—- PACE 2 beaverton e n t e r p r is e They say the Japanese language on Irrigated land, an Increase of 67 9 Fact» or Theories? BEAV has no cuss words in it. Then what per cent. { _____ docs a Jap ptiv when someone Etterburg No. 121 strawberries I g g ft M t ent deriving bumps him and crumples one of his failed to show any marked impre#. e- Editorial writers are Canadian Pacific RadWay ment under irrigation, cen- ----- » —-------- --------- ----------- however. ---------------------- ' Jr- I mucb IIUW1 S subj*ct UUJCEl I matter lldllV I I from IUIH I the tav. w vu j fenders. hul lll|- " '.’n rigation also made possible the s. t- sus Henry E. Reed added to this [ IR R IG A TE D LAND in H. H. JEFFRIES. Publish« ting of a new field *d plants after bst by comparing the growth , f Our idea of an optimist is the man sunny albert / an early crop had been harvest-d, j>ort|a„ j wjth Tacoma Mr. Reed who is working on a plan to make L h Batner Mo las »• $so pcr Vrt L rY Ruth Mv» with O S. L No. 12 variety giving;. unquestioned authority on convicts satisfied with their -trr- ^ ,, , , _ Member National Editorial Assn and Oregon State Editor*»! Assn. the best results in this case. ¥« visited Mr lacludin, W *ter Ri|ku Irrigated red raspberries have « » « * • « « “ * and tax” ,n Multnomah roundmgs. Wednesday. be of of firmer firmer texture texture and and county- . „ „ k. . r , - . ! proved to be county- *n ,n which wn,ch Poruanil roruan" is ls situ- . . — ----- T --------- “ YEARS TO pAY I * . Borii Published Friday oi of s»o* each week byl’ioneer Publishing Co. at Beavertonj Drignter color ^ ^ the non-i n(jn.,rrigate,j ated. His statements are based on Another thing the average citizen 1 . f j basis of comparison both rtn tm rr f for -.r t the il» ti.-C ling strawberries fruiting first . . . , . Special on Bike lires, $1.M Tomatoes, beans, corn etc j fcwaukie. June 27 . . ? . . .. ed value and on population, time, and snnie 90 varieties from all 1 [ , ,c,. _~_i j Advocates of municiiial ownership IND IAN M OTORCYCLE i Pru‘ll,cts grown s ^ junc next " l'i'k tinue as in the past, to be tfcn, of the world. . . . r W ATCH FOR AGITATORS. , ; : . . , _______ —— ___ - have pointed to I acoma as an out- & BICYCLE CO. 3nd grU,n ar* «M l Lnd the summer. real heart of the nation. , , , , 1 — — — standing example of mumctpid 209 Third St. A T 4413 Cherrv Fruit Flv at growth. Contention was made tha. E X C E LLE N T OPPORTUNITY i In the hope of forestalling prop­ TIM E TO W AKE UP. because of city ownership and oper­ D A IR Y IN G AND STOCK h W o r k in C o u n t v aganda now being scattered by Rus­ ation of utilities, Tacoma had out­ sian Communists in the larger cities, E SPE C IALLY SHEEL Portland. by i distanced uiaiunvtu m . ui iiiiiiu. i Figures i ^ uics used uacti u; of the United States, literature i»i We read that in a neighboring ! supply more than amp being mailed to newspapers in the slate a short time ago a young man Reed are bv Hiram U. Welch umig man, , Th< cherry r » fruit fly * started oper-|^r * Mr. Ke^d Welch, tor n i 9 t n la n n n n a ter maintenance only en $125 p,, auto ride, ¡allons about June 6. according to W. assessor of Muhno,uah county, and umci for an ... “ M". c . , ° assess smaller towns of the country wain- invited his mother WE TRADE Uiood market, schools and ac- Averill. agent.1............... ......... - - a little later suffered i an W-|S Averill, assistant county agent. by A w - Carr> asscs;or of - — p ierce ing them to be on their guard. In - and — i _ Low taxes. No ners..n^t ^ 1 badly in- The effect will be small white mag- _.._f, the warning is to the effect cident in wnich brief, which she was nauiy in- “ * - ■ - - “ * "••• ‘ ....... “ wu»c **" » « q - county of which Tacoma is the j C h e v r o l e t Roadster ------- $325 large areas of parx land anj that residents of our smaller towns, jured. Her attorney promptly sued gets m the fhernes whenever the fly eou seat '1927 Chrysler 50 Coupe ............ $385 prairie from $K to $2U . * i« c .ti f/.r il'ini.i m-c utwl tki* IflKIir-.lS allowed to work. The flv is ah«nit J where there is but little P «reign the - >* lor da,n..K, ^ and 0u ^insur H e * » ? « ol* the unluui'n Comparison of tax rates in 235 1927 Chrysler 50 Landau Sedan.. $442 ! 35-year terms. Good trans Kuril iionukition ire niun to hear a ante Company in wmen ne nau a -"'- .... .. “ *t u. me u.u.u.ij ____,1 injury ............. to „ ’ flv. ..,.’. I American thou- iq*, Chrysler 70 Coach jh 1 it n. re n H||li|, ' |ll)licy coveri„ K personal By. blackish blackish, with with the the hea.l head and 1 legs American cities cities of of over over thirty th. .... $40ü For F t r t h e r Informati- good deal more of the Conan m . others had to settle. Of course it yellow. Immediate action is neces- ,an has na s a a legal . ega, l Hng the outside leaves only Three statements many times m. . e s are a. e not n m c cor- m shout against 1927 Chevrolet Coach .............. $280 ii (or i*wmuns mioiiiu should o be <- made, maae, tne the recte(f Yt -[t is simply the difference differenct 1925 Ford Coupe ........ .......... $100 country. They call anybml^ who should be /.rt while riding with v o u '» '« t one at this time, the next two bctwecn cstablished facts on the one 1924 Willys Knight Touring .... $100 Relieves a Headache or Neural the one intervals. . ,n In case case ^Ihand of works und save, and accumulate, a , and there are lawyers m every com- and inflated theories on the 30 minutes, checks a Cold the I really stand niunity ready to take such insnediately. other capitalist. What „ . . . . they ... a 7 ----- , — — .. - a case ---- - fal^n , re-spray - . immediately. - VRANSON’S CAR EXCHANGE day, and checks Malar*» in cccssary or advisable to for and what they are really preach and split the judgment with their ‘ I *s not necessary 240 Grand Ave. EA 437( days. iplications of the spray. ing is: “ Down with Boy Scou's; client. Isn't it about time to w a k e K've heavy applications spray, | Portland, Ore. Cor. E. Main St. _ _ ... with ...... ............ ........ ............... . ____ motorists, ______ , and _ _ your- , *00 heavy , applications may injure 666 ALSO IN LIQUID. down churches; down with mor- up, , , you ask t . , . « .r . • « • ! « 1 - - r . i : ___ n __ • R o g e r W illia m * ’ Hom e ality; down with the home t»nd the selves if it pays to give the unknown 'he foliage. Prompt spraying when • - "« • * • t • t • la • I ( h. . (lit nti f . i i nr. L. m .I I ’ __ __ a Providence (K. I.) was founded In the fly appears a should give a sat­ right to vote your sentiments. That hitch-hiker a ride. 1636 by Roger Williams, who bought j isfactory control and assure market- in a nutshell, is exactly what Com­ a tract of Imid from the Niirrngnnsett 1 able fruit. munism stands for, and you have an There is an old tidage that “He . _____ _________ sachems nnd built a house at the eon TEST BORINGS. SOUNDINGS A PRO SPECT HOLES, WELu] example of its effect in Russia toikiy. who has no head needs no hat " ! j lluenee of the Moshnssnek and Woo We do not believe the small towns Maybe that’s the reason so many 7th Annual Buckaroo ' uasquatucket rivers, nnd with 11 few of the country will stand for the y ,eU) All Coney Islands I young fellows arc running around pianned at Molalla | followers set up a town government preaching of such doctrine Maybe barebrt(dc(j faster, giddier and 1 In 1037, after a few more settlers had Incorporated the big cities can't help themselves, earth to the patr J u ly 4 5 and 6 urr*ved. the plantation covenant was and have to tolerate a certain BEAVERTON. OREGON. R. F. D. No. I