FRIDAY, JANUARY 1. IMS BKA V E * TON E N T E R P R IS E News, Notes oí Notables and Near Notables Mr. and Mrs. W alter C avlness were dinner hosts Christm as. G uests in ­ cluded Mrs. R hode G illeham and son W illiam . Mrs. L. F. Pegehouse, Mrs. A. P . Cochranall of P ortland and Mr. H utchinson of Vancouver Mr and Mrs. Jack Goddard and fam ily spent the C hristm as holidays a t the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. W alker Sam Olds had the m isfortun e to cu t his hand quite badly w hile butchering last w eek Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thyng were dinner h osts C hristm as for a group of relatives, am ong them were: Mrs. M atilda K elley, Mr. and Mrs. Morthey, Mr and Mrs Leland Shaw Mr and Mrs. Lin Cooper and son Jack, Mrs. Geo. Stitt, W ill S titt, and Geo Klein. Mr and Mrs August D allm an of K inton held a fam ily reunion at th eir home C hristm as day There were tw enty-five present to enjoy th e C hristm as dinner. A fteiw a rd s an exchan ge of C hristm as g ifts, with m usic w as enjoyed by the gather' Ing. Mr. and Mrs O. E Lieriuun, i » I. L - " D inner g u esU of Mr and Mrs -t F R n g g s, M i. and Mrs Robert H oi - 1 E stacada. ate C hristm as dinner w ith and fam ily were a m o n g those pres­ C hristm as vacation w ith h is grand- ent r Peterson were Mr and ‘a« d- >*r and Mrs. John H aullebeck Mrs J o h n sto n s parents at Aloha. parents Mr and Mrs A P Marsh Mr. and Mrs. B arker returned their Mis« Luella D allm an is em ployed Mr and Mrs Q K U erm a n and Mrs Carl P eterson and Mr and Mrs and Mr. and Mrs. C B alfe Mr and M n. G. S A lexander had visit at tlita ca d a over the w eekend, in the J. W .Scott hom e during the , ... . . . ^ .. fam ily spent C hristm as ev e a t the L A Carlson as their g u e .ts N ew Y ears day Mr Miss Jean M cBreen w ho is m usic illn ess of Mrs Scott. . „ _ , „ ... F ran k V astoes hom e On C hristinas eve Mr. and Mrs. A and Mrs J. W. R aynard and funuly, supervisor at Port T ow nsend. W ash- Mr. and Mrs. T aylor Sr., and Mrs. Cueille d im o r e o f P o i Hand, vere and ^ ri* ^ ° ^ ln °* Portland F Cm ..on were dinner h osts to the Miss Beulah Cheever, Mr H off, o f ington. is sp en din g the C hristm as , „ Pori la rid. and Mrs Mary Sum m ers. vacation at the hom e o f her parents dinnei g u ests o f Mr and Mrs. K isex w ere dinner g u ests o f Mr and M is j w . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. H ans Genaa. o f in Aloha. She has been su fierin g John Sum m ers Sunday even in g Marsh W ednesday evening. ^ r j l J M i c S : K etchikan. Alaska, visited at the from a severe a tta ck of tonsolitis. H R N elson is able to be cut i , S Mr. and Mrs. O scar D allm an and Chas Berthold home this w eek T h ey Mr. and M is. C. E. B arker and children spent C hristm as at the a Kain a ftel a severe a tta ck o f grip N ancy lairaon and Mrs E. D. Agneli The sam e g .o u p w e ie en tertain ed by on their honeym oon, turving Verne B righ t attend ed the Oregon hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R uche G d B ielm an is con fined to his Mr and Mrs. Robert Spencer on ^ cn ® » " ‘«d recently in D etroit, S ta te le a t h e r s association in Port- of K inton. j home with Krl«> Sunday M ichigan alnd thD w eek Mr. and Mrs. Joe K eller had as Mr and Mr* ° * ° T h ynK w ere din- . . . . . J C. Anderson is con lin ed to the The A loha-H uber school w ill re- >■;. M.,-1 ky and d augh ter of St y ta e m U hos,)ital 8uffertng se- sum e January 4. their C hristm as dinner g u ests Mrs. ner g u ests to a group o f relative* Portland spent C hristm as w ith her injurl. , BUatained in an auto ---------------- McBeod, of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. C hristm as accidentJ in Portland Saturday m o ri- The K iw sn ls club, w ith P om ercy and Mr. and Mrs. Chas their »on W. E. M cCloskey and fam ily Oliver and son C harles of Portland, w ives, and friends enjoyed a big Doy Gray w as In atten d an ce at ,ng_ H is rjg ht arm w as broken and George W are left for San F rancis- turkey dinner, served a t th e D rift the C ounty budget m eetin g held at ten rjbs crushed. j q Snyder o f Kinton, underw