FRIDAY, BKAVFRTON PAOS > %1‘ KIJ ti. i«:« has been very ill with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Whatley visited friends at Mountaindale and were Beckett mo- amner guests of the C. S Reynolds Two new trees grace the local Mr and Mrs. Carl school grounds due to efforts of the tored to Salem April 9th to attend lanuly last ' * " K- eighth grade two more grow with the wedding of their neice Miss i»t j^r. and Mrs. A Anderson and a H. J E F F R IE S , P nU liiuir p. T. A. membership at their roots nevieve Beckett to Herman Smith aaUj,nters Kuth and Helen were Sun- and one more is the gift of Mrs at the Friends church. There were day ca,|ela at the J. O. Carson home. Published Friday of each week by Pioneer Publishing Co. at Beaverton, Marsh, retiring president at the Par- two hundied and f‘ny lnvUed Those reported on the sick list ent-Teaicher association. ’lfipse more than a hundred of them at ||,e past week are J. O. Caison, L. •re. Entered as eecond-clase matter at the postoffice at Beaverton, Ore. planted Dlanted by bv the the eighth eiahth grade erode are are a tended the home reception, where a Ml„ e| Mr and Mrs. Chapman Japanese Cherry and a Moititain’ delightful lunch of cake The Abe Zaliler family of Portland Ash. The day after those were set cream was enjoyed enjoyed T ... BuhaerlpUon Kates at the Kohrback home on ..*.90 there was a P. T. A. ceremonial couple will make their home in Sunday. ___ ft.BO T h ree m onths One Year planting at which Mrs. Marsh Mrs Ridgefield, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Farlsef, Portland. __ J.8Û Subscriptions Payable In Advance Walker officiated. After the plant- The A. F Carson home is being ■U Months redecorated on the inside and paint- called on Mrs. Epperly luesday. | ! Ing of the official trees Mrs. Marsh L>avis is do- Van Oss has redecorated the in- j presented Supt. Metzler with funds cd on the outside, Mr. Beaverton Office—Broadway near O. E. Traeha, Phone 7803 terior or of ms his nome home anu and .«•. Mr. .« Mitzoff with which to procure another ash lnK the work. terior ...« /li,, \ tomatch the one already set by the Nancy Larson, Jack and Janet whQ re8jdea on Highland avenue .« j PoiUand Office—40*-407-e08 Dekum Bldg. Phons ATwater M i pupils and which should be her were week end visitors at the A. F. buiW a n 8 , on hu property. Grade School HUBER New* .. - * * » . « « . — — — - The fourth grade people are mak- lM>me Su»day included Mr. and Mrs. to Mr. Burger for a year and Mrs. Anderson, Portland, Mr. and Mrs. yenegard is moving out in the near “Where would you look i for the hoys who will . • he-l;“* m“del «*“ *•“* ¡ ¡ £ , , , ■ , • J __ in keeping with modern theory that ^ uy Carr. Beaverton, Miss Casper future. come leaders in business and politics ( was t h e question aU c h u < l l .e n 8hould be taught to un and Mrs u»*i>er wunaanoro, and Mr. Hamilton on the Farmington put t h e Other lla> to l li e manager ol a nqwsboys’ club in derstand and appreciate all classes Mr and Mra- R Shaw’ of >j°rt‘ G. KUSSELI. MORGAN road is making extensive iniprove- For a large city of indu,,tnal actlv*ty- tm booklets ton Mr. d and Mrs. C. J. Hose spent nients on his property having en­ are very logically arranged showing DISTRICT ATTORNEY at Forest *1 would find more of them in a club like mine than the proc ge*,le and Lyman Webb in the sixth. ship. ticed law in this county. j Honorable Mention Gene Brown and Mrs. E. F. Wright, Mrs. Brue- big, and daughters, Mr. and Mrs land Clara Kehrii. This is the first time I have ever been a candidate for any public of­ There is no wisdom or sense in raising money by I H,Kh Bonus Point Pupils—nth. Wickstrand and Bennett. fice of this county, and X now sub­ Baldwin 243, Dorothy Bald- Mrs‘ *-'ar* Becltett is convalescing burdensome taxation and then throwing it away in fool­ Beulah win 227, James Earle Miller 228. at home after having several teeth mit my platform for your approval. ish and uneconomical expenditures. If more thought . 