da V - PACE 2 'U m BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE I ifiK’ton, D where Charle* 1 . These- industrii have te r- ^ wncrc H il aries U »»esc i i i u i m r i e * s ..ae c btvn use. Byrne, head of the industrial journal- ated by both political groups. • ar,)c k V \ £ » m m itm department at Oregon State col- of them were mannged by olticia.s. I I I--- • * * national -* * secretary. lege ------ wa* elected whom some have been pleased to Eighteen colleges sent dispbys of ttmi "friends’ of the propram, while ‘ -• b > uvi ; ii sciii uispitys their news service and publication other*, during a portion of their ca- H H. JEFFRIES. Publisher work to the convention where the reer, h ive bei-n .na. i by their * NEW AND SECOND HAND judges placed the exhibit from 0. S. | “enemies."’ In other words, Nonpar- C. second. They declared the recent than League officials hove bad their Member National Editorial Assn and Oregon State Editorial Assn. campaign for the Oregon dairy indu‘ - fling at these various enterprises, as try conducted ............’ through the state in i have the Independents, in nei- 7 •f t " » * «*v a iaiv «•' tasu iitv in tri'ViMicma, . and uni m — — *•- i *------ cooperution with ‘l - the - newspapers of ther instance have the hopes the best single agricultural, their promulgators been realized. Published Friday of each week by Pioneer Publishing Co. at Beaverton • the ?, * state, .a 205-7 FOURTH S TR E E T >■ *1 — ;—» • • r>. _ . . . . ,,. _ _ j publicity proje project in the United Statesi Ore. Enteri 1 as second-class matter at the postoffice at Beaverton, Ore. jh e Ore- Following arc a few of the high- me « Oregon exhibit exniDit abo al'O won a \, r ( K i,_ . .. Good AT HYLANDS Bargains jn RADIOS at State School Books youi worl W illi bile Wal 1 FR ID A Y , SEPTEMBER 5 BEAVERTO N RADIO CO or Phone 930] Buy a New Radio or For Your Oil One A V .’M W A V .V .V .V J Beacon 7277 Residence blue ribbon for the best single new- ^ P r' ram 0f Govern- Bet- T:' lor and Saln,on paper story on an agricultural pro- Subscription Rata* FREDERICK. M DEMPSEY 1 , t for .c la ' 1 nient in Business, ject, ji second . place the syndi-| ..$1 50Three Months---------------- ---- One Ye&r - Attorney et Law .50 I cheated news service as a whole, and Experimental Creamery, opemted Across the strcc, froi;l the old location U c c , • .. r, third places for an Agricultural fea f. r s - fea- fi seven months at a loss of $15,- Six months JI5 SubKr.pt,on. Payable in Adva.xe 1 llfre - ------ , tory ‘ the wrekIv short short nara- para. v m Evenings by Appointment l weekly I _ . « . graph service and an agricultural $26 American Bank Bldg North Dakota poster. Homebuilder’s As- .„¡„ t | | ¡ i M - H - H - H W H W A V s V W W _____ Beaverton Office—Broadwaj sear O. E. Tracks, Phone 7503 sociation transacted a business of rfW“« ■ ■ . B • 1 ng ovei ’ i hall million d o l - --------------------------------------------- s — Portland Office-40d-407-408 Dekutn Bldg. Phone ATwater 5914 GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP I w 1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * — * * * I t H -H FATAL TO STATE OF nnual levy 0 tut all GOING SOME NORTH DAKOTA | -' -pertv in the state at the rate of Phone 3603 Beaverton Res. 3602 STILL MAKING WAGONS — ---- I — ——— , arout about $43,000 a year. year I From the Pacific to the Atlantic Bonded indebtedness of the state F . m u i Old Dobbin need not fear of run- in 12 hours and 25 minutes. It seems ] ° f North Dakota increased 3,100 per r ' ! V.'i * * < ur. * ' °*'cr‘l c' , % ning out of wagons to pull, for al- like a fiction story after one thinks1 cent from 1919 to 1927 when that S„ b ,U * uu’r'- * ’an " U! ' * ar' though the wagon is being pushed back to the days of the stage coach state wtis in the thioes of an orgy ^ g j j * 1 ircct ° l)eratm(i ss o 5eV, *n.wu..u by uy the me Auto, -um,I— ...c wvc.cu wagon, Even r.ven now genrcimiieiu ownersnip brought into the background and the covered wagon. n o w '°f government ownership I 1 truck and airplane they still make there are men and women in the l>y the Nonpartisan League.: *'“• ■7 of North "■ Dakota, J''“ u£ loss cal- , Bank ••Meta a in S. si. l louis pianis. In. in- jconuniiiiily , vwuuiiuimjr wno can wuen i it ; |* tnc outset O, a' the program " " gooa L , many l , b S riant.. who o n ream , . 