PACE THE 4 BEAVERTON J R ID A Y , NOVEMBER « I#Jj ENTERPRISE Thor Skogset. of the Tigard Bun- ITii Tati ( hi is a local honorary fro- I < hurch of Christ of Latter !*»y gal'«v Barber shop, spent Sunday in NOTICE OF ELECTION ternity in industrial arts. j Saints. The purpose of the lecture ‘ Portland visiting his mother. ---------------------- was to establish the authenticity of (Special to Beaverton Enterprise) Notice is hereby given that A Miss Lowry, marceller and hair­ the Book of Mormon, which -writing dresser at the Tigard Bungalow, ter- Oregon Stbte College, Corvallis, INTERESTING LECTURES regular annual election for the „ % H o w may iMnhuti i n B e a v e r j is believed to be the sacred record ON MORMONISM I 0f with the I of Beaverton, will be held ut — Alden Wilson, Beaverton, a soph­ ancient inhabitants of Anieri ton arc pursuing the car»er picked ’ initiated her connection Hall. Beaverton ( W , n t h* I ca. Due to these assertions the out as th ir life work at the tige of barber shop last Satunkiy and left | n , omore in industrial arts at Oregon ■ . • i t — — .. ....... - i • ,v*un, run. book has been the object of a great 21? A "persual oi this colu.. n ^vitl for parts unknown. ¡day, December 3rd Stale college, was awarded a Phi A very interesting and illustrated be,»«, ¡prove most interesting to Sheriff O’Coiuicll. of Washington ! th? h..u--s of One . , ,Q* Tau C hi ,ti< shnian pin recently. lecture was given Wednesday even­ deal of discussion. >cl,,ck and This book of Mormon, if authen-| diaries BerthoW, of the Bertho,d i County, was a visitor in T itftrd} o ’clock p. m., to elect ihe f.,| |. Sevt, This pin is awarded each yetor to ing at the I. O. O. F. hall at Beav­ 1-6^ tic, settles many of the perplexing ; Feed Company, says that at the ngt \fonday evening. olHccis : the freshman who is outstanding in erton, by Ccders Heber M. Ells­ questions regarding ancient Ameri-1 1 ?! hi- was attendin'« the Agricul- ONE MAYOR. scholarship, initiative and leadership worth and Frank Lamb of the to serve one year can civilization and also the divinity tural college at St. Goarshausen o i NOTICE T W O COUNC1LMEN, ,0 serve tWo of Jesus and lesus Christ of the I me Rhine after which he managed! >*ral fa-ms consisting of fronij . , . . ... .. years. Ixittcr Day Saints. 10,000 to 20,000 acres. T No,,c(c ,s hf reby g 'ven ,batR the , RECO RDER-TREASURER. , „ , r>, i Town Caucus for the town of Beav- __ _ ^ to C.eo. A. Brown of Browns l har- crton> th duy of November, 192v. Plans are nctiring completion f o r ! becoming a farmer Uud was work- j 6th day of November, A. f >. 1929. the dinner and bazaar to be held I ¡„g ut, a big farm near Marietta, OTTO F.RRKSON, Beaverton, Ore. Across from S. P. Depot OTTO ERICKSON, Saturday, Nov. 30, at the club house Minn. Mayor M ayor Mrs. A Baldwin will have charge-1 L. K. Snyder, of the MacMarr GEO. THYNG, Recorder of the cooked food booth, Mrs. Ray Store, expected to become a teacher GEO. THYNG, Recorder Bmckett the candy booth, Mrs. itnd was attending the Cheney Nor- ¡V.-.v.V.V.WWVAVAWV.VAVAVWVA'AWVW/AVM Ifarry Leedv the needlework, Mrs.' | school. specializing in Mannar v .w .v V A W J. T. Knfney the grab bag. Training. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ray and two Hoy Gray, of the Bank of Beav- daughters are moving this week to ,.rton, was working for the Burling- SU N D A Y CH ICKEN DINNER Seattlc «where they will rmke their ton k . R. as a telegraph operator future home. . and station cashier at Lamont, Colo., W ith Home Made Pie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W . Allen where ht. bectmie of age. “ T O -D A Y IS who have been seriously ill are re- j q . E. Peck, McCready Lumber 75 cents I ported as improved. | Company carried out his intentions Y E ST E R D A Y ’S PLANS” I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters, Sr., . at t|lc a^,e uf ¿1 as he was then em- wi" entertain the Metzger bridge | p|oye(l bv the Idaho Lumber Corn- club at their home Saturday night. ! ,,any at Frith, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lloyd were j C. F. Hedge, now in the real es- (Formerly Greenwood Cafe) UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT hosts tit a Halloween bridge party tate business, was u school teacher j at their home in View Point last ;n N orth Salem Indiana at 21 Saturday night. Guests were Mr C JBeach was unending ‘ the | % W .V .V S V ,V .V W .V .V .V .V .W .V V .S W .'.V A V .V .V A S V J W ^ : ■ — put into action and Mrs. George Johnson, Mr. and Missoula Commercial college. Mr- Rav Brackett. Mr. and Mrs —that bank account you F. J. Dietsch was operating a ■ A V .S W . V . V . V . V . W A W . V . S W W . W . W A W A W A V i Andrew McCarl, Mr. and rs. Fred shingle mill tit Days Creek, Doug­ start to-day is the help­ Harris, Mr. tind Mrs. H. F, Bragg. las county, Oregon, and entered col­ ful working plan of action lege the same year. tomorrow. Watch this column next week. CHURCH OF CHRIST "HEN I VIS 21" BEAVERTON BRIQUETS * Beaverton Lumber Co. BROADWAY CAFE I l Î i — be a to-dayer at your neighbors bank BANK OF BEAVERTON i * ;; A good bank in a goad Iowa ia tka Cardan Spot of Oragom. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM — where service blends into ** helpful co-operation .•.v.\v.,A,,w .w .s w .v ,v .m w m w .% % W A m i ---- ----------------- ---------- •— There was a good attendance at all meetings last Sunday. Peqple are coming long distances to wor­ ship with us. There were ninety four present at Sunday School. The largest class last Sunday was the womens class with twenty one in at- tendance. There arc classes for all ages. ( ome and bring your child- rcn. We tire anxious to be of ser­ vice to you in this respect. There was one addition at the church ser­ vice Sunday morning. Three obeyed ihcir Lord in Christian baptism after the evening service. Next Sunday morning Rev. G. W. Springer will speak on the subject “ Four Kinds of People” . In the evening the topic twill be : "Four Arguments Why the Gospel is Divine.” — —— . „1 ------------------- FAIRV ALE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strieker an­ nounce the marriage of their daugh­ ter, Miss Alice Strieker to Joseph I T. Patton son ot Mrs. Mae Pat- ! ton. I Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lindeken are j receiving the congratulations of | friends on the birth of a daughter born Monday. Robert Kramer underwent a ton­ sil operation Tuesday. A new' arc light htis been installed on the corner near the church and will be lighted every evening. The business meeting of the Fair- vale community club will be held Monday night at the club house. Men in the community are asked jo give their services this Sunday to assist in installing the play ground equipment at the club house I which was moved htst Sunday from __ I-“I-*1--I--I*-I--I--I--I--I--i--I--I--I-“I--J--I--I--I--!-«- J - I - - I - 1 — I*“I—i*-I--I--I-*1--i--I—I--I--I-- the school. • • A benefit card party for a needy family in the neighborhood was planned Dec. 6, by the Paradise! . . Valley club at the meeting Tuesday at the club house. Luncheon host­ esses were: Mesdames Guy Kennev, W. A. Gill, J W Thacher, Fred Spoeri, P Steudler. John Cullen and| Miss Lillian Steudler. The presi-j (lent, Mrs. C. W. Craig, presided at j Sale Dry Goods REAL, BONAFIED REDUCTIONS Thursday, Friday, Saturday November 14, 15, 16 OPEN Entire Stock of Prints Greatly Reduced Childrens Dresses $ 1 .9 5 for $ 1 .5 9 Ladies Silk Hose $1.00 for 79c $1.50 for $1.29 3 for $3.75 $1.75 for $1.45 Mens Sox at Reduced Prices THYNG’S > CO N FECTIO N E RY AN D ICE CREAM PARLOR i W E A T H E R L Y ICE CREAM ¡¡* > Canned Goods and Light Groceries to Accommodate Sunday Night Trad« ■j SOFT DRINKS, FRU ITS, MELONS Magazines— All The Daily Papers \ •» At Tha Old Location—Wilh a New Store lW .,AV.WAW\V.VdWV.WVAV.V.,.W.W.V.VSWWWA e -e ^ s s -a s^s e^s e ^ ,, e e^ee^e s -s ^ s s ^ t e tt - J Phone 3603 * » *1 7 « t Beaverton Res. 3602! Hav. .Grain. Feed., and.. Poultry Supplies Complete Line of Fiohers, Sperry, Albers Feeds LAN DPLASTER J Tulips and other Bulbs now ready?! for planting. The famous Bettendorf Bulbs T X X *' Charles Berthold Beaverton, Oregon, Near S. P. Depot. t ’1 *-,^*,***i**I-,I*-«— meeting will be held Tuesday, Dec ! 3, at the Wrhitc Shield Home. The Fairvalc Dry Goods company will put on a special sale this coming week. Drastic cuts have been made in ready to wear garments, with considerable savings on all lines of merchandise carried by the store. EVENINGS Womens Ready Made Dresses $1.95 for $1.63 jj "I**—*.-*.--— — J * - J - 1 TIGARD. King, advertising manager, Willamette Collegian, the Willamette University paper, met with his staff for luncheon Mon- ppe4 in the hills and en- , ¡1 Rved a picnic luncheon. They re- . , port that the Country was very • • t'u: terriq h ' * Mrs McGuire, of Bonita, has been ** confined to her ham with ¡Bn • \ but is reported that she is getting , , much better • • Mare ric Altingham n . || from an accident .. A Great Many Other Items Not Mentioned Fair vale Dry Goods Co. FAIRVALE. OREGON which hcfell v .o U henci * ■ til Childrens Stockings tranced v ’ \ . . shed beneath which «he was stand- • • md ired her ihoet * ’ the head .. \ in North • « » Ur»d Mrs 1 i B Heard, i • • mg at the b me t her parents, she 11 1 i , Dr and M n 1 e m id Dkvii md ,, Receiver. In Tone, Selectivity and Power it will prove a revelation. See the new Bosch Radicx Hear it— Tune it— you will find it answer* every dem and— Price less tube*— $ 1 1 9 5 (X two children suited relatives • • vallis over the last week-end. The •• Das is base Mi« Lewis BiJeler, ,