Jip» zipped into one That Mexican boy born with six i ____ ’ w j embody...,, _ ___ ....... K ----- ! adopted embodying a complete sep amount of such preaching. But the Tickets at ihe zip Plans for staging the 7th annual nn,lIl,u religious and civil affairs Portland Headquarters care Star Drilling Mach. Ce. small town doesn't have to, and we j aitili shouldn't have any trouble k tcu nd trip, you ain believe the Communist gang is due getting a job as bill-poster ou a "Buckaroo” at Molalla lidv 4 5 ami II wa8 lncorl,or" ted as a town by the 550 Clinton Street Tel. Lancaster 2401 )irt, too, before you windy day. | h . , ‘ , J , ’ .. colonial assembly In 1649. The name to find that out in a hurry. |0 are being arranged on larger lines . „ ., , , ,, gravitation does »k.. u “ t , , of Providence was chosen liv liogei Residence Phone Beaverton 0652 jh a t an d you enjoy tl Landing u job is a good deal like j / n. ^cr^ '° ^ rc contemplated. Une william* tu recognition of “(¡«id's mer REFERENCES and ESTIM ATES W IL L BE CHEERFULLT| landing a fish—the big ones usually ' un‘ ret ’ ai* °* the most wicked cjYu) pr0vldeuee unto me In my dis DON’T BE MISLED. GIVEN ON REQUEST get away. .bucking horse* obtainable are being tre8s." shipped from their winter quarters .•X -X -X - Straggling census figures have There’s air a* Nauta Susana, Cal., to Molali. to , , , i nere s one nice thing about air- commenced to uppear and already pl, ne travel. The roar of tht. ,nofor furnish thrills for the spectators. Not So Modern '••:~X**>*X~X~X~>-X-XMX "X --X-X-X**X~X"X*-X*-X—X~X**;-X"> the report has gone forth that . , drowns out nil comment from tbe Youth sometimes finds .. it Isn’t so Chief among them is Cotton Belly, ------ ---------- - ----- snows the cities making gains and ^ac|c scat an ugly old rascal with the agility »trlctly modern in Its ways after all smaller towns recording losses since | _____ some of a cat. Cotton Belly came into A A high h," ,‘ school lad was making -------- ----- the 1920 census was taken. But j xhe bi|WMt tclnptation on spring mysterious telephone calls at home pronunence at the Madison Square Multnomah residents will not b e [fvenings ¡, ,Q ,ysJ |he #ee<, cata. talked Garden, New York, show last year He * ta k<( In *n that strange, garbled deceived into believing that ,t r e - I otow into L 1 . 1« . I hv imseati„ show las‘ , . rnnfK,...... k.. ^ .a tanfuag* known as "pig laiin," so that fleets on the ability of the mullcr ¡ / cb for a road .^ n by unseating every cowboy who tried his mother wouldn’t understand Ills towns to hold their own. The fact I 1? r,tU and these all drift luxuries and necessities we had just S . K a" '' ^n'ersntton went hack to straight into the big >air, building' additions to V *"* .W,U,."n*: w,nncr of ,he world hiigllsh. The boy's mother knew the I - cities and remain , there as we|| snail L I hen, too, our farms are being cut the poor boot K,,..«-, . championship in lady’s trick riding "lingo" well. “ Why we used to talk Ihen, house«. up ami non opportunitie* offered .......... . ........... in ..... . .. .......... ... . to ... ovl( at Cheyenne 1928 ............ and who is rated ........ It when I went school,” she told those who want to make a living The scientist who is seeking a as ,he lnost sensational woman rodeo [ her son.