0 “ o. MESdÖÄt 70& k Established 1927 ['RT!! ^ EAR N O . 26 BEAVERTON, OREGON FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 5. 1930 United West Side Clubs ¡Portion of Proceeds Meet Next Tuesday from Football Game •îept. 9 at Fairvale go to Shrine Hospital Development Issue to Appeal Strongly to Home Seekers ,..Thc ,next m« ‘ ing 0f the United When the big vtirsitv football , est >nle Clubs will take place next teams of Oregon State and W'ash- luesday evening, September 9th.' promptly at 8 o’clock at th F * " j ' ’ l ‘nK,on collc8cs meet in their annual j Hundreds of prospective home-seek- Comr unity Club house This F,ac," c ( '°*st confcrcncc struggle on — \rs :iIKl investors «01 over the United >- will be in the for.n’ of an I * :V ' no,nah fieW. Portland. November Si^ed Circuit Judge B.gley States....will ^receive copies _ f the Withering at which time an eicc. forthcoming Development' Edition of <>f of fc c tV for"‘t‘h7 .£7?,ron honor*’ but ior crip* H Miller vs S. S. Kingery, the Enterprise and will be “sold" on c,)'»c up for vote. All members are ' ' ¡ i / a ' ? ! i n n Agricultural Livestock „ d — ... and the Tt * „ Corp., suit to recover *100 The story of the c m unity and I tings of the 1 . , ' c ' ¿ lo*1 p“ a,1 f<* iS alleged due on labor performed valley wtill be told in an entnintin - 'ear. k ,ne. Crippled chikren in Portland, and •* :>Ughout •* manner, although bombastic p h r a s e s ----------------------- Mtnncrs C l‘ :---- firm. hwc,< I**®®! »* » movement «•ate of Oregon vs J /Frank Stroud and “wild-cat** promises will find n 0 t arrest and payment of fine of place in the edition. I f is felt that B e a v e r t o n Schools open *° V'AC\ Multnomah sRul,um as >* has and 6 months in jail, by sticking to facts the storv ctin be Mondav R *% CY h**" I'ac.kc<, b<‘forc- m ° n a a y , S e p te m b e r 8 Ticket committees have been ap- flarold Bremer vs I-. C. Alton and made adequately (interesting and suf- ficiently impelling. Time and ex- n --------- e'cry city and town in V Kaeppler, order for plaintiff Beaverton schools will open next i1 ,1 e n ac"tc northwest. Those named .pense will not be spared in the pub-!., . .... ............ ... , jointing receiver. Otto Erickson, Peter I clue lu'a!i” :! of ,t” ' big sperfal edition /‘'hu mornih8 *>er the Btl * *£? . _ . .. S -- a ----- te of Oregon vs . . LCear in the orchard will maintain \ ern Allen left Thursday evening fertility and build up the moisture for Albany to «pend several days. holding capacity of the soil. Com­ Mrs C. E. Allen entertained Mr. mercial fertilizers arc of benefit but and Mrs W C. Cauthers and family commercial fertilizers usually do not at dinner Sunday. accomplish their best results on soils Mrs V. A. Wood entertained Mr. , C l. ,, lev and it ,s gratifying to note that ,ch,M * >ear# «* » be- W S. C and ihat have a depleted supply of or­ and Mrs. \V. C. Cauthers and Mr. L W. Dethlefs and F. Shields vs ^ ¡niti , effort is V eti w;th ' -re the first of December is eligible,c F Allen of the Southern Pacific ganic irtoterial. and Mrs. Jacobs at a luncheon in - , j s , to enter the first grade 1 x' ■> gridiron classic, the game will 3 Fendali Eugene Loving, I R. wide-»pread approval. Busine Lowered prices for certain orchard honor of her father, Mr. Keller’s 84th i.ertv owners’ Rou,cs foi the school busses are ' hc wnr,h Koini- mi,es *° „ C(« ch* crops have frequently resulted in the îsons, Clyde .1 Robertson .. .. .1 ^ o and /11.1 p ♦ -las well as fanners, property birthday. itchie ft under advisement. scj1()(,1 church","club ' leader, rear, « " " <* ( J . s ' . * * 1 ’‘' ' J f neglect of tho maintenance of orch­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bolton and Amanda S. Falk vs Melvin