7th, an. Kussei Huiett 251 , Clara ciara extracled- 281, If nominated and elected X will: Visitors at the C. Brown home Conduct the office w ithoii a sal­ were given to the wise expenditure of money, less would ¡Kehr" ¡w». Rhyiis wndman ¿ -¿ a . aried deputy. ttth, Lyman Webb 282, Gene Brown Sunday were Mr- and Mrs. Chas. be necessary on devising! new schemes to raise more mon­ 228, Shlgenari Nagae T»8. j Tucker, son Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Maintain my office at the Court ey. It might be well to discard many of the things that Visitors were Mrs. Johnston, Miss Alan Olckenson and children Betty House. have fastened themselves upon our governmen in times Rosi Kehrii, Mis Olive Goff, Mrs Jean' and Alan, Jr., Mrs. B. Murphy Foreclose delinquent taxes in ac­ past. Many of the practices are wasteful, unnecesary Haynes, Mrs. Tucker, O. B. Kraus. and daughter Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. cordance with the law. Gordon Gaul is again in school af- 1-'eon Hine and son, Mr. and Mrs. Art Conduct all civil and criminal bu­ and useless. While commissions are searching for new ter an absence of two weeks di^e to Aimes and daughter Virginia, Mr. siness of the County, honestly, effi­ illness. -« and cjnrl Kisler, son Carroll, sources of revenue, let them give some time to the lop­ in ciently, conscientiously und with ab­ ---------------------- - Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilmot, Mr. and ping off of the unnecessary expenditures with which g o v ­ solute impartiality. H IT E O N Mr8' Summer8' Mr- “ nd Mrs. .Edward ernment has become burdened. Rhio ahv, j Bergsrman, Mr. and Mrs. John J. M. HIATT - I Whitlock. - '.W .V V W .W .'.'/.V .V A V .S V An editor labors under the same difficulties as does H,teon club met Wednesday, April Mr. and Mrg ^ Kirtley and gon FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER t e n h a o o e n s t h a t w h e n t h e n r e a e h e i 13 ^ the home of “ ra CormM et' “ «•« coming for a week end visit to „ the preacher. i It t o O f lie il H a p p e n s i n a i W n e n t n e p i e a c n o Izentlne and roll call was "name Mrs. Kirtleys parents Mr. and Mrs. To the Voters of Washington County The Future Leaders prepares a sermon for a certain member or group of his some Wlld life of Oregon.” There c. c. Brown soon' flock, none of those for whom the sermon is inten(led l7,eJ teor^ ® e 8 nentr ^ " ck“ d .^ 7 ® 1 _ visitors at the wnatiey SPECIAL home sun not pens his S .m .i .O I i m - i m u i , ..^ Y v i j 'u j a a iij/ a u n i i i u n tu it a im gave a splendid report __ __ ____ faithful administration of the af­ Someone whom the editor does not have ill mind takes it district federation meeting at ¡Sa- KOniery ,,f M°untalndale fairs of Washington County that has to himself. The reason must he that the fellows w h o'1“ 1 ^<=uon ot officers followed *^u«hn“ n waa seriously in- been my policy in the past, with an unanlmtRis ballot cast for Jured on 1 uesday and is convalesc-1 netd Correct lOIl are already SO tough and hardened that Miss Margaret Summers for presl-d1^ at the Good Samaritan hospital, Raid adv. nothing will get through/ their skills. dent; Mrs. Sarah Van Kleek vice- . and Mrs. Whatley visited Mon- president; Gladys Meyer treasurer, day with Mrs. J. C. Woltring. whe i and Miss Elsie Caldwell secretary. The people who do not dare trust the banks, seeni| | The next meeting will be April 27 more willing to trust the burglars. at the home of Mrs. Ada Caldwell Nominate C. S. H A Y N E S at Tigard. Mrs. A. lin g e r and t*aul lin g er, I ReP“ tlllcan candidate for County If some folks didn’t sign so many petitions, they of Beaverton, spent Tuesday even- oner If you want each-com­ munity to have an opportunity to might be able to sign more checks. ing at C. W'. Struthers. Mr. and Mrs. A. Zweiner of Ti­ vote their own special road tax. Paid adv. gard, spent Sunday at E. D. Hite. The politicians are said to steal each other’s thunder, Alfred u Rutker ___ of Buxton, ___ was _ vls- ^ but the speed with which they act does not suggest that|mng the first of the week at the they steal anyone’s lightning. struther home Mr. and Mrs. Clay Dorland of ® * * * * 0 * * * M * * * ò 6 a * * ^ \ « .M k > « / i North Plains are staying at the chas. van Kieek home. Mr. van A headline says 2,(XX\000 kissed a saints embalmed feet in 40 days in India; and yet there are people who KJ**,k *tm quite m. Mr and Mrs. L. M. Davies think India should he free. family visited Friday evening at Wm. P. O F F E R M A Y D A Y “ C E N T -A -M ll.K ” Carlstedt home in and the Pow ell, I Valley. CO-OPERATIVES TOTAL 180 Mr. and Mrs. IN OREGON, SAYS RKPOKT fftmUy of M r T ^ .c e I ------ - ' Gibons of Sandy were Sunday din- May Day will be "dollar day" In Oregon now has approximately 180 ner guests at the Struthers home, rail transportation circles this year, co-operative marketing or purchasing ^ It was made known today with an- associations, according to a eomplla- nouncement by the Southern Pacific tlon Just made by George O. Gatlin. Conipany of plans for another offel extension marketing specialist of lag of Its famous “cent a-nuie" Oregon State college. In addition •xoursions. there are eight out-of-state assoc la - i Arrangements have Just been com- tions doing business in Oregon. (listed by the company for a lour- 0aUln claMlflaa the Oregon asso- day sale of IU low-cost roundtrlps. c|aMoni a, follows 47 frult and according to the local agent for the veRetabl. aMocllUlon9, « cann„ le8, railroad^ Xh. .xcur^lon. will be o ^ fru|t and vagetaW. ba, Kalnl„ K a8. erated from April 28 to May 1. in- soclatlonai 13 creanlerl„ . w clle08, elusive, with return limit of May 10, factol, es and ealeH aKincle,. 