THE PAGE 2 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE 1 FRIDAY. AUGUST — where they occupied one of the K HAZELDALE NEWS Kt-znicsck cottages on the beach Mr ami Mrs. J. B. Thornton tond Monday they were joined by Mr. family moved to Kelso, Washington Panck and all drove to Newport and Member National F.ditoriil Association and Oregon State Editorial jtfu esday. Mr. Thornton has work to visit relatives at Toledo before Associarticn i returning home. They report a finej with the Perkins Garage. i outing. of eastern Washington county and western Mult­ Complet* coverai« nomah county. Miss llcrtha Skinner of Napavine, D. C. Darker of Oakland. Califor­ Wash. visited all of last week with nia, accompanied T>y Edward Bosso, each week bj Pioneer Publishing Co. at Beavcrtoii, Published Friday of her uncle, Mr. Henry Schoene. 1 also of Oakland, has been visiting his Ore mother, Mrs. E. C. Richardson and Lcu-zi-d as sec nid .lass n.alter al the povlollice at Beaverton. Oregon, Mr. .»nd Mrs. B. L. Griffin* and , family, arriving last Thursday and under the act of congress of March J, 1879. Miss Susan Gitogg visited Mr. and I returning Monday. Mrs. D. k. Sowler at Vernonia Sun­ Subscription price, $150 a year in advance, advcitisiiig rates on application. day. I. F. Ridenour has commenced an addition to his dwelling occupied by OFFICES Mr. and Mrs. J. B Thornton and q p Kraus and fcimily. Mrs. Tom Miller drove to Kelso The bridge over the Tualatin river Tigard—Tigard Pharmacy--Phone Tigard 143 Beaveituii Broadway rear O. I-, tracks—Phone 7S03. Wash, Monday. ht Galbreath station on the Boone’s Aloha—Aloha Lumber C o—Phone Beaverton 4252 Ferry road which has been closed for Portland—K>8 Dekuin Paulding Phone Atwater 5914 Mr. and Mrs. Diz Gassner and Multnomah- Multnomah Insurance Agency- A »water 5914 some time for repairs was open to daughter Hilda were callers at the traffic Wednesday. Tom Miller home Sunday. >*S THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE THEY SHALL FOLLOW THE FOOTPRINTS OF THE MASTER Virginiti Miller returned home from heat and oat ycilds have been a three weeks visit with her aunt hi«h'y satisfactory in this section and threshing nrtirfly completed. The Mrs. E. P. Green at Lents. growers are about evenly divided a» Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Danford and to the d 'sPosal of their 00 delivered. Mr. and Mrs. B. I.. Griffitts and aunt, Miss Susan Gragg made th<* J ' Max Haw-xhurst who htos been vis­ Mt. Houd loop trip Wednesday. itin g the home of her son, W. R. X Hawxhurst, has returned to her daughter’s home at Sunnyside, Wash. HITEON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hcimbach and Deepest sympathy of the neighbor­ hood is extended to Mrs. Chas, Van daughter Dorothy «with Mr. and Mrs. Kleck and family on the loss of Mr. George E. Payne of Sheridan spent Van K,cck’* mother whose death I several days recently tot Oceanside. to Francisco (from main lint points) now good on 4 trains So great has been the demand for this economical travel, the $15 coach fare to San Francisco; $28 to Los Angeles, may now be used on all trains carrying coaches—the "Shasta,” "West Coast," "Oregonian'’ and "Klamath," (formerly the "Coach Special"). Good also on Tourist Sleepers To provide still greater comfort at low cost, these coach fares are now good on Tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco and Los Angeles. This arrangement saves nearly half your travel costs. Millions of children are being made ready to begin or to resume their studies in school. Their purpose is to secure an education that will prepare them for the battle of life. Some will leave in the years to come with fair Planning a vacation? Phone or call on us for educations, and some will continue until they become all travel information learned men and women. The great group will enter the world of the future with average mental accomplish inents, and will not have studied so far as to grasp the real meaning of education. Education is not an accumulation of knowledge. It is the storing up of essential ideas. It is a process of sc C. E. Allen, Agent lection. We study not in order to learn what to believe, but to learn what not to believe. As one progresses in his study- he is constantly rejecting or discarding those ideas which time proves untenable or impracticable. For MAYBE IT’S YOUR DIET a number of ideas that today are held the last possible Henry Ford says: “The Best Doctors seem to agree that a s»re cure for most indispositions is to be found in diet.** knowledge shall be replaced tomorrow by new ideas vary­ WE SPECIALIZE IN RADIATION DIET ing a small or large degree from the older ones. We make diets for a number of patients th-at we never see. This business is carried on through the mail. Nor may we expect to arrive through education at Hundreds Live on Diets We Have Prescribed the “truth* of things. Truth is but a relative term, and Scientifically Selected Foods Are the Key to Good Health. not positive. W hat we call truth is but what we accept occure'1 lhu«sday Kmton. Mrs. Harvey Casteel, Mrs. E. Dr. Curtis W. Miller as such, a body of practical conclusions, which by no Mr and Mrs. George Gardner and Robinson and Mrs Mabel Thompson C h i r o p r a c t i c Physician Physio Therapist 210 Central Bldg., Tenth and Alder means are established as final. W ith our imperfect pow­ son Wilmer of Jenning’s Lodge were entertained the ladies’ aid of the RS i Phon«‘ O’53 Office Phone Beacon M£ ers of perception and apprehension, we can reach