—Detroit News, out of the soil And it is the town temperature of 450 degrees below l,crf°nier in America, has signified Foresight N o t O n e o f man that most often might " try into a a duuk bank ^cr intention of being on hand ___ . . r grabs nt the , zero ....... j stepping »*•»'» opportunity, not the city man. Ha I and ask for a loan of $500 without D a n ie l W e b s t e r ’ s Gifts still lives in the community, even I security, " hen the hill carrying un npproprl- though he is not counted in the! _ HOME POINTERS atlon for $6u* classes of dyes '•a v - and " " v i some -’ o i u v . are lit * —............. ss«t i i ’ i u i i r i l l io n y and will continue until June 21. nearly every kind of berry. better than others. A blue fabric of *Tesldent Polk. Postmaster r.eneral X The delegates represent 31 counties Although this year’s crop of most and a fabric dyed with a poor Car* Joltason racouimended the estnb £ and sou re W or 70 towns and com­ kinds of berries is not yet mature 9“ality of dye are equally likely to "*'>nient of a post offlee in San Fran X munities of Oregon, according to 11. the most casual obsrner could easilv '>u* *f 'be dye is good a green w'deh was authorized November Y ( ' Seynmur, state . club leader ____ ------- | distinguish the irrigated from the ma,cr*1' Wl" bidd its eider with any ,S98.—Kan*aa City Times. Ni Any of the ' boyi and girls have' I , non-irrigated rows, especially cspociallv those those ° ,her ‘n ,he f‘ inlww- ----------------- --- 7 , ...... . CANAOfl 3T/ 1 i w iV V lle r 6 6 6 Table > A* M. Jannsen Drilling Co. I i i x iiiiim Daily Delivery lb Book $4.O0| l eri i l i ol ' ill.« . _ ... KMi : ■ y I t _ i • ' yf *r*. Ia,1” ‘ »"b Ur«« fragrant strawber- .. . ------- wiule others arc on the campvt for ries Results of the first tw \t*r% f ''* l,r **ek' *r» •oakeil in cold tAe first time, but to aH of thcm|,‘f the experiment wer? explainot t> ' ' a,rr• *t‘rc*d on a smooth surface it represents a "red letter" period | tort by station 'specialist* ,n and ^ “ “ d then moistened of the year-thc crowning reward of with coal ml. r.4led a, „ghily as a years conacientiou. work .m one An irrigated pk»t of blackberries a" d *5aMed- aU ,h’’ '«‘«•rring weekT^re t ' « « >rar 12.901 pound, o f . f ^ ^ " Uh lhf r.Cfk‘ a' c ” l«r the club -fruit. While a m „ , . r^rithou, * Ders, with regular classes each morn-, irrigation, produced only 5284 inniml« a t i. l . ------ Z' , . ,h*t pha' r ' of i n - This year’s crop has not ye* reached „ ^ ni*y ^ frishfnr'' *>X culture and home economics covered maturity. 8* ‘ng over the entire surface with a by Club promts, as weU as labor*. Although damage to the .------ ’ g S . * ^ »anW r and then i with S Th r: the college ,u. f “ .ai * * the|».sable " k ik" ~ * * to » » cut « j off » « . the «u . ,, o. w. od that livestock, . . las, u u year’s „ V crop. n ,M ............................................................ hooie ecommuc. Iab.owtor.es ........ g I lor Kcurdmg T 'r h r Each afternoon there n a general men in charge, showed that .hr plot HARDWARE assembly with prominent mrn and under irrigation produced lolim women speakers, and in the even­ pounds to 5831 or a similar nun ir­ Hlumbin. and | ings the ciiunty delegations broadcust rigated plot over KOAC. the college radio sta­ Strawberries of the Marshall va­ F. W. BISHOP tion In addition, time is provided riety increased from ¡Z I . PrOV,fl fa r,e 10,575 pound. ................................ ........... .. I M ._ r w- , c . w,en ot w , *aom Seldom P e r fe c t “ H e a lth R isk s" History tells us of few reull. •« BnguUhed men who were n»mnie 1* " healthy; the biography of the high- o| '• “ Iwny* torgrty cencerned w ith ¡! M« M M m In the great days of the Greeks ont. the athlet.-s were good Insnran,^ri- , — tn.| of the athlete* th,.., we hear „.„Mng save that ,h” 7 n i ...................^ rands of the«, «rat and last, but not one of them, as he grew ol.ler. e»er No doubt the average hero of the • STJT- man at the academy. Meanwhile th* philosopher* pore-1 over the work* of an,I aera were steady e.mtom- " Hippocrates ' I W . i v . ami .tea ‘ ,f a" ,h* ^ « c k . who • « rn-d In < from the Ea»t.—American Mercury. '¡ at Any Time Day or Night Beach’s Markel Phone Beaverton 2552 Beaverton, Oregon PHONE IN YOUR ORDER Tl