•"«I ■ — PAOE « Bl- %' "T T O N Tl — Sounds Good, Anyway'.-- By Cliff Knight F R ID A Y , K V T m i'K I S K «j r ■ ■■ — AU G U ST 7. 19SI *" I Mrs. R obert Klein \ad three C..— I ren, o f Atlanta, Georgia, M il. M ary 'Stitt, G eorge Klein and B ill/ W hite we*e Sunday dinner guests o f Mi land Mis. O po . Thyn,. Mr. and M is. C. 'i. Tim m ons anJ d a u g h i.r. Mi..a Mabel, o f Portland, made a business trip to Beaverton Monday. Miss Ixiuise Feldm an returned last week from a tw o weeks visit in Sau Francisco. Látele Patsy Shea o f T igard had her tonsils rem oved by Dr. Maser. I Tuesday. Mrs. A. Coon, o f CorvailU , arrived i Friday to spend severe! days visit­ ing hei sister Mrs. Lew is Smith. Miso Klsie W hitw orth went to R ockaw ay Sunday fo r a tw o weeks vacation with her grandm other and aunt at that place anytim e and at night becom ing th - sinister Nerne-is oi those who 1 h .:igh ostensibly keeping within the jaw , rob others by sw indling w reck ing banks and the like. Shir u y o . ey, new to the EC ree n, Ed niund B reese and Purnell Pratt are .h er principals. Ben Blu** Ills R c /a l H ighness, . the K ing o i H okum , holds cou rt a the K K O Orpheuin this v/eek. Hi M ajesty reigns over a land o f fuu where laughter is the royal insignia M i. Blue is a com ed y dan cer who has won high repute on both side-" o f the Atlantic Ocean. Hewis and Altee, w ith the Hoy.* Sisters and the F our t'eurls. are seen ¡n a dance production com posed o f a variety o i huck. eccen tric, a c robatic and rhythm ic ballet stepping “ nJ jn n d d a u g h U r Anne, o f Aber- d**n ' -J ie h »use pucst* o f the ! ^ t t e t 'o n hom e, re c e n t./. Mr. and Mrs. A W. Dant. o f P ort­ land .spent the w eek with his m oth­ er, Mrs. E. B. D ant o f Reedville. N icl: S teichen is con valescin g at :h e Snyder home. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Cam pbell o f oilverton, M i. and Mrs. P alm er Falls, o f Portland, w ere callers at the Mutt K ing hom e Sunday. L O O K IN G AT (C ontinued W A S H IN G T O N fro m P age O ne) w hich secu ted ou r recogn ition to purity" w ith G reat torltian on the seas, but not a single ship has been authorised to give us actual parity A P“ >gram. sent to C ongress, which , "S ynchronized L a ffs" a la C row ei’ would have au th orized an a ircra ft Mrs. K. L. Filly returned Sunday and A „ an brinKB toKe[her com edy carrier, 3 subm arines and tw o 10.000 l evening from a trip to B reiten Bush ; ton cruisers, m ade no progress and piano m usic. In fa ct one ir j Springs, w here she had spent sev­ whatever. a part o f the other. The piano i s , eral days w ith friends. a m iniature one and Mr. Allan car R. Devine returned from Grand i'he oth or nation* have not been ries it w ith him w herever he goe: Rapids, Mich., where he hud spent a playing the while. There is also a r jd le’ *'o w e /cr. In the 1922-30 period | month on business. especially written and staged Dit o f (,le a t ^ Illian has H id dow n 22 inud- Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Sim m ons o f m uslcal com ed y called "A K ingdom ern destrt*yera, F ia n ce 48, Italy 37, j H erm iston, were guests o f the C. J in w hich all o f the ai and Japan 47. In subm arines, dur­ Bielman hom e several days this ^or lists appear. H ere Mr. Blue a r ing these eigh t years, F rance laid I week. dow n 67, Italy 32, Japan 35, G reat Mr. and Mrs. F. M. T aylor of P«ars a8 a K in S reign in g over a | B ritian 19 and the United States 3. H ood R iver were week end guests singing, stepping, jok in g people, ii [ at the C. C. T ripp hom e on L o m b a r d , »11 the best o f hokum and spec C H U R C H O F C H R