only to Thursday evening callers at the Methodist Community church at the 881 East Franklin St. the approximate truth of things. That must suffice, and Struther’s hpme and Winifred church parlors, Wednesday. Gardner returned home with them. indeed does so very satisfactorily. Hut the search for knowledge and understanding is The Misses Dorothy and Genevlevt A W A V A m V W A 'A W . V A V lhe greatest and noblest work of mankind. Education Peterson returned home Sunday after A Personal Service — Honestly W. E. P E G G Rendered Lrives us the power to better understand ourselves and spending two weeks with Miss Grace MORTICIAN The VERY BEST PLATES our relations with one another. It should train us to Workman at Corvallis. BEAVERTON, OREGON at a mold and perpetuate the finest social relations. For edu WE SERVE REGARDLESS OFTHE TIM E DAY OR NIGHT Mr. tind Mrs. Carl Peterson were MINIMUM COST cation primarily is the development of a mental attitude Sunday callers at the A. F. N ter- i 'n d the sounder the education the more enlightened the son home. VAWVAV.W.VAV.V.'.V.V.V.V.ViV.WV/.V.V.V.VA viewpoint of life. Kenneth and Elizabeth Struthers | Shakespeares conception of the infinite powers of spent Sunday at Bridal Veil and Miss Lochridge Furniture Co. man is the sublime illustration of the human capacity to Allevenc Light returned home with attain to the ultimate in knowledge and understanding. them for a week’s visit. Expert Furniture Repairing, Refinishing So far hut an infinitesimal fraction of all possible knowl Upholstering edge has been pained. How nohlv have earnest men Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Workman Dr. M. A. Jones, Dentist and son Billy, of Marshfield were s riven to uncover hidden facts of nature! The greatest Special Furniture and Woodwork on old neighbors in Hiteon j 25 Years in Portland. Formerly ’ ve been the readiest to admit their imperfect ability to calling Sunday Und enjoyed "thresher dinner” at 2nd and Washington streets. Now grasp ideas lying within the realm of the great unknown. at the Struther’s home. ( alls and Deliveries—Estimates Free located at 205-206 Panama Bidlding, They, however, are the minds that serve as examples 3rd and Alder Streets St. Portland, Oregon Phone At. 5620 for our youth to emulate. Dimly these children may re­ Threshing for 1929 is about a thing JV .V .V ,V .‘.V A ’,V ,V ,W V ,W V . . \ 372 of the past in Hiteon and quite a alize it, hut in their studies every day, they shall have few .WSSW.V.V.V.V.W.V.W.VAV.V.V.VAV.V.SVAV.W.W are going to bale straw The _______________ ._ the advantages of the years of sUtdy and labor by these grain yield was line and very little FEEL THE GLOW OF NEW LIFE cotisciencious, indefatigable investigators of natural phen grain was sold in the field. When You are Tired, Weary, v -x .x x x -.x ..x .-x --:-.>xx-.xK “:..xx.-x--x«;-->-;x.-x-xx-.>-xx--:--x--X“> ^ omeiia. These young shall walk in the footprints of the F'ind New Strength Through A masters, and the more ambitiously and determinedly the\ TUALATIN TURKISH. MINERAL. STEAM. follow them, the more learned, cultured and accomplished INTERNAL BATH. SHOWER Miss Edna Gcibergcr is home from AT they shall become. SWEDISH OR VIBRATORY Southern Pacific 500 WOMEN WANTED SMOKE BREAD AND BUTTER California for a short vacation. Her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gei- berger who went to California with their son Ray and wife returned with Edna. They were absent several weeks going tos far as Mexico and visiting their son William and family as well as many friends. MASSAGE in Treatment of Colds ttnd Rheumatism MRS LYDIA NORRIS. D. M. In connection with Physician 308 Alitky Bid*. 147 Third St ATwater 3955 Portland. Oregon Hours 9 a. m. to I p. n . Excellent Every morning a host of us pour into the business center of the city, on our way to take up the tasks of the «lay. What are we going to do today? Are we going to record a day of good profits, or are we going to report All roads leading to the highway ^ that we sat around all day waiting for the trade that did arc in a deplorable condition and 4 not come to us? have been so for more than ten We have a wonderful retail center. Most of us are years It is just tobout time that bound for offices in that retail center. We hope to do a Tualatin has a passable road tothc lot of retailing, and we should do it. We need to do it. highway. 1 he road to Sherwood is terrible; thp oi.e to Red Rock dairy and if we can offer the best inducements- we shall do it . . ust is a foot deep to We will nave to vie all daj with our competitors, and}Jurgen* park Recently onthe lower even a slight reduction in the price of his goods today e’s Ferry road, six men were < will cut off some of our trade, (hi very slight figures put to work at debiting out holes in the pavement for repairs. The our fortune depends. that in - war* 1 Now we can see only a retail center, one in which oil their shovels and the sixth was there are, in fact, too many of u- retailing at the present lighting his pipe and that is the real time. But this is our work to do. and we are doing the u I SOU that i 6 6 * * * * * 6 * * * * * « * * * * * * * * a ii s a j g q frftftO p »,» | q q % f % p ftp-j-fr Canning Peaches From the P. L. La Follette Farm at Cornelius Early Crawford and Elberta Ready Next Week $2.00 Per Bushel Telephone Orders Accepted Beaverton 2552 Beach’s Market On Highway at O. E. Track Beaverton, Oregon * * * * * * ........................... ------------------------------------ -• — r u m i m i ,