__ [tractive Huber Appeals To Those Seeking Homes „ . * ° . ha1rd ** ^ U the . J " d, ENTERPRISE—DEVELOPMENT nr?i » >1.«. t » » ’ • •*' Hube, Will «nploymcm t.. >t-venti m. ^ '"*>* inertasin hi beaut v actili n __ |, tjjt, pdpulatioi • l ______________ . BFA% r RTQN to Hither impresses one with its . • „ a L ., T» , • . oVndid location, on the Tualatin highway, with ri4p"lv w,,u c unity s c h o o l, with its hundreds ot modern and ■> , J” ade sci Huber Commercial yllies s west of Portland. It has tnanv ad' C lu b Active .that far larger cities do not possess, li ha; visit t0 Portland, yet it is far enough removed ti vvdui.i. that rural life so enjoyed by one and al L itist n settlement* but a live pulsating coinnum th, r •’hUi residents are loyal, are forward look» e d it io n £j Mary’s undefeated football team of 1928 with its goal line uncrossed. Coach Robinson in Background. . iitlv! of lh .it1 B ody v, 1 1 to aid the new comer in finding peace and coi cl '«>> «««•*.*«, w,ti ,;u i er it- * , , . i tie re d the area now B esides t..e advantages of the (¡fe. It is only a few g rad e school H uber is but a short 0*'that Huber was given an (]jstance froill e;t M ary’s school for i j paved hitlhway • ’ *?' boys and St. M ary’s school f ir Kiris •T. '¿¡H? -»r»'1 "»I* l- lip H;"h ~ 3,1,1 l' evclo|m ent of the area a l tlc,nl ' Huber. jw ^1, .......... ... «hen (. J. R0<<. ca||fl, ll t.etin V u' or«anue u c i\it body to ,| r development of that section, m W ." ri'v >*nded and «• *£ ' . r ' l X S T ; z (j small »acts of and accred ited schools and occupy splen- j^«"^ »me, then at a tncinb, r’s ho,, did, m od ern buildings. •mally twenty members each sie;:i«'d built a home one do after a place is You can n o t visit H uber without be “ $-•' nule and volunteered to do a 1 u se n t " officers the chid ciub are are ^ Huber and in that vi- ing deeply im pressed with its many !Ctr,a'n amount of w r a Houie ............. ‘" w '* v of mv tiilsdorf, president; C. |. Rose, f wil| find successful bulb ad v an tag es. It has splendid trans- ,hat w°iild be theirs The result - ivermore rymen, home a fte r p o rtatio n facilities, by rail over the was a i'ne building fo rjmblic gather- vice-president; K. \\ Live poultry men . . . ’ The hall has a Jt.xtf) foot treasurer, an office he has he tb a finf e garden or w ith ta b S o u th ern Pacific, by private car o v e rl!,'KS- 1 1 ' r , chickens and a cow fast highw ays, bv stage to any point "!a,,le mi * u i . "I has a fine social life its an d th riv in g community. It will ....... m l , ________ ¡tJ nee(|s th , ’ ' - " county court. of commerce is active, it- grow an d expand, it will develop, * “ ' “ ! ----- --------- ». jot troop is one of the best will not bootn but will be bigger and Home Laundry Repre- I work, makes every effort to give his eatf. Its 4-H *w«'ik is well b e tte r y ear »ft or year. . , sented by J. Browning |a t r " n' ■* thorough service, and n ______ s unselfishly interested in the develop­ , land. ment of W ashington county. ding In d u s try S w eeperoff had a hard struggle t.. v;;nct. i , ii j i . ... , , becomitii affiliated with the Mr. Browning m ake, daily del ; , Located ---------- m erits o f product were su !, that . ’ 1 u ! 1 ,. 11 lk,s sec,'on , of W ashington j years ago was a |,as finallv gained recognition and , coun'v. and has many -------- is n . A. H. W right, treasu rer; Mis. Beck- ett. secretary It is v erv activ e in social affairs and backs up the men in am im.piovcment e a rn an.ii Both «rg an i/aiio n s have been active and a power in that com m unity since first organi i d hi* home in Moha friends in that sec- Showing thr Huber Mercantile Cov, Building The H uber M ercantile t o. was es-i At this time the building and st< . o tahlished in l*>ld, a general line of arrangem ents were altered and nv .1- m crchandi.e being carried. It has rrn i/c d , electrical refrigeration, a!..o b ie n growing apace with ihr com- two cold storage rooms, (one for niunity. (m ils and vegetables, the o ther for T he establishm ent was originally m eats) were installed, giving an built south of the railroad track as ' W " * « 1 **M‘»al to any m the st. ic. ...... , i i .i rh e firm now specialize* in nun *v there was no highway through tins . , M J * m eats and groceries I he s; tie section at that time. In June l^JS building is the home of the Hi > r ihi biiildim was moved to its present postoffice as well as the ticket office site on the Tualatin highway. for the stage lines. *’.* *!• -!• »'• *1* -I* v *I* -!• VL* v *!* v *1* *!**!• -I- -I- v *!•*!• •I’-!- -I- j. f : HUBER INVITES YOU TO LIVE IN THE OPEN Î B ulbs produced at Huber are uniform in size and solid. One of the Many Fine Huber Homes Just The Place For Your Suburban Home At The Door Of The Metropolis 2 MILES WEST OF BEAVERTON Two Fine Highways to the Heart of the City. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL MODERN CONVENIENCES Y'iu will n ever know you have ¡nuved outside the city. E very in d- crn convenience is available at Huber. Mountain w ater, city gas, electricity and (he telephone at your serv.ee. y ° ° r daily p ap er just off the press ** delivered by sp en b l ca rrie r an I four incom ing m ails serve you each day. the growth of every community town «r city business has followed the establishment of residences. T o Huber the residents have come. The community i» established Now to th. business man opportunity extends its hand, the need is felt tor community serving businesses of almost every kind and we invite you to come. 111 Canyon Road Aid to Huber EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES The district has a (.'lass A C.ram- n ’*r school em ploying six teachers. Also H uber is served by a l nio.t M'ch school w ith free bus tra n sp o r­ tation N'ear h e re is also located 'fir St. M ary's hom e for b* vs. Giving Huber a more direct con- nection wirh P o ria n d , the Canyon Koan is .s of mesto ble value to that Road rapidly growing community. The ro ad , wide fast and sm.mih reduces mo­ toring «ime to Portland 15 m inute.. It is one of the finest highways m Oregon. No Bridges to Cross FRUITS, NUTS AND BERRIES The following bulbs are grown with the best of success:—Gladiolius, Lily. Narcissus. H yacinth, Tulip, Dutch. English and Japanese Bulb Iris. On these h"nie tracts, you can g'o w »11 your fruit, berries and nuts. Apples, pears, peaches, plum, prunes, straw berries, loganberries, black and red cap raspberries, dew berries, black­ berries and many o th er fruits also flourish here. Filberts are well adapted to the soil and climate of the T ualatin Valley is the original home of the Brionut Filbert which nut has ne»t experienced a single crop failure in the past lb years. T his nut has a higher m arket value and is in cemsiderable demand ewer the entire country. CLIMATE Much has been said about W est­ ern O regon climate. H uber is true to its nativity. The gorgeous green ami rich vegetation we have the year round is the natural result of the clim ate