Ai, KOVKMBEB *8. o v F 'TBE r 1930 i f Tofu. tw °P*ration Wll nt. 11 L******* n o N IERY « * 0 * 4 + + » * 9 " » 4 " » | KIbeUeX u SON ever S RUpKed better ,R than for 1931 Chicks Install in* new mammoth electric incuba­ CENTS tor with separate hatcher Tuala tin Heights Chickery. Tualatin. A LINE Ore., Phone Tigard 04152. PER TIME SE V E R A L GOOD Model T Ford Coupes, Prices right. Bielman Mo­ tors, Beaverton. lt co ] St INSTRUCT IONS 15-27 CASE T R A C T O R -in first class condition, complete with 3- issue 14 ft * plows ft disc, disc. m Price ------■ “ and •»*• 7 • ii ce Then 3650 cash or might consider a few . rFNTS a line per * , gve words to the line. ' i]t your nrnfits. 1 r „„ ¡dniany vent I “ imt, iw Cash should K>i .COW‘t- A_ S j Classified Ads appear in six Beaverton Enterprise ligird Sentinel, M ulltirtnah Press AH w Ne"s„ YanthiU journal and Gaston Herald. 12.000 READERS W E E K L Y » ■ k - k - j <-:*<••> •X"'-- vs-s W v -X' I OR S.\LF.—Milk Goats. In order to reduce my herd. I am offering some choice Saanen Dairy Milk p o r i SALE Dodge Screen Delivery tioats at a reasonable price. | it a doctor'» Prescription for See these high grade, health pro­ | MotQr* ' ducing milk goats and save incuitv COLD’S and HEADACHE F O R SALE Dressed yo.ung turkeys 5 miles South and two miles West L is the most giefdy remedy known a11 Rhone Tigard 1» ] of Hillsboro. Frank Unger, Cor­ 666 also in Tablets nelius Ore.. R 2 8-kif I FOR SA LE —Sand, gravel, crushed I rock anil road gravel. F. E. Hagg Phone Tigard 46 V .V .V .V .W .V .V .* V .V .V .V .V . a « — I o friend. I ■ANY GIRL in need ot _ --------- write Elsie H. Allemann, The Sal ration Armv White Shield Horn»;, 565 Vlayfiir Avenue, Portland. Y STEM® - cords of oer cord cd. One Bank on 666 ____ j FOR SAI-F.— 1 Jerseys heifers 18 mo I old. E. Maly, T'gard Route 1 Phone 0816 _______________________________ 4t I PERSONAL roN Nelson, Yamhill the order. W hen a state - 1 FO R SALE -A few more lnc . bone dry fir wood $5 re!» OLD growth Fir W ood—$6 in one day, of course, said Miss and $7 P. L. Kilander, • 1st house Wood, but when it is repeated day ^•“st of Angel street on Third. after day it cannot help but prove Beaverton tt disasterous to growth and general development. FOR SALE-M ILK COATS PROFESSOR SWEETS DON’T HOT T E E T H For many years candy and other sweets have been portioned out sparingly to the children of caieful parents on the grounds that too much of it would "rot the teeth.” Today this indictment against too much sweets has been changed, says Miss Mabel A. Wood, assistant pro­ fessor of foods and nutrition at Ore­ gon State college. They are still considered bad for the child s teeth FREDERICK Evenings by --------------------------------------------------- P R IN T E D SIGNS TOR SAL1 ■ |35UO TO LOAN,— First M ortgage! I0r each. For ffcnt, For Sale, on Farm. Beaverton Finance Co Rooms for Rent, etc. Pi met I Beaverton 5403. Printing ami Stationery Co 407 408 Dekuin Bldg, Third and Wash ington Streets. Portland. Oregon. M ISCELLANEOUS W O O D CUTTING—H. R. Nelson is again cut'ing wood Call Beaverton SALE 1928 COACH com - 8(i()3. FUR — : pletely reconditioned, trunk, good rubber, original finish, upholstery 2P At RF.S in cultivation near Beav- liko erton for lease 1 to 3 years, Apply like new. new, 1125. $125. to Beaverton Realty Co. Beaverton 1929 COACH—Perfect condition, with 3t! an OK guarantee $160 down, bul- anoe easy payments. IF Y OU R CLOTHES Need Clean I 1929 COUPE. R econditioned sold mg, Repairing or Altering remem-j with OK guarantee $465. ber me. (ico. Schwartz, Tailor Stipes Garage, Beaverton Tigard 4t CLAIMS Residence Beacon 5071 M. DEM PSEY Attorney at Law R D E k YO U R RUBBER STAMPS ar>d S>-als from Pioneer Printing and Stationery Go., 407-408 Dc kum Bldg.. 3rd and Washington Street, Portland, Ore — N U T R IT IO N Beacon 7277 Appointment — is the 826 American Bank Bldg right price V .V .’