Washington county process us Bert worked, some places th e grand canyon » nm rock m our dresses were Riven by Mr. Osborn. Mrs. H. L Smith rntrn, AND IT S SURVEY and rieep h ^ |he directs on of travel. ’’ c , fl professional rabbit show judge and a chicken dinner ----------- last sandstone cliff onto the m u the by Mr. McWhorter, county agent The follow.ng letter was received (oi|owfd for a quarter ut a mne . The C. A. ( a be J H H J E F F R I E S . Publisher ------------ — ------- ; . Who is I • truck driver n e t u* ^ * n ' : ;itl(1 Mr. Cyrus bis asnista.it who ner guests tu the State Editorial ^ Ari2on2 the forestry service: &et camp here on the edge of the, have charge ............. of , t|l, H dub the 4. 4-H club work work Wednesday evejiing Member National Editori il Association and Oregon ‘ . , IT I Pint i 'in » r‘* fo u n d a small Association ------------------------ Phoenix. An/, tomno Plateau an Mar. 13, 19« oasis hidden under 3 K. ‘ k t, ; Couplet* cover*** of *«st*ro Washington county and w*st*rn Mult The next day we drov« b> trues ___ ________ _ _ nomsh county. Editor of the Beaverton Enterprise.1 j*,,Kht Angel l an.|> where we *aw most of the discriminating public Published Friday of each week bj Pioneer Publishing C®. at Beaverton, Beaverton, Oregon Here we stayed for two days while Ore. ______________ __________________________— ---------------------- Dear S ir; in a few points Ain sending to you and my home vaJue \\e found several t u M * ». » under - J the » * » « / . « ,hc *\ za r* * act of v-ongress of klarch J, ¡0/9. town a snidi account ot my winter leet of s„ow here and the nights were very cold. We were at an Subscription price, *1.50 a year in advance; advertising rate* on application. ^ l! °f!nd it worth a elevation of nearly six thousand feet lew columns in your paper and can f o i s t s of pine and other overlook the hasty way I wren© it where O F F IC E S vegetation are found only m the in a few hours of spare time. Tigard-Tigard Pharm acy-Phone Tigard 143. ! Grand Canyon region. Eeave. t o n - Broad way near O. E. tracks-P h on e £ 0 3 . W. N (Continued from last week) Aloha-Aloha Lumber C o —Phone Beaverton (Continued next week) ndayxd- Portland- 408 Dekum Building- Phone Atwater 3914 Twilight found an irksom band Multnomah—.Multnomah Insurance Agency—A b a te r « 1 4 nf men thr tving rolls of bedding, per: ----- ------------------- - - -------- - n 1 ---------- - rrrt — «r * sonal belongings and food boxes from DURHAM. a string of Arizona nightingales which RADIO ADVERTISING were annoying the weary and tire 1 Miss Skooborg entertained her adventures by their ventral reverber­ sister Jean and cousin Miss Nelson For your greater convenience on trips »n Western The nearest to unadulterated bunk that we have known ations when food was ut hand Small of Portland, by attending the 4-H Oregon a new ticket arrangement has been put into arrels of water and scientific of f o r a l o n g time is some of the radio “advertising” put barrels water and sc.entmc in- m- cJub program at the schoo| house effect whereby the same tickets may be used on the THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Imp Train a n d Stage Announcements? over l he air to a more or less KulUble p u l.fc J o us ami we believe to a great many people, such appeals to pat ,j1(. f(ci«ht on this expedition It is reported '.ne chicken thief ronage are devoid of advertising value. Their greatest! i-red«e work was to be done has been found and sheriff Bill j . will present him for trial i t | fault .however, is in their untruthfulness and misleading J >r(h-UK sun The party was was now now Yew the Community Club meeting Friday; in the Huvasu Canyon at the statements. For example, a certain manufacturer of a located ........................................... , " " ' . " " I night, April 1st.' All interested in| farthest