. J. Hansucker of Portland of the Evangelical church met at the jaw J d&uglKenUj who have occupied the B. Y. P. U. at 8:45 will be the special speaker in the home of Mrs. Clyde Leedy Wednes­ Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Chinn ce.ebrat- Youn* ‘ es‘dence du“ n* the 1 Wholesale “ “ “ price level is a third be­ Prayer and Praise Service, Wed. Tigard Methodist church at lLa. m. years, are now domiciled in the Jossi day afternoon transacting the regular at 8 i . M. A very enjoyable lime was ed their twenty-fourth wedding anni low 1923-29 average. houso on Hall street. Sunday and Miss Virginia Packs will spent New Years Eve in the church versary on Tuesday of this week at ; League reviews shows world trade monthl byusiness which the hos- bv the soloists. There was quite a nice attendance and a dinner party at the home of his j Guests at the Albert Rossi home loss hits us hardest. ladies assembled. all enjoyed the song service and de­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Chinn last week were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Too many writers van Loon says I Ludwig of San Diego, Cal. and Mr. discussing si.uation. votional exercises and the ringing of in Portland. Ladies Aid of the M. E. church will Dinner guests at the C. C. Tripp | and Mrs. Albert Longsoth of Dillon, meet next Thursday at the home of | Tombs In Mesopotamia mound ante­ the church bel. Employment in November fell only Pastor W. H. Redman commences home on Lombard street on Monday Mont. Mrs. J. A. Crabtree. date Ur’s by 500 years. 1 per cent under October. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH n um erran lurch $ trincea» V . V . V , V . W . , A V . , . V . V . W V . V A V ^ , . V . V A , y S V M , «‘ ^ M W W M W /W ^ V W V W W A S V W A V y V .V ;W t % % V V ;W ., M V W / A , A S S V . , . V A '. W M W V A W . % % W A V . , . V . V A V . , . W W A S V M First List o f Nominations Issued Today The Desire For Spare Cash M ay Be Satisfied First Count To Appear Next Friday Second Capital Prize $400.00 In CASH The first vote count will appear next Friday and will include all votes cast for publication up to 9 o ’clock next Wednesday night. Those who have already entnered the campaign should put forth every effort to get some businss in by 9 o ’clock Wdnesday night so that they will appear well up in the list. Others who have not started should immediately send in their nominations or come to the Tualatin Publissing Co. office, at Beaverton, nominate them­ selves and receive instructions in just how to get votes. Then go out and interview a few of-their friends. Those who act without hesitation will naturally fare well in the gathering of votes. If you are anxious to start off with a good showing, strive to attain that end. Fif\h Capital Prize $ 100.00 In C A SH Sixth Capital Prize T H IS N E W M O D E L FORD FORDOR SE D A N $100.00 Third Capital Prize In C A SH $200.00 Seventh Capital Prize In C A SH $50.00 Fourth Capital Prize 1 In C A S H $200.00 On Display in the Showrooms of the In C A SH BIELMAN MOTOR CO. 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