E. are enthusiastically supporting tho «.th 'he exception of an extension ",hc game should ards soils. Neglect of this phase of family returned from Bellingham af­ iclmerich and Robert Gange, time publication. These people realize Can.y,on road. to near Sylvan prove of spectacle, the game orchard nonagement results in still equal interest. The Shrine tended for filing answers. to the orchardist. ter a weeks vacation. that the edition will go a long wav1 ‘ *l 'u',',1‘on ,°^ a ncw route imperial Potentate, Estcn Fletcher, further losses E F. Miller v* Clifford L. Browfn, towards bringing new settlers and Ullul' c«as one time below Brooks. of Rochester, N. Y „ with his retinue , Lowered soil fertility and moisture Mrs. C. A. Grimes is confined to L Brown, L. N. Tompkins, The new capital into the valley. It is S J j" V ^fect c!militi n ^for'Vhe *vi11 be present. The uniformed pa holding capacity lowers the vitality her home nursing a broken hip, sus­ nerfial National Bank of Hills- only through such efforts that ‘ hr lerms work ,hev love all b.'enMro,i- bands and chanters of all of the orchard. Lowered vitality tained when she fell at her home. io, order appointing receiver. area can come strongly into its own. ovcrf)lulled 1 > a c n i Shrine temples in Oregon. Washing- means less and poorer quality fruit Sin- is over 80 years of age and suf­ Loins F. Schultz vs Harold Short, Definite date as to pubbcation T< . f th school h a v e " " 1 an The T ht . pilot " " » t made ~ d . an anjF , re„ sch ,.cck „ ,h, Common vetch or Hungarian vetch, A. Rocck. thc river up to Swan Swan' j rcJ u hLd-t^hand encounter follow the Francis Brothers vs Werner S section can Dc reminaea o. me aa- effort to follow. -10 to 50 pounds and one of winter vantages of their locality. Copie Copies is]an(i a;rl)ort hut found it most dif- 1 , Warren Jones has recovered suffi­ «•cmiergcr, • •• c.t.», r ■ 1 c i ;i Island airport but found it most dif- wdt}, a tiecr in a rark zoo rrerm Uenberger, oeiauu default oruir. order. recently. barlcvt or winter oats is a (commonly .. U. ______ J r f for individuals will be reserved whili slaVa airPort Dut ,ouna ” most «'* with a tiger in a Park i t an accepted mixture for the Willamette ciently from a severe attack of the * , C Kralv, v, Hillsboro Mill thousands " " 7 of „ other , W r copies o o t, will wm b . ! « ^ “ d r" m” td B' “ ' " Un' I Alfred had born reading .he Ibee bi strip in the newspapers and together valley. Austrian winter field p«»s pneumonia to be brought home from Lumber company, judgment order sent out through the state chamber K i w a n U C lu b e n t e r ftct Curie ^Wettelund vs Christopher ; cf conimerce anrf othfr organization, . with two of his boy . friends . . . . cndcav- v appear promising as a cover crop. thc hospital. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Tettelund, default. They apparently will make a little VYadlLabom . Thev elm,bed a Joe Rngentos, at the W'ilcox Mem­ F. W. Dtthlefs and F. Shields vs Those rcpre,ented_in th t ; edition will at Washington County Fair earlier spring growth than the vetch be sure of getting two-fold value: orial hospital under the care of Dr. diur Fendali Eugene T.ovmg, P. R that is to „ y , they every [ Edward ^Loore of thc Hillsboro twelve foot fence surrounding thc zoo One bushel of Australian peas with Mason. hey will reach r in order to reach thc desired location one bu-hel of winter barley, whrnt irions, Clyde Robertson. R. home in this iirunediate territory ('hamber of Commerce was present at W. E. McCloskcy of the Beaverton The family wc re preparing to move or oats is a mixture that will be J'tity of" Unì on ' Hig îi ' CSc h ooV 'district 0,1(1 wiU. C.X,Cn.ortkind, in charge. Miss Bauman Fotato Field Meeting to grandmother Mrs. F.lla Stryker at '“ r._ "“ lion . down bas bccn ¡n Minnesota for some time - ,. of tile. _ , i copies. Names will . be . taken Eugene. G. A. Yates, of the National Air -1 be held near Beaverton Lornehut Feed company vs Frank and 1 the copies will be reserved ‘ It bl){ wd] bc retnembered as she lived Mr. and Mrs. Ole Ha goes of Ru- port corporation suffered a badlv I *<*!