east point where the ho.it cll^g rnl- preparation claimed to be good for the nasal passages , ridding thCl community ot suen cut- ,s intense m the summer and none ^ ^ ^ prcscnt. put over the air the other day the startling ¡announce the better in winter for a webfooter ^ 4_H c,ub entertainnlfnt given Wator is not spared for anything but schoo, house Saturday evening inent that 7 out of 8 people in that certain section of the cooking and to mix with the sot.r ^ ^ Scyefal Journal country suffered from nasal trouble, therefore “buy our juices for the thirst of the party . , t, , , Juniors from I ortland we ere among! blah blah dope and he relieved.” Water for these purposes are carried \ o « ♦ rt iinprc Kirhard ri the entertainers. Richard Field pkiyed hundred miles in small ketfs for Now this was the first time anybody ever heard of the :i nunare" "IIU 'S in s"u“ . KiKS the J Htivasu creek is strongly inprdgnatcd , , drums and also sang. Jctm Godby . . enormous number of people sutiering Iron» nasal trouble vdth iimc and unpalatable though ,,hu‘< s,nRrr ,wo nu"'bcrs- 50,1 . . . - * ... . . , * . . , . Kichard and Jean were ably accomp- in that section of the country* History and scientific «ntnely wholesome, and is used oni> ^ . ^ ^ ^ piano by Mrs pr Field. \|iss Sagu Borich danced to accord- records prove the exact opposite. Vet for a measly pot 1 w.i hing After the pack stock was cared for con music playc<( by her brother, of gold this manufacturer, and this certain radio stati [,on* jl»ur 1(U1 good , cook ii-u ........ pounko Mis« Nash of Tigard, who had a a good ...... substantial stooped to mislead, and above all, scare the public into supper for the party. As the sun set is a favorite entertainer at Durham, buving the product sought to be advertised. . ,w,,h a s,u^cndo“* (llsi,lay of the gave a humerous reading. Mrs. J. rsouthwifct color phenome na nighi Bilyru also gave a recitation. Al­ stages of the Southern Fadhc M otor Transport Co., Oregon Stages Inc., ami the Pacific Stages. For example, you can leave hexe on the stages of one line and return on the other, using the same ticket. Schedules of these companies have been coordi­ nated, too,giving you better service than ever before. R a il tickets g o o d o n these lines “ Southern Pacific rail tickets also are good for use on the "Red Tops” and 'Silver Grays," and, with few exceptions, on the Pacific Stage line. If yoi «1 . . . .1 1 tsuch w'ere told until .In a tU >urns O Stages call at Lindbergh is a lot safer flying over a city than the majority ot the rest of us are driving thru it. Count that administration successful whose President tever has to assume his duties as commander in chief >f the army and navy. *Pbomt or call on us a t a n y tim e fo r all tr a v e l in form a tion . Southern Pacifi The new Attorney General, William D . Mitchell, is ; * isted in ”\Vho\ W ho" as a democrat. His appointment ----- ” | | ‘ • v IIS ! ! . . . \ I . ! I __ . ............... onstitutes one of Mr. Hoover’s first strokes of efficiency time assuming the* duties of the President - for if Mr. « Mitchell is a real democrat he ought to he mad enough ................- o cents. Flat work *1! finished which means sheets, spreads, slips, etc Wear- ing apparel damp just right to take the starch. 7 cents each additional pound. ROUGH DRY 5 j* pounds for 51 cents; flat work finished, wearing apparel starched ready to iron. 4 cents each additional pound PRESSALL r°*'nds for SlUt. flat *ork a11 ">«■"* »Kin. hand finished, ready to wear 5 eents extra esira This I nis includes include. 4 * psNiuds pounds • Work and 4 ‘ , p.m: 1 H*l ---------« ing apparel. W E T WASH 10 pounds 51 cents 4 cents Mch additional pound Week end rate* on jny wa»h ade * ' ■■ nt K a.t M l) at *ur . ow b Mrs. } merchants— Spend money at| ic actors tors c brought temporary camp for the night. W< put in the second cantp with good water (lacked only two miles. The next morning part of the party went ahf/ad in the truck while others stayed to bring the steick ahead. We reached the point where the boundary intersects tin» road and dropped into the canyon and ran two miles of ill.