Established 1927 Get our prices first on your printing jobs S IX T H YEAR NO. 6 P U B L ISH E D Fourth Street Project may be Cast Aside for New District Attorney Issues Statement to Voters E arl C. B ronaugh, Jr., w h o is a candidate fo r A ttorn ey General, m akes the follow in g sta tem en t: Mr. B ronaugh w as born in P ort­ land 38 years a g o and has ever since resided in O regon. He gradu­ ated from the University o f O regon in 1917 and w as adm itted to the p ractice o f law in the same year. H e has practiced law in Portland fo r the past 15 years in association w ith his father, Judgqf Earl C. Bron- ^ugh. Mr. B ronaugh is a W orld W ar C. B K O N A L 'G Il. The state h ighw ay com m ision o f O regon is con siderin g a new route to P ortlan d in place o f the fo u r t h Street route and w ill rum through the N orth T igard district. Should such a route be obtained, it would mean considerable to this small com - m unity in that there would be tw o m a jo r highw ays from here to P ort- land. Leslie Scott, ch airm an o f the high­ w ay com m ission, said that pieiim in- ary en gin eerin g surveys have already Indicated that it is entirely feasible to build a five mile con n ection be­ tw een the W est Side P a cific high­ w ay from near T igard to the Canyon road at about a point hair way be­ tw een B eaverton and Sylvan and save approxim ately $ 1 , 000,000 over the F ourth Street extension. T he F ourth-street extension would cost about $1,600,000 fo r the right o f w ay and m ean destruction o f 20 to 30 existing houses. T he T igard- C anyon road c u t-o ff as outlined would cost not to exceed $ 600,000 fo r the entire disance Is through acreage. T here would be no bridges to c o n ­ struct and no heavy grades or cuts and it would be five miles in length to seven miles fo r the F ourth street extension. It w ouid leave the W est Side Pa- c iflc highw ay ju st beyond T ig a rd and reach Canyon road by follow in g a lon g the east side o f the Southern P a cific rail line, that goes from gard to B eaverton. It would JR . Beaverton Water Users May Possibly be Supplied EVERY F R ID A Y Kenneth Harlan Seeks Seat of U. S. Senator with Well Water Route Costing Less K A K I. Enterprise Want Ads bring home the bacon Mr. Cunningham o f B arr * Cun- ¿T I ntngham, engineers, w as present at ' «• the adjourned m eeting o f the city P K cou ncil M onday evening ot discuss I jH the possibilities o f wells to serve the citv with water. V arious sizes o f 1 ” J wells. Quality o f water, pumps and L / , j jni , ___ i J the relative cost o f drilling per foot t A..- •— . k / . .. f w eie discussed extensively. Mr. Cun- U w a Bingham suggested that engineers A ■A ' jN k in i up sp ecification s coverin g all v -»• .......... .. B P M b details for well con stru ction and . JSF that the city attorney prepare a - j MBEawevglall con tract of term s o f paym ent the fig * ”?* . (city wished to m ake. He furthet "S 3 (stated that the cost o f draw ing these specifications and the testing ot the K E N N E T H 11AKLAN water would not exceed $50. The Hepublican Candidate fo r |above suggestions were agreed on. I UNlXKM S T A T E S S E N A T O R j The city record er was instructed (to advertise fo r bids for hauling re- "O regon 's P rosperity depends upon (fuse foi the city, the cou ncil reserv- public developm ent o f its great pow- -ing the right to accep t or reject all er resou rces" says Mr. Harlan ! bids. Kenneth Harlan fo r years has been E . B. T O N G U E C ouni!ru n M aish m ade a m otion prom inently Identified with the pow - ncing m y can d id acy iu that a w a u a n t fo r $12.50 In favor o f er issue in A m erica. He Is a nation- lelf, 1 wish to brand as George 1 !i\ ng be draw n and a re- ally known fo r his persistent figh t false certain rum ors iceipt obtained m arked In full for against the exploitation of the peo- ly enem ies as to my per- services tendered the tow n o f Beav- p ie s great w ater pow er resources by am ount is due M r.'p riva te m onopolies. He has been a sonal taxes and the expenses o f m y erton. 