p a in s foot JUST WHAT IS ^ a*er Supply Economical INSTANTLY c o r /- .,. 5TOPI’ ed SPECULATION v more tired, aching or burning to Build and Operate • , *ches and pain» in the heel, “eL or forward part of the foot. , f " y. 'i"," » “ »» u ph m ri. or The modern fanner insists that lB’UP,ll as the ankle, calf or knee a new building erected, or a bu- stness handling from twenty to fifty tons *» * quickly disappear. inaugurated, someone speculates of hay is hard work enough to justi­ Cramped toes and cal­ Ihrou^h misinterpretation. nianv louses are promptly l*coplt. htive seized on “specula,, „ ’ fy buying up-to-date hay-ktiding and hoisting equipment. The mod- relieved. Dull aches in as a catch-word for anyth! ,ng repre- cm farmer s wife, however, accord- the calf of the leg, sensible and doubtful. knee or thigh UreJ 0f s a matter mg to home studies, often finds her- fact, speculation quickly overcome. merelv means >eli pumping and carrying by hand Shoes cease tu feel the investment of money or energy an equal weight of water from JO uncomfortable. T h a t!l,r u*e»s or »«me other form of to 100 miles a y«»r in supplying tired. broken-down capital, in the hope of future re- household demands. ward. feeing vanishes. , f kis situation exists because many On the i .„tiaate our method of foot cor- « . .. X C a,lK' S' ’^e Pcol’fe tanners fail to realize that a farm %xho “speculate hope of niakins " ' s in the «vater supply may be simple and j e . TRYZELAAR Arch Specialist Portland. Ore. 17 No. Sixth St. 6 6 6 it a prescription fo r COLDS. GRIPPE. FLU. BILIOUS FEVER DENGUE. AND MALARIA It ¡1 the most speedy rem edy known. REPOSSESSED ROAD EQUALITY FOR TAXPAYERS K IPK E IS HEAD COACH A present ruud necessity to HAS build paved secondary roads into ru • I M A D E G O O D wi t h ral sections and do for the remote farmer and taxpayer what main highways have done for urban resi­ dents. Developments in oil and Osphalt types ,.»f pavements that give depend­ able, long wearing surfaces at a lew original and maintenance cost. re making the secondary road pro­ S am e P rice for O ver gram possible and practical Such 3 8 Years roads must replace worn-out gravel 2 $ ounces (o r Z Ç / dustries progress "'aT T part T JJ°n I1Y O l It C O V K K N M K N T to iiurehiin im . . possible >-Ht and installation is only a matter o purchase interests, large or small, of a few hours’ time including 398 to men and 80 to w o ­ K. (“Tad") W¡email, whose personal in the organizations that furnish the men. were obtained from the student and administrative eontllets with Operation of an electric water sup- loan fund by Oregon State college Athletic Director Fielding H. Vost |jfe an<* *UXUr'cs modern ply system is inexpensive. One cent’s students last year, according to the resulted In Ills dismissal General . wr rtli of electricity will draw and itinual report of the loan fund com- tends t in iV?<,Ua,1 pr<* r« ‘ l,e- ^ ¡ v e r morc water than a ..tin can mittee. These loans totalled $-4o.(U7, soeciil ' COnS‘dtrab e . ' X,enl o n ,P°mp in one hour. Five kilowatt . ion. to improve living stan- hours of current will supply the md averaged about $100 Fo.v lo s s e s from student loans are reported, an I ,e r r a t T e " T c #nd increase ,ho househ'>,‘1 with water for a month; Si i " e " ea *. to kilowatts of electricity will these are more than covered by the . tandna, ^*r>K '^mgerous when con- ordinarily supply the entire farm- nominal interest required. vv, ' <,S orust> or iernor- »lead with water under pressure.” pnee. When restricted to the pur- _______________ L SPIDER MITE BUSY chasine of securities in our great M , , . o ■ IN PRUNE TREES in.lt,stries through the guidance of M S h ^ ^ ry S Pe a k * ( f r om main lin t points) Serious infestations of red spider bankors'*!; Ves,,nen' Dank or s, it is one of . 7 the i" finest in* ♦ ♦ *P«>« up . the .. mining , indus- . rp. r> oppose public ownership as mite in prune orchards have been stitutmns we , * ° axiom* unsound impractical. Mining reported from some sections of Ore­ “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” Congress and Journal deprecates public gon. This insect, sometimes mistaken is true in all human endeavor». ownership of water power, ittilroads, for a leaf rust, is difficult to con­ ships, coal “or any other private en­ trol after it multiplies and gathers terprise." branding it a “snare and in groups protected by h web cover MILDEW DISEASE delusion ’’ Says the editorial of this ing. An application of summer oil. ffieial publication of the American 1 part to 100, is recommended by Steps have been taken by the fed cral government to