IS T i street. | ialties, and con clu des with Mr. Blue r B eaverton, O regon i Mr. a n d , Mrs. W . R. V anK leek and original skating dance. R E V . G. W . S P R IN G E R 'd au gh ter K atherine spent Sunday at __________ j Pudding R iver. Mr. and Mrs. C J. Bielman, Mr and Mrs. V. A .W ood, Mr. and Mrr jO . H agoes were in attendance at th** card party at Aloha Saturday even j ing. Mr. H agoes brought hom e the j first prize. Mr. and M is. R. M .Miller and son Jack accom pan ied by Mr, and Mrs. J. C. W agner spent Sunday at A gate beach. Mr. and Mrs. Killander have moved into the G orden house on WaVSon street. W illis Cady and fam ily are m ov- m g into their hom e from the Fred and L eora E. Cooper, o f Portland. hospital recoverin g from operations ' Cady house- Mr* and M , r T - W The regular m eeting o f the B eav­ Dr. M ason was attending physi- M cDonald w h o have occu pied this for several m onths have erton Cham ber o f C om m erce c a lle d ! c *un w hen a son was born to Mr. I house Jim W elsh superintendent -------- 1— J — o ' f th. io r W ednesday, A ugust 6th, was at- j and M ,s W m . H ick eth ierer July 20 m oved to H illsboro. M asonic hom e u at !• oreut G rove gave tended by so few that the m eeting ,a n d a d a «g h te r arrived at the hom e Mrs. E. W . M ersercau and daugh­ a short talk at the K.warns m eeting |w a i not callcd to ord or Th#nj ^ ! o f Mr. and Mia. John D eering ter Charlotte, w h o have been vlsit- W edn esday noon. Hie em o has de j on ly onu m em ber pre8ent Ue, ldef) ‘ ” M a n y ; from B eaverton attended the j ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. O. elded to hold their annual p icn ic tlle president and secretary i Aloha G range dance and card party I Stipe for the past week, left for W ednesday, August 12th. | Mr. and Mrs. O. H. D rorbaugh. o f | Saturday evening. August 15th the ¡their hom e in K lam ath Falls Tuesday L * 11 Mr. and M is. A rthur H oge and j V ernonia. visited with their son I gran Ke w il* sponsor another dan ce | Mr. and Mrs. J. D. W ilm ot and •on o f K noxville, Ohio, a ie visiting ^ D ew ey and fam ily Sunday. | w h ich will com m ence at 9 p. m. I Mrs. R uby B oyd w ent to Y am hill then cousin Miss M a b e l R ichter. I Cards will also be * played H. —. M. W O ’Dell in is ifu rem odeling his | --- iou ciu i^ mu --- * --- and the Friday to visit Mra. W m . P etch w ho BEAVERTON A great deal o f interest and en­ thusiasm has been aroused ov er the new and unique con test between the Mr. and Mrs. L. Schm id called at w orld and the Sunday School. E very the R ay A bbott home in W oodburn i „ , „ . , ... _ . _ m em ber o f the Sunday S ch ool will Sunday afternoon . . , , , ,, ' need to exercise all the energy he " . ’ . possesse j in this tug o ’ war, to pull visiting at the M orrison hom e t l u s i ,. .... . .. , I the old d evil” a cross the line, week. T he serm on top ics fo r next Sun- The H enry H aag, Geo. Im lay, day w m ^e “ An Unseen P ow er," in Glenn S tiff, the Fow ells fam ily and ^j,e m orn in g and in the even in g Mr .and Mrs. F oster spent Sunday “ T his is L ife E ternal." at B alm G rove in celebration o f Mr. H aag’s and Mrs. F oster’s birthdays. SC H O LLS M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H T hom as K irk w ood , w h o is em p loy­ A lexan der H aw thorne, P astor ed near A storia, spent T hursday at his hom e in R eedville. Sunday, A ugust 9, 1931 A LO H A NEW S T he L ow ry hom e at R eedville has The public is heartily invited to been sold to Mr. Senke, o f H illsboro, attend the services o f this friendly w h o m oved his fam ily Into their new Sunday m orning at location last