0,11 when 1“ 5 2 8 2 ? ... ” t 1856-1» 591 “ “ ° "j- H a y, G rain , F eed , P o u ltr y S u p p lies Baby Chick (left k stead of an output of 31),(KX) wagons was a matter of weeks instead of state owed only about $900,000. In 1924. as ntat Feed t. ve.ir in th.it eitv, however, onlv kOWl Only a year ago it required. ,h<-’ M OI 1927 it owed more than 1 North Dakota Mill and Elevator right, 71X10 were turned out in the United 24 hours of flying time Now Col. I S28.00°,000. and At that time the Association, loss were $1.253.457.19 up this A GLAD10LA BULBS T O M A T O PLANTS States. ¡ Ftunk Hawks has cut the time al- l argo (N.D.) Forum said the pro-1 to Dec. 31, 1926. In 1926 the loss contro But Old Dobbin will consume lots most in half. Nothing in the nation’s K'am would cost more millions yet alone was $128,546 of tons of oats before all wagops arc put ¡ history reveals such rapid progress Here is how it summed up in an _ ___________ on the junk heap. Farmers gener- as its trans|>ortation system. Our editorial the whole disastrous pro j ' 'J~ ’ ~ =" ally have found that there are some forefathers took weeks and months c'ram. ^ O t M M H $0666666 Beaverton. Oregon, N ear S. P. Depot. Ericks etises in which it is more cconoini-'to cross the continent; we have been “(aim review of the experiences' cal to use the farm wagon than an taking whole ikiys to do it in; now hat' by the state of North Dakota DR. A. G. SMITH Ike Otto F-r auto truck. Then, too, the cost of 't can be done in hours—from sun-' 'n the field of private business can- t the «ale ot feeding a horse is far less than the: up to sunset. In the language of j *10t but be Convincing on the point Veterinary Surgeon I Rein«rs- V . W A W . W . V A W . W A W / A k 'A V M W iV . W . V . V . V cost of supplying a truck with gaso- the small boy, ’’that’s going some,” that we are engaged in a most costly- 0 to Arthur H as Resumed Practice line, oil And repairs. Old Dobbin But it prove* that wonders have and disastrous program, hnd one jlcCortnich- Ofiice Matthiesen Hotel, I •: “T O -D A Y IS doesn’t have to be refitted every never ceased and, with the spirit o f ' *bat has fnllcd to yield a single Vi'ismor, L now and then with spare parts 1 the American people continuing ns It benefit commensurate with the cos, Front and Columbia Streets, Portland > .J Y E S T E R D A Y ’S P L A N S ” St. Louis, claiming to be the wagon 1 is in the years to come, such won-¡ The recent reports of the State w. <* D:| u Mr center of the United States, sends the ders will continue. In this country! Senate Fact Finding committee htne Telephone Day and Night A T 0321 £ — put into action v, that the bulk of its finished product to A r -1 today it is only a question of ‘‘What served to focus interest anew on the vi I Ti [wtitaot™ kansas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi,] won’t they do next?” | whole industrial program, inaugur-) V j ;• \ the open-uR Alabama and Kentucky. Yet the — ------— | ated by the State Legislature o f _______________________ __ ! £ ______ ^ Monday- demand for wagons in every state is 1919, and a brief review of our ex - 1 ’ £ still felt. Residents huve noted the In some parts of the country It perlenees to .kite with each of the j + * * + + + * * + + * + * * * + > + + * + * + + + * rapid passing of the old side-bar appears that about the only traffic several projects undertaken through _ w . _ £ .1 . . . buggy as a means of transportation, thtit is speeded up is the liquor traB 'be various measures passed by that A X S E R V IC E i tna. bank account you and have seen their number grow­ f j,. Assembly nwu mav not be amiss. I Assemhlv t * t A rt tr t .J «* , t- * 1— ^ 5 — v «tart to-day is the help* ing smaller every yctir But ther,» MAJOR OF ECHO HERD Already these enterprises have > s * _ . x j JJU t. V REG 35826 may be a different story to tell cost millions of I u ,n us minions ot dollars in the th e ! $ ful working plan of action about the farm wagon. There seems A man with a swelled head Is a form of tAxcs levied and collected, * ure-bred Swiss S.ianen buck, from tomorrow. — ’ ’ to be any number of reasons why it good deal like a river; it is bound ‘ and — we are today far from the ^ f ea,cst n,,lk, Producer, m- cannot be given up as quickly as to go to the mouth end of the road insofar as financial " ludinK 8 do« - rr, Everybody knows that n bee dies HARDV^ C. G E E W O Foot of Yamhill St. a res; not one in ten thousand is when it stings you. But it isn’t that obing an C H IN E S E M E D IC A L started intentionally The entire way with a political bee P ortland, Oregon «; country is hard hit by the drought - H E R B CO., IN C . and needs to conserve every dollar's A L L D A Y 15c F- W . B i Cor. Third St., Portland, Oregon worth of property. Tt'< a poor time | A super salesman is one who can 2803 E 2624 Alder Street %N,. V .S W .% S V .V .S W .V .V .V .‘ •a be careless Be cons,.in,1v on sell a 1930 wife a sewing nwachine , r guard, and caution your friends and a genius is a husband who can d neighbors to do the same get her to run it. d A W w v. Lettuce and Cabbage Plants tRA ioni Flow er P lan ts Charles Berthold I lr t R.E. I BANK OF BEAVERTON E. A. ( 6 6 6 Enjoy the Comfort cessiU.. at nnv time, finds theOregon station Where small CHEAPER FOR MILK F.xperiinrnt pastures tire n< 3 J 0 f f