protect American ' ,ini"K Congress, ‘It has never de- the ♦experiment station, which say-, hop growers against what is prob­ rr.onstmted that it can, without sub strong pressure must he used to pen­ So great has been the demand for this economical ably the world’s most serious hop dis­ si (lePen^ed upon for a steady, A Planning a vacation? Phone or call on us for the fcdertil government has cstab- '0w-priced supply, T U R K IS H . M IN E R A L . ST E A M . aI! travel information lished an absolute quarantine against In an l'ils,t‘rn s»a'r Ca* heating in IN TERN A L B A TH . SHOW ER the importation of hop roots from crcascd 90 P<*r cent in 1928 and 6f S W E D I S H OR V IB R A T O R Y any foreign country. Word to this !'‘‘r c<‘n, in ,ht‘ first haIf of ,9;?0 M A SSA G E effect has been received from Wash­ This progress is reflected all over Excellent in Treatment of Colds ington, D. C, by H P. Barss, plant the nation. Gas, with its efficiency Und Rheumatism pathologist at the Oregon Experi­ and economy, has the approval of MRS. LY D IA N O RRIS, D. M. the American home owner. ment stution. m illion s! $1 5 to San Francisco cars n o w good on Make us an Offer Cars Must be Sold 4 trains BALL1N FINANCE CO. IBS GRAND AVE. Phone EA 2932 DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Co-operative Park Tualatin, Oregon Music by Sou th ern P a cific DANDY MELODY BOYS NEW In connection with Physician 308 Alisky Bldg, 147 Third St A T w ater 3955 Portland, Oregon Hours 9 «. m. to 4 p. n . DIRECTORIES C E. ALLEN, Agent £sXX-\X-sX~X--X-*-X-\X--:--X"X*vvsX"X"X-*-X-‘X ”X-*v*v-X--Xi With 85 uniformed messengers and a fleet of 30 trucks on the job. Given by the Co-operative Recrea ¡-.pproximately 100,000 copies of the atioii and Educational Society of new August edition of th,- semi-an- j ntial Portland and Multnomah county Oregon W E G IV E YOU telephone directory are being deli­ $5 00 CASH vered this week. Good Music Good Time for All FO R T H I S AD The new directory contains 82,000 Good Until August 10, 1929 listings, exclusive of the Buyers’ Guide section, tind has a total of 4-40 This ad and $5.00 Cash gives you a pages. A sheet of paper 38 inches credit of $10 on New or Used Piano wide •’’Vd 589 miles long, and P> No further Payments until Sept tons of ink rvere used in its produc­ BENNETTS U P S T A IR S tion. In all, the directories weighed P IA N O S T ORE *J1 Vi tons. ■2nd floor Buyers Bldg., Jrd & Alder Because of many telephone number * t hanses, the directory will n"t be- % Portland, Oregon MADAM COURTRIGHT S IF YOU A R E SICK OR A ILIN G come effective until midnight, Satur­ ¡ATwater 1613 sx-x x-.x~x-:~x-x»:--:--x-**x~x~x- Improved Beauty School Comp to the Pacific College Clinics' day August 3. Esvablished 23 Years i (Department of the P. C. C.) NOW I for the First Time Goodyear j Tire Values j at these Low Prices Distinguished for its Excellence Training in T H E DRUGL ESS H E A D Q U A R T E R S We are now affiliated with the Lloyd; The Pioneer Teacher of Beauty Boulevard Hospital and wc are in a position to handle all Acute and Culture in Oregon i hronic conditions. Scientific ex­ Dsing the most modern beauty meth- amination (Including X-Ray and Lab Treatments are 0(ls; giving a thorough training to all oratory methods) students; graduates assured of paying along established therapeutic linen Positions, • vith nominal fees. PERMANENT W A V IN G Gasco Briquets Summer Price Now on If Sick Get Well Call or Phone LEON METHOD, $6.50, G U A R A N T E E D 219-210-211-212 Fliedner Bldg. Washington at 10th S treet ftone BDWY 6380 Life Time Guarantee A gainst Defects Res. WA 1561 Portland, Oregon 30x3 1-2 29x4.40 extra over size b alloon s $5.75 $6.55 Call at Gas Salesroom Sixth and Salmon PACIFIC CHI ROPP.ACTIC CO LLEG E V 125 Grand Avenue. N. Portland, Oregon Hospital phone EAst 7631 Clinic Phorv, EAst 8919 OTHER SIZES T«* P R O P O R T I O N OR Phone BR. 7611 STIPES GARAGE Beaverton. Oregon ,..X~X>*X- ■ -X* DAD AND 1 In the Animal Kingdom By Stafford / A » «»rpoorx if yo'ebWr fire fhal she blows' à ’ yo'do yejur own cook- hand h&rpoon tturuj of rK< P*6t. « KWDOOn qur\ , , usäu nou-v, J harpoon un u sed fî>r k illin g a n d c& pt o r m a M il l jes'couldnT h-elp it. V r : -- V [youri ‘r ^ n d 7 / Y 7 / ___- M. '* NO, 15OS0 d s u r e killed ,1< 3J fb e u /h ô le ^ iV . 1 j fh e nr w K a I p m '& i c iv ! 4 p - J *3 I’se very sorry ^ 77)} ô r QUA urKitf 1 s e tone A Did you h urt A r Inflxtmq t«. u*h«le S CfcrctXS i- Air to VfVp .i t a flo x t . a ■■ 1ke k^rpoor ___ Carnes a rope. ^ AlSO A b o m b - " U/Kith t / p l o d 4S m&ide thjg C \iS S ta ffo r d wkftJCS • Ss •>