week. Mr. Senke is church. T his con nected with the R ay-M aling Can- 10 ° clock , R e v Thomas B radley, who n ery He has gone to Y akim a fo r a 1 y earst a8 ° preached in this section o f W ashington cou nty will speak on few day8 business trip. is it ? Is i. Mrs*, Lusby is takin g her fam ily to “ C hristianity: W h at w ill | w orth w h ile?". M ontana Friday, w here they A delightful, helpful Sunday School join Mr. Lusby. She has been with her m other at H azeldale for the in w hich the w hole fam ily can join M is. Nellie M cM urray, a lucent hom e on C ooper Mt. and Allen Jones ! draw in* niudo for the quilt, under the leadership o f i\ R. M oore is now home from the hospital and past week, housu guest o f the B row ns ret urneu | is building a fru it stand on the I Mra. Earl Hall and daughter spent m uch Improved in health Janne and w ife and Mrs. with a sta ff o f capable teachers. hom e W ednesday. C anyon road, the m aterials w eiv Thursday visiting w ith Mrs. N. G. To enter in to the services o f the Miss K atherine B each returned H arry F ow ells m otored to W ind P. M. Madden has sold the T im ­ furnished by the B eaverton Lum ber Freem an o f Portland. Saturday evening after a w eeks visit u tv er to spend Saturday with H arry c h u ,ch ia a »ure w ay to keep before m ons pi upei ly consisting o f l 1^ actes ilie mind mat Jesus m ade a habit c o “ ‘ « * ny * ' j Mr. and Mrs. C arol L eeby .oi in Seattle. F ow ells. on 2nd and L om bard stie e ls to Mi. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B erthold were | R eedsviile accom pan ied by Mr. and _ Alexander and ______ ____ ......................... o going. T he Bible says. Mr. and Mrs. Guy A loha G range will hold their next f ch u rch and Mrs. P eter Olsen o f Portland, guests Sunday at the M. E. John Mrs. R o g e r HuwJey spent the week daughter Evelyn, G eorgia Belle Ka;n- dance Saturday evening, A ugust 15. ’A s H is custon was H e entered in to w iio plan to raise chickens. Mr. ston farm . Mr. Johnston has pur end at Mt. H ood. berger, Miss Beulah C heever oi at w h ich tim e there will be a druw- the syn agogue.’ a full blooded registered Muddun lias tented the Mike D riscoll chused T he P alm ist said : I was glad very Portland, and M ary Ellen C heever, ing fo r the beautiful quilt, which E ssex Marsh w as given p lace west o f tow n to Geo. MuLhcrs E nglish lo x hound from kennels in pleusunt surprise party Thursuuy o f W oodland, W n , left Saturday fo r the ladies have been w ork in g on for when they said unto m e: Let us g o o f ltv ed sp oit. M i. M athers intends j M inneapolis, w hich is attracting into the house o f the Lord. evening o f last w eek in celebration tw o w eeks vacation at R o c k a w a y , som e time. m uch interest am on g folk s inter to g o into tiie dairy business. Mr. and Mra. Hener, Al G roves, ot E pw orth League this . even in g at o f his birthday. T hose present were and oth er beach resorts. T he Christensen road has been ested in dogs and the neighbors G rove, and Mr. and Mrs. 8 o ’clock . A great hour erf privilege, Mr. and Mrs. H en ry Akin left fo r j C ottage Mr. and Mrs. J. L ow ell, Dr. anil Mr. and M is. R oh rer and daughter closed wnile a new bridge is under You are Mrs. A rthur T aylor, Dr. H onuir Tav- their hom e in K lam ath Fulls the Tad W h eeler and fam ily spent Sun- profit and responsibility. m other Mrs. T. Boyd con sti uclion over C hristensen creek. visited her invited. lor, und Miss Lucile G ilm ore, all o f first o f the week, after a, w eeks visit day on the P udding river. T he R oh rers are from A m arriage license bus been issued Sunday. Portland. C ards und