>. disnissal. is advisable to act on this at once. j,erc or a number of years. Her coda, Wash , tire visiting a few days on Friday, Sept 5 .Amanda E. Falk vs Melvin E. mother retides on the Cornell road, spra.ned wnst th,s 1T 0 ™ , " ^ with their daughter, Mrs. C. J. Riel- She has secured an apartment at the damaged wing on the R«®mrr I-ast Jnulmcrich an^ Robert Gange, o r-1 man, on their way to Los Angeles, Marriage Licenses Issued -overruling demurer. ii i i dnrinir w-eck while attempting to make a Hedge home in Bea%erton during ^ brakc stuck Thc Roa. I Potato seed improvement, disease Cal., where they plan to spend thc Order issued in the matter of sub- winter. Launspach, Medford. tbc sch x>l term mer reached the ground in good i control, cultural methods and varie­ ^lotion of Wiliam L. Bntcheldor ^ a^Kar ’ ' Adamson Cornelius Doris Harris, who is in training at ties will be discussed at a potato shape but on doing so turned com- [ »grand juris, for Julius Christen- and Jan,CS H Adamson, ^Cornelius. Multnomah hospital, spent the past field nieeting to be held on the M J F Ca—crt‘ cr and Mary Louise p . j r a jn £ x h ib it s pletely over trtiring one of the week end with her grandmother, Mrs. wings but not injuring Mr. Yates, C. Larson farm, Beaverton, route 2, W- - • lo be Reshown at Fair Helen Stryker at Eugene. Friday, September 5, at 1 :30 p. m. S°'ts Filed in Circuit Court B —on W. Stearns and who managed to crawl from under Mr. and Mrs. F.d Conolly spent the according to W. F. Cryus, county tieath ^Bowing suits were filed in Ste *,c U ' t' , erwood. ugtint There is being conducted on week end with her piarents MV. and Nurujatt Wilber and Kathryn Mae Exhibits used in thc recent dairy it r ' r 1* 1 ( ° urt tbe past week: the Larson farm a variety trial in Mrs. Henry Shurik. demonstration train operated through . *’• Emmott vs L. M. Kelly, chat- Chandler of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thyng1 * and J .Turner has purchased a confec­ which lots of seed of the important Oregon bv the S. P. & S. railroad I . ,1i >n8age forclosure. tionery store in Tigard and moved commercial varieties to this county Rhoda and Jean enjoyed a trip to and the Oregon State college have , L H Reeves vs C. H. Foy et al Stipes Garage Receives Plaque county are planted. Through careful Siaside over the holidays. there this week. ____ ________ foreclosure. Mr. and Mrs. R R Summers, Mr. seed selection in the field, it is be­ Stipes Garage ha\fl received a as the college exhibit at the coming j RaH Hanna vs F. Wuef. money and Mrs. W. H. Rovd, Mr. and Mrs. lieved possible to develop better i «ioti. most attractive placque from the United Clubs Gain Favor yielding strains of thc varieties that Doy Gray, and Mrs. Helen Davis as a token s,aTj^ B m > í of California, vs M. E. John- Goodyear Tire company to 28- spent the week end at Taft. we are now growing. of ' ^ their friendly relations for the of Portland Business Some of the displays will be cn « r i . money action. Evalyn Glenn, of Madison, Nebras­ larged, including the section devoted red S. Bynon Jr., vs Mildred By- past ten yetis. ka, arrived in Beaverton Thursday and Professional Men ®cn- divorce. ---------------- ~~~ to farm refrigeration and the general to resume teaching here. Company Sets Regular Sells » Ford a Day. .ndk j, tne equ..... enl