ent co, C alifornia, last w eek to be gone J Inn, in the R aynard grove, W edues- H illsboro M onday a couple of m onths. j day even in g The d inn er w as in Mias Anna A dam s of E u gen e, is an operation at E m anuel h o sp ita l, the new pastor a t the N azaren e Monday W. H olcom be is spending a w eek c I'arke of \V ard D avies a s ch ef Mr. and Mrs W Unis spent Christ- j at A lsea on a fish in g trip. Mrs M atilda K elly le ft for he*" i church. She su cceeds R ev. J R and Mr. and Mrs. C. E Tripp of Dom- home In C alifornia a fte r spending Pierce w ho w as forced to resign due m as w ith his m other Mrs Mary Unis Sunday gu ests at the W illis Cady bard street, had as their C hristm as U*® C hristm as season w ith her to the ill health o f his w ife dinner g u ests Dr and Mrs. R. F. m other Mrs Geo Stitt Mrs. B ert W oody and d augh ter ,u,m e were Dr and Mrs G T D a " Hall of Portland and Mr and Mrs. Mr and Mrs E lm er Stip e enter- Merle, of B ellingham , W ash., . . . land' H U lsbo,°' Miss I-'™»“ * * Ga« ‘P- Mark N abin and son D onald of tained at dinner N ew Yeara Those gue»ts o f her brothel G. S A lexan- ueU aftd Mrs A1,ce Spaulding o t fc8t Grove Multnomah. present to enjoy th e dinner were: der and fam ily „ ... „ . . ... Chas Mast of L ongview , W ash Mrs N. Skidm ore and her d aughter Mr and Mrs H O Stipe, Mr and Mr. and Mrs. R oles of McMinn- , ... . . ... . . .. spent C hristm as w ith his m other Mrs. Peterson and granddaughter of Mrs R R Sum m ers, E velyn Glynn ville w ere Sunday g u ests of Mr and Mr and Mrs F W Bishop enjoyeu Mrs F ran k N oyes. Seattle, spent C hristm as day a t the an*l H arris H ansen a p leasant C hristm as w ith their Frank Vastroid home ' Mr and M is L ester T ollm an of Mrs. Wm. R oles celebrated her daughters Mr. and Mis. Robt H arris of Sil- R iderw ood, W ash, spent the holidays ’■3rd birthday an niversary M onday Mr and Mrs T Boyd spent Sunday verton were v isitin g Mrs H arrises in B eaverton v isitin g rela tiv es Mr in Portland. E ighteen relatives w ith Mr and Mrs L C A yer in parents, Mr and Mrs A ugust D ali- and Mrs Tallm an are to be installed were p resen t including being Mrs. Portland m an of Kinton, over the holidays re- W orthy Patron vand W orthy Matron i F la n k N oyes, a granddaughter. I Mr Johnson and daughter of Eu- turning hom e W ednesday respectively, of the E astern Star at | C hristm as eve g u ests at the Chas. gene, w ere house gp ests part o f las) Jackie Marsh spent part o f the Riderw ood chapter Saturday evening Berthold home w ere Mr. and Mrs. M w eek o f his m other Mrs T Boyd Mr Johnson returned hom e Sunday, *" 1 1, 1 - but his d aughter rem ained in Beav , erton for a short tim e M iss H azel Drorbaugh, the J A ! Singleton fam ily, Mr Sheldon daughter, R obert Drorbaugh, and ! Mr and Mrs Drorbaugh, o f Vernonia. ! were Sunday dinner g u ests at the ; D ew ey D rorbaugh home Mrs. V. A. Wood, Mrs .C J B lsl C A L IF O R N IA 'S A n n u al T o u r n a - man and Mrs A gnes Morgan were > m e n t of R oses, an d the T u la n a - am ong those who w ere in atten d ­ S o u th e r n C alifo rn ia g a m e in P a s a ­ ance of thei installation of the fiv e dena, will hold n a tio n a l a tt e n ti o n tem ple chapters in the Shrine au di­ d u rin g th e holiday season . As a torium T uesday even in g trib u te to the s u n s h in e sta te , d u rin g C hristm as dinner g u ests of Mr. one of its ch ief celeb ration s, th e and Mrs. L eslie Spencer included “ P a r a d e of S t a t e s , ” C en erai M otors M onday nigh t rad io p ro g ra m , will be j Mrs. B aikie, and son John, of P ort­ dedica ted to C alifornia. E rno R ap ee, land, Mr and Mrs W C M cKell and t i n t e t i m usical d ir e c to r of th is p ro ­ Miss J u liette Carter g r a m which t a k e s listen ers each w eek to a different s t a t e of th e union, will Mr. and Mrs. D avid M. Phelps sp en t their C hristm as vacation v isit­ recall C alifo rn ia h istory in m usic, with “ T h e F o r t y Miners,” to be r e n ­ ing his m other in Independence and d ered by a larg e o rc h e s tr a with voices, Mrs P help's siste r in Salem . an d "A R ose S y m p h o n y .” * Mr. and Mrs. W H. E n gleke w ere am ong the g u ests atten d in g the w ed­ ding o f Mrs E n glek es nephew R u s­ sell N ealy to M argaret Becker, in P ortland Saturday evening. Tournament of Roses In “ Parade of States” C Too Late to Classify B E A V E R T O N C H R IST IA N CHURCH FO R R E N T —6-room house, partly furnished, ch ick en house 20x130 ; RKV. G. W. S P R IN G E R , P astor Inquire F D P eck B eaverton 5603 N ext Sunday w ill be H om e-com ing Sunday A nnual reports will be given by the various d ep artm ents of LOAN W A N T E D $1750 or $2000 at the church. A basket dinner w ill be 7% for 3 years on a new 5-room served in the basem ent. Bring youi bungalow , hardwood floors, tiled dinnera to the church Sunday m orn­ drain board, garage, chicken coop, ing. A splendid fellow sh ip is a n tic i-: acre ground. G H. Johnson, M etz­ pated. ger, B R 9782-J -l N ext S un day’s Sunday School pro­ gram w ill be in k eep in g w ith the season. "R esolution's w eek ” w ill be PO TA T O ES 65c sack, Male C ollie pups $1 L ester M. D avies, phone the them e An excellen t resolution B e a v eito n 7030. for the m em bers o f the Sunday School to observe w ill be to be present, every Sunday, on tim e, with V A V A ' . W A W / J ’ A V A A V W W a studied lesson and a m ind to learn The C hristian E ndeavor held its annual w atch party T hursday D m . 31st at the hom e of J ess and Letoa R iley The serm on topics n ex t Sunday w ill be "The Law and the Gospel" in the m orning and “H ow Shall We P hone 200.1 Beaverton, Oregon Escape" in th e even in g HARDWARE Plumbing and Heating F. W. BISHOP I The following Firm’s and Citizen’s of Portland wish you a Very Prosperous and Happy New Year THE PENNZOIL CO. To protect yourself against substitution buy “The Best Motor Oil in the World” only where you see the Pennzoil Sign ED GLOSS County Constable A. A. BAILEY GEO. W. HOYT Clerk District Court County Clerk MISH FURNITURE CO. 188-190 1st Street J. A. FREEMAN & SON Twine, Nails, Barbwire 315 Belmont County Assessor DR. E. E. BORING Beaverton, Oregon Refinery and Distributors in Your District of Violet Ray Gasoline General Ethyl, Double Powered Gas Socony Motor Oils and Lubricants VV\ D. Selover, Agent G uests at the A. W. Buchanan hom e C hristm as w eek w ere Dr. and Mrs. R alph D resser o f H illsboro, Mr. i and Mrs E. C. Stout, Mr and M0* H arley R ain ey and daugh ters E lea ­ nor and M arjorie o f Portland and Mr and Mrs. J a ck McCune of Ver- nonia, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Johnston of S S W .W M V .W W W S V W A W Attorney llen^y Bldg. with Fred Meyer, Inc., 3rd 3; Morrison on Balcony 186 3rd St., 260 Morrison St Li t Me Fill Your Oculists Prescription Have Your Camera Repaired We Do It THE CAMERA SHOP 326* j W ashington St. PORTLAND RIDING ACADEMY H. Kerron \Y. Wilson Garden Home, Oregon DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER Chiropodist X Foot Specialist 512 Morgan Bldg. Learn to Make Men's Ties SUNSHINE DIVISION of Portland Police Quick Money for Smart People No Canvassing or house to House Sellin» P attern» and C o m p ite Instruction Send $1.00 Itty Bitty Tie Shop 350 Montgomery St. Portland, Oregon REAL SILK HOSIERY MILLS 502 Lark Bklg. W W A \m A S W w w .W A W w w w w V .W v w A 5 W Strictly Dishonorable with Paul Lukas Sidney Fox Lewis Stone George Meeker the deeelicious, deeelightful romantic comedy treat in which a charming southern belle meets the “great lover” in the wilds of New York and then doesn’t want to go home Plus RKO Vaudeville “Pop” Cameron Invites you i j Meet the Family Ferrv Corwev The Musical Clown Robinson and De Witt A Dance Festival Co-Star of Ada Brown Brown Buddies Southern Syncopation W .V .V .V V W M W W W A SW A Now Playing ALOHA NEWS JOSEPH K. CARSON, JR. SALVATION ARMY of California Sunday School lat 10 a m P reach in g a t 11 a m. P reach in g a t 7:30 p m subject "The C om ing o f J esu s and w hat it has meant." Illustrated w ith lantern pictures. Ladies Aid tea W ednesday, Jan. 6. M idweek service W ednesday at 8 p m. HIRAM U. WELCH ROSE CITY PIE CO. GENERAL PETROLEUM CORP. M ETH O DIST CHURCH R E V S. C POOR. M inister