dancing were w ith Mr. A kins m other Mrs. Sorena Mrs. A lice W h eeler is spending a C orvallis und w ere en iou te to to T heodotu S ch up p eit o f B eaverton couple o f weeks at T aft. E astern O regon, w here they intend in ju re d d u rin g the evening and re- A kin oh L om bard street. fresiim ents served. j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr, and Mrs. L. Schm id visited '.V A W A W A V W SSW ySSV iW to purchase a g ro ce ry store. K inton Grange T uesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. .Stipe, Mr. and f o r r e l ia b l e g l a sse s Mr. and Mrs. John Sum m ers and Resolutions Adopted H. B. R edin gton and fam ily of FROM MAIN LINE POINTS Mrs. R. Sum m ers, Mr. and Mrs. J Mr. and Mr». Geo. bla.stici visited A T R E A S O N A B L E P R IC E S E gypt, Penn., w ere guests o f the C. H untley, Miss R u b y Boyd and Mr. and Mrs. C otto o f O regon City j See Us at Portland Milk Shed M cK eow n hom e last week. Mr. Joh nston spent Sunday at W’ednesday evening. 2i Y E A R S IN P O R T L A N D Meeting Wednesday T he H aw ley B u ck fam ily m otored “ Y our Eyes are S afer in our Care* R oa n iers Rest. Mr. and Mrs. A rchie K elly o f S ’ . to N elscott beach Sunday afternoon Mrs. A. E. W ilson, G a y fo rd W ilson H elens have been visiting relatives (C ontinued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Matt K ing w ere Sun- j Dr. Geo. B. Pratt and Mabel R ich ter are at R ock a w a y in tow n fo r the past week. day dinner guests o f the K. J. fo r a vacation. Dr. H. J. MaulLatsch Mrs. M C. M cK erch er w m j ij o ffe re d by the cou n ty cou rt hom e Sunday O P T O M E T R IS T S Mrs. Lila Blair, o f I*os Angeles, luncheon guest o f o f W ash in gton cou nty, fo r the wid Miss Marie T honan o f Portland, N ew i.-«cation and her daughter, Miss Bessie Blair, m ore F tid ay evening, e*ning o f the Tualatin V alley high- w as a w eek end guest o f the L ow ­ o f M ontanu, were guests o f Mrs. 201 AL D K K W A Y BLDG. Mr. and M is. E arl V aughn o f M e d -tw ay betw een B eaverton and H ills ry's with w hom she m otored to the E. R. Sheets last w eek. M iss B la i- B roadw ay at Aldc-r ford are visiting M is. Vaughns sis- b0|0> w h ich is 16 foot highw ay roast with made the trip from M ontuna by i ter Mrs. R oy B erst fo r several und a ffo rd s the people o f E astern Mr. and Mra. W . L. M arritt, and ■.VASVW.’.V a W A ’A W .V .W auto in tw o day a. days. W ash in gton cou nty the only route son o i Seattle. Mrs. A. W .W ilson Ed Y oun g m otored to Astoria the Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis spent c oulu y seat to pay their _______________________ past w eek end to visit his b roth el. W ednesday at Ike hom e o f Mrs taxes and m ake the shady spots up W V A V . ■ • ■ . W A 'A W A W A W His children G ladys and E dw in re _lu t,y B oyd W ednesday, Gales C reek in these sultry w eek turned hom e with him a fter a Mr. and Mrs. W. C. M cK ell, Mrs ends. Dr. George T. Darland m onth with their uncle. ( Juliette C arter and Mrs. E dw ard j Both o f the Rousi buildings w ere t ,ox left Sunday m orning fo r the j c III KO I’ ll A t'T IC given a new coa t o f paint this w eek j Hansen place on the M etrolius river Richard Dix Playa Leading : and several o f the o ffic e s In the I for a w eek s vacation. AND ROUNDTRIP . . . $2o Kole at RKO Orpheum U esilo Roast building were kulso- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Huntley, Mr. and Mra. E. Stipe. Mr. and M is. R m i iird. Couch ticket, gm\I in i!jy P H Y S IO T H E R A P Y A very good m elodram a built or coaches or rei lin g i wir , ¿r» The R ebekah s will m eet this Fri- R Sum m ers and Mrs. Collis Moore Again the RKO Orpheum — also in Tourist S' pen <>n C ham berlain at I picn icked at R oam ers Rest Sunday. 