.V .V .V .-.V .V .V .V .V .V .V . Portland _ to pay for a s a y .: good tooth *YW [ io z z s r * v/'Ukj YüLw a / i' s r vp, AH' SOMGSODy -Vli-V WUX MO Mr.'JJ IIJ VA' PAPE*, He USTO “T> GO f H AVE A GOOD CkV * L'Oi'f t z TELIS 'EM, "CiO OUT A: 4P M AW : SO,VIE NEVUS THEU, AM1 Wi-LL FRIMV IT." paste — yj * ja LISTERINE TOOTH P A S T E Large Tube WC TAKS IH MY k'llxP OF MCHfJ cu &UÖ- se«iP- TlOklS, W I» scis>: 25 ' not because of any tendency to rot them, but for the same reason that they are bad for the rest of the body—simply that they dull the child's appetite for foods contain­ ing vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for health. “ Candy and similar sweets pro­ vide heat or energy that can bo used to good advantage if taken in the right amount and at the right time,” explained Miss Wood. “ But if candy is eaten before a meal it not only irritates the lining of the stomach, but spoils the appetite for Yd -r 0 00 e * * ■ofVLR I I on 1 / , D id A n y o n e E ie r T e ll l ’ou ^ __ rj-S H A T In a recent exlUbitlon game at PortlaM, ore., Lefty Orov* 1 gave Brooklyn some Idea alien he l.u.aed Jo»» ny Fredericks otf tluee pitched balls for the third stnae-out of the last tuning? j) That Dartmouth fraternities have ta * * tj thumbs down ort the son o f a nationally known automobile m*uuUetruer because the* suspect the family is Jew ish.* That Charlie Irwin, master of ceremonies :n Whiteman'» "King ofl Jazz.” comes from Ireland, ran for Oreat BilUtr» » , th* ier* Olympic# and served with the crack Enniskillen Fuslleerm ts Use mg *u.-e? That Johnny Farrell scored his fourth hole-to-n*»- « Quaker R llge the other day. but admits tt didn't give the thrill he derived from an "ace ’ that won the West Coast title a few years back? That Biff Jones, former West Point coach, picked Yale to beat Army tn the public prints and peeved Army men no little? That in four years Southern California has outscored Notre Dame fifty-seven points to forty-seven, but Notre Dame has won three of •he four games by one point? That Sir Otto Jaffe, a Jew, was lord mAyor of Belfast, Ireland, fof nearly twenty years? ^ That Cluck Meehan was all wet In stating that Northwestern Uni­ versity uses the Rockne system, as Hanley, Northwestern coach, Is strictly a Pop Warner admirer? That Ed Nell of the A. P is writing great stuff for that outfit, In case you don't know ? That in the Coast League play-off series, an umpire named Fanning Inspired the grandstand wags to punning? That Nibs Price, University of California grid coach, rooms the senters together, the tackles, the guards, etc. whenever his team la ¿raveling, so that they will Hunk of nothing but their own partlcula* posit Ions? » i. H at if K‘Ug Lninsky gets past Jimmy Slattery on November 6, / and n. • » >* past Tommy Leaghran a tew weeks later, Nate lewis esp .i* s Ilov.asH »..te at Uhleago between Leviitsky and Tuffy Griffiths? Oktson, who appoints the officials to eastern grid games, ht* . e^si.t-o U>a squawks from enraged Yale and furious Penn on the eaiibe»' of oOVuilng, and Is trying to sooth 'em? O n e Normtle's daughter was wed in pomp the other day In the g^ixiuia oi Jim Croffroth's estate. Yonkers, New York pupers might copy wa Nani. .