1'hls T h jn g for the first seven days o f teurless cru sader against the pow er office , •April, 1930, fo r w hich he had never trust and oth er special privilege in- i he runn been reim bursed. terests, and is nationally recogn ized my (-axe8 * K cco id e r R ich ey was asked to as an authority upon the su bject o f laise. 1 ha notify the P. E. P. com p an y to fol- public utilities. year as an< 'low the m ap furnished recently In F R IE N D O F G E O R G E JO S E P H Last year 1 the ch an gin g or the city lights. This Mr. Harlun cam e back to O regon own an was due to a m o.Ion made by Coun- early in 1928 to assist his friend, com e oilman Boswell. G eorge Joseph, in d efeatin g the m er- E ver since i have been in o i- f'ice 1 have furnished w ithout cost to the taxpayers and at m y ow n ex­ pense the follow in g Item s: 1. My own car, cost and expense, fo r o ffic ia l use. 2. 1 have paid my own o ffic e rent 3. 1 have paid fo r the care and ja n itor service o f my o ffice . 4. 1 have furnished and m ain­ tained. fo r the free use o f the cou nty a law library representing an lnvest- I m ent o f over $10,000. I 5. F rom the tim e in 1925 w hen tha C o ijity Court authorized the ap­ pointm ent o f a d eputy I paid ou t uf m y ow n salary upon that deputy's salary the sum o f $50 per m onth as long as he rem ained, a period o f nearly 2 years. 6. 1 have furnished all furniture in m y o ffic e excep t a small type­ w riter desk and tw o or three filin g cabin ets o f fou r units each fo r crim ­ inal docum ents. 7. F or a great m any years 1 have paid the entire salary o f stenog- raphers now the County pays pan., 8. 1 have furnished every type- w riter that has been used in m y of- fice with the single exception o f one ie ce n tly furnished by the C ounty for the tax foreclosures. 9. 1 have furnished m ore than three fou rth s o f all stationery used in m y o ffic e and all stam ps w hich alone am ounted to an average cost o f $5 per m onth. At an ofi W ashington tion held lu< boro library Uve com m it! c P c nurse was si association, 1 he now *' Initiated act e s u e c lX d . th£ „ “ J. 1 ' mat. neeu a Lloses. it m eeting. P ick in g up dropped due Ithe form er ntond, the n< rapidly as p lems that h period the o this typo o f ---- ^ ------- - f i I jf W A jS f F J B p lj |i W m . Matzke Accidentally Shot while in Field A seventeen year old boy, son of P. B. Kend, stum bled while walking through a field and the gun he was carryin g d isch arged, sh ootin g the I fad in the right foot. A nother gun accid en t occu red to Wm. Matzke, while he was plow ing on his prem ises. .A bullet from the gun o f M onroe ¡Shannon, w ho was at target practice near the field strayed and stru ck Mr. M atzke in the nose, com in g out In his left ch eck Just below the eye. Deputy H arry Johnson investigated the accident. out by Mrs. F ritz A bendrotn, presi­ dent o i the health association. The o c c L iA H A iiu « or ru n ru B c, B eaver ch apter O rder o f Eastern w ork w ill be finan ced from Christ­ I f 1 am nom inated and elected to s ta r m el jo in t|y with Tualatin chap- m as seal sales receipts. the o ffic e o f A ttorn ey G eneral 1 ter at H l,l8boro> Tuesday evening, Mrs. F oeller received her hospital will con d u ct that im portant o ffic e The occaslon being the visitation o f training at G ood Sam aritan hospi­ upon the basis o f full e fficie n cy and m atio n s and patrons o f P ortland tal, Portland, and her public health strict econom y. I will personally and vicinity. There were about 376 w ork at the U niversity o f O regon devote m y entire tim e and en ergy guests present. H on or guests were sch ool o f public health n ty sin g day at to the discharge o f m y duties and Pa3t U rand PalronB J - Krank deters, where she took years post graduate nosed her F rank M angould, and G ilbert Char- cou rse, receivin g her public health w ill select m y assistants solely upon . ^ a pGln J J F ters, elective and appointive o fii- nursing certifica te, She has a lso reach ed a m erit and ability, w ithout regard to cers o f the grand ch ap ter F rank had post gruduate hospital trainin g B eaverton politics. 