M Martin Rcrnards vs B. A. Mitchell C. I Rielman motored to Rucoda Day for Deliveries last week and his family returned action. Sutton saiesman-u« salesmanager — for the material van >utton *— displays illustrating the . nos«iKie on ¡n Members of the United West Side horn* with him. Bielnfen Motors company is making the charts wi ., , , : Hubs met with prominent business 1' anna vs- Anna E. Hanna n;.. Mr. Philkps, of Milwaukee, a new' 'an unusual record for himself by the enlarged sPate I r 1 ¡and professional men of Portland at Pltiltnore f The Francis Feed Company at teacher in the Beaverton schools this W olf vs Florence scujng a Ford a day, during the exhibit. ________ ?I1C Heathman Hotel in Portland. M divor orce. '* month of August. Ralph Longhorn, _ ------ - Wednesday evening September the Hillsdale, have increased their busi­ year, has rented the Floyd Tefft the mechanic has been in Portland J a n n s e n D r i l l i n g L o m p a n v ihird. Matters of utmost im(K>rtance ness to such an extent that it has house, through the offices of the E,ta‘ r, Admitted to Probate „ the F >rd Drill Gas Well were brought up for discussion at 1 become necessary to set aside regir- Beaverton Finance company and the ■ *?e Ward has issued the . training „ school, 1 , ^ 1 in order to be « able this meeting. The hearty cooperation kir days for delivery in the various assistance of W. E McCloskey. kn . Leonard Adams ard F.d Conolly of — — ... shown by these Portland men districts. On Tuesday their trucks I®the Pr0bate ° rdcr* Mr. Jannsen of the Jannsen n toward thc club, in connection with will be in the vicinity of Beaverton, F.ugcne, enjoyed most of the dav ing Comrany reports that die run. . 1 . constructive work done by the Kcedville and Aloha and on Wednes­ Monday playing golf on a Portland Barber; well thc company is driDmi at | mt mktr | jn ,hr past year furtheritig day llgard Tualatin and Metzger, j course. «tilt "s »( se, - • for Dora * Read a oarocr. Free Airplane with purchase of Washington, . 1 v George n»’dir ' v England ^■•Ki.tiiu closed viok - u ; . re 1 Supplies, F.xtra Krnn*-wicl \ V a-hi: - ton, 1 « - riattfrs ,,f interest to the entire Tu- !h,I> ° f Iriell Luella Kincaid T . J ! .Lhln 5c. Browns ftomn cubic feet of natural ..latin Valley w.-.s received a« a bon< .. . i he * Mfasa« vl sko.p < !5 t d ■ T O Z S Z •'*• b' ‘ ' 'F; n ar_ r ^ « i - l :. it ward gaining / of their riel de « i 1 P« res a Y ‘'at to tp : „„„i .. , Reaverton Pharmacy. feet. This yield Irtl.OOO.nflO cubic ' . ll property Herm an* The club is very much interested . «ame company is drilling an oil well in ta, to determine inheritance thc improvement of Fourth street Official. Make Report — appointed admin- at Burns. and are cooperating to the fulle-t HarY r Chrf* Wenger estate; County Clerk E. ■ " _ < «tent with »h' offi ers of ths Foucth brwp c ; ‘n<* administratrix; Am- f,.cs collected to the amount o New Horse in Beaverton Sipeet Improvement Assciation in ;lh estate, date set for $1133AS for the month of ______ 1 that very- important project. School is Open Now >•’« of -ari'ianjhip for Henrv PCCording to statements mac.e bv “ new horse” and Another meeting ha* been railed Parson Beaverton has a Daniels Staver aP‘ ap- county court Drorbaugh far tWMfht. Friday, for 7 p m. at Keep alert for children going to and from school court Jn«ticc f Peace ti , Xaatoi an,I F-zra Wright turn- Kuratli collected S/3 2^. it usH be k fr ' h a^ a,'hbough, b7 the ih f Mu,,n''Tnahi Hotel for the pur- plumbing shop. P ii .. , ' property over to Louis head P°*e of solidifying the efforts of Y O U M A Y S A V E A L IF E Hngh- M Gilet aprK)intrîwnt 0f « ; (.a-age is now sellini the piumber complete but tH« c!ub on the matter. FWs L Nfl4