3 mllk of May 10, he suid. bargaining, 2 milk distributing, 6 Ths territory to be Included in the livestock and wool, 4 handling eggs, iWa-mlle" offer will cover 8 turkeys 8 nuts 14 grain 13 pur- Southern Pacific* lines from San chasing associations 2 handling oil F i ancmco to Ogden and Salt Lake Oily and from Portland to El Paso and gasoline and 9 unclassified asso­ ciations handling seeds bulbs and the like. Sixty-four of the separate associations mentioned are federated TUNNEL NEAR VAULT into larger units. Tuscon, Art»-- An underground tun­ nel, which led almost to a bank vault, has been discovereu under the City's main street. Pioneers say it BO YS A N D GIRLS was dug by soldiers when 'IMcson was the only wslled city in the EARN A BICYCLE Southwest and was Inlsnded to pro- vlds a refuge for the inhabitants in In conjunction with the KimhsM the event that the settlement should nano Kactory are oftprl„ K a Ml. be captured by ths Apaches. cycle FREE to any any Hoy or Girl V w v v v v v v v v w v v v v v v w s v v v n - w (hat bring« s prospective customer l to our store, or gives us the name GEO. A. PALM 1TER BEAVER WOOD ( O M I A N Y and address of one to whom ws sell Kepuhlkwn (au at Ida te Dry Wood—Any Length a Kimball Plano KNOTS FOR r IKE PI-ACES for Nomination for Collins & Erwin Piano Co. HARD A SOFT COAL 2nd fir Alderway Bldg , lidw a Alder Agsnt for Esstmsn Furnacas Secretary of State Portland, Oregon Paid adv. I Beaverton TODAY RATES WVWVWWVVWVVVVWVWVWi Bill Boyd In Carnival Boat with Ginger Rogers Hobart Bosworth Fred Kohler Earl Kennedy RKO V A U D E V IL L E Arthur and Morton Havel in “ Hot Water’’ Will and Gladys Ahern with Brother Dan “ Arizona Fun Spinners” i One or More 6x8 Photos Nicely Mounted for Sl.UO Make Your Appointments Today IIOFSTEATFR STUDIO 165 % Third Street Between Morrison and Yamhill A Law Course Which Will Help You Pass the Bar Become a lawyer and earn a lawyer’s bitf fees, Some law vers have earned as much as a million dollars in a single case. \ ou can prepare in your spare time at home through the Blackstone Legal Training Course and Service, which contains sufficient instruction in law to pass the legal examination for the bar. lhe LL. B. degree is conferred upon graduation. The Black«tone course was pre­ pared by 8» of the most emin­ ent legal authorities in the United Stat-s Included in the list of authors of text ma­ terials are such men as Jus- ice George Sutherland of the United States Supreme Court. The course is endorsed and recommended by leading law and commerce schools as the foremost non-resident 1 a w course in the country. It is arranged in a way that makes law the most fascinating of all home-study courses. Easy to grasp- interesting - practical — complete. 50.000 students have been en­ rolled. Hundreds of them have b en admitted to the bar and are today successful law­ yers and Judges. Thousands of others have been fitted for bigger and better positions in business. Regardless of the kind of work in which you are engaged - whether you are an account­ ant, salesman, banker or ex­ ecutive a knowledge of law will pa e the way for bigger responsibilities and increased In ae. 111 (CIUTON1 Write for Erew Book Write today for a free copy of our book, "The I-aw Trained Man,” which tells about the successes which have come to Biackstone students through the home reading of law. In addition, the book contains a full description of the Black- stone Legal Training Course and Service, and also gives many helpful legal pointers that will be of value to you in your everyday work. It an­ swers such important ques­ tions, as “ Must an agreement, to be binding, always be in wrlt'ng? “ Does a receipt in full protect the holder against further demands?” etc. The legal illustrations it con­ tains, written in story form, may be the means of saving you thousands of dollars. The book is yours, free, for the asking. Mail the coupon to­ day- NOW there is no obiga- tion. Biackstone Institute Dept. J-l 307 N Michigan A\e. Ch'cago, U1 I n ^ i lit if. Dept. J-l, 307 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, III. Ebony Follies Hot from Alabam' a e'rnv * v "K ,h uUt ^ ny ob,lKaUon whatever, kindly send me vourPhome l a a b° course. ° k' The Law Trained Man." and details of >our home-study Stage Salesmen of Songs Htaly and Cross W W W i M W V V W V i V V W i V i 4v