l?*t»«r»lty •f Or »«ou Or Established 1927 YEAR NO. 14 FOURTH — ---- ---m:-----— B E A V E R T O N , O R EG O N F R ID A Y , JUN1£ 1J. 1930 « » O I E S OF P U B L IS H E D Six in Washington County Graduate from University of Oregon ^ E V E R Y F R ID A Y i (Recent Activities Off the Concrete GEO W. JOSEPH SPEAKS Reported « « B WtSTSIBE CLUB MEETING fa * University of Oregon. Eugene. Ore < June 14, (Special)—Six of the u .7 <>AY$ f t * >00 TO students, at the University of O re«.« ----------- who form the largest i IP the hihister iffH c ft The Beaverton float in the Rose class in the history of any instituí!"* O rder* S igned by G eo parade today won first prize, for m the state, are from Washington R Bagley, ANP UMTS 1 ó S il lOV MOi town floats. , county. Two of these candidate,\,r Judge „ , degrees are from Hillsboro one from R 8 . Mary J. Williamson vs Pearl Carl- L egion Hall Packed Beyond Beaverton will play Garden Home Forest Grove, one front Gaston ' ! son, et at, decree.. C apacity to Hear the a double heuder on the Beaverton trom Beaverton, and on. ÉI grounds Sunday, June IS. The name ¡wood. These students have been Cha>. \ an 1 Horen vs Sair. J. Smith N om inee fo r G overn or dismissed. originally was to be played at Gar- very active during their f.,„r Vt.ur^ u den Home but lias been switched *o the cami>us. They are " Application of W nt and Francis EN JO YABLE PROGRAM the Beaverton «rounds. Bolh teams Affie Reagan, Hillsboro a candi ! L. Keul, registration of land title. W are tied for the leadership of the «late for a bachelor of science dé • -A-* John Frank vs K. L. Tucker ct al N ext M eeting, July 8th, to iitond halt so we can expect a royal I Margaret Long, also f r,.m h ,II s ^ default and decree. • battle Sunday. Lets turn out and ¡boro, is graduating from the mum Be H eld at M aplew ood .root for the boys. , alism school. She is ti member of ■ ~ E state, A dm itted to Probate Mrs. W. H Warren was removed¡ Delta Delta Delta, national s . kmi I Estate of Dr. Elmer H. Smith, rea. ...... . ] to the Emnuel hospital Sunday. sorority, and a member of Gamma Geo. \\ Joseph, Republican mmii * — governor, was the principal Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Steel, o f Metz- Alpha ( hi, national advertising estate m Washington, Multnomah ,;eo fur |ger. are the proud parents of a son, group. and Benton counties, valued at $tot )0 speaker bt the meeting of th. United born Saturday, June 7. Dr. Mar- From Forest Grove is VVilnn and pcr-onal pio|>erty at $10,(100... West Side clubs which was h.*l.| .it Istens attended hci. M oreland who is graduating with a Estate of Trephon Die rick x, real .orest Grove Tuesday evening, in Mr. and Mrs. Summers have been bachelor (if -cience degree ____________ estate valued ut $7000 and personal *1 v Legion Memorial hall In bis | released from quarantine Saturday. Russel Raker from Gaston ic *------------ — property at $4(100. speech he outlined the development Miss Stewart « / ect* to leave this candidate for a bachelor of arts I. U/ j j - - ... , t be Columbia I-state ot Henry . I - Zimmerman. , ° f h, „ ’ .......... ____ __ river ,ntr to io tiiaintaiii manual ...I ........ — • - • * ----- j»eek for lole.lo, where she will bejKree He is maioring in biology H o lla n d 'W e d d i n g MlSS A d a M e r l o c h o s e n ... _.... »..viman, water power, the abolition < Real estate valued at $ 1^00 bud per- public service commission m (niploye.! by the S R K. R. He is a member of Bachelordon fra- a B e a u tifu l A f f a i r O u e e n n ( I rw -.l C l » Sonal T^l'crty $1000 the right of Iree speech >n am K. 1. Morgan, Farmington, suf- termty, Oregon Knights and -enes _______ V ¿uecn OI L-OCal r lo a t sonai property $ 1000 . Senator Su ite* file d in C ir c u it C o u rt Jftred two broken ribs, when he fell as senior tithletic manager He w:. * ------------ Joseph stated he . did not t critici, ..v. i « v » i i l l l C I / C e from a hay rack Monday. The in- manager of football in '28 and of *'llss Evelyn Hite, daughter of Mr. _ .. _ _ I the personnel of the public service ■ . • • . nriil ^ Cfcd,t ScrV c' CorP „ ^ MY- ° commission hut flu fact that they ¡jury is quite severe. basketball in '29 Baker is also a and M* E L> Hite, became 1 . . Mr. A card party was given *n benefit Coslett. appeal from Hillsboro Justice h;>1, been given a task impossible i r Otto Erickson and W. T. Ander- member of Asklcpkid. a national bi- br,dc °* kobcr‘ Holland Sunday the of the float, tor th eR oseU U rm va 1 of Peace. » group ,,f men to per font,. son were ... in attendance of the ____ — Du- «logy honorary. cning, June 8 . at 8 o'clock ut the Those t \ the Those winning first prize were „ Wm. t . Krafe e. u v, Henry J n r e ^ r d , to the development of rant dealers meeting at Longview B H P M i ____ _ 4 Wat bd.es first. Mrs. E. K. Donaldson Buckley et al ....... - s '“ " ................> w * * ' ¡ 5 £ ; • & ......... . , 1 . ! " . „ V " • Wash.. Monday evening. graduating with a doctor of juris- Mrs. E. W. Mcrsereau and daug’i prudence degree, fie is a member of T~*e • n • »- ¿ f i - ........f r i . ^ ' ™ ' s ^ r k '. , : ; l s ™ , - í i X . Í L r J f T U T i 5 X "Z “ i ? * « £ £ mother and friends during the past fraternity and Phi Delta Phi , v drcss of wh,,c crel*c d« chine with Uun bv \|r, w„k n i f , J t ' f ,n condemnation population „ drawn ... a J a, i , n H O W ES A' S COME: R16HT AW A4 f Ml rS £ j f „ „ . ,«• “ I Sherwood .., " ra,IRC « « . «W M ... blossoms She , lac, bv K l S . K“ bi * » * " * * ' 1 ----- I T * - ' R .s.vcr o r r ' " l loop ^ section of carried • • • Miss .................... Ada lltr io w u Tit4i qocca OM Oregon trail ° ° D #ec*,,,n "" ...... V the, and • *“ in ‘ factories —* •- furnish sufficient raw materftil to keep the industries *\. Thnniasim inomiison vs vs C, j. $. ft Uonnach,. Log ^ „ g t o a corn * » * > ..... ¿.7. Mr ginRr Co., corj»., $2950 suit for dam- ..................... L.mvu uy ,r, I Holmes, w p h was bv Dr. ages claimed sustained bv plaintiff of introduced Forest Grove »*x when fire destroyed property o f S,'i!,r s*'n;,,or • plaintiff which -t.nt,.l m logging ^ u " ,,v t ■.». u. d t.. capacity ope raisons of defendant ''' 1 ' from all parts f . . D . _ Washington county and the surround- ]^tcd Kcal'*>' (- ° v* ° VNaddlc' ">g countic* . . ' v, 1 tl Ben Rtrsland re|H>rtcd that the 1 v* 1 crcy S,onC| et al ,unnel Muotion had hern practically '> i . , k , v »ruled, wkh ........... million dollars Marriage Lie ansa* Issued pledged bv New York bankers and the - ____ __ o> . « # i orx n.uikers amt the s.