- boundary wher B * * V * r t o * P h a rm a cy - WhitehallGfij k ill.. In fact, there is fast coming the idea of eliminating a loud outburst* of laughter always 1 radio advertising, substituting therefore a moderate lie k1**1 io,t serious indigestion, ense fee against owners of radio sets. This money would T T * ^ ‘î, T ? °f “ for re' go into a general fund to he administered b y the state or led to hit me close for I was alwavs federal government, to provide the best programs that 'drinking bad water which was worse than none. Little in common I had money can buy. To anyone who appreciates music ami with the bullfrogs in a country where desires the mood and ecstasy of its strains tcv remain they had to carry canteens. without interruption by prosaic advertising following the The/ next morning we packed up numbers, this idea should make a strong appeal. The .igain and struck out on one of the park roads west bound. We were limit to which some radio announcers go between musical met at Topocabaya Spring by one of numbers is contributing to a national hysteria. It is so our trucks which relieved the mules ot their pack and 1 went into the much more deplorable when the advertising statements canyon to water them, whilg the sacrifice truth on the altar of Greed. cook made supper and others set a \\ ho would not he willing to pay a small fee, say fifty cents a month, to insure the world’s finest programs and the elimination of the usual stpiawking between the mus­ ical Sv ‘ctions? We know that many would he happy to pay more. Hut we believe ample provision could he made for much less. A few cents per month from each “con sumcr would turn the trick and immeasurably help the nation's nerves. | wish, you «an go by train and return by >uge. There should he a way of getting at these usurpers o f |became chilly and a camp fire '»f1 bert Koch und F.rnest Hartshorn, 'desert vegetation gathered at large former Durham pupils now students public confidence. Such attempts at fraud injure A LL j "ISI" was piled upon two logs of dead at Renson Polytechnic displayed con- advertising of the legitimate kind because they . destroy i cottonwood and usual conversation - siderablc talent in a blackface/ skit, public faith. The radio, that incorrigible child of modern oi l>u,door ,,,tn took up part of the Bert navis () einomtrated the proper ! silence, of C the still air neath a blue removing the pelt tron from i; invention, is fast killing itself from a money-making starry sky. W ater seemed to be the method of f while Mrs Walker, leader, He loyal to your a rabbit ................................... ...... . main subject. Experiences about' of the rabbit st imipoim, by using means not justified by the ends. club, Explained the 1 . .1 ...,^ r i < J Little id of and of LANCH ESTER V I E Ï A T I C N EAMPNEt F C I C t E A L I N f C E A N K S H A F C 0* M C T C E S U S P E N D E D IN D U DE E I ns 0 H 1 e stre »uses, lares s' These Great Features M ake the DURAINT SB ¥ 1 E K / iT I O il L E S L 1 HERE CAN be no driving com fort and riding enjoyment until vibration ¡0 elim­ inated. To conquer vibration at u l i speed range«, Durant engfheers employ mechan­ ical advancements found in the highest- priced ears. Compare the Durant Six with any other low-priced Six. Seethe m arked SUPERIORITY of Durant construction* D llC A N T S I X *795 DELIVERED H E R ! FULLY EQUIPPED Ti>w-D*«r W ot . . . . . . 1 »up* *r R oti i,ttr cf/i»...THE NEW D rj C z A mt M I L P R IC iS ST A R T AT *645 D ELIVERSD H E R E FU LLY EQ U IPPED DURANT 1 I 1 OTTO *> p * a i. Beaverton. Oretron