lumi Acres, ADS. want CENTS 5 .Oill.i i,UK t i A LINE PER T IM E _ K '« W ord* C LA SSIFIED ; g >« p. o . h o office. is t*» * •*'* A DVER- d e sig n e d to I n d u c e m a x im u m PR O F. ¡ 7 a t MINIMUM COST. -Phone— Write —Call u i d U>* kujr- The ••¡lin« POWW' cU*Mii«xl ad s| P«w ,r of , tl‘* tha .classified vskes »P*‘ » “ sura fire " luvastm enC column a needs and proclaim u*t y°ur sale items her*. ¡rom IN S T R U C T IO N S Five C E N T S a liaa par iasua Ceuat 5iv» words lo tha lino Thea count »our profits. News. (or the nominal per line par lima. 3500 p rice " i f Sc SH M U S T ACCOM- ANY ALL WANT ADS jXPEKT Shoemaker at Tigard, see John Leu/, two blocks south of Public school c ,, an d j wonders tind canyon and ITS ( anyon road, Price Fox Faria, Beaverton. »»¿J FORD TON T R U C K —with E x ­ press Body. Universal Transmission and Rocky Mountain brakes $125 Griffin Chevrolet Co. Atwater 1M0 , XI ultnomah. — easy to ta k a . Musterole Cold T ab ­ lets are prepared by makers of fam ota M uster cie. Aa a special o n * tim e trial offar, you may o b tain • ragular 35c pack* age fo r 10c by dipping thia advar- t ¡servient and »ending it with We, also your nam e and address, to T he M usterole Com pany, Cleveland, (X i f OW 23 STU D EBA K ER S I X - 4jood run 1111 . condition, rear tires new, $100 (•r.ffin Chevrolet Co. Atwater 1649 M ultnomah. ■<)K SA LE—Hatching eggs; R. Is­ land Reds. Rt 6, Bx 937, Portlai.,1. ^ 'R l*R S A L E — Regale Lilly seed, call 9Q35-K-6. fH’ I I A LATIN H E IG H T S CHICK- I RY offers a big reduction on K,’.clung eggs after April 14 and oi " bile Leghorn baby chicks after April 25. Custom hatching of tur- ke>’*. ducks and all heavy breeds chickens from 12 electric inettba- capacity 7000 eggs. F.. C. Richardson, Tualatin, Ore., Phone Tigard 0)152. spot $15. T i­ . ^ Fl SA L E —Gladiolus, medium • size mixed lot 2t() bulbs for 3.50 . ”>ti*id. Chas. J. Rose, Huber, rrimn to Headqu&rteri fer the Fameus Buck-Hecht Work Shoes Recognized as the best work Shoe made, Built to YV ear Special Offer TH E BR U TE. R » f9.5t) Hi Cut S h o F i 14 ¿no h. T e p Soles, k stlin oiled in tan ‘ 1 ^ Black Racoon m Woo»i- Shoe* Oiled 16 inch' Leather $7.98 ASSIGNEE SALE Sold for B en efit of C R E D IT O R S sways, tidelike, from side to side and Portland Asuoc. of Crvdit Men *ell* ‘‘ t o g g e r y ’ stock te N. D iie cto r for th * benefit of creditor*. S T O C K N O W ON S A L E to the public for whatever it will brin* long curling breakers form and hold their outline lengthwise of the shore, despite the seemingly irresistible vet 229-231 First St., >city of the water. Portland, Ore. Between Salmon and Main (To be continued next week) Mail Orders Filled Open Evenings 9 p. m . ¡THROAT TADLET5 H Prevent Ii Reiter* Hoarse rv*u Sore Throat Cough* •>«!••> "f ' BUSINES8 CARDS 500 cAntiseptic P o s t!* ! Ix tra Sunday *» a. m. te 2 p. m <• •><••>*> o •> T ■ rn - ■ ' ■ ■ ■■1 11 ■ P JP • • 1 W ■ —A.* ><• <• =SM*!5 I... J ' S 1 ' LISTER! NE *w* RSL’" I f dJ'l.l J l ■■■ • $ 1.50 PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PIONEER PRINTING 4 STATIONERY CO. 401 Helium Bldg.—Third at W atkiagtee FO RTLANB. Afdde S» . .