^n. me umvcrsuy wun a graduates from the university with a bachelor of science scic.tcc- degree rn soeiot- soeiol- ci . n . . . . , » , H - — • , I r.lTV Snn 1C 3 m ,m h ogv. She is a member of the social- 1 A h< norrir\, Al « i l\.ij j a Htlta. Dr. Samuel Colcord, prominent in tematiafloHst and - from New York will deliver the cominenc- ement address at McArthur Court. He will speak on international pe 3 d . ----------------------- . * . . w- , .. s . r,*'v . : . , buds' r , • rccctvtd ------------ **$7” »•« < Bvavcrton', tloat, . hav.ng M'” L« 'l e L. , Hue, the brides S,S sister, 15J.8UU votcs, votes, Gladys McLeod came ‘ IU’ u t r* acted as bridesmaid and was ai- ---- - •• • - -- — -- ‘ e n iMi.au »in‘ uas ‘4i ntxt in line with 71,401). Marie Am- «stntr rarnitintu. iLatn.'ii t ' l ft i • . . ' , . Y . .. , '' * Boat, which w.»> decomted _ ! * ,l . .** . °* * y *1 " 1,1 *' 'Rlphiniums, pink and white pa 1 u' ' er 8 i r . a ' ° wore ll( *ru car omes and roses, was built to depict '¡led a ^ sket .oic s' ' c.et yi*rd of a ho,ue' SittinK around 11111 ^ 1 ' 'uUl a!> 1 1 a table, under an umbrella of roses .. , u k a f *1 the followinti five small girls, Precedmg the ceremony the bridet..Mamn« Cady. Berdinc All.,,. ( h. „ . Leagues Games Sunday aUnt' ' ,rs Agnes Hite, -ang in lotte Jacka. Bobbie Meyers Meyers andl andl i? n , , league games an(i Love - As You Loni? Always by Harold Following are the as |he vVorld Dixon Rolls LoUi*e Lhrermofc. ^ fT T V 'jng, are c leaRUC Ra!np<: and “As Long as the World Rolls Alvin Clair"( earlry and Anna Bur- ° n‘ Y.,draw ^ack •» '‘,Ral approval herllllf*fl frvr ^Iindav Ttino 1 - v » h ' •’ * — ** ** l du j,uU'I,T f" r J ™ ' } 5tit: On" by Erm -. Ball, accompanied it tu | t. D bara Nelson, both of Buxton. M'Uon Md,rr ,n favor oi a ’ 'ir‘ u, „ I ‘" ' ; uJ'r," n' ^erboort thl piano bv Mrs Ruth Anderson. N a z a r in e P a s t o r Orval C. Duncan and Pauline D T»,nM' rial »"«»>" *>' and budding at Farris, both of Portland. Champoeg. and Albert To/.ier. cus- » Mr. I « * » o i I * ,.. V ' ; i ; 1"-""' “ ~ < a “ * * * G r“ u d ^ Arling Thornblad and Ruth K ,od'*n " f » ***"'Porg Memorial park Anderson, both of Cherry Grove "iggcstcd ‘ bat the club go on record tim,'with Mrs. ,MyiiReSH a in « :WIIK ° nl> f,,ur m° t c Irlt in Ninety-nine gue.t, witnessed the The new pastor of the Nazarine Donald Lyle Hester and Alice favor of a resolution asking fo. Jimes Douglas entertained hii ,h' S season af,er Sunday' ceremony and attended the reception , n the ^construction of the road hurch Rev. ‘ w W. B. Tait, and his Price, both of Portkuid. friend, Jim Smith, over the week tm: . ,, 110I which immediately followed. (hurch Rev • . W r B. Tan. f and i r h.s Wffli#o ut Luwdru , • | , and , ™*' ' 1 ’ ‘ 11 1 **»e chibs C • mici, 1 OlcclO, of t his wife and five . . . v « •* «sm s- u r r Mrs. \Y. H. Hart spent several KlwantS H old Short lhc >oun*-T P«°I’lc •lrc sending f t «unii -, v .consisting , .. . .. f , Helen t — . Koirrr*. rorcM (»rove, • - W Lippert, . iieien r. ixogers Pores, Grove " '-U’ Prrt, of Aloha, presided at Lloyd, Bernice, Mane, Loi», \v,.h«¿t.»r ? v t .», i - * W %» ash„ ' With her daughter, M bs Flo« M eeting W ednesday ,lu,r h a, Oregon Caches I children, ™ - v • W Bernice. Mane Lois, "»“ ■'inR a“ d Omar Fendall of a n d « « \ « 1 »» » »s « I »- • -» -------- - * * the meeting and Omar Fendall of ence Han. who is now residing al *nd “ P00. thcir 1 return will be at and Alcxamir'a were greeted by the and Helef| Thwaitf ' Hillsboro. , n 04r” ' -— r*rovp "rlco m r .1 the vi-itm , Kick real. The Beaverton Kiwanis club held borne to their many iy friends in Bern- ?