1 can, and will, render the Baldwin of N ew berg, associate D uring her w ork at one o t the Beavertc State real service at a great saving grand patron and E lizabeth Low, well know n nursery schools in P ort­ L orest ( in cost to the taxpayers. by the grand t,(,asurer and m any oth er n a ­ land she received unique experien ce T igard îtro n s patrons, associate m atrons, as- with children w hich Is con sidered H illsbon elim ination o f useless expense and aoclate patrons and secretaries. Sev- by Mrs. A bendroth and others w h o r OS s Hi was high point man extravagan t practices. eral g ood talks were given. T he Investigated her credentials prior eo am assing points. This 'is H a rt’s E A R L C. B R O N A U G H , JR . past m atrons o f H illsboro put on a her em ploym ent as of p articular ia „t year. Clem ent and G. Brandi play ‘ " in the Fountain o f Y outh ’" value to her w ork In the county. w ere also star perform ers. JO S E P H P L A T F O R M w h ich caused a great deal o t m irth. the endorsem ent T here will be a m eet at B eaverton Kenneth Harlan has been persls- She com es w ith Mrs. Schultz and daughters Helen Harrl8 Han8° n ’ B eaverton s popular w ith M cM innville this Friday. tent In his determ ination to carry also o f the state board o f health. tenor, sang tw o selections. A lunch and F rances an d son G eorge, were w_______ . , Saturday m orning at 4.30 a. m. the forw ard the real Joseph principles. o f home made cakes and c o ffe e was B eaverton H igh Band left fo r t h e ' As a close friend and adviser o f w eek end visitors at the N ew m an served under the direction o f Mrs. ninth annual band contest at C or- G eorge Joseph, no one Is better home. 1 D insm ore and Mrs. V. A. W oods. vallis. H erbert Mason, clarinetist, qualified to ca rry on that cause o r left with M aurice Manning the day to bring the Joseph platform back before fo r the solo contests. Due to upon its true course, heavy com petition "H erb ’’ did not S T E 1 W E R WAS P IO N E E R IN place. i A D V O C A T IN G P O W E R B eaverton was Judged third In DEVELOPM ENT their division, Class C. Hill M ilitary No candidate in the field fo r the won first In this group. The ju d ges nom ination fo r United States Sena- decision s w ere announced at the tor has a right to claim patent in the Union M em orial rights on Ideas fo r the developm ent If any such right were to be al -1 s till later. 1928 o r 1929, Senator cou n ty o fflce rs have all thelI o ffl. luncheon B uilding on the O. S. C. cam pus. o f ch eap pow er In Oregon. low ed by the patent officr It would Steiw er aided in passing the bill pro- clal expt,n ses pald and wlth the ex Jefteison 111 Sel l ' . . , I w. i III t m probably be aw arded to United S .ates vidlng fo r the study o f the C olum bia ce p tion o f the S h e riff close their of- Class A and Silverton earned first Senator F rederick Steiwer, w no was R iv er by the W ar D epartm ent to de- ilce at 5 o ’clock in the evening Huber Clubs Hold Their honors In Class B. a d vocatin g the developm ent Oi pow er term ine Its possibilities fo r pow er, u .y i n g the year 1925 the County T he B eaverton Band w orked hard Regular Business Meeting by the Federal G overnm ent at Uma- navigation, irrigation and flood con - c o u r t made an order w hich Is no.v on their num bers and really deser­ 11 1 let R apids m ore than ten years , trol. T hat report was subm itted to ¡n io r c e and e f f e c t authorizing the ved first place. Last year they took ago. T he records back up that C ongress this