« originally was a Yonkers telegraph operator? Inal Jun/.iile Baker, Southern California guard, Is a rlnch for All- t Arneiicaa not ors and All-American pickers can use tills Up gratis? TU*1 i «.i.oi Douthit and Chick Haley of the Rt. Loo Cards, teamed wi n I -ary l«i.aerl and Mark Koem,$ and Joe Cronin In the Alamedr» 1 Eiks onarity game Ure other day ? That tile Jesuits, or “ Jcbblrs," in the Washington, D. O., dior o has» warned Georgetown and Loyola College of Baltimore, to give up night fovlhall on the grounds it Interrupts studies? That Bat Nelson, Durable Dane of the ring, celebrated his forty-ninth birthday at Hegew'lsch. ID , where he has a farm? That one of the functcst kickers In College football Is this left-footed Johnnie Cain of Alabama's Crimson Tide? That the present Princeton team has made history at old Nassau, blowing Uiree games in a row, a terrible valedictory for BUI Roper? That Dick Daniels, the Minneapolis kid, tipped In this column soma time back, whipped Johnny Rlsko and almost flattened him for keepa at Boston? That the Philadelphia Athletics are getting out of “ farm baseball,1* and Tom Shlbe is selling the Portland, Ore., team In a hurry since the Jedg» blasted? * That when N otre Dame torpedoed Pitt, is signalised R ockne’a first meeting with Pitt since 1918, when, with Rockne at end, Charlia Dorais drop-kicked the Irish fo>a S to 0 w in? { That Charlie Devens, out for the season nt Harvard with a broken leg. Is the Crimson's hard luck kid, In his freshman year making the only touchdown against the Yale 'rosh, only to have the papers give the credit to a teammate? a« •* ■ ’ I u W. E. P E G G MORTICIAN BEAVERTON, c Oik-flu < sKiSisy1 'tv WE SERVE, OREGON R E G A R D L E S S O F T H E T IM E DAY O R N IG H T IN P O R T L A N D V .V .V .V .'.V .V .V .V .V .V A V A V .V A V .’ . W /J W y .V .V d V W .V .V . AUTO BODY AN D RUG MOTORCYCLES FLOORING P A IN T M AKING GENUINE BARGAINS In Slightly Used New and Used FORD — G RAH AM — REO I hiption. Our paint jobs and price? Restaurant, Hotel and General Office 1)4 to 2 ton Trucks. EAST SIDE RUG CO. W e have the Truck you want Equipment will please you. TH E N EW E V E R W E A R RUGS S A B L E ' S Scales, Typewriters, Wall Cases, i 1255 Hawthorne 620 W a s h in g rt m o t o r c y c l e s u p p l y CO. CER l INGS BODY, FE N D E R A N D “ A BOARD TO A CARLOAD Desks, Counters, Shelving TAbor 2651 Hhacon 0. 4 Portland Made From Your Old Carpets and PAINT W O R K S e .S M a T h I r DW OOD FLOOR and ^Thylor r L u v n CO VU» . Third - - FL A TO W BROS. and Clothing EAST 2933 Northwest Distributors for Super and BK 5020 BRoadwtiy 8233 Yamhill iv Ella St? 409 E. DAVIS Rug Cleaning, Refitting and Sizing 135 Glisan St. — "—--------- and 4-Cylinder Hendetson T Y P E W R IT E R S 9x12 Cleaned and Sized, $3.59. W R ITE FOR CATALOG ----- —---- ■ ’SILL___-_____ FLORIST TIRES W e Call for and Deliver. SPINAL PRO*" W O S-TI-C IA N NURSERIES Wtn. Pfeifer, Manager. Portland, Ore PO RTLA N D 'S PROGRESSIVE Mice Phone SA C RIFICED TIRE S Residence l ’lione FLORIST "BENEDICT NURSFRY CO UR»con 97255 CiArfield 5357 f l o w e r s Low Prices on Fm.t Trees snd 30x3«/, and 29x4.40, $2 50 All othei SCHOOLS Shrub» °R GEO. VjfcU. S. B R E E IT IT L L IN IN C G sizes, $150. Return with receipt any m « ...... w. « 510 Maegly-Tichner Bldg 1*5 f . 