™,nbcri and friends of the chunE R Holland. BiUverton, and A musical program Jf>f Matzke home had Mrs. Fred but a 'short session following ¡belt erton. ih u rra y evening. The affair was Fydyn AfJn Hi|f ’ Bfavertun K was offered by Mrs. France* Durand. Hardt. of Yakima. Wash., as a J io U m banquet Wednesday evening, after _________ ,n torm ot a surprise, the tfuests p Stpwart Ranks K \ and at !^r P»a« °. accompanied by the gn«'last week which they adjourned to attend the Several Rentals made by gathering whik the V ~ to, ....I h.s , .J, , \ Nu . ' ',V! K u. <>,. ! ,! M....... Mildred ..........sck. Helen ... ................. . . . . « « £ .... wvh , . v i . m u m , • V/U^'MI i I I " > *\- t 1 « m a d e b y , l.umly wv*v were <11 at u orchestra practice in . . ....•■••« " A bnmh has the contract fot c»rd party given in honor of ... Miss -------- ---------------- Is ---------- -- ; .... iu io u . d practice m , fohn .. M Tnomwon \ | d ff"vfcs atul l’ hyllis S|ielhring on ih Miss the church. When they Icturnea u . violin. 1 seven room house, which he is Beaverton. V I < vl i tl Beaverton F,nance Co. ....... .... . . “ ^ ^ „ » “ S i p i S r K L . L builBmg for Win. HiMcethier at At the meeting Doy Gray gave Hard Jenkins, of Garden Bethany. —w- most interesting account of * ms -------- h o . - - « - . - 4 - ......... si Harris . - S u « " scc J , l T n,anv E ha™« S t ..... ' ....., presented the "Seven Stetv- -nn »’ •*' been rented to W . K. Phipl "• n ............. \__ ____ . R~ ‘ F*‘ —- T "*— r - 0 . t i>er*" in .. a juvenile R e a , l c E sta te T r * * n » fe r» 1 V . vaudeville . stunt . _ Tekohl ShUrf' ° f *he WeSt C° aS' rCCC,,1H 'V ;U'r tr'" lhroUv:t C*liforni‘; o f* t h ie Wees!“ coas0t T e l r i ' T The evenings entertainment was T (phone company, ,s enjoying a us did Harry Barnes, who has ,ust Walter hou-e on Lotnhard furnished in the illustration of senp- and the Pacific l niversitv orchestra (k»ra V Leonard McKee et ur to (urlmhrd th(. niusic I E - W .......* u ,T n K .!,, . ti,e rCIUr“ ed h0mC fr0m NeW York‘ street of ,hc « « "* . ,hf Bible and identifying A Susie „ ^ A. Day, * . 5 acres Johnson .....v :.........- street to to Ralph Ralph Langhorn, ___ „ i a iv VI 1 o v C° e r aSt:- Ul( Beaver,oa w.-re * ® **«3 ‘1 ,ls part taktn u»e —---------------- i I m bo k, chapter »i al ,t! to 1 <- Es Celebrities from D n • «» Biilman Motors, and the S P°°». ctopter in in which which various various ¡J J Majnnc m -. m ,,, Bartel Bartel et to Herman ........ Beaverton w -re Batson agency for of over Cheka Mayor (Jtto Erickson and 'he *.nas county K o y D a v is H o m e hou bard to Mi Carmichael 'I'cciin-.l verses might be found in “ * r,el> - M acres Beaverton-Reed " * yor Frick »on and 'he of ,hc Union Oil Co. All three i f Bible Rev., and Mrs. Tait fa -1 vlU< ‘ Acntige. Anna L. Crews to A vo,,nR ,adlr* who participated in the Hr. and Mrs. L. Bergeron have gone Roy J. navis. V J. Davis. Ot the National Air- thrse (1<.a)s w.crc transacte(| through vored 'heir callers with a duet, and r*,n" ,d!'