year, and Senator Nbel- appointm ent of a deputy at $1800 a fifth place and hope next year to statem ent. wer was the first person to protest y ea r, the salary to be paid out oi bring hom e first place. in 1921 Steiw er participated in the against the «ggestlon thut the river flne8i penalties and forfeitu res not F. E. Bushnell Is director. organ ization o f the Umatilla R apids be d eveloped in units and at the ex- out o f taxes. This ord er was made R eport cards were handed out association, having fo r Its purpose pense o f the state«. under an a g ieem en t with the County W ednesday. Those receiving Blue the building o f a dam fo r the devel- He demanded that the Columbia C ourt that I would pay Into tn. cards w ere: Evelyn Alexander, R o b ­ opm en t o f ch eap w ater pow er fo r do- River be developed by Federal aid C ounty General Fund all that part ert Benson, D elbert Burke, Frank m estic uses and fo r pum ping water just as was the Ohio, the Mississippi Qf the fines, penalties and fo rfeitu res Ditneo, M ary Jackson, Ellis Nylund, to proposed Irrigation projects. He and other watersheds w hich C ecelia Spies, R obert Shepard, M ar­ w ent to the legl~latuje in 1923 to He is fightin g fo r that principle e x c ite r vin Stalder, Douglas T aylor, K enneth urge the s.ate to participate In the now, and on April 18 he and Me- Since J T aylor, M ildred Tw ohy. cost o f a study o f the project. L ater N ary put such a bill before Con- 1, 1932, H on orable m ention. A rthur A n­ he went to W ashington and aided gress. aside f derson, Corrlne Antrim, Van B row n ; the late Congressm an N ick Sinnott These statem ents are the fa cts as County Thelm a B erger, Emma Findley, in securing an appropriation o f $5*“, dlclosed by the records o f the Uma- $42,919.. Helen G od frey, Francis H olboke, 000 from C ongress to m ake the study tilla A ssocia ion and of C ongress, ty's sa Jean Lewis, Maurice Manning. El- ln 1928 a bill w as In C ongress to and it sets Senator S teiw er four- $9,000, p rovide that the Umatilla p roject square with the sentim ent o f the under I should be built by the Federal G ov- people o f Oregon fo r pow er develop- $31,366.1 ernm ent. At the hearing on that bill m ent on the stream s o f this state. The the o b je c.lo n was raised that If ex- It Is unansw erable that the people Hlllsboi 35 D esig n s S u h n ilttid P O L IT IC A I. M E E T IN G tstlng electric m a n u factu rin g com - o f O regon could not alone finan ce S h eriff IN S T A R H A L L pam es should not buy the s u r p lu s 1 such developm ent. possible pow er at the Umatilla Dam the p ro P ow er developm ent is not an Is- ings wl Ject w ould never pay fo r itself. it sue in this cam paign anyw ay. i f th rou g f was at that tim e that Senator Stel- one o f the candidates were an advo- by doit w er suggested that the bill be amen- cate o f pow er developm ent and the and ------- - j ...... — — - w u n miu speits lo r rive or ten min- ded to provide that if the pow er oth er were opposed to It, then an ls- K erch er and Mrs. L iverm ore. utes. The public Is cord ially Invited cou ld not be sold at the head, where sue would be created fo r decision The B AN K OF BEAVERTON, to com e and look the can didates over m em ber Federal R eserve developed, the govern m en t should be by the voters. As it lies, Steiw er has System Mr and Mrs. B asno ana uaugnters and hear them speak. All o ffic e s will Is YOU R bank, and o ffe rs you every authorized to con stru ct transm ission * Bne record on the m atter o f pow- you r M other D ay G ift at Lola dan and Myrtle a ie new arrlv- be represented from United Btatds m odern banking service. W e appre­ llnes for carrying the Juice to piacas er and on* that can be endorsed by , sis from Arizona, .Senator down. Beaverton Pharmacy. jrbere it could be sold. j everybody. ciate the opportu n ity o f servin g you, Steiwer was Pioneer in Ad\ Power Development