¡. BR EGON '•] seal C e .. Saie» L eeés U . S. A. w ■Zi saturation. It is a place indeed created by some magician’s wand. We descended into thc canyon over the Bright Angel trail and sarv nianv r Life Tim« Guarantee Against Defects " . ■ 'i ' Goodyear Tire Values at these Low Prices A1 0 I r ''* . » w y S)*® asn X' :^ ; ; . . \vV «d' . D i t « '1 , vV5 , /J balloons $6.55 • V'.a . F» f '^ v h a t c h e d b a b y c h i c k s - >‘table, les* cost in raising Cock- bring higher price L ess tune rearing. Send for catalogue and iitormatj^ Raby chicks custom hatching Alolx* Hatchery. $11 M Hi Cut DouM« Seles, $7.48 for the First Time $5.75 Sha». $4.48 '1 NOW extra over size W .rh Oiled tan Lather, ta* sola* OOOH t m i I 1 1 1 f t H » t 4 * * * 4 * * * * 4 * * » * » 6 6 * 4 » * « » 6 » 3 0 x 3 1 -2 Í Directors Woolen Store the warm walls have expelled their R E N I— I room house, Bull Run water, patent toilet bath, eles.- ghts, garden fa rd 09 YV. interest Dwiiried by such prodigious shores, beCom* heavy drinkers Oi j which rise immediately from th- H O L 'S E K E E l'E R W A N TED -K iTdT! elt- 1 hC and always kept hot watcr to water at an angle that would deny able C hristian woman tor lmht I i lea . , 1 i aPP<4*sc thc beany thirst which ap footing to a mountain sheep, it i. housework and to care, for twujUitll lakes place in the evening, ruot easy m estimate confidently the children aged six and eight w hde parents are ¿it business during the i i VWS * CuUr*c JUSI w^at * wa^j width and volume of the river, day. Comfortable home surround- ; !*• ' ' ' ’hc publ:c au J Ml:Choked by the stubborn granite, it- tngs for good woman who likes h " , * ‘'d ume of thf i— try width is perhaps between 250 Und J0D children. Permanefit home for! / , ° “r ^ lh e lod* c was velocity fifteen miles an right party. References exchange,! ! ^ “ “T * * " * " wh,1‘ a‘ ,he “ "!«>1 hour, and its volume and turmoil Address 1*. O. Box KM, Aloha, or ^ L " ni' Dorics from many (equal to the Whirlwind Rapids ol phone Beaverton K255 l'aces and discriminating people were Niagara. ___________ enough for the folds of a book and ! l‘°r only a fo.v hundred yards is FO R SA L E - Plymouth Rock Setting SO," e h,*ve bcen place<1 in the tortuous stream visible making Eggs and Turkey Eggs, 35c each ma^ z" ,fs for ,ha« ** «he way n *n y its trftverse by the surveyor tedious H. Olsen, Kt. 4. B.v Beaver seek material for their stories. Of and slow Issuing as from a mountain one I happened to know’ is Frank ton, Oregon Harrison Kent, author o f ‘T h e Masked side, it slides with oily smoothness P A S T l R E FOR REN T - for 6 head •4II,I other .to n e, winch ai for u spact and suddenly breaks into cattle. Geo. A. Tyler, Betaverton. ,Karcl* *bc 5aturrelay Evening Post violent waves that comb back again 1 Oregon, Ut. 2, 1 miles north of M for his next story to ap the current tind shoot unexpectedly Rcc/tlville. | pear the first week iu Aprils Satur- here and there, while the volume Banish Head Colds 8o53. of SUhm* in front of the huge fireplace. ------- ’________________________________play Evening Po»t, “The Great North AllNDKY—Mrs. Liennau is skill in S ie laundry business and solicits your T R A W B E R R Y PLANTS - Inspected i wes*” is wri" c n on lire of outdoo improved Oregons, $5.00 per 1000 nicn **t «he city and their tasks ii. -fruitage. Will call for and deliver, Geo. A. Tyler, Beaverton, O re g o n ,1 «he open spaces, hone Beaverton HI35. kt. 2. l ' i miles north of Keed- The next mornng the party took time to ville, or leave orders at Beaches ABY L H IX—Now is the an early start for the descent into order your chix for 1929 I have Market, Beaverton. !he danyon to the river. We pre only the finest quality bred for hatched h* pared for what is termed as spik, high egg production, incubators :— FOR SA L E - Seed Field Corn, Minn camp. Each man carries a porpor buckeye Mammoth 13. John Gaarde, Tigard, Oregon. Legit, ms, Hanson stra in .. $14.00 tion of food and field equipment for Barred Rocks .