. president of the •»rj. Elmer Benson, fortunately builder of the aircrafts built in p'jnanco rr of the aircrafts built in pinancc f Co. 0 ' _______________ i nards et ux to Albert Kehrli Part MaP,ewood Chamber of Convnerce, •riilll hast rt> 1 11 rn<-< I friitil -I iu<4 . .f I.*»« !)..*! _ r-i ill xv. St ' _____ SIlkTU rst fil tho thnugh i mix up o f auto- Beaverton, has returned from a two -------- --------------- suggested the novi next meeting, .iki.L which !. is _ .. . ;; ' ' " 'V s ™ dated lot lull Mh, be held al Maple ""biles in Portland, one day this wec' f . p through California. While p u r c h a ses a t O t t o E r ic k s o n A lo h a R e s id e n ts a tte n d M a," n "x ' ' 1 •' w....I This received thi ananitnoa» *tpk, w"hout sustaining any injuries in ihe south he visited many of the * u ___ mm . 1 1 D. . Morgan. Part of Elam Young i I V . inarms! \t, I t » « , m . -)lrs- Berg and daugh- airports and inspected all the new- Kcccnt ,,urchases of farm machin- M o u n ta m d a le P i c n i c T IS M W C^rl Stein . , mt «» S h e o t K t n ! ... * I1 W IIIIU III, I .* H 1 I ilk -4 1 li. I ' 'r- 4 tLd _her. .par'‘nl. V * t features in this line. ery an(, autonK.biles at the Otto — Mark Lot 12 Blk 41 North , ..tv . • • * • ■ V s* •» Hoffman, A number of Aloha residents were' Plain*. Charles k. Gilmer et ux to of the “ Uptown Portland Association* . Ericksoo company arc an Ann Arbor m »tteodEinci .*t tin Mountaindale NouniainaiM A. ' T I Sereda et ux, Lot I I 1 1 and 2, will be present with charts and in- Monmouth M a lic io u s - R e p o r t S p r e a d iy Milton \ Miller and Hazclbrooli Parm i>: . acres Martin .. ---- —-, , .. ■ - ..uMu.j.. .»imon .«s. .Miner and Mazeinri.ik Earn, Q'/4 acres Martin information . on the development U Vi . o i f 1 ls -‘ l home ioi the T 1 tonuner vacation. , . <-• bv Otto and Arthur ' e- George Lippert delivered ino», il- Bernards Sabo * " <>■ in to c me It , 1 Baurer. ,• , of 1 — - r e - i u. IM IIIU i l l . * — i I ' l - J. j. n r m a r a s ct Ct ux UX to Daniel U rlin e S i S . . rt ... ' U l i v .rest i A report that the Uty a 22-J<» McCormick D eer- t, .-m . _ _ j - l . f . .. — ’ Mr». 1*. J. — Dietsch has been con __ malicious 1- --IU— ......... I ___ _____ ___ . . » I--1 l a m — c i * is imn -- « i -V ” ” - N / C ^ r , r " fo,- I é o 1 leTrV Wi( U!k' and ,hc S‘ - Marys ux, 301 acres Isaac Butler’ Cl ■« WcM Sidc n uh». Meat from Market tuberculosis is selling animals, ineat oh- tractor by A F. Zelmer. of Linn- band contributed several selections. Mier & Frank Co. to Mary H. Kin *° ber home with a severe at- tained is Uck of tonsolitis - from tuberculosis animals, i- ( >n a st.,ian by Ralih Wilc> x. t \ fjne picnic dinner was one of the ter. Lot 14, Blk O M ct/ger Acre tr« 3 1 P o r t l a n d F i r e m e n feeovering She i' slowly n,..st untrn.- and Mr Benson wishes |. ir^. ., scdan bv Oliver >< ’ most important events o f the ! m Geo P Haynes et al to Mary H M C . K( . . ter a *' l to state that aU meats sold in hi*twtr- ■ y,. reporta Mr. Duven- Reiter, Lot 2S Blk O Mctzgei ken E ■* CRR * many friends are government inspected. 1 he \|et^entine of Hiteon. have her home again, af source of this gossip is being ui- ■ — ■ •n Portland .it her j, Mr. u VP1*- ........ B swell ha. receivi I ;“r 5»'1 n.ws af the death of her ^ Wd news it Ik. a— L • Schuler at Medford, »vr sister, Mrs. K. Prickell, of Uald- . Idaho, is visiting at the Bos- *«ll konn She came to Oregon to «tend the funeral and h< may • MWtt the port and Mr. Lippert went fishing, Tr*. J F Hiatt et ux, to F.ugene- caught two small ones, but felt so Wahl. 22.271 acre sTI.V RJW' G. P. | Reports G ood Catch _______ .............. ------ — Mrs. Denny, Mrs. Al Jannscn. Mr. krfu, of trout. nrorbaaBh r p- - a’ 1 V an,i Mrs 1 «ris SI Lafc, las, w e f t *T “ *ug“ tcnded Grand chapter O E. S in ^ icc,,m!>anied bv h.' br " h,r ’ Portland Wednesday night. jaw Mr Berger The two men Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. George George Blasser, Rlasser, Mr. Mr. Berger. Tl —td Mr«. Wolfe, Mr and Mrs. N i tramp through snow 1 1 1 -he son and when they returned h taÏTt •[ . ' h' Spear M>ent ,he wcck U ".d and Mr. and Mrs. Jones aiten- 'nicked kfr of l a , . " 1 ^'va Bar* ded the wedding of Miss Evelvn ," r-’ ■•■'•»>>. their fish in snow. . Hite and Bob Hollan at .he brides " hick kro\f Tuesday. ____ ________ Otto Erickson, , ___ Fari Evans, and — ------ France* ®kose Fjvermore Jr, and Bert Andy Anderson attended a Ihirant \ moxt enjoyable family dinner was jj 3 1 the ttw* * A. V L. 1 F le tc h e r home home ng on Agency (reek demonstration H*-.,., .nstrati. „ meeting and banquet held at Fletcher at Longview, W ash, Tuesday evening |a f San4.iv Am -nc those pregni V*1 n c . ,b. , 5rch - w . —h' . h irlr Frv -it ----------------------- wen 1 - kuhrey L Fletchei guilty party. Oueen Esther Circle t: c C 'l T . j c , *c Sliver Tea \\ T g o u Serve k en1 y u e e n _____ K'Vcr fishing «r ,... ' J l mter-... ,n ' ' » Livermore ' p-vt 1 i M.«ujav U d Mr and Mrs. W . R. '*•' --------- The The Queen Oueen Fsther Fsther Circle Circle will will serv- serve a stiver tea Thursday at the home « * .h ¿ a h ^ — -iiker* and Claude laude More- of Mr- Wray. Mr* Beattie will be * ‘ a- i i L * ,tÌ" g fHfnd* ,n Beaverton ,hc »‘ ,inl h"'»,f,s — -, evening. i.ag. is now selling the Mr. and Mrs. Doy Gray en*ci __________ ^ Mr and Mrs W p "h ** dinner Sunday. *J*ews William 1 F.ngleke Lngleke attended he- be N t~ attended ***** rnda. ' " • J r * * * » “ V'rf« " “ " o ' * ; - - ■ 1 Portlaatfs fire, ton. M R. Francis to C. M. Bry- live outside of the city limits and dnr Ml et n Part Set 1 T2N R t\\ tu th< tl i I m fireman tfcap Poeduey . t us jl returned them to the water. You c Reside O utside of Ci * v --------- en of Bt 1 et Thirty ••ne Ralph H in n.m et nx to Fred Lei paid poht men art subject ... get a < aradio at Beaver- r, p *rf Sec 4 T2N K4W Mav d,WIli can \ installed llfjf Blades to J C. Hartley, Part L<>| i . .ut— t.n dio Co., balance in 12 payments at Blk 2 Fnnis Add Hillsboro. Nellie nly 6 % interest. j M. Nichols to Mary F. Ross, Lots _______ 13, 14 and 15 Frrwing’s Orchard Tract*. Elsie Reeser to Rrvenna f . B artholom ew Scheckla Whitson. 5 acres Sec 3 T2S RIW. Vf. J. Hall ,0 Floyd F. Hall, Part EK Davi« < ! Sue • ft JO T2S Bartholomew Scheckla, aged 82, R2W John A F.dy to W f Edv years, died at Tigard, Thursday, June et ux. 52 acres Sec 3b T2S R2W 12th. He leaves a wife Tekla son,, V'. F.. Johnv>n el ux to A. Charhon- r---------»- - . J..hn” i - u _ e iVuM.o\‘ __. - — T. seph'‘ \ » 1 l 1 ¿ - . rtï ' m .d'é' m ___ a.^ e t ' T »I acre. S e r » » " '.»V ,ravrrTItn| and Earl Fi-her from East Beaverton