87th St. S. Portland. Ore. I' used tir^ bought of us at our list Broadway St. Portland, Ore Two blocks north of Gluau • price proving unsatisfactory within Sixth and Alder (Almost) Spinal P rog-N os-ti Cian ____ ____ __ I ' “ one year, and get another at half BE 7215 Poitland, Oregon price. ADVANCED C lilK O i K A C ,0 11 PHOTOGRAPHS Mail orders filled promptly. Spinal Adjustment* j •__________—---------------— " 9 Asthma Cases l use s Successfully ^tu-ri>4«tl»llv Treated NURSE’ S O FFIC IA L T Y P E W R I T E R S REftlS ! R O Y S TIRE SHOP PHONE BRw* 0233 New aid Rebuilt 92 N Broadway fc. Burnside A 6th Leading School. Established 1911 G R A D U ATE NURSE t P E T E R S O N . Photograph» TY I*EWK ITERS R EPAIR ED BR 6862 EA 5381 Beginners Surprise Your Friends COLLECTION S AND RENTED Play all song hits in 10 easy lessons W , h., c < u a luatc and Practical | R £ ^ £ M B E R M OTHERS’ DAY REBU ILT T Y P E W R IT E R CO. Nursing t:'‘ rV1,c„e . - „ - „ - r Give I -r T°ur photograph $2 Down, $1 Week, Total $10 •M Oak St. ATwater t>7(«* T IR E S TR A D E D ON CALL DAY A M * M G H 1 a phot0 0f Baby m National PORTLAND C O LLE CTIO N CO. J A Z Z P A R K E R ,i »4 M arti I .VI water 02.'" Conte, t kl2 Pihork Bid* Prwttend. Oregon H)6 Studio Bldg. BHacon 8501 519 Pacific Bldg. P, .rtl.ind W E LL DRILLING FISK TIRES 12 to 7 P M ^ c 'f w d e and Retail Collection* Trade in Your Tires Now Using r e p a ir in g PHOTO STUDIOS An extra allowance made if you W E LL DRILLING Rates as l>*w as 15% mention this ad. SHEET M E T A L BF.tcrtn 0031 A M JANNSEN DRILLING CO ONE GIFT TH AT'S NEVER Automobile* Repaired Incorporated AUTO BODY WORK of all dcs- F IX T U R E S M OTORCYCLES All Kinds of Flooring Laid and Finished W e can furnish any quantity of H AR D W O O D FLOORING FROM AT LOWER PRICES Make Your Selection Nmw W RITE FOR FREE LIST Parts and Service for All Makes EAst 9352 A SHOW CASES 46 East 13th St. TOMY LUKE MUSIC d u p l ic a t e d TEACHER SETH LEAVENS iaJ M o n th ly B ILLY »od Si» ¡A ll mounted on I **p* ' UORTI.ANRI'S L E A D IN G W » 7 Nice I r o c n t , •AW a U a N G U IT A R TEACHER this Ad With Y « » ^ 'T A R , BANJO, M A N D O L IN fh*' S r S T ^ t i STU D IO H u !I» i h " Street a l is k y B U ILD IN G l ' l)! 11 »Bird and Morrison Street* Portland. Oregon | S B-ing the Baby under l AT water 3403 Hawaiian Guitar» Sold (let one Baby SHEET METAL WORKS G oom i o » » k .» li« 4 l*odr ' v ” ' 1 Fender Repairing, Radiator Repa'r-1 General Repairing and Jobbing „ and Upholstery. Pamtmg Galvanized Iron—to p p e r—Tinware ‘ b . Tin and Gravel Roofing ;. u * . *> •» - * “ *• Ventilating and Furnace W ork meres, or brokerage W E SP E C IA L IZE IN D A IR Y AND d C a rn ea A u t o m o t .* * e p a .r erv < R E STA U R A N T W O R K FARN H AM & R , L E i [ ln ATwater 67M 92 Fir»t Siren & Fveretl Su. Vtcxurc Fr*« TIRE CO M U LTNOM AH P a y m en t. 43H, PORTLAND 3.11 Conch St. BRoadway BASIS OF IT IS ON LY ON THE CONFIDENCE THAT YOU BUSINESS AND CAN Well Drilling of All Kinds Anywher» Estimate* Gladly Given W e ,tre Satisfaction Years of Experience 1J3I 550 Clinton St., Portland Phone Lancaster 2401 Beaverton Phone 0652 TRUST BUILD The Advertisement* in this S paper UP have been passed by the highest tip hont y -the buying publie. i • . ! K I I 4