— ................... ...... 161)0 a two day camp. K. I Knls .......- ..........— »ON •M AM M OTHW H ITE PEK IN DUCK Austrolorps ....................— ......— 30.00 Setting Eggs 10c each. E. R. Strom As we ovTp-.looked thc terrific lamntoth Pekin Ducklings...........30.0U quist, Tigard. depths that part the walls of hun­ Hatches every Tuesday. Visitors dreds of ctistles of mountainous bulk always welcome. Send for free cat W AN TED - Woman for general located only iu barely disernablt aVog. W I Wilcox. Poultry Farm and Hutchery, Kecdville, Ore., P, housework. Yi mile south of St. penstrokes of detail, clouds of mist 0 address Beaverton Route 4 Mury’s school, St. Mary’s Lane, Kt. were rising front the tops of the Telephone Beaverton 7252. 4, iBox 29, Beaverton, Oregon. temples and thc canyon was com idetcly filled with fog. As tbf sui L. T. Byrne. 1'STOM HATCHING— 1 wiU h a t c h ____________________________________ Mounted, the curtain of mist sud­ your for less than you I W I FO R SALK CHEAP - Piano, radio, denly broke into cloud fleeces, and afford to set hens or run small-ut I |Iltchinc» walmlt dining suite while we qazed these fleeces ri -.r cuhators. Any Huantity. Set every Monday. Using only Buckeye Man.; a«” 1 phonograph Box 373, Beaverton ____ __ an i tacks R. I H » , Z P rtgard from ( ectl l). t j mu.on* who is now Ht. 1. Box ¿92, Rhone Tigard 1335 , >n Arizona in the forestry service e reached the verge of the river fust a, the sun was sinking m ih * G LA Dl OLA B l ’L B S—100 blooming (Continued from last week) west. lh e canym was sinking into, *u c. mix colors $1 Closing ou: the b, *> , were visiting around their n,y*«f ri>>us purple shadow., the Sh in - I rices on shrubs. Call ut Coleman’, umo tipped with a golden ray, lire in the lodge chatting with visitors Gardens on thc Newberg highway. and against the leaden horizon the ^»outh of viaduct. Multnomah, Ore *hc pi*rk * hu * frc much interested long luif of the Echo Cliffs reflected vrvtt v ~ ” *lc hear,y bunch of outdoor men IF YOU WANT a nict fan«|y ect* who *'«re not expelled by the hard- a soft brilliance of indescribable beauty coming flesh in about 6 weeks will sl*ip» of prodigious mountains they * buhl that, elsewhere, surely never trade even for a ktrge fat cow l*«ad come many miles to learn some- was on sea or land. We stood upon Phone Hillsboro 7K-1-X. .i sandy rift, confronted by nearly _____________________th,"K of mysteries which are con- FOR S A L E —5-room bungalow, one Cf'‘ic'1 m lhe interior oi the park • ertical ivalls at whose base a tawny tract ground, bath, fireplace, inlaid ''*lo l‘cs * experiences of the men torrent pitches m a giddy onward linoleum. garage, berries, grapes, Wcre So,ucwhat intemptcd as I en >.!ule that gives him momentarily th>- shrubs, paved St.. Terms. 215 Loin lcre<1 ,bc room dripping wet and .ensatiixi of slipping into an abyss bard St., Beaverton, Oregon. These Classified Ads appear in Beaverton Enterprise. T l f a r d S e n ­ tinel. Multnomah P r e s s and Aloha C IR C U L A T IO N tb< IV, I * • *• , ' • OTHER SIZES IN PROPORTION STIPES GARAGE Beaverton, Oregon OTTO ERICKSON Beaverton, Oregon • 4,.A. /.