11 he old sellai form ula a see re: P H Y SIC IA N , day with Mrs. It. payment of !>_• i tit cli4iyr(«l>out Quite a num ber o f B eaverton peo a ven ger righting w ron gs and bring J heatre p roves U» Leader- Aloha ihr Standard IhiHiran com .) pie attended the w edding o f Miss ing elim in ala to justice. I n e lead L inklater Bldg H illsboro, O regon Mrs. A E. W ilson and Mrs. Hoi com b were hostesses at a silver tea ¡ Janet H untley and Al G eorge in ing role is especially suited to R ich ship in Big Attractions ■. v . v a v . v . v . v . v . w . v . v . w « P ortland last F riday evening. Mrs ¡a id D ix ’s most pleasiog qualities held at the M E. ch u rch W ednes­ G eorge is the dau ghter o f Mr. am! p a m l|y audience.” This sums up th*. by presenting day ufternoon. Mrs. J. C. H untley form erly ot op m jon o i the crqtlc o f the National Chas. B erthold made a business R. B. Northrup Beaverton. B oard o f R eview regarding the cu» trip to Seaside, Astoria, and lilla - O S T E O P A T H IC P H Y S IC IA N of Y am hill was rent picture at the R K O O rpheum W m . Petch m ook recently to purchase hay, oats tow n M onday callin g on old friend.- Tlu.atre. "T h e P ublic D e fe n d e r.’ N ervous and C hronic Diseases and straw. D ix plays the W orld w ar veteran John W ick . Metzger, and Henry IN Treatm ent o f Catarrhal D eafness One-way c»w h ti. ket that lly rk a s o f route 3, are at Emanuel SW iVA'A-AVASSVASVAVA w ho fin d in g ord in ary civilian lif** »sie« you ninny d o ’ Is.-«. This Nose and Throat w ithout Surgery dull, d ecides upon a dual existence, i* tr»m comfort .it the lowest fillin g the role o f a w ealthy lawyer possible cost. O ffice H ours 9-12, 2-3 H A R D W A R E at the exclu sive clu bs during th*» ROUNDTRIP $U5 R esiden ce E A. 8028 LU N CH C O U N T E R One Man’s Daring (1 0 pouu.it of ¿i-«;.//.’*' oi.iv be Plumbing and Heating 308 M organ Bldg. P hone B E 1349 tbtehed free ou togv* tiiùelt.) T oo Late to Classify and matched against W . V . '. '. W A V . '. V . V . V . W A V i 524 . RICHARD DIX “The Public Defender” F. W . BISHOP S o u th ern BILLARD Phone Manning Building MERCHANTS I . UNCH ♦ B eaverton, that of ten schem­ ing swindiers. A new personality. . A NEW ROMANCE A •»»♦♦<» » » < » 4 ■>4+*W « « a v J'A a v . V . V . V . V . W A W . W A V . V A W . V A N W A S W A ' A ; Beaverton Electric Co. W. E. PEG G MORTICIAN BEAVERTO N . 200J Oregon 0 N E C R E A M S E P A R A T O R for sale H om estead No. 40 $20. O. C. V A V A 'A V .V A VA SW A W A *. Kleim pell, route No. 1, B ox 278, T igard, O regon It M A PF .S & SON In C. E. Allen. Acent PARLOR GENERAL CONTRACTING R epair E lectric OREGON W I R IR V K nF.iIARDI.rSR OF THE TTMIS DAT OR NT O HT -A V .V A V A V A V A V A V .W A V A V .-.A W A V A S V A V .V Roes! / B idg W ork Supplie« P hon e B eaverton B A R G A IN Oak A T w ater 1931 tru ck body. $45. It i W O O D A N D C O A L C apitol Fuel Co. M ultnom ah. Call us fo r Prices. A T w ater 1931 W O O D ** \W IN O P rices for August on 3 cord s or m ore, 60t. 80c per cord. Phone A T w ater 1931 oi 11303 B R 9893 R-10. Plus RKO Vaudeville BEN BLUE King of Hokum V.V.V.'.’.V.V-V.'.VASV.NW A Special this weak at Manor’s Ivory Boe. foot Bed, D ressing Table, ben. h ft C htffon er *29.80 New D ining Table in W alnut and 4 C hairs upholstered ........... $35.00 M alleable South Bend R ange $19.75 MANOR FURNITURE CO. T W O BIO S T O R E S 188-187 First St . nnd 224 Y am hill St P H O N E A T w ater 4511 F res D elivery N V .W .V .Y .V .V .V s Y iV V V V .V V ^